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[New Reply]
Being a homo is a bannable offence.

all mammals like milk
Only as babies.
>Lactase Persistence: Most mammals lose the ability to digest lactose (the sugar in milk) after weaning because the enzyme lactase is no longer produced. However, in some human populations, a genetic mutation allows lactase production to continue into adulthood, enabling the digestion of milk. This adaptation likely evolved in groups with a history of dairy farming and provided a survival advantage during periods of food scarcity.
Drinking milk helps with bone strength, those who don't/can't drink it will suffer when older.
Paid by Valio
Replies: >>151226
Plenty of ways to get the same Just eat green vegetables, there is your calcium. Also almond milk has calcium too.
Replies: >>151225 >>151226
Weak european "men".
Replies: >>151227 >>151228
I get my milk from tea and other foods, cope.
The opposite, milk has disgusting added hormones in it. Bad for you, screws up your system. It's not natural to drink it, especially raw like that. I'm fine with just having cheese as my only dairy, I lose nothing from that.
Anyone else tired from seeing Pedro Pascal everywhere?
That nigga was only good in game of thrones
Replies: >>151231 >>151232
I was just going to say I only know him from Game of Thrones, lol. What else is he in?
Replies: >>151236
I liked him in Narcos
Replies: >>151233 >>151234
Oh yeah that too.
Well that too but now he is in every series and movie
Also The last of us
Replies: >>151237
Gladiator 2
based grampa. sounds like good memories! =)
Replies: >>151260
Anyway he's annoying leftist cuck
Replies: >>151241
A bunch of actors ares;
Ive disliked him since when he forced the Mandolorian writers to write that he takes his helmet of every episode because otherwise no-one will know its him
I think you can count with the fingers of one hand the ones who aren't leftists
Nigger you agreed to it AND you are in credits
He also is a stupid fucking retard you dont look like Joel AT all you narcistic fuck why did you take the role
Also the fucking Goblin who tooks Ellies role should die painful death too
Replies: >>151247
She was cute in GoT
Replies: >>151249
Mehican Joel and Downsyndrome Ellie
Yeah when she was little girl
you guys actually watch normie shit like game of thrones? 😐
Everything im doing is right (mostly)
GoT was ood tho. Not a normie show, just happened to be popular because veryone is a perv and like magic? haha
Replies: >>151254
The characters were good until they ran out of source material and the directors had no idea what to do and then it became comedy
GoT is a good show, tbh. I mean, the first seasons.
Replies: >>151272 >>151276
House of the Dragon is way better, imo
Replies: >>151257
It sucks
Replies: >>151264
Better Call Saul was amazing, every person that told me they disliked were the type to unironically watch cape shit and crap like GoT.
Its DEI slop
Yeah lots of good memories, we were very close. My father was similar, very girl-focused, but he was also much more busy and I spent more time with my grandfather than with him. We'd always go to different places too, he'd randomly wake me up and ask if I wanted to fly to [random country] for lunch, and we'd go, then call my mother from there saying "oh by the way, we're out of the country, might spend the night." Always annoyed her but I loved to travel^^
Replies: >>151273
most tv shows are garbage
Better Call Saul is 10/10 but i liked GOT too so i think ur retarded nvm i know you are retarded since your name is Anon
Replies: >>151263
cope, you lost nnn
Replies: >>151265
It's amazing. It has all the political and intrigue shit got was about in the first seasons before it became a fuck fest

Yes, another good one.
Replies: >>151268
At least im not ashamed to carry my name or have my opinions in the public, LOL!
Replies: >>151267
Better Caul Saul, Sopranos, Breaking Bad. Kino shit
only narcissists feel the need to use a name, anons win
Replies: >>151271
>Political and intrigue
black people with white hair?
Replies: >>151269 >>151270
No. I didn't like the niggers either, but you ignore them and it's 10/10
Wish Silvia was rulecuck so i wouldnt ever have to hear back from your dumb ass
Replies: >>151274 >>151302
I loved the books a lot, and the show was fantastic even with the stuff they left out, up until they ran out of source material.... Those two retards ruined the ending, rushed it because they wanted to work for some other show. HBO even offered them more episodes so they could flesh out the ending, but nope! Sours even rewatches now when at the time I was watching literally the minute each episode came out because I enjoyed it so much.
Replies: >>151277
haha! sounds like perfect and wholesome upbringing! =) Say hello from me when you meet next time.
Replies: >>151275
cope, being anon is better for opsec
Replies: >>151281
He's dead now so hopefully I don't meet him any time soon, lol.
Replies: >>151278
the sexxo girl with huge nice titties and face that fucked the boy king
Its not just the ending they ruined every character, forgot about things the characters were doing opposite to their character etc.
Replies: >>151280
no stress. take it eaasy! ;D
Replies: >>151280
Replies: >>151286
>  'better for opsec ''

That's a bunch of baloozy--
Posting as "Anon" does not hide your User Agent, or IP address, or which Bypass you're a whole host of other stuff
People on non-illegal imageboards who spew this "Anon is better OPSEC" cope are simply cowards who don't want to own, or be responsible for, the thing that they say and do...just a lame excuse to be a cancerous troll, and not be responsible for it...literally faggot cowards
>People on non-illegal imageboards who spew this "Anon is better OPSEC" cope are simply cowards who don't want to own, or be responsible for, the thing that they say and do...just a lame excuse to be a cancerous troll, and not be responsible for it...literally faggot cowards
This so much.
>just a lame excuse to be a cancerous troll, and not be responsible for it...literally faggot cowards
Based. Anons are assholes.
Replies: >>151284
Anons are the people who get bullied in school
Yeah everything about season 7-8 story was pretty bad. It had some great scenes, sure, but the story itself sucked. And especially the ending, one of the worst endings ever.
nah being pseudoanonymous is still bad, bread crumbs makes their jobs easier, proper opsec is using anon
Replies: >>151288
Replies: >>151291
I have a dream that one day Anons will be sent to concentration camp
You're the type of leftie that looks at Redditors profiles and their post histories to know if you should like them or not. Shove it where the sun don't shine you dumb jewish glowtard.
Replies: >>151293
i accept your concession
Good anons should get names so we could filter the rest of the bad anons
Replies: >>151294
>You're the type of leftie that looks at Redditors profiles and their post histories to know if you should like them or not.
Sounds like a normal guy, you base your opinion on people on how they behave/act/believe
Replies: >>151302 >>151330
Its some mentally ill guy who posts good posts sometimes
my princess with a mascot
He knows he cant control his emotions so he would get filtered
thats why he Anon posts
insecure faggot
character breach
she has a cute face, but she has woman body
Replies: >>151303 >>151304
Not if you care about Anonymity which surprise is why many chose to use Anonymous imageboards over echo chambers like Reddit, Roo and you just want to silence and rulecuck others. >>151271
Replies: >>151305
Nah not cute face, fat face.
and thats a good thing
Replies: >>151309
>im gay
Okay didnt read further
Replies: >>151306 >>151307
Replies: >>151308
btfo by anon
Replies: >>151308
How does it feel like to be retarded?
Replies: >>151310
She would be better with a child body
Replies: >>151315
You want to rulecuck others, you're the retard.
Replies: >>151313
ngl using a name is retarded I only do it so I can claim my btfos
Replies: >>151312 >>151317
ty nzie
Rulecucking is normal if there werent Brandons in the world you could get away with it
Replies: >>151314 >>151320
Rulecucking is only for jews.
she has the most perfect boobs ive ever seen
Replies: >>151321 >>151323
How is this real 😂

If you're gonna go that long I feel like it should be to something special. A girl you really like, or
Replies: >>151321 >>151325
it is a shame that you btfo roo and lint so hard they filter you like the wimps they are
Replies: >>151318
Just another reason to stay Anon, freedom of speech.
Replies: >>151319
> freedom of speech.

Shouldn't exist tbh...
Replies: >>151322 >>151326
>Oh what you wanna delete message of that most annoying guy ever that everyone hates but he logically didnt break any rules?
<Okay ill fucking DDOS your board until people are free to be annoying again
Replies: >>151375 >>151377
>A girl you really like
I was planning to fap to lgf, but I don't have that many videos or pictures of her... 

Impossible, they aren't flat.
Replies: >>151382
Replies: >>151324 >>151341
can't really claim that without seeing them properly
he means that only lefties that align with him should have right to speak
> real

It's real lol--
Replies: >>151327 >>151331
Its freedom of speech if you dont get jail time or fines if someone bans you on imageboard its just consequence of your action
Based Trump protecting USA
>consequence of your action
The action being your feelings hurt?
cringe rulecuck
Exactly. I always found it funny when Anon's get "mistreated" compared to someone with an established track record. Yes, of course the person who normally posts well and then makes a few terrible posts will be overlooked, whereas Anon posts are treated as-is (literally what they want). That means your one post "out of line" is treated exactly as that. That's what you want, being Anon, so don't complain? lol
Replies: >>151333
Replies: >>151336
very rooish
Replies: >>151335
>That's what you want, being Anon, so don't complain? lol
Thats good?
Replies: >>151338 >>151339
Make your own imageboard
Replies: >>151340 >>151346
Same argument lefties make.
Replies: >>151342

That's not me...look at the font face of the tripcode
Just another stupid "Anon" samefagging with a copypasta'd tripcode
Replies: >>151343 >>151345
Make your own thread where you are free to be annoying
Replies: >>151347 >>151361
>anon finally uses a name
>still be sad
Replies: >>151383
Yeah I saw that, lol. I was going to post it with a thinking emoticon but decided to wait and see who was going to bring it up first^^
haha oh shit didnt realize i was too shocked tbh :P
Replies: >>151351
it would be too based
Just scroll and ignore.
Replies: >>151349
You dont have to host shit you dont want to simple as that
Id filter you by ID if i could
Quit responding to Anon, filter Anon. You have options.
Replies: >>151353

.post-tripcode {

Put this in your custom css and don't be fooled again.
Replies: >>151391
Nothing of value ever.
Kill yourself
Replies: >>151354
Deal with it then.
why does karma hate anons so much
Replies: >>151356 >>151357
they speak truth
Everyone who does not Anon post does
>Russia, which currently holds the group’s rotating presidency, floated the idea of introducing a BRICS currency in 2022. Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva echoed Moscow’s proposal last year, arguing that having the option of trading in another reserve currency would reduce the BRICS countries’ “vulnerability” to fluctuations in the dollar’s exchange rate.

>BRICS leaders stopped short of announcing plans for such a currency at their summit in the Russian city of Kazan last month. Instead, the group pledged to set up a cross-border payment system to function alongside the Western SWIFT network, and to increase their use of local currencies in international trade.

I'd be fine with using some BRICS crypto though. Forget the dollar. Hell, I'd be fine using Dogecoin as the world currency, unironically, more than the dollar.
 Literally this 
Replies: >>151360 >>151363
this is the thread where we're allowed to be retarded go to onion or session if u want rulecucking
Replies: >>151365
people trying to censor free speech and get rid of anonymity... hmm reminds me of lefties!
Replies: >>151366
words words words
This is my containment zone you stupid fucking retard
Replies: >>151367
>free speech
Didnt realize Silvia is the government
Replies: >>151368 >>151369
Deal with it then.
Replies: >>151370
No monopoly here either
Go to patches chans then if you like rulecucks
Replies: >>151370 >>151371
Why dont you kill yourself
Replies: >>151373
he doesn't want patch to cum on his face tho
Why would I kill myself over a weak finnish man whining on an anonymous text board?
Replies: >>151376
Had Lint remained Anon he wouldn't have accidently doxxed himself.
No-one like syou
based brannie
I ain't reading this, but I'm giving my support to karma in this one.
Replies: >>151379
Anons won.
Anon can go fuck himself, tbh
Replies: >>151384
Better than some random girl at least. Just have both up on your screen if you need.
Replies: >>151388
>but not like that!
Replies: >>151385
anon did nothing wrong
Damn mascot tell your friend to start posting here
Replies: >>151396
Yeah, you are right. I feel bad now and even if I fap to her now, the second fap is not going to be the same... :/
Replies: >>151393 >>151397
Don't care about cringe e-rep, only care about anonymity.
Replies: >>151390
this, we ain't on reddit
Yeah good idea, I use violet because it looks best with the black background (it's the only css change I made to Tomorrow theme which is default on onion). I just added it to the default of this board too but I don't think it shows up unless you have no cache/cookies. Don't know if it looks good with the ugly brown default theme here though.
Replies: >>151400 >>151417
You're just gonna have to go without doing it again the rest of December again.
Replies: >>151395 >>151417

I regret not watching this when it was on netflix
Replies: >>151398 >>151399
she has no irl friends tbh she is autistic femcel
save up for a xmas fap
Replies: >>151417
just pirate it
Replies: >>151401
who tf hasn't seen no country for old men lmao
> I just added it to the defaul

If adding it to the global/default CSS, you should have picked a brighter and more contrasting color 
Just sayin'

I have found that this shade of bright read tennds to work well across many various CSS themes--
zoomers are too dumb to pirate
Replies: >>151403 >>151406
 Some asian devs have this trillion dollar idea: "What if we copy a game, BUT PUT ATTRACTIVE WOMEN ON IT?"
They rent everything like good little goysumers.
Replies: >>151404 >>151406
you will own nothing
Replies: >>151406 >>151408
Yeah maybe it only looks good on the dark background, lol.
Replies: >>151483
You cant even afford your rent, loser.
Replies: >>151407
My grandmother (rest her soul) inherited her house to me, cope.
funny how pirating a game you actually own it but buying it on steam you dont
Replies: >>151412 >>151418
So cute
And the family tree is gonna die to you
Replies: >>151413
if buying isn't owning then pirating isn't stealing
Replies: >>151414
Projection, yours will for a certainty.
Replies: >>151416
neet chads win again
Nah big family wont die, you are the only kid your family will die.
Replies: >>151419
I just got the color of the tripcodes from the onion board. Better like this with the dark background.


I can't go for another month... 😭 
I will just dedicate my next faps to her, tbh.
Replies: >>151446
I can play all my Steam games offline.
Not the only grandchild she had, just her favorite one.
Replies: >>151420
You arent favorite of anyone you retard
Replies: >>151421
At best you made up that in your head
Replies: >>151423
You've never known love
Replies: >>151427
imagine working to pay for someone elses house payments
Thats why you are so angry all the time
Replies: >>151427 >>151430
Replies: >>151428
Replies: >>151431
Why is Jole sperging out?
yeah but you cry into your pillow lol
Replies: >>151432
Anon won.
But i dont Anon post
Anon posting is the most sad miserable thing you can do
Replies: >>151435
Anon posting is the glorious backbone of any text bored.
Yeah, Jole. This.
Replies: >>151436
jolelusional tbh
Replies: >>151439
Just filter Anon.
Replies: >>151438 >>151440
this, quit crying so much karma
That's exactly what Jole would say though.
When you kill yourself i will
Replies: >>151441
Karma won
Replies: >>151444
Anons won.
Yeah it looks great on Tomorrow theme but not really the brown one. Not sure I like red because it's the same colour as the capcode but I switched to that for now anyways since it does look better on default (though I am using purple for myself on Tomorrow).
anons are nice if you are nice, you get what you give
Replies: >>151450
you lost
Replies: >>151449 >>151453
this, respect is a two way street
Just filter cope and jole and bran and dick and board quality improves 10,000%
Replies: >>151452
What would i say instead of C*** though?
Replies: >>151455 >>151457
or anyone else
because lefites like you love censorship
Does someone have the pure black catchannel icon?
I'm rebuilding the cytube
Replies: >>151460 >>151635
Just say "I lost", that's what you're saying anyway.
Replies: >>151458 >>151459
Replies: >>151463
we do a little rebuilding 🔨🔨🔨🔨
You lose on default because you are afraid to attach your opinions on identity
this is not a good argument
>I lost
See? 1:1
Yeah, Jole.
Replies: >>151467
Anons don't need to worry about pointless e-rep.
Replies: >>151468 >>151472

Lei giving me my medal for winning NNN
Replies: >>151469
is jole in the room with us right now?
Replies: >>151470
this, nigga we ain't on reddit
that's a nice gold participation medal
Replies: >>151473 >>151474
>Jole's not here
Ok, Jole.
Go back to Reddit.
Because no-one would like you with name
Replies: >>151486
Cope, I won
You lost when you fingered your ass
Replies: >>151478 >>151492
Nzie defeated you.
>I lost, I won.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
I won harder regardless of whether you won or not
he did it to btfo another and won
Replies: >>151479
what would karma know about winning lol
Replies: >>151482
nzie is devoted to winning
He is a sad Finnish loner.
Replies: >>151485

Most all imageboards already have the "capcode" color pre-configured to be highly visible, and unique, across all of the various, a nice shortcut to use in the global/default CSS to use is the "root color variables" shortcut
In Jschan, if you just change the global tripcode color to be this, then it will likely show up well on all themes--

Just a suggestion
Replies: >>151490 >>151643
If Anon says you've won you know you've lost
fr fr
Karma lost.
Replies: >>151494
Still waiting that majority of namefags collectively agree to filter Anons
Replies: >>151491 >>151755
Then they would be forced to get names even if just Anon1
You should make the tripcodes size 77 font and bright orange. Also an unmutable sound loop of the most annoying sound in the world from Dumb & Dumber should play every time a tripcode is used.
Only lefties would do such
Replies: >>151496
why is karma such a leftoid?
Replies: >>151500
all this seething over losing to literal whos on the internet
Karma lost so hard.
Replies: >>151502
Would get pretty boring talking all by yourself wouldnt it
Replies: >>151497
Lefties like you, lint and roo love echo chambers
Replies: >>151498
>N-n-no let me play with you guys
If Anon wants to claim victory for every victory he has achieved then he also has to claim defeat for every loss sustained.
Anon has lost far more than he has won 🤔
He consumed the lefts propaganda.
This is why anon is best.
Literally imagine being such a huge faggot you keep an identity win/loss record. lol.
Replies: >>151545
Anon makes namefags seethe so hard they scream at Silvia to shut down the board.
>Anon has lost far more than he has won 🤔
is this a verifiable claim?
If you want a Reddit experience, go to Reddit.
Replies: >>151510
Reddit with talk/pics of children would be superior yes,
Replies: >>151512 >>151516
Why do you think we are here idiot?
me and silvia both were on /r/jailbait back in the glory days of reddit before it became censored leftie echo chamber
Replies: >>151543 >>151544
You do realize nobody wants to engage with you mentally ill freaks?

We are only here for little girls and the pedo friends we made along the way
Replies: >>151519
>Reddit would be superior

did karma really just post this or am I hallucinating?
If it was allowed everywhere we wouldnt be here
Replies: >>151519
>sort by top of all time and find all the most coomable lg pics
Sounds pretty good.
Replies: >>151518
Fuck off Karma.
Cry more, you only have yourself to blame.
Replies: >>151520
t. no friends
Replies: >>151521
Replies: >>151522 >>151524
Unfortunately people somehow like me but you they dont
>Unfortunately people somehow like me 
Replies: >>151526
Replies: >>151533
Karma is insufferable.
koomie btfo himself
Imagine being less likeable than Karma lol
Replies: >>151528 >>151532
Anon sucks
Replies: >>151531
Karma is gay and lost.
You're not mentally insane unlike Koomie though.
Replies: >>151535
Namefags are so cringe.
dude wants to rape babies, you cant get any lower than that
Replies: >>151536 >>151537
I would kill him IRL and people would cheer for me.
NZ should apologize for that lie
Replies: >>151540
You heard me
Replies: >>151542
Karma go die.
what lie?
RIP! ;(
Damn nice
>[X] won
>[Z] lost
>OMFG did you hear [Y] is circumcised and vaxxed LOL
>*tiered list of identities*
This is over 50% of why we're the jews of imageboards.
i got into cunny posting way too late after the golden age :(
leave karma and nz alone
Replies: >>151548
your'e the one who bullied lint
Replies: >>151549 >>151550
Not a true Catchanner unless you've bullied Lint.
Replies: >>151559
leave me alone, tbh
this post is a lie
Replies: >>151552
Are you gonna deny it then?
Replies: >>151553 >>151556
why would he?
Tell are your Anon friends that Lint is actually good guy?
Replies: >>151555
Lintdoor is not a good guy since he leaked his brothers dox, he should be ashamed.
I just posted a screencap not my fault how people interpret it
Replies: >>151557
I wonder why you are blocked
Replies: >>151558
people hate the truth
>Because he's the hero Catchan deserves, but not the one it needs right now. 
>So we'll bully him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dark knight
Replies: >>151562 >>151565
>global overwrites the tripcode field so no matter what CSS you use they're bright red
Roo must be ecstatic.
Replies: >>151768
Replies: >>151564 >>151568
Something like that.
Leftists need to fuck off.
Replies: >>151566 >>151586
Where are my trips I generate for you, man? Come on
rightie tighties
Karma wants to rape babies.
Replies: >>151572
Replies: >>151575
You have a bunch more at least
Why arent you killing yourself then
Replies: >>151583
hehe cock! 8==D~~~~
Karma wants to rape toddlers.
Replies: >>151584
Replies: >>151759
Karma is pathetic.
Replies: >>151580
It tells more about if you talk down on retards
Replies: >>151582
Oh well. On to the next then.
Replies: >>151587
Replies: >>151585
your on the wrong trips man
I was about to sugest you use this one, lol. Oh Cock bj
Replies: >>151588
Replies: >>151589
lint I didn't say you want to rape babies karma just made that up tbh
Kill all nepis.
Damn Lint won NZ lost?
Replies: >>151594
I saw anon say this.
You're disgusting.
Cant even say it with trip LMAOOOOOOO
Replies: >>151596
Nzie doesn't anon post.
Replies: >>151599
so afraid of losing on imageboards
Replies: >>151598
Nzie never loses.
Replies: >>151600 >>151602
But does he post in Angels old trip?
Replies: >>151603
(((  𝙼𝚄𝚃𝙸𝙻𝙰𝚃𝙴𝙳  ))) ✡

卐 Uncut Purecocks 卐
Anon ?

Anon ?
Replies: >>151760
He'll finger his ass to "win"
Replies: >>151604
Huh? it's my trip now since it's public domain info.
Just shows how devoted he is to winning.
Replies: >>151605
it's funny how karma always gets mad at me when anons are btfoing him
Replies: >>151607 >>151608
It works with Jole tbh.
When are you gonna stop spreading lies about Lint? are you gonna call out your Anon friends with your trip?
Replies: >>151611
I can respect a man willing to do what he must to ensure victory at all costs.
Replies: >>151610 >>151612
Uncomfortable truths = Lies.
It doesn't work when you do all that and still have to pretend you won, tbh.
Replies: >>151613 >>151614
He actually won though, no need to pretend.
Replies: >>151615
Exactly like that, yes.
Replies: >>151619

Does sobbing Vlada emote work for you?
What's next moobie?
Replies: >>151620 >>151671
yes and it's beautiful
this, had fun btfoing koomie, feel like chilling with movie
das lood mang 😳
Replies: >>151622
She is pure.
Replies: >>151624
>>151616 does--
I figured that you were just gonna use your seedbox lol
the purest sweetest angel
Replies: >>151627
.post-tripcode {
to settings->custom css
Replies: >>151631
Cat-Kun lost.
Replies: >>151680
Why not hide name too? Then everyone is basically Anon!
Replies: >>151632
It wasn't as annoying before as it is now. Now everyone looks like they're capcoding.
Replies: >>151633

Capcodes are in giant-sized BOLD text tbh
Replies: >>151649 >>151651
You can just change the font if you want it to stick out better. Right now it's this bright ass neon sign that says NOTICE ME.
Replies: >>151636
OP of this thread one?
Replies: >>151671
Cope, tripfags need to be noticed.
So how do you get noticed in a sea of tripfags, then?
Replies: >>151639 >>151640
By being better.
Replies: >>151641 >>151642
By becoming one.
Replies: >>151644

This tbh
I don't want tripcode to be same colour on capcode, that's the point. Capcode should be immediately standing out compared to everything else, by design.
>or else
Replies: >>151645
Join the RED side.
Fun fact the term Root originated from Roo
Replies: >>151647
Replies: >>151650
There's exactly as much difference between the capcode and the tripcode like this as there was between the tripcode and a copy paste of the tripcode, and Roo shat himself with annoyance at that constantly.
Replies: >>151652
Little Red Riding Pedohood.
-->  >>151633

But, whatever...I was just trying to make your life easier lol
Replies: >>151652 >>151662

Replies: >>151657
Replies: >>151657
Replies: >>151657
Can you have all 3 of them at the same time that would be pretty cool
Replies: >>151660 >>151663
You just know...
I don't think so, I can type anything into the capcode but it will still show the highest rank I believe?
Replies: >>151667
Flaunting your capcodes should be normalized
all this because you're being triggered by people still being tricked when they copy paste your name 🤭
Replies: >>151665

Typically, a "Root" or an "Admin" can use whatever custom capcode that want to on most imageboards tbh
Replies: >>151664
all this is, is a "don't impersonate us REEEEEEEEEEEEEE"
Replies: >>151669
I want annoying capcode
Yeah it automatically deletes any lesser rank if I type a higher permission into the first, and ignores anything that isn't a real permission level (and just makes it part of the capcode, like a title). Been a while since I played around with capcode changes so wasn't sure, lol.
Do default users have any capcodes probably not?
Replies: >>151670 >>151682
>don't impersonate us
Well, yeah? 
Is that so bad.
Replies: >>151675 >>151688
Nope, only ones with mod access permissions.
Replies: >>151673
I thought maybe we'd watch Aftersun today. Might be a little too depressing from what I've been told tho...
Yes I'm stupid lol
Replies: >>151735
Need Lint and Graceanon to send me the missing emotes.....
How much for a mod without permissions expect capcode
Replies: >>151674
It was never even buyable as a copy paste, lol. It was always a blatantly obvious knockoff.
Replies: >>151676 >>151677
yet people keep falling for it
People fell for it all the time. Dumb people yes, but it sounds more like you're mad that now you can't fool those people anymore.
It always bolds the trip font, it's never 1:1.
>retards fall for it and we're mad about that
I can play the "y-you're mad" game better.
Replies: >>151687
blacked and knotted at that
Replies: >>151686
I lost.

I don't think so on JSchan...but they could...I have that as a configurable setting on my shit
It can also be set to use a user-default, or a user-specific (uploaded and only accessible by that user), small "avatar"...which appears where you normally see country flags on imageboards
lol needy and insecure
Replies: >>151685
I don
't even do the damn copy paste tripcode thing but I have laughed about it. Particularly about how heavily people like Roo sweat the fucking absolutely nothing.
Replies: >>151691 >>151694
We are important.
😭 it's over for perogifags
Difference being that being impersonated and the ill-effects that can have are an actual concern while not being able to bait gullible fools isn't. 
You have no ground to stand on.
Well i dont think its bad when you have tripcode and if someone manages to get similar trip to namefag i just filter that one so i dont mistake it for real one
>the ill-effects
which are?
Replies: >>151704
Like the Roo imposter is easy to spot
Replies: >>151696 >>151698
I fell for it once, it's hard to tell on mobile. Someone posted as me and I thought I leaked my
even when the trips are both green for me
Replies: >>151693
fake* and real trips
>an actual concern while not being able to bait gullible fools isn't. 
>I don't even do the damn copy paste tripcode thing but I have laughed about it. Particularly about how heavily people like Roo sweat the fucking absolutely nothing.
Just gaymail them on session if your panties get bunched when you fall for one like a retard ffs.
Replies: >>151704
Lol this
so easy to spot people keep falling for it!
>it's hard to tell on mobile
Yeah, lol

But like Lint said...people fall for it all the damn time
Just sayin'
Replies: >>151699 >>151702
Well i always had fun pretending to be Brit
Replies: >>151700 >>151701
you one of the brit imposter back in the day?
Replies: >>151702
I just remembered when someone trained an AI model on Brits post
I think its fair game when you should be able to tell apart if someone got similar trip to you i would filter them tbh cuz then i would mistake you most of the time.
Every catchanner is
Karma can you get ChatGPT to list all the possible bad effects impersonation could have on someone for this guy.

Not everyone is on Session, and why should I have to message those that are to explain they were mistaken every time it happens when it can be simply entirely avoided by the change that has been implemented?
There's no downside to this unless you're one of those who was benefiting from tricking people. Everyone else is happy with the change.
Blue is my favourite colour (but at this moment it reminds me of Kamala Harris and the democrats) but for some reason in USA the red are the good guys and blue bad when in EU red are the socialists and commies and blue are the good guys, weird?
>Karma can you get ChatGPT to list all the possible bad effects impersonation could have on someone for this guy.
Too many messages
Replies: >>151706
>Too many messages
idk what to copy paste
Replies: >>151708
this blue looks stupid on my theme i think i have to switch my theme
Replies: >>151709
Just ask it "what negative effects could someone face if someone else impersonated them and fooled a bunch of their friends."
Replies: >>151710
What theme are you using?
Replies: >>151711
If someone is impersonated and deceived their friends, the victim can face a variety of negative effects, including:

    Emotional Distress: The victim may feel betrayed, confused, or humiliated, especially if the impersonation involved personal or sensitive information.

    Reputation Damage: Their reputation may be harmed if the impersonator spreads false information or behaves inappropriately while pretending to be them.

    Loss of Trust: Friends and acquaintances may question the victim's credibility or trustworthiness, leading to strained relationships.

    Social Isolation: The victim might find themselves isolated from their social circle as friends may take sides or distance themselves due to the confusion.

    Legal Consequences: Depending on the nature of the impersonation, the victim could face legal issues, especially if the impersonator engaged in illegal activities using their identity.

    Financial Impact: If the impersonator engaged in fraudulent activities, the victim might face financial repercussions, including identity theft.

    Mental Health Issues: Prolonged distress from such situations can lead to anxiety, depression, or other mental health concerns.

    Difficulty Rebuilding Relationships: The victim may struggle to rebuild trust and repair relationships that were damaged during the impersonation.

    Increased Vigilance: The victim may become overly cautious in their interactions, leading to stress and anxiety in social situations.

    Cybersecurity Concerns: The incident may prompt the victim to reassess their online security, leading to increased stress and effort to protect their identity.

Overall, impersonation can have profound and far-reaching effects on an individual's personal and social life.
>when you tell someone else they "take things too seriously" and then you this >>151710 over like 3 people on mobile mistaking an imposter copypasting your tripcode for you
copypasted to prove indisputably that tripfags got utterly rekt by bad impersonations, lol
I went back Anon for a bit until someone was impersonating me and attacking others "as me". I don't care if people impersonate me if they act like me, never called it out when it happened that way, but went back to using tripcode when some were believing that it was me being negative to them^^
Replies: >>151716
You're a site owner, that's one thing.
You don't even get to post how you want because of the negative effects being a site owner doing that can have.
Replies: >>151718
Yeah sometimes the case.
I don't care, I'm just saying, this whole thing is an enormous sign of fragility.
Replies: >>151720 >>151780
Like you DDOsing sites
Replies: >>151721 >>151730
Uh huh, whateverst you cope.
Replies: >>151722 >>151730
Ahaha got you bitch
>got you
I wasn't aware I was trying to "hide", I never am.
Replies: >>151725
Replies: >>151726
And yet everybody gives me a name anyway, so wtf does it matter?
Replies: >>151730
Lel there's easily at least one person anonposting today literally doing his damndest to make people think it's me, and I do not give a fuck. And yet niggers stressing a handful of mobile posters who skim not noticing their tripcode is in bold for a post or two.
Replies: >>151732

Replies: >>151780
Maybe you should get name if not cant blame people
Replies: >>151733
It's not my problem. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠( ͡⊙ ᴥ͡⊙ )⁠_⁠/⁠¯
If people want to think it's "me" and get pissy for something they think I said and never bring it up with "me" when I'm actually visibly around, then fuck em.
So can someone explain what the problem is with this change?
Replies: >>151736
>Yes I'm stupid lol
It's okay, I went to look for it too before I realized it's already here^^
Beyond base fragility; nothing now that it's not a festering forced eyesore.
Replies: >>151761
Replies: >>151738
you choose hell.
But if you care about this issue like this >>151710 then you take things way more seriously than me.
Replies: >>151742
want snow now
Replies: >>151745
there is also UCT time
Motherfucker it's just an answer to a question.
Replies: >>151744
Relax Brandon
>Why do I care about it? Karma get me a wall of text to explain why I care
Replies: >>151746
It's actually been very lightly flurrying here today.
You're forcing it too hard.
Question -> Answer
Everything you're coping about in  between is just that.
Replies: >>151749
i have to take PEDs to stay competitive with white Americans and not get deported
Please someone test the moobies for me?
Replies: >>151794
>You're forcing it too hard.
>t. also said "you're only complaining about the cancerous bright red capcode text because obviously you impersonate people like that and are mad"
Replies: >>151757 >>151761
which country is lint from
Replies: >>151752 >>151756
you can tell by the accent
Replies: >>151756
Again, you're forcing stuff. I've never said anything you are claiming.
All I am saying is that the only reason someone could have to be against this change is if they benefited from the less distinguishable older way. 
There's literally no perceivable downside I can think of, and surely someone would have mentioned one if there was?

Replies: >>151758 >>151761
I think you were in the S bracket in my country tier list
Silvia never confirmed uncut
>I've never said anything you are claiming.
What am I claiming, exactly?
>"you're only complaining about the cancerous bright red capcode text because obviously you impersonate people like that and are mad"
> it sounds more like you're mad that now you can't fool those people anymore.
>Difference being that being impersonated and the ill-effects that can have are an actual concern while not being able to bait gullible fools isn't. 
>Karma can you get ChatGPT to list all the possible bad effects impersonation could have on someone for this guy.
>There's no downside to this unless you're one of those who was benefiting from tricking people. Everyone else is happy with the change.

> the only reason someone could have to be against this change
>Beyond base fragility; nothing now that it's not a festering forced eyesore.
<literally bright red fucking text that overwrote every CSS on the site
Are you going to make me force this L up your ass?
Replies: >>151762 >>151769
>literally bright red fucking text 
Replies: >>151764
Brandon lost
>it wasn't bright red up until ilke 15 minutes ago
Take the L, Lint.
Replies: >>151765
So 15 minutes ago you had a valid reason to dislike it but now you have none?
Replies: >>151766
>Beyond base fragility; nothing now that it's not a festering forced eyesore.
I'm not even bitching about it anymore, it's all about you now.
or it can be a matter of simply of people not paying attention and falling for it, it's not a matter of intelligence lack of attention due to disinterest
contrary to what you tripfags desire, most normal anons don't pay attention to you, only in passing, and don't care whether you're authentic or not
Replies: >>151773 >>151774
>>global overwrites the tripcode field so no matter what CSS you use they're bright red
>Roo must be ecstatic.
Literally my first post on it.
Replies: >>151781
wow brandon wall of quotes
Replies: >>151770
wow a post really grasping for anything negative to toss at me like feces
brandon your'e a scientist
Replies: >>151772
you're confused, I'm anon
>most normal anons don't pay attention to you
Then why do they only post about us?
Replies: >>151775 >>151785
ok anon lint is my favorite poster
Those are other identityfags anonposting. i.e. 60%+ of anonposts here.
Thanks, Anon.
Thanks, anon.
Replies: >>151779
>>151677 >>151691
Lint called me dumb 😔
777 yay you win $100,000,000 rubels
true, they are fragile, but hide behind the trips and try to act the opposite
>lint can't even go "my bad"
This is my #1 problem with all of you that are like this. Lol just say "my fucking bad" or some equivalent for fucks' sake. And the people who do it like this are usually also the ones frequently bitching about shit like "toxicity".
Replies: >>151783 >>151788
Fuckers will twist themselves into seething pretzels to not have to admit to some nothing error.
My bad for what? I don't even get what your complaint is now that you no longer have one.
Replies: >>151784
>comes at me all aggressively over his misunderstanding
>keeps pursuing it illogically and tryhardingly once he already knows he's in the wrong
>saltily just wants to silently drop it and act like a troll fag when that gets called out
Replies: >>151786
we don't lint
ok lint
All 3 of those are down to you interpreting posts that way. I can't help that.
Replies: >>151787
You win, I lost, Lint is trolling masta ¯⁠\⁠_⁠( -_-)_⁠/⁠¯
brandon stop dragging other people down
Replies: >>151789
>brandon stop dragging other people down to your fucking "frendly bant civility"
¯⁠\⁠_⁠( -_-)_⁠/⁠¯
Replies: >>151806
Man, I really lost.
Replies: >>151791
this shows how much jole manipulated u so now u only know to think in win and defeat
Replies: >>151802
qrd on who's winning?
Replies: >>151793 >>151795
Anon always loses
Replies: >>151796 >>151799

I alreasy tested both videosdid..they're fine
Replies: >>151800

Is this why Brandon does not like Trump?
*Brandon always loses

**except in the .01% of cases where it's so overwhelming somebody is forced to speak on it from awe
Thanks roo <3
bpd is so retarded
Replies: >>151803 >>151804
>t. disingenuous, through and through
Replies: >>151806
when you said anon sucks that was your BPD speaking
Replies: >>151805 >>151807
No i mean lack of boundaries
Haha Brandon falling for impersonation right now is the most perfectly sweet irony I could ever ask for.
Replies: >>151808 >>151809
I'm pretty sure the BPD talks about sucking cocks
Replies: >>151812
When Dogechan gets released you will be able to buy unique tripcode colours (paid only in Dogecoin) to show your support for the new world currency.
Replies: >>151811
Can I buy them for other people to force on them? Make it a color they hate?
Replies: >>151813 >>151842
Damn he really fooled you huh?
Replies: >>151814
Yeah sure why not, that sound reasonable.
Replies: >>151815
¯⁠\⁠_⁠( -_-)_⁠/⁠¯ I can't find an emoji that sufficiently expresses the -_- factor tbh

Guess it's the blind spot in my ownst humor
And then they outbid me, to get it changed, and I outbid them to re-revert
Replies: >>151816
Suddenly Dogecoin is a dollar and everyone wins!
>The Dogecoin miners will be  delivered in December
>It's December and no miners arrived yet
Why does China lie?
==Moobie= in about 1,5h. I'm slowly adding emotes back in lol (manually)
I mean Moobie
Replies: >>151821 >>151822
what's on show
Replies: >>151823
idk if you had the sofia or not, thought not
thank you for your service
Replies: >>151824
Big fuck up, ngl. Altough not as big of a fuckup as me earlier today, tbh.
Replies: >>151823
Cubs (Short Film)

I really didn't think they'd delete tbh .. since its all wholesome.
Replies: >>151826 >>151827
Replies: >>151825
lol I didn't see that :nigletconfus: apparently survived the purge, but that one had the background taken off already
are these always lg related?
Replies: >>151828 >>151830
oh i tried making joke about the red stuff typo. =)
Yeah mostly tbh
Replies: >>151829
>suggestions made: 0
hi James
Replies: >>151834 >>151835
Are you lost?
Replies: >>151843
We sometimes watch normal movies on weekdays
brenbren i wanna see one of your favourite drum covers c:
Replies: >>151837
there it is
Replies: >>151836
This, make movie suggestions if you have any
this one is 10/10
Replies: >>151838
I could not do that double line on a single pedal at fucking 8, I wasn't even playing yet
They're admitting to be essence of women incarnate without realising it (naturally...)
Replies: >>151840 >>151841
*to being
I can't even tell whomst you're speaking to about what, lol
>brandon pays to make joles tripcode a gay color as a btfo
Replies: >>151844
i want to fuck them, i don't necessarily have an interest in them as a person, little girls are often boring
I'd make his
.post-tripcode {
Replies: >>151851 >>151891
> i don't necessarily have an interest in them as a person 

This is why you will die loveless and alone
Replies: >>151854
>little girls are often boring
They are the most awesome little things ever. Feel bad for you.
Replies: >>151888
>wonder if artemis spots puppy love between his students

Not really in the class except for some hugs 😭😭 makes me jelly tbh I wish I had those when I was little 

My school lgf has a crush on a boy and she won't stop talking about him or staring out the window to check if she can see him passing by 😭 
Forever cucked by some boy tbh. I gotta find a new lgf for next year
Replies: >>151849
Kinda based
Replies: >>151850
>staring out the window to check if she can see him passing by 😭
Replies: >>151853
brandon youre sick
That the colour of his prolapsed anus?
Replies: >>151852
stick it in settings->custom css 🤭
Replies: >>151857

She still sees me as a confidant and asks me about personal stuff that probably doesn't ask her girl friends, and also likes me as a fren I guess, so I still get some love but in a friendzoned kinda way 😭💔 

it hurts a bit but I kinda new it wouldn't be for reals tbh 
Maybe someday we'll meet again when she's old enough, who knows 😭
Literal cuck take 
Badboys fuck
Niceguys finish last
Your wife cheated on you countless times 
You were nothing more than a meal ticket 
Your daughters probably aren't yours and they'd cringe at the idea of fucking a baby pp manlet like their mother did kek
Replies: >>151894
Replies: >>151856
tbh sounds like you're doing it wrong
Replies: >>151858 >>151862
It's a little more beigey than i anticipated
Replies: >>151859 >>151860
*scale image/layer, sorry, you can do either, you can resize the layer a different size than the image or canvas
Could be difference in screen calibrations
Replies: >>151860
it's the same color as the default post background 🤭
Have a pic, Open next pic as layer, rezize = CANT DO IT
Replies: >>151864
tbh I just did exactly that no problem to test, make sure the layer isn't locked, otherwise no issue
Replies: >>151865 >>151898
i set fire on pc already because GIMP was inside it.
Replies: >>151868
in the layers list there's a "lock position and size" option, it's the + sign looking one
Moobies in half an hour friends
well that's not going to help
Replies: >>151870
Guess james'd be rattail rattled by you not being able to know for certain when it's his posts
i appreciate your help. But im not running it in english. And a simple fucking task like resizing a picture compared to background should be so fucking simple like in photoshop, the fucking retard who designed GIMP should live the rest of his life in FROM CELLAR
Replies: >>151871
>should be so fucking simple like in photoshop
yeah no, they have no choice but to design things to work differently to photoshop to avoid legal trouble, lol
it is very different and I've tried to use ps since learning gimp and felt equally lost, tbh
Replies: >>151873
I hate everyone and everything. But I can't kill myself because what if I'm wrong

Slowly losing doubt (aka hope) tho
pretty shitty reason to not do it tbh, sounds like you're more emo than suicidal
Replies: >>151876
Replies: >>151877
hating everyone and everything isn't a reason to kill yourself, that's just an edgy ib wannabe troll response to you saying you hate everyone and everything
>so kys then
Replies: >>151881 >>151905
Existence was a mistake
what would be if there were no existence?
Replies: >>151884
yeah, so you make your existence existence's problem
Replies: >>151902
>because what if im wrong
also >>151874
Replies: >>151883 >>151885
You are not wrong you are Anon, do it.
Replies: >>151902
>hating everyone and everything isn't a reason to kill yourself
this makes whether you're right or wrong about it irrelevant
Replies: >>151902
hard to truly comprehend nothingness so idk
just kys already brandon
Replies: >>151886
Why do you hate?
that's just your simp brain
some can be interesting, but they are not automatically so because lgs
Replies: >>151892
girls dont develop a personality until after puberty
Replies: >>151900

Instead of using that 3hex color, you should have have used this--

.post-tripcode {
color: var(--post-color);

Then it would work the same across all of the various themes here
Replies: >>151893
Yes, I'm the biggest simp ever when it comes to lg and I'm not afraid of admitting it.
Replies: >>151895 >>151897
> 3hex color *

*  Ehhh...stupid know what I meant
this is the undeniable blackpilling truth
guys acting like they are special magical creatures and not just people can't reconcile when the first signs of their female nature comes through
>see artemis getting cucked and friendzoned by shotachad right now
Anon. Can you screenshot where you resize?
Replies: >>151898
it's not the badge of pride you think it is
Replies: >>151899
until well after 30 years old, actually

 This, tbh.
Realising one is wrong to some extent or in some aspects can ameliorate the hatred. My hatred isn't unwavering because I'm wary of having undue certainty; I'm not an absolutist. Therefore until I am somehow sufficiently convinced for whatever capacity of cognition/conscientiousness I happen to possess at a given time, of either being wrong or right, I will reserve some level of doubt (aka hope)
They're one & the same
Replies: >>151904
Starting movie soon
Whatever hope you have, it creates more hope. Its beautiful.
Replies: >>151919
>hating everyone and everything isn't a reason to kill yourself
If the hatred was so intense, elaborate and vast, and fully resolved, why wouldn't you
Going to sleep hoping to wake up to dead Anon
come watch the movie with us?
Replies: >>151908 >>151909
i just said im going to sleep
He is going o sleep.
im super sleepy already since 3h ago
Cope, will be much more alive than you are.
Replies: >>151913
me sleep
so tired
good for you
Replies: >>151914 >>151916
Go to bed loser.
Replies: >>151915
i was just about to
Replies: >>151918
Sleep well Karma. See you =)
We're all waiting for you to leave, on you go.
Replies: >>151920
I've kinda almost entirely lost it tbh. Reduced to hanging on to some pretty abstract & vague ideals and sentiments nowadays
Replies: >>151923
Cope im sleeping
Replies: >>151922
Good night Karma
I hope the bed bugs bite you.
Find something real to combine it with. Small things. Small victorys. Eventually you will be Me and NZ - tier victory. 

DO something you like. Small things. be happy with that you know, fuck the world. There are some good people also that shares your values.
Replies: >>151937
>anons are assholes - tripfag
Pretty much, he gets what he puts out.
cope you lost
Replies: >>151942
Anons are the majority.
Replies: >>151933
Karma is an unironic socio/psychopath. Others have said it before.
It was Lintdoor that said it.
Replies: >>151932
he has BPD.
lint had high iq until he doxxed himself like a fool
is an autistic simp screeching at me? i think i can hear something in the distance

and the best posters, don't forget
i love u anon <3
let's all live and thrive to spite the eternal trip negro
Replies: >>151936

The bigger the identityfag the more narcissistic the more toward sociopath side of spectrum
Replies: >>151938
He makes Rin look sane.
Replies: >>151939 >>151951
anons have to win them over, not force them to tolerate
Replies: >>151940
Thanks man
true, true
you mean bring them to anonymity?
can't be done when you have a diva personality
ilovecunny lost
should call them divas from now on lol
no, i was talking about making good posts
anon samefagging
Replies: >>151946
Nope and cope.
>That's a bunch of baloozy--
Says Roo the literal fed, glow on you negro disinfo agent.
Replies: >>151957
Smoke tree 🌳 and eat but
Replies: >>151950
Masscot butt eater??
>France privately warned Israel on Sunday that its continued violations of the US-brokered ceasefire deal with the Hezbollah movement in Lebanon could spell doom for the fragile agreement, several Israeli news media outlets have reported.  

>According to Ynet, Paris has recorded at least 52 alleged violations by the Israel Defense Force (IDF), resulting in the deaths of at least three Lebanese civilians. The French authorities also reportedly expressed concern over renewed Israeli low-altitude drone flights over the Lebanese capital of Beirut.
Replies: >>151956 >>151957
hi im back
Replies: >>151961
i love little girls
that faggot yesterday that pretended or thought he knew how military shit worked LOOOL
Replies: >>151986

You missed the movie, Rinnie
But that's was actually kinda depressing this time tbh
Replies: >>151963
catchan is died RIP!
Replies: >>151964 >>151966
he didn't even know what Z codes were LOLOLOL
Yeah sorry I was drinking with my loli sister
Replies: >>151986
I've just broke up with my gf, mascot you could be my next gf if you weren't so cringe tbh
but you post a lot of cringe shit so maybe not
Leave Mascot alone!!!!!!!!!
Mascot is my goddess queen
Mascot is unironically ok, she just posts cringe tbh
Replies: >>151970 >>151971
she's perfect
I worship her
i never noticed
i'd lick Mascot's 15 year old bh tbh
Ive done so many tributes to my goddess queen
Replies: >>151978
I'd unironically spent a thousand pounds to take her on a date just to lick her bh tbh
Replies: >>151977
how am i cringe !!?
and I'm rich as fuck so I could and would do that
but she belongs to me tbh
Replies: >>151979 >>151980
Replies: >>151987
you can clean her after he cums inside
Replies: >>151987
Mate tbh I'm unironically cut as fuck and lift, I'm pretty built, pretty sure she'd chose me over you.
Replies: >>151981
ur a femboy that dresses like an anime girl
Replies: >>151983
People be fighting over mascot 😭😭
I dressed as a femboy once but irl I'm cut as fuck lol I work out every day, I am built
Replies: >>151985
I have a gym in my house and I am literally in the Navy where you have to be healthy
Replies: >>152026
post nudes as proof
Replies: >>151987
This dude lmfao
Replies: >>151988
all me
Replies: >>151989
You can't join the armed forces without being fit, not even kidding I am quite fucking toned irl lol, just because I dressed as a femboy once doesn't mean I'm like that now
I could probably not even joking crack an egg on my abs if I did a sit up
Replies: >>151992
fit femboys can be hot
Ti be fair...Rinnie genuinely was a very attractive femboy
Replies: >>151996
ohh no man, even roo...
I went from femboy to military lad quite fast tbh, got rid of my long hair, got muscles etc
Thanks ^^ Now I'm a twink I guess?
Replies: >>151997

I've got really big muscle wise since that femboy pic, but I'm still quite smol, so idk what that makes me, but after 3 months being on a ship with Royal Marines training me, I have got quite big
Replies: >>152000
and Royal Marines are like the best in the entire world for literally anything, hell, 30 of them defeated the entire US army in a training exercise only a few months ago, because the US army are terrible, hence why they still learn from us
i bet they trained you real good
Replies: >>152002
11 Paras from the British Parachute Regiment defeated an entire US Rangers regiment (300 odd) and they then had to train them because they were so bad
We got trained well tbf, HMS Collingwood is where the entire WORLD gets trained for what we do, we have yanks come here etc
We are good at what we do.
5 marines 1 twink
There was one training exercise in the Arizona desert, where 3 random British Parachute Regiment soldiers got dropped, and THOSE THREE SOLDIERS defeated (on a training exercise) the entire 60 man local American Ranger force, as well as the local Police, they disguised themselves as tourists after gaining new clothes and booked a hotel, then flew back to the UK without the US even knowing
Replies: >>152007
looks like my sister
I love the US as lot but military wise when it comes to intel they just cannot compete, UK is the best in the world for intel
Roo, why do you lose to us every single year in every single training exercise??

It's literally every single year, our Marines defeat your Marines, our Paras defeat your Paras, it's literally every single year??
Replies: >>152012 >>152013
Why do Brits, as small as we are, beat your forces in every single friendly match every single year????
ecause they are retarded muricans. they loose do danes and swedes too.
anyway. you are a nice guy. why military?
Replies: >>152016
Also what people don't know, is why did the Americans require British Intelligence to take down Bin Laden?

Yanks killed every fucking valuable agent possible, meanwhile the Brits and Dutch, even Germans had valuable agent handlers and you ignored them all LOL 

Replies: >>152015
you did cut the nordstream tho very clumsy :^P
I always loved the sea tbh and I love my country I guess, plus I work 4 months at sea then get 3 months off ^^ 

Plus everyone in the navy is racist and the same as me so it's nice, you can say "nigger" and no one cares
Being in the military also gets you some bonuses that are nice
Replies: >>152018
whores and killing people? hahah
Replies: >>152020
I literally was sat in front of the secret computer printing out Russian Language learning tools and no one cared too, because I love Russa lol
Replies: >>152021
meh we didn't kill anyone, we got kinda close once when some armed boats pulled up, but they fucked off after we announced we could fire on them. Cucked NATO rules
ever wearing blue and white stripe under shirt? ;)
haha good! ;D 

Do you know aout tartary and starforts or or other hiddn shit?
Nice, I started to lift again some 2 months ago. Some small progress, but still... I need money for a proper diet. Gonna focus next year to it.
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