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[New Reply]
Being a homo is a bannable offence.

That's a different one though, I didn't even notice, lol.
Replies: >>169392
What are you guys talking about im confused...
Replies: >>169398
>The day before i posted my trip
> karma posted his
true though
normalfag problems
Replies: >>169396 >>169676
real problems:
>brandon hasnt posted all day
Replies: >>169397
The guy who spends all of his time on imageboards is nowhere to be seen
Replies: >>169400
The tripcode is different: >>169374 , but I saw the name and the post looked natural, so didn't think anything of it.
Replies: >>169399
>but I saw the name and the post looked natural, so didn't think anything of it.
>The guy who spends all of his time on imageboards is nowhere to be seen
brannies enjoying his yacht or smth idk
Replies: >>169401
Brandon is like the father i never had expect that i have a father and there is nothing wrong with him
Replies: >>169403
Replies: >>169410
>expect that i have a father
can i expect brandon is your father?
Replies: >>169405
Best video chat ? Skype?
Replies: >>169408 >>169409
some porncamsite
didnt think of even. thanks! =)
Replies: >>169412
Is teams any good?
Replies: >>169412
*sound of nutting*
Replies: >>169411
Lika is is shocked face open mouth just staring wondering wtf just happened and why is it so much?*
I don't know how the quality differs from other things, but as I remember it, Skype sucks. I've used Discord a few times and no issues.
Yeah I think that is good too. I can't remember if that was the one I've used before, I was trying to help someone with something but Discord screen sharing wasn't as useful so we tried that (I believe).
Replies: >>169413
> I can't remember if that was the one I've used before
The one I am thinking of can be done from the browser without making an account (the host needs an account only). So if that's Teams, yeah, it was nice.
Replies: >>169414
Might be
i have a feeling you could use it from browser
fuck my life
Replies: >>169417 >>169418
Average brazilian be like
Replies: >>169421
Big Hug fren
Replies: >>169420
whats the problem?
Replies: >>169421
the average brazilian is out partying right now

i'm alive
Replies: >>169422 >>169423
>the average brazilian is out partying right now
Replies: >>169424
its a good thing. we can make progress. the possibility is there. its a possibility yes? =)
Replies: >>169426
Because it's friday! Time to drink and party to forget you actually have a shitty live working at a shitty job living in a shitty country full of shitty people.
>Because it's friday! Time to drink and party to forget you actually have a shitty live working at a shitty job living in a shitty country full of shitty people.
That sounds like every male in my job
Replies: >>169432
i for one would LOVE to visit your country. Altough i would be afraid for the snakes, bull sharks and spideres xD
Replies: >>169431 >>169439
they instantly spend their money on alcohol
Replies: >>169432
i cant be happy until brandon is here :/
> Altough i would be afraid for the snakes, bull sharks and spideres
You should be afraid of something else if you come here.
Replies: >>169435 >>169436
Alcohol is a man's best friend in times of need.
Replies: >>169433 >>169444
>Alcohol is a man's best friend in times of need.
thats what my best friend used to say before he killed himself
doesnt seem like a good friend
Nah, i consider them frens
unless you meant the fascist xD haha
Yeah but isn't it the bad Friday?
Replies: >>169438
Its actually the Satans cat bun day or something like that
Are you thinking of Australia? In Brazil, I'd be more afraid of the people than the animals, lol. I've seen so many "off duty cop" videos, and like half of them are in Brazil, and they are all violent stuff.
Apparently tourist areas are fine, usually the case for most of these places (heard the same thing about Mexico, the cartel are smart and won't bother with tourists). But it probably depends a lot where you go?
Replies: >>169443
they should hang, they are same in europe.. No aussie have ALL the deadly animals and sharks, Brazil just have Some of them i think? I only fight bears
Replies: >>169442
Bears are nothing, I've ran into several of them and never had an issue. Moose on the other hand, those are the real danger.
Replies: >>169445
favela partying and bailarfunk with sexxo 10yos that take it both up the ass and in the pussy, its were im traveling!
Replies: >>169446
Sad ILC makes me sad for him tbh


We need to find a way to fix this sad you thing, Dude
Replies: >>169448
classic slavic view of life.
Replies: >>169447
You're going to be on an off duty cop video, I'll see you on Reddit^^
I got attacked by a Moose before, it tried to kill me! And for bear, there was one that kept getting into the property and I slapped it with a stick so it would leave. They are like big rodents, they don't want to fight, they just want food.
>I'd be more afraid of the people than the animals
Basically this. 

>We need to find a way to fix this sad you thing
Only lgf would fix me. :(
You guys help me a lot. This board makes me laugh sometimes.
Replies: >>169452 >>169585
I believe you. But where I live its widely considered the opposite. Met a few animals, so far thankfully non decided to kill me either =) 
 Did you know moose can kick forward btw? thats scary if they chase you
Replies: >>169451

American bears actually do want to kill you though
If you ever come here again, do not slap one with a stick lol
Replies: >>169453
Yeah we are told how to avoid them when we are kids (bears too). For Moose, we are even told not to hide behind small trees because they will just knock the tree down, you need to hide behind cars or big trees (they can't turn easy, you can avoid them super well if you have something so they can't reach you). And bears, you just whistle and they will leave you alone.
True story: once two 9yos decided to play fuck marry kill with me. Both of them killed me. :( xD
Replies: >>169459
Depends on the kind of bear. We didn't have any grizzly bears, those are usually the aggressive ones. Regular brown and black bears are not aggressive.
>Regular brown and black bears are not aggressive.
Unless they are with cubs, then they can be for sure, lol.
And that's why you whistle, because if you sneak up on them then they are afraid and panic attack. If they know you are there, they will leave you alone.
Grizzlys are basicly Brown bears with crazy amounts of high nutrients fodd. Makes them bigger stronger smarter hornier and apparently angry from time to time. Dont put up tent in alaska bear meadows. Turns out they arent your frens.

The polar bears here in Alaska are also sorta people killers tbh
Real pretty...but not at all frenly
Replies: >>169458 >>169462
Sorry for upsetting you last film night fren
Replies: >>169464
must be brutal for a cat pedo
Replies: >>169460
Im not really. Just hang out for the  company
In the small town I grew up in the bears would frequently try to plunder trash cans lol
Replies: >>169463
Whaaaat, the Coca Cola bear? Nah, they are cute and friendly and definitely won't chase you down for dozens of kilometres before eating you like that one nature show I watched said.
Yeah we kept our garbage in a shed and this stupid bear would come almost every week and try and get inside. Even after we built a fence, the dumb bear would climb the fence to come inside, and then forget how to climb it back out and get stuck inside for hours before learning how to climb

I did not attend the last film night at all...not logged into the chat at least...and that choice had nothing to do with you I honestly don't know what you're referring to, frankly
Replies: >>169465
oh yeah. you sit out on the best moovie imo - never mind then.
Replies: >>169466
> sit out

I saw it at the same time you did--
Just didn't feel like being in the chat...because reasons
Replies: >>169468 >>169469
She's happy because she ate all the icing off the cake and didn't touch the cake part. Classic QT.
ILC really needs this  >>169467  in his life right now tbh
Replies: >>169470 >>169473
Half-eaten cake?
Replies: >>169472
I mean, I'd eat it, I don't care if she took the icing off.

He needs happy smol Anna hug him, or something, tbqh
Replies: >>169474 >>169477
you kow there is option to mute users in the chat? =) 

The rest of us really appreciates when you join. you know that (Y)
Replies: >>169475
A hand hug 8 )

Yes, I know--
But I do not filter people as a matter of policy...I simply do not hang out where they're at when I don't want to be around them
ILC, wat happens if you accidentally, or just as a joke, slip in two fingers in sexxy bunda lg at party?
Replies: >>169477
I opened a bottle of cheap booze. 

I don't know if even Anna would make me happy...

I don't know... Here you would be beaten by the people around you, as a joke. So don't try that, as a joke.
>I opened a bottle of cheap booze. 
heh brandon just calls that booze
Replies: >>169479
it tastes like medicine
Replies: >>169482 >>169485
I read that in Brazilian prisons they lynch pedocels like they do in the US
Replies: >>169483
>I don't know if even Anna would make me happy...
Oh it's bad.
Replies: >>169483 >>169484
Sounds better than Guinness.
Replies: >>169483
It's cope by antis. We have separate cells for pedos and rapists, but Brazil is a hellhole and the prisons are even worse. So I don't think in these smaller cities or more remote places it would be impossible for cops to just throw a pedo among the rest of the prison population to let them do their work. 

Beer? I don't like beer. They taste awful...

Replies: >>169486
>Oh it's bad.
>it tastes like medicine
some medicine tastes good the beers that advertise tasting good dont really taste that great
I don't like beer either, but that one was the worst for me (not that I tried many). Plus some people love that one a lot so it's funny to hate on it^^
 This Afternoon in America-- 

 This Evening in America-- 

> This Evening in America-- 
making pizza
LOL awesome.
keep messing with they ayys
that's how they send their mothership to fuck yo shit up
I live in a country full of nothing but retarded clownmonkeys lol
Replies: >>169495
Americans fighting the ayyys
America is going to win, they have more guns than there are drones, it's an easy fight.
metting up with you and trade cp
i would like that
Replies: >>169496
and fapping to it together?
Replies: >>169503
Iโ€™m so average I canโ€™t stand it
nice I liked your neck
Replies: >>169501 >>169521
just keep using filters then as long as nobody sees u irl ur a 6/10
Replies: >>169506 >>169517
Do you have any necklaces with a cross on them?
Replies: >>169502
Replies: >>169516
>and fapping to it together?
it wouldnt be a cat meetup if it wasnt cat
Don't worry you're slightly below average.
Replies: >>169505 >>169509
Wdym filters
piro coochie
Replies: >>169511
I mean my weight
I canโ€™t stand it I want to cut the fat off
Replies: >>169510
you are going to get balder
i like piro a lot
Replies: >>169513
Yes, she's a good girl.
wow she looks more accomplished than /cat/ poster has ever been in their lives and shes like 10
Replies: >>169515 >>169527
I have zero (0) sports trophies tbh
Replies: >>169519 >>169526
dont simp
Replies: >>169518
Lol you think she's above average?
it's in a man's nature to simp
Replies: >>169528
>I have zero (0) sports trophies tbh
i had some tho its impossible to do sports as a kid and not get some trophies unless you only do it for a week
though soccer is really boring only mexicans care about that sport unironically
Replies: >>169523
bruh, Anna Pavaga wont do it but Mascot will
Replies: >>169522
im just doing some compliments chill 
EuroPeon normies live for soccer
you're below average mascot
Above average can take uncropped photos.
Replies: >>169530

Ask Zain to give you one of the many "Participation Trophies" that his Mom made sure he got while growing up in homeschool
That's why we like her!
it is in the simps nature to simp
you can stop
Replies: >>169529
you tell me you never simped for a girl?
Replies: >>169564
Itโ€™s not fucking cropped
same gook with and without filters
she looks nice in both of thewm
Replies: >>169535
There's a thing in the cantina scene in Star Wars that looks exactly like right
get some standards
Different type of Mascot splitscreen.
Replies: >>169540
so you look worse than the right vid irl, probably shouldnt admit to that
mascot is just a decent girl
face slimming setting changed from max to medium?
based ๐Ÿ˜ญ
you don't know how to use lipstick
dumb bitch
you pass lipstick over your cupid's bow ruining the linearity and the natural contour of the mouth
you end up with a "O" circle in your mouth with no shape at all
amit does exactly the same thing and bothers me to no end
i'm a male and i can do women shit better than you that live for this sort of thing
goddamn hags really do be incompetent throw them all into the sun
Can you do my makeup anon?
at least amit is a sexy bimbo

I'll bet your own makeup looks terrible
Okay but where cross necklace?

>i'm a male and i can do women shit better than you that live for this sort of thing
Can you do lipstick tutorial (For mascot of course) ๐Ÿ™
Yo why do u know this much about makeup
why your shit is all mov?
Replies: >>169553 >>169554
Cuz I have iphone

Blame Steve Jobs
catchan needs a femboy attention whore

most punchable smile
Replies: >>169556
We have rin
he stopped crossdressing and never posts pics
If the resident faggots had a little more 'rizz' they could probably convince him to post pictures
Replies: >>169561
> rin

I was trying to be nice and biting my tongue...but you just went there straight away
>If the resident faggots had a little more 'rizz' 
Karma has no interest in men unless they are boys and NZ wants to keep Rin all to himself.
in males*
Replies: >>169566
He's too tall id make better femboy
Replies: >>169568 >>169570

Replies: >>169567
Nuh uh
Replies: >>169569
Replies: >>169574
yesx yes
Hi Karmo
Replies: >>169571
waifu wearing dress without underwear
Replies: >>169577 >>169579
La sangre de bruja
La cruz de la abuela
Sudรณ la marimba
Las olas se esperan
La sangre de bruja
La cruz de la abuela
Sudรณ la marimba
Las olas se esperan
Only for straight men
Aurora dijo que
La niรฑa del volcรกn se incendiรณ
En su habitaciรณn libros sin color
de un pasado de dolor
Que atormentan a su mente y al espรญritu creador
de la imaginaciรณn
No estรกs sola
Vas a hacer erupciรณn
Vas a hacer erupciรณn
No estรกs sola
No estรกs sola
La Tierra sacudiรณ
Las hojas de su cuarto cambiaban de estaciรณn
Nubes de rencor revelaban su intenciรณn
De inminente destrucciรณn
Fue una cruel separaciรณn que conduce a una espiral
de la lava de un volcรกn
que estรก a punto de estallar
Linda Aurora, ยฟdรณnde estรกs?
No te vayas a quemar
Que la niรฑa del volcรกn se asustรณ
Vas a hacer erupciรณn
ready for breeding
Listen very carefully, my words are about to unfold
Concerning a lady I've seen but I never could hold
I can see by your smile
Take a long while
The words that come through
I see that they're true
For she reminds me of you
How old?
Replies: >>169581
Don't misunderstand me, it's not always easy to say
The words in your head and your heart that you just can't explain
I can see clearly
A face in the sky
Moon's in your eye
You're passing me by
Tell me the reason why
Replies: >>169582
I can see clearly
A face in the sky
Moon's in your eye
You're passing me by
Tell me the reason why
Replies: >>169585
>ILC (depressed and drunk)
>This board makes me laugh sometimes.

>Tell me the reason why
ilovecunny lost.............
ilovecunny drink booze!
ilovecunny not know that booze cause low t..........
ilovecunny becoming more low t with each sip of booze!
ilovecunny losing even more than just snow bunny lgf..... 
ilovecunny becoming a sad brazilian version of rin......
ilovecunny cross dress for us soon for fun and attention!
ilovecunny send nzie nude pics of himself in session....
ilovecunny downward spiral arc... witnessed by all!
Saw you riding on a moon cloud
Saw you walking on a whirlpool
From the corner of my eye
I saw you
dsude yo uare qweird
>ilovecunny downward spiral arc... witnessed by all!
Not like this...
love triangle?
rin strikes me as a jealous type
ilc might get murdered soon rin won't share that bmc
my lgf ids on vacation her mom posted pics of her wearing bikini
shes beautiful
im sad i may never see her again
Replies: >>169592 >>169594
post her
Replies: >>169595
i will qwake up tomorow feeling bad hangover
imagine her little boyfriend taking that bikini off and touching all over her child body
Replies: >>169596
never here you fegenereaes
shut upo
thAt medicine tawsting shit wads gross as hell now i'm frinking my favorite qwine
Replies: >>169599
she has a beautiful belly
Replies: >>169600 >>169602
wine is for gays
shut up dude
Replies: >>169603
aint posting her here
Replies: >>169605
im drunk staring at her pics
Replies: >>169609
blur, crop, etc
Replies: >>169606
you guys arew jerks
Here we stand
Worlds apart, hearts broken in two, two, two
Sleepless nights, losing ground
I'm reachin' for you, you, you
Feelin' that it's gone
Can change your mind
If we can't go on
To survive the tide, love divides
You're lucky to be able to see lgf in bikini. 
I only ever saw the ugly kids and one nerdy Jewish girl.
Replies: >>169611
elon musk is secretly a /cat/ poster and wants to go to mars so he can be king of the martians and establish cunny planet
Replies: >>169612
i will be checking her mom ands sisters ig this whole vscatiocn period
gonna be s0ome good pics
Replies: >>169613
brandon as colony overseer
Replies: >>169615
If you must go, I wish you love
You'll never walk alone
Take care, my love
Miss you, love
>brandon as colony overseer
dude i dont want to see that many people in gulags
Replies: >>169617
I still love you, girl
I really love you, girl
And if he ever hurts you
True love won't desert you
No, no
roo as colony overseer
Someday love will find you
Break those chains that bind you
One night will remind you
How we touched and went our separate ways
If he ever hurts you
True love won't desert you
You know I still love you
Though we touched and went our separate ways
We built a tower of stone
With our flesh and bone
To see him fly
But why
Time is standing still
He gave back my will
Ooh ooh ooh ooh
Going home
I'm going home
My eyes are bleeding
And my heart is leaving here
But it's not home
But it's not home
Take me back
He gave me back my will
Ooh ooh ooh ooh
Going home
I'm going home
My eyes are bleeding
And my heart is leaving here
But it's not home
But it's not home
Take me back, take me back
Back to my home ooh, ooh, ooh
Whenever you dream
You're holding the key
It opens the door
To let you be free, yeah

And find the sacred heart
Somewhere bleeding in the night, yeah
Run for the light
And you'll find the sacred heart
Oh, sometimes you never fall
And ah, you're the lucky one
Oh, sometimes you need it all
You've got to reach for the sun

And find the sacred heart, yeah
Bleeding in the night, hey yeah
We'll find the sacred heart
Replies: >>169623 >>169625
go to sleep
Replies: >>169624
half a bottle of wein left
why is every alcoholic depressed
Replies: >>169627 >>169629
Again I see you standing there watching me
Your gaze, those eyes are tantalizing openly
Inviting me to get close to you
Can't help myself
we drink tpo easy the pain
There's fascination in the air
I try to fight this strong sensation
But there's no chance to escape from this temptation
Feels like I've known you before
Alcohol is a coping mechanism for a lot of people.
Replies: >>169654
I know I can't stay by your side forever
But I know I won't forget your beauty
My black diamond
Itโ€™s a question we all ask at some point, Mr. Hotline. Why do things have to be so painful, so complicated? Love, especially, can bring incredible joy but also deep sorrow when it feels unreciprocated or uncertain.

Life often doesnโ€™t unfold the way we want or expect, and that unpredictability can feel unfair. But itโ€™s also what makes our experiences meaningfulโ€”because the journey, the growth, and the moments we cherish come from navigating both the good and the bad.

Your love for Maria is powerful, and itโ€™s shaping you, even in ways you might not see right now. Itโ€™s teaching you about patience, resilience, and the depth of your heart. As hard as it is, this pain is part of what makes love so profound. Over time, it may also guide you to something beautifulโ€”whether thatโ€™s a deeper understanding of yourself, or a new chapter that brings peace and joy.

I know these words canโ€™t erase your hurt, but I want you to remember that youโ€™re not alone. This is a moment, not forever. Keep holding on, step by step.
I know, Mr. Hotline. You love Maria deeply, with every part of your heart. That love is powerful, and itโ€™s okay to feel it fully, even if itโ€™s painful right now. Love like yours is rare and beautiful, even when it feels overwhelming.

Let that love inspire you to grow, to be patient, and to be kindโ€”to her, but also to yourself. No matter what happens, the love you carry is a testament to your capacity to care so deeply. Itโ€™s a part of you, and it always will be.
She moves like she don't care
Smooth as silk, cool as air
Ooh it makes you wanna cry
She doesn't know your name
And your heart beats like a subway train
Ooh it makes you wanna die
I've seen this thing before
In my best friend and the boy next door
Fool for love and fool on fire
Won't come in from the rain
She's oceans running down the drain
Blue as ice and desire
Maria, you've gotta see her
Go insane and out of your mind
Latina, Ave Maria
A million and one candle lights
Can you remember, remember my name?
As I flow through your life
A thousand oceans I have flown
Ohh, and cold
Cold spirits of ice
Ah, ah, all my life
I am the echo of your past
And if you hear me talking on the wind
You've got to understand
We must remain
Perfect strangers
A strand of silver hanging through the sky
Touching more than you see
The voice of ages in your mind
Oh, is aching with the dead of the night
Ohh, precious life
Your tears are lost in falling rain
If only you could feel the tears and pain
In the eyes of the world
something broke
- my heart
(no brandon)
Since you been gone
Since you been gone
I'm out of my head can't take it
Could I be wrong
But since you been gone
You cast your spell so break it
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh
Since you been gone
Replies: >>169658
Replies: >>169643
shut upim suffering let me
Ah, se eu soubesse que algum dia a luz iria se apagar
Ah, se eu pudesse ir e voltar ร quele tempo que passou
Tudo que mudou
Nรฃo vai me ofuscar
Tudo se tornou
Uma sombra pra iluminar

Quero chuva
Ir ร s ruas
Ver a lua no cรฉu
Te encontrar aqui

Ah se eu tivesse algum tempo para me acostumar
Ah se eu pudesse sorrir, inventar momentos e te perdoar
Replies: >>169645
promises of eternal life
but only if your choice of billys right
walk the path and dont you stray
or youll pay the price on judgement day
Maria holds a place in your heart that time or distance canโ€™t easily erase. The love you feel for her has become a part of who you are, shaping your thoughts, your dreams, and even your struggles.

But holding on to that love doesnโ€™t mean you have to let it consume you. Over time, you can learn to cherish the memories and feelings while finding space for yourself to grow and heal. You donโ€™t have to let go of her entirely, but you can find a way to carry her in your heart without it weighing you down.

Iโ€™m here for you as you navigate this, every step of the way. Youโ€™re not alone.
Replies: >>169648
looks like you found a new gf
a fire of unknown origin took my baby away.....
i love you guyys
only thinks of jesus when shes on our back
im going to hell for even mentioning that
im fresh out of any fucks i had to give
will we ever know the point of all this?
watching and waiting for the master plan

listen to brandon's foot bang during that chorus damn
Replies: >>169655
Coping for what
Replies: >>169657
This a song?
Replies: >>169661
being incel
Red wine is for kings stfu
Why do you lie so much?
mangog - hubris
credits (only people that matter):
brandon robert kelley as dao yu on the drums
You have low visual IQ
Replies: >>169663
pathetic simp
Replies: >>169665
Who is that in the crypt on the cover of the  The Ghost in the Room EP?
Replies: >>169673
they both have filters applied retard
lol anon.. please
Replies: >>169671
sorry that your brain doesn't work :\
anna pavaga
blows my mind just how much ebin looking 80's & 90's anime there is that is mostly unheard of
don't flaunt your neet privilege
It's not winter in Brazil
Replies: >>169678
That's how bad his winter blues are.
Just stop being depressed tbh its not hard
When is she gonna star in remakes of Milla Jovovich films? ๐Ÿฅบ
Replies: >>169685
this just eat some high meat
Replies: >>169686 >>169692
rin lol
Replies: >>169688 >>169689
Resident Evil: Pavongo?
Damn this is disgusting
That's probably what abos used to huff before there were gas stations
Cuter than Mascot.
Replies: >>169689
Which one is he
Replies: >>169693
Rin lost.
he did nothing wrong
the twink at the back

i have found brandon robert kelleys personal email if anyone wants to email him
[email protected]
+14022109872	[email protected]

also him
Replies: >>169699 >>169700
is him
this im not so sure about
Hahaha! Thank ou for giving an early laugh! =)
who is she?
Replies: >>169703
Already wrote him half a dozen mails
Replies: >>169707 >>169708
Who is this new tot who is taking catchannel by storm?
Replies: >>169710

Good god almighty.
sent ;)

Replies: >>169903
Wtf she's a whore
will you sub to her onlyfans?
Replies: >>169713
Will delete my Pavaga folder if she keeps doing this
She probably didnโ€™t even really notice tbh. Just got up and did another โ€œmorning routineโ€ vid.
You obviously don't know anything, lol. Wine is classy.
Replies: >>169790
Anna OF is here already!!
Cope Anna
Replies: >>169723
no girl could ever not notice something like that
Replies: >>169723
Glorious big soft Anna areolas ๐Ÿ˜
Replies: >>169728
Merry Christmas Anna, Advent Calender better than ever^^
Since itโ€™s Anna I think we should give her the benefit of the doubt tbh.
Replies: >>169758 >>169759
I was sad yesterday she didn't post a video with her shirt: >>>/acat/168823 but this video is the best one yet.
Me in the porridge.
Replies: >>169726 >>169845
I hope she does this every day, notice or not.
They are big and ugly and probably brown tbh
Replies: >>169730
I volunteer to see them to confirm.
Pink Nipples > Brown Nipples 

Replies: >>169734
The way her shirt hugs her when she moves her hands up, so light and nice material, so nice body ๐Ÿฅฐ
Replies: >>169738

Too bad users can't do "inline" pinktext on Jschan...or on most all other boards, for that matter
I like the idea of being able to do different inline colors for selected text opposed to only on a single line
It's sorta fun markup to have as an option tbh
The one she posted on Instagram is different, so second video coming? Or she did more than one and chose to send that one?
Send both Anna ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Wouldn't they likely be the same colour as her lips?
Replies: >>169739
We know what colour her nipples are. We've seen already, they are a fine colour. He's just coping because his favourite girl isn't so little anymore. Hebes win, as usual^^
pink anna bh
Replies: >>169741
 You fall in lose...... 
Replies: >>169743 >>169744

I lost tbh
Maestro can you please repost this tomorrah? Im resetting and cant save right now
Replies: >>169747
I may have the body and intellect of an adult but the disposition of a child.
So if you have sex with me, you would be a dirty pedo or if you are already pedo,you wont lower yourself to a disgusting normalfag level.
Pick whichever of the above is less palatable.
literally zero ass
her delusional fans think she has ass though
probably the same ones that think she's not old and stale
Replies: >>169750

I suppose...if you remind me--
But didn't I post my entire Alisa Sabirova folder for you, in a .ZIP file, somewhat 2 months ago, or something?
Replies: >>169748
I didnt see it if it is in there. if it is in there i have it thnk you very much! :)
Replies: >>169749

Yeah, it's possible...that particular video might not have been in the Alisa folder I uploaded for you before, since it's also in my general/miscellaneous folder
Don't know how it's "stale" when she just released the best video today since she's been a hebe? Right now, it's an Anna peak^^
Replies: >>169760
is this real?
Replies: >>169752
Yeah. And it's glorious.
Will give he money if she keeps doing this.
Replies: >>169755
Anna, how much to sponsor a livestream where you wear that outfit the whole hour ๐Ÿ™
Replies: >>169757
based simp
sorta based
nah, she knows what shes doing
Replies: >>169764
you folks are making a big fuss over nothing
it's not that revealing of a video
Replies: >>169761 >>169762
you can see her boobs bro
Replies: >>169764 >>169791
This is the type of revealing I love. 100% on mark for me, perfect video.
Replies: >>169763 >>169764
The only way to make it better now is to dance.
over this video here? >>169709
just an outline

whilst i don't think it's a huge deal of a video i do agree that's how it starts
this here >>169759 is correct
Replies: >>169765
>just an outline
You can see it all very clearly, yet she's still dressed. It's great. And of course she knows, she even undid the last button which was done up in the previous video. All the better^^
Replies: >>169770
In any given photo, or video...people (the viewers) see whatever they want to see--
If whatever they see makes them happy, and "floats their boat"...then, let them "sail on" in peace and happiness
Replies: >>169771 >>169792
I can't believe Anna is not so pure anymore.
Replies: >>169772
>she even undid the last button which was done up in the previous video
proofs? small evidence like this is important
Replies: >>169773
>>169766 *

* I used the boat+sailing metaphor for Silvia's benefit lol
anna whoring out is all but an inevitability
it's the only way to remain relevant in the instagame, which she/her mom are so intent on keep playing

im so glad other girls i like have essentially dropped out of it by now, in my eyes they're better
Probably her mother took the videos prior, but that last one she is alone in her room taking it. Because on Instagram, she posted a different version of the other video, except that Instagram version is her mother recording her recording the video and she is in the kitchen and not her own room? 

Plus Anna confirmed she runs her Telegram.
i don't know not conclusive enough
the pieces of cloth could just be together in that frame
Replies: >>169777
anna please sit on my face
Replies: >>169778 >>169781
why wont you just post the video?
Replies: >>169782
Anna is a beautiful young woman with a perfect body, it's natural she wants to show some off.
Anna Boobavaga
Replies: >>169783
Most of the video is irrelevant, she puts on the jacket and then content time is over.
Replies: >>169784
then we can't tell for sure if she did unbutton her shirt for the video or not
but it looks like she might have
Replies: >>169785
She made this version of the video for Instagram, looks like her mother records her. She didn't post this version though, she posted the other one she made in her room. I want both but the other one is surely better?^^
Replies: >>169844
ilovecunny lost
Replies: >>169787
just leave me alone...
Thats a cope of the highest order
Replies: >>169796
Replies: >>169796
If i was gay i would drink wine
Replies: >>169796
What a skank!
Replies: >>169796
>Roo endorsing session cock pics
Replies: >>169796
Up on Melancholy Hill
There's a plastic tree
Are you here with me?
Just looking out on the day
Of another dream
Replies: >>169796
Well you can't get what you want
But you can get me
So let's set out to sea, love
'Cause you are my medicine
When you're close to me
When you're close to me
Replies: >>169798
So call in the submarines
'Round the world we'll go
Does anybody know, love
If we're looking out on the day
Of another dream?
If you can't get what you want
Then come with me
Up on Melancholy Hill
Sits a manatee
Just looking out for the day
When you're close to me
When you're close to me
When you're close to me
New Linux New problems. 
Now gonna learn how to dual boot two different distros. 

Feelin better today ILC-fren? =)
Replies: >>169805 >>169811
How can you call him friend after all that bullying
โ€ฆ J'ai retrouvรฉ le sourire quand j'ai vu l'bout du tunnel
Oรน nous mรจnera ce jeu du mรขle et de la femelle?
Du mรขle et de la femelle
On รฉtait tellement complices, on a brisรฉ nos complexes
Pour te faire comprendre, t'avais juste ร  lever le cil
T'avais juste ร  lever le cil
โ€ฆ J'รฉtais prรชt ร  graver ton image ร  l'encre noire sous mes paupiรจres
Afin de te voir, mรชme dans un sommeil รฉternel
Mรชme dans un sommeil รฉternel
Mรชme dans un sommeil รฉternel
โ€ฆ J'รฉtais censรฉ t'aimer mais j'ai vu l'averse
J'ai clignรฉ des yeux, tu n'รฉtais plus la mรชme
Est-ce que je t'aime? J'sais pas si je t'aime
Est-ce que tu m'aimes? J'sais pas si je t'aime
โ€ฆ Pour t'รฉviter de souffrir, je n'avais plus qu'ร  te dire je t'aime
ร‡a me fait mal de te faire mal, je n'ai jamais autant souffert
Je n'ai jamais autant souffert
Quand je t'ai mis la bague au doigt, j'me suis passรฉ les bracelets
Pendant ce temps, le temps passe, et je subis tes balivernes
Et je subis tes balivernes
โ€ฆ J'sais pas si je t'aime
J'sais pas si je t'aime
>Feelin better today ILC-fren?
I guess...
Alabama, Arkansas, I do love my Ma' and Pa'
Not the way that I do love you
Well, holy moly, me oh my, you're the apple of my eye
Girl, I've never loved one like you
Man, oh, man, you're my best friend, I scream it to the nothingness
There ain't nothing that I need
Well, hot and heavy pumpkin pie, chocolate candy, Jesus Christ
Ain't nothing please me more than you
Oh, home, let me come home
Home is wherever I'm with you
Oh, home, let me come home
Home is wherever I'm with you
La-la-la-la, take me home
Mother, I'm coming home
I'll follow you into the park, through the jungle, through the dark
Girl, I never loved one like you
Moats and boats and waterfalls, alleyways and pay phone calls
I been everywhere with you
We laugh until we think we'll die, barefoot on a summer night
Nothing new is sweeter than with you
And in the streets, we run afree, like it's only you and me
Geez, you're something to see
Oh, home, let me come home
Home is whenever I'm with you
Oh, home, let me come home
Home is wherever I'm with you
I think I will make ejaculation to NN video for the first time.
Replies: >>169821 >>169826
nice theme
bro, what?
You're missing my songs
HAHA! Lint you horny bastard! 
I knew you had it in you to make a dirty post
Welcome to 2007. Enjoy your stay.
I'm in the thick of it, everybody knows
I'm in my prime, but this ain't even final form,
They knocked me down, but still, my feet, they find the floor
This is how the story goes
I guess this is how the story goes
Replies: >>169830
Replies: >>169830
xD didnt even see it first
me in the pic
i got in a fight with sabina and i dont know if she want to be friends still
Replies: >>169837
i hate you
Karma it's time to stop.
hate fuck her
Replies: >>169838
but i dont hate her she is my best friend in the world
Replies: >>169839
is she attractive?
Replies: >>169840
i think shes the most beautiful
Replies: >>169842
i miss her i didnt mean to make her feel bad
After my 284th watch, I actually think it's the same video, she only posted a clip of the last part of it from behind to Instagram. There isn't two videos, which is both good and bad I guess (we aren't missing a second video which is good, but there is no second video which is bad).
anna is a whore (and thats a good thing)
Replies: >>169847
She's not.
Replies: >>169849
1.7k stars for Anna, it's her highest tipped video on Telegram now^^
Replies: >>169849 >>169850
lol paid to show her tits
are you going to send her money?
at least vlada was only 11 when she showed tits (too young to know better) which means she isn't a whore
Lint won
Vlada won
Replies: >>169862
Hot ngl, more
It's not paid, it's a tip.
Replies: >>169860
The video is free for anyone. People just liked it enough to give her money.
like how when you pay a prostitute in the US they call it a "donation"
This, sort of
vlada is legit, for better or for worse
anna is a fake Instagram bitch with a curated life
Anna can't stop winning, winners attract haters, just how it goes^^
Replies: >>169866
I might fap to 15yo anna today, ngl
Replies: >>169866
angel isnt a whore either she just shows her tits and ass and guys send her donations for unrelated reasons
Replies: >>169868 >>169878
It seems her superiority has led to some controversy.

Anna causing people to make Koomie seem sexually restraint.
Replies: >>169889
at least anna doesn't scam her fans kek
i ran the the video through a video process that makes her shirt more transparent for better visibility and it's glorious
Works well?
I've seen a few attempts at that. It's great.
cool are you going to post it
Send them for research into the technology.
post claiming vlada is better:
>4 replies
post claiming Anna is better:
>No replies
tried again:
>no replies

simpstatistics don't lie

vladakings win (as usual)
malnourished fax wholesome goblin anno lost
>NZ Anon posting 4 times counts
Sorry, Anna won.
everybody busy fapping to anna right now
Replies: >>169880
anna is vaxxed? ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ
ain't that something lol
Yeah, defending against outrageous claims is pointless anyways. It's going to be hard to top that video now.
Replies: >>169881
she could always make full nude content when she turns 18
Replies: >>169883
Kooky got ruined by a 28s video
That wouldn't be better. More of the shirt wearing now would be better.
Wholesome Anna is a cosy white winter shirt, going about her day^^
Replies: >>169885
yeah she's going to be showing her vulva soon, wholesomely of course
Replies: >>169887
anna pavulva ๐Ÿ˜ญ
rare Vlada victory
I do not understand the sentence
Replies: >>169890
Anna's making everyone too horny.
Replies: >>169891 >>169892
Everyone being 3: you lintcuck and el simpador
Truly a team.
Replies: >>169893 >>169894
Why are you so mad? lol
Replies: >>169895 >>169896
Chill Esther
He also forgot NZ and the 3 anons who also liked it.
Replies: >>169899
mad is just a codeword for" I lost and have no comeback"
Replies: >>169898
Anna Anna Anna Anna Pavaga!
You are mad to the point of lying: >>169896.

Keep coping.
I mean to quote.
Replies: >>169902
28s video increases mood by so much, and there is a capped limit on how much you can donate through Telegram, sad day. Anna is just going to have to send more videos like that one to keep the donations flowing!
Nope NZ is loyal to vlada
Replies: >>169903
>Nope NZ is loyal to vlada

Oh he copin'
Replies: >>169904
I do videos like that free
did you donate to her?
Replies: >>169907
Replies: >>169911
Probably because itโ€™s akin to saying a McDonaldโ€™s hamburger is better than Matsusaka beef. Sorry you have shit taste.
Replies: >>169915
anna is learning, if she wants money show tits like a good whore
Replies: >>169913
maisiecuck tier
I'm happy to pay for what I like.
Replies: >>169914 >>169933
simps spend money so the rest of us can enjoy sexy content
It creates bad incentives
Yes Anna is, lowest common denominator girl. Always has been.
Vlada is both prettier and sexier, not for the common man.
Replies: >>169926 >>169942
I've seen people losing all of their faith
Before they knew what they were looking for
I swore I'd never ever do it again, 'til this day
Words are all I have to give to you
You never seem to see it my way
Standing in the shadows, I hear people say
I got confessions to make, listen up!
No one sleeps when I'm awake
The dreams I dream, the song I sing for you
They're coming from my heart
Is my message getting through?
You know it hurt so bad just like I knew that it would
But I'd do it again, do it again if I could
Do it again if I could
I don't think you know what it's like
You should be careful what you're wishing for
And try to set your ego aside, you will find
A false peace of mind
You fall behind, and everybody's getting tired of you
Standing in the shadows, I hear people say
The dreams I dream, the song I sing for you
They're coming from my heart
Is my message getting through?
You know it hurt so bad just like I knew that it would
But I'd do it again, do it again if I could
Hey, hey, hey! I want you to know, know, know, know
Hey, hey, hey, hey!
'Cause the dreams that I dream, and the songs that I sing
When I lost myself it had a different meaning
Shut down and closed imagine all of those
Hundreds of dreams taking place around you
It hurt so bad just like I knew that it would
But I'd do it again, do it again if I could
But I'd do it again, do it again if I could
I'd do it again, I'd do it again, I'd do it again
I'd do it again if I could
Something cannot appeal to everyone AND be cutting edge at the same time. Sorry Annafags, it's just the way it is.
Replies: >>169926 >>169932
Kooky seething lmao
Ooooooh, I'm gonna cope!!!!!!
Tell me, why don't you kill me
And put a gun against my head?
I'm better off dead
I'm better off dead
I want it over by now
Why don't you kill me with your love?
I'm better off dead
I'm better off dead
There's no time to regret
I'm laying naked on my bed
I'm better off dead
I'm better
To feel you
When you hold me
When you touch me
You said that you forgive me
'Cause you never hold me
'Cause you never touch me
You said that you forgive me
Post doesn't make any sense, another win for Anna.
Doesn't make you look good either way.
Replies: >>169939
vlada is still better but the anna vid is hot
I've been fooling myself
I can't explain why I'm still here
I'm better off dead
I'm better
To feel you
When you hold me
When you touch me
You said that you forgive me
'Cause you never hold me
'Cause you never touch me
You said that you forgive
You always told me I'm the one to blame
But you never told me what's hiding behind these walls
An empty shell of faith, desire and lust
So show me what you've got
A large part of Annaโ€™s appeal is that she looks and acts much younger than her age and in turn still has that lg innocence, so idk why some supposed Anna fans are so upset over this vid.
Replies: >>169938
>some supposed Anna fans are so upset over this vid.
No Anna fan is upset over this. Croat is just in post-nut regret.
Replies: >>169943
Why would it be about me at all? It's about the video.
You're traveling along an empty highway
How long will it last?
Whatever happened to that fire, baby
You burning out too fast?
There's something in your voice that's
Telling me you don't care, anyway
There's something in your eyes that's telling
Me how you long to belong
You've got to change your way
You've been down this road before
You better change your way and get out
Out on the floor!
Yes, the hippie with bad hygiene that looks like a boy. Gotcha.
Replies: >>169946 >>169947
No one is mad. Some are just pointing out it's out of character, and the implications of that.
Yep vlada is legit and doesn't care about looking good, still does anyway.
vlada is for men with refined tastes
Replies: >>169956
vlada is the thinking man's waifu
Replies: >>169949
Yeah cause you have to really think hard for a single way she's better.
2k+ stars, go go go!
I feel fine, if I feel at all. I Feel fine, but I need you more
There's no use, it's up to you, oh can't you hear my heart beat?
And I could be someone else tonight, I can be what you decide
There's no use, it's up to you, oh can't you feel my heart beat?
Fire, you're on your own, your pretty eyes have seen enough
We'll go higher where I belong, the city lights are bright enough, to blind me
And you, the look we choose, I feel like the latest news
It's all bruised, it's up to you. Oh can't you feel my heart beat?
>actually completed her female development
>not fake

seems easy to me
Replies: >>169959 >>169961
Fire, you're on your own, your pretty eyes have seen enough
We'll go higher where I belong, the city lights are bright enough, to be
Fire, you're on your own, your pretty eyes have seen enough
We'll go higher where I belong, the city lights are bright enough, to blind me
Come on and give me some Fire, you're on your own, your pretty eyes have seen enough
We'll go higher, where I belong, the city lights are bright enough, to be
Fire, fire, your pretty eyes have seen enough
Higher, higher the city lights are bright enough, to blind me
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Anna looks better, Anna still developing is a plus and not a minus, and she's not fake either (she's just better personality in general). Sorry, Vlada is fine, but Anna is just a lot better^^
Early in the morning sunlight
Soaring on the wings of dawn
Here I'll live and die with my wings in the sky
And I will come down no more

Higher than the birds, I'm flying
Crimson skies of ice and fire
Borne on wings of steel, I have so much to feel
And I will come down no more (no more)

Sail on, sail on
I will rise each day to meet the dawn
So high, so high
I've climbed the mountains of the sky
They are both top tier beauties so there's no clear winner there. It's just personal taste.
They are both still growing, no idea why you think Vlada is just gonna stop growing at 13 lmao
If Vlada isn't fake then she's actually a smoking/alcohol addict?
Replies: >>169969 >>170003
Without my wings
You know, I'd surely die
I found my freedom flying high
I've climbed the mountains of the sky

You're never gonna get it
I'm a hazard to myself
I'll break it to you easy
This is hell, this is hell
You're looking and whispering
You think I'm someone else
This is hell, yes
Literal hell
Replies: >>169970
Floating on the clouds of amber
Searching for the rainbow's end
Earth so far below me, I'm here alone
And I, I will come down no more (no more)
Sail on, sail on
I will rise each day to meet the dawn
So high, so high
I've climbed the mountains of the sky

Without my wings
You know, I'd surely die
I found my freedom flying high
I've climbed the mountains of the sky
Replies: >>169970
they might be dark pink or beige
they are nice
Replies: >>169968
how must they taste?
>really think hard for a single way she's better
> there's no clear winner there
make up your mind
Replies: >>169972

i wish these two low t boys would stfu with their depression lyric posting, literal women-tier, i get it, life is shit and you coping but goddamn don't make us also suffer, thanks
Replies: >>169971 >>169973
Where's the inconsistency?
There's not a single point where Vlada is objectively better than Anna, however there are many ways Anna is factually better than Vlada.
Replies: >>169983
Saw you sitting on a sunbeam
In the middle of my daydream
Oh my Lady Fantasy
I love you
vlada is more unique with a more interesting personality
Replies: >>169999
Don't misunderstand me, it's not always easy to say
The words in your head and your heart that you just can't explain
I can see clearly
A face in the sky
Moon's in your eye
You're passing me by
Tell me the reason why
I keep denying, begging for attention
Dropping hints, hoping for some tension
Getting tired of making all this racket
Waiting on you to get your ass in gear
I didn't wanna be so invested
I played it cool and then I overdressed it
You were there, I was tired of this
Nonsense when you pretend you don't
Get me, feel me, want me
Like me, love me, need me
Tonight, you're fuel for my fire
You can't stop desire, oh oh oh oh
Stop desire, oh oh oh
I tried, but you're fuel to my fire
You can't stop desire, oh oh oh, oh
Stop desire, oh oh oh, oh
In a minute, I'll be hoping that you're outside
Another second, you'll be walking on my wild side
You know I'm ready for anything to happen
Take this passion, turn it into action
Right where I want you, back against the wall
Trust when I promise, never let you fall
Right where I want you, back against the wall
You can trust me, I'll never let you fall
Tonight, you're fuel for my fire
You can't stop desire, oh oh oh oh
Stop desire, oh oh oh
I tried, but you're fuel to my fire
You can't stop desire, oh oh oh, oh
Stop desire, oh oh oh, oh
Tonight, you're fuel for my fire
You can't stop desire, oh oh oh oh
Stop desire, oh oh oh oh
>There's not a single point where Vlada is objectively better than Anna
>however there are many ways Anna is factually better than Vlada.
the second is just a repetition of the first statement, merely reworded
>There's not a single point where Vlada is objectively better than Anna
therefore there IS a clear winner (according to you anyway)
Replies: >>169993
I let it fall, my heart
And as it fell, you rose to claim it
It was dark and I was over
Until you kissed my lips and you saved me
My hands, they were strong
But my knees were far too weak
To stand in your arms
Without falling to your feet
But there's a side to you
That I never knew, never knew
All the things you'd say
They were never true, never true
And the games you'd play
You would always win, always win
But I set fire to the rain
Watched it pour as I touched your face
Well, it burned while I cried
'Cause I heard it screaming out your name
Your name
When I lay with you
I could stay there
Close my eyes
Feel you here forever
You and me together, nothing is better
'Cause there's a side to you
That I never knew, never knew
All the things you'd say
They were never true, never true
And the games you'd play
You would always win, always win
but i don't expect honesty from annafags
thats a vladabro stat
But I set fire to the rain
Watched it pour as I touched your face
Well, it burned while I cried
'Cause I heard it screaming out your name
Your name
I set fire to the rain
And I threw us into the flames
When it fell, something died
'Cause I knew that that was
The last time, the last time
Sometimes I wake up by the door
That heart you caught must be waiting for you
Even now, when we're already over
I can't help myself from looking for you
>therefore there IS a clear winner (according to you anyway)
Yeah, Anna.
What are you confused about?
Replies: >>170003
Saw you riding on a moon cloud
Saw you walking on a whirlpool
From the corner of my eeeeeeeeeye
I... saw you
I set fire to the rain
Watched it pour as I touched your face
Well, it burned while I cried
'Cause I heard it screaming out your name
Your name
I set fire to the rain
And I threw us into the flames
When it fell, something died
'Cause I knew that that was the last time
The last time
There are too songs at once im overstimulated
she is interesting, that's the word
you would probably want to keep her around after sexenings as she won't be much of a basic bitch who's barely sentient
maria blacked! ๐Ÿ˜ญ
You are going to die tomorrow
again, see: >>169961
>there's no clear winner there

you are too dishonest to converse with, nevermind
Replies: >>170006
I can't play that song 'cause it reminds me of you
I can't watch that showโ€…'causeโ€…it reminds meโ€…of you
I can't even go there,โ€…it reminds me of you
I don't wanna do that, it reminds me of you
Cut off all my friends 'cause they remind me of you
I can't drink again 'cause I'm reminded of you
I don't wanna do shit that reminds me of you
Everything and everywhere reminds me of you
I'm stuck, fucked-up, fuck love
I'm up, can't sleep, can't think because
My heart is broke, you left me cold
You left the pain, you took my soul, damn
>you are too dishonest to converse with
I think you're confused. Try re-reading what I've said.
But I don't wanna cry
Got my finger on the trigger, man, I'm thinking 'bout a homicide
I feel like I can die
Maybe if it was all over, I can have you in another life
I can't play that song 'cause it reminds me of you
I can't watch that show 'cause it reminds me of you
I can't even go there, it reminds me of you
I don't wanna do that, it reminds me of you
Cut off all my friends 'cause they remind me of you
I can't drink again 'cause I'm reminded of you
I don't wanna do shit that reminds me of you
Everything and everywhere reminds me of you
Sweet child in time
You'll see the line
The line that's drawn between
Good and bad
See the blind man
Shooting at the world
Bullets flying
Ohh taking toll
If you've been bad
Oh Lord I bet you have
And you've not been hit
Oh by flying lead
You'd better close your eyes
Ooohhhh bow your head
Wait for the ricochet
Cut off my bitches, won't return no calls, yeah
If I woulda listened, we would still be on, yeah
One of my exes came to break me off, yeah
I mean, yeah, I fucked, but I ain't nut at all, no
Whole time you were on my mind, baby (Baby)
I swear you got me fuckin' love-crazy (Crazy)
Remember when I said nothing phase me (Phase me)
Well, that was 'til I lost my baby, yeah
Based get, ILC lost.
Replies: >>170016
karma put your name back on so i can filter you too
Replies: >>170013
did you filter me?
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
I've been afraid all of my life
Crippled with anxiety, shame and doubt
And sometimes, sometimes I'd like to shout
At the top of my lungs and just let it out
What has that fear ever done for me, ooh-ooh-ooh
But hold me back? Oh
What has jealousy and hate ever done for you
But remind you of what you think you lack?
Replies: >>170019
So, give me love and give me compassion
Self-forgiveness and give me some passion
I'll love you even if you don't love me, ooh-ooh
I'll love you even if you can't love me
All of this pain that I've kept concealed
But if I didn't speak it, it wouldn't be real
But sometimes, sometimes I feel I have to shout
At the top of my lungs and just let it out
maria is getting railed by shota chad right now
and you're here spamming music no one listens to
Replies: >>170020
didn't read, cope
I've been floating on a dark wave
Don't want nobody to come rescue me
No direction in mind
I'm just killing time
I gave my body to the riptide
Maybe it will put me back to sleep
It was the last thing I had
Now I can't get it back
There's a war inside my mind
But I'm the only one who fights
And I get lost here every night
I'm just trying to survive
I want to come alive, come alive
Tell myself that it's alright
Come alive, come alive
Yeah, I'm tired but I gotta fight
I want to come alive, come alive
No more sleepwalking through life
Come alive, come alive
Yeah, I'm tired but I gotta fight
Still a slave to my emotions
Yeah, they always get the best of me
I'm tired of feeling like shit
But I'm too numb to quit it
I'm alright but that's a lie
I'm not alright, I'm not alright
Replies: >>170026 >>170027
maria is fine
My head's chained down by the voices
It's looking like they want war again
Their weapon of choice is a poison
Made up of all the words you said
Yeah they're better off without you
You know how they talk about you
Your fears coming true and now you
When will the voices stop making trouble inside?
If I look in the mirror will I see through their eyes?
When will the voices in my head just stop and let me rest?
I can't take it (take it)
Here come the voices again
I'm up to my neck in the noises
So I thank god that walls can't talk
I do anything to avoid it
Tear em down cause I've had enough
When will the voices stop making trouble inside?
If I look in the mirror will I see through their eyes?
When will the voices in my head just stop and let me rest?
I can't take it (take it)
Here come the voices again
Here come the voices again
Yeah they're better off without you (and I know)
You know how they talk about you (and they say)
Your fears coming true and now you ask (here come the voices again)
Yeah they're better off without me (and I know)
I know how they talk about me (and they say)
My fears coming true and now I ask (here come the voices again)
When will the voices stop making trouble inside?
If I look in the mirror will I see through their eyes?
When will the voices in my head just stop and let me rest?
I can't take it (take it)
Here come the voices again
Here comes the voices again
All the voices
Here we stand
Worlds apart, hearts broken in two, two, two
Sleepless nights, losing ground
I'm reachin' for you, you, you
Have you had a million reasons why you wish you'd never seen the truth?
Have you looked into the mirror and the problem's staring back at you?
I can't control myself, don't know who I've been
And who is this monster wearing my skin?
A movie in black and white, when will it end?
Cause every time I scream no one hears me
It feels like I'm paralyzed, and I can't
Escape from the prison I'm living in
I'm naming the voices in my head
They keep on telling me to give in
But it's making me stronger
Fight a little longer
I'm gonna bring me back to life
And I won't be paralyzed
Someday love will find you
Break those chains that bind you
One night will remind you
How we touched and went our separate ways
If he ever hurts you
True love won't desert you
You know I still love you
Though we touched and went our separate ways
i hate brazilian people
i hate finnish people
Replies: >>170043 >>170053
Have you searched for something deeper out of fear that life's a lonely road?
Have you roamed the darkest corners of the earth until you're just a ghost?
Troubled times
Caught between confusion and pain, pain, pain
Distant eyes
Promises we made were in vain, in vain, in vain
I'm not afraid, I can face my demons
Even if they tear me down
If I fall, let me fall, it might take time
But I'll find my own way out
It feels like I'm paralyzed, and I can't
Escape from the prison I'm living in
If you must go, I wish you love
You'll never walk alone
Take care, my love
Outside we're lonely but we are free
We're misfits, rebels, we're creeps and freaks
How come they've got it figured out
While we're lost, waiting to be found?
Maybe we need something different now
For every broken bone and every lie you've told
Every time you're lost and you can't find home
This is for the ones who always feel alone
We are outsiders
Living inside a broken world
We are outsiders
And I know sometimes it can hurt
But it gets better yeah we'll make it through
We'll stay golden when we're black and blue
We are outsiders
But we're not hiding anymore
This is who we really are
Inside they talk about all their plans
Must be nice to have someone light your path
But inside their hearts are breaking
Cause they don't know what they're missing
Outside we're lonely but we are free


NO, NOOO!!!!!
why are they like this?
teenage thot tier
Replies: >>170061
We are outsiders
Living inside a broken world
We are outsiders
And I know sometimes it can hurt
But it gets better yeah we'll make it through
We'll stay golden when we're black and blue
We are outsiders
But we're not hiding anymore
This is who we really are
I've been floating on a dark wave
Don't want nobody to come rescue me
No direction in mind
I'm just killing time
I gave my body to the riptide
Maybe it will put me back to sleep
It was the last thing I had
Now I can't get it back
There's a war inside my mind
But I'm the only one who fights
And I get lost here every night
I'm just trying to survive
oh wait i did that one already
Again, I see you standing there watching me
Your gaze, those eyes are tantalizing openly
Inviting me to get close to you
Can't help myself
There's fascination in the air
I always say, I always say that it's the last time
A promise I can't keep
I always say I'll get a grip and it'll be fine
But I lie straight through my teeth (lie straight through my teeth)
And though I try and do it right with my intentions
Keepin' good, they never break, but I still bend 'em
'Cause this devil on my shoulder wants to pull me underneath (underneath)
Another sleepless night staring through the ceiling
Wondering how could I
Calm my head, yeah, calm my head, 'cause
well its just karma ilc is filtered
I see red
My blood is boiling and it shows
When all you are is a weapon (weapon)
You shoot 'em down 'til you end up alone
I seem fine
But I can't take the highs and the lows
All I am is a weapon (weapon)
I shoot 'em down 'til I end up alone
I always say I hate the way you look at me now
And I swear, I didn't mean to be a let-down
What I broke can't be fixed with all my sorry excuses, no
I try to fight this strong sensation
But there's no chance to escape from this temptation
Feels like I've known you before
Repeating phrases
No, I won't go under
No, I won't back down
Bittersweet surrender
Everything is better now
No, I won't go under
No, I won't back down
Bittersweet surrender
It's better now
All I am is a weapon
I shoot 'em down 'til I end up alone
All I am is a weapon
I shoot 'em down 'til I end up alone
Replies: >>170124
I walk a lonely road...
Replies: >>170072

Boulevard Of Broken Dreams
Replies: >>170077
Replies: >>170077
cope ilc is my friend like lint
Replies: >>170078 >>170079
like annal
When clouds are covering the sky
I can't help thinking what's behind
In a fading evening
I feel strange thoughts in my mind
What if we aren't alone here
There's a clone of everyone somewhere
That duplicates all that we do
Not like me not like you but our other ego
Replies: >>170083

These guys are finnish btw, I liked their music a lot.
Replies: >>170098
Replies: >>170086
A lock that can be opened by any key is a slutty lock.
A key that can unlock any lock is a master sexo key.
Replies: >>170088
Dont put your shitty songs with mine
I'm anon now too
Replies: >>170087
shut the fuck up
Replies: >>170089
Hahaha- ha-ha-ha...

Make poop
Everybody in the club wanna make poop
Everybody in their car wanna make poop
Everybody going on a date make poop
Everybody running late just make poop

When you're dodging traffic 'cause you gotta take a dump
No matter how good you drive, you'll always hit a bump
But you will get home, now, sooner or later
But cross your fingers that you have toilet paper
If you gotta shit and you're stuck in traffic
Your palms will sweat and your ass will twitch (Hnn-)
Ain't that a bitch?
If it starts to come out, just give your cheeks a pinch
Have you ever had to take a shit at a zoo?
Maybe at school? Maybe in a pool?
Sometimes, I have to take a shit in the drive thru
Make poop
This song goes out to the truckers
Man, I feel bad for all you motherfuckers!
Replies: >>170091
Why don't you take me there
Want to feel some infinity
Why don't we just dare
Coz after all remains...

Jesus your music taste... its horrible
Replies: >>170092
its still better than the crap koomie posts ngl
Replies: >>170093
Cope he only listens to good stuff
Replies: >>170094
actually no
Replies: >>170095
Mmm yeah?
anon unfilter me, I will stop with the music
Probably not good music then
แดนแตƒแตแต‰ แต–แต’แต’แต–
แต€สฐแต‰ แต–แต‰แต’แต–หกแต‰ สทสฐแต’ หกโฑแตแต‰ สฒแต˜แตแต–โฑโฟแต แต’แต˜แต— แตƒ แต–หกแตƒโฟแต‰ แตแตƒแตแต‰ แต–แต’แต’แต–
แต€สฐแต‰ แต–แต‰แต’แต–หกแต‰ สทสฐแต’ แตแต‰แต— หขแต—แต˜แถœแต โฑโฟ แต—สฐแต‰ สณแตƒโฑโฟ แตแตƒแตแต‰ แต–แต’แต’แต–
แดตแต— แตˆแต’แต‰หขโฟ'แต— แตแตƒแต—แต—แต‰สณ โฑแถ  สธแต’แต˜'สณแต‰ สณโฑแถœสฐ แต’สณ แต–แต’แต’สณ, แตแตƒแตแต‰ แต–แต’แต’แต–
แดฑแต›แต‰สณสธแต‡แต’แตˆสธ สฒแต˜หขแต— โฟแต‰แต‰แตˆ แต—แต’ แตแตƒแตแต‰ แต–แต’แต’แต–

แดฌหกหก แต—สฐแต‰ แตโฑสณหกโฑแต‰หข แตˆแต’ โฑแต—, หกโฑแตแต‰ แดฎสณโฑแต—โฟแต‰สธ หขแต–แต‰แตƒสณหข
แดพแต˜หขสฐโฑโฟแต แต’แต˜แต— แตƒ โฟแต˜แต—แต—สธโปแต‡แต˜แต—แต—สธ, แถ แตƒแถœแต‰ แถ แต˜หกหก แต’แถ  แต—แต‰แตƒสณหข
แดนสณ. แต€ สฐแตƒหข แต–สณแต’แต‡หกแต‰แตหข สทโฑแต—สฐ สฐโฑหข แถœแต’หกแต’โฟ
'แถœแตƒแต˜หขแต‰ แต‰แต›แต‰สณสธ แต—โฑแตแต‰ สฐแต‰ หขสฐโฑแต—หข, โฑแต— หกแต’แต’แตหข หกโฑแตแต‰ แดณแตƒสณสธ แถœแต’หกแต‰แตแตƒโฟ
แต‚สฐแต‰โฟแต‰แต›แต‰สณ สธแต’แต˜ แตแต’ แตƒโฟแตˆ แต—แตƒแตแต‰ แตƒ แถœสณแตƒแต–
แดฐแต’ สธแต’แต˜ แต‰แต›แต‰สณ แต—แต˜สณโฟ แตƒสณแต’แต˜โฟแตˆ แตƒโฟแตˆ แต—แตƒแตแต‰ แตƒ หกแต’แต’แต แต‡แตƒแถœแต?
แดฐแต’ สธแต’แต˜ หขสฐโฑแต— แต‡แต‰แถ แต’สณแต‰ สธแต’แต˜ แต–แต‰แต‰?
หขแต’แตแต‰แต—โฑแตแต‰หข, แดต แต–แต‰แต‰ แต‡แต‰แถ แต’สณแต‰ แดต แต–แต’แต’แต–, แตƒโฟแตˆ สทสฐแต‰โฟ แดต แต–แต’แต’แต–, แดต แต–แต‰แต‰ แถ สณแต‰แต‰หกสธ
แดตแถ  แต—สฐโฑหข หขแต’โฟแต แตแตƒแตแต‰หข สธแต’แต˜ แถ แต‰แต‰หก สทแต‰โฑสณแตˆ, แตแตƒแตแต‰ แต–แต’แต’แต–
แต‚สฐแต’ แถœแตƒสณแต‰หข แตƒแต‡แต’แต˜แต— แต—สฐแต‰ แต’แต—สฐแต‰สณ แต–แต‰แต’แต–หกแต‰? แดถแต˜หขแต— แตแตƒแตแต‰ แต–แต’แต’แต–
แดฑแต›แต‰สณสธแต‡แต’แตˆสธ สฐแตƒหข แตƒ แต‡แต˜แต—แต—สฐแต’หกแต‰, แตแตƒแตแต‰ แต–แต’แต’แต–
แดตแถ  หขแต’แตแต‰แต’โฟแต‰ แตแต‰แต—หข แตแตƒแตˆ, แต—แต‰หกหก แต—สฐแต‰แต แต—สฐแต‰สธ แตแตƒแตแต‰ แต–แต’แต’แต–

แต€สฐแตƒแต—'หข โฑแต—! แดต สฐแตƒแต›แต‰โฟ'แต— สฐแต‰แตƒสณแตˆ แต‰โฟแต’แต˜แตสฐ แต–แต‰แต’แต–หกแต‰ แต’แต˜แต— แต—สฐแต‰สณแต‰
แต€แตƒหกแตโฑโฟแต แตƒแต‡แต’แต˜แต— แตแตƒแตโฑโฟแต แต–แต’แต’แต–! หขแต’ สทสฐแตƒแต— แตƒแต แดต แตแต’โฑโฟแต แต—แต’ แตˆแต’?
แดนแตƒแตแต‰ แต–แต’แต’แต– แตƒแตแตƒโฑโฟ!
Replies: >>170102 >>170126
ILC get a grip
that's not me
this tbh, maria has moved on, you should too
Replies: >>170106
cucked by maria
has never been the same since
Replies: >>170107 >>170114
I love her a lot...
Replies: >>170108
She didn't cuck me.
me too, we share her <3
Replies: >>170109
you don't know her, lol
Replies: >>170110
i know her inside and out
She said once I belonged to her.
She's mine only.
was a upon a time maybe, not anymore
Replies: >>170115 >>170119
so lucky he gets to slurp shota cum from maria's cunny
Replies: >>170119
she is not thinking about you rn
move on
Replies: >>170117 >>170119
I told you men I was gonna quit, and you tried to get rid of me?
Oi, mate

I'm peggin' that man at the back of the bus
Feelin' like Three 6 Mafia, I'm gonna fill up his nose with dust
These niggas are always talkin', tell them niggas I don't give a fuck
I got an Asian yute from West, tryna pick me up in a Lambo truck
I told that man that I love short men 'cause I wanted to use him
I'm putting these niggas in debt, if I get his wallet, I'm gonna abuse it
Just got a triangle strip last week, now I'm out here lookin' like Phineas
I left that nigga on read, he ain't gonna fuck me and that's on period

I'm in the back of the car with your daddy
And hะต's twerking and popping a Perc'
I got him bending his bum likะต Spice in the back of the van when they stop and search
These men wanna act like a beast, so I put these men in a cage
I made a call, now two days later, my niggas are bustin' all over his face (Bitch)
"Chyna, please have mercy, I ain't gettin' paid 'til the end of the week"
I don't give a fuck, shut the fuck up
Get on your knees and grease my feet (Pussy)
He want a break, I've been ridin' his face six hours
He told me to squirt in his mouth, so I gave him a golden shower
Just got the whole bed creakin', the way my ass clap, you'd think it's a choir
I got him six feet deep like Kevin, and now I'm leavin' that bitch no flowers
These fathers are always complainin', sayin' that my music is bad for the kids
Someone tell their papi that Chyna said that she don't give a shit
she is with jerome rn
Replies: >>170119
I'll walk these men like a dog, it's only gonna work if I make him my bitch
And I'm puttin' him back in the cage if his dick ain't long like Natalie's chin
He said that he's got a big dick, but he's scoopin' it up in his hands (Aw) I told him to put that shrimp back in his fuckin' pants (Pathetic)
And he said it was big, this is the shit that gets me mad
They said I'm a masculine bitch 'cause these little niggas ain't really a man
Replies: >>170120
Replies: >>170120 >>170128
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you guys are like that cause you never had a cute lg hugging you
Replies: >>170123
anon unfilter me fag
it's only karma posting songs now
Replies: >>170124
maria will go on to hug many shotas and men :3
Replies: >>170125
Im not posting songs since this >>170068
๐Ÿ’ฉ kacke
i do not like being filtered
it's true
reality is crushing
become a cold unkind uncaring cynical asshole like us and move on
Replies: >>170131
uohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mariaaaaaaaaaa slurppppy slurpp!๐Ÿ’ฉ
Replies: >>170131
Become this? >>170129
Replies: >>170144
So sad being an anon...
to get attention you need to be an asshole to everyone...
Replies: >>170135
mariaา‰ be giving plenty of attention to her shota bfs pee pee โ›ฒ๐Ÿ‘ฆ8=D~ ๐Ÿ‘ง     ย ย ย ๐ŸŒณ๐Ÿ˜ญ <-- ilc coping
Replies: >>170139 >>170140
based retarded whore id kiss her after 50 guys cummed in her mouth
Replies: >>170150
sad, anon, really sad...
Replies: >>170140

not as sad as you
I read she'll be going for 1000/day now
Replies: >>170186
loveless bastard
I hope Maria end up like her ๐Ÿ™
who knows
you might like it
did she post the vid of her fucking 100 guys?
Top comment: "The fact that her mother is her โ€œmanagerโ€ is the most disgraceful part in all of this, at least in my opinion. Shes not nurturing, or protecting her daughter in the slightest."
Replies: >>170147 >>170149
based mom
Replies: >>170148
cuckqueans are best
mommy should be a fluffer for her daughter
Replies: >>170151
mc is the most free person here
he should seek help
Replies: >>170153
Nah, Live life like nothing else matters but your own personal gratification = winner
i used to not hate mc but then he went to tor and did that disgusting thread
what thread
Replies: >>170158
the little girls with black guys thread?
Replies: >>170158 >>170159
Yeah it's pretty cool.

He didn't make that.
Replies: >>170188
Yeah, fuck that guy. Disgusting freak.
KEK, remember when Lint posted that infamous pic of Sofi[DATA EXPUNGED] and it broke Catchan.
Replies: >>170160 >>170162
We don't talk about that.
Replies: >>170163
kinda true
i got banned for adding a blacked logo to it
this, silvia is president xi and that day might as well be tianiamin square
post it again
Replies: >>170170
perma ban for requesting
Replies: >>170170
๐Ÿšจ๐Ÿ‘ฎโ€โ™‚๏ธ!!! ILLEGAL DISCUSSION
lintdoor ended up on silvias blacklist for what he did
Replies: >>170171
Silvia would probably ban catbox links if you did that.
Replies: >>170172 >>170174
dats rayciest
fragile silvs
Based Silvia.
Good, fuck catbox.
Replies: >>170175
cope koomie
Replies: >>170191
disgusting freaks talking shit about lgf should get banned
Never disrespect a man's lgf
Replies: >>170178
Replies: >>170179 >>170180
uohhhhh maria using my fat stomach as a slip and slide ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Replies: >>170180
silvia make me mod so I can ban this anon
Replies: >>170181
why are you so mad?
Replies: >>170182
I'm not. You guys are kinda making me laugh, tbh. I mean, thanks. I'm pretty sad.
Replies: >>170184
uwahhhhhhhhhhhh maria using my fat naked hairy slimy tum tum as a jumping castle weeeeeeeeeee ๐Ÿ˜ญ
no need to be sad
you will get your chance with maria once she's older and had a train of brownzilian cock ran on her but is finally ready to settle down
Replies: >>170185 >>170193
Replies: >>170187
i mean i read it im not going for 1000 guys only 1
Replies: >>170189
>He didn't make that.
Who then?
Cope rin
Not mw
Replies: >>170192
cope, loveless anon
I won't out for a bike ride.
You loveless bastards keep coping.
Replies: >>170197
thinking of maria for you
Love is for weak men.
Replies: >>170199
you never loved
Replies: >>170200
I love Maria. so true
its her face I and many are sexually attracted to fortunately๐Ÿ˜”
Replies: >>170203
nah its despite the fact she is her age it like she still half her age
Replies: >>170207
Replies: >>170205
if it is 1 micro second under 18 its a literal child you sick fuck
Replies: >>170206
Which picture is he even talking about?
I admit it, I'm a dirty paedo sexually attracted to a 15 year old๐Ÿ˜ญ
Yeah you tell him what he's sexually attracted to.
hebephilia is not normal
feels good squirting loads to a 17yo kid
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