Being a homo is a bannable offence.
I was first
reward me for being first
Nice shirt
Where cross necklace.
Thanks for being so considerate mascot
nice ear rape stream
you are so beautiful rn
Wtf is on your face
Oh you got frosted?
Say goodnight to me...
>>269367 >>269368 lol
>>269368 bruh
>>269369 >>269370 cope
sorry guys my dad yell at me
>>269352 >>269353 >>269354 >>269356 once again simpzie mask off moment
>>269373 you owe me a goodnight
on stream
ill save some hennesey for tomorrow and stream proly. Lol
>>269378 YES! early too
>>269378 i cant wait princess
>>269374 Lol.
>>269378 Poggers
lint joined the mascot simp club
>>269378 early too cause I have work and can't be up till late
Guys whats with the PPH suddenly?
>>269383 I've always been friendly to Mascot.
>>269386 this, lint is just nice guy
>>269387 tbh
>>269386 [REDACTED]
>>269384 okay ill tru
>>269390 thanks mascot, I love you
>>269391 lmfao
Have some consistency guys atleast ILC is consistent
>>269388 nicest guy on catchan
>>269391 bro don't embarrass yourself
I'm just lonely lately guys.
>>269395 browns cant help it they see a mildly attractive girl and must simp
>>269351 (OP) happy birthday btw <3
>>269426 No fucking way Mascot shares a birthday with Sofia.
>>269427 perhaps you should worry more about the guy that stalks her, knows her birthday, knows where she lives, but is totally NOT a simp creep
>>269426 Tanks! ❤️
>>270184 hi
>>270184 Hi <3
say something
>>270184 hi you are cute
plug your mic in
no audio
can. you guys really not hear me
mascot i cant read lips
It doesn't matter that she is muted. As long as I can see her I am happy.
>>270208 trolled tbh
where is the stream?
>>270214 she couldn't work out how to plug in her mic
still no audio need cute mascot voice
works now
mascot i was just joking about the audio lol
trolled hard
>>270216 post link
do it
skip it and get drunk on stream
mascot if you had to pick between me and ilc and the other one dies who do you pick? if you dont pick we both die
I was told there would be a drunk stream.
>>270226 danke
dont admit to it on stream ur gonna get banned
Can I see one little peek of your areola?
means bellybutton
show prostate tbh
mascots prostate
show bellybutton
now do that again
>donza12: where else are you streaming? Tell him you're streaming to some pdfs
can you play anything on the guitar yet?
play free bird
yes try!
free bird
tune it first you madman
cant you tune it?
tune to drop C
Floppy did you see her blue toy?
>>270255 :O
i didnt
>>270258 You missed legendary drunk stream.
>>270259 😭
play wonderwall
play ba ba black sheep
Play twinkle twinkle
Damn you GULPING that shit.
cus maaaaaaaaaaybe
cute singing
lint guest appearance
lint was in her room yesterday
lint is such a chad tbh
>>270279 Now I'm in her mouth.
>>270281 😭
>>270281 lol
show thighs pls
How much do you weigh?
>>270288 rude to ask that
>>270288 Wow wtf
>>270288 stfu incel
Can you say something mean to me.
16 trillion tons
>>270298 lmao>>270296
>>270299 have sex
play clocks after pls
>>270301 After she tells weigh
Mascot we should do lg react where we send you lgs and you rate them out of 10.
>>270303 doesnt matter she looks good
>>270306 Good then she can tell it
mascot do you weigh 65kgs
idk lbs tbh
you said to ask lol
chat cucked
mascot pantsu..
Alright how much do you want to lose still then?
bitch announce when you're starting next time
let us judge all your panties
like a fashion show
pls dont lose weight
thats alot
>>270316 Mascot panty tierlist
id die by then
You are perfect the way you are
>>270324 simp
>>270324 this
do a curry stream
>>270324 Based consistent views haver
how do you not know
you never did shoe on head btw
Mascot what is your ideal weight, or minimum you wanna reach
would you get grounded for taking shoes into your room? wtf
>>270334 80-90lbs?
Yeah Asian people didn't exist back then.
>>270338 >forgot the trip on
whats your favorite race?
she told me she likes white guys
Mascot wants to be bred by white.
>>270348 hot race traitor
>>270348 Who does not
I think Koreans are the only Asian men people find hot anyway
What flavour vape?
alri boi
no little asian boy pp for mascot
Yeah they are for girls who want bit of more an emotional man who still looks ripped
>>270324 cringe
because he's averagelet?
mascot, ilc crashed his bike because he was rushing home to see your stream
>>270365 lol
he killed 3 people
He did crash Mascot
he died mascot
>>270364 Timothée Chalamet is 5 foot 10 inches (1.78 m) tall
ilc is such a cartoon character
i think he looks good tbh
hes in the hospital mascot
You better give him a good reward for nearly dying to catch your stream.
>>270377 true tbh
you dont like skinny bois?
u cute but u dont worth afap (yet)
His weight is not public knowledge
>>270381 You tell her Sanjay.
sing iron lung
they are saying he's 68kg
149.914338 pounds
>>270377 why is he so desperate
>>270390 Love makes men do foolish things.
Mascot favourite porn genre?
>>270392 sissy
>>270392 wmaf of course
thoughts on pic rel mascot
>>270394 Most likely.
Mascot I almost died, would you miss me?
its obviously a girl
>>270395 Its a girl trying to look like male so disgusting
>>270395 she wishes she looked half as good
show feet
>>270397 hes back from the hospital!
mascot why did you start the stream without me
show that tab again
>>270404 get a trip retard
lol the other guy got you good
You share her birthday.
>>270406 cope
whats that song playing?
>>270365 >>270366 >>270367 >>270369 >>270370 >>270373 lmao
>>270411 radiohead you
Why is it weighted at the bottom?
>>270413 nice
Like your hair
Should test that theory.
Why did you take pics of your thighs in a angle that made them look way smaller
>>270324 not me but yes
>>270419 lmfao
ride that pink plushie
mascot you violated that plushie
mascot can you sit on plushie
I think you could do it.
I wish I was that plushie
plushie lives matter
facesit plushie
tell your family to speak american
who is rude
Why do your parents let you do cam streams?
i cant be rude im a simp
>>270427 stop it dude
Your parents are absent in your life?
i got her busted kek
Parent saw you straddling that pink plushie.
what are they saying
>>270438 😂
69 that plushie
>>270439 Wok dinna
is she drunk?
atleast im white
karma did not like white to me tbh
mascot do you like minecraft or are you just poseur
>>270443 yes she had 50ml of hennessy
>>270448 oh
>>270447 Should play MC with Rin.
>>270443 shes stoned
>>270450 Maisiecuck?
>>270450 >>270450 >>270450 >>270450 >>270450 >>270450 >>270450
just explain youre too drunk
Can you show Lindt wrapper to ILC and Karma.
you owe me a goodnight
>>270452 ♿
>>270455 i dont need to see that
so hot
mascot y arent you a k pop star?
>>270459 screenshot it
>>270459 cuck
lint is such a chad how can i compete?
>>270463 >>270463 >>270463 >>270463 >>270463 >>270463 >>270463 >>270463 >>270463 >>270463 >>270463
>>270463 he is
>>270463 cuck
>>270463 fake ILC?
>>270468 that's me
>>270459 *click* yep this is going into my nzcuck simp folder
i want to stretch you
You can't do a split.
bitch imma do split
this is nice
yeah fuck that i wasnt even close
>that cellulitis
>>270477 gay
>>270477 theyre self harm scars chud
its part of a plant or something
The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.
girls got a fattie
mascot can I say something
do bulgarian split squat
Do you do yoga?
show brapper before you go
>>270485 the worst exercise
>>270490 the best
feels like my ass is being raped
>>270493 gay
Thanks mascot <3
>ilc aka anal kek
nice stream mascot
damn that was nice
>>270498 without socks would have been better
>>270503 or fat
>>270500 was there anything interesting at all? bitch didn't announce the start
>>270507 she laughed when i said this >>270493
>>270507 not really
>>270507 she was cute
no ass or boobs
>>270507 she said goodnight to me and I liked it
>>270508 that's not interesting
>>270514 Well that was the most interesting part
>>270506 girls got the right amount
>>270507 the pink plushie