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[New Reply]
Being a homo is a bannable offence.

Defending a dumb ugly gook whore when she's obviously been exposed as wrong and lying
Also I disagreed with her in the very next comment.
Replies: >>161238
hmmm idk i think i might need thomas gutenbürg with 30+ years of experience in nursing to validate this
Too many angry words in there and 0 explanation. Lol.
Try harder next time, faggot.
when u argue with people about genetics on catchan does steam come out ur ears and does ur belly go up and down with each sigh
I bet he's typing really angry rn
Icelandic like some finns are mixed snowchink and white but mostly white
Replies: >>161247
So why refer to me as a retard?????
Only came to say >>161204

Replies: >>161243 >>161244
Replies: >>161241
sounds pretty good ngl
>>161213 and >>161216

two inescapable btfo's of mascot 

my work here is done. good day 😌
Replies: >>161243
good ight
bye bye
the drunk you is the real you
the sober version is just the fake, diplomatic rin
Replies: >>161245 >>161620
rin new biggest simp on catchan
ok who wants to buy me a new cart hahaha
Replies: >>161252 >>161590
Never simped. Being nice to Mascot isn't simping you fucking retard.

I tell Silvie, NZ, Roo and Brandon I love them all the time, why don't you class that as simping?

The moment I'm socially normal to a girl you class it as simping, that's how I know you're a fucking virgin.
Replies: >>161254 >>161264
she isnt going to fuck you no matter how hard u simp
Replies: >>161255
so no…haha
And I don't want to fuck her either, what's your point
Replies: >>161258 >>161267
Again only shows how much of a virgin you are when you think being nice equates to sex lmfao. 

Go outside faggot.
Replies: >>161259
Not him but >>161230
Now go jerk off to mascot again simp
thats why you keep posting about how cute and sexy she is
Replies: >>161261
yes being nice to a 4/10 cunty woman that will never fuck you is simping
Replies: >>161265
don't shame virgins on a pedophile website unless you have designated 10yo lgf under your arm to solve it
Yeah she's cute I say what I see, I say what I see in literally every regard of my life. 
Stop putting 2 and 2 together as 6
Replies: >>161273
I think today we mostly talked about mascot, right?
Replies: >>161266
i don't understand russia's end game
but that goes for every country
As much as i hated her character she nailed her role
>girls aren't nice to be but they're nice to other boys 
lol. Just lol
because you and rin simp for her non stop now
Replies: >>161268 >>161269
>meanwhile faps to her
i think it was like me being rude to a guy about bjork
No, I would simp for her if she was like 8yo.
Being nice to a random fucking girl on a thread full of pedo men isn't simping, and it truly shows how fucking bad the state of the incelism is if you think that.
Replies: >>161277
If you honestly see a guy talking normally to a girl and think that is simping, that is why you're still a virgin and sat here alone on a pedo website still a virgin, not gonna lie
totally not simping just constantly post how attractive she is and defend her everytime someone calls out her bullshit
>>161261 👀🤭
Replies: >>161279 >>161348
wat bullshit
Replies: >>161276
you are the fakest person on catchan
Replies: >>161281 >>161282
-she is an obnoxious att whore
-this is a boys club, she doesn't belong
-she disrupts group dynamics by diverting attention to her and attracting simps which would otherwise participate in more chill pedoposting

is that enough for you?
to not view that, or to deny that, is to be a simp, even if indirectly, you don't need to be blowing smoke up her ass to do so
I call out retards regardless of the gender they are projecting their insecurities upon
That's why women shouldn't be allowed in a men comunity. Nothing against women, but look how much drama and turmoil the fat asian girl causes....
now imagine if she was actually pretty
the shitstorm
Replies: >>161287
Replies: >>161291
at least she would deserve simps then
the boys club jacking it to little boys fuck yes!,,
Replies: >>161371
Mascot simps are like communist sympathisers in the 3rd reich
mascot try not to make a cunty post challenge
Replies: >>161292
nzielusional he never writes like that
Replies: >>161294 >>161366
im gooning rn ill be back in like 20 min
Replies: >>161373
I get that this should be a boys club. I agree, in fact. Massively. 
However Mascot is doing as a teenage girl does, and acting like one, and you fucking retards on a pedo / hebe board are getting annoyed at the fact she's being a hebe and it makes 0 sense to me.
youre right usually ummm ummm ummmmmm ohhhh
Instead of revelling in the fact there's an actual hebe girl here you just try undermine her in any way possible and ngl, she BTFO's you a lot lmao and you get mad about it.
rinnigger is clearly very bluepilled when it comes to female nature
Replies: >>161298 >>161299
ive been on imageboards for 3 almost 4 years now give or take i dont care about your boys club
Replies: >>161307
he has female brain
Replies: >>161304
nigger I got my last ex to dress like a little girl and do everything I say and she enjoyed it.
Replies: >>161365
you are speaking of drama like it's a bad thing
I agree 100%, they should not be allowed in the military either.
whether or not niggers should be worshipped is not up for debate
as the jews have taught us
>I get that this should be a boys club. I agree, in fact. Massively. 
And yet you encourage her presence? You don't tell her to fuck off? Why???
Replies: >>161306 >>161307
And in what reality do I have the authority to do that?
Replies: >>161310 >>161311
i dont fuck off
Replies: >>161309
and this is a relevant statement to what i said how?
you belong
im it wasnt for pathetic simps like you she would get bored and leave
Replies: >>161312 >>161313
.....Who said you needed any?
Funny because she's been here all the months I've been deployed.
Replies: >>161315 >>161316
Unironically she's probably been here longer than you faggots moaning about here lol across alt-chans.
Replies: >>161315 >>161320
there are other simps
>must defend mascot
>like you 
>like you
>like you 
Not my problem
>i agree this should be a boys club but-
stopped reading there
it either is or it isn't, not if buts or howevers
but to be fair i don't blame you, her simps, or even mascunt herself, after all foids will foid, ask why a scorpion stings things it's just in its nature
this situation is ultimately the result of weak leadership
Replies: >>161319 >>161321
Sooo you were bullshitting here to sound based?? >>161293
Come 👏 on 👏 rin 👏 be 👏 consistent 👏
In the actual reality, same as real-life, it's never the simps that make a person stay, it's the antis. e.g. you. 

The fact you have this insane obstinance of her being here makes her stay here more lol, if you were quiet and didn't care, she wouldn't care, but you're all to stupid to see that ^^
Mascot you are awesome please keep posting
One thing only exists and gets popular because of the hatred against it, and that's you guys propping up her existence to be here lmao
Replies: >>161330
someone just needs to dox mascot and start sending her pizzas
Replies: >>161327
Just like mascot, self admitted sociopath rin just says whatever he thinks will sound the most based and favourable in any given situation ...... at least when he's sober, that is
Replies: >>161328 >>161331
free pizza
Replies: >>161330
I was trying to reverse-psychology you like rin suggested but even tactical simping doesn't feel right
I am a sociopath so what
Replies: >>161335 >>161338
It only works if you stick with it ^^
>all bees and no honey makes the honeybear stay
That 152 IQ shining bright 🤭
Replies: >>161334
Nice trips.

I've had 2 bottles of Prosecco and a bottle of wine, sue me.
Such a sociopath thing to say smh
Replies: >>161346
and if she was banned on sight that wouldn't be a problem
her "wants" should not be a consideration
but silvia made new zealand a mod in the past, he clearly doesn't give a shit
oh lol
You have zero integrity or honour. You only weasel in effort to climb a given ladder
silvia himself is a simp
Lol you think Silvie would ban her for that?
Replies: >>161350
you know i feel like i didnt really wanna cause this path of destruction i just wanted to talk about bjork and now im sleepy
Replies: >>161344 >>161349
Go to bed.
Lint did u see that recent laura story post? Assuming it wasn't an inverted photo for some reason that 'engagement' ring was gone 🤔
Replies: >>161347 >>161357
Also assuming she didn't put it on right hand
Fattest nut I’ve ever had dayum
Get in bed with your teddies and go to sleep. Sleep well.
>t. totally no simp
anyways i delivered my point
i'll take the "retard" badge over "closeted faggot who simps for 4/10s and thicc maori men" any day, ty
Replies: >>161351 >>161355
didn't read
Replies: >>161352 >>161354
i'll post a pic of some maori cocks next time, to grab your attention
Replies: >>161372
rin got assfucked by sailors
Replies: >>161356
He'd fucking love that i bet
Replies: >>161359
Only one I've seen recently with hands visible was the wine one but she's got the ring on in that.
Replies: >>161369
Yeah I've seen the Laura ring. 
Doesn't matter though, I love her loli self, not her pre-married hag self.
How tall is Rin is he a manlet? 1.6 m?
Replies: >>161627
He has a great butt, the other sailors said so
at least you tried
bottom height <1.7
Replies: >>161364
rin wears anime girl outfits i think hes a bottom
That’s why she’s your ex now. She realised you were demented.
Replies: >>161368
lol mascot btfo
I love my ex a lot still, that wasn't the case. 
She was my little girl. 
We just fell apart.
Replies: >>161368
was for >>161365
Would you mind posting it here? I don't remember seeing that one
Replies: >>161393
There’s only two namefags here that openly say they jack off to little boys mascot tbh
Replies: >>161374
Mascot open up an OF or cam account so the simps can move the conversation there.
Replies: >>161375 >>161377
NZ and Koomie?
Replies: >>161376
even karma denies it
Replies: >>161379
stop being a faggot, leave mascot alone
she is a menace
I don’t think he’s confirmed or denied it (he’s coping with his denial if so) but his posts lean towards him being little boy gooner. Even got mad at based Silvia for allowing a maisecuck type of thread on onion but no boy thread.
this is what rin simps for
Same vibes:
Replies: >>161384
>imageboard problems?
Picture of Rin, 1793, Kyoto, Japan.
Der Yeti
dear brannie, i wrote you but you still aint callin
Why do so many males have low t / gay voices on yt nowadays?
microplastics destroying their balls thus reducing t output
and xenoestrogens
Replies: >>161391 >>161392
In wanna fd rx7 so bad ; -;
it's just the vax
Guess it gives them foid brain so they think speaking like a faggot is ok
Replies: >>161396 >>161399

Roo... :\
banny banny
ew don't post shit like that what's wrong with you
should be an imageboard crime to post aged versions of past waifus
Replies: >>161398
Wow she doesn't look bogged there 😍
Was that posted to her fb?
Here's the pic I mentioned earlier:
I just noticed it appears she has some kind of event/concert or whatever wrist band on, so perhaps she took the ring off for that in case she lost it~
Replies: >>161401 >>161405
There's so much mischievous knowing and curiosity behind her eyes

Start stealing and become a burden on society. First thing you should do is quit your worthless wagie job. Don't bother applying for benefits, welfare or any other government assistance unless you really can't help yourself. I personally prefer to also GHOSTMAXX, no properties in my name, no hand outs, no benefits, no taxes, just living in the shadows of society and outside of the system as much as I can, but I digress. Simply take everything you need from big corporations, resell it and enjoy life. Hit their jew warehouses and megastores and become an honest reseller. Make sure to post about it and encourage more people to become burdens like you. Once enough people do this, their system collapses. Also always remember how over half the population got vaxxed and sided with the government? make them pay and enjoy it too. This is how you get back at the jews, the governments, the corporations, the normie cattle and everybody else who wronged you. [Embed]

There is nothing more that jews and their wagie cattle fear than you anon getting ahead in life, never forget that
Hebe bhs
Replies: >>161404 >>161410
Hebe cunny better
Some one posts Iuliia I’m summoned
broke nigga alert 🚨
move to an inexpensive country if you're broke TBH
Replies: >>161408 >>161409
they do licky licks :3
Where did she put her mascot?
cunny > bh

only fags will disagree
Replies: >>161412
cunny is for normies
Replies: >>161413
microscat cope
Replies: >>161414
low iq argument

>hurr you like cunny so you must like vaginal discharge and period blood
Replies: >>161416 >>161423
ILC how did u feel on nofap
Replies: >>161593
once a month vs everyday 
self cleaning vs not really 
Replies: >>161422 >>161428
brandon is my role model but no ill keep my hair mostly just his life style
Replies: >>161421
>Start stealing and become a burden on society.
im way ahead of you ive a huge net negative
brandon why dont you make songs like this
true brandon could make naruto amvs in the hood
You're a fake brandonhead if you don't aspire to be as bald as him
Replies: >>161424
>thinks period is only one day
>thinks vaginal discharge isn't excreted
>thinks anal cavity isn't self cleaning
based retard
Replies: >>161425 >>161428
Replies: >>161432
ive made enough sacrifices in my life , i dont need to do that to myself too.
only a simp would know that gross shit about girls ewww
>once a month vs everyday 
This nigger can't be srs.
Replies: >>161427 >>161432
lol either he is complete retard or he just worded it in jewish way

either way he looks bad

Replies: >>161491
I didn't say it was only one day you spastic i said the period is only once per month i.e. one period of time
>thinks vaginal discharge isn't excreted
healthy cuns barely have any of this
>thinks anal cavity isn't self cleaning
>>>not really 
not really =/= not at all
but rather in my case not nearly as much 

your "waifu" looks like a boy and you prefer pooholes over cunnies
you are gay
just take the L buddy
Replies: >>161431 >>161434
nobody is ever gonna agree with you that bjork is cuter than vlada 🤣
>just take the L buddy
brandon and jole have been going on for 8+ years because neither one of them ones to admit a loss
Replies: >>161433
>t. "Nzie won." simp
Replies: >>161454 >>161472
I'm always the first one to admit a loss, it's how you learn and improve yourself
The only L here is in this post >>161428 and it's all yours champ
brandon lost 1 hair every time he was btfo'd
Replies: >>161438
Haven't seen you do it one single time in months.
Replies: >>161437
if you only see me here then yeah that makes sense
Replies: >>161439
you just explained perfectly why jole has to use AI to get balding pics of me 🤭
Despite you having lost countless times here 🤭
Replies: >>161442
Replies: >>161441
Replies: >>161444
not seeing any proof of that
Replies: >>161445
I was mainly agreeing with the second part tbh, I'm not around even here enough to vouch for the first part
Of course you're not 😂
Replies: >>161447
people who can't cop to a loss are coping too much and taking shitposting waaaaaay too seriously motherfucker you're not roy cohn and if you are post trump nudes
competition is very easy
Replies: >>161453
this is much better than it sounds tbh, a lot of effort went into making it seem low effort
I really, really like how the tempo isn't consistent
very reminiscent of randy prozac in a way
You are gay if you would choose Björk cunny over Vlada butthole.
based post tbh
Nah you just ignore btfo's or reply with endless variations of "cope." Seen you do it countless times. That's why you have a 100% wincoperate 🤭😅🤣
Replies: >>161459
tbh what is up with all these gay choice posts
Replies: >>161463
seems like some people really, really want to justify their gay as not gay or something
Replies: >>161458
>would you rather suck an intestinal worm out of a girl's ass or suck a girl's cock you're gay if you choose the worm
Replies: >>161460
>I'll just keep posting until he cbf replying then claim that post was the "btfo"
yeah sorry that doesn't count bud
What if you accidentally end up sucking the worm's cock? Then it cancels out the gay, right?
Replies: >>161461
y-you can still see the posts tho so even if you don't reply he won

idk did you make sure not to touch its balls

You have (1) BTFO in your Inbox
Replies: >>161464
obviously neither of those is gay but vlada mogs his waifu and makes him seethe so it's a based post
Replies: >>161465
yeah that isn't worth replying to and anyone who thinks that is a "BTFO" is completely retarded so why would I care lmao
Replies: >>161470
all I can say is every trainer I play she gets 0% asshole development but I'm not an ass guy, so
Replies: >>161468 >>161471
I mean the cunny is right there
I can honestly say that I have never seen Nzie lose.
Replies: >>161472
I'd take cunny sexo with vlada over anal sex with any other girl
Replies: >>161469 >>161474
this is the opposite of a gay post tbg
Replies: >>161474
A complete and thorough refutation of your misrepresentation and ridicule wasn't worth reply to? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
Replies: >>161473
can you recommend a good recent fap game
Replies: >>161478
Except in any other case you'd take poohole
Keep sucking that maori cock tbh
this guy is really obsessed with me
Replies: >>161478 >>161553
nzie really thinks he can dodge being called out lol mascot tier
brandon the wise i was just having a discussion with someone and i was wondering what the correct brandon opinion is on relationships. are you supposed to be a die alone incel or pro-family unit
Replies: >>161481
rather interesting, you "cure" her through phases of increasing return to intelligence, she becomes like a pet girl in mentality and then a child

I hope you learned your lesson about embarrassing certain people
Replies: >>161480 >>161482
nvm got my answer with the porn games
embarrassing how?
whatever works for you
better be pro family unit if you're going to even accidentally shit a kid out into the world
read >>161428

Where's this embarrassment? Which post?
there's eight fucking billion people tho so there's really no pressure
is k-on actually any good or has it been made into a meme to seem better than it is
Oh so you're just trolling and being biased in favour of an identity because popularity games. I see
Replies: >>161487 >>161502
homies over hos tbh
you have to admit you got pretty sprung by it, you're obviously rather worked up
Replies: >>161553
nzie jumped the gun and thought he was btfo'ing but really he was just being maori IQ 🤭

Replies: >>161496
not to mention exposing himself as a literal scatfaggot homo lmfao
ok fine I guess I will reply...

>I didn't say it was only one day you spastic i said the period is only once per month i.e. one period of time
a period of time could mean the entire month retard >>161427
>healthy cuns barely have any of this
seen plenty of videos that say otherwise
>not really =/= not at all
so self cleaning vs self cleaning? 🤣
ideally a girl would be washing her vagina anyway... (so no reason she couldn't do it with her ass also)
>your "waifu" looks like a boy and you prefer pooholes over cunnies
everyone agreed she mogs your waifu, you have shit taste if you don't like vlada
>you are gay
no proof, and I would be bisexual at most

there I destroyed your "BTFO" lmao

next time you post an epic btfo and I don't bother replying it's because you are a boring timesink and zero challenge (boring)
Replies: >>161497 >>161505
tbh I also have no idea where the btfo was supposed to be (I only skimmed the post originally)
ez btfo
Nzie won.
Cope, you lost.
Replies: >>161508
>Cope is only a way of saying "I lost and am mad" in one word.
Replies: >>161508
one three
two three
three three, ah ah ah
"Whites" with brown eyes are jews
what did he say i missed it
Replies: >>161509
we should remake our old memes with ai
>a period of time could mean the entire month retard
but why would it ever in the case of menstrual cycles? Simce when did they last anything more than a week tops? 🤣🤣🤣 RETARD
>seen plenty of videos that say otherwise
Watching videos of unhealthy twats smh 
>so self cleaning vs self cleaning?
Notice how directly below what you quoted i wrote "but rather in this case not nearly as much"? Awefully convenient omitting crucial parts that would otherwise contradict your strawmans huh weakling 😆
>no proof 
You fingered your own ass & tasted it (Silvia, Lint and Karma already confirmed you said this), your best girl looks like a boy and you prefer poohole over pussy 99.9% of the time. idk seems pretty damn gay to me lol

>there I destroyed your "BTFO" 

Don't forget to add this into your 100% wincoperate log champ
>next time you post an epic btfo and I don't bother replying it's because you are a boring timesink and zero challenge (boring)
Replies: >>161510

Wasn't me
this should be blasting on a loop through speakers on a tank tbh
>tee-hee I'm gonna strawman by omission and make retarded assertions and im not gonna bother reading any subsequent refutations because i win tee-hee
Cringe but typical for nzie
Replies: >>161511 >>161512
Replies: >>161512
I didn't even read your post but I saw you lying about me tasting my own ass again lol (protip: needing to make shit up is an instant loss btw)
Replies: >>161515
Replies: >>161517
>I didn't even read it but I read it
wdhmbt 🤔
Also as i said it's been confirmed by the aforementioned identities. Stay homosexual and coping nzie
Replies: >>161518
>appeals to authority but using imageboard identities
Lmao fitting
it's almost like when you look at a post you see some words 

>Also as i said it's been confirmed by the aforementioned identities.
no neither lint or karma said that you are lying

lmfao funniest thing is they didn't even say it

but yeah it still wouldn't matter
? Authority? 
Mentioning other witnesses saying they saw him say it is appealing to authority? 🤨 Go to sleep brandon you're delirious
Replies: >>161525
i love my waifu and she looks like a girl
Replies: >>161526
>lmfao funniest thing is they didn't even say it
Holy fucking kek they literally did just the other day 🤣🤣🤣🤣💀💀💀💀💀
Replies: >>161524
>An argument from authority is a form of argument in which the opinion of an authority figure is used as evidence to support an argument.

>they didn't even say it
hence opinion
Replies: >>161527
>you see some words 
y-you mean "reading???" 😱😱😱
Replies: >>161537
should be pretty easy to produce a post link since they're all in locked threads now
even easier since ctrl+f tripcodes

As someone who saw the actual post I can confirm NZ did not say that.
Replies: >>161540 >>161673
Lint and Karma are authority figures now? I gave no special mention of Silvia only that he was one of the 3 who said they saw him say it the other day
Replies: >>161528
>Lint and Karma are authority figures now? 
you see, that's why I was laughing at it in the first place >>161516
Replies: >>161534
Or i could just wait for them to reaffirm tomorrow 乁⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠o⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠ㄏ
it was karma who made up the thing about me tasting it (but then he admitted he doesn't remember me saying it) so........ lmao
I'm sure if I had said that someone would have taken a screenshot, surely?
ah, the classic "I don't care enough to look up the posts that absolutely would exist and are relatively easy to track down now but I'll keep harping on [thing] for another hour"
Replies: >>161541
bjork cuck btfo again
Replies: >>161543
How was i appealing to authority? If not me then who and when?
Replies: >>161535
If (You) don't see it idgaf about rubbing your nose in it that hard tbh, lel this isn't even my argument
Replies: >>161546
you absolutely appealed to authority tho 🤭
using identities
yes you look at a post and instantly read some words just from seeing it, when I said I didn't read the post I was obviously talking about reading the entire post

no way you are too stupid to get this? why pretend to be dense?
Replies: >>161539 >>161553
brAI gf skin
you see, by pretending to be retarded, they waste your time and not their own, somehow
or something I don't really get it myself since they have to invent that you're mad while they're arguing from this incredibly annoyed and perturbed stance over nothing

4chan fags do it too but the funny thing is they're fucking blatantly angry while they're telling you how mad you are, lel
Replies: >>161542 >>161553
>t. "Nzie won." simp
If you read the threads you'd know they saw it and said so
Replies: >>161549
being retarded only takes a second, trying to use logic and reasoning against shitposts is when you waste your time brandon.
At least she looked like a girl in her prime unlike vlada
Replies: >>161547
you take it too seriously
none of this matters or means anything
So you're full of shit and biased in favour of circlejerk ID's ok 👍
Replies: >>161550
Gave me a chuckle.
Replies: >>161552
>"I don't care enough to look up the posts that absolutely would exist and are relatively easy to track down now but I'll keep harping on [thing] for another hour"
there's a very easy, thunderous win here within easy grasp for you, but you deny it, which is always, always funny as fuck, since you clearly want it

peoplewatching on these is always amusing
Replies: >>161558 >>161559
>you're either in favor of anons or identities
fucking lel, good chuckle mate
Replies: >>161566
whats the current metadrama?
"didn't read the post" absolutely does not necessarily mean "i didn't read the entire post" ... Just as saying"i read the post" can mean skim read or majority read ... as unusual your assertions make no sense at all
Showing your bias again Brandon, see >>161475 and >>161487 and your usual "lololol taking shitposting this seriously"
Replies: >>161554 >>161562
>Showing your bias again Brandon
I wasn't aware I was trying to hide it
Replies: >>161557
bjork bros.... our response?
Also don't forget nzie your btfo's are here waiting to be redeemed :)
(And brandon since you're clearly reading and backing every little pseudo 'gotchya' he writes - c'mon let's be consistent now!)
Replies: >>161561
brandon youre 50 why do you spend every single day arguing about nothing on textboards while your dad fades away?
always so funny when someone could shut a particular back & forth down and refuses to
>this evidence absolutely exists but I don't care about this argument I'm endlessly perpetuating enough to get up off the couch to walk 2 feet to find it, I'd rather just keep arguing about how it exists instead
Replies: >>161560 >>161568
yeah ngl he lost hard right here
Replies: >>161563
>backing every little pseudo 'gotchya' he writes
clearly as overblown as if a woman had said it, lel
>"didn't read the post" absolutely does not necessarily mean "i didn't read the entire post" ... 
Especially when you immediately say afterwards in the very same post that you did read some of it 🤭
the goal is to not end the back and forth
Replies: >>161564 >>161602
I don't even know who he is
Replies: >>161565 >>161571
Nice strawman weakling 
Your posts clearly show that you're biased towards nzie here and in the past you've done the same for other identities; scrutinise what i say while scrutinising none of what they say, plus backing some of what they say and joining in pulling teeth on their behalf, but never doing the same for my side of things
Replies: >>161567 >>161570
>never doing the same for my side of things
puh-leeze faggot, lol
Replies: >>161569
Replies: >>161571
It's true and you clearly lack self awareness. Keep doubling down though
>be wrong and losing
>"wtf why are people not siding with me they must be biased"
Replies: >>161575
he just gave himself up to you tbh

>I could just wait until the conversation completely passes and is forgotten
>acting like anyone really reads or gives a shit about these nothing back & forths
Replies: >>161576
I mean, people gotta do something when I'm ignoring them 🤭
Replies: >>161578
I finally found a video ai that allows violence
>show's bjork's worst ever pic vs one of vlada's best (still looks like a boy tho)
Weak. If vlada was the same age, as overweight and had the same haircut she'd look like fucking leonardo dicaprio
Replies: >>161589
>t. refuses to fully read the post proving him wrong and full of shit 
>reads every other post though 
Literally the same thing happened on Saturday you idiot he denied it and then some hours later they showed up and validated what I said 🤦‍♂️
Replies: >>161579
brk when he wins another internet debate
Replies: >>161581 >>161582
>Literally the same thing happened on Saturday
that should be, what, 1-2 threads back? and they're tripfagging?
if I were you I'd already have done been posted the links
Replies: >>161587
ilovecunny lost
btfod tbh
anons won
what an insidious earworm tbh

bh fingering scandal links
I'm hslf asleep on a laggy phone
Still waiting for this open-shut-case btfo to be collected tbqh
Also notice in addition to the other points she's not wearing makeup and is obviously filter free unlike vladatranny who must hide behind them every post
Replies: >>161591
do you guys give mascot money?
Replies: >>161604
Better than some other topics, I don't see any issue.
Replies: >>161594
Nothing extraordinary aside from the incredible horniness.
catchan is just mascot and brandon posting
Replies: >>161599
LGBT propaganda turned them gay. Most of them are probably American, right?
Replies: >>161596
Yeah, mostly american. Couple of aussies too. Insufferable vocal fry and feminine inflections
So you don't own anything, and you are happy? Wow, Anon was right a lot quicker than I thought he would be: >>161089
this, only mascot simps like silvia, roo and ilovecunny disagree
this endless simping for one or the other
alt chans are dead and all thats left is brandonchan, only took a decade
catchan tv
Noble goal. Last one out loses! Or wins! I forget how this one works.
There is a missing block of about 4-5h worth of homo posts that are missing from the archive. I think the automod was broken that time and made empty locked threads instead of moving posts to them, so there is no proof either way;(
For cropped content?
>nice strawman bro
jole won again
There's a 10% Monday sale on crypto, Anna Banana what should I buy? DOT, LINK, ETH, FET, SEI, MATIC, ATOM, ROSE, RPL, ARB, GRT, CRO, AVAX, something else?

(##1d14) Rolled 1 dice with 14 sides = 8
Replies: >>161609
Rose, nice.

Buy $100,000.00 USD worth of each and every one of can easily afford it
Replies: >>161613
Not found, should be banned from using that shit.
Replies: >>161612
>karma has dark hair
No i dont lol
Replies: >>161614
you need to be quicker, litterbox works fine
I only have 225k in Coinbase and I can't add more otherwise I might get audited.
Replies: >>161658
I asked chatGPT and it said my hair is dirty blonde
Replies: >>161615
Post pic
Replies: >>161616
Only for straight men sorry
Replies: >>161617
I was clearly blonde until when i was like 10 atleast and at some point it started getting darker but you can still see bit of the blonde
>As I said. Some Finn/Scandy faggot countries like to larp as if they have chink blood but it's mostly historically bollocks.
Cope explain Saami people
Ah yes Mascot stays here for the trash talk not the attention
Nah thats me Rin is 174cm if i remember right
think he said it 2 days ago
Replies: >>161630
Most guys go through twink phase you can prevent it with mandatory military though
Replies: >>161631
lurk more so you don't miss stuff
which you stated you skipped doing, which explains why you're a faggot
Replies: >>161633
damn im disgusted reading these posts from 4h ago
If i was gay i would hit up with men on grindr, cope.
Replies: >>161637 >>161639
Smoking cigarettes on the roof
You look so pretty and I love this view
We fell in love in October
That's why I love fall
Looking at the stars
Admiring from afar
My girl, my girl, my girl
You will be my girl
My girl, my girl, my girl
You will be my world
My world, my world, my world
You will be my girl
you are gay, you don't do that because you're socially retarded
Replies: >>161640
Smoking cigarettes on the roof
You look so pretty and I love this view
Don't bother looking down
We're not going that way
At least I know, I am here to stay
Your sagacious weigh-in would be much appreciated 😌
Replies: >>161641
you know it
Replies: >>161642
Nah its not true
Replies: >>161644
This was never the way I planned
Not my intention
I got so brave, drink in hand
Lost my discretion
It's not what I'm used to
Just wanna try you on
I'm curious for you
Caught my attention
Replies: >>161648
nzie reminded us you want to fuck black boys and you said yes
you're a degen
Replies: >>161649
I kissed a girl and I liked it
The taste of her cherry chapstick
I kissed a girl just to try it
I hope my boyfriend don't mind it
It felt so wrong, it felt so right
Don't mean I'm in love tonight
I kissed a girl and I liked it
I liked it
Replies: >>161648
No, I don't even know your name
It doesn't matter
You're my experimental game
Just human nature
It's not what good girls do
Not how they should behave
My head gets so confused
Hard to obey
Replies: >>161648
Us girls, we are so magical
Soft skin, red lips, so kissable
Hard to resist, so touchable
Too good to deny it
Ain't no big deal, it's innocent
Replies: >>161648
Always feels gay to listen to this song as a man
Replies: >>161650
irl i would only fuck little girls but online i find many things attractive
Replies: >>161652 >>161730
you are gay so it's standard you would listen to it
Replies: >>161651
Nah i just posted it to trigger you
Replies: >>161654
your tastes are who you are online and offline
Replies: >>161653
Nah i can prefer to fuck something over something but still wouldnt do it.
Replies: >>161656
you self btfo yourself by posting gay stuff tho
Replies: >>161655
you clearly would tho as you are sexual deviant with low bar
Replies: >>161657 >>161658
Nah i dont think i enjoy fucking
Replies: >>161659

Hawk Tuha coin.


He literally wants to rape babies.
Replies: >>161659 >>161710
because you dont get any and too retarded to do so

yeah a degen
Little girls i could do i find them sexually attractive and cute but i dont think thats what i really want
Help, I have done it again
I have been here many times before
Hurt myself again today
And, the worst part is there's no-one else to blame
Be my friend, hold me
Wrap me up, enfold me
I am small and needy
Warm me up and breathe me
Ouch I have lost myself again
Lost myself and I am nowhere to be found
Yeah I think that I might break
Lost myself again and I feel unsafe
Be my friend, hold me
Wrap me up, enfold me
I am small and needy
Warm me up and breathe me
Be my friend, hold me
Wrap me up, enfold me
I am small and needy
Warm me up and breathe me
>but i dont think thats what i really want
he wants imported black male babies
Too much unpleasantness and bullying here--
Have a nice day...provided that you are a nice person
Replies: >>161667 >>161669
Replies: >>161668
Good morning Roo
Replies: >>161670
or day
>You fingered your own ass & tasted it (Silvia, Lint and Karma already confirmed you said this),
I can only confirm that he stuck the finger in his ass i dont actually remember if he tasted it, i just have feeling that he said that aswell.
>your best girl looks like a boy and you prefer poohole over pussy 99.9% of the time. idk seems pretty damn gay to me lol

Didnt save the post so cant say.
Replies: >>161673
Leave nzie alone tbh...
why would I say it just to deny it later? use your brain lol

Replies: >>161674 >>161713
>why would I say it just to deny it later? use your brain lol
Finger in ass or tasting it all the same
Replies: >>161675
not really, and it's besides the point, the truth is what matters

you were the first one to ever mention me tasting it
Replies: >>161676
>you were the first one to ever mention me tasting it
he is a faggot that projects a lot, bet he doing what he claims others doing like hypocrite
Replies: >>161677
So that means NZ is gay?
Replies: >>161678
it's not gay to finger your own ass (and in the context faik it was done to btfo someone else which makes it commendable - winning no matter what)
Replies: >>161679
Would NZ suck a cock to btfo someone?
atleast nzie isn't a finnish sociopath wants to rape babies and sex black boys
Replies: >>161682
Mascot won tbh
Replies: >>161685
the v in wav stands for virus
Replies: >>161686
Google said virus
he dislikes catbox but its the best site to use
I think this is bannable offence
Replies: >>161690
it's ok it's a dude
karma would fuck this
Replies: >>161697
Replies: >>161698
the 15 month old baby
Replies: >>161701
Nigga what
Replies: >>161702
sick fuck!
you were cuter when you were 12
Replies: >>161704
No I wasn’t I was fat and ugly and retarded
Replies: >>161706
You gotta find it it’s in there somewhere
you still are
Replies: >>161707 >>161714
how so?
Replies: >>161708
she uses trick camera angles and edits her stuff its all fluff
Replies: >>161709 >>161712
Where da edits @
If I invested in a meme and it rugpulled me I'd be pissed. That's why I'm all in on Dogecoin and Bonk, they are too big to fail.
You regret saying it when you saw how disgusted everyone was?
Replies: >>161715 >>161728
pretty sure you are disgusted by the fingering alone, if I cared I might as well just deny it completely then
Why we still talking about the fingering alright he fingered himself big whoop we all knew he was gay
he isn't gay
Replies: >>161719
fingering your own ass isn't gay
Replies: >>161719
Alright then he liked putting fingers in his butt we probably could’ve seen it coming who care
This gay porn or something? I’m in school
I don’t even know how this makes sense
So it is gay porn?
Idk the file can’t even play for me so
Replies: >>161734
This doesnt even make sense lol
Imagine unironically saving these lmaooo
How so?
Replies: >>161745
you are literally the one who made it up because you were mad about some meme pic of me btfoing you lmao
Replies: >>161735
>some meme pic of me btfoing you lmao
did you save it?
Replies: >>161746
If i had to pick over Mascot and something else it still does not mean i would fuck either of them irl...
Real Ladyboy Hours
Replies: >>161739
ngl you do look like a nice ladyboy when you have makeup on
Replies: >>161743
Not true.
Replies: >>161747
Im too busy at work to explain now
Replies: >>161749
here is the latest version
Replies: >>161754
that's this dude here
Replies: >>161755
>i got btfo'd
Replies: >>161750 >>161766
ilc has a life unlike you
>NZ is on
>bunch of gay posts
Replies: >>161752
yet it didn't start up until you posted, funny that
Replies: >>161753 >>161756
wtf haha work of art, lint got doxxe? sheeitt
yeah fuck you I downloaded vlc to watch this
Replies: >>161757
Started right around the time when NZ got mad about tasting his crappy finger
well you wanted to know who it was talking to you
Why is KArma so gay?
Replies: >>161759
Replies: >>161760 >>161764
You stop speaking Now
Replies: >>161761 >>161762
don't be misogynistic
Replies: >>161765
what are your thoughts about nzie in general?
Replies: >>161769
ilovecunny won
Replies: >>161768
Replies: >>161770 >>161775
>why am i being prevented from posting
Lol fag
Replies: >>161773
This dude sounds like smartschoolboy9
Replies: >>161772
Replies: >>161774
>prevented from posting
how did you make this post then?
Replies: >>161776
probably changed ip, silvia being rude for no reason
Replies: >>161778
silvia needs to defend the guy who wants his [REDACTED] on his [DATA EXPUNGED]
Replies: >>161783 >>161791
lefties love censorship the most
Replies: >>161780 >>161791
Free peech free seech
Replies: >>161782 >>161791
You will no t silence me Biden I love epdophilia
Replies: >>161782 >>161791
Nah you arent adressing posts ive made you are just posting gay shit and somehow think that makes me gay

Replies: >>161787
If i said ill finger my ass and people made fun of me id be fine with it
I respect mascot's right to make absolutely garbage posts
karma is obsessed with nzie asshole wtf
Replies: >>161788
are you implying that's me?
Replies: >>161790
kinda weird ngl
These niggas still discussing bhs
Replies: >>161792
The posting always comes with you so its you or some faggot you are cordinating with does not really matter either way same as the finger in ass thing, still gay.
Replies: >>161794
Replies: >>161814
Karma bought it back up he is a homo.
Replies: >>161793 >>161796
Why did i bring it up after already going through the thread ill let you guys figure that out.
if it was gay you wouldn't have needed to make up the tasting part
also I'm not coordinating with anyone lmao I don't even know who that is
Replies: >>161799
nzie isn't gay
nzie doesn't anon post
nzie doesn't need others to win
Replies: >>161798 >>161799

Karma theme song
Replies: >>161802
karma is actually the gayest cunt on this board he had boy thread on catchan onion
Replies: >>161803
yeah its a good one
Yes i did :)
I need to fucking go to the bathroom
karma song
which is gayer having a cute girl finger your bh or having 10000+ pics of little boys saved on your computer
Replies: >>161807 >>161809
Like both
It doesn’t matter it’s 2024 you niggas are self hating homosexuals
only closet homos and actual homos would not pick the first one
Replies: >>161810
Would you rather be pissed on by a grown man or pissed on by 4 little boys in a circle
i am straight because i make sure girl nurse check my prostate instead of a man at my hospital clinic
Wtf dude
Replies: >>161818
Koomie loves both
>this is what masclot fantasizes about
Dude I thought we were being gay
Haha this is fake karma isn’t it hahaha
Replies: >>161823
hmm interesting, why is that?
Replies: >>161826
Nah its me
>automatically thought of Silvia
Replies: >>161825
Its submissive and you couldnt submit to boys logically you could only submit to a man so its a lesser form of gayness.
if i was forced to do so (my family all being shot if i refused) I would pick grown man because 1 cock peeing on me is less gay than 4 cocks peeing on me.
Replies: >>161828 >>161831
That too
Why is NZ such a degenrate?
a fully grown hairy masculine man is more gay than prepubescent boys
Replies: >>161833 >>161834
and karma isn't?
1 cock is way less gay than 4 that's the only factor that really matters.
>a fully grown hairy masculine man
Why did you have to specify that
Replies: >>161849
atleast nzie doesn't want to rape babies like karma does

don't repost my videos thank you
>be some boy crushing on mascot at school
>him watching her constantly texting
>thinking shes texting her bf
>mascot texting gay shit on pedo textboard

mascot is there a boy like this?
Replies: >>161851
>be some boy crushing on mascot at school
Suspension of disbelief already on first line. You're not a good story writer sorry.
I remember the good old days when this board was 97,2% straight before arrival of NZ
Replies: >>161842 >>161843
fake karma > legit karma
he is more entertaining than you
then NZ arrived and you slowly realized how gay you really are
There is no real Karma i have no confirmed trip
Replies: >>161847 >>161850
Replies: >>161848
People can only tell from posting style
Replies: >>161852
she's obviously getting you in the mood
haha actual cope for the time you were retard and leaked your trip
Replies: >>161853
she hasn't responded since shes pigging out during her lunch break
doesn't matter
i'm saying he at least posts some funny faggots for us to have a cheeky laugh at
you only post autism
Replies: >>161854
Ive leaked my trip like 5 times
Replies: >>161855 >>161857
>you only post autism
nah the first time you were so upset, the rest were just intentional to try downplay your retardness
Replies: >>161856
> the rest were just intentional to try downplay your retardness
>Ive leaked my trip like 5 times
absolute state of retardation
Replies: >>161859
>Edinburgh City Council head Cammy Day has been suspended following accusations of sending sexually explicit messages to Ukrainian women, BBC Scotland reported on Sunday, citing Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar.

Ive always said im retarded
Replies: >>161860
most finnish people are, they have some of lowest iq in that part of world
Replies: >>161861
Thats why we are happy
ignorance is bliss
you often make posts about being depressed though
Replies: >>161865
Probably was someone else using my leaked trip
Replies: >>161866
yeah maybe mate
Replies: >>161870
love this about aussies and kiwis, something the yank tards lack
nzie always the good guy, at end of the day it really is just banter
Answer it.
Replies: >>161871
I would rather mascot piss on me
not a simp btw
i pledge allegiance
to brandon robert kelley,
and to the meth for which he consumes,
one nation under Monique,
indivislbe, with fried chicken
and watermelon for all.
Replies: >>161879
i could use from fried chicken right now
Replies: >>161881
i imagine you can just walk out at 9 am in baltimore and there will be a couple niggers outside doing crawfish boils and grilling fried chicken outside
Replies: >>161882
niggerbros are on the money fried chicken is godly tbh
10/10 would clog my arteries with
not brandon btw
but i've been called him SO MANY TIMES i think i'm starting to have an identity crisis tbh
Replies: >>161884
relax dude you take this thread too seriously talk to dr. brandon
Replies: >>161885
would he have some effective medicine for me
Replies: >>161886
brandon can put you into a fuckin coma yea
It's the only non-gay answer.
it also wasn't an option, but simps gonna simp
ring my friend I said you'd call dr brannie
Imagine you have an appointment with Dr Brannie for your psoriasis and he prescribes you meth
I was joking btw
Tbh this
he supports kamala and wants mascot to piss on him what a loser
Replies: >>161896
I was also joking about that
Replies: >>161897
i dont see a /s
would rather 4 lbs piss on me instead of that swamp toad
Replies: >>161899
>swamp toad
good morning
Replies: >>161901
good morning sir
Month vacation starts soooooon!
Replies: >>161904
Replies: >>161905
I have work till 23th day :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Replies: >>161907
jole lost
Then Christmas vacation? I go after Friday/Saturday.
Replies: >>161914
silvia take all namefags on exclusive excursion
Mascot, pee on us all.
to visit a bunch of really fun high-end escape rooms
Replies: >>161911 >>161920
imagine the collective iq of silvia and catchan namefags together solving puzzles
Replies: >>161913 >>161920
>silvia take all namefags on exclusive excursion
i might do some meetup in baltimore or something idk
each puzzle escape room solved = very rare cunny collection straight from roo's cp archives (larger than vatican vault)
Replies: >>161915
Short one.
i love my gf
Replies: >>161917
love isnt real unless its brandon
I love my lgf
Replies: >>161921

nzie in the corner fingering himself to try btfo the escape room
karma crying in another corner thinking of little black boys
lintdoor trying to focus trying to find a hidden door to escape
ilovecunny and mascot under a desk making weird wet sounds
silvia in a zen mode linked with celestial plane to seek answers
artemis using his teacher smarts to try solve the escape puzzles
brandon and jole making it about btfoing each other instead of team effort
rin drunk and sitting on ground completely uses slurring stuff about nazis
rodent sniffing the 30cm by 30cm cubic square of air behind brandons butt
I love your lgf too
Replies: >>161923
>ilovecunny and mascot under a desk making weird wet sounds
Get the fuck away from her, she's mine.
Replies: >>161929
>team effort
towards what, exactly?
Replies: >>161926
Replies: >>161927
it's so much better when he struggles, tho
struggle snuggle
>Members of New York's Black Lives Matter (BLM) chapter rebuked the jury and judge assigned to Daniel Penny's manslaughter trial, with one activist saying on Friday that "white supremacy got another victory."
>Penny, a 26-year-old former U.S. Marine, faced manslaughter and criminal negligent homicide charges in the death of Jordan Neely, a 30-year-old homeless man who performed as a street artist. In May 2023, Neely, who was Black, was placed in a chokehold by the veteran from Long Island, who is white, after yelling at other passengers about being hungry in a crowded subway car in New York City.
>Witnesses said Neely proclaimed that he didn't care if he lived or died and that he wanted to return to jail. Penny and some others said they heard him say he was also ready to kill. Penny, who was already on the train when Neely boarded, approached him from behind and put him in a chokehold. Several minutes of the altercation were caught on bystander video and was a key piece of evidence in the trial.
Your waifu a shit
Replies: >>161983
this war produces some brutal videos
Everyone can meet in Finland, Christmas party?
Sounds about right.
He died proudly serving his country just like the men in prior world wars.
Replies: >>161934
I can't tell if Ukranian or Russian but probably forced conscript either way
Replies: >>161939
Nothing wrong with conscription.
Replies: >>161937
I can see his spine
Interesting how everything around it is gone but the spine stayed
Replies: >>161937
I don't remember there ever being a kidnap conscript here
completely unjustifiable if your country's existence isn't at stake and Ukraine's never was

flesh is weaker than bone
Replies: >>161938
I mean like the joints and stuff and how it's still perfectly in place but yeah I get it.
Replies: >>161940
red tape?
Replies: >>161941
Replies: >>161943
November was reportedly the worst month of the war yet for the Russian in terms of KIA
Replies: >>161943
makes sense

meanwhile the Ukranians are lowering the kidnap age and adding women, lel
>Ukraine's parliament, the Verkhovna Rada, has taken "the first steps" to mobilize women in the war with Russia amid troop shortages, says Ukrainian MP Dmytro Razumkov.
>Razumkov said that bill 12076, adopted on December 3, contains a provision allowing women who meet the health and age requirements to register for military service as conscripts and complete basic training, Ukrainian outlet Strana News reported.
>contains a provision allowing women who meet the health and age requirements to register for military service as conscript

What.... what!?
Replies: >>161949
Replies: >>161946 >>161949
you vill die for zelenski
Scumbag Zelensky wasn't happy enough recruiting male children so he has to force women too.
Replies: >>161950 >>161952
i wonder what the democrats in usa will think about this
Replies: >>161951
They wanted it. Biden has been hounding on Zelensky to increase mobilization numbers. Ukrainians die for the Jews, funded by America!
Replies: >>161953
the ones that stayed despite being the sex outright allowed to leave are obviously problematic and need to be eliminated patriotic and will happily get into the kidnap conscription vans
Replies: >>161954 >>162016
Holy based, Roo won.
All Ukrainian women are welcome into Russia. They will get easy Passport.
Replies: >>161955
Breeding shall commence.
Replies: >>161957
we should wake brandon up with a car battery and then throw him into ice cold water
Replies: >>161959
Putin, lower marriage age to 13 and allow 3 wives (Russian wife + 2 Ukrainian wives). Population troubles OVER.
Replies: >>161969
My mom is telling me she’s suicidal
Replies: >>161961 >>161963
studying for your enhanced interrogation exam?
any enhanced interrogator worth their salt knows that pee is stored in the balls
call her a pussy and tell her she's not serious and just wants attention
Replies: >>161964
Serious or just kidding?
Replies: >>161971
silvia rulecuckery strikes again
>“In high school, I started playing a lot of independent games and stuff like that, but I wanted to make my own game, and so I learned how to code,” Mangione, who is described as “Mangione, a junior from Baltimore” said.
lmao uhc shooter is allegedly a baltimore boy
Replies: >>161967
the niggers will rise up
>McDonald's worker turned him in
>retards swearing he was antifa for days shitting themselves that he's actually a chud
he supposedly posted on /pol/ too
Putin has a better solution:

"Мы не против прироста исламского населения, мы наоборот рады тому, что происходит сейчас в Российской Федерации. У нас в некоторых наших республиках, преимущественно с исламским населением, очень хорошая рождаемость, мы очень рады"
>pa is cold
no shit retard pick the other 6 months to shoot someone there
I think she’s serious
Replies: >>161973
The Syrian government needs me
Replies: >>161977
In that case call the Police, right now.
Replies: >>161976 >>161986
>my mum is in mental suicidal crisis
>i better just post on catchan instead
Replies: >>161987
this, they'll kill her much quicker than she would kill herself, more humane
will need you to cover up head to toe. actually will be doing everyone a favor if you go to Syria tbh
Replies: >>161989
Replies: >>161980
>right and left both fighting over whether he was left or right wing, both want to claim him
Watcha gonna do about it
Replies: >>161981
I already said, have 100 daughters. It's the only way, other people are slacking too much so I have to do it.
They're combating Western degeneracy by doing a Western degeneracy. 
Best way to combat your enemies is to first understand them.
Shut up.
Replies: >>162022
I did some math and I'm probably going to need 3 wives to reach the goal.
Replies: >>161990
>“He matches the description” of the person police were looking for, Mayor Eric Adams said. “He’s also in possession of several items that we believe will connect him to this incident.”
>A partial fingerprint and DNA recovered early in the search for the suspect have so far not yielded matches when compared against law enforcement databases, according to a law enforcement official. The fingerprint was recovered from a purported “burner phone” thought to belong to the suspect, and the DNA from a water bottle and energy bar wrapper the suspect is said to have bought.
lel he may be a patsy
Im home now she’s at the supermarket with my dad I think she just wanted to make me feel bad
Replies: >>161988 >>161991
She does this a lot it’ll be okay I’ll try talking to her
She btfoed you good
With the fall of the government there comes opportunity to reform religious values and opportunities to indoctrinate people that is how I will take power
1. Rin
2. Karma
3. ???
should have called the cops, that would've taught her
>Connected for live posts (234ms)
>posts still take forever to go through
what causes this
Replies: >>161996
nevermind was another finnish guard node
can't the jews just round up people and shoot them would be less painful
Replies: >>161995
that wouldn't be legal, kidnap conscription into a war is legal
MongoDB has to register the post to "save" it but it's a shit (also why the captcha breaks).
Replies: >>161997
>MongoDB has to
it's fine on some nodes though, it's literally just the finnish ones that are shit lately
russian guard nodes are always fine
brandon linux sucks it barely works on laptops at all my screens are always black after sleep
shit is hilarious, there's parts of both left and right that want him and that desperately don't want him on their "side"
thAnks anon
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
Replies: >>162005 >>162006
yea it fucking sucks
very helpful roo
linux is so bad
cant even play roblox on linux whats the point
Replies: >>162010
>cant even play roblox on linux whats the point
i have a 2nd machine for gaming since its better anyways instead of a virtual machine. but its not like its hard to run it in a virtual machine anyways the byfron guys roblox bought out werent exactly peak engineers
roo how do you browse pol the discussion is literally scattered over 50 identical threads
Replies: >>162012
not that roo, but typically most of the same takes get posted in most of them
look for the ones with more replies tbh, a lot of them die with less than 10
Replies: >>162014
So did u see the links and the later affirmation by id's? After all that insinuating i was a bullshitter?
Replies: >>162015 >>162017
did you have sex with brandon?
Replies: >>162018
no memes
this is one of the saddest things about this
the trash left, the honourable Ukrainian women stayed behind to support their men
now they're into the meat grinder as well
the war will be over however, eventually
and all the sperm bank whores will come back as if nothing happened
further diluting down the quality of their pool of women
this a double loss for Ukraine despite the final outcome of the war for them
Replies: >>162017
whomst are you?

>the trash left, the honourable Ukrainian women stayed behind to support their men
>now they're into the meat grinder as well
damn that Putler for making this necessary or something, if only he didn't demand Ukraine stay out of NATO

wait, that was all he wanted?
Replies: >>162019
No i wouldn't wanna be responsible for jole roping himself
Replies: >>162020
The one you were siding with nzie against last night
Replies: >>162021
why? hes just numbers on a computer
Or this morning your time
hehe I dint even know who she is
all good mannered teasing i was just short in my namefag bullying quota today
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