acid is an experience thing
it's really tough to abuse but not impossible, if you want to do it again the next day you have to take twice as much to not even feel half as good
I had more than enough experience, I stopped liking it really the 3rd or 4th time
up to the peak it's fucking awesome but the trip doesn't go away it's just this 12-15+ hour gradual comedown where you can't really get high off of anything else unless you practtically poison yourself with it, and it's just this itchy and greasy and tight feeling "ready to be done now"
it's an ancient chinese medicine kind of folklore thing that there's actually something to, the effects of it, it's huge profit for overpriced elite tier beauty shit and such, probably other things not publicly known
got tied up with their religious identity so now because they have to do it, damn sure going to try to mark the goy with it if they can get away with it