#1 R: 1000 /
F: 1Session:
There is a bunker group for /cat/ posters on Session, rules same as /cat/ (no nudity or illegal, no gross, no solicitation/advertisement).
Catchan v3: Currently accessible through onion domain only.
What is the safest and most anonymous way to download files from Instagram?
I have tried two methods and was not successful in either:
>1. Instaloader with Tor or VPN: When I try to download a profile, such as annapavaga, I receive the following error: "annapavaga: JSON Query to api/v1/users/web_profile_info/?username=annapavaga: HTTP error code 401. Upon investigating the error, it appears that this occurs when using a proxy or something similar.
>2. Imginn from Tor in Safest Mode: I was able to download what I needed, but only by activating the standard mode in Tor, as only 10 posts load in the safest mode and I cannot scroll down to view more posts.
patch is freaking the fuck out and it's really funny
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it's time to return to 8chan.moe
>tfw the silvia you sided with against the 8moe mods becomes exactly like codexx
Brandon, Silvia never deleted this post, so don't you think this is wrong? I think you should apologize to Silvia.
competitive brandonposting guild tryouts
no jehovah's witnesses please
CatChan gone forever? Don't worry.
Make the DogChan.
I just got back from an amusement park and was blessed with seeing so many cute and funny girls. I was so elated and tried to go back to Catchan but now I have nowhere to observe lolis :( It’s so fucking over
When people talk about equity or diversity Trump gets quite irate. His skin color begins shifting rhythmically from dark orange to neon orange like a chameleon changing color over and over and his sniffing and gesticulations increase into a fevered frenzy
well brandon its time for you to become the next site owner
bring your laptop to a mcdonalds we'll get you setup
i miss lynxchan boards with no post cooldown where you could mash the post button really fast and it'd make like 7 of your thread at once
3ch won
brandon won
patch lost
cake lost
britanon won
discordniggers lost
i found a new clearnet pedochan but i don't preserve browser history and i've already lost the link
it was exclusively devoted to asian girls and was waifuist tier but i was surprised to see a pedochan i hadn't heard about here
i'll try to find the link again tomorrow
3ch - gone
catchan.su - gone
Patch, you know!
It's time for a new alt chan!
Give us Goatse-Chan
it's pretty sad that any new thread will only be seen by the most hardcore catchan users since it will get instantly buried by the polish porn thread and sticky thread and no one leaves the cyclical anyway
bosting on the new patchan right now
i hate you all so fucking much
on the next iteration of mellowchan all known pedophiles will be permabanned on sight
users will also be shown a slideshow of images of children and will be subjected to a penile plethysmograph test prior to posting to root out any pedophiles before access to the posting privileges are granted
I just want to be in a wonderful website where foodists, trolls, jartychads, cp posters and toganiggers can live in peace and with full freedom... 😞
No rodents allowed.
More PPH than Brandon's shitty thread
>it's time for you to either join the 41% or fuck off back to c*tch*n with the other pedos.
>Try Hard IX: Try Harder Without Trying So Very Too Hard Part V: The Trumpening Returns
<when you try your typical bullshit on one of the smartest remaining boards and start getting heckled by actual outsiders
brandon when are you coming back
my son zain died several years ago
You know what this board needs? A Friday night stream. I've got some time tonight and can stream one of the following:
1. KSP
2. Stellaris
3. Project Zomboid
4. Black Mesa
I'll let anon decide what to do.