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Being a homo is a bannable offence.

i hate you all so fucking much
on the next iteration of mellowchan all known pedophiles will be permabanned on sight
users will also be shown a slideshow of images of children and will be subjected to a penile plethysmograph test prior to posting to root out any pedophiles before access to the posting privileges are granted
Replies: >>207
what if we don't have a penis then what
Replies: >>2043
idk i guess you're exempt from the penile plethysmograph test
Replies: >>207
>>203 (OP) 
that's my posting privilege gone.
>not insisting on pp inspection anyway
cringe and pink pilled
Replies: >>208
unfortunately yeah
you can regain posting privileges by participating in the official mellowchan reeducation program
basically you will be spending 24 hours in federal prison but we'll be announcing your pedophilic tendencies to the other prisoners in advance
if you can make it out and you're not dead or in a vegetative state you can post again
Replies: >>209
this sounds a bit harsh but it's better than never being allowed to post on mellowchan tbh
Wish me luck
You will never be a woman
Replies: >>241000
a baby waved at me today
kek take that nadiekins
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