Anything I can add:
The delivered product differs significantly from what has been advertised: different design than what was advertised
The seller's efforts to remediate the problem have been insufficient
I am requesting under German law, Croatian law, and universal EU law per common sense remediation for a product repair or exchange
As the problem has been caused by the seller, he is to bear the entire cost associated with the process as well as ensure an uncomplicated process
I hereby rule out remedy via price reduction or extended warranty
The only acceptable solutions are: repair, exchange, or full refund
I will be hiring a local contractor who will inspect the bench for construction, usability, and safety once it has been returned to me
For your interest, I was born to two Croatians in Germany and have grown up here
Since I didn't get the chance to grow up in Croatia, since I was stripped of what is normally granted every member of its society, since I was not given anything, I feel no obligation to give anything either
I lack a sense of belonging, I have little connection to the country, and am not accustomed with its people, customs, values
As immigration does not work, the same holds true in regards to Germany
I am reminding you to adjust your expectations accordingly
I will not be accommodating any of your requests apart from what is required from me by the law
If the RMA process does not go smoothly, I will be hiring legal councel to assist me in this matter
I have archived all relevant information from your website and our communication to support my position and assert my rights if necessary