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>>>/acat/1 for updates on Catchan.

3ch - gone - gone

Patch, you know!
It's time for a new alt chan!

Give us Goatse-Chan
>>16166 (OP) 
patch make the new chan clitchan and the logo can be your penis
Replies: >>16172 >>16182
this patch it will save imageboards
is an invisible logo really a good idea?
save me patch
Oh Patchoulli, where the new chan?
jole lost Brandon won 🏆
Replies: >>16393
the BME pain olympics 2024?
jole lost.  Brandon won 🏆
I push my fingers into the kids ass
Replies: >>16562
Brandon is not a kid.
Replies: >>16569
Brandon won 🏆 jole lost 😢
ref url poorfag
We have a chat!
Replies: >>17485
must be horrible if you have to shilll it here, meaning nobody should fucking use that piece of shit
We want FagChan and Chijo as mod.
no you dont want chijo as a mod
Replies: >>18383
herdnigger dilemma
fagchan doesnt want mod either lmfao
The last time Chijo was mod he demanded drug money or he'd delete /.b/. Nobody gave him any, so he deleted /b/.
Replies: >>18383
That namefag is a literal mentally ill transvestite.  Stop being retards dumb fucks.
Replies: >>18485
Yes i do.

Sounds funny.
Replies: >>18510
sounds based mod acquired by herdnigger logic
patch ur not a person ur opinion doesnt count ur just a chaser
Replies: >>21589
Patch lost
Replies: >>19403
My ass and your face should be friends.
Replies: >>21646
thats gay as hell patch
Replies: >>22565
Like your dads?
holy shit its patch
Replies: >>22573

Learn your fucking lamguage.
Replies: >>22609
paikka kestää
Replies: >>23555
>paikka kestää
Replies: >>23577
Replies: >>23609
Sprich Deutsch du Hurensohn!
Replies: >>23628
faire face patchouli conoissance
>patchouli = masculine
paccaiilai éteindre hum
Give us back spacechan. Those were the times 🥳
Replies: >>25228 >>27218
It's be funny if Patch brought back the last backup of it again, the one that was complete with all the old user accounts

Bring it back you shitlord!
One, two, Patch’s coming for you
Three, four, better close your browser
Five, six, he open's a new board
Seven, eight, he starts to spam cp
Nine, ten, he close the board again
Replies: >>32189
>Five, six, you can't post shitdicks
>Seven, eight, jannies all your bait
I think patch died for real
Replies: >>32908
>>16166 (OP) 
Autoerotic fatality?
Was Patch the Adolf Hilter of imageboards? Think about it.
Replies: >>33654
didnt kill any but his own, and made it possible for the jews to win?
Replies: >>33657
Yeah when he didn't think he was going to win he basically drug the community down with him just like the OG 88.
What's patchs motivation, to create altchans, spam cp and close the boards?
Replies: >>46370
Patch, please answer!
sex with brandon
Replies: >>48960
That makes sense
Replies: >>49124
hm i agree
>>16166 (OP) 
bump for patch
>>16166 (OP) 

Chan/Imgboard suggestions?
everything looks default but isnt default because that doesnt look default enough
Replies: >>61785
girls begging for patch's micro dick
u aint getting it bitch
patch when's the new site
ChildPornchan, give us Child Porn.

and also i love child porn btw
Replies: >>77596
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