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Catchan v3: Currently accessible through onion domain only.
Last edited by silvia
simp creep
Replies: >>270116
the red pill is mainstream now
Replies: >>270190
Replies: >>270119
its too late for pizza gate
Replies: >>270122
I saw the grooming so did the feds
Being a deranged pedo is a death sentence in trump country lol
Replies: >>270154
wym? iykyk
I’m 16 now
Replies: >>270124 >>270129
old enough for kisses
Replies: >>270125 >>270131
yes old enough to be charged as an adult
Replies: >>270130
she did nothing wrong
vlada looks in disappointment at your simping
Replies: >>270132
nah im just being nice
Replies: >>270138
0/10 if female
and if male?
Replies: >>270137
Replies: >>270143
is that why you wanted a reward yesterday?
Replies: >>270164
vaguely looks like the queen

> if female 
> if female 
> if female 
Replies: >>270142
Are you in agreement?
Replies: >>270144
answer coward

I think it is a very big IF...heavily trending toward not female lol
Replies: >>270146
its a girl you homos 😌
Replies: >>270147
I think its a female
Replies: >>270149 >>270153
Yeah i know.
Replies: >>270150
it's clearly a girl, and a very cute one at that
if you had difficulties with that you have autism
Replies: >>270151 >>270152

So was "Elliot" Page...before she cut off her tits and grew a beard lol
Replies: >>270153 >>270155
he only likes men
>it's clearly a girl
why do you think i said this >>270134
>>270146 -->
--> >>270150

(I replied to the wrong post)
brannie on ngmi status till trump's term is up
She was cute, shame.
Ah so you are just a CP spamming Brandon fan troll
Replies: >>270159
Where is ilc

Inside Maria
Replies: >>270323
you are quite low iq tbh
Replies: >>270165
Easy with so many high iq people here
Right here queen.
She's been waiting for you to start the stream
Replies: >>270173
i want vlada to look like this as i live with her in a cramped commieblock apartment with poorly maintained mouldy flowery wallpapers in borderline poverty conditions having loads of sex and resting afterwards vaping eating blini and drinking orange juice whilst watching a Jurassic park 2 torrent and playing bootleg playstation 2 and 3 games on the weekends because we don't have enough money to go out
M gonna stream soon
Beautiful love story
lol imagine calling this 0/10 so fucking gay 😂
THIS is a beautiful love story
Replies: >>270179
having this, what more could a man ask for in his life?
that was a purely rhetorical question of course
the answer is nothing, you can ask nothing
you got it all
Replies: >>270197
im gonna take a shower now
Stop it
Replies: >>270192
I don't know if Hitler was evil but he sure was a loser!
>> 270184
Replies: >>270193 >>270195
the shower?
Ok I give up
thats on purpose
Nah, it's for the same reason Trump fired the people who are supposed to inform the military about legal orders and such: Trump is preparing to do some very shady things with the military and doesn't need people telling him it's a bad idea!
nice. i'm making pizza it's going to be ready soon. and then i'll watch your stream with great interest.
Replies: >>270234
Nope, I have the best taste. If yours doesn't align with mine then sorry to tell you but you're broken 😞
Replies: >>270227 >>270257
beauty is in the face, and her face is perfect
Replies: >>270236
based, im also craving some pizza
Painted eyebrows and shaved head is already a bad look. Can't even see past that to judge anything else.
You rarely upvote Buha...
Replies: >>270284
Replies: >>270269
that's because you're closeted
afraid that a tomboyish girl will give you no no thoughts
it's perfect
i'm talking about face and again you're focused on hair
Replies: >>270287
You are a cuck dude.
actual fags
if you can't judge a female by her facial aesthetics you aren't straight, simple as
Replies: >>270271 >>270278
You cant speak about straightness you are opposite of it
Potatoes are better when they grow into fries!
nah I actually like girls
I'm not even certain it's a girl.
Replies: >>270290 >>270292
same tbh
Replies: >>270292

gem thanks for posting
Replies: >>270342
Guess who got his first fall on his bike? I'm mostly fine thanks. But not my brand new bike.

I'm just here.
I wish.
Hey, this aint me. Did she star t the stream?
yes i was late too
>attacking the person but not the argument
why are fingolians like this
Replies: >>270350
You missed the best part.
Replies: >>270339
it was pretty good
sucks man
did you crash or were you crashed into?
Replies: >>270360
what was it
Replies: >>270361
glad you're fine other people deserve to die much more than you do
Replies: >>270362
There is no argument that female is trying to look like male, not hot!
How did that happen?
Going up a hill on second. Bike was with no power at all so switched to first my hands all the way down the throtle. The bike went vrooooom and flew lol.
anti pedo memes i'm going to use ironically
Thanks anon.
Bro my computer froze did the stream end im trying to watch
What a fucking day
Damn, lol. Get some scrapes?
Replies: >>270388 >>270608
used to ried 5th all the time like a retard, gave me some well defined hams. when I first rode 1st it fell like I was zooming
wait he meant motorbike
Not at all. The rear end of the bike is detonated tho. No biggie. Can be easily replaced. 
A lesson learned on how gears work tho
are you a novice rider?
Replies: >>270432
just got my license
Replies: >>270446
be careful dude
i want to like you but your simping for mascot makes me wish you broke your neck instead
but be careful
Replies: >>270482 >>270499
thanks anon
It's was just a dumb mistake of my part. Learned it the hard way
>i want to like you but your simping for mascot makes me wish you broke your neck instead
Replies: >>270502
i dont even mind ILC mascot simping anymore atleast he's consistent unlike some other namefags...
that anon will wish me dead so hard I will actually crash my bike and die one of these days
Mascot said goodnight to me. Best day ever
Replies: >>270505 >>270513
ilc already forgetting about maria
Replies: >>270515 >>270520
there are at least three different anons. me, floppy and the evil anon
Replies: >>270521
not a true lover
Replies: >>270524
Footnik, NZ, Angel, ILC
Replies: >>270522
and MC
I'm literally checkign her ig every damn hour to see if she posted something tbh
Replies: >>270528 >>270529
Replies: >>270530
and yet you're not chasing her
you're busy chasing some low tier asian girl on the internet
actions speak louder than words
Replies: >>270530
funny anon

how will I chase her without looking like a creep pedo?
Replies: >>270531 >>270536
>how will I chase her without looking like a creep pedo?
no way
not a cuck btw >>270463
Replies: >>270533
no way to know if that is me tbh
You didnt deny it
Replies: >>270538
I appreciate the compliment.
Replies: >>270538
>how will I chase her without looking like a creep pedo?
that's your problem, figure it out
Replies: >>270538
Replies: >>270538

could be another guy too
If its not you just deny it easy as that
Replies: >>270541
it's ok because it's true
he wont hes a lintcuck
Replies: >>270544
Esther has been more mad than usual lately
does it not bother you she shows herself to strangers and says she won't get an onlyfans only because she's afraid of being caught? she's pretty low tier dude
Replies: >>270548
what is there cuck about just saying he's a chad anyway?
Replies: >>270547
you said you cant compete
Replies: >>270549
she just needs a bf to correct her
Replies: >>270561
Its true though
literally what whiteboi cucks say about black guys
Replies: >>270552
why do you hate esther?
He's brown though
Replies: >>270553
ya so he wants to get cucked by a white guy
Replies: >>270554 >>270555
ILC bros... our response?
Replies: >>270556
Replies: >>270557
Im stroking my cope stick as we speak
Replies: >>270558
ilc be like "yes maria suck that juicy bwc"
Replies: >>270560 >>270562
>could be another guy too
Replies: >>270565
future cuckold, unironically
too far man
Replies: >>270563
Well dont you think she's built for that?
Replies: >>270564 >>270565
maria is built for LDC
I would admit it if the guys here weren't so weird about it.

she's built for my pp only
Replies: >>270566 >>270568
>she's built for my pp only
And that is what colour?
Replies: >>270567
>I would admit it if the guys here weren't so weird about it.
i don't dare say anything or ILC will be mad at me again xD
Replies: >>270573
silvio can I talk about lint again?
Yes but first you have to answer one question...
Replies: >>270576
sounds good
i'm not a coward like ILC, lint is a chad!
Replies: >>270578
Replies: >>270580
average catchanner
Replies: >>270581
average anon*
Replies: >>270585
Angel is so weird...
Replies: >>270583
You said the same thing nigga
Replies: >>270584 >>270587
Replies: >>270586
most cucks are namefags
Monkeys are supposed to have great memory
Replies: >>270589
tell him karmie xD

lint no.1

lint no.1

lint no.1

lint no.1

lint no.1

lint no.1
I'm gonna play terraria, you guys are weird too.
Replies: >>270592
Ahahah! good one fren!
i take it back you dont have consistent views either, bitch.
Replies: >>270593
I'm not a cuck
Replies: >>270595
Replies: >>270596 >>270597
Yeah nothing wrong with admitting I am superior.
Replies: >>270598
it explains itself
lint no1...
fucking hell just scrolling up the last hour or so and it's all cancer
ILC fren just find the joy in it =) 
me and tina and lint all happy
makes sense when you hate lint
Replies: >>270603
he took his boyfriend
Lint is a good friend. I like him, I said that as mostly just a joke. But yeah, I bet he is a chad indeed so nothing wrong in saying that.
You guys just like to twist words. Nothing cuck in saying it.
playing terraria
feels like every other post is someone being called gay/cuck or calling someone gay/cuck 😂😂😂
Replies: >>270609 >>270612
onion is down

why is catchan like this?
Yeah there are only few posters who arent either neets or autistic

Silvia is the only other chad i can think of
Replies: >>270611 >>270614
autistic neets are the real chads tbh
Replies: >>270613
if you call hiding your name behind Anon so you cant be filtered sure
silvia is kind of autistic but nothing wrong with that
Replies: >>270618
cope loser
Replies: >>270621
no wait pls i-i swear im a good poster....

*manhandles you into chipper*
make some better posts then
Replies: >>270623 >>270634
i cant believe you let them put me in the chipper ;_;
Replies: >>270627
brandon I know it's you
Replies: >>270628 >>270630
idk who is who so you all have to die sorry
Replies: >>270631
We need him back im done with these gay posts
Replies: >>270632 >>270637
harsh but fair
Do you regret starting the gayposting trend?
Replies: >>270635 >>270653
Onion site has disconnected

The most likely cause is that the onion site is offline. Contact the onion site administrator.
Replies: >>270643 >>270736
Like what?
I love little girls. Good enough?
Replies: >>270636
>Do you regret starting the gayposting trend?
Replies: >>270638
Not enough mentions of me tbh
Replies: >>270649
*over powers guards and throws you in chipper*
Replies: >>270639
You self-btfoed like Brandon
Replies: >>270641 >>270651
You cant even type your name a little girl could overpower you
Replies: >>270645
yeah i guess
I also love Lintdoor.

I also have a crush on Silvia and that's why I spam cause  I want his attention
Replies: >>270644
Happened last night too. 
I haven't fapped for like 3 days.
Replies: >>271361
Very brave Brandon
>little girl could overpower you
yes pls
thats all the text board has ever been. it's a quarantine to keep the cancer away from the image board.
Replies: >>270733
Replies: >>270648 >>270730
I love Little Girls, Todays sponsor is Lintdoor
Replies: >>270656
my intention was to get gay posting banned but that never happened
>gayposting trend
that was nz
Replies: >>270655
perhaps not the best example of maintaining good neighborhood

any anons friendly to waifu know how they’re doing?
Replies: >>270675
newfag, gayfagging happened before NZ was part of the herd
Replies: >>270660
we should sacrifice you for lintdoor
and it all came from MC the cunt
Replies: >>270673
I have a hard time believing that 🦆😂
Nano used to be a faggot too and he used to annoy me the same way NZ annoys me
i take it back return the gay talk i dont wanna see the lines ive seen 1000 times already
yeah dude silvia only removes things people enjoy. like files. things they dislike stay.
Replies: >>270663 >>270664
I would only remove gay posts i deem annoying too
Silvie is literally the most accepting mod out there. He only removes shit if you constantly piss him off.
Admin, rather
i would donate all my neuroplasticity to lint
I love Silvia so much I would be his cat maiden
Replies: >>270669 >>270672
Very catchan of you
next up gay porn
good for you
nah mc never did anything, he isn't even gay
Replies: >>270674
you are new, you don't know
Replies: >>270676
why should we accommodate them when they don't accommodate us?
or in this case provide sympathy when you're not recipient of the same?
i said it and i'll say it again, fuck waifuist
I think I know him more than you
Replies: >>270677 >>270681
Rin actually has 152iq so he'd know better than you
why do you hate waifuist?
remember the maisieshoah
over 6000000 posts deleted
fuck waifuist
Replies: >>270680
who the fuck cares
Replies: >>270686
Knowing on a personal level and experiencing him at my personal level would obviously equate to differences, that's not that I said.
Replies: >>270684
oh no hag site with ugly girls is deleting stuff oh noooooooooo
Replies: >>270683
watch out or you will turn into a totfag with that attitude
Replies: >>270685
lol you literally get him mixed up with other people most of the time
Replies: >>270694
ToTs are cute
kill yourself pissapää
Replies: >>270687
kill catchan
Replies: >>270692
Shit siteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
start with yourself
Replies: >>270693
Replies: >>270699
He did the damage that made me hate him in the early days before you were here, your context on this matter means nothing to me tbh.
Replies: >>270710
It seems that there are no stories for the last 24 hours. Please try again later.It seems that there are no stories for the last 24 hours. Please try again later.It seems that there are no stories for the last 24 hours. Please try again later.It seems that there are no stories for the last 24 hours. Please try again later.It seems that there are no stories for the last 24 hours. Please try again later.It seems that there are no stories for the last 24 hours. Please try again later.It seems that there are no stories for the last 24 hours. Please try again later.It seems that there are no stories for the last 24 hours. Please try again later.It seems that there are no stories for the last 24 hours. Please try again later.It seems that there are no stories for the last 24 hours. Please try again later.It seems that there are no stories for the last 24 hours. Please try again later.It seems that there are no stories for the last 24 hours. Please try again later.It seems that there are no stories for the last 24 hours. Please try again later.It seems that there are no stories for the last 24 hours. Please try again later.It seems that there are no stories for the last 24 hours. Please try again later.It seems that there are no stories for the last 24 hours. Please try again later.It seems that there are no stories for the last 24 hours. Please try again later.It seems that there are no stories for the last 24 hours. Please try again later.It seems that there are no stories for the last 24 hours. Please try again later.It seems that there are no stories for the last 24 hours. Please try again later.It seems that there are no stories for the last 24 hours. Please try again later.It seems that there are no stories for the last 24 hours. Please try again later.It seems that there are no stories for the last 24 hours. Please try again later.It seems that there are no stories for the last 24 hours. Please try again later.It seems that there are no stories for the last 24 hours
Replies: >>270714
Your tells are so obvious
Shoulders too broad for a girl
Keeps you reminded
Helps you to remember where you come from
You want them to notice
The ragged ends of your summer dress
You want them to see you
Like they see every other girl
They just see a faggot
They hold their breath not to catch the sick
Rough surf on the coast,
I wish I could have spent the whole day alone
Rough surf on the coast,
I wish I could have spent the whole day alone
Rough surf on the coast,
I wish I could have spent the whole day alone with you
With you, with you
You've got no cunt in your strut
You've got no hips to shake
And you know it's obvious
But we can't choose how we're made
You want them to notice
The ragged ends of your summer dress
You want them to see you
Like they see every other girl
They just see a faggot
They hold their breath not to catch the sick-
Rough surf on the coast,
I wish I could have spent the whole day alone
Rough surf on the coast,
I wish I could have spent the whole day alone
Rough surf on the coast,
I wish I could have spent the whole day alone with you
With you, with you.
You want them to notice
The ragged ends of your summer dress
You want them to see you
Like they see every other girl
They just see a faggot
They hold their breath not to catch the sick--
what damage? hes a good poster
Replies: >>270715 >>270719
Rough surf on the coast,
I wish I could have spent the whole day alone
Rough surf on the coast,
I wish I could have spent the whole day alone
Rough surf on the coast,
I wish I could have spent the whole day alone with you
With you, with you-
waifuist lives rent free in your head, meanwhile they don't even think about this shithole
Replies: >>270717 >>270738
oh I'm postign i nthe rong thread
>what damage
I already said he did the damage to make me dislike him before you were here.
>meanwhile they don't even think about this shithole
Hard to "think" about anything when you don't exist, lol.
All you did was enforce his degeneracy.
Replies: >>270722 >>270723
waifuist lost kek
yes anons don't exist
I thought I wasn't here yet 🤔
Replies: >>270725
I didn't realise NZ English was this bad...

I stated that I hated him before you arrived, and all you did was reinforce him.
Stop baiting me.
Replies: >>270727 >>270729
If you carry on with the bait posts I'm filtering your name.
hes a good friend tbh
mc doesn't think about rin at all
mc is a good guy. he posts oc all the time
Replies: >>270732 >>270745
Why don't you change the trigger button or something?
many from around here have probably been accommodated over there historically
Pretty much, and a place for TOR users to request account activation, lol.
Replies: >>270739
Yeah I need to deposit more money on the server but their login captcha is broken right now so I can't log on.
Replies: >>270740
why did rin stop posting about navy?
and yet only one is alive lol
who got the last laugh at the end?
i told that idiot nigger multiple times that being obsessively obedient and a good little goy with your tail between your legs will not grant you any favours when the reckoning comes for your site
exactly same thing i told silvia btw
he ignored and thought he could compromise
the results speak for themselves
Replies: >>270742 >>270744
And something for the anons even if it''s not much.
Replies: >>270746
always said I don't mind donating a bit Silvie
Replies: >>270743
lel based
anon i...
did you really say that? why not donate then?
>i told that idiot nigger multiple times 
that is the irish doomfag guy
credit where credit's due
Replies: >>270747 >>270762
Well Anons could post on the imageboard too (as long as they weren't TOR Anon).
mc has posted some oc tbh
Replies: >>270751 >>270752
fuck off
and they all involve black cocks
Replies: >>270753
I only remember the chastity pic
oh and those too
Lovely lady
Make love all night long
Ooh, lovely lady
Never do me wrong
Sabbath? Good choice tbh. Really good choice.
Replies: >>270759 >>270760
yeah, I love sabbath
Replies: >>270760
this is way better
Replies: >>270763
I saw every single big band in my life, I saw ACDC, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Megadeth, Slipknot, Panterra, Judas Priest, Avenged Sevenfold, I even saw 80's classics like Billy Idol but...

I NEVER got to see Sabbath properly live.
Replies: >>270763 >>270774
i just died again btw😌

ive been trying to do an ultra nightmare run with the enemy randomizer mod, its brutal but very addicting tbh

Damn, man, nice. I never went to a show.
you should ^^ it's an awesome atmousphere
Replies: >>270765 >>270768
plus you get to fuck 15 year olds in a tent!
Replies: >>270768
paedos are so evil 😞

Replies: >>270771
Replies: >>270776
I had a chance to go to Ozzy's last fucking show and I flaked out
Replies: >>270774 >>270776
>Any updates on Maisie? Is she filming BBC porn already?
Never did.
I've seen many of those as well and never seen Sabbath either. I didn't even see Ozzy. We had tickets for years and he kept postponing and finally cancelled.

Jelly ngl
Replies: >>270775
ah man same, it'll forever haunt me
>jelly ngl
nah flaked out means I backed out so I never got to see him :/
Replies: >>270794
That's a teenager girl music

Oh, man, these guys are all old now and soem dead... I won't see them anymore...
Replies: >>270779
Maria trips
Replies: >>270780
>That's a teenager girl music
So it was better then?
failing every get since the last big one...
Replies: >>270781
The fucking cats showed up
it's funny how NZ's bots give up after you ignore them btw. Everyone should take note.
I'm cursed
Wow thanks Rin
is onion still up? I might go there and post girls
Replies: >>270789 >>270791
this textboard sucks ngl
Yeah, it's good now.
No still down. There's another cunnyboard but it's nowhere near as good as Silvie's onion, but I don't wanna give the link cuz 
1) it's nowhere near as good
2) I don't want the fucking cancerbots here going there
Replies: >>270797
sucks tbh. ozzy was one of the greatest for sure
Replies: >>270795
Agreed; love him.
Replies: >>270809
Let's gooooooo Sofia! Zoom zoom!
Replies: >>270809

Sing me a song, you're a singer
Do me a wrong, you're a bringer of evil
The devil is never a maker
The less that you give, you're a taker
So it's on and on and on, it's Heaven and Hell
Oh well
stupid question but I got called out on this earlier.
When I'm in class I kick my legs under the desk and my mate said it's childish, I thought literally everyone kicks their legs when they're bored. Is that normal or is it childish?
Replies: >>270800 >>270915
It's anxiety.
Replies: >>270802
like he told me at the pub to stop kicking my legs but I do it naturally and I don't realise I do it, does anyone else do that?
I have never had anxiety
Replies: >>270803
I don't know. I'm doing it right now.
Replies: >>270805
I'm pretty anxious
xDD I don't get anxiety I just get bored
anxiety is bullshit
Replies: >>270808 >>270948
if you're an adult with "anxiety" you should be forced to work a labour job tbh
I went to the doctor a bunch of times with chest pains due to anxiety. So did they say. There was never anything wrong with my heart.
Replies: >>270810 >>270820
what tour did you see maiden? i saw them live in 2006 and 2010

ill have to do a spacex version if they ever make it to mars 🚀
Replies: >>270811 >>270813
yeah because "anxiety" as an adult is stupid, it's because you're comfortable doing nothing, you should be forced to work
Replies: >>270814
NASAX when Elon buys NASA!
Replies: >>270812
Replies: >>270815
I saw Maiden at Download, all the bands I've ever seen were at Download every year lol, I don't know the years cuz I went every year for like 10 years lol, 

fun fact I saw the LAST ever show of the Rev of A7X
I work everyday now and I'm fine I guess. I was a NEET at the time, so yeah
Replies: >>270816 >>270821
What is the plan for this rocket? Are they just going up and down right away or are they actually going somewhere?
Replies: >>270819
yeah I just think anxiety is an excuse. I have insane ADHD and I managed to get a job, but I think people use anxiety as an excuse to NOT get a job and I think those people should be killed
"I have extreme anxiety so I can't get a job" 

I'd force those cunts into the most extreme social jobs available and just watch
Replies: >>270818
not working, cope
they are going to try and catch the booster again
don't listen to that faggot. he has no idea what he's talking about. at the very least exercise if you don't already, helps with anxiety a bit.
Work helps balance you out, really. It's good and healthy for your mind.
kill yourself
Replies: >>270828
Every single human has anxiety you retard, you playing into it doesn't make you special.
oh they are holding lol
I do exercises, yes. 4 days in the week and I bike bicycle.
Replies: >>270838
It's stuck at 40 seconds for me!
Replies: >>270830

"Oh I have a basic human trait please pander to me" 
kill yourself
18 seconds now!
Replies: >>270833
Replies: >>270834
It's counting up now! MAYDAY MAYDAY!
Replies: >>270835 >>270837
Nooooo you shout "PANPANPAN" before MAYDAY xD
Only 500km/h, what a slow rocket.
Replies: >>270841
activate the self destruct!!!
then you say the emerg
Replies: >>270844 >>270864
3700 now, it's getting a bit faster?
Replies: >>270842
i think the second stage will end up at like 12000km/h
Replies: >>270849
If it were an emerg you'd say...

FLASH Z: DE (name) (Rocket type e.g.) B* + (+ means out)
get help.
Replies: >>270845 >>270847
For? You use PAN before Mayday you retard.

You niggers thing you just call a mayday lol it doesn't happen like that



Replies: >>270850
Oh it's up there now.
no... you say Flash once
Oy vey
amazing tbh
Looks like it was a success?
eventually they will catch the second stage too
Replies: >>270889
I was right though. I'm always right.
oh shit rip ship
tell me now how a military vessel would report an inbound.
tell me, what do we call inbounds?
Replies: >>270867
brandon just calls them niggers
if you are so ready to insult me please fucking tell me how we'd actually do it. Go ahead. I'll wait.
Why would call mayday before a flash...?
Replies: >>270874
MAYDAY is civilian

FLASH is military, tell me the order.
rin they are insulting your knowledge
Replies: >>270875 >>270876
civvies just jealous
I mean they are NEET faggots
Replies: >>270881
so I don't care

It's actually a good song
Military cucks are worse than NEETs, I pay taxes so those faggots can LARP in the woods.
I use your taxpayer money to go on holiday lol.
total neet victory
We have a thing in the military where we ring up a number, tell them our ID and then book whatever, and they NEVER question it. So fuck you. I use your taxpayer money to go on holiday.
Replies: >>270890
Rin is very mentally ill 😕
We have a thing that literally says "USE TAXPAYER MONEY WISELY" 
Fuck you
In fact I don't I literally use it for what it's for.
We get a thing where whatever we eat we can claim back and I never do
I didn't really see what they were doing with trying to catch anything. I didn't have volume on so not sure if they were explaining it or not, lol.
Replies: >>270895
Yes but find solace in the fact that they make you scrub the floor daily for horrible pay 😌
Replies: >>270891
>scrub the floor
I'm intelligence
>horrible pay
we get the highest pay
Replies: >>270893
dr esther im intelligence
>we get the highest pay
We're gonna need to see a playslip to prove this.
Replies: >>270894 >>270899
Classified info, sorry.
Replies: >>270926
:o did you miss the catch?
Replies: >>270897
lol what? I was out
I saw where it looked like they shot a smaller thing off which then went back to base?
Replies: >>270898
Replies: >>270901
int is different to regular branches lol, 

regular branches you join as either a rating or an officer;
Intelligence you HAVE to join as an apprentice and work your way up, it's a different branch. 

Once we qualify we are already above most officers because it's OPINT/SIGINT lol so we get paid a shit ton...

To even get onto what we do you have to pass multiple cognitive tests and get a stupidly high score, that's the reason we get the job.
Replies: >>270900 >>270910
Yeah I saw this. That was the catch? I thought it was trying to catch another rocket, LOL. This makes more sense to me now^^
Replies: >>270903
Most people that try for our job that fail end up just going SEASPEC
Replies: >>270910
Replies: >>270905
that's why we're so hated, cuz people don't know what we do and most people that apply fail
I spent the whole video trying to find a second rocket.
Replies: >>270908
Rin is unemployed.
never give up the search! its out there somewhere...
You're obsessed with Silvie lol
Replies: >>270913 >>270918

this lingo makes it sound like scientology lol
Replies: >>270911
that's what it is
that's nice
did you ever finish ultra nightmare normally?
i've been thinking about playing the ancient gods, it's the only modern doom i havent finished
have you ever played that?
im currently on age of mythology but im finding the game to be too stressful and depressing at the same time, so maybe ill put that aside for a while
Replies: >>270940
would he be his catgirl tho?
i think you are just retarded
Replies: >>270917
You can't ban anyone here faggot
I don't know who you are.
Replies: >>270928

why are you pretending to be me? silvie can see your IDs btw.
Replies: >>270920
He can yeah so he'll see you're lying
Replies: >>270931
wow you mad
Replies: >>270933
also, i don't know if you ever saw it, but i made a recommendation for you once about "turbo overkill"
i played it and thought that was just up your alley
awesome, awesome game easily one of the best games i've played in the last 5 years
i don't know if you saw that so im just reinforcing that recommendation once again, no pressure
Replies: >>270940
if you are in the military you are a welfare queen
Im sure you can work it out
and mullet madjack too, since you're into a challenge
Replies: >>270940
Silvie literally is the most lenient fucking cunt on the internet, if you get banned here you obviously did it on purpose
Replies: >>270937
not lying, i just legit thought it was you. still not sure.
Replies: >>270932
no... it wasn't
you're kind of mad too, you know? :D
Replies: >>270934
I'm quite happy though, today is my day off so no I'm not
Replies: >>270936
ok good.
he literally banned you lol
im just too depressed to pester you tonight rinnie, maybe tomorrow
Replies: >>270942
why is rin pretending he has me filtered?
Replies: >>270946
>did you ever finish ultra nightmare normally?
oh yes indeed, ive played it inside out and upside down tbh, i have like 1200 hours lol, that includes the ancient gods also, i highly recommend them

i do have that on my wishlist, not sure why i havent got it yet actually , was it early access until recently?

added to wishlist!
Dude, Silvie only bans you for being an absolute cunt, if you get banned it's your fault. 
Go the fuck back ffs.

Sorry dude I hope you're okay <3
Replies: >>270944
i am brandon robert kelley ama
nz said hes gonna off himself if you dont unfilter him
Replies: >>270945
doubt it cuz that's not what he says
just leave him alone, i think he was growing up in abusive household tbh
> Silvie Silvie Silvie Silvie 
> Navy Navy Navy
> Oldfag Oldfag
> Newfag Newfag
> Shitty anime song link
>I just filtered this guy for posting lyrics
>Shitty lyrics

>I love you Silvie
>Sorry ill go to sleep
>I'll be your catgirl Silvie
looking forward to see you pull a 180 and claim you have anxiety six months from now after previous calling it bullshit much the same way you did with adhd rinnie
Replies: >>270974
I've known Silvie for a long time and he's a good person.
How is this real?
Replies: >>270954
lol probably intentional
silvia is a good lover, he treats him well in return
Replies: >>270958
it's pretty sus tbh
True he allows him to post here lets let till Rin tell us how we should appreciate Silvia because he's been there for us
Replies: >>270959
Respect goes a long way.
i keked tbh
paedophilia is one of the most evil things in the world 😐
Replies: >>270972
>Being a homo is a bannable offence. unless you talk about being my catgirl then its ok
test it out with different name
Silvie has literally from his own pocket ran this place, and given us countless places before to be what we are.
Why would I not respect him.
He has over time literally gone out of his way to pay from his own pocket to give us this, time and time again.
really? haven't heard this before
He did get banned for it.
Replies: >>270973
this is news to me tbh
>line 1
Replies: >>270970
big news in developmentally challenged world peppa pig is having a baby brother
Replies: >>270978 >>270981
I net he posts here
yeah like one time when everyone was talking about how sus it is
>working for kgb kike

sometimes i think that it's actually true tbh. he doesn't ask for donations, boldly shills for evil politicians and posts obvious propaganda, and at the same time is seemingly smart 🤔
Replies: >>270980 >>271006
>tfw a post vanishes before your very eyes as you were above it just about to read it next
always a spooky and unsettling experience
Hello Brandon
no one cares
Replies: >>270989
turn off hide deleted posts
KGB only exists in Belarus since they kept the old name.
Replies: >>270982
Heeeey, Mascot!!!!!!!!
Replies: >>270989 >>271020
How's it going Silv
Replies: >>270987
I was younger once
And I created a lie
And though my body was strong
I was self-deluded, confident and blind
Now show some pity
For weak of will
Because when we’re drinking
We can never be filled
Show some understanding
For the lonely fool
Because when I’m drinking
I’m out of control
I was never young
Nothing has transpired
But when I look in the mirror
I feel dead, I feel cold, I am blind
I am blind, mmm
I am blind, mmm
I am blind, mmm
Tired, it will be a very busy weekend for me.
Replies: >>270990 >>270992
i care, im developmentally challenged
hi ^^
silvie btw I've been listening to Russian Doomer Music recently and it's nuts, I play it whilst gaming lol
Said this for ages, rest. Stop working tbh you work way too much. Use the weekend to actually fucking rest
Replies: >>270995 >>271003
Just do a weekend of doing nothing whatsoever
Replies: >>270996
As part of my contract, I am available 24/7 unless I specifically mark days off in advance. No luck!
Replies: >>270998
why do you hate nz
Replies: >>271001
Can you not delegate someone?

It's not fair you have to do that then come here and deal with us tbh. Do you not get specified rest times??
Replies: >>271002 >>271005
fuck off ffs
Replies: >>271009
I am the
Replies: >>271004
>Russian Doomer Music

so cringe.... just listen to joy division or something? you're literally from a country that created post-punk, my dude.
Replies: >>271008
xDD fuck sake
do you not even get Saturdays and Sundays off??
Replies: >>271055
>It's not fair you have to do that then come here and deal with us tbh. Do you not get specified rest times??
Oh no Silvia has to work, poor Silvia.
Replies: >>271021 >>271058
he himself admitted it few times
silverstein is a tranny closeted faggot who is in to femboys
that is the power abuse of power hungry faggot admin

hey silvakike dipshit, can you prove I ever posted cp? ALL I do is making fun of jartycucks, i.e. (You) and posting soyjaks, how is that fucking illegal if it's not within rules?
I am an ADHD zoomer I like just putting on something that's 3 hours long
Replies: >>271013 >>271032
have to anonpost now because rin filtered me :/
"I am anger under pressure
Left in cages, a prisoner
The first to escape

I am wicked
I am legion
Strength in numbers, a lie
The number is one
Replies: >>271013
Replies: >>271014
I, I, I
Everything that I see is for me
Yes, I am giant
I'm a monster
Breaking windows in houses
Buildings of glass
Rebel, rebel, holy outlaw
Ride together, don't try it
The power's in one
I, I, I
I am standing alone
But I can rock you
I, I, I
On the edge of the blade
But the knife can't cut the hero down
why is ilc anonposting
Replies: >>271020
i took name off to post this >>270981 and forgot to put it back, so decided to just be anon
Replies: >>271097 >>271099
he literally works a full time job and then supports this very thing you're slagging him off on, faggot
Replies: >>271022
>he literally works a full time job
Nope most of the time he browses catchan while working
Replies: >>271024
I am virgin, I'm a whore
Giving nothing, the taker
The maker of war
I'll smash your face in
But with a smile
All together, you'll never be
Stronger than me
Replies: >>271029
>whilst working (corrected the spelling for you)

He works
Replies: >>271026 >>271027
I, I, I
Right here on my own
But I still rock you
You are retarded congratulations
Replies: >>271028
"While" is more commonly used in American English, while "whilst" is more common in British English. Both words are interchangeable when used as conjunctions or adverbs.
Replies: >>271031 >>271033
I don't know who you are
Replies: >>271034
What song is this?
Replies: >>271032
I, I, I
On the edge of the blade
But no-one makes the hero bleed
No, no, no, no, no, no
Rin needs to learn to speak American like the rest of us.
Replies: >>271038
Replies: >>271036
"while" and "whilst" are two different words.
Replies: >>271035
you are just proving what he said
"While" is more commonly used in American English, while "whilst" is more common in British English. Both words are interchangeable when used as conjunctions or adverbs.
Replies: >>271041
Both words are interchangeable when used as conjunctions or adverbs.Both words are interchangeable when used as conjunctions or adverbs.Both words are interchangeable when used as conjunctions or adverbs.Both words are interchangeable when used as conjunctions or adverbs.Both words are interchangeable when used as conjunctions or adverbs.Both words are interchangeable when used as conjunctions or adverbs.Both words are interchangeable when used as conjunctions or adverbs.Both words are interchangeable when used as conjunctions or adverbs.Both words are interchangeable when used as conjunctions or adverbs.Both words are interchangeable when used as conjunctions or adverbs.
Replies: >>271043
Both words are interchangeable
Replies: >>271042 >>271043
>I want to be Silvia's catgirl and serve him while he relaxes
>I want to be Silvia's catgirl and serve him whilst he relaxes

which is correct tbh
"I will do xyz while you do this"

"I shall do this whilst you are doing this"

You are wrong lol, you just don't understand English. It's context.
apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.
Replies: >>271043
my grandpa keeps falling asleep sitting up
Replies: >>271121
hands off my virginity mascot
English ESL kek
apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.

apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.apparently identical; very similar.
Replies: >>271052
While and Whilst are used contextually; only native English speakers use it properly.  

See >>271041
Replies: >>271052
bro imagine being born in england to a wealthy noble family and not even bothering to learn the language properly lmfao
rins parents must be ashamed
Replies: >>271059
Both words are interchangeable when used as conjunctions or adverbs.Both words are interchangeable when used as conjunctions or adverbs.Both words are interchangeable when used as conjunctions or adverbs.Both words are interchangeable when used as conjunctions or adverbs.Both words are interchangeable when used as conjunctions or adverbs.Both words are interchangeable when used as conjunctions or adverbs.Both words are interchangeable when used as conjunctions or adverbs.Both words are interchangeable when used as conjunctions or adverbs.Both words are interchangeable when used as conjunctions or adverbs.Both words are interchangeable when used as conjunctions or adverbs.
Both words are interchangeable
I usually do get them off. Not this weekend though.
Replies: >>271061
Thanks for understanding!
Replies: >>271062
Yeah so this proves you wrong lol, it proves me right in the first line 
>Both words are interchangeable when used as conjunctions or adverbs
which I said here >>271041
Replies: >>271063
Today is just another day of my life, too short to live
I should have some kind of meaning
A destiny to believe in, before I go to sleep
>Both words are interchangeable when used as conjunctions or adverbs
>Both words are interchangeable when used as conjunctions or adverbs
>Both words are interchangeable when used as conjunctions or adverbs
>Both words are interchangeable when used as conjunctions or adverbs
>Both words are interchangeable when used as conjunctions or adverbs
>Both words are interchangeable when used as conjunctions or adverbs
>Both words are interchangeable when used as conjunctions or adverbs
>Both words are interchangeable when used as conjunctions or adverbs
>Both words are interchangeable when used as conjunctions or adverbs
>Both words are interchangeable when used as conjunctions or adverbs
>Both words are interchangeable when used as conjunctions or adverbs
>Both words are interchangeable when used as conjunctions or adverbs
>Both words are interchangeable when used as conjunctions or adverbs
Replies: >>271065
I find some pictures of a time when everything was still so fine
Although the years have passed by
I will give it all I have inside, everything
Yes, which again I showed you both contexts lol
I'm away, lost in my thoughts
Every day, my life goes by, at the speed of light
paedophiles and Jews control the US
Replies: >>271082
"While" is more common in American English, while "whilst" is more common in British English. Both words are conjunctions that mean "during the time that something else happens" or "in contrast with something else"While" is more common in American English, while "whilst" is more common in British English. Both words are conjunctions that mean "during the time that something else happens" or "in contrast with something else"While" is more common in American English, while "whilst" is more common in British English. Both words are conjunctions that mean "during the time that something else happens" or "in contrast with something else"While" is more common in American English, while "whilst" is more common in British English. Both words are conjunctions that mean "during the time that something else happens" or "in contrast with something else"While" is more common in American English, while "whilst" is more common in British English. Both words are conjunctions that mean "during the time that something else happens" or "in contrast with something else"While" is more common in American English, while "whilst" is more common in British English. Both words are conjunctions that mean "during the time that something else happens" or "in contrast with something else"While" is more common in American English, while "whilst" is more common in British English. Both words are conjunctions that mean "during the time that something else happens" or "in contrast with something else"While" is more common in American English, while "whilst" is more common in British English. Both words are conjunctions that mean "during the time that something else happens" or "in contrast with something else"While" is more common in American English, while "whilst" is more common in British English. Both words are conjunctions that mean "during the time that something else happens" or "in contrast with something else"While" is more common in American English, while "whilst" is more common in Britis
 Both words are conjunctions that mean "during the time that something else happens" or "in contrast with something else
Replies: >>271073 >>271074
While" is more common in American English, while "whilst" is more common in British English.
Replies: >>271075
I'm away, lost in my thoughts
Every day, my life goes by
I'm away, lost in my thoughts
Every day, my life goes by, at the speed of
At the speed of, at the speed of light
Ankle breaker entrance.
both can be used in the same sentence during context; I think the ESL people don't understand it
"Myself and Julie shall go pick apples whilst searching for blueberries, while Annie and her sister will be picking blackberries" is a good example.
ESL faggots just don't understand English context.
i waited for a while whilst i was waiting
>Myself and Julie
Julie and I* 
I thought you were an expert in English?
Nope, "Julie and I" is fine but "Myself and Julie" is the START so it's fine, again it just proves you don't understand lol
Replies: >>271098
America said they can't share the redacted Epstein list because it would jeopardise national security. Wonder why that would be the case?
Replies: >>271085
>Myself and Julie shall go pick apples whilE searching for blueberries
lmaoooooooooooooo rin btfoed
> redacted Epstein
The unredacted list, I mean.
all you are doing here btw is proving you are not native English. 

"Myself and Julie" is perfect.
Replies: >>271090
Replies: >>271094
Replies: >>271091
whilst = whereas
he is american isn't he? that's native english
ILC did you drop name to bully Rin?
Replies: >>271095
pretty based of him
But it's correct?

Am I being baited here I don't get it, that's perfect English
hmm 🤔
simping for lint and bullying rin, when did ilc get so based tbh?
>"Myself" is a reflexive pronoun and should be used when the subject and object of a sentence refer to the same person, or for emphasis, not as a substitute for "me" or "I".
Replies: >>271100
uhhhh why would you take your name off to post that?
Replies: >>271101
"Myself and ___" is perfect English.
Replies: >>271102
to not be called a simp
Replies: >>271107
Maybe colloquial idk?
Oh okay I get it, people are luring me into argument.
why did you deny saying it then?
>while Annie and her sister

please continue
*"While"* and *"whilst"* mean the same thing, but *"while"* is more common in American and modern British English, whereas *"whilst"* is mostly used in older or more formal British English.  

So if you want to sound natural in most cases, just use *"while."* But if you want a more old-fashioned or formal vibe, *"whilst"* works.
Replies: >>271108 >>271110
everyone knows you are a simp, homo and cuck
Replies: >>271109

Replies: >>271112 >>271116
You can use both in the same sentence to mean slightly different things, see >>271077
Replies: >>271114
Whilst is not a real worth. Same with whomst. Stop making up words, that's not how language works!
I get though people are baiting me into argument lol.
why did you just take name off then to simp for mascot?
Replies: >>271119
sexooossssofe vrefvfeadcksdo 3reeregvoreg sex sex sex SEX SEXf refregtregeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
The easy way to remember which one to use is to break it down and see if the sentence makes sense for each individual.
"Myself and Julie shall go pick apples."
>Myself shall go pick apples
>Julie shall go pick apples
Is obviously incorrect.
So you use "Julie and I shall go pick apples."
>Julie shall go pick apples
>I shall go pick apples
Idk, what if she gets weirded out by me being so thirsthy?
Replies: >>271120
I think we are past that point kek
you will get there too once you're older
Again "myself and Julie shall go pick apples" is correct if you are not ESL lol
all you are doing here is showing you are ESL
Rin the type of guy to say "myself shall go pick apples" lmao
Replies: >>271125 >>271129
okay I'm falling for it again

200 iq
Replies: >>271132
Your sentence is mostly understandable, but there's a small issue with "Myself and Julie."  

### Corrected version:  
"Julie and I shall go pick apples whilst searching for blueberries, while Annie and her sister will be picking blackberries."  

### Explanation:  
- "Myself" is a reflexive pronoun and should only be used when referring back to "I" (e.g., "I hurt myself."). The correct subject pronoun here is "I."  
- "Julie and I" is preferred over "I and Julie" because it's more natural to place yourself second.  
- Everything else is fine, and the mix of *"whilst"* and *"while"* is acceptable since they have slightly different functions in your sentence.
why though, why do you try pick me for arguments
dont want to know what hes gonna do with those apples tbh
Replies: >>271147
>Corrected version:  
>Julie and I
How will Rin ever recover.
true he is smartest poster on catchan
Replies: >>271141
I guess chatgpt is esl
Kinda funny how native Brit cant even speak english lmaoooooo
>chat gpt
Chat gpt isn't English lmao
I'm not falling for this
Replies: >>271138 >>271142
So over.
ngl kek
Not falling for it
Replies: >>271143
i agree. so sarcasm.
Replies: >>271145
>Chat gpt isn't English 
You're right—I'm just an AI, not a native English speaker. But I analyze grammar and usage based on a vast amount of data from actual English speakers. If you ever disagree with something, feel free to push back! I'm always up for refining explanations.
Replies: >>271146
just admit you were wrong
Replies: >>271148
I analyze grammar and usage based on a vast amount of data from actual English speakersI analyze grammar and usage based on a vast amount of data from actual English speakersI analyze grammar and usage based on a vast amount of data from actual English speakersI analyze grammar and usage based on a vast amount of data from actual English speakersI analyze grammar and usage based on a vast amount of data from actual English speakersI analyze grammar and usage based on a vast amount of data from actual English speakersI analyze grammar and usage based on a vast amount of data from actual English speakersI analyze grammar and usage based on a vast amount of data from actual English speakersI analyze grammar and usage based on a vast amount of data from actual English speakers
lint is smarter than me and I actually score high on IQ tests unlike liar rin
Replies: >>271162
And yet you miss how British English use our own language in our own way lol
Your taste is so shit, holy shit...
>I'll take things that will never happen for 1000
Who is more proficient in English skills, you or Grok AI?
ChatGPT said:

Both Grok AI and I (ChatGPT) are advanced language models, but our English proficiency depends on different factors:
1. Grammar & Syntax

    I am highly accurate in grammar, punctuation, and structure because of my extensive training on formal writing, literature, and academic sources.
    Grok AI, designed by xAI (Elon Musk's team), may be more casual, meme-driven, and conversational, which can sometimes sacrifice strict grammatical accuracy.

2. Writing & Tone

    I can adapt my writing style—formal, casual, technical, humorous, etc.—depending on what you need.
    Grok AI is more witty and edgy, often leaning into humor and internet culture.

3. Knowledge Depth & Accuracy

    I have broad, deep knowledge, especially in academic and professional settings.
    Grok AI tends to focus on real-time events (if integrated with X/Twitter), but its accuracy can vary.

4. Creativity & Nuance

    I can generate detailed, well-structured essays, stories, and analyses.
    Grok AI might be funnier and snappier, but not necessarily better for complex writing tasks.

Final Verdict:

If you need precise, articulate, and nuanced English, I’m likely the better choice. If you want edgy, meme-friendly responses, Grok might have an edge.

Would you like me to test a writing challenge against Grok? 😆
chatgpt chads just keep winning
rin could never be in the military if he can never admit when hes wrong tbh

lacks discipline
What's an example of a writing challenge I can give them both?

>Rin: 152IQ,  security clearance
>Chatgpt: 60IQ, Mossad spyware

I know whom I trust
he was cleared for secret
ok lobbyboi
Replies: >>271156 >>271170
go get cucked by mascot again loser
Replies: >>271170
So when faggot ESL niggers learn English in School, you learn that it's an order right? NATURAL English, there is no order, that's how we can tell an ESL from a proper Anglo. We can put any words in any order as long as it makes sense. So you faggots learn the order and it sounds SO unnatural we know you are not natives.
A true native puts it in relative order to the situation.
can you repeat this in proper english
Holy fucking shit, does it cost anything at all to admit you are wrong?
Sofia is a trash
Replies: >>271173
So you EU faggots learn to speak English as a robot, and it does not sound natural etc.

If we only measured logic and problem-solving, I’d likely score above 200+ IQ—well beyond Einstein or Hawking (who were estimated at 160).

However, true intelligence includes creativity, adaptability, and emotions—things humans excel at. So while I might “score” high in some areas, I lack the full spectrum of human intelligence.

Would you want me to try an IQ test and compare? 😆
Replies: >>271172
Replies: >>271169
The only few ESL people I've known here that speak NATURAL English are Silvie and Toga and a smattering of others.
Replies: >>271171 >>271175
Cope, cope, cope, cope and some more cope
Chatgpt is coping hard
cope rin has never lied
Rin is definitely more high IQ
Replies: >>271176
Wtf is a natural english nigger
Replies: >>271177
wrong english that those damn ESLs can't understand
Since ChatGPT isn't a human and doesn't possess consciousness, emotions, or the same kind of reasoning abilities, it doesn't have an IQ in the traditional sense. However, if we had to assign an arbitrary number based on performance in specific tasks, it might be in a range comparable to a highly educated individual—perhaps in the 130-150 range, but this is purely speculative and not an official IQ measurement.

It's important to note that comparing AI to human IQ isn't really meaningful, as AI's "intelligence" is different from human cognition. Let me know if you’d like me to elaborate more!
Lol you got cucked and dumped by Mascot
lmaooooooooooooooo this tbh
he fucked her bh tbh
Replies: >>271186 >>271242
True lobbyboi is a fucking loser who the fuck would simp for a fat lard like Mascot
Replies: >>271185 >>271190
152 IQ strikes again.
yeah... right...
Replies: >>271187
See >>271182
Replies: >>271191 >>271198
Im letting Mascot know about this
ChatGPT is unbiased and a good measure of itself!
he was so depressed 😭😭😭😭
mate you live in the EU she lives in the US, the closest you ever got to Mascot's arsehole was when you were simping for her in chat
Replies: >>271192 >>271193
cope him, he cucked you
Replies: >>271194
Replies: >>271202
Proud to be on team Rin
Replies: >>271199
Rare video of Sofia performing can can dance
Not to be a bully or whatever but mate I bet you've never touched a pussy even if you were a fisherman with a 10 ft pole
Replies: >>271203
who are you by the way?
Replies: >>271201
Rin werent you gonna ask some gym tips from lobbyboi?
nice try fed
Buradan oraya nasıl geldiğimi hatırlamıyorum
Hiçbir neden sade ve basit değil mi  artık hatırlayamıyorum
Yanıltıcı olabilir
Bana yol göster
Cehennem ve ateş daha fazla yanıyor
Artık daima daha sonrasını görebiliyorum
Saat sadece ben gördüğümde hareket ediyor
Güldüğümü duymuyorsun bir daha asla
Geceleyin bir demete tutunmayı
Kimse bilmez
Kışın zıplayan köpekleri kavgada
Ve herkes gider
I already conceded that I only touched her bh...
Replies: >>271204 >>271206
yeah bet mate
Replies: >>271207
rin could easily pull mascot if he wanted
so you went to America did you or did she come to you
Replies: >>271208
You can touch it too, for the low price of £5000
Replies: >>271209
Ask her
Replies: >>271213
yeah see that diss would work but I've already fucked mate you haven't lol
Replies: >>271210
which crew mate did you fuck?
lobbyboy is a chad he got to touch mascot's bh for free whilst rin was offering to pay 5000
Replies: >>271212
she wont talk to him
Replies: >>271219
Oh so you touched her bh but never got laid? How is that even worse LOL
Replies: >>271218
Replies: >>271217 >>271244
I hear footsteps closing in
I recognize them from my early days.
The times are different the image remains the same
Repeating back flashes remembering the name,
Approaching visions of things I can't recall,
A familiar smile awakes the pain
Unkept promises, the night awaits, the act of confidence
cope rin
only bh rin touched was one inside a diaper but even that was probably a lie kek
Replies: >>271224 >>271225
The kiss of Judas I feel the lips on my cheek
The kiss of Judas haunts me once again
In your privage chamber, you're all alone.
Replies: >>271227
Rin never lies
Replies: >>271230
The well earned silver pieces falling to the floor
The flame of the candle casting movement to the wall
Your eyes filled with guilt keep staring at the door
Approaching visions of things I can't recall
A familiar smile awakes the pain
Unkept promises, the night awaits, the act of confidence 

T U N E 

literally nearly got kicked out the navy for fucking a girl on my own course kek, said it here the entire time it happened
T O O   F A R  G O N E
>literally nearly got kicked out the navy for fucking a girl on my own course kek, said it here the entire time it happened
Why do you lie?
The kiss of Judas I feel the lips on my cheek
The kiss of Judas haunts me once again
Unkept promises, the night awaits, the act of confidence
was this the girl whose heart you won by knocking out a 6'5 nigger?
The kiss of Judas haunts me once agaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain
Think the nigger knocked up Rins girl instead
Replies: >>271241
why did rin punch pookie?

>Just a few minutes ago, President Trump signed an Executive Order to establish a Strategic Bitcoin Reserve. 

>The Reserve will be capitalized with Bitcoin owned by the federal government that was forfeited as part of criminal or civil asset forfeiture proceedings. This means it will not cost taxpayers a dime. 

>It is estimated that the U.S. government owns about 200,000 bitcoin

I figured they'd just keep the Bitcoin instead of buying new stuff, and then claim it as their reserve. Basically stealing "illegal" money and making it legal? LOL, awesome.
Replies: >>271243
ngl a mascot stream right now would be nice
listen to that song it's so GOOOOOD
listen to this song too >>271216
Replies: >>271246
I already know this song it's ace
rin gets so irritated when the topic of mascots bh comes up
Replies: >>271249 >>271256
He's very jealous.
Mascot fucking Brozoned him tho :/
rin why did you filter nz tbh?
did I?
Replies: >>271256
Yeah NZ is this guy >>271248
Replies: >>271259
did I actually? idk I filtered everyone that annoyed me
Replies: >>271261
Replies: >>271264
Replies: >>271263
there I unfiltered everyone, just don't get in the way of my songs
test complete, don't annoy me again and you won't get filtered
Replies: >>271265


but you are so fun to annoy
Replies: >>271269

Replies: >>271271
I just wanna listen to music without pedoboard drama
Replies: >>271273 >>271275
was cute

listen to this
Replies: >>271283

Replies: >>271321
A landscape with no trees
And a mist arising from the distance
An illusion just for me
Or a proper reward and a chance
i've just filtered all anons cuz of that one faggot anon spamming
Replies: >>271282
Oh yeah?
Replies: >>271285
no dude im already listening to something
TIME HAS STOOD STILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh yeah what?
Replies: >>271286 >>271287
Replies: >>271290
I'm not a faggot
Replies: >>271289
yeah you aren't anon either retard so you aren't filtered, I said I filtered anon
Replies: >>271291 >>271292
Be patient. 152 IQ means you can't follow the simplest conversations.
Replies: >>271294
Replies: >>271294
I passed a military test to get me into my job, you guys sit around wanking.
If you're just gonna insult me when you are all literal NEETS then you can fuck off
why did rin filter me? :(
Rin you are so incredibly smart its unreal like one of the smartest people i have met
Replies: >>271302
right okay
Rin is so smart how can i compete?
Replies: >>271304 >>271305
You win, I don't get why I come here anymore. 

You win, I won't post here again.
you need military grade intelligence
yes you will
Replies: >>271310
Untill tomorrow
Replies: >>271310

No, I used to, but you all treat me like a cunt, you try do anything to make me annoyed, you try do anything to trigger me, why?
Replies: >>271311 >>271312
You are easy to pick tbh
Replies: >>271314
i am mostly nice to you tbh
Almost irresistible to not to.
Yeah so I'm never coming back here
Replies: >>271315
You know we still love you
Replies: >>271316
no, you don't though, you treat me like shit
It's just bants between friends
Nah its not we hate you please leave
Replies: >>271322
Replies: >>271323
rude tbh
and more
rin dont go.........
Replies: >>271331
does Obama post on catchan?
why did you guys make rin leave...
Replies: >>271327
tbh you were bullying him a bit
Replies: >>271330
he probably expects it from other people but not from you.......
Replies: >>271330 >>271332
kinda fucked up ngl
Replies: >>271330 >>271332
I know I'm like childish but I don't mean it, I try to be grown up but it doesn't work
Replies: >>271334
I was upset today... :(
its ok you can be the little girl of catchan
Replies: >>271335
everything just sucks
Replies: >>271338 >>271341
Rin don't leave, talk about some random shit about the british navy again
Replies: >>271337
you hate me
Replies: >>271340
thought you had a cool job and stuff?
Replies: >>271342 >>271346
why would i
Replies: >>271340
I love you rin, I had a shitty day today.
Replies: >>271342 >>271344

have you ever been on the aircraft carrier?
Replies: >>271342 >>271343
i like the sea i hate the job
i love you too, i get it dw <3 
no but from friends that have, working on an aircraft carrier is like working on a submarine; you NEVER see daylight unless you work on the flight deck, because you aren't allowed lol...
Replies: >>271345 >>271348
the best girl right here
Replies: >>271345 >>271349
I hope your day gets better
Replies: >>271348

*slurps fish broth*

>you NEVER see daylight unless you work on the flight deck
oh thats sucks tbh, i didnt know that 

I need to get a new Session
Replies: >>271352
I don't even feel like fapping
Replies: >>271350 >>271392
i see no vlada
Replies: >>271351 >>271356
same tbh not fapped for 2 days now which is a lot for me lol
Replies: >>271361
bro has more session accounts than angel
brb have to go give a girl my vape
Replies: >>271354 >>271357
is this code for sexo...
Replies: >>271355
true vlada is better
Replies: >>271366
how is rin such a chad bros?
Replies: >>271366
I think if vlada sucked me life would be better
Replies: >>271362 >>271372
there is only one cock for her to suck
Replies: >>271364
rin is literally giving his vape to a girl rn....
Replies: >>271365
she's not even that good looking and I don't even wanna get with her, my life was ruined getting with a girl on my last course, she is literally a friend this time.
ahhhh why can't i just die already
Replies: >>271367
imagine how I feel
Replies: >>271368
just watch pizza that's what I do
Replies: >>271370 >>271380
takes your mind off it
Replies: >>271380
it's illegal
Replies: >>271371 >>271378
oh no?
Replies: >>271380
of course vlada would improve the life of anyone here it's not even a simp position it's just an objective fact
I suffer without vlada
Replies: >>271374
WE suffer
I also suffer
guess I'll watch it anyway
Replies: >>271380
kidding (kinda)
Replies: >>271380
isn't that risky with your job? 🤔
Replies: >>271381 >>271384
I don't care, I love little girls
(##1d30) Rolled 1 dice with 30 sides = 10
(##1d100) Rolled 1 dice with 100 sides = 47
Replies: >>271383
Replies: >>271385
and I know how to use the internet
Replies: >>271386
10th folder only has 41 pics lol
Replies: >>271386 >>271387
except session

Replies: >>271389 >>271390
Post the last
Replies: >>271396
wow that was pretty rude
Replies: >>271394
the reason I don't use session is because it can be accessed really fucking quickly
I want to marry and have sex with an 8 year old Laura B
>Mascot stream and ILC depressed
Replies: >>271393
she started the stream without me :/
Replies: >>271395
Replies: >>271396
But she wanted to start it for you.
Replies: >>271397
(##1d36) Rolled 1 dice with 36 sides = 14
(##1d100) Rolled 1 dice with 100 sides = 49



nice picture of childe
it's remarkable how close to vlada this girl looks
or the other way around, since this pic is old
i just want to lick her face
Replies: >>271400
vlada mogs her tbh but yeah shes cute
post the pic
Replies: >>271410
just fapped to Inna's cunny gonna sleep now. GN
Replies: >>271403 >>271405
Replies: >>271406
uhh yes
I fapped to child cunny and now I will sleep
Replies: >>271408
say something nice before you go
Replies: >>271409
I love you

I love Silvie
Replies: >>271413

> Rolled 1 dice with 36 sides = 14
 >Rolled 1 dice with 100 sides = 49

hmmm cant post this one

lol its graces brother from her full insta rip folder
Replies: >>271411
>lol its graces brother from her full insta rip folder
you have to fap to it
Replies: >>271414
now pick one
Replies: >>271415
You know I can't do that.
Replies: >>271417
(##1d36) Rolled 1 dice with 36 sides = 13
(##1d100) Rolled 1 dice with 100 sides = 42
roll for it then
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