Oh you were a stoker?
That's awesome lol, our PO was a stoker lol, our Chief was a stoker too lol, 600 sea days is good! We've just done about 100 ish give or take
>Swam above Mariana Trench
That's literally the most common Hands to Bath area I've heard xDD Our mates on another ship had that lol! Swimming in the deepest part in the world!
Fucking awesome lol
We saw some sea snakes too, big yellow things, I thought they were fake at first but my Oppo googled it and proved me wrong lmao
>Touching the propeller
dude WHAT lmfao, was this back in the day?? We'd NEVER be allowed to do that xD Not even the fucking Royal Marines would go do that, that's dangerous as fuck lool, if you get sucked into the intakes even when the ship is stationary, you're fucked!
That sounds so cool though lmao fair play!
>sexo young female officer
Our doc was a bloke xD
That's so fucking cool dude, much appreciated for your service lol, I hope to carry on in your footsteps xD