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Being a homo is a bannable offence.

>Belarus whore
Do you also keep tabs on the number of faps to each girl? Whats the one you most fapped?
Replies: >>186453
no that would be TOO autistic, even for me
there is probably someone like that out there though
Replies: >>186455
๐Ÿคข sorry
If you need help with either Milana just let me know ๐Ÿ‘
Who is f123?

She's not for everyone.
Replies: >>186491
What a fag
Agreed. I hate her lips but I'd smash her behind
Replies: >>186463
why do paedos fantasize about molesting their daughters but normal men don't?
Replies: >>186462 >>186464
daughterwife <3 ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
She has an awesome behind she should show more
Replies: >>186465
All men do unless they're closeted gay cope
Replies: >>186466 >>186468
It's mostly larp or joke but the idea is cute, there are some loli vtubers that enforce it too
I know, never really liked her face but her butt is cute tbh!
nigger faggot
Replies: >>186471
The phenomenon you're referring to is called "genetic sexual attraction" or "incest avoidance." There are several theories that attempt to explain why people are generally not attracted to close relatives:
Biological and Genetic Factors
Genetic diversity: Humans have an innate desire to reproduce with individuals who have different genes, ensuring a more diverse and resilient gene pool for their offspring.
Inbreeding depression: Close relatives share similar genes, increasing the likelihood of genetic disorders and reducing the chances of healthy offspring.
Psychological and Social Factors
Familiarity and imprinting: Growing up with close relatives can create a sense of familiarity, making it difficult to develop romantic or sexual feelings towards them.
Social and cultural norms: Incest taboos are widespread across cultures, discouraging relationships between close relatives and promoting social cohesion.
Evolutionary theory: Some scientists suggest that the avoidance of incestuous relationships may have evolved to reduce competition for resources and mates within families.
Neuroscientific Factors
Olfactory cues: Research suggests that humans can detect genetic relatedness through scent, which may contribute to the avoidance of close relatives as romantic partners.
Brain structure and function: Studies have found that the brain's reward system and regions involved in social bonding may be less active when considering close relatives as romantic partners.
These factors combined contribute to the widespread phenomenon of people being less attracted to close relatives.
Replies: >>186480 >>186490
I would pay top money for a video of lika in her undies plastering her ass in oil
Or a close up asmr of her sucking something
Replies: >>186480
shes fucking hideous shut up blind cunt
t. Low t
Replies: >>186473 >>186475
t. Brazilian
Replies: >>186474
And high t
Replies: >>186481
you think mascot is 10/10 jackoff lol
Replies: >>186476 >>186478
Nah shes lile a 6.
>you think mascot is 10/10
rare ilc W tbh
>jav style softcore solo lika video
i would not survive such a video
you're hideous nigger faggot stfu
little girls are sexy 
daughterwives are sexy and valid tbh 
this, little girl asmr is really good I wish I saved the ones posted a while back
paedos are low t tbh
Replies: >>186482 >>186485
No we arent
Replies: >>186483
yes you are tbh
you can't handle a real woman like Dua Lipa
Replies: >>186492
you can only handle lil girls who have small bodies and no tits and no ass
Replies: >>186486
absolute bollocks, I have to fap or fuck a lot or I go insane
Men like women who are weaker than them
Replies: >>186528 >>186530
Holy shit feels good being high t and liking lgs
Replies: >>186496 >>186502
Replies: >>186489
>jewish """expert""" psychobabble 
>100% correlation based 
>100% based upon unfounded premises 
kys bug
Replies: >>186494
f1 was mariya before i identified her
f2 and f3 are still unidentified girls, being
>If you need help with either Milana just let me know ๐Ÿ‘
thanks fren
>Dua Lipa
dua lipa is attractive though, most non exclusive pedos would
if you want to bait, should've chosen a more divisive or an outright ugly girl
try lizzo next time lol
jews promote porn and the most popular category in porn sites these days is incest
Replies: >>186499
Used to be pretty
Replies: >>186514
>if you want to bait
i wasn't "baiting" tbh
Sexo girls
Replies: >>187224
bullshit the jews are just manipulating the stats. For decades the #1 category for men was teen and #1 category for women was lesbian 

Nothing has changed retard
Replies: >>186501 >>186502
Can't recall the first girls name but 2nd girl is Elizaveta Kharchenko.
Replies: >>186512 >>186513
get with the times, grandpa

Replies: >>186509
๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ Child erotic 
This. There's some kike shit that always gets posted on faggotchans saying "most searched porn category by country" and it's absolute bollocks because in reality most countries is "teen", another kike psyop
Replies: >>186509
coomers are really into incest rn for some reason

its a mainstream fetish now
Replies: >>186505
also milf porn is really popular too
I got a kiss from my cousin last night cope
Replies: >>186516
Brandon you awake?
lads why did Rin lie about owning a shotgun?
stop projecting 
Exactly. Only exception is in Africa it's BBW
cousin isn't incest tbh
Replies: >>186511 >>186516
also no you didn't lol
Replies: >>186516
wow that is amazing, got a source!
who would've thought sharing your autism would pay dividends
thanks a lot Lintperson
Replies: >>186525
needless to say, she will be jumping the queue today
(sorry lika)
thanks again
Replies: >>186525
Nah even Ariana Grande was cuter and more hebe like in her prime. But ofc Selena Gomez was goat for brown girls
Replies: >>186517
>A Daddy in gay culture is a slang term meaning a man sexually involved in a relationship with a younger male.
Replies: >>186525
sexo tbh
true tbh
lol I did, only a peck on the lips because it was christmas but I still count it
Selena Gomez is white
Replies: >>186518 >>186524
She's mexican
Replies: >>186520
lmfao this
she's a white Latina tbh
Replies: >>186521
she fucked a nigger
Replies: >>186523 >>186527
she reminds me of that bitch in the Thornberrys kek
Replies: >>186526 >>186529
yeah white women do that
Barely. Just short of it imo.
It's a shame there's not more of her, but at least a lot of what there is on her profile is swimsuit stuff.

Why did Rin call NZ daddy that one time?
Replies: >>186534
lol forgot that show existed but i see it too!
This any chance she had of being white was forever tarnished
Replies: >>186531
LOL fuck I see that actually
Explains why i dont like Masscot she weight mogs me
cope shes white
white women fuck black men
Replies: >>186532 >>186536
Your native women fuck white men and your only cope is to say white women like bbc kek
Replies: >>186535 >>186539
doing the work of the jews rent-free
The plot thickens...
Not the Rin BBC talk again...
Replies: >>186537 >>186538

Replies: >>186538
you two have some weird argument fetish with me lately, I'm not buying it
i was born in San Francisco tbh
Replies: >>186578
it's Christmas, it's illegal to argue on Christmas tbh
Replies: >>186541
Christmas was 2 days ago
Replies: >>186542
It was yesterday you retard, and there's 12 days of Christmas.
Replies: >>186543
Santa Claus lives here retard think i know christmas better than you
Replies: >>186544
 If you did you wouldn't celebrate Christmas on Christmas eve like a fucking retard.
Replies: >>186545 >>186581
You cucks get to wait a day
Replies: >>186546
To celebrate it on the correct day, yes.
Replies: >>186548
clown president just like drumpf will be
Replies: >>186609
This is how you brit's operate with girlfriends as well?
Replies: >>186549
Karma unlike you I've actually had girlfriends.
Replies: >>186550
Well if Mascot is 10/10 for you probably settle for girls with down syndrome
Replies: >>186557
karma mascot is not fat anymore she lost all that weight
Replies: >>186552 >>186598
No scale pic no proof
Replies: >>186554
It's the real date of Christmas because it's the date on the old calender which was used when Christmas was invented.
Replies: >>186565
you can clearly see from the vids she posts here that she is skinny now
Replies: >>186556
She looked skinny before too.
She was very pretty actually and acted like a 6 year old
Replies: >>186558
and wore diapers
Replies: >>186561
Finns are such alchies they always forget to wait till morning and start opening their presents that night in a drunken stupor (yes even their kids are hopeless alcoholics)
Replies: >>186562
Christmas is like a month long for me^^
Replies: >>186564
The Jews began that. They start a day at a different time or something.
Replies: >>186563 >>186583
They dont have Christmas
Replies: >>186566 >>186567
Good xD I bet it's snowing and comfy there too... Was almost t-shirt weather yesterday, that's not very Christmassy at all. Hardly ever see snow and whenever I do, faggot children ruin it by stepping in it ;-;
Replies: >>186603
Yule > Christmas
Replies: >>186568 >>186570
kike americans turned it into a soulless materialistic cash-grab and mock the real reason of Christmas tbh because they hate Jesus because he was a threat to them.
Replies: >>186572
>In liturgical traditions, celebrations begin on the evening before the main feast day (e.g., Christmas Eve), following the Jewish custom where a day begins at sunset.
cringe LARP tbh
Replies: >>186571
Jewish people typically do not celebrate Christmas, as it is a Christian holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ. However, some Jewish individuals and families may participate in secular or cultural traditions around this time, often as a way to enjoy the festive atmosphere or to spend time with friends.

If you are referring to a specific date on the Jewish calendar that may coincide with Christmas, it is important to note that the dates of Jewish holidays vary each year based on the lunar calendar. Christmas is celebrated on December 24th, whereas Hanukkah, which is a Jewish holiday that sometimes falls around the same time, can occur anywhere from late November to late December. For example, in 2023, Hanukkah begins on the evening of December 7 and ends on the evening of December 15.

If you have any further questions or need additional information, feel free to ask!
Replies: >>186571
It's the same thing, really.
you lost
Americans celebrate Hanukkah and Kwanzaa
Replies: >>186573 >>186577
tbh the only time when i listen to girly pop music like duckie is when im fapping to hebe sluts tbh
i listen to kpop tbh
Replies: >>186591
do you by chance have that blonde hebe dancing to Psy? 
I can't find it and I hate hebes usually but that one does something
Replies: >>186580
Hanukwanzaa when
if you're going to San Francisco be sure to wear some flowers in your hair
Replies: >>186582
No unfortunately but you're reminding me of sexy hebe tanya dancing to early 00's techno now ๐Ÿคค๐Ÿฅฐ
they celebrate the passage in anticipation of the day, same as new years eve
makes perfect sense
Replies: >>186584
lots of cultures celebrate the eve
rin is just ignorant despite being le ebin sophisticated cultured and well traveled english gentleman, allegedly
Replies: >>186585 >>186587
no it doesn't kike
Replies: >>186586
no they don't
> you can't celebrate a day at the start of it
> it only counts if you begin at 7pm in the morning

big brian take
Replies: >>186593
he has said he lived in Japan for many years
>Which countries typically celebrate Christmas on the 24th?

Czech Republic
El Salvador
Costa Rica
cant be true rin said they dont
Replies: >>186596
Germany does it on the wrong day too? Weird
i just mute it
some kthots are cute yeah, tbf
I envy you, tbh.
>7pm in the morning 
>big brian take
Me with the bowl cut
My family has generally always done it across multiple days, with "Christmas Eve" being the immediate family celebration + presents opening and Christmas feast day when the extended family all comes together.
Replies: >>186606
Let's see all their HDD's
Yeah, she's kinda fine now.
why's that doll on a wheelchair?
Canada won?
It's not snowing now but at least there was some snow recently I guess, lol.
Replies: >>186621

essentially all of germanic europe (you know, the ones that matter) celebrate the correct way
also based on lat euro

it's just the eternal anglo causing problems as usual, of course

lots of cultures celebrate the passage, and do it again a few days later with the new year

logic, consistency and regularity
Replies: >>186612 >>186621
yeah same here
everyone usually goes home by 2am and comes back the next day by 12:00 to eat and drink some more lol
some will even sleep at the place, usually kids that gather and sleep together at the home of the host
fun times, good memories
Replies: >>186615
imagine mascot giving you a footjob...
no thanks
cringe milei, cringe
I don't want to fap now, bro.
I'm not big on feet....
Subhumans tbh
We're here speaking English for a reason retards
Replies: >>186614
hello rinnie
Replies: >>186618 >>186621
Yeah, my family home is usually pretty full on Christmas. We have a lot of extra room so people usually stay over (especially the children)^^
ideal legal daughterwife
Replies: >>186617 >>186623
she was so pretty
Replies: >>186619
it's been filtered into oblivion
Replies: >>186620
I was talking about her child pics. She was a pretty lg.
Replies: >>186622
cope lol
not me I was fapping 
jealous tbh, not seen snow in a long time :/
Replies: >>186624
I thought so too until I watched it a second time and realised the lg parts had filters applied
she cute
perfect brunette
but does she really need a face shield to get a haircut? ffs
every time each generation gets more retarded and snowflake-y
Replies: >>186628
>not me I was fapping 
nzieie dropped new dik pics?
nzie pureblooded purecock tbh
no, random loli
Replies: >>186630
she said she also thought it was dumb in a story iirc
Let's see her without filter
Replies: >>186638
rinnie starved of maori cocks
stay stong rinnie, this drought shall pass
Rin who's bigger you or nzie?
that's better i suppose
don't want to imagine the personality of a girl that needs/wants this
she's talented too, that's a nice painting
true daughterwife material
man I wish Laura would drop a Christmas update
Meanwhile in Rinniestan
won't load I don't have twitter
Replies: >>186639 >>186759
>t. actual 'stanling
Replies: >>186643
she looks like soylita here
Replies: >>186647 >>186648
All the kids in the xmas celebrations video featuring your PM are niglets
Replies: >>186640
yeah he's a faggot that's no surprise
literally "training your replacement" but on a societal level
Replies: >>186642
it's London and it's ran by a cuck, what do you expect
Replies: >>186761
Bharat is a superpower
Replies: >>186649 >>186651
needs more Pakis and Indians tbh
>i-its only london
classic rinniecope am i right lads?
how many times have you heard this one?
don't forget to mark off your rinnie bingo card
Replies: >>186646
calm down
I wanna see her cunny
literal where?

I want Laura to make me food ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Replies: >>186652 >>186654
Is it legal to marry a goat where you live?
Replies: >>186657 >>186658
cutest oishii in all of history
Replies: >>186653 >>186669
I know, also her double hand point is adorable lol
Replies: >>186655
Little Laura chef onboard your ship wearing that exact outfit ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Replies: >>186656
yeah :3
Maid Laura <3 
Catgirl Laura still top though
Replies: >>186659
he lives in Croatia
Replies: >>186661
Catgirl Laura can conduct evening rounds and swipe for dust with her finger and if she finds anything wrong you get the whip >:3
Replies: >>186660
Why can't this be my reality ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Replies: >>186662
Are you based caucasian indo-aryan assyrian/iranian or are you filthy camel fucker dune coon sand peoplenigger tusken raider?
ikr ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ lel
Whelp, tiem for waifu drems hopefully. GN catbros o/
Replies: >>186665
most white lgs do nothing for me tbh
Replies: >>186673
anime girl dreams?
Replies: >>186762
referring to real females as "waifus" is cringe af
Replies: >>186668
but we call real lgs lolis
not by a long shot
piroga jr absolutely destroys that tartar monke, even sonya m was much prettier than she ever was
Replies: >>186675
Bad taste bro
show me these girls!
Replies: >>186681
new wokeflix/tyle perry slop be like:
we call agree tyler perry and jordan peele are massive racists right?
that's what happens when you only tell one perspective right? when you only hire one race of person?
Replies: >>186678
* we can all
delusional braindead spic
Replies: >>186896
I don't care she's perfect to me
lolis cant compete with teen goddesses
Replies: >>186683 >>186684
pretty and my type but lolis mog zoomer retard teens tbh
Replies: >>186685
she lost weight pedo chud
Replies: >>186769
lol some mexican on KC posting with a comment NZ made
Replies: >>186690
good morning catchannel, who's got some tryhard bullshit they can say I'm "upset" over today
Replies: >>186688 >>186690
rent free
Replies: >>186689 >>186690
>36 minutes ago

>7:45:49 PM
>7:46:11 PM
fucking LOL
Replies: >>186692
nigger literally sitting here waiting to jump on my post
cope youre the one who doesnt have a life brannie
Replies: >>186693
>Reddit leftists are having an absolute meltdown over based Elon noting we need to have more legal immigration so the country remains strong in our diversity. This shit rattled them so bad it is on their frontpage. Hating immigration is Reddit, and /pol/ supports Elon in this. If you don't you have to go back.
fucking lel
>if [person I hate] [dislikes] [THING] then [THING] = based
>if [person I hate] [likes] [THING] then [THING] = cringe
brandon why do you try to pretend like youre smart
Replies: >>186697 >>186698
Replies: >>186698
first posts i saw. leaving again for now
Replies: >>186699 >>186704
i just got here, leaving again
Replies: >>186701
who are you?
Replies: >>186702
Replies: >>186703 >>186706
so why should anyone care?
Replies: >>186705
>visit brandonchan
>disappointed people are posting about brandon
Replies: >>186767
cope loser
Replies: >>186707
all anons are jole according to brandon
Replies: >>186707
>all anons that post at brandon exactly like jole does are jole
and only jole himself cares enough about it to correct that they're not jole
Replies: >>186708
cope loser
Replies: >>186709
Replies: >>186710
cute girl
Replies: >>186711
just the right amount of smug "do you believe this shit"
Replies: >>186712
xD I love smug lolis
Replies: >>186713
Why don't you... take me there? Want to feel some infinity. Why don't we... just dare? Coz after all remains... eternity!
Ohh, can't anybody see? We've got a war to fight... Never found our way. Regardless of what they say.
rare spotting
I got nobody on my side, and surely that ain't right. Surely that ain't right...
cutie vlada
Replies: >>186722
How can it feel this wrong? From this moment, how can it feel this wrong?
doesn't look like her but I'm no expert
my wife tbh
Replies: >>186724
yeah it's her
based get her to show her ass tbh (pls)
Replies: >>186726
Do you think she bathed that day?
idk the hair looks totally different
Replies: >>186738
need to cuddle stinky greasy unwashed vlada
Norland church is called Church of Saint Sofia, lol. Nice.
Replies: >>186734 >>186738
>all this shit from the 90's, not one modern woke example, especially of education getting completely demolished for being "racist"
I swear Elon and co are just fucking with people now
Saw you riding on a moon cloud
Saw you walking on a whirlpool
From the corner of my eye
I saw you

Saw you sitting on a sunbeam
In the middle of my daydream
Oh my Lady Fantasy
I love you
Oh you playing it? I've been spending too much time on it... lmao
lol Elon suspends account that ratio'd him on immigration
Some foreign lord was sleeping with one of my noble's wife today. So I chalenged him to a duel and fucking decapitated him, lol...
Not yet, I bought and installed it and just looking over the overview of it. Will play some in a bit^^
Replies: >>186760
girls change their hair all the time xD Vlada does it a lot
based tbh lol 
what game is it?
elon is based tbh he makes soyniggers cry and wants to nuke mars for fun
Replies: >>186744 >>186760
My wife is looking beautiful
the original "fuck me" eyes
Im starting to understand people who take hormones otherwise you have to shave every other day

Replies: >>186748
Someone on Runescape bought her that hat because she was a girl.
>Ukranian kidnap-recruited on his wedding day

>elon is based tbh he just wants to import a billion jeets and has been sitting on X with his jeet employees bashing whites all christmas
Replies: >>186745
Has he actually? Fuck him then kek
Replies: >>186747
Wow all the white countries
it's alllllll over /pol/ lel, one of the main "engineers" at X has been on a tangent
Replies: >>186751 >>186754
do it become trans
Replies: >>186750
No im just saying i understand them now
Replies: >>186752
oh lmao is he actually anti-white? I thought he fucking hated immigrants I thought he was redpilled on niggers too
Replies: >>186766
Replies: >>186756
His three youngest kids have a Jewjeet mum
Replies: >>186755
I didn't even know he had kids or a wife tbh, does he have a loli daughter?
Replies: >>186770
Its not like i need to shave anyway you can only see my hair on pits,pubes and face on the mirror but if you have normal hair damn thats gonna be painful doing almost everyday even if i did it, it would be not pleasant.
Replies: >>186757 >>186771
Ngl bears growth is annoying
Replies: >>186779
Cap loads for me without twitter
London needs more immigrants its only more than half!
Norland. A mix of crusader kings and rimworld, basically.

There's an achievement called "In the name of Sofia". lol
Replies: >>186763 >>186765
>My country is ran by a cuck
good get
Oh that sounds pretty cool
just a conspiracy theory bro
Sofia, Sooooofiiaaaaaaaa!
Elon was against Trump until after the first assassination attempt
Replies: >>186774
this is me when there isnt cp on catchannel
lol outright laughing at the idea MAGA voters got scammed
Replies: >>186772 >>186774
Supposedly the Jewjeeta hybrid conceived via IVF
Replies: >>186774
I just use a hair trimmer on my beard. I haven't shaved since I was a kid and it was first growing in patches so needed to clear cut it.
Replies: >>186778
indian girls are sexy
Replies: >>186773 >>186774
- nobody
Replies: >>186776
oh shit, I don't really follow twitter shit lol
haha imagine going for a pajeet wife 
hahah really? Why? Low t?
they poo on the street and don't wash
Well thats just bullshit actual skillful people can actually get jobs
Whats that
Replies: >>186782
Silvia did you edit something i cant see my ping
Replies: >>186781
like a hair trimmer razer when they cut your hair
Replies: >>186785
white men crave brown pussy
its not wrong to tease closet pedos and call them pedophiles
Replies: >>186805 >>186806
mkay dont see how thats different from the other thing
Replies: >>186790 >>186799
oh what the fuck
Replies: >>186845
not as bad as i thought
disgusting i do not understand the appeal of butthole
Replies: >>186789
gay they are sexy
it's electric
Replies: >>186793
I don't
post pic
I don't
Replies: >>186797
its worse when she spreads it
Replies: >>186796
you simp for masclot
Replies: >>186798
go outside
No knife, no time. Takes me a minute to shave with the trimmer and I don't need to trim every day because there isn't any weird growth stage like you have from actual shaving. I trim my beard like once a week or so.
Replies: >>186800
post pic
Replies: >>186801
Replies: >>186802 >>186814
i have oneblade and its about the same size
Replies: >>186803
Yeah same thing basically. Shaving is with a knife, bad for the skin.
Replies: >>186804
This thing:
Sucks, I was happy when my beard started growing properly so I could never use this thing again LOL.
it's why we love Jole
Replies: >>186807 >>186810
it's hot when lolis do it
jole isnt a pedo like you brandon hes just here to bully you as a hobby
Replies: >>186808 >>186811
Replies: >>186809
i like doin it idgaf
most people wouldn't go onto a pedo board just to bully someone, they would stay away from this kind of place altogether
Replies: >>186813 >>186816
and jole woukdnt talk to me cause im a underage girl but he was commenting on his dick pics in the chat ๐Ÿ˜†
Replies: >>186815 >>186817
Catchan isn't a pedo board, it's just a board eith a lot of pedos on it tbh

Get a safety razor instead
post his cock
It's not a pedoboard with jole on it but a brandonboard with pedos on it
Replies: >>186820 >>187224
cutie pie tbh
What drives pedos to Brandon post?
>this is the cope James actually believes
Replies: >>186823
I dont think he believes in anything else than Brandon posting
Replies: >>186824
nah he totally believes it doesn't make him pathetic

is this first woman or man
Replies: >>186826 >>186842
gay man
Replies: >>186827 >>186842
so that'd be
Replies: >>186828 >>186842
. . .
Replies: >>186830
Replies: >>186831 >>186833
Am i speaking to chatgpt or why am i not getting clear answers?
Replies: >>186832
Why are they so messy...
>it's a gay man
<so does that mean it's a woman or a man
>gay. man.
<I'm still confused is he male or female??
Replies: >>186838 >>186840
nothing here has been washed since it was bought
isn't it very obviously a man idgi
also those songs are not anywhere remotely near the best of the 80's tbqh
Replies: >>186836 >>186839
was thinking that too tbh they're all shit
I like this degen foid
Replies: >>186841
Ok mr chatgpt...
i didnt even watch the video
Its like if i ask you yes or no and you say maybe + 200 other words
Replies: >>186842
she's kinda cute ngl
>Its like if i ask you yes or no 
>is this first woman or man
>gay man
>????????? idgi did you say woman or man
Replies: >>186843
Man or a woman Brandon its that simple
Replies: >>186844
it's a gay man aka "male" aka "man" aka "every trans female"
Replies: >>186846
it's an ass
Man or Woman Brandon? im not reading your wall of cope
Replies: >>186847
10/10 Jole impersonation
actually 9/10 because it's kind of funny so better than Jole
Chudmala Harris
fapped to this
Replies: >>186852
Replies: >>187224

fapped to this
Replies: >>186855
karmala harris
Replies: >>186856
>foot fetishist
Replies: >>186858 >>186868
they are still counting
>have to reroll the circuit after almost every post
FUCK finland holy shit
Replies: >>186859
Well i just picked up food i dropped with my foot (fries kind of food) and ate it
Thats wee bit rude
Brandon Kamala can't win anymore let it rest
Replies: >>186861 >>186866

I want to marry this girl
Replies: >>186864

I want to marry this girl
Replies: >>186865 >>187224
go for it
>s-she can still be president for like a month if Biden would just RESIGN *crying soyjak*
Vlada is kinda cute but her personality sucks
Replies: >>186896
Brandon i got it now
Replies: >>186869
I koew you would eventually
Replies: >>186870
i just had to reopen the photo, and think to myself where did this guy get the foot from
Brandon i was trying to open a bracelet for 20 minutes the other day eventually succeeded then put it on and closed it and forgot how to open it again and just decided to force it through my hand
Replies: >>186876 >>186880
brandon is really a famous guy
Replies: >>186873
Not many people have made name for theirselves on imageboards without killing people/threatening
Replies: >>186875 >>187224
want to kiss
<People think im making this up so they wont respond to this
Its hard being low iq
In the promise of another world, a dreadful knowledge comes... How even space can modulate and earthly things be dooooooooooooooooooooooone????
those tiny clasps are a bitch
Replies: >>186882

Taking lgf for a ride in my bike
So im not retarded then?
Replies: >>186883
I think your retardation status and the difficulty of tiny jewelry clasps are unrelated issues?
Replies: >>186884
If you have high/average IQ you learn simple things within seconds with low iq it can take months to years to learn stuff
Replies: >>186885
there's knowing how the tiny clasp functions, and there's being able to manipulate it successfully with bits of your fingernails
Replies: >>186886
i dont think i even figured it out i just accidentally somehow opened it
too young for such a perfectly hot position
I don't think I've ever seen any untranslated jap porn games even using that position
Replies: >>186893
I like that I don't even have to bother using X since /pol/ is all over it anyway
Whites do need to have more kids. Sadly wealth and intelligence usually results in having less children for some'd think it would be the opposite.
Replies: >>186894 >>186901
This is the direct result of womens rights

Replies: >>186902
facts, cope
laura is overrated, lei is better
you might have facial blindness no offense, it's obviously her
but elon is le based now, couldn't be
that's a plus
she's the only girl that would give us a chance
laura is not overrated she is beautiful
>she's the only girl that would give us a chance
Yeah, could probably buy her with vaoe pens
Replies: >>186899
nice scene
we've been subverted into half of us hating the other half and vice versa, and subverted further into this notion of anything but "racially pure breeding" being some waste
Replies: >>186908
this girl has crazy energy
excellent tummy though
all the simping and the ethotterry and the hoeflation just makes things worse
>she's the only girl that would give us a chance
Only because she does everything that is edgy
Replies: >>186912
>no vlada to tell me off
i suffer
Replies: >>186910
brandon if you had 3 nukes where would you deploy them?
Replies: >>186907
jerusalem, DC, silicon valley
Replies: >>186909 >>186911
White women dont want babies, testorone levels are dropping.

its joever jews won
fucking based
i still see this as an absolute win
Replies: >>186912
interesting but using 2 in the states? seems kinda wasteful
Replies: >>186914
meant for
i would win her affection eventually
you want the 3 to have a maximum impact, those are 3 of the hydra heads
Replies: >>186915 >>186917
you make a good point
if I had a 4th I'd drop it in the middle of the outback AUS to take out the 5eyes server farms
Germany, UK, France
I would drop all three of them in brandon's house
Replies: >>186919
>I had an opportunity to do some good in the world, and I said, "nah fuck Brandon Robert Kelley"
Replies: >>186921
one less pedophile in the world brandon
Replies: >>186922
nigger using nukes on me like Kylo Ren screaming MORE at Luke
like I'm going to somehow miraculously survive the first nuke hitting my house, and he needs to MAKE SURE
I've moved beyond rent free into fucking Grimm's fairy tales monster tier in his mind
I don't know brandon maybe pedophilia gave you super powers or something and one nuke might not be enough
Replies: >>186926
every paedophile has an anti-nuke and loli storage bunker
i'd protec brandon in my underground superbunker so he can shitpost forevr
>direct hit Darth Jole, Baltimore has been obliterated
Replies: >>186946 >>187105
god I'm going to be laughing all fucking night now, thanks
Replies: >>186931 >>186932
you are welcome brandon
Brandon thats not healthy
Replies: >>186934
brandon I will consider it a win if you die laughing
Replies: >>186934
I was literally just typing how that was the plan and then >>186933
Replies: >>186935
>sir where the target was is now a 300 meter deep crater
The behavior you're describing could be related to a few different concepts, depending on the context. If it involves a strong compulsion to express sexual desires, it might be characterized as hypersexuality or sexual compulsivity. If it's more about seeking attention or validation through sexual expression, it could relate to attention-seeking behavior. If you feel that this desire is interfering with your daily life or relationships, it might be beneficial to talk to a mental health professional for support.
Israel must be protected from these nukes, hit China instead!
no worries they'll just bounce off the iron dome into lebanon
Replies: >>186943 >>186969
lesbians btfo
noo think of the children
Replies: >>186969
they are white country tbh
Replies: >>186969
the fallout will reach israel doe so its still a win
Replies: >>186944
goys wearing radiation suits is extremely antisemitic and cultural appropriation
still sniggering
Replies: >>186949
would kiss and drink milk with her whilst watching tv tbh
Replies: >>186950
dead eyes no soul
brandon you now have 1 antimatter bomb. this is a big one be careful whereyou launch it
Replies: >>186951 >>186954
Replies: >>186952
yellowstone caldera
Replies: >>186956
xD Do you have a Vlada pic for every occasion?
Cute and based drinker of moo juice tbh, I wish she was still this young
either that or the point in the mediterranean where that massive underground gas pocket is closest to the surface
brandon's house
Replies: >>186955
mama mia
i thought you would have dropped it on jole but it would still reach him probably
Replies: >>186959
hell no i need my deals
Replies: >>186969
queen <3
yeah that one probably fucks all of us, sorry, it's for the best, really
Replies: >>186960
Why not just bomb pissrael for fun so we don't all die from a possible super volcano eruption?
Replies: >>186962
Replies: >>186963 >>186966
if you wreck Israel without wrecking the capability of the US then they're just going to turn it to their advantage like always, please refer to my book "Why anything less than a 100% shoah is a waste of time"
Replies: >>186966
in truth you probably can't even "bomb" the caldera and have that effect since it's a pressure buildup issue that bombing it would probably relieve, it likely wouldn't disrupt things any more than bombing anywhere else and what that would shit up into the atmosphere
Replies: >>186966
volcano eruption is like a zit popping on its own
shit that looks like UK lol
Based NZ getting to hold hands with vlada on holiday tbh
Yeah but just for fun tbh, I think it would be very fun 
You could create a superdeep borehole and then drop the bomb down that?
Replies: >>186967
you're never going to get a bomb that has the kind of eruptive pressure magma buildup in the earth can have tbh
Replies: >>186971
the caldera is mostly an issue because it would shoot so much shit up into the atmosphere the sun would be blocked for years
Think of the little Jewesses!
Yeah and they keep the browns in the area in check?
Order from India?
>Yeah and they keep the browns in the area in check?
Replies: >>186972
all the more reason to use it on Israel then!
Yeah but chink lolis are cute and won't subvert me!
Replies: >>186972
they are, after all, simply an extension of our own white man power into the region, nothing more

you make a good point, oy vey never forget the 6 million jews antimatter bombed in Israel, goy
Replies: >>186973
lmao oh yeah they'd do that wouldn't they
the jews owe me a lgf
Replies: >>187011
i'm obsessed with this video
i feel like i'm being psyoped
and also feel like i want to
fucking hell even the lolis and hebes are glowniggers now
>tfw that isn't my girlfriend
why even live tbh
Replies: >>186978 >>186990
reality sucks :/
Replies: >>186985
so, wait a minute, does she straighten her hair, or what? >>186722
because straight hair like she has there doesn't do what's in the pic
Replies: >>186992
every time I remember seeing it, it's been straight
but I am no expert
Replies: >>186982
we will all get our gfs one day...
she changes her hair all the time cuz she's edgy, she had nigger braids at one point
brandon kamala lost get over it stop trying to talk poltards into suicide
Just found a random racist loli vtuber that's making a game about auschwitz and niggers lmao
No Reality is cool.
Replies: >>186986 >>186987
reality makes little girls grow up to be vile hags and reality has proven to me that I'll never have Laura as a wife :/
Replies: >>186988
I don't have lgf right now so it sucks
Replies: >>186989
>I'll never have Laura as a wife :/
the jews owe us lgfs
>why even live tbh
there is no point in living
Replies: >>186991
alcohol and cute girls
i think it's just badly unkempt
>cut in commenters about her bad hygine
just came to vlada's psyop video + bad stuff again
i want to die tbhrhngl
>+ bad stuff
Replies: >>186999
>vlada's psyop video
Replies: >>186997 >>186998
but she was fully clothed and not even showing tummy or butt lol what did you nut to
Replies: >>187000 >>187002
this >>186975
>see lyrics
Replies: >>187005
ideas are hot
+other stuff
Replies: >>187003
hey i wanna nut too!
besides when when a girl is sufficiently beautiful her face suffices
could be covered from head to toe
Replies: >>187004
sea pee
Replies: >>187007
Yeah she slut I could fuck.
Replies: >>187010
I like sex
I like little girls
bro wtfโ€ฆ
Replies: >>187009
slept from 11:30am to 8:05pm ๐Ÿซ 
that's what he meant by "other stuff" that's all I was saying kek
she pure nyasha now
wholesome guitar girl
I think everyone would switch sides to be Jew friendly if they just offered cute lgs for supporters, yeah.
Replies: >>187013
Replies: >>187224
Yeah I'd support them if they gave me a lgf and stopped importing mohammed and his friends into Europe tbh :/
Replies: >>187015
hey, I love mascot
>Yeah I'd support them if they gave me a lgf and stopped importing mohammed and his friends into Europe tbh :/
Its the people in charge of your country doing it
Replies: >>187017 >>187018
Its a leftist mindset to blame jews instead of your own government
UK went to shit after the Queen died ngl.
Replies: >>187019
which is controlled by kikes, you fucking retard, the Rothschilds live in my country. 
How cute of you to think the politicians aren't ran by kikes
Replies: >>187020
True :/ I hope Cunnyprincess Charlotte becomes redpilled and orders us to take to the streets lynching nigs
Replies: >>187039
<Blame the private sector instead of public
<Totally not leftist btw
Replies: >>187023
Private corps, people arent voted to serve you its the government you should blame them.
If you government is willing to destroy your country for money well its your fault for voting those people in
Replies: >>187025
Karma tbh you can get fucked, I'm not getting baited into your faggot argument again
Replies: >>187024
Jews won, cope.

God bless Israel
Replies: >>187026 >>187049
>Hmm what party should I vote for, the red jewish party or the blue jewish party?

Fucking retard stfu
Replies: >>187029
not clicking on anything you post tbh
Replies: >>187027
You already clicked on the reply
Replies: >>187030
>t-the jews
Weak and feeble nazis cant do anything against the jews
>My guy gets elected
Wtf i love jews now
<My guy does not get elected
Jews need to be killed
why is karma being so mean to rin
Replies: >>187034 >>187037
What did i say?
Not my fault if he gets triggered like snowflake
I miss Bolsonaro
Replies: >>187040
he's been weirdly aggressive with me the last few weeks, just trying to start arguments for no reason lol, fuck him I'll just ignore him
Nigga cant handle reality ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Make Britain great again! Put the future Queen in charge!
Replies: >>187043
he will be elected again in 2026
Replies: >>187041
Replies: >>187042
Fuck you you bloody bastard bitch fuck
Replies: >>187044 >>187046
A G R E E D! 
She's a cutie, bratty princess ftw
Cope Brannie white race won
Replies: >>187045
The synagogue of Brannie
fuck you bloody
Koomieโ€™s logic tbh
Replies: >>187048
why micronesia though, this song makes me kek
Replies: >>187052
When do lbs hit the wall for you??
Replies: >>187053
Ranking based on flag alone, Israel is pretty high up there. Nice flag. ๐Ÿ‡ฐ๐Ÿ‡ท is nice too, and ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ท
idk even what that is
r8 my new t-shirt
in terms of vexillology I think the union flag is pretty cool tbh, it stands out, also the Welsh flag is literally a fucking dragon so that's also cool. 
Nepal have a cool flag because they just said "Fuck your rectangles" and I like that. 
I like the confederate flag too
Replies: >>187058
The pride flag is pretty cool

Replies: >>187065
it'd piss off wokeniggers so 10/10, but also looks like something a pajeet would wear
Really? I bet people buy that. 
๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง is nice yeah. So nice so many other countries "steal" it, LOL. I was going to put Wales too because it does look nice, but looks difficult for a flag (same with Bhutan flag ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ท๓ ฌ๓ ณ๓ ฟ).
Replies: >>187061
All flags that are only 2-3 lines are boring. At least make it a cross!^^
Replies: >>187061
Yeah xD I didn't know until kinda recently Hawaii still has the union flag on it, however I can't remember the reason why lol, also yeah Bhutan one is cool! I always forget about that one, it's really unique. Pretty fascinating country too, you're not allowed to freely roam it which sucks though, but their monarchy are so nice, I wanna go. 
Russian one is at least very identifiable though :) Moscow flag is awesome I think
Replies: >>187069

>The pride flag is pretty cool
Youโ€™re not joking you never were and will be joking about that
Replies: >>187070 >>187076
Replies: >>187067
Its true though Americans are stupid and unproductive
Replies: >>187071 >>187072
I didn't know Bhutan flag either, I'm just looking through all the emoticons and picking from there which ones I think look nice.
The tranny flag is cute
And overpaid.
Replies: >>187073
Arenโ€™t you American?
Replies: >>187074
Some would think so
So I wonder if importing a bunch of Indians will make Americans work harder to get the jobs?
Replies: >>187077
It's a rainbow, honestly. Rainbows are nice. Not our fault degenerates tarnished its meaning.
Nah they'll just complain and vote Bernie Sanders/Andrew Yang ubi faggot in and destroy the country
Nah i dont actually like it, too many colours.
Very true thanks for the proper reasoning based ILC
Yeah, they are trying to change the actual meaning (which is a reminder of God's wrath when he wiped out the degenerates with the flood). Guess the homos thought it would be cute to "take it back"?
Replies: >>187081
I thought the homos were wiped out by an explosion or fire or something
Replies: >>187082
No, that's the next one.
Replies: >>187083
According to the biblical account in Genesis 19, Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by God with fire and brimstone (sulfur and fire) due to their extreme wickedness and sin. The specific sins mentioned in the biblical account include:
Inhospitality and oppression of strangers (Genesis 18:20-21, Ezekiel 16:49)
Pride and arrogance (Ezekiel 16:49, Isaiah 1:10)
Greed and excess (Ezekiel 16:49)
Lack of concern for the poor and needy (Ezekiel 16:49, Deuteronomy 27:19)
Sexual immorality and perversion (Jude 7, 2 Peter 2:7)
Replies: >>187084
Guess that counts, but only two places.
Replies: >>187085
So the flood was for the giant homos known as  the Nephilim?
Replies: >>187086
No, the flood killed almost everyone. And the rainbow was created to say that God would not flood the earth again (leaving fire for the next one).
what an absolute gigakike this south african nigger is showing himself to be
Replies: >>187088
What did you expect heโ€™s into a future based on technocracy.
>Maybe this is a helpful clarification: I am referring to bringing in via legal immigration the top ~0.1% of engineering talent as being essential for America to keep winning. 

>This is like bringing in the Jokicโ€™s or Wembyโ€™s of the world to help your whole team (which is mostly Americans!) win the NBA. 
>Thinking of America as a pro sports team that has been winning for a long time and wants to keep winning is the right mental construct.
Replies: >>187090 >>187092
Sports analogies help Americans conceptualize things.
Replies: >>187091 >>187097
imagine being an unemployed american with an engineering degree reading all this bs
Replies: >>187093
Replies: >>187094
Reduce your salary to a Wendy's worker (what Indians are willing to work for). They are engineers too, of burgers, so it's fair.
>woman talking
Replies: >>187108
I coomed a fat one to mascot wowww
Replies: >>187096
The pic of her in an amusement park? Same nutted out at least a year of my lifeโ€™s worth of coom
Replies: >>187098
Replies: >>187101
no, a recent video of hers
I love making cummies for my queen
Replies: >>187099
where? how? i want too
paedos are mentally ill
The Shivering Truth is the new XRA.
Replies: >>187102
Replies: >>187104
Another banger post by video-anon
still sniggering
So deep and powerful wonโ€™t get preg
Replies: >>187107
pretty sure only women can get pregnant, and there are none here
Replies: >>187109
Men just havent tried enough
Replies: >>187110
I'm not sure how many more dicks Jole can take tbh
Replies: >>187111
As much as needed
i woke up from nap like i wanna go sleep but instead i got tea so im gonna suffer awake for bit longer
Replies: >>187113
it's like a nap every time I go to sleep lately tbh
Replies: >>187114
Brandon whats your thoughts on Elon Musk and the recent revelations
Replies: >>187115
everybody forgets that the left loved him as muh real life Tony Stark right up until he bought twatter
Replies: >>187116
I think he's great guy
Replies: >>187120
laughing at that dead deer meme
he's a great guy
>something something Kamala voter
Replies: >>187121
Brandon i cant vote in the USA you are being electlusional
Replies: >>187124
I declare Elon Musk a honorary Indian
Replies: >>187123 >>187128
Ive started shitting on the street to save energy
Replies: >>187126
I was going to criticize this portman toe but I can't come up with any better, you found a tough one
Replies: >>187125
I like Sam's response
We are importing Indians here too, i think they are creepy rapists and stuff but they treat women with proper respect.
Replies: >>187131
>i think they are creepy rapists and stuff but they treat women with proper respect.
Replies: >>187133
that's a big black beaver
yes, cute.
Now that you said it makes me think of the naked gun scene
Replies: >>187139
>the main person criticizing Musk on twatter and getting un-checkmarked for it is a jewess
Man, they've fucked the narratives up so much, lol, everyone is confused as shit
Replies: >>187140 >>187149
Brenny what u doing for nye?
Indians love Jews i think they sell alot of weapons and equipment to them
Replies: >>187141
>thanks, I just had it stuffed
Nobody is confused branny trump is establishment controlled opposition. Billionaires are all on the same team working to keep us all down and in slavery
>love jews
>also love Hitler
Indians are weird
Replies: >>187144
Elon musk said we need more immigrants
brandon stop ignoring jole
Replies: >>187146
>Indians are weird
Are they the imageboard people?
Replies: >>187147 >>187151
Brannie you got caught up in the psyop and picked a side but there are no sides. The circus is a distraction. The establishment is working against citizens. Simple as.
wait, Jole is here? where?
>>love jews
>>also love Hitler
Replies: >>187151
Brandon trump and kamala are on the same team
Didn't they say this before the election? Magatards just refused to believe it
Replies: >>187150 >>187151
Are right wingers mad at Elon rn? i havent seen.
Replies: >>187152 >>187153

lol Trump himself has been sweating jewish semen on camera for months while they allllllll swore he was playing 6 million d chess
Replies: >>187154
I think so, but Trump said he wants infinity Indians too I believe.
I saw a video where he talked about this in ~june
Replies: >>187155
it's an online civil war right now supposedly
Replies: >>187160
I remember in WW2 atleast sand niggers were on the side of nazis
Replies: >>187157
this, he's been talking about "legal immigration" and passing out green cards to erryone since well before Elon was, but I guess it's another of those things people took as bullshit, since you can't tell when he's sincere or when he's full of shit and saying something for headlines/distraction
Replies: >>187158

The Indian Legion (German: Indische Legion), officially the Free India Legion (German: Legion Freies Indien) or 950th (Indian) Infantry Regiment (German: Infanterie-Regiment 950 (indisches)), was a military unit raised during the Second World War initially as part of the German Army and later the Waffen-SS from August 1944. Intended to serve as a liberation force for British-ruled India, it was made up of Indian prisoners of war and expatriates in Europe. Owing to its origins in the Indian independence movement, it was known also as the "Tiger Legion", and the "Azad Hind Fauj". As part of the Waffen-SS it was known as the Indian Volunteer Legion of the Waffen-SS (German: Indische Freiwilligen Legion der Waffen-SS).
you can find a lot of weird people in German uniforms for "racists" if you're looking
Yeah tbf it's a general problem in democratic politics. When politicians lie constantly naive normies simply choose which parts they want to believe
What I've noticed is that normies refuse blackpills. They will always go with delusional hopes over grim reality
Replies: >>187161
Well i saw a chart in which supposedly twitter consists roughly 50/50 of Repub and Democrat supporters 

ah here it is

Replies: >>187162 >>187165
it's a survivalist mechanism I think
sort of similar to an instinctive reaction to not stick your arm in a running woodchipper
hard to blame people, but just as hard to be a tranny and deny reality tbh
When is Elon gonna switch it back X is so retarded name.
I'm so sick of immigrants. Fuck the establishment. God dammit brandon why did you let this happen?
Replies: >>187167
it was majority leftist via hard censorship til Muck bought it, now it seems to be going back towards that, if actual right wing views like "h1b bad" are being censored again
Replies: >>187168
I like this chill guy meme, its wholesome.
I'm sorry, they were too cute, I had to let them hide out in the attic
Elon reminds me of you, all against cucking the site until he was in charge
Replies: >>187169 >>187170
Its human nature
how are you doing tonight, James?
Replies: >>187171
Fine brandon and you?
Replies: >>187172
Just fine, thanks
surprised I didn't get a "jolusional" out of that one
Replies: >>187175
Elon is such a snake but it was obvious just like it was obvious trump was controlled establishment opposition.
Replies: >>187176
You weren't being jolusional, why would I say it?
>it was obvious trump was controlled establishment opposition.
pretty much what I've been saying for years now tbh
As much as id like to Libertarianism work it would never people only care about censorship when its their guys most humans are inherently selfish/biased and now i forgot mid sentence what i was going to say so lets just leave it at that then.
Replies: >>187179 >>187180
it's nice when we can agree
I know this feel
Replies: >>187181
Why is this a bad thing? Fuck the others, give me a white nationalist country that has high trust society and laws that reflect it
Replies: >>187184
We had to make our laws and punishments so aggressive and aimed at punishment over rehabilitation because that's all non whites know
Replies: >>187185
Society was more trusting and kinder and loving before that was abused
> give me a white nationalist country that has high trust society and laws that reflect it
Impossible whites are cucks
this, give Brievik the modern playstation he deserves
Replies: >>187186 >>187187
>Elon teached the shit tier trolls "subtard"
>now every other shit tier troll post on /pol/ is calling everyone subtards as a reply in itself
ah ok that explains it
People still using /pol/ are lost and you waste your time brandon
Replies: >>187191
I knew it wouldn't last
Elon really jumped on the fake alt right bandwagon and is trying to sell Indian workers to its audience. Can't even.
british beauty
Replies: >>187195 >>187196
Does she have a cock
more makeup than the Queen's corpse tbh
I like the nose though, very semitic
Replies: >>187199
lel I saw that, I like the way they were trying to play it up as a copycat

half of a child face

Replies: >>187204
Replies: >>187205
holy fuck that chick's glasses at 0:26
how can you even see in those without getting constantly distracted by the frames
just don't ask where all the gold went ยฏโ \โ _( โ ส˜โ โ€ฟโ ส˜ )โ _โ /โ ยฏ
Replies: >>187206
Replies: >>187208
Brannie ai has gotten so good we can make whole live action movies now
>The mystery of Argentinaโ€™s gold: Milei admits that it was transferred abroad, without specifying the quantities or destination
>While the government acknowledges that gold reserves have been sent outside the country, thereโ€™s no official information available regarding the purpose of the operation. The gold is now exposed to the risk of being seized, due to long-standing claims against Argentina made by foreign creditors
Replies: >>187210
Childe 2 is just a short but 3 will be a feature length film
seems like he's turning Argentina around though based on that vid
Replies: >>187212 >>187214
ยฏโ \โ _( โ ส˜โ โ€ฟโ ส˜ )โ _โ /โ ยฏ
Second highest approval rating in the world
hes a jew lover
Replies: >>187215
Jews are white
Replies: >>187216
*unless mobs are hunting whites based on jew hate-stoking of "fellow whites", then they're not white anymore
Replies: >>187217
That sentence is too complicated for me
Replies: >>187218
good goyim
Replies: >>187219
Brandon im low iq stop with your fancy language
Replies: >>187220
life of childe 2
Replies: >>187221
3 is gonna be better
Replies: >>187222
>*whoosh breaking the speed of sound*

punch yourself many times in the brain

punch yourself for not files.catboxing this








they need to be punched hard
Replies: >>187225 >>187226
I think they're just trying to be polite and not take up a shitload of space
I wonder how much of catbox's storage we account for
not sure they intended it to be used as a replacement for images on an IB
Replies: >>187229
Brandon stfu for a second Iโ€™m trying to wank here m8 FUCK
Replies: >>187230 >>187231
and over 10mb vids
Its ok we can all goon together
Replies: >>187232
should I talk like your mum to make you cum quicker
Replies: >>187233
Based Jew-lover
Tongue my anus instead
Replies: >>187234
>gayness is somehow superior to a mom fetish
ยฏโ \โ _( โ ส˜โ โ€ฟโ ส˜ )โ _โ /โ ยฏ
Oh no the American satellites are hitting us again
Replies: >>187236
it's like a full moon and werewolves except 5g and assless leather chaps
Brandon, do you use scripts or something to auto increase this or have you seriously manually typed 2370+ times.
Replies: >>187240 >>187244
I think he has to script
Replies: >>187245
yes but instead of boyfriend it's girlfriend and she's jewish so calls me goyfriend
Replies: >>187243
No way someone would do that manually
Replies: >>187248
Thats nice
>this man is utterly incapable of anything else but sneething at me in an endless picka'ing
>I think he has to script
Yeah it's what I am thinking.
without me James' ego would collapse in on itself
you're welcome
>No way someone would do that manually
I asked ChatGPT to write me code for a script that does so, it's simple to do.
Replies: >>187249
Replies: >>187253
Testing 1
Testing 2, yeah see the name field auto put the next number, neat.
I'll just let it get a couple #'s ahead so it's less confusing
I love AI.
take it away, seethebot
I might as well keep it on now.
this is confusing who is the real Brandon
Replies: >>187258
Just look to the guy who is Jolelusional.
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