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Being a homo is a bannable offence.

My dick was pretty dead after that
Replies: >>171000

Replies: >>171003
acid is an experience thing
it's really tough to abuse but not impossible, if you want to do it again the next day you have to take twice as much to not even feel half as good
I had more than enough experience, I stopped liking it really the 3rd or 4th time
up to the peak it's fucking awesome but the trip doesn't go away it's just this 12-15+ hour gradual comedown where you can't really get high off of anything else unless you practtically poison yourself with it, and it's just this itchy and greasy and tight feeling "ready to be done now"

it's an ancient chinese medicine kind of folklore thing that there's actually something to, the effects of it, it's huge profit for overpriced elite tier beauty shit and such, probably other things not publicly known
got tied up with their religious identity so now because they have to do it, damn sure going to try to mark the goy with it if they can get away with it
A day of gooning? Like wtf.
Replies: >>171005 >>171012
Nope I could goon for 24h anytime I wanted
Replies: >>171004
I kneel.
Replies: >>171006
I was saving pics of children on twitter
Tiny peepee less hand movement?
Replies: >>171007
Must be how you can pull off a full day of jerking.
Replies: >>171008 >>171012
When you goon for long you start fearing that you'll be one of those guys on news who died by masturbating
Replies: >>171010
Imagine that... lol.
Replies: >>171011
Yeah lol
ยฏโ \โ _โ ( อก^โ€ฏแดฅ อก^)_โ /โ ยฏ
it's good to be a neet
idk I've had sex and all & the edging orgasms are good enough that I can do without all the other like little daily ones most of the time
they just don't compare
I always thought what if I died while baiting with a bunch of videos of lgs opened in my pc? What my relatives would think?
Replies: >>171015 >>171019
Wow what an chad
It'd be memorable at least
it's probably not a great thing for your expectations of what sex with a chick is gonna feel like since it's not as good, just like random hookup sex, without love; it probably makes you unable to enjoy regular sex, but I was tired of and done with all that anyway
Replies: >>171026
you would be dead
why do you care
Replies: >>171022
Sex? What's that
the dead feel no shame
Replies: >>171022
Idk. Maybe I would be alive as a ghost seeing their reactions.
Replies: >>171023 >>171025
idk, something seems to happen, but it's like this afterimage
I don't think it's "you" as in "conscious you" it's just a shade
ghosts would be doing TED talks if it was "conscious them"
I've never seen anything but people I know who wouldn't have made it up have seen shit while I was there that I didn't, and reacted like it was there, no drugs
there is nothing after death

it would be probably the ultimate act of cruelty to die and not warn your loved ones (clearly) it's fine, you're still here somewhere
or any hypothetical system in place that forbade you for some reason to warn them would still be stupid pointless and cruel
any the fact (fact?) no ghosts/angels/gods/demons have ever leaked that information (clearly)
so the most likely case is, there is nothing

it might as well be hurtcore cp in front of them playing, doesn't matter
there will be no shame, as with the death of you comes the death of the ego so none of this is problem
no one here knows what real sex is
* except for you, of course
Replies: >>171028
I never made any porn so you'll either have to take my word for it or not

aaaaaah nah I can't be the only one
Replies: >>171030
the qualifiers are I could play instruments and grew up in the pre-smartphone world where females were mostly limited to the guys physically around them
without that, who knows tbh, I'm definitely not a "player", women confused the shit out of me, my father never prepared me like should have been done and my single mom was a single mom
Replies: >>171032 >>171033
to my knowledge rest are only getting intimate with their hands
Replies: >>171031
ยฏโ \โ _โ ( -_-)_โ /โ ยฏ
I don't really think about it beyond the ones I kind of know from what they've said haven't tbh
yeah, join a band and you'll be shooing off pussy left and right
what instruments do you play
Replies: >>171037 >>171048
Replies: >>171036
teens are better
Replies: >>171039
Dao Yu was a drummer in Baltimore's underground grunge scene before he was ousted
Replies: >>171038 >>171041
for being a nonce
stop projecting nzie
Replies: >>171094
Grunge? Thought it was doom metal
Replies: >>171042
fusion pedo core jazz
Replies: >>171043 >>171048
Wtf she's wholesome christian girl?
Yeah seems nice
Can you repost it
Replies: >>171045
brandon post brandon post
It's what I like to do the most
Every time I brandon post
It gives me laughs it gives me hope
It fills the hole it makes me whole
I can't contain I can't complain
I just brandon post
Replies: >>171047 >>171092
now; none
I played guitar for a while but never got all that good at it before cts made it really painful
I can still do some things but I haven't seriously done anything with it in a long time, and I can't play for long before I have to sit it down again for a long while
I can screw around on most anything and make interesting noise without knowing what I'm doing but percussion was always the thing I was best at, cts ended that too though

Bert hated when I called what I liked to do most fusion, since fusion was already a known genre and I was talking about an effectively muttified melting pot
I like doing just about anything but I tended to gravitate towards heavy
Replies: >>171056
I have some kind of carpal fucking footal somehow too from the bass pedals
does the same shit as the hands too occasionally, tendons in my feet will lock up painfully for like 5-10 minutes
it's like the main tendon running between my big toe and the back of my foot, on the underside
it's funny to be in the middle of a song and get derpy crab claw and can only kind of hope you keep the stick in the fingers locked up and throw it at the drum or cymbal
Lint i came to the Anna video for you as an apology
>no tribute
might as well not exist
Replies: >>171054 >>171057
I dont think Lint would want one anyway
All is forgiven I guess?
Glad you saw the error of your ways.
they can fix carpal tunnel brannie
Replies: >>171062
fake pedo cumming to a 15yo
Replies: >>171058
>fake pedo cumming to a 15yo
smh, your palms will now get hairy and your spine will rot
Replies: >>171063
no thank you
not unless/until I can't use my hands anymore, since if they fuck that up somehow, you're not using your hands anyway
I do not trust the medical industry enough for that, I'll keep waht I have rather that roll the dice om getting back what I lost, since the thrill is gone anyway
Replies: >>171067
brandon is the new year
Just eat babies raw
Replies: >>171068 >>171069
what? the fuck?
i eat them medium rare
Replies: >>171081
cute white girl
What is this cancer?
Replies: >>171072
porn addiction final boss
Replies: >>171074
she's his gf
Replies: >>171075
thats just some cam model
Can't wait to see more exciting new gooning technologies in 2025
Replies: >>171077 >>171079
i think im sticking my dick inside a duck
why do you have this saved and ready to go
cultured jew
Disgusting tbh
nah it kinda cool
Replies: >>171085
id stick my cock in it
Not imo, but I don't like looking at vaginas too closely
Replies: >>171086
nothing prettier than a vagina
cool bagina
That one is still OK but if its gaping and you can see too much mucous membrane it's disgusting
Replies: >>171090 >>171091
shes cute
Replies: >>171093
I'm so high rn I wanna brandon post so bad
Replies: >>171095
Replies: >>171097
not me
Benny benny
mascot thinking about nzie
what the heck
Replies: >>171105
ugly boy
i always cum before shitting
he looks happy
any boy that can bend their leg like that is not straight
why dont you
why does it matter? cock is cock
Replies: >>171113 >>171114
lwd cant compete with bbc
Replies: >>171121
You guys are so lame and gay
Replies: >>171117
where brandon
Sorry im just horny
Replies: >>171123
Im not pedo though
do you care if the black guy is straight or not?
Replies: >>171122
if he lets a guy suck his cock hes not straight
Replies: >>171129
You could be brandon posting tho
Replies: >>171124
only jole cares about that
Replies: >>171128
๐Ÿ’ฉ kacke
Objectively untrue
Replies: >>171155
what about in jail or another situation with no female options?
Replies: >>171130
still gay
>Faggot math
I think most straight people would feel pretty gay letting a male suck them off, could be wrong though
Replies: >>171135 >>171137
Yeah if its any male
pretend to be a girl to make it less gay
Not if they like the guys personality
t. Foomie
wish i was gay and could fuck 1000 guys
Karma deleting his faggotposts.
Replies: >>171145
everyone already knows hes gay
Replies: >>171149
Mentally ill faggot.
karma should stop coping and just accept his homosexuality
there is a first for everything
is it gay for you to suck silvia's cock?
is gastonia a real place or am i tripping
Karma gives pedophiles a bad  name.
Don't shame Karma pls he's only a little gay anyway
Replies: >>171162
would you let him suck ur cock?
i want to get dommed by a 13yo girl
im weak a woman can overpower me
its natural for 5'4 "men" to become femboys
Because being rich is still masculine trait, you can create sense of security and stability.
what if mix of these?
i need to be controlled by a woman
ur the one that wants to suck cock
strong independent women like vlada are the hottest
Nah im straight
Women have shit personalities no-one falls in love with their personality lmao
Replies: >>171194
You just find them sexy
While i dont find them sexy so i have 0 reason to love them
Men i dont find sexy either but i like their personality
not true girls are amazing
Little girls i like both looks and personality
but its illegal
attraction is based on looks not personality, reality isn't a hollywood movie
you are just a big faggot
Karma women are really weak, a manlet can easily beat up most 185cm amazons.
height matters a lot
women are powerful
Ok lets think of relationship

Man what does he want
>smaller more stupid female

And woman what does he want
Tall, rich, smart, masculine guy who can provide sense of security etc.
Replies: >>171211 >>171229
Anna deleted the video ๐Ÿ˜”
Why are you up so early
Replies: >>171301
Would that be happy or forced relationship
vlada could beat me up
nope ur just retarded
only if you let her
Replies: >>171242
if she hits my balls im completely defeated
99% of women don't like femdom 
and men who are into femdom are a turn off for them
why are you such a cuck?
Replies: >>171221 >>171224
feels good to accept your place
maybe telegram did?
Replies: >>171293
no shit it's just a porn thing
Replies: >>171227
porn addiction!
idc if they like it women will turn me into their slave
lots of modern men have a thing for older women and want a mommy to be submissive to
Replies: >>171230
They just need a good raping
Replies: >>171232
You should just ignore it when women bring up their criteria, its bs
Replies: >>171231 >>171238
this its comforting to have a mommy taking care of you
Nah its the truth
Replies: >>171245
 there is research done that says most woman have had rape fantasies
Replies: >>171241
I have more female than man brain i know what women want
karma you could get a filipina 
they have really low standards. They even go out with old bald men!
Replies: >>171235
they go for the money
Replies: >>171236 >>171239
or better country
men want a mommy to drink milk from her boobs
this, all they care about is your face (and to a lesser extent your height)
you don't need that much money!
Replies: >>171240
Probably even hardcore feminist dykes lol
Replies: >>171247
cuck behaviour
Replies: >>171243
nah I'd rather be the dominant one
im gonna go sleep
Replies: >>171249
Replies: >>171246 >>171258
cringe girl
Replies: >>171248 >>171256
dykes don't really exist
a lot of them just hate men
Replies: >>171250
night fag!
need a woman hating dyke to take her anger out on me
Replies: >>171251 >>171252
*man hating
most of them are ugly and fat
Replies: >>171253
vlada isnt
Replies: >>171254
She isn't a full dyke
vlada needs my cock
fuck off you have no taste
historically people didn't marry for "love"
marrying for "love" is something modern
She always makes me laugh with her 100% authentic goofy cuteness :3
Better dance choreography than 99% of tiktok whores and it's improvised
Replies: >>171299
This is so dumb
Replies: >>171261 >>171266
is that what your history books say
Replies: >>171261
it's true
fairy tales and Disney films are not real!
Replies: >>171264
I love vladas personality
edging rn
finna feel so disgusted and guilty post nut lol
Ok chud
Replies: >>171267
Love doesn't exist beyond a fleeting feeling
t. angry foid
Replies: >>171277
t. "Have sex incel"
Replies: >>171278
i coomed...
Replies: >>171273
If love isn't real why do I love Vladas hebe butt
Replies: >>171279
i'm such a degenerate freak tbh ๐Ÿ˜ž
Replies: >>171276

Fucking based. Bet he would've hated harry potter as well if he was around to see it. Only redeeming thing about that whole slopfest was sexy little emma watson tbqh.
Replies: >>171272
i only ever saw the first one tbh
Replies: >>171275
ILC what's with the arab music to an FF8 clip?
Replies: >>171274
Oh shit i meant Esther 
Sorry ILC
Replies: >>171320
she was definitely cutest in that although the second one isn't so bad for Hermione cuteness. She got more cunty girl power feminist after that
how come
Replies: >>171280
t. Bitter pedo
Replies: >>171281
Ok chud
Replies: >>171281
ok this is based
i coomed to something very disgusting and evil
Replies: >>171282
die witch
what was it?
Replies: >>171284
a dead childe?
incest ๐Ÿคข
Replies: >>171285
real or fake?
Replies: >>171286
Replies: >>171287 >>171288
its not a big deal
If i was vlada's brother i would have sex with her
Replies: >>171290
If i was vlada's dad I'd have sex with her
she has a step bro
Replies: >>171294
Replies: >>171292 >>171320
she is pure sexoness
Annaโ€™s mom deletes content all the time for whatever reason. Completely innocuous stuff, so this isnโ€™t a surprise.
Replies: >>171296
what happened to her real dad? whore mother got bored?
Jucika invents a new fashion
Her mother said Anna runs the Telegram herself, though I suppose mom can be overseeing it despite that. Not sure.
Replies: >>171297 >>171302
Do you think they realized it was too lewd lol?
Replies: >>171300
I wonder what % of her followers are pedos
She's wonderful! And you can especially tell when it's someone else recording (like on set) she's always positive and ready to join in. And can lead the
Replies: >>171311
Well I can't see any other Admin listed for her account she she deleted it, question is did she decide to or did her mother tell her to ๐Ÿค”

Telegram did not delete it.
Christmas party.
She definitely still oversees it. Also she mass deletes on instagram constantly, so it seems sheโ€™s constantly thinking about/monitoring Annaโ€™s image.
Replies: >>171303 >>171304
Well she posted a regular picture in the shirt today, no visible boobs, so Advent Calendar still checked off for today. And wasn't expecting anything better than yesterday, though deleting it is disappointing.
Anna and her mum are really close I think. In that German documentary she kisses and hugs her mum constantly
Anna's mom is going to make her wear a bra, then it's over ๐Ÿ˜”
Replies: >>171306
You still have the video lol
Replies: >>171307
Replies: >>171310
Glorious ayyyreolas ๐Ÿ‘ฝ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿคค
lel traditional slavnigger crumping
itโ€™s christmas soon
lgf christmas
Replies: >>171313
Merry Christmas!
Half way through December and not shipment update, zzz.
>ABC News has agreed to donate $15 million to US President-elect Donald Trumpโ€™s future museum in order to settle a defamation lawsuit.

Trump is opening a museum? Kind of random?
Replies: >>171317
> museum 

They are probably talking about his eventual "Presidential Library"...every modern day U.S. President has one, since Herbert Hoover back in 1929
Those Presidential Libraries contain all of the personal papers and documents and shit from the term in office of that particular President
They are usually located in that President's home town, or home State...and they are built, funded, and maintained by private donations...not by taxpayer money...although, the Y.S. National Archives does have some oversight authority over them
Replies: >>171318 >>171328
>>171317 *
> Y.S. National Archives *

*  U.S. National Archives... keeping with the tradition of $300.00 gold tennis shoes, $100,000.00 made-in-China watches, TrumpCoin crypto, and is the latesr grift from this past week-- 




It's over.

that's ok

black Iva
ilovecunny lost
Replies: >>171322 >>171323

Shut the fuck up tbh
Don't you have a life?
life is a meme
Replies: >>171327
i like mcdonalds and consume it regularly
just don't think it's anything special, even if a cult tries to convince me otherwise
Replies: >>171326 >>171334
bro actually comparing anna pavaga to mcdonalds
Replies: >>171331
brandon is life and is brandon a meme?
Replies: >>171352
Weird, what's going to happen when there are no books anymore, government iPad display?
little girls
and when i want a michelin 3-star meal i eat at vlada's
lol, eat outside the McDonalds dumpster if that's your comparison with Anna.
Replies: >>171333
seethe finish simp
Replies: >>171334
This dude still mad.
Replies: >>171337
Anna Anna Anna Anna Pavaga!
Neat, Telegram deletes from cache too. Anna posted a video and then immediately deleted it and it's not in my cache either. Fortunately it was just a regular video^^
it was real in your mind, just that slut marias love for you
Replies: >>171338 >>171339
>so mad
Just because Anna gets a lot of love and attention from all her fans?^^
Anna rented a whole building complex in that dudes mind with just a 28 second video. Wow.
Replies: >>171365
I've never cummed to Anna (considered her like a daughter since I've watched her grow up like most of you) until that video came out and I see those glorious forbidden nipples, it activated a real lust boner for her and I had to cream for her, felt guilty after the fact then I shrugged and played video games to zone out, Thanks for reading.
Replies: >>171344
Dicks out for Anna
everyone fapped to it
How many views did the video have before her mother took it down?
Replies: >>171346 >>171355
You guys took it down with your tributes
Thousands of cocks spurted as a result of that short clip, Anna is pure but I can't really look at her the same now, I don't know... ๐Ÿ˜•
Replies: >>171348 >>171370
she basically got bukkake'd
Replies: >>171360
uuhm, what anna vid did i miss?
Replies: >>171351
How many sexual energy she stole from men with that video?
Replies: >>171360
You missed naked anna...
yes, brandon is a meem
Catchan will make anything about cocks
Replies: >>171354 >>171359
"the way she goes bud"
Around 8k.
Replies: >>171356 >>171362
can someone please repost it?
Replies: >>171357 >>171358
it's on onion
Replies: >>171361
No, it's too sacred now, we have to hoard it for 2 years and then it will be rare.
Hmm... virtual bukkake, I suppose most established well known/popular little girls on social media have been virtual bukkake'd, they're tainted in some sense, yeah it's not like 1000s potentially 10000s/100000s of guys actually came on their face in real life but it's still weird to know they've directly or indirectly caused so much sexual energy to be spent.

If little girls had power levels (like mana) I think it increases each time a man in the world releases his load (transfers sexual energy) to her, with logic in mind the most powerful little girls are also the most popular, essentially a form of digital succubus, they thrive off pedo cum one way or another.
link please. And im sorry for every time I posted answere here before xD
>Around 8k.
Thanks, If we are to assume at least 80% of those views are from individual men, that's still 6400 cocks, then if we be considerate and assume only half of those cocks came to that video that's still 3200 cocks, Anna's mana levels shall continue to rise should she continue such actions.
Replies: >>171363
is there a limit how high those mana levels can get?
Replies: >>171384
can someone please link onion?
Replies: >>171366
vlada bh > the entire pavaga clan

that fat faced cunt of her mother should get a job if money's tight, not force he daughter into child labour
Replies: >>171367
tnx fren.
> Anna is pure
lmao the delusional of anna fags is real
did you not see the video mate? that is not pure behaviour, that is KNOWING behaviour
classic tradrussthot move of soft/stealth whoring, keep in the down low = pure, they're the same as women anywhere else in the world they just hide it better
but we know the deal
i cant even find the vid
Replies: >>171372 >>171373
In the previous thread. Lint posted it.
Replies: >>171376 >>171707
Replies: >>171376
branny i miss u
Replies: >>171377
You're that same sad disturbed person that spams Anna hate on onion and as a result Lint, ILC and others end up just posting more of her. Anna is pure and upon realizing the mistake took down the video.
+ Lint i guess

That was sexx.
is that you and branny's love theme?
Replies: >>171381

Wouldnt think so, pal.
Replies: >>171380
>Anna posts the video
>Anna removes the video
Some people are just looking for a reason to be angry I think? Pity, Anna won^^
It was since she's not that type of girl, I believe she didn't realize her shirt was transparent like that under certain lighting conditions, once the predicable low IQ gooners showed up and left inappropriate comments about her nipples, her eyes must have widened in shock and she hastily took it down as is the right thing to do from a modesty sense.
Replies: >>171383
I wish brandon wasnt so standoffish and paranoid so we could have fun instead of fight.
Replies: >>171404 >>171438
anna is not pure anymore, that video is evidence to that

no amount of condescension you can throw my way will compound into an argument to the contrary somehow

if there's nothing wrong with the video you should keep up then? no problem, right?

i reuped it for you just in case

and again for the billionth time, what you mouthbreathers don't understand is that i like anna, you can post her just fine, it's not the btfo you think it is, im just making the point that this is thot behaviour because it is
you overstimate female pureness. All humans are sexual beings and aparently her mom is also human as well as anna. see that smile. Girls, especially multiK models dont do mistakes like that
>is there a limit how high those mana levels can get?
Yes but the cut off point is 18 years of age, it only declines from there no matter what the girl does.
This is why it's critical as a little girl to build up as much mana as possible when they have the looks.
Replies: >>171385
you miserable little jew! anna is still very much pure!
>that video is evidence to that
Well she took it down, so I don't really think it can be used for any argument anymore? ๐Ÿค”
If you're a little girl and you haven't had atleast one olympic size swimming pools worth of pedo cum spent on you, you're a failure.
Replies: >>171389
masclot on suicide watch
if you think anna posted that as a mistake you are on a level of cope that shouldn't even exist
Replies: >>171391
The mistake wasn't her appearing as sexy as she did, because that was very likely intentional. But she must have decided it was a mistake if she deleted the video (which we have to assume is the case, because there is no evidence her mother made he delete it, and her mother has already said Anna is the one running the Telegram herself).
I don't think the video was a mistake at all, her Telegram is supposed to be her personal "blog", not tied to business. So she should post whatever she wants. But oh well, I don't make the decisions on it, lol.
I just wish for more, tbh...
Replies: >>171394
Same, but since she deleted it, it's a clear sign we probably won't get anything similar (at least for a while) ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Replies: >>171396 >>171398
When is Anna's b-day?
Replies: >>171397
untill she gets horny again ;)
November 2.
Why she did that? She can't just make a lot of men crazy like that and not post more.
Replies: >>171399 >>171400
She is high level mana, Level 3 intelligent cock tease skilled unlocked.
A show of power?
Replies: >>171408
Everyone is going to be keeping a close eye on her Telegram for the rest of the month now.
Replies: >>171402
Thank you, Lint and others that monitor it for us that can't.
that sounded really gay
Replies: >>171406
>A lot of deleted posts. Did Karma go gay mode again?
Nah wasnt me
Replies: >>171407
well it wasnt!
Replies: >>171418
A lot of deleted posts. Did Karma go gay mode again?

Like I said. She's testing limits.
Replies: >>171409 >>171415
Hmm why was your name dropped
Replies: >>171410 >>171411
Lint much like Nzie doesn't anon post.
Quite often I forget to put trip on for first post.
Replies: >>171412
Forgot name too
Replies: >>171413
Yeah that's what happens when you leave namefield empty.

A couple of years ago there was a nipslip photoshoot. By your logic she has been โ€œimpureโ€ since then. Upon realization, said photos were taken down, same as with this recent video.
Replies: >>171416 >>171419
Limit test me Anna, I can take it!
Same with Vlada. She's far more impure by his view of things yet he is desperate to put her above Anna ๐Ÿ˜‚
Replies: >>171417
He probably got blocked and is now all pissy lmao.
it's okay, love can bloom on the battlefield imageboard after all
you can be our second homoaffective couple next from <3rin&nzie<3
if peados keep linking like that soon there will be no virgins here anymore
and then there will be no fights
one was made by accident, the other was made by herself, reviewed and posted
>she's far more impure by his view of things
she was also much younger and foolish, and gets a discount for that
Replies: >>171420 >>171423
But Anna hasn't shown her bh unlike Vlada ๐Ÿค”
Replies: >>171421 >>171425
What is the bh discount age?
You do realize the photos were also reviewed, sent to Anna/her mother, reviewed again and posted, correct?
Replies: >>171424
Nah they were self-shot, so mom could have just selected them and posted without reviewing each individual one.
Replies: >>171432
fake news
Replies: >>171427
post it then
Believe what you want because you know I won't prove it, but I've seen the pictures. 
>requesting cp
You've already got it.
Replies: >>171431
Uhh no lol
what do you mean
Replies: >>171439
Ok yeah I re-reviewed. She had pro shoots in the same outfit but the nipslip pics were selfies. But still, her mom surely selected her faves then posted them. Then upon realization deleted them.
Replies: >>171433
Giving her the benefit of the doubt it's more likely she asked Anna (Or Anna took it upon herself) to take a few pictures in the cute outfit they were doing a shoot in. 
Mom then either assumed none had a nipslip or only looked at the first few that didn't have one so selected all, instantly uploaded and then later found out about what she had missed.
Replies: >>171436
brenny why did you let catchan turn into this homosexual pedoground?
I literally said, if brandon posting didnt happen every day then wed all wind up in dark pedophile hell and now just look at things
True. Yeah, most likely.
Replies: >>171439 >>171443
>I wish Brandon would just get on board with stickers I printed "doxing" him as a "pedo" and posted pics of myself sticking around in public being "frendly bants" and would just let me sit here and shit on him without him humiliating me for it

this is why I filter your coping and retarded ass
Replies: >>171440 >>171494
You have it.
Replies: >>171441
nigger literally has to go this far because he can't cope with being outbanted on a fucking imageboard, and then sits there and cries over "my treatment of him"
how to have which doesn't exist? ๐Ÿค”
Replies: >>171442
Check inside your anus.
dudes are trying to psyop me, pathetic
what i know for a fact is that if vlada posted bh you would be dead by now
either by heart failure or massive genital area damage, or both
so it's don't
Replies: >>171444 >>171448
what? I said it's obviously fake news
Replies: >>171445 >>171446
Nah it's real, just have to accept that she's showing her bh on Telegram and you're not invited^^
i meant to say if vlada posted her bh you would have faped yourself to death by now
so would i, by the way
Replies: >>171447
I'd fap to it 100 times at least, too bad she hasn't posted it
sorry I misread tbh
Replies: >>171454
if anna made some noise with some lame shirt video, imagine what vladabh would do?
a literal hydrogen bomb on the ib
suddenly pph drops sharply
>what happened?
investigations found out later, many users dead
Replies: >>171451
and the survivors would never be the same
One is legal and allowed to post, the other gets banned and removed quickly. So no, not really.
Replies: >>171461
they would be giving interviews decades later, like Hiroshima survivors
Replies: >>171455
>I can't believe it's not Vlada!โ„ข
Forget Vlada she is mid, imagine Anna BH vid instead, it would cause Catchan to implode and Silvia would have to take it offline.
Replies: >>171457 >>171459
Yeah that would be actual big news.
why are annafags so obsessed with vlada lol
Replies: >>171460
I can understand the appeal but I don't really get it, seeing her asshole is like seeing the inside of her nostril or something to me
He's the one who brought up the comparison.
Replies: >>171462
can't ban and remove what doesn't exist, that's the point
Which is hilarious considering how far different their leagues are, LOL. Anna wins without even trying.
Replies: >>171586
you can't fuck nostrils
Replies: >>171464
not with that attitude you can't
sorry but not even pero or sofia outclass anna ๐Ÿค˜๐Ÿป
Replies: >>171472 >>171488
I don't care for it, but it would still be big considering it's the "most" you can show, really.
Replies: >>171467 >>171470
There is no going back from a bh show. Even a cunny flash can be excused, but there is no accidental bh flash, LOL.
Replies: >>171470
bruh brandon be like damn silvia really took down catchan over anna bh it nothing special ffs basically her nostril, wtf!
Replies: >>171473
want stinky 5yo gf to give a bath
Replies: >>171471
yeah if she's showing her asshole, she's already taken dicks in it
Replies: >>171490
Piro is younger, so for me she wins.
Replies: >>171474
>to me
I mean you can stick your cock in there if you want
catkun tier logic
Replies: >>171475
It's nature's logic.
Replies: >>171477
piro bh
vlada bh
julia bh

the holy trinity of bh
Replies: >>171478
Pedophilia is not natural.
Replies: >>171480
>no lika
Replies: >>171481
She's not only younger, she's is beautiful too. between an younger cute girl and an older cute girl, I'm choosing the younger anytime.
Replies: >>171482
it's up there
"Cope" is just another way of saying you're upset and angry with yourself, I hope you stop coping, life is great.
Replies: >>171483 >>171487
Didn't read.
Replies: >>171484
You did though.
Replies: >>171485
Replies: >>171486
You can be a winner if you try hard enough.
Replies: >>171489
both the pirosisters are prettier than anno, yeah
they have better noses, annas nose is not so nice
anna is 70% beauty + 30% hype inflation, courtesy of her drone like fans
and i'm trying to be nice and balanced here
Replies: >>171492
See ILC? Brandon gets it.

I'm not!
>snowing but it's not sticking
STICK, I command you
Replies: >>171495 >>171640
Valda the bug!
And it's not entirely about beautify (though it's a big part). That's why Vlada loses so many points, poor attitude.
Replies: >>171493 >>171505
In this video Brandon is the bug and the girl is Jole.
Replies: >>171494
nice to see James took this one to heart >>171438
>was here posting with his trip minutes before; disappears
email [email protected] to talk to brandon robert kelley himself!!!
Replies: >>171499
Anna is literal perfection in both beauty and behavior. Everybody else is competing for a very distant second.
Replies: >>171503
>email [email protected] to talk to brandon robert kelley himself!!!
<email [email protected] to talk to brandon robert kelley himself!!
(((email [email protected] to talk to brandon robert kelley himself!!!))
Replies: >>171498 >>171499
((( email [email protected] to talk to brandon robert kelley himself!!! )))
Replies: >>171499
>dat desperation

I recently found this so called "mass reduction device" on the Navy's own website. I see a lot of similarities here tbh. They are supposed to move effortlessly through water and air by creating a so called vacuum space. Weird stuff but it would explain a lot.

"Therefore, it is possible to reduce an air vehicle's/spacecraft's inertia, that is, its resistance to motion/acceleration by polarizing the Vacuum in the close proximity of the moving air vehicle/spacecraft. Polarization of the local Vacuum is analogous to manipulation/modification of the local Spacetime topological lattice energy density. As a result, extreme speeds can be achieved. It is possible to envision a hybrid aerospace / undersea vehicle, which due to the physical mechanisms enabled with the Inertial Mass Reduction Device, can function as a submersible craft capable of extreme underwater speeds (lack of water-skin friction) and enhanced stealth capabilities (non-linear scattering of RF and sonar signals). This hybrid craft would move with great ease through the air/space/water mediums, by being enclosed in a Vacuum plasma bubble/sheath, due to the coupled effects of EM field-induced air/water particles repulsion and Vacuum energy polarization."
Replies: >>171502 >>171514
>o-oh yeah, you think you can just filter us and humiliate us bantingly?
you niggers already did this on facebook and it did nothing, lel got the same response from me
Replies: >>171506
Hey ;)
Nah, Sofia too. The highest class girls^^
Replies: >>171513
To: [email protected]
Subject: Why did Monique call you a pedofile?
Replies: >>171508
>poor attitude
she is wholesome guitar girl now
singing songs to soothe your heart and your soul
perfect strong wifi connection 10/10, talent beauty and attitude all in one perfect vladpackage
but you rather be a cringe simp investing in a no talent bitch who has her beauty nothing else and will soon look like her mom
nigga that's ur email we found it in a databreach on accounts linked to you
Replies: >>171508 >>171516
dark brapsody
You can tell it's not me from the way they never repeat the "raping an infant James Banks" thing

>that's ur email
I've discarded more emails than I can remember but that's not a name I'd use, so
Replies: >>171512
>she is wholesome guitar girl now
this, dream gfwife material
vlada bros stay winning
Good, I'm happy that she stopped showing her bh to men online and instead trying to get good attention. It's good progress for her. But she will need a lot more progress to come up from below unfortunately, that's usually how it works.
well it was linked to a reverbnation account... this is like the time you lied and pretended like we didn't get into the negro childe soundcloud
Replies: >>171517
sofia bh when?
Replies: >>171516
<Psyop-expert Chase Hughes makes case for NJ drones being a psyop'

He explains how to spot a psyop and the points he makes could very well fit this situation:

Is there something to distract from: Yes, the killing of the healthcare CEO really mobilized people and brought them together and made the inadequacies of the healthcare system a huge topic. There's many wealthy and powerful people who do not want to lose this money making machine.

Does someone benefit: Yes, military government contractors. Right as the sightings started, Elon Musk for example made a big fuss about AI controlled drone swarms being the future of warfare and that they should be what money will be put into.

Does what's happening facilitate legislation: Yes, the glaring document from Homeland Security itself. The document is pushing an agenda from October about giving authorities better privileges around how to respond and deal with Drones. This was a congressional agenda in October, and before that. See page 12 โ€œBest Case Scenarioโ€ Now watch Congressman Chris Smith today, propose legislation of the same intent. Coincidence? No. The elected officials have made the most noise around this issue, and also are supporting this legislation."
Did you find any of my emails? 
Hopefully never.
>it was linked to a reverbnation account... 
lol, which one? shouldn't be hard to remember, zero harm in saying
why did jole get outbanted?
Replies: >>171519
he's trying to punch way above his own weight, natural outcome
see: everything him & Zain have to do outside of imageboards as a response to bants on them
anna deleted the video off her telegram
Old news, we know.
Replies: >>171522
well i just found out
Replies: >>171524
mascot when are you gonna do a similar video?
Replies: >>171537
So? Lurk more.
Replies: >>171527
>text post ripping him a new asshole no tranny has entered
<a-ai pic of me balding
ยฏโ \_(โ—‰โ โ€ฟโ—‰)โ _โ /โ ยฏ
Replies: >>171526
Still technically a btfo since you responded to them IMO.
Replies: >>171528
i just woke up checked annas tg because i got notificagion and reported to catchan
>I was a retard on purpose to get you to call me a retard
<you replied calling me retarded
>I won from this interaction somehow, it doesn't look like it but cope
ยฏโ \_(โ—‰โ โ€ฟโ—‰)โ _โ /โ ยฏ
Replies: >>171530
Actually moron, Anna is a literal ballerina, plays piano, ukulele, cooks, etcโ€ฆ. Oh and Vlada/her mother follow Anna on IG and like her posts, meanwhile Anna doesnโ€™t even know Vlada exists.
Yes but unironically, learn to ignore.
Replies: >>171531
>*desperately continues to try to evade the ignoring already going on*
Replies: >>171532
You're not doing a good job ignoring.
Replies: >>171533
I'm ignoring Jole, not anon. Jole lost.
Replies: >>171536
Vlada: fun, authentic
Anna: fake, tryhard
>meanwhile Anna doesnโ€™t even know Vlada exists.
Well she's a bit out of her class tbf
Jole only needs to post a video of your face on his TV and him laughing, it's as simple as that.
Replies: >>171538
simp kys
Replies: >>171540 >>171563
Replies: >>171539
In terms of how he thinks a btfo works.
Replies: >>171542
>implying you wouldn't watch Mascot show her Basi bhat off.
Replies: >>171544 >>171545
Anna: the feminine ideal
Vlada: her own mother prefers Anna
Replies: >>171545
>how he thinks a btfo works.
what does that have to do with reality?
a tranny thinks you can be a woman and have a penis
Hey Roo: I finally learned how to move the media screan in my browser. All i have to do now is finish my second screen. 

Then i can have the vlada bh on the left and anna nips on the right.
Replies: >>171610
I wouldn't, she probably smells like rotten sardines down there.
the hell is a bhasi bhat
anna is a princess
Replies: >>171546
>the hell is a bhasi bhat
Fake Nepali.
Replies: >>171548
TBF it's a boomer thing.
jack of all trades, master of none
>vlada follows anna but anna does not follow vlada lololol what now

literal bitch logic and assessment of value

i hope you have a pussy, otherwise just kys my good man
Replies: >>171553 >>171555
Brandon Robert Kelley we ruined your life
Who is "we"?
Replies: >>171560
brandon i love you
Replies: >>171560
>otherwise just kys my good man
Average Vlada-simp thought process when they feel threatened. 
Replies: >>171556 >>171584
I would choose queen mascot over Anna any day.
Replies: >>171557
Yes because Vladaโ€™s a master musician? Also, just pointed out that one aspires to be the other. Sowwy.
Replies: >>171601
mascot simp opinions: discarded
Replies: >>171561
kys ILC
I would die if mascot queen posted a video like anna
Replies: >>171559
you dont think mascot should post her bh vid like vlada?

I only simp for beautiful girls.
mascot taking a huge steamy dump on your face
Replies: >>171564 >>171567
Kiss young snatch? Don't mind if I do.
Replies: >>171565
Replies: >>171566
open wide ilc
that's too much even for me...
Replies: >>171568
if you're not willing to eat your waifus shit how can you really call yourself her number one simp?
Replies: >>171570
what did janny mean by this?
when the file is deleted it says "FILE DELETED" btw
so a janny blankposted, pinned it, and locked it
Replies: >>171572 >>171574
Replies: >>171574
Fake how? Tryhard how?
Replies: >>171575
Roo did this when he was a mod, don't think so deep.
Replies: >>171576 >>171617
It's his grand conspiracy that Anna is only popular because she has a lot of fans and she only has a lot of fans because she's popular or some shit.
Replies: >>171580 >>171609
Roo was a mod in 1972
Replies: >>171604 >>171617
If it was /b/ it would be one thing, if it was 4-1 I could see it; the jannies don't usually fuck around with /pol/ like that though, never seen that
Replies: >>171579
Leave it be.
Replies: >>171581
1.1 million fans on Instagram, there's good reason for it^^
just a curiosity tbh
Why do you know this?
Replies: >>171583
She is trying to learn from the best.
Replies: >>171668
I would jump in front of Anna to shield her from an on-coming tuk-tuk, with Mascot? not so much.
Replies: >>171589
we need to talk more about the only true queen
Replies: >>171592
Replies: >>171590
You are coping.
Replies: >>171591
mascot is my queen
Replies: >>171593
Not until she posts a video similar to Anna's one that got deleted today.
Replies: >>171595
You and ILC double team her.
video it
This, the bar has been raised, mascot needs to top it.
Rin too, they run a train on her.
Replies: >>171597
Imagine the noises.
Bro, stop with this. I don't simp older girls.
Replies: >>171599 >>171600
Simp for Mascot.
All you did was simp for her last few days.
Replies: >>171602
Quote the posts.
Replies: >>171603
CBA but thanks to Silvia you can go look.
that was 15 years ago
Replies: >>171606 >>171616
Vlada won.
mascot won
Replies: >>171608
Cope Mascot.
that's exactly how it works
how many average girls on instagram you see with loads of followers
even someone as dishonest as you can admit to having seen many such cases
follower numbers in isolation means very little
Replies: >>171690

I'm happy for you
did the new site that was teased here a few days ago end up opening
t. not reading thousands of posts of petty arguments, etc.
Replies: >>171613
vlada queen wins again
not as far as I've seen
Vlada dom, Anna dom, both in black skimpy latex suits and cat masks with spank paddles punishing you for being a useless degen coomer.
Replies: >>171615
do they pee on you?
>he doesn't know how counting years works
1972 was either 19 or 72 years ago, tard

I gave done everything evil as a Mod/Admin that could ever be done by a Mod/Admin...because I am the evilest Mod/Admin who ever eviled
Replies: >>171619 >>171621
You tied up, Mascot farts repeatedly farts in your face, your noise slowly stinging.
>*does finger pyramid of evil contemplation*

Probably got this down within like 2 mins.
yeah this is why silvia refused you mod when you asked, you're not suitable for it
Replies: >>171622 >>171625
Nzie ๐Ÿ˜‚
>*makes stinging noise*

I have never asked or volunteered to Mod on CatChan, you Dip
Silvia will confirm
Stop being weird and gross, nigger.
why does roo lie?
Replies: >>171637
Why does NZ samefag as Anon?
Replies: >>171630
what the fuck would the onomatopoeia for a stinging sound even be in a comic book? something lame like STING!?
wasn't me lol
Replies: >>171631
Replies: >>171633
Forgot your trip, mascot
Replies: >>171634 >>171635
Replies: >>171635
>*makes stinging noise*
Military faggots of catchan. Method to deal with fucking anxiety?
Replies: >>171641
I don't want to hate on roo but kinda funny how literally the next post was him lying about me ๐Ÿ˜ญ
nz doesn't anonpost
Replies: >>171639
>it's sticking now, it worked

Consume lots of cannabis...that's what I do lol
Masclot lost.
having coffee and a bag of weed and sticking snow is maximum /comfy/
Replies: >>171645
LOL, SO i can fly instead of fucking insane drive on ice roads through deeep fucking taiga xD
sticking snow?
Replies: >>171649

It's up
Replies: >>171647

I had already checked both of the moobies for you...they should be fine in everyone's browser
You're welcome
Replies: >>171664
cannabis causes anxiety
Replies: >>171649 >>171650

not inherently, no
Replies: >>171669 >>171722

Only with mentally ill people, who already have issues...for everyone else, it has the exact opposite affect
Replies: >>171652 >>171724
it can ease anxiety
Wrong, weed causes mental illness.
Replies: >>171653 >>171735
>t. 1980's DARE program pamphlet
Replies: >>171654 >>171659
A fuck ton of research and studies has shown it does.
Replies: >>171655
from what year?
It's why governments of yesterday tried to ban it because they knew how bad it is for a society, it's not coincidence that now that weed is normalized we're seeing the highest rates of mental illness we've ever seen.
Replies: >>171657 >>171660
>it's not coincidence that now that weed is normalized we're seeing the highest rates of mental illness we've ever seen.
<totally not all the shit in the food and the pharma residue and chemicals in the fucking soil and water
uh huh, it's the weed, 100%
The only reason some states/governments have legalized it is because they're corrupt and want to profit from it at the expense of peoples mental health.

What a stupid school campaign that was
Someone asked me one time what D.A.R.E. stood for--
I said:  Drugs Are Really Exciting

True story
Replies: >>171662
is that why jole is such a fag?
Replies: >>171663
I cut ties with a brother after he asked bluntly if he could borrow $50 from me to get some sticks, it's disgraceful and should be banned, just because it's legal now doesn't make it right.
I went to a DARE event this year. Full of cute 5th graders there.
nah he always was, can't blame that on the weed he smokes
Replies: >>171665

Everyone is going to prison for watching "Laura"
Replies: >>171667
While I do hate weed, I do agree under some conditions shrooms should be allowed for certain people under supervision in a medical facility.
Replies: >>171703
>>171665 *

*  Lots of naked and very-underage hebes in "Laura" tbh...actual "lovemaking" sex scene with the hottest one tbqh
Replies: >>171670
brushie brushie
i wish i was that toothbrush
nice. snow is really comfy. magic light. and when it falls in night time with soft yellow light man
Replies: >>171703
All legal age actors.
Nahh, Laura actress is 15
Replies: >>171673

Uhhhh...nope...but underage actors could do that sort of thing in movies back when that film was made
See:  "Pretty Baby", for example
Should we watch Heretic today tho? It just came out this week, and even though it's not lg related it looks good. The two hags in it don't look bad
>The Age of Innocence (David Hamilton) [1992] Uncompressed PDF.
Amazon sells it but I found copy by searching that in Google and downloading it. Thanks Roo.
Replies: >>171677 >>171687
Replies: >>171680
I will watch Angel.
Replies: >>171679
no one cares simp
>"The author could certainly be considered a dirty old man."
lol, same with roo
how do i download from yt now? all the yt downloaders seems out of order?
Replies: >>171683 >>171734

Seemed, to me, like sort of a weird match-up with "Laura" for a double feature...but, whatever...I shouldn't really get a vote in this tbh
youve had your ip banned, try vpn
Replies: >>171685 >>171686
guessing roo owns a hardcover of that
Replies: >>171691
Are you watching Laura or not catmin?
was gonna invite catkun to moobie but all those dog emotes would scare him off
>how many average girls on instagram you see with loads of followers
Not many, in fact none really comes to mind? 
If they have high followers it's almost certainly because they are attractive.

No...but I actually do have a digital (scanned) collection of all David Hamilton's photobooks
Hamilton's books are all perfectly legal in the was ruled by, literally, the United States Supreme Court in a landmark case decision
That's why Amazon, in the USA, gets away with selling them on their American iteration of the Amazon site
Replies: >>171692
In your legal will, does your son retain ownership over your legal CP collection?
Replies: >>171693
> son

I do not have any male progeny
Replies: >>171694
My condolences, daughters suck dicks.
Replies: >>171695 >>171696
thats a good thing, gaylord
Replies: >>171697 >>171704
some of them possibly shares his interests. how cool is that!
Not if they're not sucking your dick.
Replies: >>171698
you can still watch
Replies: >>171699
And with that cuck speech you've landed yourself in my filter list, die.
Replies: >>171701
Starting movie soon
learn to appreciate life tard. she gonna sucka weather or not you enjoy it, gaylord.
Comon in roo ? =)
I like shrooms much, much more than acid
the long ass uncomfortable comedown of acid is absent, shrooms like just level up and level down pretty much instantaneously
when the "peak" is done it levels down to this nice kind of mellow, then eventually just turns off

maximum comf

I'm late getting around to things today
only weak males don't want heir sons
Replies: >>171705 >>171730
we talked about girls sucking cock tho, not mail hers
no it was anon.
Replies: >>171708
On the onion.
god bless gen alpha, truly our saviours
also thd
pedos are gay ๐Ÿคฎ
Replies: >>171712 >>171722
If she's not preteen she's too old.
Replies: >>171725
Bome hump
Replies: >>171718
lame get
Replies: >>171794
That was pretty good, the actor carried it tbh

suck my geriatric dick

>Note: Just because a girl has Instagram and you like her, does not mean she needs a thread. Not every girl needs a thread! There are other spaces to share said pictures on this site.
>half the pics in the thread are broken

Hugh killed it tbh
Replies: >>171794
i have headache for oversleeping once again
so, me
Replies: >>171726
its a boy
the only time it ever makes me paranoid or anxious is when I haven't smoked in a couple weeks-months, that first time doing it again can be intense depending on how strong it is
but after that it's fine
Replies: >>171729
Yeah good movie, Jew won as usual.
Replies: >>171728
oh nzie turned out to be right, he was an atheist
i'm severely mentally ill
Replies: >>171732
Why would it matter? 2024, girls can inherit just as well.
Replies: >>171731 >>171732
girls could also inherit  in 18th century America
it happens

patrilinealism actually makes sense now since you can get the baby tested, it was retarded before the test existed, since the mother is obvious but the father is all question marks
the only problem with matrilinealism is it implies female dominance/leadership
yt-dlp still works but you need to find an IP that isn't blocked (look into transposing cookies if you need to bypass the bot check).
THC does I think, but that's not the medicinal part of weed. Think you can get the oil that doesn't have the schizo part to it.
Replies: >>171739
I just got up accidentally slept for 12 hours
Replies: >>171737
i only sleep 8 hours
i went to sleep at 12pm and woke up at 8pm
I didn't sleep much at all, but coffee usually prevents headaches^^
supposedly that's cbd, I've never done that
since it makes me think of marinol, this guy who was a regular customer at the pet store I worked at had a marinol scrip cause cancer decades ago, he gave me a couple once
it was supposedly pharmaceutical weed substitute without any high
it was awful, it felt like the effects of smoking a bunch then sleeping for an hour and waking up, burntout but no high
weed does not make you schizophrenic though, lol, not unless you're smoking some ungodly amount on a daily, like those niggers that roll up a 20 bag with every blunt then sit there and smoke the whole fucking thing 3-4-5+ times a day
Replies: >>171741
It might not make you schizo, but it can activate it if you already have it (without symptoms).
Replies: >>171742 >>171743
WebMD source first that comes up but I know there are better sources that say pretty much the same thing:
>Researchers also have found that if you carry certain types of specific genes that affect brain chemistry, marijuana use can raise the chance you'll have schizophrenia. One of those genes is called AKT1. Another is called COMT. Cannabis may cause schizophrenia symptoms to start earlier in life, too.
>if you already have it (without symptoms).
I'm going to add an *early to that because it getting activated was most likely just an eventuality, but yes
Replies: >>171744
Yeah pretty much.
you can overdo almost anything and have it cause problems, tbh
in moderation, even habitual use at low amounts, it's fine, it's not going to make you mentally ill
And that's usually what the people parrot, that it causes it, because it is linked but not so directly. If you have no schizo genes/dna/whatever then you'd probably be fine smoking whatever you want, lol.
Replies: >>171747 >>171750
I agree that the legalization as they're doing it is not a great thing, lol the corporations basically own it now, and they'd set it up to transition right into that with super restrictive licensing on who can sell or manufacture
they put all these discrininatory ass restrictions on the licensing and then made it a fucking lottery on top of it, so even if you meet all the licensing requirements, uh oh monsanto totally randomly won this lottery, then bayer, come back in 2 years when we do another licensing lottery
I said it before but in MD it's literally must be either
-an existing business with $200k in revenue in the previous fiscal year
-gay or trans or any non-white
Replies: >>171794
Replies: >>171756 >>171794
im the sweetest girl in town , so why are u so mean to me?
Filtered queen ๐Ÿ’…
Replies: >>171754 >>171794
omg, I'm gooning today
Itโ€™s not filter is going to Sabina house!!!! Itโ€™s snowing
Replies: >>171755
>let's laugh because pretty soon all our hot women will be having kraut babies
and they say it's exclusive to white muricans in the 21st century, lol
Replies: >>171767
Me with no filters
Replies: >>171761 >>171794
too much makeup but that general eyeshadow/liner style thing is always hot enough to overcome the makeup degeneracy thing
also mainly you're going to fuck your face up and not be able to do without the makeup
Replies: >>171762
>too much makeup
Replies: >>171763
false that it's false
>that general eyeshadow/liner style thing
this chick has disgusting drawn in eyebrows but this is what I'm talking about
idk why but it's subjectively hot
Replies: >>171794
I have no home.
I live within my mind.
I have no one.
No one I'm bringing up to the sky with me.

Her face, the image of a thousand stars.
A bridge between tomorrow and today.
If we destroy one another, Dolman will ever break the day.
I see... my life has flashed... as the STAAAAAAR meets my head.
Body of an ANGEEEEEEEEEL... with the strength of ten men,
Through the TREEEEEEEEES... dark as a raven, black hair FLYIIIIIIIING
No weapon, I carry no sword, only my hands to protect me.
No laws, I obey no laws, without honor, you'll never be free.
supposedly there have been gamma radiation spikes in NJ, there's a theory the drones are looking for a broken arrow or dirty bomb, and that's why everyone's obfuscating that they're ours
Only a woman can break his spell
Pure in heart who will offer herself
To Nosferatu
lol and this thread >>171569 is the only one that has the animated drone
One last goodbye goodbye He was blinded by love
One last goodbye goodbye He was blinded by love
Blinded by love
Replies: >>171777
What I need is a kiss from you babe
Before it's hangover time
What I need is some love from you babe
Before this stampede arrives
Replies: >>171777
my dad loves these guys, there's something about their vague general style I was never into
a couple bands from that specific era have it, like Boston, it's this "big" kind of sound, theatricality
it's not bad or anything, completely subjective, musically they're great
Replies: >>171779
/pol/ has been right about everything
Replies: >>171791
Seven stars
Had Ursa Major
Tables turning, turning
And rain maker
While the seven
The visitors
All went, all went
A drumming

I heard they were somewhat relevant in the past. Mostly obscure now. I'm just getting into the rest of their songs.
Replies: >>171791
Dance a Don Pedro
Do the Don Pedro
Games after death
Night dances 'round
Samedi and Petre
In Alchemy
Dumb clouds are raging, stupid clouds at my door
Creepy weather coming, hanging 'round my floor
Dumb clouds stay away, and don't come back no more
I'm graduating in one more term
Because I haven't any time to burn
Repeating taste of hi-heeled shoe
An eel is waiting under the train
Being chased around by the neighbor's cat
Well it's so lonely in the state of Maine
>Trump loves the vaxx. He is speaking like he invented the vaxx.
>Trump advocated the vaxx
Replies: >>171784 >>171791
the best vaxx

Recall the dream of luxor
How fluids will arrive
As if by call or schedule
Resume through the morning tide
Where entry is by seaweed gate
And plan the plan of dreams
To lose oneself in reverb
In all that is and all that seems
trump is annoying
The entry to lost vestibule
Opens on the bay
An instant shape of mercury
Lost and then retained
An instant is an eyelash
Caught on the tide
Below this bay
And then besides...
The oyster boys are swimming now
One deal is what we made
Forest keys and whirlwind cold
Green keys too and keys of gold
Even locks that won't explode
When the skies become a scroll
Having lost it's interest
See that's the deal we made
Just to join the oyster cult
the so called assassination attempt was staged
Replies: >>171794
Dare-devil, she-devil, printer's-devil, evil
I love you like sin, but I won't be your pigeon
a true statement if you disregard 60%+ of the posters most of the time, lol

they were one of those bands that was minorly successful but never "major" for the time period
that tier wouldn't even be making a living now most likely
someone like Bert that I worked with for instance should be on that tier by now
the 60's-early 00's were so incredibly rich industrially, for music

the copes around that one are hilarious
>he told us not to take it as Q but couldn't tell us openly without getting killed but he can totally breakdown and reconstruct the government and deport 20 million people in 4 years without getting killed
>it's ok cause lefties mad
>a-actually coivd was real
>a-actually coivd was real
my favorite variant of that one is the 
>covid was real but the democrat deep state made it and released it on purpose during his presidency to stop him from doing [x]
almost finished with turbo overkill
good game
Home bump >>171723
Home bump >>171764
Cope Trump won
Replies: >>171795
Replies: >>171799
Home bump
Nvm i watched it lol
Replies: >>171800
Replies: >>171802 >>171804
anime is cringe
Replies: >>171808
quality OC that made me think "fuck a duck" for some reason which made me remember the video of the pug knotted in the duck and that may be enough internet for a while today
Sorry about the morning Silvia in my defense i deleted the messages and thought you wouldn't be awake for another few hours at least 

Home bump
Replies: >>171805 >>171809
>Sorry about the morning Silvia
You did it again?
Replies: >>171806
Nah it wasn't like that
Replies: >>171809
It was better but gay is still gay innit
Replies: >>171809 >>171822
I blame it 85,4% on horny
just suck a cock to get over your cravings
what did you do
Replies: >>171812
I mean it wasn't that bad imo but I kinda promised to never homopost to him
>I kinda promised to never homopost to him
Why does Silvia put up with you.
It's not illegal to be gay, Silvia will have to deal with it ๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿ’ฏ
Replies: >>171815 >>171816
what did you say
Replies: >>171818 >>171819
I would tell but that would rehash the discussion
the gayest thing ever posted on catchan
Can't be gayer than what he said the first time.
there's not enough room in the closet for everyone closeted here, how can you all be getting enough oxygen in there

James alone is 6'9" 300+lbs

>has a crush on Silvia
0/10 no tail
wherefore art thoust, rodent-o
>nobody screenshotted it
ยฏโ \โ _โ ( -_-)_โ /โ ยฏ

perfect banner but there's no banner culture here anyway
>it's not gay for you if he's a queen
I think this cope is ancient tbh
Replies: >>171827
Cope BPD and black and white thinking won
Replies: >>171829
that's effectively "prison gay" aka "it's not gay if you're the top"
Replies: >>171836 >>171839
being attracted to male personality is gayer than just having gay sex for pleasure
Replies: >>171834
So likely hood of having this situation is worse than winning lottery
>its not gay to go for *men
>its gay for the other 
>its based on personality not sexual attraction
ยฏโ \โ _โ ( -_-)_โ /โ ยฏ
Yes for the other one
but you are not femboy
you cannot pull it off
Replies: >>171840

Nothing is gay, so long as there is no balls-to-balls contact...everyone knows has been scientifically proven
Replies: >>171846
being "attracted" to a guy but without any sexuality is called friendship?
ยฏโ \โ _โ ( -_-)_โ /โ ยฏ
Replies: >>171842
it's true though?
there is a large difference
Replies: >>171846
Cope Rin
its like when they call Alexander the Great gay because he cried when his friend died
Replies: >>171849
Beautiful Girls (1996) ... guy visits his home town on Xmas and meets hebe Hershlag
Also im deleting my comments


there is a definitive line between "gay" and "not gay" and it's called "you both have penises"
has penis = gay
used to have penis = gay
has penis rearranged into the vague shape of a vagina = gay
anything beyond that is just tiers of how gay
are you schizo now
fucking a passing trans girl is not gay
Replies: >>171850 >>171851
yeah no that's just idiotic hypermasculinity, it's like calling someone a bitch for crying when their mom or dad dies
Replies: >>171853
>passing trans girl 
no such thing
libtard academics and historians say he was gay because that
Brannie get on with the times
not gay
Replies: >>171857
to penetrate is straight
to get penetrated is homo
not saying you are going to marry xir, but to fuck a trap and move on with your life doesn't make you gay
Replies: >>171859 >>171860
Nah its only not gay if its based on personality

So,'re a pitcher, not a catcher
Got it
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