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[New Reply]
Being a homo is a bannable offence.

lol, but hey at least everything is probably cheap for you?
lol you literally blocked me right after I told you that I doxed you (this would be considered a btfo)
Replies: >>157177
cope mascot you lost
kpim — 2/15/2024 4:19 PM
tell nade to unblock me
Replies: >>157175 >>157179
Replies: >>157176
u said u didnt dox me but u know where i live and then asked me passive aggressively to post selfies in cat session group
Replies: >>157182
McDonalds is still pretending they don't own any restaurants in Russia, it's over.
Replies: >>157188
she should unblock me tbh
everyone be blocking nz
Replies: >>157185
based off what he said i think he just got blocked for sending a rare pic
Replies: >>157187
I got the dox I just didn't leak it because I'm a nice guy
rare pepe
nah only mascot and lint

might be a connection there not sure 🤔
Replies: >>157189
gods busy pepe
rare pic being a photo from my moms facebook this nigga speaks in pedo brainrot
Replies: >>157191
well yeah, you'd need a european or us franchise if you want the white gir-wait I think my information is totally outdated now

idk where you find the white girls anymore
Replies: >>157195
i think i may be lintdoor
Replies: >>157198
Wtf Nzie I thought you were a member of the based mascot-hater alliance
Replies: >>157194
thats rare tho tbqf
Replies: >>157192
probably holographic even
yes I am why?
Replies: >>157208
Israeli McDonalds it is. God bless the Jews.
1 rare mascot for 1 uncut cock pic
Replies: >>157199 >>157206
you want the attention slut, don't pretend otherwise
that's how you get it
you both got btfo'd after self doxing (low iq)
Replies: >>157201
damn shes already got a personal digital cock wall
lint is highest iq on catchan tho
Replies: >>157202 >>157205
ive been self dozing since 12 i know people whove known where i live since before you came kid
Replies: >>157203 >>157204
smartest person on here will be a democrat jew
ive been jacking off since like 9 or something i cant remmeber
Replies: >>157207
weird flex
Replies: >>157207
Replies: >>157212
well I'm used to women having completely arbitrary standards like "be taller" anyway
Replies: >>157209
still a flex tho
>wants to be unblocked
When we're travelling to her state to poison her pets and smash her windows I don't think you'll be invited
Replies: >>157211 >>157213
i dont want ur cock pic someone who may be in this room with us proly does tho
Replies: >>157216
order pizzas to mascot's house
Replies: >>157214
ooooh yowch
Because he is. He's a well articulated guy, gives good balanced opinion on things. Probably the only adult here on this shithole besides Silvia.
> to poison her pets 
they already got lead poisoning and probably 3 other things from her 1970s house
Replies: >>157215
gonna get them to spell out BTFO with the pepperoni
WTF my house built in 2010 kid
Replies: >>157217
well there goes my entire conspiracy theory about the purpose of your existence, thanks (ノ-_-)ノ ミ ┴┴
Replies: >>157223
>WTF my house built in 2010 kid
i wouldnt trust a recession build or any modern us builds
he's a vaxxie who self doxed but yeah he's ok I guess, has some good qualities unlike mascot
Replies: >>157231
i dont know anything about houses though
Hi Lint.
lint doesn't anonpost
would be easy to spot his post as anon tho
Replies: >>157225
my usb stick full of catchan cocks is full im working as an informant
Okay Lint.
and cg too
hes vaxxed
Replies: >>157229 >>157231
the vaccines are getting to,my head auoooogogh *explode from isnide* ohhh fuck
someone swat mascot so she stops posting here
Replies: >>157232
Is he a halfblood like Fooci?
Thank you.

>would be easy to spot his post as anon tho
This is the main reason I don't. I have paranoia I'd get caught doing it.
Replies: >>157236
A shame about the whole vax thing, but the guy is smart. Well, I guess is not that hard being smart around the kind of people who hangs around here...
Replies: >>157233 >>157234
mascot chan got shot in a driveby 3 years sgo let her go
>A shame about the whole vax thing
based for admitting it. good for you
some of us are npcs, some of us are humans. but we dont go around killing all the npcs do we?
Replies: >>157235
we should
Replies: >>157241
I like you so I'm typing this instead of the post I originally typed
Replies: >>157240
but you just dun goof'd
yes because its not possible to switch writing styles ever

It's not something people can do.
Replies: >>157244
Hey Brandon had any snow yet?
Replies: >>157242 >>157243
Thanks I guess.
>we should
whiterun would be so empty except for all the kids. you wouldnt wanna be left alone with just some kids would you?
nothing stickinig, just minor flurries on & off
>Hey Brandon had any snow yet?
i thought we did get a tiny amount in the region recently
Yes, it's possible. But I don't think he would do something like that
but seriously, objectively speaking, what would we rate mascot?

for me 4/10 or 5/10 but I mostly like white girls
this place sucks for snow
need to see bh first to pass judgement
Replies: >>157248 >>157253
doesnt every butthole look the same unless its bleached
Replies: >>157261
7 with filters 2 without
Replies: >>157251 >>157255
which one, the rollercoaster samoan wrestler mascot, or the 6/10 not bad mascot
what about filters and angles
Replies: >>157254
Patch did at least 3 raids with her bh pics how did you miss them
same category
ill take it
dude those were not butthole pics only a select people have actual clear photos of my butthole stop stretching it like no pun intended
>only a select people have actual clear photos of my butthole
mascot took pics of her shithole? wtf
Cope, but I didn't save them so my memory might be betraying me idk
>only a select people have actual clear photos of my butthole 
Fucking Silvia man...
Replies: >>157267
bhs are pretty much a person's second face
each one has its own identity
fr? i don't follow this lolcow too long, only hear it in passing here and there
Replies: >>157262 >>157263
ah okay i didnt know people were into buttholes i thought it was just the ass part
yes I've seen her bh, it's nothing to write home about
like anal yea but the butthole entrance obsession is a different thing
nz has pictures of my asshole hes been blackmailing me
Replies: >>157268
Your posts kill me.
I don't share private content, sorry!
>blackmailing me
how can you blackmail girls with telling peoople theyre whores when they know theyre whores
Replies: >>157269
most people i know irl dont know
Replies: >>157272
he keeps trying to call my mom
>most people i know irl dont know
yea you probably think your grandma doesnt know
Replies: >>157276
they can see the whore in your eyes and all the makeup you put on probably
is this one of the classic nzie moves where he claims/teases to have something and when requested further elucidation he proceeds to ignore you?
Replies: >>157282
you can kinda see her asshole in her pussy pic
my grandma died 7 years ago
Replies: >>157278
that was a lie a really terrible one im am sorry
Replies: >>157280
>my grandma died 7 years ago
ill pay you $50 to drink her ashes
Replies: >>157279
ummmmmm ill think about it
>that was a lie a really terrible one im am sorry
your grandma is going to die in her sleep tonight unless you comment this on 5 other threads
Replies: >>157281
she grabbed me by the pussy when i was like 8
it was literally posted on catchan >>157253
Replies: >>157284 >>157289
if she dies in her sleep im gonna feelrelief
lol i dont think i was there
She forced us to see her bh, that's rape
never turn down a bh pic
the girl with the perfectly square butthole strikes back
Replies: >>157288
Replies: >>157294
i wasn't there at the time
post it
Replies: >>157290 >>157291
I don't save that kind of stuff I'm not a fucking idiot
Replies: >>157292 >>157295
silvia simps for this 🤭

damn girl brush your tongue
Surely someone else has it.
Replies: >>157315
Replies: >>157297
funny how it actually looks like you unlike the stuff you post yourself 🤣
Replies: >>157300
wow shes just like bjork
Replies: >>157299 >>157306
wtf how did you find this
Replies: >>157301 >>157302
thas crazy cause i have a filter on there
idk was in my folder
it's from your mom's facebook
Replies: >>157305
Replies: >>157304
lmao that gif
Looks like patch here
Replies: >>157307
ah shit 🤭
glad im cute now
still got a underbite tho
Replies: >>157309 >>157310
could always be worse
Replies: >>157317
Replies: >>157313
urinate on passed out+gagged sofia odnokolova and film it
Replies: >>157312 >>157315
Replies: >>157314
ur delusional
Replies: >>157316
Mascots number 1 simp has it

Replies: >>157318
lmao reply
>>Mascots number 1 simp has it
Who is that?
Replies: >>157319
my uncle
And people say Mascot doesn't make good posts
mascot do you fw this?
nice try officer
started off having my full interest and lost it within the first 30 seconds tbh
>cookie cutter rap about "originality being different than everyone else"
Replies: >>157326
sometimes when im sharing my screen i just leave my mouse jiggler on
mascot would like it
Replies: >>157330
like damn, you could at least make it sound different, I can't tell him apart from practically any other 4/4 rapper
Replies: >>157329
 love to jiggle
why are we still talking about mascot
Replies: >>157332
>I can't tell him apart from practically any other 4/4 rapper
thats how i feel about all music just sounds like shit
>every female disliked this
ALL music?
Replies: >>157335
she has a pussy
to a certain degree everything is derivative I guess
commence the jigglin
>ALL music?
i was gonna say something about brandon but im not feeling it
Replies: >>157338
i only like yung lean and roblox rap
Replies: >>157337
>i like niggers and trannies
you & me both it's why I can't get it up for working on any of it anymore
Replies: >>157340
women dont like things
you and me both brandon except its all work not just my hobbies
Replies: >>157346
LMFAO UNKLE ADAMS yeah i fw unkle adams heavy
Replies: >>157348
tbh that just means you are depressed
what does fw mean?
music is only entertaining when ur intoxicated
Replies: >>157347 >>157349
do you have any idea how much work a hobby is
Replies: >>157347
>music is only entertaining when ur intoxicated
i wish i could drink with brandon

yea its why i dont have one anymore
tbh I can enjoy it sober especially extremely aggressive metal
Replies: >>157350
i dont like metal anymore im never in the mood for agressive music
Replies: >>157351
it's very good for when you have to do shit, gets the blood up
but I prefer silence most of the time anymore
Replies: >>157352
i prefer my fan
Replies: >>157353
when sleeping yes

speaking of fans
Replies: >>157355
Replies: >>157472
kween tryna get some bwc
Replies: >>157356
>they still haven't caught him yet, so there's still time uWu
Mascot is more cute and sweet and beautiful and intelligent and funny than 1000 Vladas tbh

Mascot just needs to eat healthier, sleep better and stop using filters
>stop using filters
that will never happen
simps need to die
Replies: >>157362
Mascot actually has a soul and sympathises with you freak losers

Vlada would have you all executed by neosoviet lesbian death squads just for a little bit of instagram clout
simping is ok but not for annoying cunts
kys then vladasimp
Replies: >>157366
mascot is a zoomer normie npc
vlada has a soul
Replies: >>157368 >>157369
mascot doesn't care about us simps
Replies: >>157372
>Vlada would have you all executed by neosoviet lesbian death squads
i mean we really should be executed, and if she could pull that off i would be impressed before being dead
waifuing isn't the same as simping
Replies: >>157381
i would support queen vlada ordering all incels to be executed
vlada has a massive militant sized lgbtq+blm flag on her wall

there's really no coming back from that
>blm flag
Replies: >>157379
still a 10/10
doesn't matter she will grow out of it
Replies: >>157396
she probably does a little bit but it'd be embarrassing for all involved if she admitted it publicly
Replies: >>157375
didnt know vlada supported blm, i love her even more if true
Replies: >>157376
she cares about me I think or else she would filter me
I've never seen such a thing on her wall. Sad if true though.
Replies: >>157377
i think he made it up sadly, blm isnt popular in russia yet
Replies: >>157378
when the POC stripes/chevrons were integrated shortly after the whole George Floyd debacle they were also officially intended to represent BLM
tbh that's not really a blm flag, and I doubt the vast majority of those kids with the flags even know or give a shit about the stripes and all their meanings they probably just think it means ass sex and call it a day
Replies: >>157385 >>157389
Everyone knows you simp for vlada dumb dumb you've already admitted you'd get pegged and castrated if it pleased vlada
Replies: >>157382
no you are lying as usual
Replies: >>157422
she didnt have the blm version
Replies: >>157425
gonna start ignoring anon posters unless it's someone based like brandon or maisiecuck
Replies: >>157447 >>157448
I never said it was a blm flag I said it officially represents BLM along with all the other shit it officially represents
Replies: >>157393
moment of zen
>when the POC stripes/chevrons were integrated
To the flag she has/had? I don't think so?
Also she's a bisexual lefty so it wouldn't be surprising in the least if she was all about that BLM
Replies: >>157393
that isn't even a pride flag lol
Replies: >>157406 >>157445
pride flag has 6 colours
7 is just a rainbow
well jole gets rear ended by trannies voluntarily and he's not a BLM supporter
Cute LGBT warrior.
Replies: >>157397
Vlada bros won.
The upper half of her face is troon afbso no definitely not 10/10 lol

And she'll never grow out of all the HPV she's contracted from deep-tonguing older bulldyke commies
Replies: >>157399
 agreed id support lgbt for her. love to see her dancing to nigger music too
(((  𝙼𝚄𝚃𝙸𝙻𝙰𝚃𝙴𝙳  ))) ✡

卐 Uncut Purecocks 卐
Anon ?

Anon ?
Replies: >>157403 >>157519
Her immune defenses are impregnable because she's never used soap
Replies: >>157402 >>157409
brandon do you drink your coffee with a straw
queen knows how valuable her natural pheromones are
Put me back in the best category.
Replies: >>157408
Strongest bacteriamaxxer in St Petersburg
Replies: >>157445
lint uncut?
why do you people meme that vlada has bad hygiene? serious question
she always looks clean and her skin looks nice in all vids i've seen
is this in the same vein as "oh she's a boy" type of thing
>why do you people meme that vlada has bad hygiene?
Hippy phase maybe?
Replies: >>157412
i've seen the hippie ones
even on those she was clearly boutique hippie and still looked clean
because i want to smell her body odor so i imagine that shes stinky
Replies: >>157415
i see
this is cope you can tell she stinks
give me vlad waif
give me lika gee eff
or give me death
i need it
Replies: >>157433
could spend all day sniffing vlada
vlada doing the noshower challenge, would lick her fishy fermented pussy
Replies: >>157421 >>157427
vlada by 2030 after all her inevitable troonsformation surgeries
ofc nzie will have off'd himself by then :)
Replies: >>157424
bro 😩😷😐
No im not you literally fucking said you would lmao this was a week or two before the pegging scenario question
Replies: >>157428
She just looks smelly & unkempt and has a terrible hair style. Despite this she's 10/10
Replies: >>157431
vlada is pretty much her mom entirely
look at her mom and you'll see how future vlada will look
much better than what the future holds for anna, which is also heavy on her moms side
Replies: >>157426 >>157429
Cope she's still a lefty "bisexual" (really just dyke in coming out phase)
Replies: >>157426
her mom is cute for her age

leftist girls are usually more attractive
Replies: >>157432 >>157434
this sort of shit is what she can be actually hated for
dumb edgy retarded bitch
doesn't change the fact she is a 10/10 dumb edgy retarded bitch though
Replies: >>157430
no I definitely did not say that you are lying and you won't post proof
Replies: >>157452
except vlada's destined to be a gender bender mutant.. the signs are all there
that part of her personality is what makes her interesting compared to more generic girls
Replies: >>157434
Replies: >>157436
—except for when they're androgynous dykes
Replies: >>157435
Replies: >>157439
i guess it could be a lot worse, yeah
up to a point
androgynous girls are my favorite type
Replies: >>157440
Cope mascot
Replies: >>157437
sexy androgynous girl
not me but I endorse the post
patrician taste
In 99% of her pictures and videos that aren't filtered to look like a Disney's Frozen character if you block the bottom half of her face with your hand or whatever she literally looks like a boy or in the very least is androgynous af
Replies: >>157442
>she literally looks like a boy or in the very least is androgynous af
you say that like it's a bad thing
vladi is the boy that won (our hearts)
everyone here would marry him, even the antis
>literally paints her own lgbt flag
>this much sentiment & dedication
>dyke hair & fashion while doing dyke masculine dancing 
>it's j-just a phase br-bros!! 😫
Replies: >>157446
>t. no-longer-bisexual resident expert on lgbt culture 
shes passionate about lgbt rights thats hot
fucking COPE 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Also trust a vladasimp to think maiseycuck is based lmao
lol this guy has made like 20 posts about me since I said I was ignoring him 🤭
Replies: >>157457
Anonymous cowards deserve to be ignored.
Replies: >>157451 >>157516
>won't post proof
it happened before the archive threads were a thing you jew
Replies: >>157453
you lost, that's why you can only make shit up about it, now take your L and fuck off 😂
Replies: >>157457 >>157460
getting pegged by vlada would be amazing
Replies: >>157455 >>157459
getting castrated would suck though
Replies: >>157456
id do it for vlada wife
Replies: >>157458

I wouldn't
Replies: >>157462
Replies: >>157465
Nice cope btw, you did say you would and I most certainly did not lose today, yesterday not the day before
Replies: >>157461
you have no proof and I am 100% sure you are wrong so I'm marking it down as a loss for you, sorry
Replies: >>157468 >>157471
not a true vlada waifuist
Replies: >>157464
Nzie never loses.
not gay getting dominated by mommy vlada
It's summer and you're in an unventilated office with Vlada
Replies: >>157467 >>157469
is her bh ventilated?
Replies: >>157470
vlada's sour sweaty body odor filling the room... i couldnt focus on anything else
It's stinking up the office
Replies: >>157473
I already said the archives don't go back that far you slimy jew rat
Byt go ahead mark down your cope like you always do in your totally not 100% cope rate pathetic logbook faggot
Replies: >>157477
it keeps going up
and the insurance companies are scrubbing as much public tier CEO info as possible, lol
she probably doesnt wipe very well
hey i just met you
and this is brazy
but heres my number
so call me brandon
Replies: >>157475 >>157476
ok brandon
Hi Brandon.
either you are lying or you are misremembering but you lose either way sorry
brannie do they whip the call center indians? bitch sounds like she has to make 100 calls this hour
stop bothering nzie
Replies: >>157480
Replies: >>157481
Replies: >>157489
gia derza
Sodom and Gomorrah
Replies: >>157515
white princesses out looking for some bbc
Replies: >>157491
Cute boy ☺️
Replies: >>157490
vlada uses they/them pronouns
Replies: >>157492
One looks like a jew
Replies: >>157494 >>157495
need a vlada big sis to make me wear makeup and girl clothes
Grose. Vladafags aren't straight.
>haven't been on catchan for almost a year
>come back 
>it's shit
Replies: >>157498
What I need before I go bald tbh
Replies: >>157500 >>157502
too late for you, you need to settle for a 30yo single mom
          🩷   🩷
        🩷        🩷
      🩷             🩷
    🩷                  🩷
      🩷             🩷
        🩷        🩷
          🩷   🩷
cope and date a roastie your age balding pedo loser
Replies: >>157503
I just think they're hot
Replies: >>157504
cope pedo
Replies: >>157505
I'm not a pedo brandon is, I have a healthy male sex drive for adult women
Replies: >>157507 >>157508
the health insurance shooter uses the same backpack as i do/did
run of the mill backpack hasn't been sold for years we're grandfathered
normies cope
cope pedo
you also suck penis though
Replies: >>157510 >>157517
he also used an esoteric gun
Replies: >>157885
If reports are true he flirted with a hostel worker the night before that he used a fake ID to stay at and she Id him to the cops
Druggies are usually dirty?
How do you know?
Let's not smite it this time. Let's just...uhm....
Is that why you are Anonymous?
thats fucking sexxy
Pookie is definitely a cut 'murican
Agreed i cried while watching it the relationship between Wall-E and Eva is touching.
Replies: >>157530
Brandon = Maisiecuck confirmed?
And i got it again!
brannie brannie
this they look healthy

Yeah...that too, for real
Wall-E an autistic lower-class nerd bot...Eva a smart upper-class cutie bot...a very unlikely love story one hope
i always test everything with my fingers if i can feel pesuaine or something solid then im not obviously drinking/eating from it
Whats wrong with these people?
Pretty sure the standard is already 15§ hour already there
Replies: >>157538
State	Annual Salary	Hourly Wage
Virginia	$34,075	$16.38
California	$33,920	$16.31
California	$33,920	$16.31
Minnesota	$33,663	$16.18
Replies: >>157536 >>157546
Wow there's 2 californias
As of my last update in October 2023, the hourly wages for McDonald's employees can vary significantly by state and even by location within states. The wages are influenced by factors such as local minimum wage laws, the cost of living, and the specific franchise owner's policies.

As of late 2023, many states have minimum wages that are higher than the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. For example:

    In states like California and Washington, minimum wages are often around $15 to $17 per hour.
    In New York City, the minimum wage can be over $15 per hour.
    In Texas and Florida, minimum wages tend to be closer to the federal minimum, but some franchises may pay more to attract workers.

In general, McDonald's has been increasing its starting wages in response to labor market conditions. Some locations may offer starting wages between $12 to $15 per hour, with opportunities for increases based on experience and tenure.
Yeah probably, maybe I did see $14 McDonalds somewhere but I don't remember, that's the only picture I had of it saved anyways.
Replies: >>157540
Yeah so lots of them do make that much, neat.
Its a hard job i couldnt do it, someone removing a pickle, or adding something couldnt remember it so many combinations!
Replies: >>157544 >>157554
and you have time pressure
McDonalds job = 15/h, 35h weeks, 45 work weeks/year, 23.6k. How much does the government give unemployed people?
Replies: >>157543
>How much does the government give unemployed people?
Depends on your nationality :P
Pretty sure McDonalds employees work harder than I do on average, lol. I would definitely not work there even if my pay remains the same as it is now.
Replies: >>157545

Pointless Additional Trivia--
Here where I live, the starting annual salary for a beginning public school teacher, the 1st year that they're hired, is $44,000 USD
Replies: >>157547 >>157548
It's shit, teachers should be paid more. It's one of the most important jobs and they are all underpaid (well, regular teachers, some University teachers are well paid).
Replies: >>157549 >>157561
absurd. slavery.
Replies: >>157561
>some University teachers are well paid
Because they abuse it also. I had a class in which the teacher had written the book, and we were forced to buy the book from him to pass the class. What? lol
Replies: >>157550 >>157551
haha. why do you accept and comply?
Did you buy again when it dropped or do you stay out for even bigger preice drop?
Replies: >>157552
Bitcoin? I didn't even see it go down that much, it happened too fast, when I checked it was only down like 4k or something but I saw it was down 8k on the history. I won't buy in again until it goes down to maybe 80k or so, I might consider it.
> the federal minimum 

Which is only $7.25 per hour...for context
> Texas and Florida
Note that those are GOP Republican States...very many such cases
Which makes it really funny how the GOP has now been able to successfully market itself to numbskulls as being the pro-worker, and anti rich people, political party...literally the opposit of what's true lol
Replies: >>157556

Lol...I really do like you a lot, Karma
ChatGPT agrees that educators and researchers are the most important jobs for a happy and successful nation. Here is its ordered list:

Educators and Researchers
Healthcare Professionals
Agricultural and Food Workers
Engineers and Builders
Renewable Energy and Environmental Specialists
Technology and IT Experts
Policy Makers and Administrators
Financial and Economic Strategists
Legal Professionals
Social Workers and Community Leaders
Minimum wage mostly works on big companies, small companies might afford to not pay that and people will lose their job.

Of course it wont die on 1 guy but when you have to raise the wage of several hundred people.

Also if im not wrong the blue states with high minimum wage have high housing costs and generally are more expensive due to all kinds of taxes.
Replies: >>157559 >>157562
So the minimum wage basically cancels it self out
Maybe if you work cross state you can benefit from it (unsure how that works just theorizing)
Yeah, minimum wage is a sham. I tried to explain this before to the people who were fighting for minimum wage and bonuses and stuff (including my mother who is very for a high minimum wage and a cap on earnings for some reason).

If you increase minimum wage, everything will go up to reflect that price. The poor people don't benefit, yet everyone else loses. How is that a good idea?
Replies: >>157560
>>157548's horrible
My younger daughter gets paid a little bit more than that, because she's a "specialist" kinda teacher and has her Master's Degree...but she still only makes about $50,000 per year

In most all States in the USA...and also under the Federal law...the minimum wage regulations always only apply to companies/employers who have more than "x" total small businesses are generally excluded from having to pay said minimum wage
Just a point of information
Replies: >>157563
>>157562 *
> only apply to companies/employers who have more than "x" total employees *

* This is true for pretty much all laws and regulations relating to employers in the USA, by the way...including things like minimum safety regulations
Alaska won
Replies: >>157565 >>157568
Want to go gold mining?
Replies: >>157566 >>157568
i think grizzly bears are cute and women would rather meet them than men in woods i heard
Replies: >>157567
Replies: >>157569

Alaska is an interesting State, in a lot of's sorta like the old-timey "Wild West" from the cowboy western movie days
Lot's of "anarchy-fags" live in can live in Alaska and never have any contact at all with another human, if you like
Rough place to live, though...with the extreme cold, among other things...easy to die there, if you don't have good basic survival skills
The State of Alaska actually pays you each year to live there, rather than to tax's literally a "socialist" State, in the truest sense of the word


Yeah...Alaska has fucktons of different resources, like gold and oil and shit...sorta like Siberia does in that respect, I suppose
Replies: >>157571 >>157572
Looks like a regular bear, just bigger and meaner?
Replies: >>157570
Replies: >>157576
>>157568 *

*  Russia should have never sold Alaska to the USA...that was a bad call on Russia's part tbh
>The State of Alaska actually pays you each year to live there, rather than to tax's literally a "socialist" State, in the truest sense of the word
Yeah wasnt it from oil money or smth?
Replies: >>157573 >>157574
> from oil money's from all the oil money, of which there is a whole lot each year...each Alaskan resident gets a share of that oil revenue every year
Plus, like I said...there are zero State taxes in Alaska
New thought: all the people on social assistance are forced to move to Alaska.
Replies: >>157575
No Alaska is great

t. basing it on tv shows, games n stuff where they always have amazing close knit wholesome community
Replies: >>157577 >>157580
I wouldn't mind going at some point. I want to go to some Canadian places too.
Replies: >>157578
> close knit wholesome community

Because they need each other in order to just survive tbh
Yeah id like too, to Yukon.
Replies: >>157581
ilovecunny lost
Replies: >>157590
I mean that if the government wants people to live there (paying them to live there), wouldn't it be best to serve both objectives? People on social assistance are already being paid for nothing, might as well move them to Alaska too?
Replies: >>157582
Google it, looks amazing.
Replies: >>157585
The brown people wouldnt survive there.
Replies: >>157583
Not my problem, lol.
Replies: >>157584
Yeah it looks nice. Not sure exactly where I'd go or what I'd do, but whenever I decide I want to go there I will look more into specific stuff.
naked childe
Replies: >>157589
Super moderne
ba ba ba baba ba ba baaaaaaa
ba baba ba
Replies: >>157596
giv lika gf
He is just reminding you

Broteins for Biro
childes of the negro variant
Replies: >>157603
3 hours until launch, hypppeed! 🤘🏻
Replies: >>157607 >>157608
imagine if pero sisters transitioned into black boys
Brandon why don't you get a transgender gf? i have one
Replies: >>157605
post pic
Replies: >>157606
sent ;)
to the moon
The full game or just the early access?
brandon stop kissing men and chasing after elementary schoolers date a trans girl
Replies: >>157610
why did brandon kiss his bandmate?
why did he cum on his bandmate
giv vlada waifi
Replies: >>157613
she is for me tbh
What's gayer kissing your bandmate or sucking transdick? Not sure who won here
what's gayer sucking vlada cock or kissing brandon?
Replies: >>157616
one of those is completely straight
Replies: >>157617 >>157627
Nothing gay about a little french kissing with Brannie tbh
Replies: >>157618
what if he gets a boner?
Replies: >>157619
Just call James Alexander Banks to take care of it
Replies: >>157620
jole is hetero
Replies: >>157622
I just wanna Hug Vlada tbh
Replies: >>157626
trannies are men
Replies: >>157624
posting on litterbox is gay cant be bothered to refresh my vpn so ill never see whats on the link because its expired by the time i have refreshed
Yeah sucking cock is gay asf
Replies: >>157628 >>157882
wrong sucking trans cock is straight
Replies: >>157630
youre gay jole, just accept it
Suck a clit once in a while why is it always sucking dick
>Lily Phillips is counting down the days to Christmas, when she’ll celebrate with her family in a pretty village near Derby. The festive spirit will be very much alive and her parents still insist she and her older brother hang their stockings for Santa.
>How lovely! And then she’ll have a nice restorative break before she tackles her New Year’s Resolution. Which, I promise, is not like yours or mine. Or anyone else’s on the planet.
>Because Lily, 23, has set herself the target – please brace yourselves here – of breaking a world record by sleeping with 1,000 men in 24 hours. Yes, a thousand.
horrifically disgusting
Why would one ever want this
Replies: >>157635
cope chud
Replies: >>157639
wife material
jole and zain would defend this because I hate it tbh
You need to have a few public stonings of women every month to keep those cunts in check the Muslims are right
Replies: >>157640
With what I feel no different knowing this is happening
Maybe a bit disgusted
islam is right about women especially the childe marriage
Replies: >>157641
we need more women like her shes a hero
Replies: >>157644
top kek
>American Jews are being systematically discriminated against and excluded from the US workplace, says @ADL's CEO @JGreenblattADL
>It's time to finally allow American Jews access to America's elite centers of power, from Hollywood and Wall Street to academia and media!
she wouldnt fuck you though
Replies: >>157645
in the article it said she didnt deny anyone
Replies: >>157646 >>157647
Go up to her then eurotard
Replies: >>157649
>‘There’s no one I said no to and I don’t think there would be. I think that would be quite cruel! Some of them were quite nervous and I felt quite protective over them and made it as personal and authentic as possible.’
good for her, now delete the millions of onlyfans dollars so it's pure altruism
Replies: >>157649
Im really hoping the us government is overthrown and soon
im not european
so nice and wholesome. she 100% deserves that money for doing something so based
Replies: >>157650 >>157653
What are you African
that girl deserves way more respect than an average slut who only fucks chads
>body count is 4 digits
>1k men in a day purely as an onlyfans stunt

>‘You have to stand out with unique content. You have to be different,’ she explains, as if we’re talking about coming up with a fun new TikTok dance. ‘Because there are so many people on OnlyFans.’ Hence the record attempt.
Just put hamsters in ur butt or sum that’s pretty unique
maybe i should sub to her we need to encourage this behavior
Replies: >>157657
>And does she want to settle down? ‘Oh yes, I want to have a marriage like my parents' and at least five children.’
really the best part lol
Replies: >>157658 >>157742
ok maisiecuck
Replies: >>157660
there are lots of men who dont care about body count or even see it as a turn on
Replies: >>157659 >>157661
I agree tons of men are desperate simps
Replies: >>157663
i wonder if she would let me go last
Name one
Replies: >>157662
Replies: >>157665
*with 0 (zero) standards
Do you have a salary that could provide for her and some children
Replies: >>157668 >>157669
This is just impressive levels of gooning
Replies: >>157674
brandon youre sick
Replies: >>157681
no but she makes more than enough for both of us
*and hiring bulls to fuck her since there's no way anyone can realistically satisfy some slut with a 4 digit body count
Replies: >>157670
only the biggest dicked black bulls for my wife
Someone start a political discussion now
Replies: >>157672
no go away
Replies: >>157673
>This is just impressive levels of gooning
thank you, i also played around with your pics tbh
lol what
wtf jole
Jole stop it im 15
Replies: >>157682
brandon youre disgusting
Replies: >>157681
is this the new brantent?
brandelusional tbh
15 and you are not working and not living with some hot guy. Brandon tier tbh
Replies: >>157683 >>157687
I should have lived with some hot guy when I was 15?
Replies: >>157686 >>157688
Why is everyone on this board so gay?
Replies: >>157685 >>157691
best way to meet hot girls
Replies: >>157689 >>157690
I am working and idk about hot guy I live with my family
>b-brandon you're a loser because you weren't an underage fag
That’s how you get raped I think
Replies: >>157692
playing instruments is way better tbh
Replies: >>157695
because the only woman we have is a fat asian
Replies: >>157693 >>157694
like you dont wanna get raped ^^
This is a girl board wtf are u talking about
having zero women isn't an excuse to turn gay, you're just desperate to excuse your cock cravings
just dont let the instruments play you, kid
Replies: >>157696 >>157697
try too harder
Replies: >>157702
whos the girl? seen that pic but don't remember the name
Replies: >>157699
evangelina antonia
Replies: >>157708
waste of electricity
Replies: >>157701
cope, brantent is based
suck brandons cock some more
Replies: >>157703
I can't suck my own cock, I have all my ribs
Replies: >>157704
ask joel to teach you
Replies: >>157705 >>157706
that's not real autofellatio just metaphorical 🤭
Replies: >>157709
oh it's antonia, what a coincidence i jerked off to her this morning
i blame glasses+autism i didn't recognize her
if a girl can sleep through PIV then it's just meant to be
Replies: >>157710
you drugged her tho
usually you have to level the shit out of her sleep depth or drug her or something to even get her pants off without waking her
Replies: >>157712
speaking from experience?
Replies: >>157713
absolutely, dozens on dozens of times
Replies: >>157715
japs sure do make some good games tbh
hopefully they catch you soon
Replies: >>157716 >>157719
seethe more jole
you pedos are evil!
if i was part of the pedo elite id pump and dump so many kids
meanwhile foids have free pass to be as eugenic as they please
Replies: >>157723
equals text board posters to the political elite in US and belgium /EU :P
checks out?
i want to taste vlada's poohole
Replies: >>157724
that's not eugenics, eugenics considers aesthetics secondary, foids consider aesthetics primarily
Replies: >>157725 >>157731
sick fuck kys
lel most foids consider aesthetics exclusively
how does it feel to be in the 1% pedobros
Replies: >>157727 >>157728
probably feels good, every sick fantasy you have you get to try
cope brandon youre not in the elite
Replies: >>157729
of course not, I'm not a pedophile
Replies: >>157730
ya you wait until they're 11 to start abusing them, what a great guy
Replies: >>157732
you could say they value aggressiveness more, open or veiled, just general capacity for violence of a male
there's nothing that makes a foid's pussy drier than a gentle man
Replies: >>157733 >>157734
true, you can have weak aesthetics but make up for it with aggression
thats why more women are going for black guys
Replies: >>157735
yeah like I said, it's not real eugenics from before
Replies: >>157736
cope, you're lost in definition
Replies: >>157737
words have definitions for a reason
jole can only cope that the defintion of pedophilia excludes me from being one 😥
Replies: >>157740
your a pedo according to anyone that isnt also a pedo
Replies: >>157743
It will probably work, so she's not wrong. Disgusting, but not wrong.
One of those lucky 1000 men will be the first father!
are we starting up the "30 year olds attracted to 19 year olds are pedos colloquially now" discussion?
Replies: >>157745
30 year olds attracted to 12 year olds are pedos
why is jole not attracted to breeding age females
Replies: >>157748
it was really weird how he said his dick was soft while a girl with exposed breasts was on screen in that movie
hes attracted to fully developed healthy fertile adult women
Replies: >>157749
trannies are men, mysterious expert on jole's sexual tastes that is not jole somehow
When if the 12 year olds have boobs?
Replies: >>157751
still a kid she isnt mentally developed
I didn't realize mental development was part of erections
Replies: >>157754
because most humans are so smart, retard.
cope, you lost
Replies: >>157755
cope is only a way of saying "I lost and am mad" in one word
Replies: >>157756
So only equal mental developments? What if the man is a retard, does he get a pass?
Replies: >>157758 >>157759
brb bashing my head against the bathroom counter until I'm on an 11 year old female that grew up with a smartphone from birth level
retards shouldnt be having sex either they cant consent
why are you so bigoted against the retarded, they have needs too, chud
if she down I'm down
who cares
Replies: >>157763 >>157765
>t. already a dozen posts into a back & forth about it
>mentally developed
Replies: >>157767
you should if you dont wanna get lynched for abusing a kid
Replies: >>157768 >>157769
use the next 6 + posts to tell us how much you didn't care about making them
name one first world country this has happened in during the past like 10 years
this is poorfag thing, not a risk anyone with minimal living standards has to worry about
Replies: >>157770
ok then you get sent to jail for life
Replies: >>157771
they don't get life sentences, retard
Replies: >>157773
hell in the UK if you're brown you get like home detention for 6 months at worst
in the US you do, idk what euro pedos do
Replies: >>157774
>in the US you do
source? link to just one case that wasn't over the top
strictly just an older man having consensual sex with a minor
Replies: >>157775 >>157782
i dont have links saved but all the famous cp producers i can think of got life
i'll be a 40 yo attracted to 11 yo
Replies: >>157779
>i dont have links saved
so go get one, if you care enough about the argument to continue it any further
Replies: >>157778
he's lying
the dick wants what it wants, moralities are not involved in anything but what you do with said hard dick
Replies: >>157798
good thing im not a producer then
Replies: >>157781 >>157782
smart if you dont want to get caught

>strictly just an older man having consensual sex with a minor
>famous cp producers
lel he's just trytooharding
Come back Doctor I was jk  😭
fucking kids is the only crime worse than murder
Replies: >>157786
Should we just purge all the retards to be safe?
Replies: >>157787
true, even murdering an unborn isn't anywhere near as bad as letting it be born and then playfully dicked
Replies: >>157788
they should have been aborted in the first place
Replies: >>157789 >>157790
there was some thing again recently trying to shame fucking Iceland for aborting almost all downs kids, hilariously
Replies: >>157793
Mother birds toss weak babies off the nest knowing they will only be a strain on resources.
it doesn't matter the jews are looking over everyone including the retards
Replies: >>157792
surely they have everyone's best interests at heart
Replies: >>157794
can you imagine being a viking descendant and listening to some jew telling you that not only should you stop mercy killing the downs syndrome kids, but you should be cutting off part of their cock too?
way superior to what white rulers would be doing
Replies: >>157795
to know for sure we'd need at least one unsubverted white country to judge by
it's pretty funny how hard people are trying to subvert /pol/ into opposing the ceo shooting because muh leftist support, lol
either that one wasn't planned, or it completely misfired
Kuken ska ha sitt
kek roo btfo!
typical cop faggot
Replies: >>157803
A deer dance.
nigger detected, cops are based
zogbots are part of the system
Replies: >>157805 >>157808
stfu criminal loser scum, respect the thin blue line
Replies: >>157807
eh 50/50 at best
the best you can say about most are they're good hearted people ignorant to what they serve
Replies: >>157809
Wait till a cop busts your door to put you in jail for making some "problematic posts" online.
Replies: >>157809
this, hang them all on ever town square
without cops this would would be mad max, respect the police
cops are only as good as the system they're tasked to keep in place
a system is better than no system
Replies: >>157812 >>157815
depends entirely on the system
sometimes a better system is impossible without getting rid of the existing entirely and starting over
Replies: >>157836
sometimes the system can forcefully perpetuate the existence of all the problems that make the system shit
Replies: >>157836
absolute retard you are go fucking die
fucking bootlickers.
I respect them. It's not an easy job having to deal with the scum of society, but at the end of the day they are bots who will follow their master's commands and won't hesitate to fuck with you if they are told to.
I mean, whose existence does the law actually perpetuate, the whites, or would it be keeping all the blacks from getting slaughtered

illegal immigrants are already illegal, but that's not enforced, the law is actually effectively inverted to where enforcing it by getting rid of the illegals is "forbidden"
Replies: >>157821 >>157835

ILC lost.
You retard, repeating Masonic Jew lies instead of using your brain to think for your self original thoughts.
Replies: >>157825
lel this system is set up to be most favorable to a tiny 1% demographic for whomst it is forbidden to recognize a non-torah law system
Replies: >>157824
LOL what is it for?
Replies: >>157827
>Masonic Jew lies
which, specifically, would those be?
Replies: >>157829
i'm right wing, still hate them
Replies: >>157832
wrong place at the wrong time?
it's hilarious because of the ticker
ironically organized crime is much more effective than cops ever were
Replies: >>157830
Jesus fuck. That there is duality, that there are c*ps and that they are necisary. That there are illigal immigrants. The list can go on for hours.
Replies: >>157833
Dude, always when Im in the middle of gooning to small little girl butts...
Based, kinda, Wings meet behind in the back of the circle where the public cant see. Its all theeater mate.
Replies: >>157845
>That there is duality
there's a plurality of dualities frendo idk what reality your brain lives in
>that there are c*ps
...cops actually exist
>and that they are necisary.
they actually are, if you want a civilized society
even the wild west had sheriffs and they were a dominantly white christian society that wasn't anywhere near as anarchistic as the jewlywood portrayal
>That there are illigal immigrants.
illegal immigrants exist, though?

Replies: >>157834
we dont have equal or fair society so what the about it civilised you fucking jew boot licker?!
Replies: >>157836
Only enforced laws are real, and a lot of laws are enforced selectively (as in, not really something the government cares about unless they don't like you specifically, then they care a whole lot).
Replies: >>157841
>we dont have equal or fair society 
>cops are only as good as the system they're tasked to keep in place
>sometimes a better system is impossible without getting rid of the existing entirely and starting over
>sometimes the system can forcefully perpetuate the existence of all the problems that make the system shit
I mean, I'm using the name field to count tor bypass uses, so there really is not excuse atm
Of course, protecting civilians is not their primary task. Their primary task is protecting themselves and the government, second is keeping order + safety.
Replies: >>157838 >>157850
this, fucking based
i know they're lower than clearnet it just feels today like I'm doing it every 10 posts which is already disproven, lol
Replies: >>157840
you think your smart but take your head out of your ass and smell the shit
Replies: >>157842
>Only enforced laws are real
fr tho
why am I pulling my head out of my ass if I want to smell shit, isn't in my ass the best place to smell shit?
Replies: >>157844
frfr mate try to think about the post you're making, jesus fucking christ
apperently there are no oxygen in there for your brain to function
Replies: >>157847
nah, no conspiracy behind the scenes deals about it
just a life changing experience where a zogbot deprived me of my property because of taxes "owned" to the state; i was always skeptical of them, but that was the turning point
get this: cops are bad people, ultimately
they are gullible at best, zogbots at worst
the overwhelming majority of them enjoy the powertrip they had when they played cops and robbers as a kid and just wish for a continuation of that
Replies: >>157846 >>157851
talking to wrong anon. I heta them all, they are not humans. they are weapons againt the people.
I thought I was smelling shit, not breathing oxygen, stealer of my head up your ass too far to breathe metaphor
Replies: >>157848
Learn to read. Learn to think. Oink.
Replies: >>157855
So, is onion down for good? D':
>Their primary task is protecting themselves and the government
yeah this
wish more people understood this
I'd say most police are good (using "average/normal" as good here). Your example is not an issue with the police, it's with the court system (or with you, if you didn't pay your taxes). The police are just there to enforce as instructed, they don't really make those decisions at a higher level than that. They were told to seize whatever from you and they followed the order.
they arent. unbased leader.,
If you get off on hunting and harming / killing humans, join the fucking army. dont become a fucking disgusting fascist pig where people an not defend against you.
Not ou silvia, but the statement
>just comepletely broken down into vague nothing "y-you lost" tier statements, doesn't even have any zingers
every time
Replies: >>157856
you lost, cope
Replies: >>157863
Wanting to be in control is not the same as wanting to harm or kill anyone. The former is far more common a reason for being police, I'd bet. And it's not a bad thing, unlike the latter, lol.
Replies: >>157859
normal in europe
They should all hang. They are not humans. They are jews Masonic weapons againt the population. Its like the forest owners who cut down and kill the forest and say its for the best of the forest. Some people shouldnt be alive. Im out to wach some comfy christmas moovie now. Fucking angry he kiked me on the calie rae sets. Goood night
Replies: >>157866
this lol they want to hurt people while shielded for any harm to them it doesn't work that way
based low inhibition niggers kill cops sometimes
they are "good" to the extent their interests align with yours
but as you very acutely pointed out yourself that is not their priority, not even close, so yeah they are not "good", they occasionally beneficial to you, "useful", which is different from being "good"

>or with you, you didn't pay
i couldn't, it was not in my name for bureaucratic reasons, but it was effectively mine, for years, it just didn't have a piece of paper stating that so they could collect

death penalty + swift, non bureaucratic justice (parallelized/decentralized/not top down/dredd tier) + massive armament (self defence) + 0 human rights (aka scum rights)

this would substitute any cancerous power tripping high cop faggot

this is why any organized crime area has no crime, this is effectively their system in effect: fuck around find out, which is why you see places where yakuza, bratva, pcc/cv, cosa nostra etc to be effectively crime free areas

a good cop is a dead cop
>cope is only a way of saying "I lost and am mad" in one word
silvia is npc he supports whatever his government tells him to
Replies: >>157867
THANK FUCK GOD FOR this post. Cerenity, I can now feel peace. <3
>he kiked me on the calie rae sets.
Yeah exactly. They are just doing a job, and they will just take whatever order their officer gives them, and the officer gets orders from the court or the official in charge. The issue most people seem to have with police is that they don't understand the police purpose and think it's for the people. 

For me, I'm happy with police. It makes me feel safe and I've never had any issues with them. But I also don't expect them to go out of their way to help or protect me directly, just like I don't expect them to do the opposite of that. They just keep order.
Replies: >>157869
lol. then you never expressed any true emotions.
>dredd tier
honestly based, it's better to have individual power trippers than a system of power tripping
individuals are much easier dealt with than a massive system
>they are "good" to the extent their interests align with yours
>death penalty + swift, non bureaucratic justice (parallelized/decentralized/not top down/dredd tier) + massive armament (self defence) + 0 human rights (aka scum rights)
I didn't understand this part. Are you saying people should be left to protect themselves?
Replies: >>157874
dredd tier is a judge dredd reference, it's not lawlessness
you'd have to familiarize yourself with it a bit to understand

also the 2012 or whatever Dredd movie with Karl Urban is fucking excellent, nailed it
Replies: >>157875
It's on Netflix, I'll watch it^^
Replies: >>157876
worth it
it's bascially individual cops as judge/jury/executioner
it also has Cersei as a female Joker, effectively
What happened?
Replies: >>157879
Oh, I missed it. I need to add more funds to the wallet, server is out of tokens.
top up ur server
Women, our response?
Replies: >>157884
lol the gun the CEO killer supposedly used is a spetsnaz gun and they're trying to link it to Russia now
nothing official but the narrative is out there
...and it's not even a spetsnaz gun it was british, so idk where the spetsnaz thing came from, so that's even more suspicious now
Replies: >>157899
not surprising, by all appearances the corporates here are freaking out
invest in private security firms
this gun really is neat, perfect assassin gun
(((  𝙼𝚄𝚃𝙸𝙻𝙰𝚃𝙴𝙳  ))) ✡

卐 Uncut Purecocks 卐
Anon ?

Anon ?
Replies: >>157892
Replies: >>157893
mutilated bootlicker detected
Replies: >>157894
wait I'm vaguely remembering Nathan/nanotech has a dick pic floating around somewhere supposedly

must be nice, having a non-teenage single mother who just did whatever she was advised, in a country not completely jewed
Replies: >>157895
Yeah can confirm its pretty great. Not the penis thing the other thing
Replies: >>157898
I leave and come back and you niggas are STILL talking about dick
fapping with foreskin feels 10x better than without
>Not the penis thing the other thing
Nobody cares, hundreds of niggers get away clean with murder in NYC every year
how would you know the other side no matter which you were
the only possible way would be if you had one, fapped, and then got circumcised
yeah muh science and all, but you really can never know
Replies: >>157903
How could you possibly know this? Have you experienced both?
Replies: >>157904
I mean, yeah

But my point still stands >>157900
Replies: >>157905 >>157906
why would i want to experience worse faps
Replies: >>157908
can pull back forskin and try to fap, its not even possible. sorry mate you got kiked
Replies: >>157907
those parts grew more sensitive so one day the pain becomes too much to bear and jews can't screw around anymore
>can pull back forskin and try to fap, its not even possible.
please upload a vid of you trying this, for science
Replies: >>157910 >>157911
Jole and brandon take pride in it
Replies: >>157909 >>157920
not me, lol
no you fucken gay im not feedin you doxxes what the actual fuck
Replies: >>157912
Replies: >>157913
It's funny how niggers act like it was some "choice" and by having had it done, you "approve"

how recognizable is your dick, and how did it become so recognizable to begin with?
sheesh people take shitposts so seriously aroundst here
Replies: >>157915
if you're not laughing thinking about Angel trying to jerk off while holding his foreskin out of the way then idk if we can be frens tbh we may just be too different
Replies: >>157916
no balls would be touching it's cool bro
just bants tbh
Replies: >>157918
you derailed the thread gayfed
Replies: >>157919
<this thread
where we're goingst, we don't need "rails"...
Brandons more cut than I am btfoed
>The federal government issued an order Friday that mandates the national milk supply be tested for bird flu. Bird flu has infected more than 500 dairy herds in California and more than 700 nationwide since March. Almost 60 people contracted the virus, mostly farm workers, according to the government.
>The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service announced the start of its National Milk Testing Strategy. The effort builds on earlier measures taken by USDA and federal and state regulators since the outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 in dairy cattle was first detected in March.
push to eat the bugs or sign of next pandemic
or both
(##1d3) Rolled 1 dice with 3 sides = 1
Replies: >>157922 >>157924
dice say we're going to eat the bugs and like it
completely non-coordinated timing
Replies: >>157925 >>157926
Why they plan this stuff for Trump, trying to slow him down?
Replies: >>157927
Everyone knows Santa is Finnish....
Replies: >>157928
>is she digging him up with a candy cane
Replies: >>157928
it's just shit writing if he forgets to do a bunch of stuff he said he would, he needs opposition stopping him from doing it

but most everything seems to play into the 
>if [person I hate] [dislikes] [THING] then [THING] = based
>if [person I hate] [likes] [THING] then [THING] = cringe
NPC control formula somehow, either quelling right opposition to something because a right president did it/happened under right pres, or stoking left opposition to something they'd normally support cause right president did it
Replies: >>157933
you can see the "headline: SANTA IS DEAD" thing
Replies: >>157934
you can't say that NPC switch isn't effective as fuck, since Trump introduced the covid vax and the left immediately demonized it, yet as soon as Biden took over and pushed it, the left immediately flipped to it being a good thing, here's why
and for as antivax as the right got, they too flipped right into at least not giving a shit that Trump blatantly did that deep state shit
upper class catchan fags can rope
Sleepy Joe couldn't handle any world events I guess.
It's all Turkey's fault! They killed Santa!
Replies: >>157935
Replies: >>157941
>The Director of Ukraine’s National Museum of History, Fyodor Androshchuk, who went missing during a work trip to the EU, has said he was a Swedish citizen who, in fact, was on a business trip to Ukraine, according to local media.
Replies: >>157942
>the ears don't lie
starting to think that guy was onto something there
Replies: >>157950 >>157951
brandon should kill his brain cells
Replies: >>157939
way ahead of you, unfortunately they're not cooperating
Replies: >>157968
tough little fuckers, I'll give them that
That's a tiny coffin in Turkey they are claiming is Santa?
Replies: >>157944
idgi, did he get kidnapped into service as national history museum director, and flee?
Replies: >>157943
That's his story and he's sticking to it.
Replies: >>157946
>santa is a manlet
it's over
Replies: >>157947 >>157958
>1 view
>uploaded 15 min ago
y-you're fast
Replies: >>157949

Replies: >>157957 >>157959
It's his child.
Replies: >>157956
shes cute
Replies: >>157956
ears are human, rest is jew
Replies: >>157956
Proud to be view #3.
Replies: >>157953
I was number one!
Replies: >>157954
You won!
4 views now, Catchan is changing her life 1 view at a time.
accurate if large

she's kind of cute but there's also something mildly offputting about her face
I can't quite figure out what it is, it's very vague
what language is that
Replies: >>157960
For those who don't like children, there is one for you too.
Replies: >>157962
Anfisa wore the same costume today too, neat.
Replies: >>157961
Amazonian, it's in the title
Replies: >>157963
for the anna fans
Close enough anyways.
built for big american cock
lol thot cringe
still hot though
What a whore
why dont u come over to my place brannie i can give u something capable of killing all ur brain cells
wow she sexy
Yeah, she has a lot of nice costumes too.
shes ours now russia boi
Replies: >>157975 >>157977
amazing wall jumping skills

I like the tight white dress, so thin you can see her underwear^^
anfisa embracing american traditions
Replies: >>157979
why the 0.1 ms captions tho
>i realized freedom is expensive
Replies: >>157978
I don't think she is talking about financially expensive, because she's wealthy.
I knew you meant mudsharking before I clicked
most boring site 12/06/2024 award
Damn, we are too late to receive the reward....
what site won?
what's wrong with comfy lg posting? beats reddit
Replies: >>157984
/ thread closed
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