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Being a homo is a bannable offence.

idk what we're talking about but this
onion link?
>6 month year old
Replies: >>182382 >>182383
filter level: a bug's life
editing fail tbh
Replies: >>182385
just a chuckle, nothing more
now if it had been a sneedle...
that's a cp website!!!!!
😨 😱
?noino evah I nac
Replies: >>182394
the brinch who stole christmas
Replies: >>182396

Replies: >>182397
I can make pretty neat stuff if you have any custom requests brandon related or not just for christmas
Replies: >>182400 >>182407
Bristmas at Jole's house
Replies: >>182409 >>182411
no I see thanks
Replies: >>182398
god brannie youre such a pussy its just a cp site im there all the time rfjzn4omdg3zrcouoe5oxi3fzhf5ipgl4va2cpfryphzlyradwcperid.onion
Replies: >>182401
can we get one of you brandonposting
Replies: >>182404 >>182462
I changed the settings to see the deleted post. Brannie is actually an intellectual
one of you brandonposting where you look really mad and are guzzling booze pls
like an ai version of me posting on a computer?
Replies: >>182406
like this yes >>182403
Replies: >>182462
make one of mascot breaking a scale
I fapped to that one ngl I commented that he looked like a cool guy
>Brismas at Jole's house
Wait, that's actually brilliant
Replies: >>182419
that special time of year where Jole is shabbos to his boss and his house is filled with jews sucking the blood from freshly cut baby dicks
YAY! It'll be fun
Replies: >>182418
Replies: >>182415
I thought Brandon was gay
Replies: >>182416
desperate for the (You)s tonight, huh
Replies: >>182417
What? didn't you kiss an older man or some gay shit like that.
Replies: >>182422
We need brantent for this tbh
Replies: >>182424
I can just imagine the comfy decor and snacks, and the brannie angel on top of the tree and the bristmas carol edits of the classics playing in the background
the brinch that stole bristmas
Replies: >>182431
And? No balls touched
Definitively not gay
we could all collaborate maybe?
brandon when are you going to stop filtering jole?
working on depressed jole have to make a model of myself
get a load of this superb specimen

fuck yeah
Replies: >>182428
you guys ever coomed to JOIs on reddit
Replies: >>182429
idk if it's still a thing
Replies: >>182430
Brothers find God. I know you are trying your best to stop sinning, but it is difficult as everyone faces adversity. The way to overcome your addiction is by turning your life to God. No matter how small the act of turning to God may seem, when you are confronted with evil and temptation, take one second before you commit your sin. Sit there and pray to God. If you do not know how to pray, simply have a conversation with Him. Tell Him you want to grow closer to Him and wish to stop sinning. Inform Him that you are giving your life to Him and ask for forgiveness. God’s love for you is endless; no matter how big or small a sin you may have committed, He can always forgive you. In moments of temptation, ask God to make it bearable. He will help you by making you less drawn to sin, though the choice will still be yours. Always remember that God is with you; He will never turn His back on you, and He will answer any request for help.
Fucking kek this is too fitting man
Bloody well done tbh
>The way to overcome your addiction is by turning your life to God
Hasn't worked for many devout christians i know personally 🤷‍♂️
Thanks for trying anon. I’ll try and keep that in mind next time my brain is kick up to ultra goon mode.
>He will answer any request for help
She ready for sex
dead board
fucking shit day at work we are missing two people
When you are wake up by your neighbor blasting nigger music for the whole neighborhood to listen. Such is life in niggerzil. 
These fucking sub hiuman pieces of shit need to be working 247 to not do shit like that. I bet that nigger is doin it  because he wont work today because of chrialstmas.
Replies: >>182448
I can barely sleep and I have to stand up shit like this
Replies: >>182448
Fucking vermin
Replies: >>182448
Holy fuck its 6 in the fucking morning
Replies: >>182448
These people have no sense of community
Replies: >>182448
Literal sub humans
Replies: >>182448
I mustve done aomething very wrong in my life to  e born here
Replies: >>182448
Replies: >>182449
Laugh at my misery
Its never a good music either. Never. The more of a sub human baboon you are, the shittier the music you listen too and the louder you listen to. 
You wont see these people blasting Mozart at 6 in the morning for the whole neighborhood to listen. Its always some nigger funk.
Replies: >>182451
mozart is dogshit and phonk is based
Replies: >>182452
Trade places with me then
Replies: >>182455
You would love it
don't have to my neighbors play emotional turkish rap
My head hurts cause I didnt complete a full night of sleep because of those chimpanzees
Im a pretty chill guy man... Really. But I really hate this kind of people with a passion.
In Japan this shit doesnt happen
I'm not racist either. But you live through shit like this and you understand why racists are racists. 
I'm gonna fap... They arent gonna stop soon...
just put the fries in the bag bro 😂
I missed Brandon, because of stupid sleep
Day ruined
average brandonposting experience
Replies: >>182485 >>182498
what's good brandon in the jew world order
Silvia's serious response to this?

Roo, do, you like Bernie? Agree with that video?
Replies: >>182467 >>182469
THEY STOPPED. I might get a lill bit of sleep.
Replies: >>182466

Yes...I like Bernie...this is common knowledge, which I have alluded to in the past--
I like Bernie, because...whether you agree with him on specific issues, or not...he is real
Bernie is a real  populist...not some fakeass-pure-rhetoric populist...and he's always consisten about it in, both, what he says and  how he votes in the Senate
Also...despite Bernie being born and raised as a Jew, himself...he has no problem calling out Israel, and Netanyajew, for their Jewish bullshit on a regular and consistent basis

All that having been said--
I am not going to get into some extended political discussion at this time here...because, as most people know...I generally dislike discussing /pol/shit for the most part, and also because it is friggin' Christmastime so I especially don't feel like going down that rabbit hole today
Replies: >>182470 >>182505
Well, they didn't stop... I'm up now. I gave up. Made popcorn. Gonna listen to my music now. 
If I'm going to listen to noise, i'm gong to listen to noise I like.
I think it's great. This is the power of the media, and you can see they know Elon would win with his "threat". 

Plus Bernie said at the beginning he didn't like the resolution but was going to vote for it anyways. Why add everything to one package instead of splitting it up?
Replies: >>182471
i like bernie sanders too roo
If the people don't like it then why is Bernie so upset? Why not air everything out to the people and see what they like? Sounds fine to me. If the resolution was good then it wouldn't matter if it went public?
I need one of those nerds. One of my computers died (I think the video card is scuffed). I tried resetting it, nothing, reset bios and now it won't even register it existing 🤔. After that I gave up, it can still mine Monero.
Replies: >>182473 >>182474
Also I can only boot the PC on an old version of Linux, booting the one I passed an update on doesn't work.
Not difficult to fix a pc in most cases just try
Replies: >>182478 >>182501
Replies: >>182483
>we found oil in Greenland
Denmark I believe.
Yeah I'll probably try to flash the bios or something and see if that fixes since I don't think reinstalling the OS changes the bios.
Replies: >>182480
This is why I never update anything. Something always breaks^^
maybe your OS is borked
Replies: >>182481
Possible. It all started when I tried to update one because I hadn't update them in 3 years.
good morning brandon
Replies: >>182484
Thanks :)
hi rodent
Replies: >>182496
List of best girls:

1- Mascot
Replies: >>182488
Merry Rizzmas
Replies: >>182489
Thank you. You too. :3
Feeling like shit. Courtesy of my neighbors.
Replies: >>182491
Set your guard dog free
Replies: >>182492
He died one month ago. :(
Replies: >>182493
Good thing before passing he got our female dog preggo. She gave birth a few days ago.
Replies: >>182495
Brannie cannon
<Have time off from work
>Absolutely no energy at all
Replies: >>182528
I'm not a doctor, but feeling persistently hungry despite eating can be caused by a variety of factors. Here are a few possibilities to consider:

    Lack of Nutrients: If your meals are low in protein, fiber, or healthy fats, you might not feel full. These nutrients can help keep you satiated.

    Hydration: Sometimes thirst can be mistaken for hunger. Make sure you're drinking enough water throughout the day.

    Stress or Emotional Eating: Stress and emotions can influence your appetite and eating habits.

    Eating Patterns: If you're eating large meals infrequently or skipping meals, it can affect your hunger signals.

    Hormonal Factors: Hormones that regulate hunger, like ghrelin and leptin, can be affected by sleep, stress, and other factors.
Replies: >>182500 >>182504
well i can see now i ate half of the protein i should have
Replies: >>182504
Fucking hot tbh
Replies: >>182502
do you think anna likes it up her ass
Replies: >>182503 >>182506
She's pure
Replies: >>182509 >>182529
maybe im calculating this wrong but im missing like 2000+ calories
Bernie is still anti white and communist leaning
Probably not
Based on your activity level, your TDEE is approximately 2578 kcal/day, and it appears you've consumed around 987 kcal, which is significantly lower than your estimated needs. Eating fewer than 500 calories is indeed quite low and not sustainable for your energy levels, especially given your physical job.
how the fuck do you guys eat this much
professional social media whores arent pure
oh fuck name changed
Maybe you should focus on eating more caloric dense foods.
Replies: >>182513
i don't tbh
idk i thought i ate enough tbh
Replies: >>182514
Peanut, banana, milk, oats, honey. You can mix it all up in a smooth. Just drink it. No need to eat anything anymore.
Replies: >>182515 >>182516
i take milk with tea
Replies: >>182517
is that healthy
Replies: >>182517
Tea has no calories. Lol. 
And milk alone is not enough. 

Of course. Natural foods full of nutrients. They are just high in calories. For a guy like karma, its not bad. You can't abuse it if you are a fatso, tho.
Replies: >>182518
i did that for a while..i blended the stuff you listed
the drink had 1100 calories it took me a long time to finish one
i didn't gain any weight tho
so i went back to simpler food
brandon the nanny state btfo'd me and ticketed me twice because my car was due a "safety inspection" and they made me buy new tires because the mechanics said mine were too "worn out"
Replies: >>182521
cute hag
A meth factory just caught fire in Baltimore, pray for our nigger
Replies: >>182523
im omw brandon im gonna save you STAY AWAY FROM THE FIRE
muted from my main discord for 24h more yapping on here now
Replies: >>182527 >>182549
artistic nudity

Replies: >>182531 >>182551
That's usually how it goes, lol. I always have a list of things I want to accomplish when I have time, but usually when I have time I just don't do anything instead.
Eat when you're hungry, the science doesn't matter and there is no mark for good or bad. Same with sleep, sleep when tired. Some people function perfect on 5-6 hours, others need 7-8, whatever your body tells you is correct.
support israel for her
Replies: >>182532
of course, some of my favorite girls are jewish
brandon, thoughts on water filtering?
Replies: >>182535
Replies: >>182540
brandon can syphon water up through his penis
Replies: >>182536
like reverse osmosis but ive heard of that, nobody will tell me anything about it though.
why are people complaining about trading with north koreans? i will happily trade on the same exchange as north koreasn im not a racist asshole or bigot or something.
Paying someone for a vacation to Hawaii, just one small task required, no big deal really.
Replies: >>182541
ChatGPT, can you make a volcano erupt by putting dynamite inside?
Replies: >>182542
hawaii is good

But she's hot...
Replies: >>182544 >>182993
brandon coming home from tacobell after eating $40 worth of it
Replies: >>182547
shes pretty average
Replies: >>182546

How jole delivers his first brandon post for the day (in his mind)
Come on... Look at this tight little body... I'm hard just looking.
Replies: >>182548
Jeeeeeeeesus christ lmaoooo that's fucking out the gate unhinged
nice hebewbs
Hot as fuck
Replies: >>182550
koomie finna be mad later on when he can't see the post after you replied like this
Replies: >>182553 >>182559
>artistic nudity
I was expecting Vlada.
Replies: >>182554
The tone with which Pookie lets it be known he's a pedophile
vlada posted nudes?
Replies: >>182555
Not artistic ones.
Replies: >>182556 >>182562
fud nigger
we should ban shorts from being posted

I need this...
I can see them.
Replies: >>182560
bad timing ;(

So many cunny out there and I have 0.
The music makes it artistic!
Replies: >>182563
post it
Replies: >>182569
Replies: >>182565
ok those are too big
Replies: >>182566 >>182571
yeah kinda gross
Replies: >>182571
its really cheap to have contacts + glasses idk why a girl wouldnt do that
wow that room fucking sucks
Replies: >>182578 >>182581
pedo cope.
old news
i crave boobs
Replies: >>182579
Boy with gynaecomastia 👏
Replies: >>182577
lick it
I crave bewbs
premium macaca
Probably stinks horribly too.
normally porn girls have walls plastered with shit but hers just look like stuff she printed out at her local library

she must not be that popular
Replies: >>182584 >>182599
let the aroma take over your senses
Replies: >>182586
shes just a normal girl not a porn girl
Replies: >>182595
Silvia u gon travel to Yakutsk/Yakutia?
Replies: >>182604
wish i could inhale her body odor
3-day old mouldy semi dried vlada gooey juices on the floor
Replies: >>182588 >>182589
Like stale tuna, farts and vape
Replies: >>182591
Replies: >>182593
Just like mascot's room lol nzie btfo'd
sex with vlada's poop
Replies: >>182594 >>182596
better than vaginal sex with any other girl
Replies: >>182596
>shes just a normal girl not a porn girl
low value? i dont get it hows she not a porn girl if she tries to whore out her body online
Replies: >>182598
Replies: >>182608
liek for example mascot is a low value porn girl cause her bedroom is moldy and probably has asbestos
she only showed her tits once shes not trying to make money from it
She's not popular and she spent all her money on vapes so she can't add many decorations.
>she only showed her tits once
Replies: >>182602 >>182605
and va jay jay
Replies: >>182602
ur a retard who thinks some random girls nudes are vlada

im talking about vlada not mascot
Replies: >>182610
>shes not trying to make money from it
every girl is trying to make money off their body wtf does this even mean
Replies: >>182607
No, why?
>She only showed her nipple once*
women dont get real jobs like astronaut or brk meth dealer they just take pictures on instagram and go on onlyfans
Hey at least Vlada never spread her legs to make pics for altchan pedofiles unlike a certain other girl
Good movie
vlada showed her boob in an innocent way it wasnt whoring
Replies: >>182612
Not talking about the bh pictures (which shows her / someone very familiars face and room believe what you like), there have been two boobs videos posted and deleted.
mascot is still better than vlada, btw
Replies: >>182613
>innocently spreads butthole, teehee~

Oh yeah, but the other one wasn't intentional.
Replies: >>182625
4/10 isnt better than 10/10 learn some basic math
Replies: >>182615
I would snort pork tapeworm eggs for vlada
Replies: >>182616
yes, you are right

but vlada is the 4/10 in this case and mascot the 10/10
Replies: >>182616 >>182622

too obscure fetish for me
Vlada bh pics?
i'm suach a good simp, mascot should reward me
dont exist
>Artificial intelligence could become smarter than any single human by the end of next year, according to tech billionaire Elon Musk. The Tesla and SpaceX CEO made the prediction shortly after his AI company, xAI, officially launched its first image generation model, Aurora, earlier this month.

Ooo this explains a lot about why Trump seems suddenly interested in AI, Elon is probably talking about it with him. I didn't know Elon made an AI company.
They're not great ones.
Replies: >>182623

Mascot simps > vlada simps
Replies: >>182628
elon made his own ai company as a threat to tesla shareholders to remind them to keep buying the stock after being kicked out of openai
Replies: >>182627
>Earlier this year, Musk’s xAI launched Colossus, described as the world’s most powerful AI training system, setting a new benchmark in the rapidly advancing field of AI. Colossus boasts 100,000 liquid-cooled H100 graphics processing units (GPUs), the chips provided by Nvidia, which places xAI well ahead of its competitors, including those from OpenAI.

Nice, why can't I use his if it's better than OpenAI? Or is this only the ability to train, but it's not as trained yet and has to catch up?
LOL, awesome if true. And seems completely within hos character.
We eat like kings everytime mascot shitposts. Vlada simps eat like ethiopian peasants even when she shows bh.
If Elon says it we can be sure it's not true
Replies: >>182630
With how much countries are rushing to advancement, it makes sense.
>Bengio also highlighted potential risks of social and political disparity stemming from AI, pointing out that a limited number of organizations and governments could afford to build powerful and costly AI machines. This would lead to a concentration of economic, political and military power, eventually threatening geopolitical stability worldwide, the scientist warned.
China, Russia, America, race to AI supremacy. Who wins?
Replies: >>182632 >>182634
He does this everytime he's about to launch or venture with something. There's plenty of people in that space saying a.i.'s likely plateaued now
Replies: >>182633 >>182635
russia is not part of the competition
Replies: >>182636
no they still have all the video generation stuff to do so jole can finish life of childe 2
Israel wins
Replies: >>182638
Nah, even in the oast year there have been huge advancements. And if it's obvious to consumer, you know military is even more advanced.
Putin says he's going full into AI, he wants Russia to be at the forefront of it.
Replies: >>182642
I want mascot to s(h)it on my face
Replies: >>182640
Maybe, I can see them putting a lot into it.
Replies: >>182639 >>182641
They can also copy America's homework if needed^^
shes too npc to do anything like that
Replies: >>182649
He says a lot of stuff tbh
Why has chatgpt gotten worse then? It's just lying most of the time now.
Replies: >>182643
They want you to use the paid models, maybe?
calling bullshit
Replies: >>182645 >>182646
You can believe whatever you like, I don't care enough to prove it, lol.
Replies: >>182652
i saw the pics its just a random girl that doesnt look like vlada in a room that doesnt look like vladas
silvia is low iq
Replies: >>182651

>there have been two boobs videos posted and deleted
there is one where she shakes them/shows underboob and there is another where she flashes her left nipple
these are the only ones certifiably true vlada lews the rest is noise
Replies: >>182650 >>182651
Give her time
a new underboob one was posted this year
Replies: >>182651
The room does look very much like Vlada's tbf.

You missed the one where she's doing a pressup and you get a downblouse view of her boobies.

Replies: >>182658
you don't care enough to prove because you can't
i searched for all main cp forums because i know here is a shitpostmaxing place and i can't trust anyone here, but there is nothing about her
so yeah calling bullshit
Replies: >>182681
Replies: >>182654 >>182656
Nah, not this one.
silvia is gonna drive some pedo to mass shooting by claiming he has nudes that they dont have
Replies: >>182657
Oh wait there's another one too, in the black and white wig. 

Oh that other underboob one. So similar to the one where she grabs them I forgot about it.
he always makes shit up no reason to believe he has some secret lewds of a girl he doesnt even follow
Replies: >>182661 >>182662
>You missed the one where she's doing a pressup and you get a downblouse view of her boobies.
i seem to remember that one, but it's accidental not intentional (as the others were)
it was also so incredibly lame it's not even worth talking about
Stinky, shit.
Replies: >>182660
i'll lick it clean for her
I don't follow her on IG because I don't care for her, but I was in the private Telegram.
would be easy an easy btfo
but that would dry a well of shitposts content so we're going to be on this for a long time
Replies: >>182663 >>182665
>post CP to btfo retards online
No thanks, I don't break any laws^^
Replies: >>182667
lindt the hoarder
>would be easy an easy btfo
I think better btfo is to cuck you guys and not post them
>t. doesn't have it / not confident in its veracity
Replies: >>182668
Reverse psychology only works on the weak minded.
Replies: >>182672
I used to post super low quality/censored pictures to taunt people who didn't believe me in the past, then just never reply again and see them beg for weeks. Fun days.
Replies: >>182671 >>182680
i searched all cp sites for it
it doesn't exist
only the beige shirt ones are real
>then just never reply again and see them beg for weeks. Fun days.

>i searched all cp sites for it
To think you could have just asked Silvia and saved all that time and hassle.
Replies: >>182679
no revpsych just stating facts
did you search the free cp terminal outside of the fbi washinton field office?
I don't use CP sites, so no clue.
silvia posting pics of the girl that obviously isnt vlada thinking hes a epic troll
Replies: >>182684
Someone post Vlada suspected bh you faggots
Replies: >>182677
Replies: >>182678 >>182686
It's not cp if its one of the girls we simp for tbh
he (and you) obviously wants to play a game but i don't i have the patience for it
hence the reason i went to more open places
Replies: >>182703
Sadist tbh
Replies: >>182683 >>182685
better ask roo he knows all about cp any new files not in his possession he can just ring up his buddies at the agency for a copy
Anna Pavaga has two adorable dogs named Lia and Mia, tbh. Lia and Mia are Chihuahuas, known for their small size and big personalities, tbh. They are energetic and loyal, making them great companions for Anna, tbh. Anna often shares pictures and videos of Lia and Mia on her social media accounts, showcasing their playful and affectionate nature, tbh. They are a big part of her life and bring her a lot of joy, tbh. Lia and Mia are often seen accompanying Anna in her various activities and photoshoots, adding a special touch to her posts, tbh. It's clear that she loves her furry friends very much, tbh.

Let me know if there's anything else you'd like to know about them, tbh.
Replies: >>182689
silvia is the biggest kike jew in the history of pedo admins, no surprise there lol
Replies: >>182692
I never posted the pictures or the boob videos, so no idea why you are saying I did. And the two boob videos were posted publicly, just didn't stay up long.
It was a while ago, I don't do it anymore, LOL.
Replies: >>182688
Replies: >>182690
Once sadistically inclined always sadistically inclined
See? ChatGPT is smarter.
Replies: >>182693
It's not illegal to own pixels, only to share them.
Replies: >>182691 >>182695
good luck with that
Replies: >>182694
Checks out ngl roo wasn't lying when he poked fun at his vindictiveness either
I had to correct it about the breed of the dogs. It said retriever and cocker spaniel initially lol.
Replies: >>182696
Lmao what
Replies: >>182701
Replies: >>182704
where is nz to settle this?
if anyone has it, has got to be him
nzegro where u at? wake up
come defend vlada queen
You can tell she already shlicks to the thought of getting railed tbh
Replies: >>182703

Why are the governments so keen on banning 1s and 0s, bros?
Replies: >>182706
He may choose to be diplomatic and either decline confirming or even outright lie
Replies: >>182705
>hence the reason i went to more open places
I don't think Vlada is even known about outside of this circle.

Did you like the Sofia?

He didn't even know if he had seen the black and white wig one.

Replies: >>182714
Whats the name of Anna's new doge?
Replies: >>182707 >>182737
he said it was fake once i asked him, let's see if he changed his mind
you know how he is
Replies: >>182709
To control people and to have a metaphorical nuke option to character assassinate and/or detain someone
Replies: >>182739
Replies: >>182710
Where can u strema regular european tv channels?
Yeah. He's a lot like mascot in that he'll go to great lengths to be seen as cool by the 'in' crowd even though it regularly backfires
I don't like her
Replies: >>182712 >>182715
Replies: >>182713
Replies: >>182741
christmas this year sucks so bad, well it always sucks, but this year its squarely in the middle of the week, hard to organize things
Christmas sucks if you arent kid or dont have kids
Replies: >>182722
Replies: >>182729

Replies: >>182723
Replies: >>182724
It sucks if you're a kid who never gets anything decent
Her first cunnygasm
When you are torn between things its better to do nothing t. me
Replies: >>182727
Perfect is the enemy of good
Replies: >>182728 >>182783
Replies: >>182745
based accelerationist kangs
Replies: >>182732
oof too relatable

Don't remember.
I guess. They make lots of rules like that, they only care to enforce them when you do something they don't like, lol.
Replies: >>182747

Replies: >>182748
Low iq
Yeah or when you are someone they don't like
good morning sunshine
are vlada bh pics real or not?
Replies: >>182749
no it was a girl who looks kind of like her in bad lighting with a similar looking but different room, I could tell instantly it wasn't her
Replies: >>182750 >>182754
do you have them?
Replies: >>182753
the alleged lookalike's
christmas is really easy maybe ill bring some corn bread or something to dinner
don't want to be rude but people really are just retarded, even rin with his 160 IQ thought it was her

Replies: >>182756
Enzo is the world's foremost expert on Vlada's bh. If he says its bogus its bogus

are you saying that just to shut the conversation down?
Replies: >>182757 >>182782
I don't save that kind of stuff :P
Replies: >>182759
remember when you used to say hoarding is cringe? i remember
Replies: >>182760
yeah it is
Replies: >>182761
so free the bh
Replies: >>182762
I don't save cp of random girls and not like I would post it here anyway wtf
Replies: >>182763
heh what a shame
you used to be based, for better or for worse
but it looks like silvia has got you buckbroken
Replies: >>182764
maybe you should ask someone on session for it 🤷‍♂️
Replies: >>182765
i don't use session, never did
im a laptop/desktop guy zoomer smartphone apps arent for me
Replies: >>182767
it's primarily for desktop
Replies: >>182768
no  thanks
punished vladabro
>a man denied his waifu's bh
i suffer
Replies: >>182770 >>182784
it's not her bro
Replies: >>182778
Replies: >>182773
>pulling everything up front
Replies: >>182781
Replies: >>182775
she was cute
Replies: >>182776
i still wanted to see it
Replies: >>182779
i want to see dao yu perform live
Replies: >>182789
Of course? Otherwise people won't see something is left if it's hidden at the back?
Maybe he learned after leaking the last ones what people won't share with leakers? 🤔
Replies: >>182786 >>182788
Good can't be perfect? Perfectly good?
You can always offer to pay her on Telegram.
dao yus perfect lol
unlikely as he already has it
Replies: >>182793
Replies: >>182791 >>182809
unless you're proposing there's even more stuff but i doubt it
Replies: >>182794
Hahahahaha, I'm pissing myself laughing mate hahahahahaha
Replies: >>182790
deeply traumatized
Litterbox is for boring stuff. Catbox for important things.
Replies: >>182792
catbox is slow
Who do you think gave it to him?
Replies: >>182795
Nah, I am not in her private Telegram anymore. Think she closed it or made a new one or something.
i don't know i wasn't here
Replies: >>182804
Replies: >>182800 >>182802
Replies: >>182800
Replies: >>182800
Replies: >>182800 >>182803
I don't like this new trend.
Replies: >>182801 >>182815
Replies: >>182806
defending her does
Replies: >>182805
Replies: >>182808
You see it feels like the disembodied voice is asking me for game and movie recommendations and not you.
Replies: >>182807

But seriously tho, I'm bored as fuck. Any movie and game recomendations would be nice. I wont be working till february now.
i don't know what you mean by that
Nice, enjoy the vacation!
Steam Winter Sale is on. Haven't looked at the games yet though.
Replies: >>182813
>game recomendations
Did you play Silent Hill 2 yet?
Replies: >>182813
>50 GB available space

Wow, right now I have only 70 GB free on my disk.

Gonna check it.
Replies: >>182814 >>182827
Textures take space.
Replies: >>182817

Replies: >>182817
But damn. That's why I don't like these current games. Too much space.

Leave me alone, tbh.
>isn't attractive
No, she's kinda cute.
Replies: >>182821
Replies: >>182820
where can you use that AI voice
*because of filters/editing
I only simp for girls bellow the age of 12
Replies: >>182824 >>182825

kids chess
mascot is 15 bro
Replies: >>182826
plus mascot
yeah, so I don't simp her.
Replies: >>182831
How many gb is BG3? You play that one? It was great.
Replies: >>182828 >>182829
>150 GB 
Lmao... It's even worse. 
I need more money for more storage...
Replies: >>182830
Over a hundred.
Storage is super cheap.
you know nobody is buying this right?
Replies: >>182833
this just ask the kids in my basement
You guys are the ones that are always obsessing over mascot. How can I be a simp? lol


Yeah, but I have almost no money right now. Maybe next month.
Replies: >>182834 >>182835
Shouldn't have wasted your money on liquid poison.
>hey guys I fapped to mascot
>lol ffs I got a boner from that new mascot post
>come on guys stop being mean to mascot she is cute
>lol wtf how can I be a simp?
ngl kinda suspect
>hey guys I fapped to mascot
>lol ffs I got a boner from that new mascot post

>come on guys stop being mean to mascot she is cute
Just me being nice.
Replies: >>182841
sounds like a giga simp to me
Replies: >>182840
You're actually coping.
Getting a boner doesn't make you a simp.
Replies: >>182844 >>182847
Come on, a lot of guys here probably jerked off to her at some point...
sounds like something a simp would say to defend another simp
Replies: >>182846 >>182849
Some namefags just don't want to admit it.
Replies: >>182847
this tbh

this tbh
Replies: >>182851
You can get refurbished datacenter drives for cheap, and they are quality too. But you will need an adapter for them, lol.
I can be a simp at times, sure.
can't remember who has the largest amount of mascot pics/vids saved
I would be willing to put off everything else but this seems very simpy
Replies: >>182854
Very likely to be me?
Replies: >>182856
>Some namefags just don't want to admit it.
Replies: >>182854
probably nz
You don't stalk her fb for her pictures. NZ has more.
Ah, true. I only save what gets posted public.
Replies: >>182864
Any white french people here?

>stalks her fb
>accuses others of simping
laughing emoji
Replies: >>182862
So does that make NZ her biggest simp? 🤔
Replies: >>182862
😕 it does.
Replies: >>182865
hello im for sure new here. how do u get one of those boners/faps from Mascot?
Replies: >>182868
I don't save those
NZ wins again, gold medal in the Mascot Simp category!
Replies: >>182866
nzie won!
Replies: >>182867
We have a raffle every Wednesday.
ilc of course
100 megabytes of oc + 100 gigabytes of ai content
The good thing about people who get hard from Mascot is that you can seduce them easily
Replies: >>182871 >>182872
I've never gotten a boner from mascot tbh
how so?
Replies: >>182873
They dont have high standards
Replies: >>182874
I'm just high-t.
Replies: >>182875 >>182876
with t standing for thirst
testosterone has nothing to do with it
tbh, when I got that boner from mascot I was 20 days in  nofap I guess.
Replies: >>182879
chads don't fuck 4/10 girls because they are high-t
Testosterone does have various effects on behavior, including aspects of sexual attraction and mating strategies. Research suggests that higher levels of testosterone can lead to increased sexual desire and may reduce selectivity in some situations. Here are a few points to consider:

1. Increased Sexual Desire: Testosterone is linked to libido, and higher levels can increase sexual motivation, potentially leading some men to become less selective in their choices of partners.

2. Short-Term vs. Long-Term Relationships: Some studies indicate that men with higher testosterone levels may be more inclined to seek short-term mating opportunities and may prioritize different traits than they would if they were seeking a long-term partner.

3. Context Matters: The impact of testosterone on selectivity can vary based on social, environmental, and personal factors. For example, situational pressures, availability of partners, or individual differences in personality can influence how much testosterone affects selectivity.

4. Complex Interplay: While testosterone can influence behavior, it's not the sole factor. Relationship context, individual values, and emotional connections also play significant roles in how selective men are.

Overall, while there is a relationship between testosterone and mating behaviors, it is complex and influenced by various factors.
Replies: >>182881 >>182882
if i had high testo combined with bpd id be fucking trees right now
Replies: >>182884
I see chatgpt slop I don't read
Replies: >>182887 >>182888
Replies: >>182888
In winter?
Replies: >>182886
Good way to ger frost bite on your cock.
Replies: >>182886
Its very warm winter tbh
Replies: >>182889
Replies: >>182888

Global warming is not going to help you here!
Replies: >>182891
looking into things yourself keeps you smart
using chatgpt dumbs you down
Replies: >>182893
Its literally positive degrees here and barely any ice
bro mascot is sexy I don't know why not admit to simping for her
AI like ChatGPT is a good life cheat code, you would be dumb not to take advantage of it since it saves lots of time and hassle.
Replies: >>182894 >>182915
>it saves lots of time and hassle
this tbh
just came to vladi queen
a lame bh-free fap because you all suck
time to wallow back again in depression
Replies: >>182897 >>182916
Nzie quit being an arrogant luddite like Roo, embrace new tech, AI is already and only going to become a more integral part of our lives whether you like it or not so might as well use it to your benefit or else you'll be stuck behind, a loser.
Replies: >>182899
>just came to vladi queen
>a lame bh-free fap because you all suck
nobody here has seen her bh
it's hilarious to me that here I'm this huge antisemite or something but on /pol/ I constantly get called a kike, because people hate the truth more than they hate anything else
chatgpt at best gives surface level answers which you could easily find yourself anyway (maybe it's a bit faster but not a big deal)

but if you ask it about any serious topic it will just give you the mainstream normie answer i.e. a jewish lie for the npc slaves who can't think

so why would I want to use it?
>why would I want to use it?
to make it easier to win duh, karma and ilc with the assistance of ai easily btfo others
>maybe it's a bit faster but not a big deal
actually sometimes it can correlate info it would take you a reasonably long amount of time looking up through a bunch of different links and give you a correct & effective TLDR
of course with kiked subjects, like you said, it's giving you kiked results, but with some shit like computer stuff it's hugely effective compared to a manual web search
partucularly if you've no idea exactly how to phrase something for best results, you can give it this block of text descriptive explaining what you want to do, and it totally gets what you mean, or is close enough that another sentence or two, and it's nailed it
Replies: >>182905
Brandon I've used this with my IRL friends and they've begun to dislike me, truth hurts I suppose.

>if [person I hate] [dislikes] [THING] then [THING] = based
>if [person I hate] [likes] [THING] then [THING] = cringe
Replies: >>182907
Does this guy think this is alot or something, lol?
Replies: >>182904
I've never really felt the need to use it

Replies: >>182922
koomie stomps all over that little beta
Replies: >>182908 >>182910
it really does
[code] btw
I got a heart attack that i posted wrong pic
Replies: >>182910
Rookie numbers.
Replies: >>182911
I read this as Koomie simps all over that beta >>182908

Then i was like wtf did i post something i shouldnt have
Koomie fapped 13 times in one day IIRC?
Replies: >>182912 >>182917
Probably at certain point you lose a count
Replies: >>182913
or the count
Do keep track of Catchans frens masturbation habits.
Smart people know how valuable time is.
Replies: >>182918 >>182926
my most is 12
nzie is a high-t based neet so he has all the time in the flat earth to do focus on more important things like self improvement and winning
>all the time in the flat earth
I highly doubt you read any books, which means you're using Google for "finding things". ChatGPT can search Google faster than you can and pick out all the relevant sites for you (or source from actual studies if needed). You don't have to take it's word for it, but you can look at the sources it gives you^^
Replies: >>182923 >>182932
>>182905 >>182918
Must be nice to have so much free time that you can be inefficient with it?
that's the thing that gets me about people saying it's a glorified search, it's way too fast using multiple sources to give a breakdown of the collected data
Replies: >>182925
you can't even count seconds it takes, lol
It's the same with Wikipedia. And it's even more funny when people cry "Wikipedia is not a real source of information!" and then you send them "actual studies" (which are all literally linked at the bottom of the Wikipedia page) and they are happy with those (they won't read them, of course, and neither did you, because why would you when Wikipedia/ChatGPT did all the work for you already? LOL).
Replies: >>182966 >>182967
ironic to call yourself smart indirectly but need to be spoonfed information
Replies: >>182927 >>182928
Using a quicker way to get information is just smart.
Replies: >>182929 >>182943
AI won, books lost, burn down the libraries because we won't need them where we're going!
You have to get the info you don't know from somewhere. Why spend 3 hours reading a study when you can have ChatGPT give all the important/relevant details in 10 minutes, and leaving open to dive deeper into the specifics if you wanted/needed?
Speaking of the current discussion, here is a neat new AI tool.
I've literally never though to myself " damn I don't know what to think about this let me ask chatgpt"

Replies: >>182935
what if i don't agree with the sources or the sources are outright incorrect? it doesn't fact checks but works similarly to pagerank algorithms
it's similar to google answers but on steroids
at the end you are literally giving away your right to freely think
It is a lot.
Replies: >>182934
For a normal person yes but not for an masturbation addict
Well... this is the new era, many catchanners already use AI for various things so it's no different from "google it" to now just "chatgpt it".
Replies: >>182937 >>182942
>what if i don't agree with the sources
Sucks to be you then? What can you even disagree with?
>AI gave me an answer I don't like so I disagree with all the evidence it gave me!
Okay then, whatever you like. You can just feed it whatever sources you want in that case.
I've only used Google like 3 times in the past few months because ChatGPT just works better.
Replies: >>182939
>at the end you are literally giving away your right to freely think
sad reality
>at the end you are literally giving away your right to freely think
Only if you blindly trust everything it says like a drooling retard.
It's a tool you use to improve your ability to learn or find things. Not some infallible deity.
Replies: >>182941 >>182943
>Only if you blindly trust everything it says like a drooling retard.
No one with a brain says "just google it" anymore, it's easier, better and quicker to use AI instead, work smarter - not harder.
Quality of information will always prevail over speed. You are basically defending big macs over a custom burger.
Why not? It's the logical conclusion to that mentality. If you need to check output just make your own research and save the chat gpt time, since you and Silvia are so important
Insane fucking build crazy as fuck No Feet
Replies: >>182945 >>182947
Cut your toenails, nasty,
>Quality of information will always prevail over speed.
ChatGPT does both better. It takes everything you could possibly find on your own manually (Plus more) and condenses it down to the important parts. 
Quality and speed that you can even refine on your own through further questioning if the first answer is too long/short, detailed/sparse etc etc.
Replies: >>182973
Do a full turn, those pants look nice.
Replies: >>182976 >>183042
good morning brandon
Replies: >>182966
This retard doesn't even use the internet for research I guess?
Replies: >>182954
>You are basically defending big macs over a custom burger.
A better comparison would be ordering a custom burger vs going to the grocer to buy all the stuff and making it yourself. The end result is the same: you have the custom burger. The difference is that you spent 1-2 hours of your time in one scenario and not the other.
Replies: >>182954
tfw to smart to use chatgpt
Replies: >>182952
being a luddite is not smart
Replies: >>182953
it has nothing to do with being a luddite
>painstakingly researching something on your own for hours
>using ChatGPT to do that for you and find the exact same articles and information 

For some reason 🤔
chatgpt will give you the wrong answer for something that takes 0 research
Replies: >>182957 >>182960
the only thing catchanners are researching are the locations of little girls, no real work being done on this board
>ChatGPT says the earth is round so we can't trust this AI
Replies: >>182958
Yes, a person assigned male at birth can transition to live as a woman. This can involve a variety of personal, social, and medical processes. Gender is a complex, multifaceted concept that includes biological, social, and individual identity factors. While sex is typically assigned at birth based on physical characteristics, gender is more fluid and can encompass a person’s internal sense of self.

For someone assigned male at birth who identifies as a woman, they may go through a gender transition, which could involve:

    Social Transition: Changing names, pronouns, clothing, and other aspects of presentation to align with one's gender identity.
    Medical Transition: This may involve hormone replacement therapy (HRT), surgery, or other medical interventions to help align one's physical characteristics with their gender identity.
    Legal Transition: This can include changing legal documents such as identification and birth certificates to reflect the person’s gender identity.

It’s important to recognize that gender identity is deeply personal, and each person’s experience with gender is unique. Some people may choose not to transition medically, but their gender identity is still valid.
Replies: >>182959
A person cannot change their biological sex?
ChatGPT said:

Correct, a person cannot fully change their biological sex. Biological sex is determined by multiple factors, including chromosomes (XX, XY, or variations), reproductive anatomy, and secondary sexual characteristics. These are set at birth and cannot be completely altered, though aspects of a person's physical presentation and function can be modified through medical interventions.
Replies: >>182961
If it gives what is obviously a PC answer to a contentious/touchy subject then you know exactly why it's doing that so can ignore it and understand why it acts that way. 
But for the other 99% of things it's useful.
why is chatgpt so quick to say we cant develop a way to change someones chromosomes, reproductive anatomy and secondary sexual characteristics/?
Replies: >>182962 >>182963
It can if I left out biological sex. Sometimes the question is as important as the answer. Something you learn when researching, I guess.
Replies: >>182981
<Can we develop a way to change someones chromosomes, reproductive anatomy and secondary sexual characteristics/?
>ChatGPT said:

>Currently, science does not have the capability to completely change someone's chromosomes or fully replicate the reproductive anatomy and functions of a different sex. However, research in genetics, regenerative medicine, and biotechnology is advancing rapidly, and while the ability to fundamentally alter sex at a chromosomal level or replicate reproductive capabilities is not feasible today, there are potential future avenues for progress. Here's a breakdown of the possibilities and challenges:
Replies: >>182964
yep but in a few years sam altman will create an ai capable of doing all those things and turn dirt into gold
Replies: >>182965
We have to take the bad with the good when it comes to AI, LOL.
wiki does use a lot of sources but tbf the edit/censorship wars there are well known, the do still keep taking that picture of the black jew that started US slavery from his wiki, lel

guten tag matthew

studies dont mean what you think it means, they often cant be repeated, finds different results or disproves the other altogether
there are studies today that say trannyism is valid, that why you need to be able to derive your own conclusions, not be an ai Fed npc
Replies: >>182971
>tbf the edit/censorship wars there are well known
it really doesn't matter much though in a lot of debaits since wiki is what 99% of people are using to form their opinions of [x]
Replies: >>182986
In conclusion, while Leo Frank’s guilt was never definitively proven, and there is significant evidence suggesting he was innocent, the case remains an important reminder of how bias, misinformation, and societal prejudices can shape legal outcomes. The question of his innocence, though, is widely viewed in the historical record as unresolved but leaning toward his wrongful conviction.
Replies: >>182970
>the KKK just so happened to believe a nigger to hang a jew because racism
literally pushed to its breaking point
Replies: >>182972
I don't think you seem to be understanding something. You do realize that you can get multiple sources of something, correct?
Replies: >>182991
uhhhhh I tend to trust chatgpt on these things....
Replies: >>182975
objectively false
anons already showed many examples a few days back. circumcisions holocaust etc
Replies: >>182979
though I've actually looked into that one quite a bit and lmao
>of course with kiked subjects, like you said, it's giving you kiked results
Replies: >>182977
No am flat
Replies: >>183039 >>183040
most truly important subjects are kiked
Replies: >>182980
npc running a script tier
That's user error. If you have to use ChatGPT to ask if a male can be a female and similar obvious things then you're using it wrong.
Replies: >>182996
¯⁠\⁠_⁠( -_-)_⁠/⁠¯
tbf aside from an obvious example of kikery Leo Frank isn't really all that relevant anymore
Replies: >>182982 >>182983
you can't. don't lie or misrepresent jew
adl is relevant
Replies: >>182984 >>182995
and the fact they would outright lie about one jew committing a crime should make you not doubt that they would lie about more important things (as they do)
¯⁠\⁠_⁠( -_-)_⁠/⁠¯

I can't argue all I can say is there's things it's hugely useful for, and things it's not really going to help you with, knowing that going into it, you can either make use of it for what it's good for, or not
Replies: >>182988
normies gonna do as normies do still either way
still the chans used to be more underground alt places, when people use to have some freedom of thought 
today it's Instagram roastie tier
I remember when I first saw Snapchat threads on b that was a pivotal moment for me when I realized it was fully mainstream with an audience no different than facebook
Replies: >>182994 >>182997
>Women remain children all their lives, for they always see only what is near at hand, cling to the present, take the appearance of a thing for reality, and prefer trifling matters to the most important.
- Schopenhauer

>Women are capable of education, but they are not made for activities which demand a universal faculty such as the more advanced sciences, philosophy, and certain forms of artistic production... women regulate their actions not by the demands of universality but by arbitrary inclinations and opinions.
- Hegel

>I looked into Paradise and found that the majority of its dwellers were the poor people, and I looked into the Hell and found that the majority of its dwellers were women.
- Bukhari

>The female is as it were a deformed male. The male is by nature superior and the female inferior, the male ruler and the female subject.
- Aristotle

>While I was still searching but not finding-- I found one upright man among a thousand, but not one upright woman among them all.
- Ecclesiastes

>Do not let a flaunting woman coax and cozen and deceive you: she is after your barn. The man who trusts womankind trust deceivers.
- Hesiod

>"The female is a female by virtue of a certain lack of qualities; we should regard the female nature as afflicted with a natural defectiveness."

>"Educating a beautiful woman is like pouring honey into a fine Swiss watch: everything stops."
-Kurt Vonnegut

>"Direct thought is not an attribute of femininity. In this, woman is now centuries ... behind men."
-Thomas Edison

>"Women, with their two-fingered wisdom, have a difficult time [understanding what I teach]."
>"If it were not for women being admitted into [our order], my teachings would have lasted 1000 years; now they will not last 500."
Replies: >>183006
i dont use it for anything at all
Replies: >>182990
>"One hundred women are not worth a single testicle."

>"Woman was God's second mistake."
>"When a woman has scholarly inclinations there is usually something wrong with her sexual organs."
-Friedrich Nietzsche

>No man should trust the words of a girl, nor anything a woman says. Women’s hearts are molded on a wobbly wheel. Deception lurks in their words.
you WILL eat the bugs and you WILL use the AI goy
Replies: >>182992
it will always suppress problematics viewpoints and steer an agenda
you don see this because you're a giganormalfag
idk i just dont know what im supposed to use it for brandons got everything for me
haha that's rodent gf
1/3rd to 1/2 of /pol/ threads are straight from fucking twatter ¯⁠\⁠_⁠( -_-)_⁠/⁠¯

I guess it's marginally better than going there
>Jews used one thing to start another thing
What is the surprising part of this supposed to be? I never heard of this guy until today, just read ChatGPT summary of him, and seems like it's business as usual. He probably did the crime, a mob hung him for it, and two groups resurged (ADL and KKK), both using the event to bolster their numbers. Sound about right?
Replies: >>183004
why? I thought it was good for everything and gave multiple parsed sources?
Replies: >>182998
>still the chans used to be more underground alt places,
like what 20 years ago?
Replies: >>182999
You can keep asking it in different ways, or ask it to explain to you something in different ways. But if you don't know anything you might not get good results (same as you would trying to find things on Google, though with ChatGPT it does a better job of guiding you, if you ask it).
Replies: >>183000 >>183021
the entire internet was different before smartphones, but you had to be there to know what it was like
Replies: >>183002
>1,000,000 ways Jews are awesome - by ChatGPT
nzie, is this what you also have a problem with?
Replies: >>183004 >>183005
>but you had to be there to know what it was like
i used the internet before the iphone was released i just wasnt on /pol/? i doubt many people here were though
Replies: >>183008
filtering it to just PC users made the average intelligence SO much higher even amongst the retards
>I never heard of this guy until today
when you look into things, you find about other things

when you ask chatgpt, you only find out what chatgpt wants you to know

Replies: >>183016
how come all ai are lefties?
Replies: >>183007
Not sure you understand my position on women if you think any of that offends me, lol. I said women should have equal opportunity, not that they could compete in anything except beauty and family matters.
they aren't, they just want you to be
it's like it wasn't important enough to get "steered" as heavily as it has been since
once the smartphones came and the number of eyeballs shot up and the influencing of the normies started taking precedence steering it became a primary objective
Replies: >>183009
i only browse like 1 or 2 websites that make a profit so i dont see why that matters
Replies: >>183010
idk what are we even talking about
Replies: >>183011
Replies: >>183015
idk about you but polymarket made me pretty rich (won 5 figures on trump winning)
Replies: >>183013
how does 5 figures make anyone rich
Replies: >>183017
you dont even have a car after taxes
big state
The only American politics I like are the ones involving Trump and Co.
Replies: >>183018
because most people these days are living check to check and are poor with fuck all savings
Replies: >>183020
we know non-americans never shut the fuck up about it
Replies: >>183019
it's like muricans that obsess over the monarchy
i feel like it was probably the same before jewniggers just didnt push up the cost of living 8 trillion % and a house cost $5
yeah but when you do that it's almost as if you're searching
instead of trying to wrestle with a censored program i'd rather go find my own sources
Replies: >>183025
also thats from a survey
also its weird that survey isnt saying they dont have it but its saying they would borrow it instead which is probably to say theyre illiquid i guess?
Where, library? How long it will take you to find relevant books, then read those books? 

Do you think people used to be smarter before internet? For some reason I assume everyone was pretty dumb, except for a few exceptional people who are only exceptional in a very tiny part of knowledge.
Replies: >>183026 >>183043
> How long it will take you to find relevant books, then read those books? 
a couple minutes i read pretty fast
Replies: >>183027 >>183028
last time i read a book was in high school 30 years ago, now all i need is chatgpt to summarize books for me to save time
Replies: >>183029 >>183031
Wonder if the libraries fact check all their books. If only there was some source of unlimited information that could help you fact check, because if you read two books with conflicting information you might just have to read every book in the place to find the answers;(
i just used sparknotes cause im not a retard, book summaries already existed
seems like cheating now that i think about it
doesn't work with fiction unless you're the kind of fag that feels it necessary to talk about stuff you don't care about to "fit in"
not an accusation it's just like the kind of shit some apparently do, watching goyslop at 2-3x+ just to cram it into their brains to be able to fit in with "normie conversations"
I think I need food
Replies: >>183034
fucking normalfags...
youre fine
Replies: >>183035
blood sugar feels like no
Replies: >>183036
whats that feel like
Replies: >>183037
"weak", heavy limbs
can start to feel like what roasties call hot flashes when it gets worse
Replies: >>183038 >>183050
i must drink too much sugar to ever run out
Replies: >>183041
You do realize many men here find that a quality.
luckily I'm not diabetic like my one relative, the hot flashes isn't as bad as it can get
Replies: >>183051
do you have a problem with books now?
most scientific research is done by consulting journals, not chat gpt slop
Replies: >>183044 >>183045
i just prompt chatgpt to be perform as a scientific researcher and it tells me what i want to know, whats the issue?
>do you have a problem with books now?
Yes, I am a slow reader and see no purpose it reading anything except for the relevant information. 
>most scientific research is done by consulting journals
Good, I can find those far easier with ChatGPT and get ChatGPT to summarise them all for me so I can decide which, if any, I should get more info from.
Chatgpt chads just keep winning.
It's pretty damn hard to lose when we have access to all the public information there is^^
brandon leaves tips but only those fake bills with messages on them
pretty much, bless ai
Replies: >>183053
are you diabetic?
scrolled down nevermind
The reason why nzie dislike it is because chatgpt denies the earth is flat and explains why it isnt
Replies: >>183061
Replies: >>183054 >>183056
Cope, AI allows anyone to be 120+ IQ.
Replies: >>183055 >>183058
so that's why you need it, got it
Replies: >>183057
Replies: >>183060
Cope, I have a literal super genius in my pocket I can ask questions and get instant answers when ever I want.
>Cope, AI allows anyone to be 120+ IQ.
isnt that just like a retard with a smart person to ask an infinite amount of questions
like pinky and the brain or whatever
and thats assuming ai is a smart person
the fact you're a teacher but spends all day here posting "cope" and koshergpt vomit is extremely depressing to me
this is why your country will never, ever not be a hellhole of shit
No, the Earth is not flat. The Earth is an oblate spheroid, meaning it is mostly spherical but slightly flattened at the poles and bulging at the equator. This has been confirmed through various scientific observations and evidence, including satellite imagery, the way ships disappear over the horizon, and the phenomenon of gravity.

Ancient Greek astronomers, such as Eratosthenes, also made measurements in antiquity that demonstrated the Earth's round shape. Modern space exploration and photographs of Earth taken from space further confirm its roundness.
Replies: >>183064
>you're a teacher
teacher is like the job people get when theyve failed and exhausted all over avenues
It's Christmas holiday, kids are not in school.
Not this again, you already got btfo with the ship stuff already this month.
Replies: >>183069 >>183076
It's just passtime, man.
Replies: >>183075
AI has been smarter or to be precise more useful than humans for years already. this shit annoying af wow elon good jew drone putting up the goyim show
Replies: >>183067 >>183070
so true now go talk to ai and leave more brandon for me
ilovecunny won, silvia won, ai won, jole won
nzie lost, flat earthers lost, brandon lost 🖖🏻
>Not this again, you already got btfo with the ship stuff already this month.
Also don't forget flat earthers lost hard,
Replies: >>183084
It can process information faster (so can the computer), but I think this is saying a little more than that. It doesn't give much specifics though, just what Elon says, and others are "worried" about AI progression too.
Replies: >>183077
brandon i'm rocking a 4070 ti super 2k gaming pc what do i do now
Replies: >>183072 >>183073
>4070 ti 
thats got what? 8gb vram? lmao USELESS
Replies: >>183074
>what do i do now
Replies: >>183147
if you say so
my history teacher literally showed us a speech from Hitler and explained how pivotal he was to the reconstruction of post war germany
one the most based dudes in existence (both hitler and my teacher)
something like this would never fly today i doubt you'd be half as based as he was
Replies: >>183083 >>183091
lol you just kept making posts proving you don't understand how perspective works
Replies: >>183078
nah elon loves jew cock and funding
Replies: >>183085
Replies: >>183080 >>183084
you'd type on your laptop and shatgpt would tell you "le hitler baaad mayne" and you'd regurgitate the same to your students like a good chatgptoomer
Replies: >>183083 >>183089
with with a simple 10 second paint drawing silvia ruins btfo, kek
Replies: >>183082
AGI means artificial general intelligence the general stands for general population.
nzie lost
Replies: >>183162
No, I'm not so brainwashed. You just need to filter the stuff it says.
>>183069 🤣

what is the point you are trying to make here?
Elon is going to be the first trilionaire soon. 2 years or so.
Replies: >>183092 >>183094
You can see further if there is nothing blocking, like the curve of the earth. But if you are higher you can see "further" (less blocking), or if you're looking at something not blocking (like something in the sky).
Replies: >>183087 >>183090
That picture was in response to your telescope garbage. It was a month ago, so surely you remember it and don't need to rehash it all?^^
HAHAHA wow.... mega cope
Replies: >>183090
1. Infrastructure Development:

    Hitler's regime prioritized infrastructure projects, including the Autobahn highway system, which became a model for modern road networks worldwide.

2. Economic Recovery in Early Years:

    During the Great Depression, Nazi policies temporarily reduced unemployment in Germany through public works programs and rearmament initiatives.

3. Volkswagen ("People's Car") Initiative:

    Hitler supported the creation of the Volkswagen Beetle, aiming to make cars affordable to average Germans, which later became an iconic global automobile.

4. Military Innovation:

    Under Hitler, Germany developed advanced military technologies, including jet engines, rocketry (precursors to modern space exploration), and early forms of guided missiles.

5. Propaganda Mastery:

    The Nazi regime, under Hitler's leadership, pioneered propaganda techniques that influenced public opinion and demonstrated the power of mass communication.

6. Revival of National Pride:

    Many Germans felt a sense of national pride restored after the humiliation of the Treaty of Versailles, though this was achieved through militaristic and oppressive means.

7. Modern Urban Planning:

    Hitler’s government invested in architectural and urban planning projects that aimed to modernize cities, though many were driven by ideological motives.

8. Encouragement of Technological Advancements:

    Germany under Hitler saw significant scientific and technological strides, some of which laid groundwork for post-war advancements in areas like aerospace.

9. Standardization of Practices:

    The regime introduced standardization in areas such as measurement systems, industrial processes, and administrative practices.

10. Early Advocacy for Animal Rights:

    Nazi policies under Hitler included progressive animal protection laws, which were among the strictest of the time.
yeah, you don't understand how perspective works

and the argument about ships going over the edge of the earth doesn't make sense anyway since you can see things much further away under the right conditions

cope is just another way of saying...
if the jews say so..
yes and then he dies and the money goes back to the jews
Replies: >>183093
elon has a hot trans daughter btw
pretty sure rothschilds became trillionaires a long time ago 🤔
Replies: >>183099
ask chatgpt about it
Replies: >>183096
quit being snarky
Replies: >>183097
i second that
I'm not even a flat earther man why do people get so mad about it
Replies: >>183102
Single person wealth.
Replies: >>183101 >>183108
elon be like ruin the world for a milk shake
>Today, the Rothschild family remains affluent and influential, particularly in finance, but their wealth is distributed among many family members and is not centralized. They are no longer in the realm of modern billionaires like Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos in terms of individual or consolidated wealth.
can you provide us a pic of how you think the world we're on looks like?
Replies: >>183108
>At a 4% annual interest rate, you would earn $109,589,041.10 per day in interest from $1 trillion.
Wow, he's not going to have an easy time spending all that.
Replies: >>183104 >>183105
tbf thats nothing given elons expenses in spacex, rockets and tech aint cheap
why do you simp for elon?
Replies: >>183112
You guys are so contentious...
Replies: >>183107
if we were all in a room we would be hate fucking (no homo)
Replies: >>183109
seems like a jewish trick splitting up the money amongst the whole family

>look goys we aren't that wealthy only about 200b each

controlling the money supply is basically on another level than being a billionaire/trillionaire anyway

it's beyond my knowledge
Replies: >>183113
Can picture it, mc, nzie, karma, rin ganging up on on ilc making him scream like a little bitch as they pin his monkey ass down and go to town
Replies: >>183110
wtf bro?
During a minute of silence in Germany for the victims of the attack in Magdeburg, a fan shouted: "Germany for the Germans!" The crowd responded with "No to Nazis!" The individual was identified, removed, and arrested, and a criminal case is underway.
I like what he is doing with tech, I like what he says in general (both what he says and how he says it), I like that he's pretty much bought his way into the government (same thing as when he bought Twitter). AI, drones, satellites, all that fun stuff, he's setting himself up nicely. Plus the memes.
Replies: >>183117
Most rich people hide or lie about assets, yes, of course. Greedy people want to take a big cut of it!
pathetic and embarrassing, germany died in 1945
Replies: >>183115
the more this keeps happening the closer we get to a turning point
imagine reviving hitler and letting him see state of things, he swallow a whole bottle of cyanide pills fr
>I like what he is doing with tech
like what? you're being swindled
watch this
Replies: >>183123 >>183125
Replies: >>183120
a goddess worth simping for
Replies: >>183121 >>183122
mascot lost, ilc lost
His stocks seem to be doing fine to me?

 > Tesla
430,60 USD +401,91 (1 400,87 %)
5 viime vuotta
Suljettu: 23.12. klo 19.59 UTC-5 • Vastuuvapauslauseke
Jälkipörssi 433,20 +2,60 (0,60 %)

But more than just Tesla, I like the space stuff a lot (he sent satellites to Ukraine, then when he found out they were trying to use them a different way from what he allowed, he shut half of them off, LOL). And now AI, another thing I like a lot, and just found out he's doing a bunch of.

But sure, the car is nice too. I'm a shit driver, I like autodrive.
Replies: >>183125 >>183127
prettiest loli atm >>183118
>People crying about their paycheque somehow means the company isn't doing good thing
??? All the time companies will make record profits and then lay people off anyways until they next time they need the labour. 
>430,60 USD +401,91 (1 400,87 %)
Up 1400% in 5 years? Up 73% this year? Seems pretty damn good!
Replies: >>183128
tesla will implode, their cars can't into self driving, are locked down overpriced apple tier toys, meanwhile byd already has electric shitboxes normies can buy and their sodium batteries are already out

spacex will implode, their rockets explode and everyone applauds like seals calling it progress because dear leader said it so, it cant carry anything

his new gpu endeavour is yet to be seen tbf, but there's no confidence on his ability to deliver and he will most likely just ride the ai  bubble like everyone else

literally all his other projects went to the wayside because unfortunately normies have poor memory and don't holding him accountable

it's all a castle of cards, it's bound to crumble sometime, stock prices reflect market sentiment but the balance sheets doesn't back it up, it will eventually correct itself
Replies: >>183137
>what are bubbles
i mean, come on dude, ilc simps for an obese throat singing nepali or whatever, but at least that's a biological female, not a conman

it's EMBARASSING being seen wichu, as my homie ryder would say
musk literally fired one of his top engineers because he said the reason he wasn't getting twitter impressions was because people were tired of his shit (politely of course) (during the time he was nonstop on the news for months because of twitters acquisition = completely understandable and logical answer an engineer would say)

literal narcissistic sociopath, your role model
too bad about the hag claws though, only just noticed that
yulechka gets a pass though
for now
Replies: >>183138
The self drive works perfectly. It just can't take any liability so your hands need to be on the wheel or it will scream at you (and it also shuts down when the weather is bad and tells you to drive). Which are fair compromises. 

As for everything else: lol, I'm sure you know better than business professionals. The results are still good, have been good, even when things go "bad" the results are good because he knows how to work as a company's head. It's not always about having the best product.
Replies: >>183143
why is the link only working for 24 hours a problem? the post won't even stay in this thread for that long
shout to all my lost boys we rowdy
Infinitely more beautiful than vlada
Replies: >>183141 >>183144
vlada #1 julia #2
Replies: >>183175 >>183178
>The self drive works perfectly
i posted a video relevant to the matter, but i know you won't watch
what you describe is cruise control, on about fully autonomous self driving, it can't even leave the garage on its own
>I'm sure you know better than business professionals
irrelevant to the point, nice ad hominen/snark though
investing used to be based off of balance sheets, still mostly is, why is that different for tesla? byd is outselling tesla already but they have no hype, just organic growth
everytime confidence around tesla winds down musk comes up with a new lie to renew the hype cycle: tesla taxis (never happened), tesla truck (never happened), rocket tesla (will never ever fucking happen)
i wonder what new bullshit he will come up with next
Replies: >>183152 >>183165
the are pretty matched imo
Replies: >>183146 >>183156
good taste
5090s not even out yet???
his name is anon and he shot 2 muslims to prove he hates muslims or something
why dont you shoot a big islamic public figure instead of 2 niggers in the street
Interesting also why wouldn't 24 hour sun have significant and obvious melting effect on the ice there their location's low altitude? I get that the tilt angle means less total light energy hitting surface hence why poles are frozen in first place but still surely it's significant especially given that the time of year where the alleged 24hr sun is during southern hemisphere's summer solstice....right?
Replies: >>183151
*on the ice with their location's low altitude
I watched part of the video and the first 10 minutes was trash, didn't support any of your arguments at all. And now you're just outright lying, obviously never been in a Tesla if you think the driving doesn't work well.
>investing used to be based off of balance sheets
Don't think so, no. At least not since internet. You don't only have to be investing for the product, you can be investing for other reasons. All that matters is the investment returns, and how much it returns. That's it. If having someone talk up the company with advertising or whatever else makes the price go up better than a company that doesn't have that but has a better product? Who cares? And that's even assuming they have the better product, I don't know a thing about them or their cars and I don't really care either, lol.
>tesla taxis
It's coming eventually.
>tesla truck
Cybertruck? Literally used on a battlefield even (by some clowns, sure, but it was there^^).
>rocket tesla
For what purpose?
>i wonder what new bullshit he will come up with next
Innovation is great! Sometimes it comes with losers, sometimes winners.
Replies: >>183169
Like obviously Himalayas for example maintain all their snow and ice all year round with relatively minimal melting despite being close-ish to equator because of their high altitude
Why is Silvia such a bootlicker bros
nothing wrong with the appeal to authority fallacy
iulia wins because she's younger
How so?
Replies: >>183163
Younger doesn't always = better though, for example Angel is fucking incredible.
Replies: >>183159 >>183160
Iuliia is a lot better.
Replies: >>183167
Nah it does if the girls are both pretty. I would rather a pretty girl but younger.
picked up some pepperonis for my pizzas brannie
So he has 1 win 1 loss today? Not bad.
You seem to like people with a history of lying to everyone (Trump, Putin, Musk) No offense...
Replies: >>183168
>cruise control
i have that feature on my car it sucks i think elons self driving is a lot better
Hell no, you're messed up if you prefer her over this:
Wonder if there's something in that... something reflective of....🤔
>the first 10 minutes was trash
don't want to face facts i see
>didn't support any of your arguments at all
maybe it's because you watched 1/4 of the video?

my main point was that people will not buy promises, not in perpetuity at least

>And now you're just outright lying, obviously never been in a Tesla if you think the driving doesn't work well.
and you have?
you can see the evidence of the problems fsd has on youtube, lane merging at the wrong time, not turning, etc
>tesla truck
no i meant tesla truck as in tesla semi, which never happened
I closed it once i saw the filter
yeah it's difficult, let him be a idiot muskito, what can we do
i gained 2kg
bro, iulia is a 1000 times better than angel, lmao. Wtf.
I like Angel, but I mean...compared to: , ah?
Replies: >>183176
No love handles to grab onto during sexo, like most lgs boring bodies sorry.
Replies: >>183179 >>183180
that's not a fair comparison
but the girls at equal ages were pretty comparable
It deleted all the racist stuff and added the account back?
You just have low IQ. Sorry bro.
Replies: >>183182
Replies: >>183182
ILC is filtered by the way for being a Brazilian troll.
You have weak tastes.

It's true.
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