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Being a homo is a bannable offence.

Brandon's the biggest megalomaniac on catchan
Replies: >>162836
jolusional tbh
>stop being a homo.
Getting blood from a stone.
cope brannie
jole won tbh
Replies: >>162884
Child-fucked list (raped as infant)
1. Mascot
2. Matthew
3. Anon
Replies: >>162840 >>162931
you can't tell me to stop being a homo after defending karma

apologise for lying about me
Replies: >>162846
didnt brandon say he raped jole as a baby
Replies: >>162842 >>162851
koomie pretends to be gay
nzie is legit an actual gay
Delousing isn't cleaning
I would have said the opposite.
I havent made any gay posts.
Replies: >>162850
Karma does it for comedic effect
Replies: >>162852

Child-fucked list (raped as infant)
1. Mascot
2. Matthew
3. Anon
4. Jole
Wasnt me the trip isnt me and the one without trip isnt me either sooo?
i breathed heavy out of my nose tho!
Replies: >>162931
Jole wins again
>brk gets btfoed
<lol too late ive already depicted you as a betta incel raped infant
Replies: >>162861
>3. Anon
thats a lot of baby fucking
you can tell this anon is highly jewish from all the baby fucking fan fics in his posts
Child-fucker list
1. Brandon
2. 9inchrod
3. Carlos
4. Roo
5. Britanonce
6. Vols

Child-fucked list (raped as infant)
1. Mascot
2. Matthew
3. Anon
4. Jole
yeah but it was you though and everyone knows it
Replies: >>162863
truly deranged
>Still coping.
Nah seems more likely to be you since you oddly took screenshot off it
Replies: >>162868
you're the weird anon loser that posts those vaxx uncut cock lists get a life and stop talking about kids being raped
Replies: >>162865
Replies: >>162866 >>162931
no u cope loser stop impersonating me
Replies: >>162867
Replies: >>162931
stop lying, I can post more proof it was you
Replies: >>162871 >>162878
Koomie won
Replies: >>162931
Replies: >>162875
>I can make more photoshops
Koomie lost.
Replies: >>162877 >>162931
Fucker i bet
Unless you are a mod and can see post history and my post somehow were tied to my current trip i dont see how you can proof it.
Replies: >>162883 >>162887
Nice destroyed your trust over something eveyone already knew xD
Holy fuck you sad piece of shit
Replies: >>162931
nah bro it's just a shoop
Karma lost.
this catchan homo shit goes deep
Replies: >>162909
After he threaten to leak your dox and is leaking PRIVATE messages he has proven he is horrible person
Replies: >>162889 >>162890
Still wont resort to your level.
Replies: >>162950
Replies: >>162893
Anything for the btfo
Replies: >>162898
winning > everything
Replies: >>162931
ngl this is an epic karma win right now
Replies: >>162895 >>162896
nzie is a dishonest and dishonorable scumbag tbh
5d chess
holy crap
Replies: >>162900
Well i destroyed his remaining crusts of trust so i feel like i actually won
nzie wants to win so badly he would nuke the world if it meant winning
holy crap inded
our karmies growing up
>telling outright lies
>leaking dm
Replies: >>162904 >>162905
ah excuse me but i only fucked teenagers tyvm
All this because you couldn't keep the homo comments to yourself, sad!
It's fucking banter you take this shit wayyyyyyyy too seriously to go down that low bro
Replies: >>162906 >>162907
I must maintain my 100% winrate at all costs
Replies: >>162913
Koomie, I'm anon that made fun of you in past, I want to say sorry, you are actually the winner.
so does your finger into ur bh before you taste it
Replies: >>162912
NZ won.
Replies: >>162911
nah he lost, hard
Replies: >>162914 >>162915
wow tats just awful
*100% coperate
No he won.
was only defending myself against lies?
karma should have just corrected the record and I wouldn't have had to btfo him so drastically 
(ideally he shouldn't have lied in the first place)
Nzie claims another win.
testing if nzcock won is still word-filtered
Replies: >>162921
Well now that NZ leaked that i can leak that he's leaked me poster history of other users + The name of Lintdoor/Lintdoor's brother
The only real winner here is Silvia, dude makes more money per hour than all us make in a year.
didn't know it ever was lmao lol wtf
Replies: >>162925
And i believe this is grounds for ban on session
>he's leaked me poster history of other users
From when catchan was image board?
Replies: >>162926 >>162932
New leakzie once again proves how unreliable he is.

Estoniafag status: BACKSTABED
Karmafag status: BACKSTABED

Don't believe his lies.
Don't be the next victim of the kiwijew.
maybe ~13-15 months ago
Replies: >>162930
who tf is estoniafag
Replies: >>162962
In light of this, was it nzie who was totally not threatening to doxx lint? 
A pattern?
And he calls karmie the sociopath?
Replies: >>162945
That pisses me off as Anon poster.
not me btw
karma was a mod himself
Replies: >>162933
From the time i wasnt mod aswell
> The name of Lintdoor/Lintdoor's brother

You can't get any lower than this, there's "banter" and then there's just being a real trashy person tbh.
Just unblocked him too since he seemed remorseful. What a fool I was.
I told him when it happened idk if he saw it though the post was already deleted
nzie the real catchan sociopath tbh i feel sorry for rin now
Replies: >>162942
cope brandon we have your ssn and address
Put your numbers back on faggot
Why hating on Nzie?
Replies: >>162943
Rin is a sociopath he said it himself

not sure how I am one
Replies: >>162945
Why do you always simp for him like he pays you?
He leaked other stuff about users too but it was mostly cock pic related
Replies: >>162946
Replies: >>162952
Roo was right al
karma sent me cock pic but I didn't leak it ๐Ÿค”
Replies: >>162952 >>162955
all along
if everyone already knew then there was nothing "leaked" 

yet you did
Replies: >>162953
Your BTFO, Sir >>162945
no he didnt post any screenshots
Replies: >>162954
<i've only killed 2 people, not that many it's not a big deal tbh
same tier reasoning
Replies: >>162958
nzie goons to all the session cock pics he has
Replies: >>162957
El Gato sweating right now.
Replies: >>162959
never did anything bad to estonia bro
check dm pls -nz
Replies: >>162960
Replies: >>162961
I hardly knew who you were when you self doxxed and I was talking to karma at the time so I was just like lol this guy self doxxed

kinda fucked up he would leak it after promising he wouldn't but whatever
Replies: >>162963
>It's okay when Karma does it.
Nzie was only defending himself.
nzie needs to come clean. no bs no jokes, be serious for once, doesn't hurt to apologize to koomie, rin, silvia (for creating trouble, roo, lintdoor (probably thinks ur apologies are worthless now can't blame him though public apology would be worth more in weight) for any bs either take accountability for your wrongs
imagine caring this much
Replies: >>162968
There's more people on this list
fucking short memoried pedos goddamn
Replies: >>162970
see the above
it's why he's a snake
Replies: >>162973
>There's more people on this list
The rest got tired of his shit?
>+ The name of Lintdoor/Lintdoor's brother
The scary thing is, is you just know he has that saved away for if he needs to nuke Lintdoor in revenge attack should he feel the day has come to press the red button, this is why for as much shit anons get at least we don't go through this namefag dox drama stuff that leaks into real life. Cringe to take stuff this serious.
Replies: >>162972 >>162977
>no u
omfg brandon you need to get a fucking life
sorry karma for leaking dm, I thought you would just act like it was a shoop
sorry for what?
sorry silvia for shitting up the board
sorry roo for bants
already said sorry to him, not sure what's changed now
>sorry for what?
Leaking the carrot thing etc.
nah I don't care that much
Put your name back on if it's you and if you mean it, snake
Replies: >>162980 >>162981
Well gotta go to work soon.
He cant lose, he'd rather suck cock than lose argument.
Replies: >>162983
I took name off because I assumed lint filtered me
me btw
Replies: >>162984
I can't help having a winner's mindset
Replies: >>162985
You leaked way more stuff gonna go apologize to Sholy?
Replies: >>162987 >>163001
if you call everyone here not trusting you, sure nice "win" dude
Replies: >>162986
what are you talking about he sent you his cock himself
Replies: >>162988
Hadnt sent it then and that wasnt all anyway.
Replies: >>162991
I trust Nzie.
Replies: >>162992 >>163006
Kept leaking me stuff about other people even when i told you not to
Replies: >>162991
I never leaked sholy cock pic to anyone and he doesn't even lurk here why are you talking about him

you leak stuff about other people too we talked a lot it's bound to happen
Replies: >>163001
Replies: >>162996 >>163002
Why does Karma keep leaking private convos?
Replies: >>162994 >>162995
bottoms love drama
ngl, I only posted one short screenshot of what was already being discussed on the board
It's slander.
Replies: >>162999
ngl, you guys should've spent this time and fapped just like I did
Brandoor we need to get to the bottom of why MoNZique called you a copropedofile
Where there's smoke there's fire.
i get why roo completely quit responding to any drama (nzie the main instigator) at all, its extremely uncomfy, perhaps lint has learned from this experience to be more careful
> never leaked sholy cock pic to anyone and he doesn't even lurk here why are you talking about him
I never said so
>You leaked way more stuff gonna go apologize to Sholy?
sorry I thought you would prefer not knowing that karma saw it too, I doubt he will leak it anyway
yeah ok but why did roo lie about recording a christmas song with his daughters?
Replies: >>163005
Replies: >>163008
you just don't learn do you
Replies: >>163009
Nzie thinks cannibalism is based
Replies: >>163015
>perhaps lint has learned from this experience to be more careful
The lesson learnt was just don't interact with NZ but I failed at that after 2-3 weeks first time round.
Replies: >>163011
real drama, the stuff between you and brandon is just jerry springer tier 'drama' that is long past its air time date
Replies: >>163010 >>163013
idc about roo

I like karma and lint though
>real drama
lol the only real drama is brandon getting blacklisted from the baltimore music scene for being a pedophile
sorry lint
brandons so cool i hope i can be one of his biggest life time patrons
You must have missed those times when James threatened to call the police to calvert street 917n
Replies: >>163014
I never called the cops on brandon
Nzie thinks pooholes are better than pussies
Replies: >>163016
nah I like both
Replies: >>163018
I haven't even had sex I can't really say which is better
Replies: >>163020
You said you prefer pooholes and that cunny is for normies
we're getting a taste on how he probably is with his interpersonal irl relationships
no wonder hes a neet tbh
(no shame intended upon my fellow neet kings neeting for reasons unrelated to cuntery tbh)
Replies: >>163022
How old is nzie bros he in his 20's or 30's
Replies: >>163023
>implying your personality and actions arent why youre a neet

Replies: >>163034
heard voice recordings of nzie, he sounds 30-35ish i guess which at that age should have better sense of majority, be different if he was like zain
Put your numbers back on
Leave enzo alone
Replies: >>163026 >>163062
> Leave enzo alone

He should leave others alone tbh.
Replies: >>163029 >>163033
Goodbye, work.
Replies: >>163031
surface catchan board before it became text only
Replies: >>163032
I know nothing about zain. I suspected he was a jole sockpuppet tho. Mannn nzie sure talks a big dick swinging talk for a 30+ yo virgin lel
Replies: >>163035
see ya
I never posted my voice lol
Replies: >>163037
Is your bh clean today?
Replies: >>163040
i'm a lazy nigger, true demotivated demoralized and emasculated as well but if you want to go with just the lazy angle fine by me
still i don't create and stir drama wherever i go and neither have i ever stabbed anyone in the back
Replies: >>163039
I'm pedocel
someone asked for natusha stories reupload some time ago. here are the links:
Replies: >>163059 >>163121
you did in response to roo voice recordings at the time
Replies: >>163038
nah wasn't me
brandon you literally are drama
Replies: >>163042 >>163044
glad to see anons looking after each others bh's here. such passionate gay love
Replies: >>163041
these weird faggots are obsessed with my bh for some reason
Replies: >>163046
that gc is gay as fuck
Replies: >>163050 >>163055
im not your imageboard muse
Replies: >>163045
>your princess is in another castle
Replies: >>163048
>t. has a collection of sessionfag cock pics
>also t. fingers his bh and tastes his poo to make sure it's clean poo
Replies: >>163047
nah I never tasted it, we already debunked that
Replies: >>163052
Rodent what's your IQ
Replies: >>163051 >>163058
thats all zain
probably 102 its pretty rare for people to get their iq tested as adults so idk why people would be asking. i think the military has some sort of iq test though
Replies: >>163057
Fake News. 
Multiple reputable sources have already confirmed it
Replies: >>163067
id score really low on it and be on brandons team and carry the ammo or something
oh THAT gc
Replies: >>163056
im in a couple but im not sure what the other ones are
102's awefully specific
Replies: >>163060
i took a test once and it said 129 so that proof im the smartest
Replies: >>163064
Best poster.
thats what i think my iq is

Replies: >>163063
it's mostly just one butthurt anon
Replies: >>163069 >>163077
give him time, he hasnt had his trial yet
Rin says his is 152 but idk if that's from a  different scale or grading system
Replies: >>163065
its the measuring system every guy uses when they say they have 9  inch cock
Theoretically, there is no upper finite limit to the scores, but in practice, measurements above certain thresholds become increasingly rare. Scores that surpass 160 are considered exceptionally high, with figures such as 180 or above being extremely unusual and often associated with eminent geniuses
post proof or take the L already
Replies: >>163072
Nzie won.
lol imagine how mentally ill you have to be to think first link is better
Replies: >>163070 >>163071
that alone is enough to disregard everything he says lmao
The evidence has been presented countless times. You just keep pretending it hasn't and saying "p-post proof!! t-take the L!!๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ"

Cope poo eating maori virgin cannibal advocate boylover faggot the L is yours
Replies: >>163074
who here uses these the most?
Replies: >>163075
someone saying they saw me say something doesn't prove I said it, karma even admitted he couldn't remember me saying it lol

there were also other people saying I didn't say it but you ignore those of course (lmao)

and I'm the one who made the post so I would know better than anyone

take the L buddy, surely you must be used to taking them by now?
Replies: >>163076
new zealand
the king of manipulation
He is just trolling. Stop replying.
Replies: >>163078
>posts worst example of 80's bjork in existence where she's overweight, sans makeup and filter obviously, and much older than vlada with a haircut literally no girl could ever pull off
>V.S. one of vlada's best much younger pics where she kinda sorta almost doesn't look like a boy
Pathetic ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿคฃ
Replies: >>163079 >>163082
a win is a win even if the other person is pretending to be retarded
lol @ this cope
Replies: >>163083
Stop embarrassing yourself and just take the L already Leakzie
Replies: >>163081 >>163093
Replies: >>163093 >>163104
Replies: >>163084
*seethe @ this assessment of obvious truths
FTFY retard
Replies: >>163085 >>163086
>t. nzie's personal simp groupie gay chat session faggot
Replies: >>163087
you have shit taste in girls
Replies: >>163088 >>163092
Genuine question, why does Nzie make you seethe so much?
Replies: >>163098
I don't even know who he is
dude you literally taste shit?
Replies: >>163090
I can't respect nzie anymore after what he has done.
Replies: >>163094 >>163095
nah never done that

would do it with a cute girl bh though
Replies: >>163091 >>163115
taste her shit?
Replies: >>163096
Cope boylover
well you have been obsessively seething over me for a long time, interesting to know you respected me lmfao
Replies: >>163097
no finger her bh and taste it
Not that anon, he is pure cringe.
Replies: >>163100 >>163118
He's sly, manipulative, dishonest and dishonourable.
Replies: >>163101
He'll literally piss on you and tell you it's raining.
all I did was leak a convo of karma confirming what was already confirmed on board
Never seen any actual proof of this?
it was just a photoshop anyway
karma lied about me tasting my ass so I was just pointing out that he was lying about not being gay for silvia
hey i coined that term ages ago (30mins) and got no yous or even a lousy "kek"
my feelings are hurt now

by the way, kiwijew has once again managed divert attention away from his schemes by changing the subject and baiting bjorkanon, who unfortunately took the bait

always sad to see pedo goyim swindled like this
Replies: >>163108
Karma shouldn't have lied. He was asking for the BTFO.
karma im sorry
Replies: >>163120
its over
lol imagine being known as "bjorkanon" i'd kms fr
I talk to NZ in DM I always feel I can trust him. :)
Replies: >>163305
karma I am sorry tbh
Ur done 4
Replies: >>163113 >>163114
Nah. I'm not a retard like you.
Replies: >>163119
why unblock me just to block me again ;-;
Replies: >>163124
so you do eat shit?
Replies: >>163116
nah never tried it
brandon if a pit bull attacked you id save you
Replies: >>163130
Doubt it.
Replies: >>163123
no you're not
Replies: >>163129
lint im sorry
Replies: >>163125 >>163127
Because it was obviously a mistake to unblock in the first place.
Replies: >>163131
Replies: >>163338
you're only sorry that your leaking backfired and you got caught
Replies: >>163128
She's ready for cock
brandon is the pitbull he shreds babies
why? because karma brought up something from over a year ago? from before I even liked you?
Replies: >>163133 >>163136
where can I find the onion domain again
Replies: >>163136
u kept bringing it up tho
Replies: >>163134 >>163135
wtf are you talking about
stop trying to be part of the drama
Replies: >>163141
You shared it with Karma. Means your word is worth nothing and you could have shared with others too.

Replies: >>163142 >>163151
anons bh pics soon
ok yeah leaking dm was retarded ngl
Nzie did nothing wrong.
Replies: >>163140
Oh nzie simp will you ever shut the fuck up, even nzie himself is admitting to fault and lost.
Replies: >>163145 >>163149
cope nzie she is above you
Replies: >>163143 >>163144
I shared it when it happened and like I said you were basically a nobody to me at the time

I didn't share with anyone else
Replies: >>163149
wasn't me
Replies: >>163146 >>163154
He's probably got dirt on him thats why he is defending him
Replies: >>163147
That's schizo tier thinking.
never liked nz always thought he was weird
I wonder what kind of despicable dirt NZ has on him that makes him such a loyal lapdog.
Must be gargantuan.

>I didn't share with anyone else
Okay but you told me you hadn't shared it with anyone at all before so you see the issue.
so brave of you
Replies: >>163153
ty <3
>thought he was weird
arent you in to like 20 year age gaps
Replies: >>163155
i said it before too
t. nzie simp
Replies: >>163184
Hello from work
>Okay but you told me you hadn't shared it with anyone at all before so you see the issue.
I didn't share it with anyone after it happened, I just happened to be talking to karma when it did

and karma already threatened you that he could leak your name so you could have worked it out tbh
Replies: >>163163 >>163171
you are a fat ugly asian nobody will ever like you
Replies: >>163162 >>163165
I trust Nzie so it's okay.
Replies: >>163167
Replies: >>163164

>and karma already threatened you that he could leak your name so you could have worked it out tbh
<You are at fault not me 
Classic NZ
Replies: >>163166 >>163169
it's true though
also has an extremely cunty and trashy personality
Replies: >>163168 >>163176
I said I'm sorry
Replies: >>163170
Don't let your fear of him control you.
The non apology apologies
Replies: >>163172
Oh okay then its okay then
>I just happened to be talking to karma when it did
LMAO this may as well have been written in hebrew
Replies: >>163172
Think he even did the same when he "apologised" personally to me.
Can't check now but it was something along the lines of "Sorry I said that stuff BUT you basically made me do it."

ื‘ืจื ื“ื•ืŸ
Replies: >>163173 >>163174
>"Sorry I said that stuff BUT you basically made me do it."
lint im sorry
Lint maybe you shouldn't have doxxed yourself?
Replies: >>163178 >>163181
like someone i may know
NZ time to fuck off and get new identity
Replies: >>163182
>nzie thinks it's okay to victim blame
reminder that nzie is a flatearther who thinks cannibalism is based and fingers his butthole to win internet arguments
Time for New Caledonia.
inb4 nzie-simp somehow thinks this is based
Replies: >>163198
don't dox my age idiot
sounds based
lint I'm sorry I would never leak your dox
Replies: >>163188 >>163195
>fast forward to future
>his dox gets leaked
>"lol wasn't me."
- future nzie
t. leaks dm's to win
Lowest of low no-one could trust person like that
Replies: >>163194
How did you get a break so soon after you started work? 

Or "he deserved it for blocking me".
Replies: >>163193
must have been karma then
Replies: >>163192
>How did you get a break so soon after you started work? 
Not on break just how my work is sometimes
I didn't leak dm it was just a photoshop bro
Replies: >>163209
yet you leak shit from my moms facebook to other people to where theyโ€™re commenting on my little cousins
idgaf if u leak my old pics ur involving people who have no say in anything like lints brother
its shitty enough to dox someone its even shittier to find their family members and brag about it to other people
Replies: >>163208
Picking on a grown man is one thing but literally cyber foxxing/bullying an actual underage girl is sub human behavior.
Replies: >>163208 >>163233
>post 1000 selfies on catchan
>"nooooo you can't post pic of me from my mom's facebook"
pretty sure I always crop out the other people anyway, my mistake if I didn't
Replies: >>163203
mascot the attention whore cunt 100% deserves to get doxed
Replies: >>163204 >>163207
yeah no how do i have anons commenting on my little cousins + u posted a pic of my little brother

I am nice tho
NZ is manipulative groomer believe it or not i had never done gay shit before talking to him, yes I'm low iq and its my fault he does that with everyone uses threats on them to extort them
is this cuz i told u autism isnt an excuse to be socially inept
>its shitty enough to dox someone its even shittier to find their family members and brag about it to other people

She was probably mean to him once so that's why he's got such a personal vendetta against her.

I always said you were groomed.
"cropped screenshots of dm's aren't dm's bro" 
Yep, nzie will use that as scapegoat so he can't lose.
Nzie scumbag fr.
nobody forced you to post your cock
Replies: >>163214
Yes my fault im low iq and got manipulated
Replies: >>163218
>today I learned nzie made karma gay
Once NZ has your cock pic he has you by the balls (cock).
And he has a lot of cock pics.
That's funny. He's never tried to groom me.
Replies: >>163219
We have word for that, it's called a sexual predator explains why he has attempted to get pic of everyones cocks.
Replies: >>163221 >>163222
Most groomers go for vulnerable/easy targets.
Sounds like every homo ever tbh especially politicians back when it was still dangerously taboo to be a fag
I was adult though so my own fault
idk I just ask for cock pics as a meme not my fault if people unironically post it for whatever reason
Replies: >>163223 >>163249
lint I just want to talk about cute girls with you
Replies: >>163227
Brannie its time for you to retire im taking your place
Nzie must be high IQ.
Replies: >>163230
It's alright you can just post as anon whenever you want to do that.
Replies: >>163228 >>163230
I'll speak to anyone about lgs
nah low IQ flat earther

on session tbh
Replies: >>163231
>on session
Yeah sorry I just don't want my DMs leaked.
Replies: >>163236
oof, nzie has lost the little trust he had left
Replies: >>163234 >>163235
Replies: >>163237
He won at losing
Replies: >>163239
Yep, I trust Roo (a literal jew) more than nzie at this point.
Replies: >>163238
I won't I promise
stop simping for her she deserves it way more than anyone else on the board
Replies: >>163242 >>163243
roo is confirmed liar, leaking dm to prove someone else is lying isn't as bad lol
a win is a win
Replies: >>163240
you've learnt nothing
ok I fucked up I never said I am perfect
Replies: >>163244
Nah tbh nzie deserves to be doxxed if anyone here does
Replies: >>163253
I agree
You sure did, but you're not remorseful.
Replies: >>163246
Okay I'll unblock NZ when he stops caring about the btfo'ing and winning.
Replies: >>163248 >>163263
I realise it was a mistake
Replies: >>163250 >>163252
nzie is sorry that he got called out, he is pulling that corpo "sorry you feel that way" but not actually sorry
Replies: >>163251
okay fine I lost now unblock me
And the cope award ๐Ÿฅ‡ for today goes to....
Replies: >>163253
Couldn't have destroyed your reputation for stupider thing
Replies: >>163254 >>163256
You sure do, but you're still not remorseful.
He is too smart.

Just say no.
I can't help being low iq
Replies: >>163255 >>163264
Got nothing to do with IQ just serial killer tier
Replies: >>163262
Glad I never came seshie tbqhf ๐Ÿ˜Œ
Replies: >>163257
Just come and block NZ. It's comfy.
Replies: >>163263
lint I won't leak your dox or ask for cock pics or anything I just want to talk to you about cute girls since you have some of the best taste in the pedo scene

im sorry lint
Replies: >>163259
Actions have consequences
Ever thought of that
Replies: >>163272
Weren't you bragging about being high IQ just the other day?
nzies word is worth less than cow dung
Replies: >>163266
stop bullying nz he apologized
second apology to lint... second time... yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Replies: >>163274
Tbh this serial killers deserve forgiveness too
The point of the 2nd is that it's sisyphean. 
He can't change that aspect of himself.
Replies: >>163275
"Sorry" followed immediately by excuses and minimisation of what was done is not an apology
Replies: >>163279
watch there be a third time in future
Replies: >>163276
tbh I never cared about it
Replies: >>163280
I think Lintdoor is smart enough to know of the boy who cried wolf.
Replies: >>163278
lint im sorry
Smart enough to dox himself.
Replies: >>163281
>tbh I never cared about it
>t. the guy who leaked a DM and ruined the trust of one of his only close friends here just to win an argument nobody cares about
Replies: >>163282 >>163284
Everyone makes mistakes, doesn't excuse nzie using it to thinly threaten leaking it.
Replies: >>163283
ok yeah it was dumbest thing I've done in a while
Replies: >>163287
I never threatened to leak it and I won't
>only close friends here just to win an argument nobody cares about
He already did that 6+ months ago when he leaked my cock to Mascot:Ddd
He was simping for her so hard
Replies: >>163290
>he leaked my cock to Mascot
That's the point though. If you do dumb things when things get even slightly heated what's to say in the future you might get angry and leak something else? 
Like Brandon(?) says, it's a cry wolf situation. All I can do is distance myself and pray.

Wow. It just gets worse and worse...
Replies: >>163291 >>163356
I didn't leak cock pic I just joked about you sending it to me (which you really did)
Replies: >>163289
Mascot can confirm what you did
to be fair I didn't know what she really looked like yet
we have no reason to argue, I just want to share girl content with you
>Lint self-doxes.
>Karma posts his cock.
Somehow this is Nzie's fault.
Replies: >>163293 >>163297
Oh nzie-simp... you're extremely bad faith.
Replies: >>163294 >>163295
Only makes him look more bad
The dirt must be incomprehensible.
Replies: >>163296 >>163333
I don't even know who it is
Replies: >>163299
never gonna leak either of those

idk how posting one session screenshot of literally nothing (just karma admitting what was basically already proven on the board) is comparable tbh

it was still dumb to do and I'm sorry
Replies: >>163298 >>163301
You are never gonna get unblocked how are you this stupid?
He said earlier he talks to you in DM?
Replies: >>163300
>idk how posting one session screenshot of literally nothing (just karma admitting what was basically already proven on the board) is comparable tbh
It's not. They just hate you.
>I talk to NZ in DM I always feel I can trust him. :)
angel? lmao
Replies: >>163306
most people I dm wouldn't get involved in this retarded shit
Why did nzie respond with a smiley face?
Replies: >>163307
Going for another easy to manipulate target?
Replies: >>163310
Nzie simp is Angel...
I don't think it's him tbh
Could be Anne
tbh maybe I do care about winning too much
Replies: >>163331
i hope lain la never shuts down
Replies: >>163319
idk how I can apologise harder
Replies: >>163319
Why can't we all be friends?
admin is likely angry about hosting lgs
I liked filebin.
The way you can bunch many zips together in the same "bin" under a single link is great.

I accept your apology.
Replies: >>163320
thanks, you have nothing to worry about fr
Replies: >>163323
kill nzie
just joking lel
>you have nothing to worry about
Cool, heard that one before. 
You're not getting unblocked though.
Replies: >>163326
but fair :)
I didn't mention it because imho there is no way karma would leak it and I didn't want to make you worry more, sorry

>You're not getting unblocked though.
ok I hope you change your mind one day
Replies: >>163330
I'm having fancy pants black caviar with gutter grool "le snack" crackers & cheese dip
This must be what driving through a McDonald's drive thru in a Rolls Royce must feel like
Cope bjork won
Losing too much irl?
Replies: >>163339
Fuck it's hot here
Replies: >>163336
lost again
Replies: >>163337
Nah Brannie never does
Replies: >>163340
30+ yo virgin is losing pretty hard
Replies: >>163342
how many kids do you have?
Replies: >>163344
Problem with nzie is he can't be honest. He can'tafford to take any L's for some reason
Replies: >>163345
where did I lie?
Replies: >>163346
Replies: >>163347
>no actual example
yeah ok typical
Replies: >>163349
if anything I care about the truth too much, I don't even think fingering your bh and tasting it is a big deal at all, if I actually did it then I wouldn't care about people saying I did
Replies: >>163353
Not playing this game again boylover ๐Ÿ™„
Everyone knows you're dishonest now
Replies: >>163352
maybe I'll do it later (for the first time) so we can all get on with our lives
Replies: >>163351 >>163357
Astoundingly based.
Replies: >>163359
because I leaked something? to reveal the truth? ok

it was a shitty thing to do but it only supports my argument that I care about the truth
Replies: >>163358 >>163362
bs you were hypercope backpedaling even just with the fingering part alone after the backlash, saying "it was only for a split second and only went in like 1mm" ๐Ÿคฃ
Replies: >>163354 >>163357
Replies: >>163360
Why are people such a cunt to Nzie? He is the nicest poster here.
not me, I'm doing the counting autism, if you don't see that, not me, and it's been getting aped so even if you see it, maybe not me
but if it doesn't have that definitely not me
Replies: >>163361
Go right ahead, do it again for some kind of idgaf clout lol but you won't because >>163353
You lied about what you did at first and tried to deceptively minimise afterwards
lmao btfo'd
cope brannie whatever post anyone says is yours is yours
Replies: >>163364
>because I leaked something? to reveal the truth? ok
<Lint says Raheem isn't his nsme 
Btfo here is proof that your name is Mohamed (because you care about the truth)
Replies: >>163363 >>163369
Why is NZ such a serial killer bro's?
Replies: >>163370
brandon are you enjoying your christmas vacation?
Fact: Nzie feverishly piston's his finger(s) up his poopipe then sucks the shit off like it's a fucking Cornetto "just to BTFO strangers on dead pedo text gulags"
Fiction: Nzie is sorry for DM-leaking and telling others Lint's brother's IRL name
brandon youve been obsessing over ass finger licking all day long
Put your numbers back on you coward
Replies: >>163372
Crippling 30+ years of virginity and closeted homosexuality
Replies: >>163568
Replies: >>163373
Replies: >>163376
Replies: >>163374
Cope brandon
Replies: >>163375
Replies: >>163376
maybe u should take a nap fren
Replies: >>163377
Nah I'm good, that gayops bullshit is just boring as fuck ๐Ÿฅฑ
Replies: >>163398
"hurdur you said [x]" tier garbage for trytoohards
brannie got gayopsed lol!
Replies: >>163380 >>163403
you sound pretty gay here
Replies: >>163382
maybe stop cheering on homosexuality?
look at how triggered he is! hes been at it all day! gayopsed!
Replies: >>163383
all of my ๐Ÿฅฑ
Replies: >>163384
Replies: >>163385
Replies: >>163387
brannie brannie
Replies: >>163388
Replies: >>163406
yes, faggot faggot?
brandons such a fucking loser he spends all his time arguing with nobody faggots and using drugs
Replies: >>163394
brandon is 50!
HA! triggered!
stop being so mean to yourself, you're not a nobody faggot, you're a somebody
who that somebody is, who knows, you're a coward, but hey, nobody's perfect
Replies: >>163395 >>163396
Replies: >>163397
btfoed it was me jole
Replies: >>163397
thank you, I think I gottem too

impossible, there's no trip
stop making jole look worse than he already does
Replies: >>163399
Is that like a new call of duty game or something?
Replies: >>163400 >>163401
brandon why do you do this all day every day?
Replies: >>163400

if I did the number would be waaaaaaaay higher than 600
Replies: >>163404
I just bought gayops 6 and been playing online with brandon
Replies: >>163402 >>163408
brannie got trolledpozzed
Replies: >>163405
brandon why do you do this all day every day?
wait a minute, are you saying jole is hiv positive?
like clockwork lmao
Replies: >>163409
jole fucks trans prostitutes without protection
what's the K/D looking like
Replies: >>163421
the HAHAHAHAHA sockpuppet is hilarious tbh
Replies: >>163414
branny branny
Replies: >>163411 >>163412
yes, faggot faggot?
Replies: >>163417
oh, you didn't want anything? weird
>this level of coping 
how embarrassing
Replies: >>163415
I know right, imagine having a sockpuppet that just replies to your posts with HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Replies: >>163422 >>163423
some incredibly sad shit tbh
when did you first discover you were bransgender?
Replies: >>163418
idk what that is
Replies: >>163420
And are you planning BTFO-reassigment surgery soon?
Replies: >>163429
It's not something you know, brandon, it's something you feel
no winners only brandons
Replies: >>163424
cringe branny there are more anons here than just me
Look how fucking triggered this gayopsed nerd is rn HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
Replies: >>163427
Endless grieving/"troll-shielding"
Replies: >>163426
brandon got fucking gaped
Replies: >>163430
still dont know what that means
Replies: >>163428 >>163432
Fucking ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ
it means brandon cant cope!
Replies: >>163431
incredibly sad attempt
Replies: >>163437
by joles bwc?
Replies: >>163433
who are you talking to?
Replies: >>163435
neither hence the quotation marks
there is no 163426
brandon you need to cope!
Cope branny
brandon remember you are a winner or they wouldn't try bring you down
Replies: >>163439
*cue the confucius pasta*
Replies: >>163441
>t. triggered as fuck by use of cope getting rekt
Replies: >>163443
brandon jole told me you were a loud and proud pedophile is this true
Replies: >>163444
still not coping
>jole told me 
can outright dismiss anything he says tbh
Replies: >>163446
hope that clears it up for you, if not, idc
he showed me proof though?
Replies: >>163449
brandon were those tweets real?
Replies: >>163450
they will always say things about you but never be able to post any actual proof
Replies: >>163451
weird, post it, I've never seen any
monique calling brandon a pedophile doesn't mean he is a pedophile, anyone can call anyone anything
Replies: >>163454
brandon monique told everyone the truth
Replies: >>163452
seriously, you're seeing me in posts that aren't mine, get help
why would she call you that over a stupid edited picture brandon?
Replies: >>163459
>when you add "bran" to the post contents filter
Replies: >>163456
cmon don you need to cope
Replies: >>163457
idk everyone keeps saying I do, pick one
wait brandon why are you here instead of enjoying your time without your dad around?
Replies: >>163463
what edited picture?
Replies: >>163460
the sheeeit edit of her daughter
Replies: >>163464
>add bran to post contents filter
>practically half the thread disappears
Replies: >>163466
>post instantly disappeared
copeposting is all he has to live for
Replies: >>163465
idk this lore
Replies: >>163467
man it's going to be fun watching them try to work around that one

I know it's cruel to wreck it for him, but it's for his own good, really, he relies on it sooooooooooo much
What do you expect when you are the biggest lulcow in pedochan history kek
jole contacted monique on twitter and said he was posting a picture of her daughter with that nigger sheeeit meme over her face and jole sent her the pic, then she said brandon was some homeless guy she helped out and is a pedophile
jole won
>jole wishes
cope brandon you lost
10 years of jole's best efforts and he still couldn't accomplish this >>163466
Replies: >>163473
does he have a kiwifarms thread yet?
the seethe in your post is palpable
they require some kind of proof ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคญ
Replies: >>163477
Replies: >>163477

heres the tweets
Replies: >>163549
because >>163474
jole won again
Brandon Robert Kelley is a 42 year old pedophile from Baltimore who spends 24/7/365 browsing and posting on dead altchans. He is a failed musician (used to drum in doom metal bands in Baltimore that never got any gigs) and got kicked out of 2 bands for lusting after a female bandmate's underage daughter, bald bickers he can't grow hair, never finished high school and a self-professed pedophile.
He still lives in Baltimore, Maryland to this day. Presumably at 917 N Calvert St.
Replies: >>163487 >>163488
proof is the one thing jole will never have ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคญ
he can only cope his way around having none
Replies: >>163482
brandon is so desperate to not lose for once but it only makes him lose harder lol
Replies: >>163490
Replies: >>163483
wait, what does that mean?
Replies: >>163485 >>163497
Replies: >>163492
how does brandon literally have endless free time
Replies: >>163491
>Presumably at 917 N Calvert St.
wonder if service like pimeyes could find his socials
Replies: >>163489
>this is the only possible response to my shitposts
brandon wont acknowledge the tweets his band mate sent
Replies: >>163498 >>163500
neets won
you are mentioned too but it's a more broad summary of like 8chan
Replies: >>163493
or 8moe idk
>does he have a kiwifarms thread
Replies: >>163495
cope, jole won
Replies: >>163496
lol no ankle biters will ever understand brandonposting
where is the proof brandon spams cp?
much more peaceful with bran filtered tbh
>post immediately disappeared again
Replies: >>163502
how will they ever cope
Replies: >>163503
ยฏโ \โ _( อกโ—กโ€ฏแดฅ อกโ—ก)โ _โ /โ ยฏ
brandon i think monique was telling the thruth
idk maybe they'll have to figure out some other way of "trolling" me than just repeating shit about "brandon" constantly and telling me how mad it makes me?
>post instantly disappeared

calie rae cameltoe and ass
Replies: >>163511 >>163534
stop filtering your name dammit
Replies: >>163509
it'd be sad if it was a name I gave a shit about using, wouldn't it
>no video with supported format and MIME type found
Replies: >>163512 >>163513
works on my machine :)
Replies: >>163514
skill issue
guess it shouldn't be surprising it doesn't work on tor browser
Replies: >>163515
if someone tells a lie about you with no proof, so then you say something about them which is true but they deny it, are you the bad guy for then posting proof even if it involves leaking a few lines of dm with that person?
brandon how do we get zain to turn his house into a commune?
idk but it's an incredibly weak position tbh, that just makes everyone not trust you whether you're right or wrong, tbh
Replies: >>163519 >>163553

karma im sorry
you have to balance out the costs
Replies: >>163522
8rannie describe your cut pedocock for us
Replies: >>163526 >>163527
he already basically admitted to it on the board though, I wasn't leaking some actual secret or anything
sometimes the harder you fight the lie, the less anyone gives a shit whether it's a lie
this is a kiddie pool full of sharks tbh, if you're bleeding in the water too much all right/wrong is going to be nullified
it's hard to tell if I fucked up or people just want to jump on me
Replies: >>163525
>this is a kiddie pool full of sharks tbh, if you're bleeding in the water too much all right/wrong is going to be nullified
8rk would be a good site name
less than 8", about the thickness of a jumbo hot dog, flesh tone about the same
Replies: >>163529
also variant filtered now ๐Ÿคญ
Replies: >>163530
Replies: >>163531
Confucius say cope is only way of saying "I lost and am mad" in one word
Replies: >>163535
I want to be friends with jole and [filtered] at the same time
Replies: >>163533
>I want to be friends with Israel AND Palestine, what's the big deal
Replies: >>163536
made for bbc
Replies: >>163548
AKA you Mr. Kelly
Replies: >>163537
only one of those can truly exist
Replies: >>163539
Replies: >>163540
stay seething
Replies: >>163541
I didn't tell you to cope though, so
Replies: >>163556
idk where you're getting "seething" from
Replies: >>163556
Replies: >>163544
I have some good childgf memes somewhere
Replies: >>163545
based pedo
Replies: >>163546
I wish
just a humble hebephebofoile
stop sayin my love of my lifes are snowbunnys lol
Lol being this mad. What did Brandon even do?
thee we are, there's one, jesus it's been too long since I organized the new shit
brenny lost again
Replies: >>163552

>t. needed to ((( filter evade ))), his need to say it and me to see it was so great
Replies: >>163554
brandon i dont think monique wa lying, she called you a pedo instead of an asshole or a creep? Add this to the whole stephanie stalking thing and little girl posting and it looks sus dude
>seething even harder 
Replies: >>163556
brandon you need to chill

>I didn't tell you to cope though, so
>idk where you're getting "seething" from
Replies: >>163560
Replies: >>163560
when I saw Mr Bungle here on the California tour he was talking about people smoking crack
Replies: >>163560
Nzie won. BRK won.
>nolife posting 
Replies: >>163561
yeah but it could always be worse, it could always be brandonposting
>instantly disappears
god damn that's so amusing ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคญ
lel of course he's a patsy
Replies: >>163566 >>163567
>they're just going to let people think they're incompetent at tracking down someone that killed a major corporate CEO
nah see, unlike the Trump shooting, the public thinking LEA is incompetent doesn't help the preferred narratives here
you lost, nobody cares, get a life
Replies: >>163569 >>163570
brandons sollving everything except his own problems
Replies: >>163570
Why did the jews make BRK's life turn out so bad bros
Replies: >>163572
thanks, updated :)
Replies: >>163573
Feels good keeping you employed brรฃnnie
>they would go on to spend days desperately trying to evade the filters
Now go, filter brรฃnnie filter!
really not that hard to press and jold the 'a' key brฤn brฤn
who, jole?
Replies: >>163578
it can't be jole, for you see, there's no tripcode
it's just somebody exactly as obsessed with me and desperate to get any kind of "win" over me as jole is

really didn't think there could be more than one of those, but I guess life is full of surprises, innit
Replies: >>163582 >>163583
you would go on to spend days desperately trying to set the filters
Replies: >>163581
jole wins again
I wonder whomst is the more pathetic in this scenario, offense or defense
Replies: >>163584
Replies: >>163583
>it can't be jole
cope, you lost
inb4 any of your bullshit about cope
Replies: >>163585 >>163586
you seem a bit upset ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคญ
Replies: >>163587 >>163589
Replies: >>163587 >>163588
 sorry meant to link >>163585
Replies: >>163588
translation: "cOpE"
Replies: >>163590
so, you're saying cope sucks, and is just a way of saying "I'm mad and I lost" in one word?
Replies: >>163593
brb I need to take a massive jole, intestines hurt
Replies: >>163594
You're a hypocrite and you have no self awareness lol
Too much seething b-rannie
>jole has 4 letters
>shit has 4 letters
Replies: >>163596
that's pretty lame brรขndon
Replies: >>163597
idk works better than brandon as a substitute for loser, they don't even have the same amount of letters
>instantly disappears
I snigger every time
Replies: >>163600
>mfw he runs out of unfiltered evasions
>can't even wait more than a single minute for a reply before proclaiming btfo because he's really that desperate 
Not everyone's sitting here smashing the refresh button like you bro
Replies: >>163601
Replies: >>163604
are you saying you intentionally wait "more than a single minute" to reply, so it appears like you have a "life"?
Replies: >>163605 >>163606
holy fuck the pathos
Replies: >>163606
low IQ
>no reply
Replies: >>163607
Stop coping so hard dumbshit I'm cooking and listening to yt vid
Replies: >>163608 >>163611
>the sheer desperation
why are you even bothering to come post at all then?
>I'm doing 3 things at once what are you doing?????
cooking and listening to music are mostly passive activities
so they're a flex, how again?
>imagine not doing passive activities while you whine at a loser on an obscure altchan, what a waste of time
Replies: >>163618 >>163622
For you and your ready made microwave meal dinners for one maybe lmao
I never use a microwave
Replies: >>163624
do you stare at food the entire time it's cooking?
he can't if he's also posting here
Replies: >>163621
could be like a dual monitor set up but instead of the 2nd monitor it's an oven
It's almost like you're breaking your own 4th wall there if you think really hard about it ๐Ÿคญ
Replies: >>163631
>taking more than 1 minute to prep and cook = staring at the food now 
Reach harder retard
Replies: >>163624 >>163625
you missed this btfo >>163617
Replies: >>163625
this >>163623 negates yoir5 "btfo" Pookie IQ
Replies: >>163626
what does that have to do with whether or not I use a microwave....?
Replies: >>163629
you were wrong (as always) but whatever idc anymore ๐Ÿฅฑ
Replies: >>163632
Your microwave "rebuttal" was irrelevant to >>163611 and >>163619
Replies: >>163636
Now I've got shit to do
>I think you're a loser but let me spend allllllll of this time on you, here's why that doesn't mean I'm more pathetic than I think you are
Replies: >>163633
I knew it was you spastic nzie go finger your asshole some more
๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ bye now fuckwit ๐Ÿ‘‹
Replies: >>163635
this guy is really weird
...wouldn't the mirror just shatter or even explode from the heat of the oil??
Replies: >>163637
oh so it didn't negate the btfo? good to know lmao
Replies: >>163638
Wait, I get it, you're supposed to bread the mirror first
tips for proper pre-fry mirror seasonin's?
this is what normal heterosexual men crave, only incels disagree
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