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Being a homo is a bannable offence.

bad taste bro
you will be reborn as a pajeet
its just banter
I just forgot today I had a dream I saw her again. I miss her...
<Catchan Users Particularities:

silvia - male feminist, sits to pee, only uses r-word rarely, wealthy, crypto expert, (good taste in girls)
nzie - high iq, minor gay tendencies, wild card and joker card, great sense of humor, 99.999% win ratio (bants)
ilc - kind, mascot simp, copes a lot more than anyone, catchan nnn winner 2024, high t but brazillian (dumb)
lintdoor - level headed, boot licker, scared of nzie, obese from lindt chocolate, silvia yes man (mostly)
mascot - flat ass, new queen of catchan due to actually having a biological vagina, (plastic in nature)
roo - genuinely comfy, lies when required, father was negro herder, never forget redactedgate, wise troll (old)
koomie - low t sex starved, BPD, sometimes nice, posts hag lyrics, clueless (finnish iq needing ai help)
rin - histrionic personality disorder, fakes suicides, narcissistic, happy & sad drunk at same time, very racist (snob)
cat-kun - man child, severely autistic, kills girls older than 12, abuses dogs, owner of multiple firearms, (artistic and consistent)
artemis - friendly, switzerland of catchan, smells like crayons & lg piss, vaxxed only so he continue enjoy job with kids
croat - shape shifting indian, supports all sides while supporting no one, friend of my friend is my friend, (gracious moobie host)
brandon - skilled in debate, sticks and stones don't break his bones, loved by many, yawns a lot, (bald, wears glasses)
jole - boss earns a dollar while he earns a dime, moving but going nowhere, good at ai vid oc, tranny sucker. (loser)
pretty accurate

Silvia, get a fucking clue
send him to front
holy based

Absolute state of the catchan =P 
I never got maria tho
Replies: >>189691
well said
echo chambers are an insidious thing
yeah the tranny definitively was the worst aspect of it, very preachy, the qt tranny that is literally both taller and with a deeper voice than anyone else lel
that and splitting one game into two seasons, clearly shows they didn't know what to do but the suits were pressuring them for more
overall it felt like a very cynical designed by committee product made to appeal to everyone
Replies: >>189692
>mascot simp
>copes a lot more than anyone
Also no.
>catchan nnn winner 2024
>high t but brazillian 
121 iq

<minor gay tendencies

>shape shifting indian

what you didnt get?
Replies: >>189693 >>189694
pit your numbers back on faggot
Replies: >>189703
I thought croat was middle eastern
Replies: >>189694
Shape shifting ^
Who is maria, i never understand :P
Replies: >>189695 >>189697
Shapeshifting Indian implies that no matter what shape he takes he's still an Indian in some way. Learn to read.
everyone's like this
do you really not see the cognitive dissonance in this post? jesus
Replies: >>189715
she's the love of my life
Replies: >>189702 >>189708
Why do you people rape and torture children? Why do you eat them alive?
Replies: >>189701
Why do you people force their parents at gunpoint to rape and torture them?
you are thinking of politicians who is riding power. psychos. This is catchan. Comfy people appreciating cute looks.
Grab her by the pussy mate! its what the world leader said imself xD
>they should have been better students
why are you such a kike? like seriously
seems you didn't even read the pic, these are all >4.0 gpa students from prestigious unis with rigorous programmes
you clearly don't care because it doesn't affect you and elon is le based for his race to the bottom efforts, but that doesn't make it right
Replies: >>189717 >>189724

trump chuds?
tough choices
Replies: >>189707
The choice is obvious
Replies: >>189711
confess your love to her
Replies: >>189710
I've been in recruiting and HR for over twenty years, there is no shortage of high skilled workers. There is a shortage of high skilled workers willing to work 90 hours weeks for peanuts. Every single person I've ever known that was on an H1 IMMEDIATELY ran from their current job once they got a green card and almost instantaneously got better pay, always by significant double digit percentages, and better hours and treatment. All the tech companies just laid off tens of thousands of people and now they're complaining about not being able to find people? They want indentured servants and slaves.
Replies: >>189722
I kinda can't... And I don't know if I will see her again.
Replies: >>189716
and what is that, according to you
wtf bros is this real
What's the r word?
Replies: >>189744
How so? A girl running an Instagram account or modelling for clothing agencies is very different from some sleazy model studio that barely pays the girls anything. One of them is a career path with good opportunities and the other has only negatives.
Replies: >>189719
>People in the tech field don't realize how easily replaceable they become year after year as progress continues
I mean, yeah, why should I feel bad? Anyone in tech should understand the direction tech is going and have a plan going forward with that direction in mind. The closer you are to the bottom (code monkey) the easier you are to replace. So if you are not going into positions that are harder to replace...that's on you?

>seems you didn't even read the pic, these are all >4.0 gpa students 
Having a good grade doesn't mean you are a good student, anyone can study for a test and get a good grade. Good students aren't having any issues getting jobs.
Replies: >>189720
Good example of the illusion of choice, LOL.
modelling is not a real career, for the same reasons prostitution isn't a real career
the nn girls made good money (for the economy they were in)
the points of dissonance is the fact that you're ok with they selling their sexuality(even if you shunned that idea in the first phrase), you're just not ok with middlemen
even though these middlemen were responsible for them making any money at all to begin with
are you sure you're not a jew silvia?
hmn... it's making me think you're chosen with each new post tbh
and finally they all sell their sexuality in the end, directly or indirectly, doesn't matter
if anything, the direct way at least is honest
Replies: >>189727

>I mean, yeah, why should I feel bad? Anyone in tech should understand the direction tech is going and have a plan going forward with that direction in mind. The closer you are to the bottom (code monkey) the easier you are to replace. So if you are not going into positions that are harder to replace...that's on you?
surely you must realize that is an impossible proposition as any organization must be pyramid shaped? not everyone can simply go up it's not realistic and the long term consequences of this are still bad overall for everyone

>Having a good grade doesn't mean you are a good student,
it is a good indicator yes, best system we can come up with
what would be the alternative? students with bad gpa? students which are social butterflies but don't know the material?

>Good students aren't having any issues getting jobs.
maybe in your nepo baby worldview, reality is a bit different though
Replies: >>189735
leave silvia alone
Replies: >>189737
It's kind of funny at times. I've never had any issues getting good employees at all, or keeping them, but a friend often complains about a labour shortage and how many hours he has to work to fill in for people who quit and asks if I know anyone available for his company. Temporary work, shit hours, shit pay, no benefits...wonder why no one is applying except for people who can barely speak the language?
Replies: >>189750
>you clearly don't care because it doesn't affect you 
I notice a lot of this from silvia tbqh. Also a lot of "just world fallacy" regarding the plight of poors who must go and die because they're "just dumb useless eaters anyway" while he gets to sit there and mine his shekels etc. even when plenty of those unfortunate poors are high IQ but come from severely broken families or are riddled with mental illness... Silvia probably comes from a wealthy family andnhad a ton of advantages and leg ups in his early life
Can we get a kidshub edit of this pls?
Replies: >>189726 >>189747
Whats that?
Replies: >>189730
>modelling is not a real career
Sure it is, I know lots of models and most make pretty good money for how easy the work is. And even when they get "too old" for modelling, there is fashion and photography and such that they can get into to keep the income up. 

>the points of dissonance is the fact that you're ok with they selling their sexuality
Doesn't have to be for money. Most girls sell it for attention. Half of Instagram is like this, and it's fine, because it's mostly just wholesome cute and funny stuff. It won't effect them in any way, there is no negative (except the eventual disappointment when the attention becomes harder to get with each year). And fashion models are even better, you can add that to your CV, you can't add a NN studio to it.
Replies: >>189733
Silvia has no greater ideals or meaningful causes that extend beyond his own immediate selfish interests
Replies: >>189732
like pornhub but kidshub
Replies: >>189731
slow motion with porn techno music pls
>you can't add a NN studio to it.
What an injustice
i don't know is he's just being provocative and trolling, or genuinely has that worldview
>not everyone can simply go up it's not realistic
Yeah exactly. And that's the point. If you can't go up, then you are stuck on the bottom, which means you are competing with Indians who are willing to work for half as much as you are, or AI eventually (if not already). 

If I was deciding a career path right now, unless I was planning to go into management, security, or AI, I would not go into tech at all. Too much competition and I'm too lazy of a person. 

>students which are social butterflies but don't know the material?
Unironically. These people will make more than the ones who know the stuff because these people are the ones who get management positions, or make friends with people who can get them into the company and skip the line of Indians at the door, LOL. 

>reality is a bit different though
Not in my experience. My experience is the paragraph above. I don't know anything, my grades were shit, every job I've had I've started unqualified for but I had friends from school who got me in anyways and I just learned on the job.
Replies: >>189753
> while he gets to sit there and mine his shekels
I can't mine anything because the damn Chinese are not sending me my miners!
Replies: >>189740
Yeah really, I did nothing wrong!
Ok checked nah dont listen to that but i listen to the Good Time - Owl Cities atleast i did when i was 12
>koomie - low t sex starved, BPD, sometimes nice, posts hag lyrics, clueless (finnish iq needing ai help)
Seems like I'm on the mark with the rest and you know it but you don't care :)
What's Silvia's IQ
Replies: >>189742 >>189749
Difference is legal and they are coming to work, dont see the negative in that.

Mexicans dont work and come with crime.
the pajeets are willing to work for pics of boobs and vegana
I hope Silvia gets drafted one day soon and is raped to death by a nato tranny
Replies: >>189751
>Can we get a kidshub edit of this pls?
Replies: >>189748
>Temporary work, shit hours, shit pay, no benefits...
but this is what you're defending by being a muskito
how can you be so dissonant?
you are the most dissonant poster on catchan and that is saying something
Replies: >>189752
Nah, I am not on the list, won't ever be drafted.
What am I defending? Competition in positions? Sure. What's wrong with that? I'm not saying employers should only have slave labour, I'm saying if someone is willing to work for slave wages then you have to compete with that person (which means either accepting a lower salary, or proving you are worth the increased one).
Replies: >>189806
yes you're a nepo baby, we all figured that out already
Replies: >>189754
Oh, I thought you meant nepio baby as some kind of paedo insult.
Replies: >>189755
you're probably that too, jew
Replies: >>189765
Could Buharina be catchannel's new Queen?
Will you adopt her now and abandon Anna?
Replies: >>189761
Replies: >>189760
dont do it
He already did.
Replies: >>189775
Buharina 12 years from now doing breakfast reviews showing boobs ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Replies: >>189764 >>189767
good idea
plenty of time for you to get over her then
Replies: >>189766
Nah, I like boobs too much.
over who?
Replies: >>189768
Replies: >>189769
She's cute af, but I don't like her.
Replies: >>189773
Replies: >>189773
Why are Mascot bro's like this
Replies: >>189773 >>189774
My heart belongs to another lg.
Did you see >>189723 ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Replies: >>189776 >>189777
there's plenty of chocolate in heaven
Yeah i seen it before or then ive just imagined it in my mind
shame about the name though
ugly as fuck
Replies: >>189780
I don't think so, it's a very competitive position....
Replies: >>189780
It's her surname, her name is Leya
Vote 1 for Mascot
Vote 2 for the Tot
Vote 3 for Anna
Vote 4 for Sofia
Replies: >>189788
Your post ends in 1.
Replies: >>189785
5 For Brandon
Replies: >>189788
i vote 5
Replies: >>189791
Oh no Mascot got alot of votes
I'm sick of this sockpuppet it's so obviously the obese Asian girl
Replies: >>189798
votes discounted for fraud
i'm just a simp
ans shes not fat anymore shes hot
Replies: >>189805
Cope fatty
>if someone is willing to work for slave wages then you have to compete with that person 
if nobody in the country your company bases itself in is willing to work for slave labor it shouldn't be legal to import shitters from another country who ARE willing to work for it, you should have to based your company in India so you can smell the Ganges in your office.
Replies: >>189807 >>189809
I'm fine with banning all immigration, works for me.
Replies: >>189808
>Elon's reply: take a step back and FUCK YOUR OWN FACE
and they send some or all of their dollars abroad to their starving families back home anyway
the lie that cheap immigrant labour benefits americans is just that, a lie
Replies: >>189810 >>189811
It benefits the companies for sure.
Replies: >>189811
Multinational corporations have no interests in common with the citizens of any countries they do business in, they play with the rules and laws of all of them for their own benefit. Base themselves in one, import labor from another, manufacture in the one that has the lowest cost because they pay no regard to worker safety or non-slave-wages etc.
Corporate personhood should only apply to companies that keep all of their operations within the country their conceptual entity is a "citizen" of.
Replies: >>189812
You benefit from this too buy having cheaper things. Otherwise everything would be expensive (in countries that are expensive). People are already crying about Trump tariffs becaue it blocks a lot of imports from China which will raise prices in America...but of course it will, because companies will be force to use expensive American things instead of cheap Chinese things?
Replies: >>189813
>You benefit from this too buy having cheaper things. Otherwise everything would be expensive (in countries that are expensive). 
It's artificially cheap. A company like Walmart keeps its prices low by having an enormous buy order for anything and demanding price fixing, effectively, bleeding profit margins from everyone but themselves.
Replies: >>189819 >>189827
man you guys are making me tired im going to sleep
Replies: >>189815 >>189894
good dreams
Replies: >>189816
only nightmares
Walmart drives the other local buyers out of business by selling cheaper than they can afford to via bulk sales price fixing, then suddenly there's nobody domestically to buy that product BUT Walmsrt anymore, then you're doubly fucked since you either sell at the price Walmart wants to pay or you sell nothing.
Replies: >>189819
If you think companies won't push the increased expenses on to the consumer instead of eating them themselves, you're wrong. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

All American means all expensive. So what if your salary is 20% higher now when you have to pay 50% more for goods? You are more poor than before even with the pay increase because cheap countries are not subsidizing products for you anymore. 

I bet more than half the product comes from poor countries too. So it's the same deal.
Replies: >>189906
>A significant portion of Walmartโ€™s products, especially in categories like electronics, textiles, and household goods, comes from China, which has a mix of low-income and middle-income regions. Estimates suggest 70-80% of Walmart's non-food inventory could be sourced from China.
>If you think companies won't push the increased expenses on to the consumer instead of eating them themselves, you're wrong. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
Wouldn't be an issue really if the stock market didn't exist. It's like higher wages, they could easily afford to without losing profitability entirely, without passing on cost, but it negatively affects stock price so is treated like Satanism to capitalism's Christianity.
>So what if your salary is 20% higher now when you have to pay 50% more for goods? 
Would be way less of an issue if real estate had some kind of controls. It';s a muti tiered issue and citizens here are gouged from practically every which way, but HEY we've got cheap ass chinese goods so I guess it's all worth it?
-abolish the stock market
-legally and automatically tie inflation to wages (inflation goes up wages automatically rise without corporate consent)
-set rental price ceilings
-remove corporate personhood from any multinational corporation
-outlaw usury
there's most of the problems fixed
Replies: >>189824 >>189825
aka "why I would get a high caliber trepanation on the campaign trail in like August"
So Communism then, lol.
Replies: >>189826
it's not communism it's just not fake ass anarcho-capitalism like we have now
>and demanding price fixing
you mean price fixing at the supplier?
Replies: >>189828
yes, wholesale bulk sales
forgot the bit about taxing streamers and ethots at 80-90% to reinstill the morale of workers doing jobs that actually benefit the economy
>So what if your salary is 20% higher now when you have to pay 50% more for goods?
i hardly doubt hiring american engineers at american companies will have that effect, which is what we were talking about here
how many of those you think there are?
that would only happen if you shift manufacturing domestically complete with the supply chain following along
Replies: >>189831 >>189832
Do you care about American workers, or do you not care about American workers? If you care about the jobs in America, then why is it okay to import cheap Chinese products (paying Chinese workers) instead of forcing the products to be manufactured in America (giving Americans jobs)? 

It's the same issue. Instead of importing products, you're importing labour. There isn't a difference, both are a way to lower prices at the "expense" of the local worker (though since the products are cheaper, they can work for less and have the same or more purchasing power relative to an only-local market, which is the point of the argument).
Replies: >>189834
It's pretty ridiculous that you have Musk lauding the "education" of the injun imports while we have 4.0 graduates going with 0 job offers supposedly
the sole difference is the amount of money they're willing to work for, and he's pretending like the issue is those workers not existing domestically at all
i care about my class, engineers, i cannot care about everyone
Replies: >>189836
go base fucking X and Tesla in India and see how well it works out
there's reasons he wants those companies based here that has nothing to do with Murican interests
So you can't defend the position, then?
Replies: >>189838
It's fine if you hold the double-standard position of "I like everything about a thing except the negatives that apply to me". Many people are like that. You want cheap things, and to also be paid a lot with little competition. I think most people would want that, yeah. But it's not how it works I guess^^
Replies: >>189839
i did, multiple times
engineers are ip and r&d, manufacturing is not the same, not on the same scale, i don't know why you think both are one and the same
Replies: >>189840
>But it's not how it works I guess^^
an important thing to keep in mind is that economies are not a "natural" thing
a ton of people on /pol/ talk about economies like they're subject to some kind of "natural laws" like an ecosystem and "settle"
these are artificial things we invented, numbers, money, economics
they're all manipulatable and in fact any iteration of "reality" is constructed purposely
Replies: >>189842
> i don't know why you think both are one and the same
Why would it matter to me if some Indian engineer made my car or some American engineer made my car, if the car is the same but the price on one is cheaper? 

Why would it matter to me if some Indian cobbler made my shoes or some American cobbler made my shoes, if the car is the same but the price on one is cheaper? 

I don't see any difference between the two questions. In both cases, the question is the same: are you willing to pay more for locally manufactured goods "for the good of the people!", or would you rather the same product for less? Most people would want the product less, if they are answering honestly.
>Most people would want the product less, if they are answering honestly.
see but then you have shit like real estate rentals where there are artificial "floors" for how low the prices will go, leaving no actual cheap alternatives
when are we going to get some Indian import landlords to crash the rental price markets

see how it's slanted?
Replies: >>189847
It's based on what the companies can make. Prices when up during Covid, everything was more expensive. Covid is over now, did the prices drop back down? No, of course not, because people were paying them so it's the new price now. 

If companies have to increase wages by 20% to find local workers, they will just start selling things for at least 20% more, so they can make the same bottom line. That means everyone else has 20% less purchasing power at minimum.
Replies: >>189860
a good engineer will make sure the product is properly designed and manufactured, he makes sure the labour (which is an inherently passive actor) does it correctly
a bad engineer does not
and the ratios here are easily above 1:1000
what else do you want me to say
Replies: >>189851 >>189893
>we can get the same product manufactured abroad for 1/10 trust me
<product is actually shit
Always the same story
Replies: >>189848
Catch an is part of gen x/millenial rise
Replies: >>189862
>if the car is the same but the price on one is cheaper? 
and the problem with that is the will not be the same

just look at the game industry ffs, they are all on the current situation because of dei which is corporate cynicism for labour cost cutting

this will come to all industries with time

relevant reading
Replies: >>189852
There is a finite supply of land, so the price will naturally always trend upwards. That's why I like real estate the best, it feels the safest in the long term, lol.
Replies: >>189863
Doesn't need to be abroad now, I can just buy a cheap Indian-made Tesla directly from Musk.
Replies: >>189849
True, idk if Teslas are good cars though...
Replies: >>189850
Weren't you supporting a Chinese car company...? lol
Replies: >>189854 >>190120
The company oversees quality control. If the company has bad products, it will become known for that. It doesn't matter who the workers are or where they are from, just the end resulting product (including the price). The engineer can be paid 50k or 250k, makes no difference to the consumer.
Replies: >>189853 >>189864
The gaming industry has always been shit, hasn't it? They are always the most overworked and underpaid of any programmers from what I hear, and that's always been the case.
Replies: >>189855 >>190136
>The company oversees quality control
and who do you think operates that? gnomes?
Replies: >>189856
Yeah but Chinese are higher IQ than whitoids
silvia doesn't know there is an entire field called manufacturing engineering

i'm talking about output and that has the lowest it has ever been
basically a game today becomes playable 6 months after release, 18 months for completion
Replies: >>189857
Who cares? Do you know who is in charge of QA in any company you buy from? I don't. I only know the company name, and if it's associated with good stuff or bad stuff. That's all that matters.
BG3 was great on release, I only ran into two bugs (which is better than most games, even ones that were "final" like sold as a CD). I almost always skip anything early access, or anything sold on promise (if the game is good enough as-is, even if early access, I will buy it only in those cases).
Replies: >>189858
I'm about to start Norland which is early access.
Trump backs Musk, Ramaswamy on H-1B visas, says he uses them himself.

>โ€œIโ€™ve always liked the visas, I have always been in favor of the visas. Thatโ€™s why we have them. I have many H-1B visas on my properties. Iโ€™ve been a believer in H-1B. I have used it many times. Itโ€™s a great program.โ€
>Covid is over now, did the prices drop back down? No, of course not, because people were paying them so it's the new price now. 
exactly the kind of thing that those now=paper-tiger regulatory agencies DOGE will sweep away were supposed to be preventing
Replies: >>189871
you could hide the name and we'd know it was him
>make statement
>repeat each statement two times slightly differently
say 2 things
say it 6 times total
>ones born from 2025 on are officially "generation beta"
>so the price will naturally always trend upwards. 
*sale price
that's the sale price, it's completely disconnected from a rental value
>If the company has bad products, it will become known for that. 
and if all of them have bad/faulty/finite lifespan products because of industry collusion then there is no "good" alternative
see: planned obsolescence (another thing that only exists because of stock values)
meanwhile 4 years ago
>In the order, Mr. Trump described suspension of the visas as a way to ensure that Americans are first in line for scarce jobs โ€” an assertion that immigration advocates say does not reflect the reality of a dynamic and changing work force.
and he was anti-h1b through his whole first term
Replies: >>189892
some of these faggots are now talking about this idea that the US needs to be importing several million a year until we hit 1 billion population to compete with China globally
(we're at around 325-350 million atm)
Replies: >>189867
this im confident will never happen without civil war
Replies: >>189868 >>189883
I'm fairly confident this statement could have been made about multiple issues that haven't led to civil war in the past decade (like the vaccinations. COVID hoax, etc)
Replies: >>189880
the goy are completely under our control now
keeping us in this perpetual state of just-at-the-brink-of civil war without ever letting the actual civil war pop off seems to be the long term control mechanism of choice
if we're fighting one another constantly nobody is fighting anyone else
We will see what they do. I'm already suspicious of the goals considering they are having their own termination as part of the plan, lol. Seems weird to me, not sure what the goal is.
Replies: >>189872
-Trump wrecks the systems in place
-gets cockblocked from restructuring the government to compensate creating a fucked up mess
-AOC 2028 first womerns jew president gonna fix what old white men fucked up
Replies: >>189873
cant wait for queen aoc
Replies: >>189874 >>189875
Hey MC :)
Replies: >>189876
she should be much further walled by then so they'll be AI rendering her into a sexy female harder than they tried to do with Harris
Replies: >>189876
shes still young and i like milfs
DOGE is just a rerun of this
none of them are technical government employees or even compensated
another funny coincidence is Reagan was a right wing pendulum swing pushback against the hippie generation
and a funny detail of it is supposedly Reagan was never going to run until the former head of the CIA Bush paid him a visit, and was suddenly his running mate
Replies: >>189879
even funnier is the first person to tell me of that Reagan/Bush thing was Monique's husband
none of these were threats to peoples livelihoods
better have that ubi ready to go then
even if that goes against the plan to outcompete china
Replies: >>189881
>none of these were threats to peoples livelihoods
a forced more than half shutdown of the economy wasn't a threat?
lol a ton of small businesses went under as a result of covid
Americans are soft, they won't do anything. Can't even have a peaceful protest without being arrested, and no one does anything^^
talmudvision shows lefties mad, or shows righties mad, and people are mollified
even if nothing is actually happening to change things for the better, people wrap their "enemies"' anger shown to them by the media up like a blanket of comfy
Trump could start banning guns and taking them away and nothing will happen, guaranteed.
Replies: >>189886 >>189888
I've said exactly this on /pol/ lol, it absolutely would be a right wing president gun grabs happened under, since the right would push back against it the hardest
Replies: >>189888 >>189890
The yns kidnapped annie
see also: "hey isn't it weird how the mass shooters are suddenly trannies and lefties now"
nice booty at the end
Yeah, I think there would be some vocal pushback for a time, but ultimately not too bad and definitely no civil war result.
Replies: >>189891 >>189905
And I don't mean just go in and steal everyone's guns, but tightening regulation a whole lot to where it's basically banned for anyone not willing to put in the effort, and taking any guns shown in public away. Keep it in your house and no one cares.
He said this just now in response to the backlash btw
There's a 1:10 ratio by the performance in the field of software development, yeah.

One experienced top coder is worth 10 rookie ones.

Understanding that the top one once was a rookie also.
Good night.
hate these status/gloating pics
fucking russian trash man
the actual, fuck?!
Oh my God is that a video of someone about to go on holiday!?
I'm losing my mind!!!
Replies: >>189902 >>189903
as long as the goyim is like this you can get them to do anything
He can't afford to go because Indians stole his job;(
Replies: >>189904
nope that pic goes for a status effect, get real
hahaha xD you are a trumpet silvia
yeah softened by the mass shooters suddenly becoming a left wing problem, and media showing lefties mad about their rights getting trampled on
Replies: >>189908
>not brannie drumming
Replies: >>189907
hey that drummer is an honorary catchanner, since he got fired for cp possession
>On the one hand, we have some of our rights infringed upon; but on the other hand: think of all the crying lefties! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

Social media.
Replies: >>189916
4chan captcha always makes me not want to post there
it's definitely gotten more difficult/frustrating
I end up missing a letter a lot of times because of the contrast
*lack of contrast
I've never posted a single post.
Replies: >>189918
and they used to stop requiring it for every post after a while, haven't seen that happen in months
it's sad to see that in about three years from now she will be a complete materialist spoiled bitch cunt with an insufferable personality
which from our older guy perspective is... about three months
i lost that battle long ago
Replies: >>189919
Me neither.
sometimes there's really no alternative when everywhere else is either dead or "ok do I want to do kohlcash and put up with those faggots"
She likes nice cars too. Always find it funny that girls usually seem to like nice cars more than guys do, lol. Every time I go to a car show, like 80% of the guests are girls and women.
Replies: >>189923
even in this reduced state from the email authentication there's always traffic on 4chan 24/7
Fr? I would have thought it's 90% men
Replies: >>189926
beauty did not fail, though
did anyone ask you if you were a pedofile
Replies: >>189927
Yeah it's typically seen as a "man hobby", which is what I believed until I actually went to a few. I guess fixing it is more of the manly thing and just looking/driving them is more womanly, no idea. But it's every time like that. And from people I know personally, I only know one guy who is into cars and stuff but several girls are (and usually know more about cars than I do).
I know everyone was jokingly asked at least once, I did get directly asked myself by 2 people
obviously I said no because I'm not a pedophile
Yeah I don't know any guys who like cars either, never been interested myself
lol the one guy asked rather threateningly in the midst of this rant about pedos like him he was going on
>no idea
they are all diggers, do you have any doubts or just playing dumb

because we all know how enthusiastic women are about the latest variable valve timing technologies and sodium batteries (if she's an ev girl teehee so nerdy xDDD)
goddamn autocorrect
I think car guys might be a dying breed like watch guys
I saw a juicy butt in the store the other day.
I'll hold that view for further fappings.
Replies: >>189939
cars are typically a macho thing + expensive cars = guys who can afford them, it's kind of a no brainer
it's a piece of metal with wheels, who gives a fuck
it used to be possible for the average guy to understand how a car worked and be able to fix the damn thing, now everything is constructed in unintuitive ways and you need proprietary tools only loicensed repair shops can buy to even take the fucking thing apart
I'm sure many are in some way (women are naturally more materialistic).
i wish i could fuck yulia in her pretty little ass and cum inside balls deep, that could be arranged
but im too nice and after that i'd want romance kisses and cuddles, but she and her mom just want money probably won't want any of that (which could be arranged with more money i guess, but i'd want legitimacy)
such is the way of the world
Replies: >>189940 >>189947
>that could be arranged
if you live somewhere rural not having a car is simply not do-able unless you like spending an entire day+ walking
if you can't fix yours then you're utterly under the thumb of repair shops, and uninformed to boot so they can gouge the shit out of you
the auto companies butchered public transport networks here in their infancy for very good (greedy) reasons
overall im disappointed with russian women and thought they were better than western girls
in practice they just have their own particular set of problems
Replies: >>189945 >>189946
there are no solutions, only trade offs, as thomas sowell said
Replies: >>189948
slept WAY too much again ๐Ÿ˜”
Replies: >>189956
all women have the same base potential for all the shit that most men hate about them tbh
Replies: >>189951
Eastern Euro women have unpleasant personalities, American women are nicer but they're fat
mmmhh... indeed
based sowell
Damn how is this even possible
Replies: >>189959 >>189964
do you think mascot is nice?
Replies: >>189952
this is true i know that now, but doesn't change the fact that they are:
still the most beautiful women in the world (for me at least)
No but she's Indian
What's wrong with the personalities? Also they are the most attractive.
Replies: >>189957
slav genetics are optimizes for good looking women and grotesque goblins (male)
sleep is the only time I'm truly happy
>disgusting golddiggers
>generally dumb, lack of interest in things
Replies: >>189965
what about when you're jacking it to mariya
Replies: >>189963

LUT, ENV, Reshade, Textures and Graphic:

Nice City HDR Reshade 
GITS KURIA LUT mixed with FUJI ENV + fix 
Environment Textures Overhaul
HD Reworked Project
Preem Water
High Res Named NPCs AIO 
Ultra Plus Better Path Tracing
Ultra Fog Steam Smoke and Bloom
RenoDX - HDR
All Advert (ads) complete
Blur Begone
Trash begone Debris and Cockroach
HQ Fast Food
Dynamic Moon Phases
Starry Night City
Alternative Moon Replacers
Preem Beards
Preem Hair 
(Optional Judy Hair Colors)
High Res Food and Drinks
NSFW Posters Androids+framework
NSFW Vending Machines+framework
NSFW Magazines+framework
NSFW Posters
8k-4k skin texture and material for
Low Quality Crowd No More
Restore Hair Shadows
better fast Food
Cherry Blossoms High Resolution 
High Res Containers - MonstrrMagic Texture Series

FX and Tweaks:

Judy Pajama Tweaks
Unlock Me The Mods 2.1
Weathermancer - Weather Select Menu
Alternative Weather Visuals
QoL - Faster Checkpoints
More Blood Splatters
Next Gen Blood Textures Mod
Preem Scanner
The Passenger
Immersive Rippers - Dogtown
New Quest - Encore
Immersive Vik
Morph Texture Removal 
NPCs Enhancement - Hyst Bodies
FX Begone
Konpeki Plaza Unlocked
Hideo Kojima Is Johnny Silverhand
Light Beams Fix
Ragdoll Physics Overhaul
Cyber Engine Tweaks
Virtual Car Dealer
Material and Texture Override
Reset Attributes always
ragdoll overhaul
Mod Settings
Iconic Vendors
Smoother Dodge And Dash
Better Vehicle First Person
Apartment Cats - Dogtown
Windswept - V hair blowing while driving bikes

>add 2+ more posts just like this one
Replies: >>189971
Damn, dude, you must rest.
Silvia has a feminine brain 
you can easily determined this by the way he types 
>most of my friends are women
Replies: >>189977
I get sad again when I'm done.
Replies: >>189976
also how does this even happen
>post is 1981 characters
>ERROR must be under 2000 characters

he also has to move reaaaaaaaaly slow because you can see it stuttering and shit even at that speed
but it does look nice
Replies: >>189967
Nah the culture is good.
Not a negative.
>generally dumb
Just women things^^
Replies: >>190109
Line breaks are characters.
Replies: >>189970
>Not a negative.
Replies: >>189973
>Line breaks are characters but aren't added to the running character count
Replies: >>189972
Russian brain.
Life is but a zero-sum power game.
Sad, for what it's worth.
Replies: >>189974
Classic Tom!
Yeah, where's the issue? If a girl has so many people interested in her then what's the issue of trimming the list at the onset by wealth? It's no less shallow than men trimming out women by age or weight?
Meant or some other fucker.
well i'm not a mentall ill paedo
i hate sleeping too much and it makes me feel like shit
nonstop jerk off to mariana until you die
happy days
Replies: >>189983
see: >>189965
>its ok being soulless (golddigger)
money is irrelevant and doesn't even exist

if a girl is with you for money she will never truly love you so basically you are just another cuck coping hard
Replies: >>189979 >>189987
women being reliant on men for care is inherently part of the "natural" order of things, they're hard wired for it
it just doesn't make sense to deny it societally
Replies: >>189998
if you can't care for their basic needs they're obviously going to instinctively favor a man who does
but that shit gets warped beyond all reasonability
Replies: >>189990 >>189999
Golddiggers don't typically take your real net worth into consideration, they look at markers of conspicuous consumption like expensive cars etc. . That's why poor retards spend 50% of their salaries on BMWs
Replies: >>189989
>smells like crayons & lg piss

Well... yeah but I can't help it (?)
Replies: >>189984
Maria daria.
yeah fapping to trannies and saying that liking feminine males is straight is just "minor gay tendencies"
maria goon sesh
Low IQ post!
Replies: >>189991
most males don't evaluate beauty alone
Replies: >>189992
Some are smarter than others, of course. Like all things, lol.
Replies: >>190017
Brandon even if you are wealthy like Drumpf or Elon she will still leave you for another man
Replies: >>190012
not really, in fact if I saw someone say money doesn't exist I would assume they are high IQ since it's a concept very few people seem to be able to grasp
Replies: >>189994
It's almost always that and who would make a good mother. That's why fat women and old women have very little value, whereas for men it's far less important (age and appearance). 

So we definitely have the better deal there, all we need is a good job^^
Replies: >>190000 >>190021
>money doesnt exist
One of the very few times I have to agree with nz.
I can buy things with money so it exists.
Replies: >>189995
low iq post
Replies: >>189996 >>190004
silvia is npc
Silvia is high IQ
yeah but that concept is abused to high heavens
money for care =/= 10000 dollar grammable trips
Replies: >>190012
apologies you have addressed that straight away
the pitfalls of replying as you go
Replies: >>190003 >>190012
>old women have very little value
I've seen her naked.
all women under 50 have high value
Replies: >>190007
Damn, I wanted those numbers.
I know a guy whoโ€™s brother eats raw meat and all he does is be unemployed be on quote unquote weird websites and be 5โ€™7
Replies: >>190008 >>190011
a lot of modern men would a 50 something yo woman
MILF porn is one of the most popular porn genres these days
Replies: >>190009 >>190014
he seems to be based
Replies: >>190010 >>190014
No, lol.
Replies: >>190013
Personally I thought they only existed on the internet
NZ has a brother?
Replies: >>190014
Why do you think Bezos is a cuck

I know the feel, I'll reply to something rebutting something they addressed posts later
cope, paedo

modern men want a mommy gf
>a lot of modern men would a 50 something yo woman
they are brainwashed i.e. mentally ill

>MILF porn is one of the most popular porn genres these days
it's pushed hard


no comment but he wouldn't be a manlet
Replies: >>190016
i want a 13yo mommy gf
Replies: >>190032
Is your brother blonde
Idk I've yet to meet a woman who inquires about my stock portfolio
Replies: >>190018
Second date topic ofc ofc, first date you mention the boat.
Fucking hate my fucking god fucking job
Replies: >>190023
>It's almost always that and who would make a good mother.
therefore its not beauty alone
thanks for reinforcing my point
Replies: >>190024
I need to be tranquilized
Just don't work. Street NEET is the new way to go.
Not sure why it needed reinforcement since I didn't claim it was the case, or anyone else that I can see? Of course it wouldn't be a single thing for most people. That's why I said trim the list. 

If I have 10 girls competing for my attention and 5 of them are fatties, I'll just trim out the fattiest to make the list a little easier to manage. Doesn't mean I'm automatically interested in the other 5, just that they are more likely to interest me. No different from how many women will do it by trimming out the poor men who can't provide for them.
imagine working as a woman when you can get any male to provide for you
Replies: >>190026 >>190027
she would have done already been married if things were as they should be tbh
Replies: >>190147
jews took that away from you mascot
Replies: >>190030 >>190147
women have basically unlimited power and they still work for minimum wage. must suck being low iq
Replies: >>190031
Your only chance now is to get Angel's workout routine down and then make some YouTube videos doing it and getting subscribers for it.
Replies: >>190033 >>190034
this is some b-tier trolling we deserve better
unless it's this kind of mommy
Replies: >>190045
shes too fugly to get social media followers needs to find a beta provider irl
Replies: >>190037
hell one Anna-esque video might do it, go on 4chan and start attention whoring with a trip, boom, never work again
Mascot only want tall blond chads
typical femcel
nah she could absolutely nail the "girl I could realistically fuck" zone on 4chan
Replies: >>190038
but you cant make much money off of 4chan orbiters
Replies: >>190041
why do you simp for her then?
Replies: >>190043
Damn my hair is light brown I'll never get a 4'5" Bhutanese gook gf
Replies: >>190146
but could she make more than minimum wage
give me mommy vlada gf for me to 2nd hand smoke with
Replies: >>190044
I'm tall, maybe I can get something? I'm joking!!!!!!
want to get drunk with vlada
Replies: >>190047
>y-you are trolling!
I'm sorry bro but normal men don't want to fuck  5yos like you and your paedo buddies on catchan
Replies: >>190046
please, tell us all about the tastes of normal men who don't use catchan, catchan user
Replies: >>190066
she's gonna drink too much and piss on your face as you eat her asshole
too messy man do not want
sounds comfy vlada being so drunk she cant get up to go to the toilet so i have to let her use my mouth
Replies: >>190052
Replies: >>190053
god I love the "everyone here but me sucks" fags they're always the blindest and dumbest
Replies: >>190064
super gross
Replies: >>190053 >>190054
what if it was mascot instead?
Replies: >>190055 >>190057
the pee will be mostly water its fine
Replies: >>190056
still gross
you guys are weird
Replies: >>190061
if its mascot ilc would even go for #2
ngl ๐Ÿคฃ
That's... really disgusting
why would he rather get shit on by mascot than vlada?
Replies: >>190063 >>190065
>you paedos are weird
Can you guys go two posts without grossposting?
Replies: >>190065 >>190067
because he has bad taste?
and always anon
Replies: >>190069
simps are strange

would you rather vlada piss on you or mascot shit on you?
Replies: >>190070
>tell us all about the tastes of normal men
i would be here all day
if you say you love a girl you must love the entirety of her
Replies: >>190068 >>190070
nah not always Jole & Zain used to pull it all the time til it was a rake handle smack to the face too many times
piss is less gross than shit, so if I had to choose, yes vlada piss... 
But like, stop.

Replies: >>190071 >>190073
>wants vlada to piss on him
ok this is kinda based
ooohhh ilc she drank so much
so you're telling me you wouldn't drink marias first discharge as a ritual of passage and worship?
not a true lover
Replies: >>190082
You guys are disgusting
Replies: >>190075
yeah paedos are like that

they are as bad as furries
Replies: >>190082
guys stop...
Replies: >>190079
low t
Replies: >>190081
on every mainstream porn site MILF, Stepmom, Mature, etc tags are always in the top
You guys are legit delusional and live in a fantasy world if you deny this
Replies: >>190084 >>190086
if you mean it as "pucelage" tier then this is literally a scene from 120 days of sodom btw

>#1 rule of herdniggering: 
<be the problem you're complaining about
not liking gross shit is not being low t
so what you're waiting for then?
go there
Replies: >>190088
site had a stoke or something again
almost like all the porn sites are owned by jews pushing an agenda
Normies like old hags with tattoos
Replies: >>190089
i don't like older women and i don't consume porn anymore
Replies: >>190092 >>190093
nooo catchan paedos think all men want to fuck 5yos and hate old ladies 
and catchan paedos are right about everything!
Replies: >>190090
>and catchan paedos are right about everything!

everyone knows when it's organic the most searched keywords on any porn site are things like "teen"
also i don't like incest not even step

and incest is the most popular genre in porn now ๐Ÿคข
then let others enjoy themselves
>you must either fuck the old roastie or the 5 year old
<which is less gay sucking dick or eating shit
Replies: >>190102
there are not enough non-troll users here for this
it's like every day is some lowest tier greatest hits compilation or other
normies want to fuck 13 year olds
Replies: >>190098 >>190099


and also
Replies: >>190101
Maybe they do but it's so repressed that they themselves aren't aware of it let alone admit to it
any heterosexual man who does not get an erection from a fertile child-bearing-capable female in heat rubbing up on them is either gay or impotent
Replies: >>190105
Brandon why are you so mad I'm just saying a lot of modern men want a mommy gf and have a MILF fetish 

Are you saying this is not true??
Replies: >>190105
gereontophilia is also a mental illness
Replies: >>190104
because nobody is likely to touch it and I feel like driving it in further
>fertile child-bearing-capable
does not mean it's necessarily a "good idea"
>get an erection from
>in heat rubbing up on them
does not inherently mean it's the right thing to jam it in them
the erection every non impotent man would absolutely get makes every hetero man definitively a nonce

>why are you so mad 
have a (You)
ok Brandon and catchan paedos it's all a conspiracy 
porn sites lie about their stats and users online on youtube comments, tiktok comments, forums, kc, and 4ch who say they want mommy gf or make a thread related to MILFs are all bots and not real people
Replies: >>190108 >>190111
>the erection every non impotent man would absolutely get makes every hetero man definitively a nonce
I said this to someone IRL and their next step was trying to goad me into a fight with a bunch of ad hominem bullshit, because they could not refute it
yeah they want guys to like older girls because they are infertile, less likely to start a proper family, etc

it's all about getting rid of the nuclear family as part of the depopulation agenda

all very obvious if you pay attention to anything
what is she drinking here? do you know?
Replies: >>190135
i like women of all ages but 12-18 is the most attractive
Replies: >>190112
>users online on youtube comments, tiktok comments, forums, kc, and 4ch who say they want mommy gf or make a thread related to MILFs are all bots and not real people
<conveniently ignores all the pedos on those same platforms but wants to make some argument about "normie tastes" using those platforms
Replies: >>190242
Replies: >>190113 >>190117
pre pubescent kids have no sex appeal
Replies: >>190115 >>190118
I think most would categorize my dream as a nightmare
you sure?
Replies: >>190116
ya they dont have boobs or butts
Replies: >>190119
mascot is 15 tho
Replies: >>190121
They have a lot
you sure?
lol sounds like a low IQ movie atleast in past has been maybe they've gotten better idk.
i can go a bit older sometimes
Replies: >>190122 >>190123
Replies: >>190124
raises his age of attraction for a 2/10 gook
mascot is a 6, bro
Replies: >>190127
eh she's easily a 6/10 gook
t. hast the yellow fever
Replies: >>190129
with filters and makeup
Replies: >>190133
ILC (simping) ๐Ÿค !MASCOT.e.t.
Replies: >>190131
even brandon agress
Replies: >>190131
it's not just tor the site is being really shitty and laggy today

Replies: >>190132
just correcting a typo in your name
that one I can't really dispute since I've never seen her IRL or anything
but then again some people here judge trannies by the same metrics
Replies: >>190134
not sure, have some
>The gaming industry has always been shit, hasn't it? They are always the most overworked and underpaid of any programmers from what I hear, and that's always been the case.
Yeah and the voice actors/actors the people who get paid way more than they deserve are unionizing instead of the programmers who should so now you have shitty actors/voice actors on every game, lol!
simps are so pathetic
Replies: >>190145
still a 5-6/10 for a gook, I think perhaps you've not seen enough 1's
Replies: >>190150
Replies: >>190145
she looks exactly like those religious statue's faces, you can see where the phenotype comes from, it's almost stereotypical in a way
he's based tbh
Replies: >>190145
I'm just saying
Iโ€™m fucking 5โ€™0
Replies: >>190151
<skipped from 1799 to 2300
don't even know how that happened, lol
Stop looking at my Facebook Itโ€™s Private
ive seen plenty of average girls and that is below average
Replies: >>190152
Brb having my hair bleached
Replies: >>190153
*for a gook
you have to also keep in mind I can find fuckable examples of anything that isn't an abo
Replies: >>190158
Calling me a dwarf is too far
Replies: >>190156
I canโ€™t change my height
I can't change my hair
Replies: >>190161
I think you're confused, height is the opposite for women, it's hotter when they're shorter
Replies: >>190159 >>190248
height doesn't matter for females, unless you want to be a model
Replies: >>190159
do you prefer gook girls or black girls?
Replies: >>190162
actual 6/10 gook
Why do you care about me so much
Replies: >>190169
can you stop simping for one second?
Replies: >>190163
I just agreed with brandon wtf?
Sheโ€™s cute
bruh that's more like an 8
when you're talking about average unmodified asians
Replies: >>190168 >>190252
I like them with a small butt
Mascot, I'm white but not tall or a blonde chad... Would you give me a chance?
you just have low standards tbh
Replies: >>190172
is that the facial abuse girl?
if anything squid game 2 at least had good looking k waifus
yes, I have very realistic standards, real life isn't a butterface thread full of 7-9's on /b/
Sweet as a button
Darwin told me girls are usually 5โ€™6 by my age in the Netherlands
Replies: >>190175
half of Darwin's posts were always retarded
Replies: >>190177
And like months and months ago I asked him if he thought I was too short and he said yes a little bit and I cried
Yes he does it on purpose
Replies: >>190178
such brave, so standout
I'd rate her higher than 6 too
Replies: >>190185
mascot wishes she looked like this
Darwin Leax
Replies: >>190184 >>190186
Omg wtf I think my dad is kidnapping me this is not the way to go home
Replies: >>190184

I think he's judging by the really fake and constructed idol type girls that are more prestidigitation than anything
koreans with shaved jaws and such
Replies: >>190187 >>190192
Pure cancer
Replies: >>190188
they're still cute
Replies: >>190189
This is what he s like
yeah but they're not "real"
Replies: >>190191
I donโ€™t have any Asian women Iโ€™d like to look like just white
the dick doesn't care
Replies: >>190195 >>190196
Yeah, those look good admittedly. I watched an educational recording of one of those jaw surgeries once and almost passed out
if you don't like something just pretend it doesn't exist!
the dick has more free will than i do, it does what it wants
Replies: >>190196
I can't argue with that one but when you're even admittedly trying to keep the scale amongst asians, using fakeified examples of them is just unfair, skews it too much
Replies: >>190200
plastic surgery isn't that common in South Korea
Replies: >>190198 >>190202
Wh*tes donโ€™t comment on Asia or asian people
am mostly exclusive pedo
like trannies
like k-sluts
simple as
Replies: >>190204
you're a brown "asian"
Replies: >>190207
when things are typically being judged on internet media who even needs surgery anymore tbh
Replies: >>190206
nz is maori
Replies: >>190209
>like trannies
nz tier post
Replies: >>190460
I'm technically asian, being caucasian
lol that vid is literally mascot
Replies: >>190208 >>190209
Do I Look brown dafuq
mascot barely uses filters tbh
Replies: >>190210 >>190222

nice troll
Replies: >>190211
not a troll. just an observation
Replies: >>190222
also every women uses filters not just asians
Replies: >>190213
Replies: >>190214 >>190216
brandon i have headache from sleeping too much so expecting me to type proper english
Replies: >>190216 >>190217
should I hit a blinker yes or no I will record it
Replies: >>190218 >>190220
Replies: >>190219
Replies: >>190219
No hit a boinker and record it.
a what?
My dad was a car guy
brandon why is shoeonhead such a lying troll?
Replies: >>190226 >>190229
mascot is cute with filters on or not
not gonna watch
Replies: >>190230
we all know no man is actually into cougars or older women it only exists in Hollywood films and shows
I think Asian women are the only ones with nice personality
>Click on my link and use my code SHOE to get 10% off your purchase store-wide. Be proud to be unique.
that's why
Replies: >>190231
Brandon a lot of youtubers do that
Replies: >>190233
westernized asian women are awful
Replies: >>190235
and, doesn't negate why she clickbaits
Replies: >>190239
*minus chinks
Replies: >>190236 >>190237
they are still better than white women tbh
Replies: >>190238
cope brandon chink women are great and they are so nice
*also south koreans at least never met any norks though they're still not nearly as bad as chinks
nope white women are nice
Replies: >>190241
brandon is this a bot comment?
Replies: >>190242
no they are awful
>still trying for it
go back here, live update must have skipped this one for you >>190111
Replies: >>190247
brandon are you jelly of the Chinese because their country is now better than any white country?
Replies: >>190245 >>190246
Bloody bitch benchod
china is a dump
Replies: >>190250
>are you jelly of the Chinese
no, not at all
not in the least
Replies: >>190255 >>190257
paedos are outnumbered by a lot, idiot 

there are also furries but we can't say normal men are furries just because furries exist online
Replies: >>190249
I'll spare you the others

>we can totally say granny lovers are the norm tho
Replies: >>190264
Nah she 7/10 or 8/10
Replies: >>190253
stop overvaluing women
Replies: >>190254
Im gay.
did you know pigs are as intelligent as 3yo children?

brandon why are you rating them you monster!? ;(
Replies: >>190257 >>190259
So you scoring her lower than me means you are super gay
man, I really wish I had some fucking gutter oil fried meat picked out of the garbage, unfortunately I don't live in China to go buy some garbageslop, damn I'm jealous
Replies: >>190261
you can eat it without blowtorching it to death in the face, you know
not sure if you're aware
maybe you're chinese
Replies: >>190260 >>190428
do you think slaughter houses are humane or what? ๐Ÿ˜†
Replies: >>190262
and Americans eating over processed food
Replies: >>190263
yeah kosher is bullshit but show me the "blowtorched in the face whilst alive" abattoir vid
still wasn't picked out of the garbage
is this going to become another "suck dick or eat shit" forced argument
Replies: >>190267
>we can totally say granny lovers are the norm tho
if by "grynny" you mean like 30s and 40s and early 50s then yeah by my observation being on normie internet
hey Jole I'll totally unfilter you if you want to toss your name on to defend the chinese torture fetish vids
Replies: >>190266
*& trip
there is literally nothing wrong with  gutter oil. its filtered and such and there are no reports of it ever killing anyone
Replies: >>190270
but your average american diet is literally you
Replies: >>190270
*but your average american diet is literally killing you
Here is your (You) good sir
>mmmm yeah give me some of that, uh, shit that was fried in the liquid they pulled out of the sewer, surely they filtered it, nobody like DIED or anything
all you good buddy
brandon show me proofs that   gutter oil is bad
you literally can't

you and your white supremacist buddies just hate seeing a non white country like China being successful and surpassing white countries
Replies: >>190273 >>190274
how can I not (You) it, it'd be cruel, it's a bum standing outside a grocery store in freezing weather begging for dat (You)
dear lord in heaven have another one, you poor, poor thing
asians dont have souls
Ok ur gonna watch me do. Blibker
brandon rn tbh
Replies: >>190278

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damn what was it
Where the fuck is the onion address?
Replies: >>190280
Replies: >>190281
















Replies: >>190282 >>190324
thank you, I have to load the bookmark to give it to him to not bookmark
and I don't even lurk the onion anymore
Replies: >>190285
lol mask is dropping and he hasn't even been inaugurated yet
Replies: >>190290 >>190328
Replies: >>190286
Why did I do that shit
Replies: >>190349
Gutter oil and eating dog meat are not even common practices in China. Brandon is exaggerating, making it seem like every Chinese person does it
Replies: >>190299
Replies: >>190291 >>190292
he's right tbh
i don't use tor because i'm not a criminal
i just got out of prison
Replies: >>190297 >>190298
>Estimates suggest that around 2-3% of the Chinese population, which translates to approximately 20-30 million people, eat dog meat. However, it's essential to note that dog meat consumption is not widespread and is primarily concentrated in certain regions, such as Guangxi and Guangdong provinces.
brandon btfo
Replies: >>190303 >>190359
Rlly lol
how old was he?
It's not the eating dog meat I take issue with, it's the torture, and the torture is a societally embedded thing with them
literally a sideshow in chinese restaurants they go to date nights at to get served live shit etc
while they laugh and make tiktok videos about it
this is completely aside from the enormous plethora of vids of kids drowning in crowded public pools with chinks looking at them and doing nothing, driving over kids constantly and not stopping, kids laying in the middle of the road after while people just pass by

they are sick
there is an inhumanity there at a societally accepted level to a degree unlike other races
Replies: >>190300 >>190303
eating dogs is bad but raping kids is good

t. brandon robert kelley
Replies: >>190301 >>190302
fake Zain, stop sullying his name, may he rest in peace
Replies: >>190304
Fuck off chomo
>It's not the eating dog meat I take issue with, it's the torture, and the torture is a societally embedded thing with them
>literally a sideshow in chinese restaurants they go to date nights at to get served live shit
Replies: >>190305
nothing. wrong with torturing dogs
Nowhere did I say anything about giving a fuck that they eat dogs, one animal is as good as any other
Zain mudwrestle w/ patch
>gets called out
>"I never said i cared!"
Replies: >>190308
Can you link the post I said I gave a shit about them eating dog in?
Replies: >>190360
so let me get this straight brandon's the same nigga that was posting drawings of himself torturing children is now taking a hard stance against chinese dog torture?
Replies: >>190310
sounds like some bullshit you made up to get this (You) saying it's bullshit, as though that were some kind of "win", somehow
yeah brandon you're just a racist freak

i've been around Chinese people for many years when i lived in NY and NJ and i can say that chinese people are hard working and nice people
Replies: >>190312
have another (You)
Replies: >>190313
cope bro
Replies: >>190317
tell me how mad I am or something, I've got plenty more
you are bald
Replies: >>190317
Yea Iโ€™m dshort and fat
>I lost and am mad
I know, and confirmed, even >>190315
Replies: >>190318
only one of those was me 

Replies: >>190319
both say anon
Replies: >>190320
yeah but anon can be anyone
Replies: >>190322
perhaps anon is just brandon false flagging to destroy this community
>thus effectively making them all the same
in absence of any other name you're anon
Replies: >>190323
incorrect were on an anonymous text board the whole point is to be anonymous you have merely just bastardized this community
Replies: >>190325
bro it literally has "cp" twice in the url ๐Ÿ˜ญ
>the whole point is to be anonymous you have merely just bastardized this community
going to leave this one for the guys with the tripcodes especially the gibberish ones that serve no purpose other than to "protect their identity", can't think of anyone specific like that atm so I'll just leave it general
Replies: >>190326
why do you insist on identityfagging here
Replies: >>190327
>going to leave this one for the guys with the tripcodes especially the gibberish ones
all yours guys
Replies: >>190329
USA lost.
Replies: >>190330
you can't answer me brandon because you have been btfod 

i think you enjoy the negative attention from your enemies
Replies: >>190331
yeah because drumpf will be president
Replies: >>190332
>t. myne frenemy
Replies: >>190334
No because Americans are stupid.
Replies: >>190333 >>190336
i was never your friend

even in the discord many years ago i set you up for many elaborate gaslights and tricks
Replies: >>190337
Indians have higher IQ than Americans
Replies: >>190341 >>190342
>Americans are stupid.
yeah obv they voted for drumpf
Replies: >>190339
don't remember anon ever doing that, sorry
brandon jole and i have been saying for years we have years of gaslights planned and we've been gaslighting you since a decade ago
Replies: >>190343
> Anon Now 190336 
brandon idc what a racist like you think
i WILL marry a cute chink girl 
idc if it makes you seethe
Replies: >>190343
This, and white American women love Indian chads
Replies: >>190344 >>190346
depends if you mean americans or white americans
Replies: >>190345
that's nice sweetie

all yours, have at, not for me
enjoy your psychotic genes
Replies: >>190351 >>190353
They only hire the blacks anyway
>white ... women love Indian chads
Replies: >>190350
jole won again
Replies: >>190348
how does he keep pulling it off bros
Replies: >>190352
I think he was joking, indians are possibly the least desirable race why do you think everyone hates them
>enjoy your psychotic genes
brandon i said i will marry a chink girl not a white girl ๐Ÿคญ
Replies: >>190356
jolusional its not jole brandon
Replies: >>190356
we previously gaslit you into thinking we were failing to gaslight you when in reality we made no attempt at gaslighting you
Replies: >>190356
Thought actually about doing it for 5 seconds
chinks torture dogs to death not fuck them
so yeah I guess in a sense the white women torture dogs too, fair point, fair point


that's nice sweetie
Replies: >>190357
haha btfod it actually is jole
Replies: >>190358
you won again ๐Ÿ‘
Replies: >>190361
>chinks torture dogs to death 
get a new gimmick brandon ๐Ÿฅฑ
Replies: >>190360
have a (You) reaiming here >>190308
Replies: >>190367
jole always wins
Replies: >>190369
this tbh
organic reply
cope brandon you lost
how does he always win?
brannie seething lol
Nailed it tbg
brannie lost again
based jole
I put the air con on full blast in Winter in my room but cover the vent with a towel just cuz I like the noise... Is that bad? 
Replies: >>190383
came here just to post that I agree with this
he's a master troll tbh
lads why did Rin lie about having a  air con?
Replies: >>190383 >>190392
...? See >>190378
air con is normal you retard fuck

I'm so sick of me, wake up and hate to breathe
And I pride myself in that, so dramatic, I'll admit
I'm so typical, my life ain't difficult
But I'm so caught up in it, just a lowlife, I'll admit
I'm self-critical, tryhard original
Oh, I pride myself on that, such a loser, I'll admit
And I ask myself
When my time will come
Will I run away?
so true!
Will I run away?
I'm the original loser
Some days I wish I was anyone else
I'm the original loser
Some days I wish I was anyone else
when is the last time brandon won against jole?
Replies: >>190396 >>190399
I'm so paranoid, most people I avoid
Not seeking sympathy (nah), I just want all of this
Under an umbrella (yeah)
I try to shelter myself from the rain
I try to stop my head from going insane
I'm counting down, all the days
I swear that there's a price they took
Being alone outside then
Can I suffocate you when they cannot fucking chase me, ayy
Anagram all of the letters
Tellin' me that I'm gonna be fine
Cleaning the world is out of my mind
Piece 'em together and dump on the sides
I'ma be alone tonight
If I try to stay alive
And realize I'm going blind
I'm the original loser
Some days I wish I was anyone else
(Congratulations) I'm the original loser
Some days I wish I was anyone else
Lol everyone knows you can't get an air con in UK without a loiscence.
Replies: >>190407
Don't let 'em change your mind
Don't let 'em change your mind (ooh)
And don't let 'em waste your time
Don't let 'em waste your time (someone save me)
Don't let 'em change your mind
Don't let 'em change your mind (loser)
Don't let 'em waste your time
Don't let 'em waste your time
Yeah, don't let 'em waste your time
I'm the original loser
Some days I wish I was anyone else
he has a very high winrate tbh
brandon crying irl over these replies lol
based jole tbh
Well Brandon never goes to Jole's website 24/7 to cry, but Jole comes to Brandon's known website every single day, every hour, 24/7 to bait Brandon so I think every single time Jole is here trying to bait Brandon, Brandon wins.
Replies: >>190400
cope, brandon lost, and such
Replies: >>190409
You could have anyone you want
Why would you want to be with me?
I'm nothing special
You could have anyone you want
Why would you want to be with me?
You know I'm nothing special
Be with whoever you want
I don't care, I don't care
I don't wanna know
Don't tell me about your problems
If your not trying to solve them
Don't ask me for my help
Fix it yourself
She tried to call me yesterday
But I didn't pick up
'Cause I don't got time
I don't have time
I don't have time
I don't have time
I don't have time (no)
Do whatever you want
I don't care, I don't care
Don't even tell me
I don't really wanna know
Don't ask me how my day's been
I just wanna be alone
Stop talking about your past
I don't wanna hear it
Just leave me alone
Just go
I don't care about myself
'Cause everyone is trying to hurt me (jealous)
Just leave me alone (jealous)
Just leave me alone
Just leave me alone
I just wanna be alone
you mad white pedo?
Replies: >>190437
Are you fucking insane? You can get air con easily here it's just a ballache to install if you life in a listed building, in which case you can get the window ones, Seattle etc americans know this too, but we got ours installed normally. Having a splitter costs more, but it's fine.
I lay myself upon the floor
We're not all dying here
Well, maybe I don't need it after all
It was a place for me to rest my head
I don't see you going to Jolechan and baiting him every day
And all the books upon your shelf
Tell stories of who we are
But there's more to the picture here
I will play it on your broken guitar
I will play it on your broken guitar
The night is for remembering
The morning is for starting again
You are for remembering
I will remember you
When I forget
I've never seen a light like this
This is how you love
I've never known a light like yours
This his how I love
Oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh, oh-oh-oh
Oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh, oh-oh-oh

The night is for remembering
The morning is for starting again
You are for remembering
I will remember you
When I forget
I just checked, in a normal UK household it only costs 2k to get a 2 splitter aircon installed
I don't think 2k is a lot for year-round comfort
Cut my life into pieces, this is my last resort
Suffocation, no breathing
Don't give a fuck, if I cut my arm bleeding
This is my last resort
Cut my life into pieces, I've reached my last resort
Suffocation, no breathing
Don't give a fuck if I cut my arm bleeding
Do you even care if I die bleeding?
Would it be wrong, would it be right
If I took my life tonight? Chances are that I might
Mutilation out of sight and I'm contemplating suicide
I'm contemplating suicide
'Cause I'm losing my sight, losing my mind
Wish somebody would tell me I'm fine
Losing my sight, losing my mind
Wish somebody would tell me I'm fine
I am fine
I never realizะตd I was spread too thin
'Til it was too late and I was empty within
Feeding on chaos and living in sin
Downward spiral, whะตre do I begin?
It all started when I lost my mother
No love for myself and no love for another
To find a love upon a higher level
Finding nothing but questions and devils (Devils)
'Cause I'm losing my sight, losing my mind
Wish somebody would tell me I'm fine
Losing my sight, losing my mind
Wish somebody would tell me I'm fine
Nothing is fine
and the UK national wage is higher than the US one so even poorfags can afford it, so that means there's no fucking reason NOT to get it.
Replies: >>190425
I'm crying, I'm crying
I'm crying, I'm crying
I can't go on living this way (Oh-oh-oh)
I can't go on living this way (Oh-oh-oh)
Cut my life into pieces, oh-oh-oh
(I can't go on living this way, I can't go on living this way)
Cut my life into pieces, yeah!
(I can't go on living this way, I can't go on living this way)
'Cause I'm losing my sight, losing my mind
Wish somebody would tell me I'm fine
Losing my sight, losing my mind
Wish somebody would tell me I'm fine (I can't go on living this way)
Nothing is fine (I can't go on living this way)
I'm running and I'm crying (I can't go on living this way)
I'm running and I'm crying (I can't go on living this way)
I'm running and I'm crying (I can't go on living this way)
Nothing's alright
>and the UK national wage is higher than the US 
lol no
Replies: >>190427
and all this "ohhh but our generation can't afford a house because boomers" fuck off

You can't afford a house because you are lazy as fuck and don't want to work, fuck you
It is lol, check it
they do that because it makes the meat tastier
Replies: >>190435
ngl it's pretty comfy how koomie's not-spam just brushes the tryharding away
Replies: >>190431
US medium wage is WAY higher than UK, but UK minimum wage is higher than US en ratio
>ngl it's pretty comfy how koomie's not-spam just brushes the tryharding away
damn even brandon agrees with this now
Replies: >>190434
ยฃ10 is about $15 dollars
figured somebody with a name should, don't want him to feel lonely
>Albert Fish liked this
Replies: >>190453
I just cannot stand poor people pretending they cannot make their way in this world and blame everyone else
Replies: >>190438 >>190440
>you mad white pedo?

Yes I am, who the fuck is that and why would she be hugging him? Did he donate to a childrens hospital or save her brother?
your mommy and daddy buy you everything tho
Replies: >>190441
The minimum wage in the US is 100% a wage you can live on and buy a house on, but zoomers are so lazy they want to try pretend it isn't.
but you born with silver spoon in mouth
Replies: >>190442
So? Even if they didn't I'd survive, I worked fucking warehouse jobs just to save to go to Japan dude, I know what hard work is, my dad made me realise that
Replies: >>190443 >>190444
Again, my dad made me work low-class jobs like warehouse to make me realise what it's like to do work like that
you'd be living in a shitty apartment like everyone else
>my dad made me realise that
lol yeah because he gives you everything, you havent worked a honest days work in your life and no the glory holes dont count
Replies: >>190455
and I know for a fact these american faggots on minimum wage are lying that they can't get by on minimum wage, cuz I fucking did
Replies: >>190446 >>190447
you probably dont pay any rent
Replies: >>190455
>cuz I fucking did
no you didn't you got by with daddies money
Replies: >>190455
Step one, you say we need to talk
He walks, you say sit down, it's just a talk
He smiles politely back at you
You stare politely right on through
Some sort of window to your right
As he goes left, and you stay right
Between the lines of fear and blame
You begin to wonder why you came
Where did I go wrong?
I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life
filtered Toukka ๐Ÿ›
Let him know that you know best
'Cause after all, you do know best
Try to slip past his defense
Without granting innocence
Lay down a list of what is wrong
The things you've told him all along
And pray to God he hears you
And I pray to God he hears you
And where did I go wrong?
I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life
im just saying there is a reason
it might look sadistic, and probably is
but it's not made for no reason at all
death in such a painful and violent manner infuses the muscles with Adrenalin or some shit like that i forgot, and introduces a flavour the chinese like

you can think of it as their way of aging the meat
Replies: >>190462
As he begins to raise his voice
You lower yours and grant him one last choice
Drive until you lose the road
Or break with the ones you've followed
He will do one of two things
He will admit to everything
Or he'll say he's just not the same
And you'll begin to wonder why you came
He made me work for the value of money and I did
I rented in Japan
I worked fucking nonsense night time hours to save up for holiday money
Replies: >>190464
How to save a life
How to save a life

Where did I go wrong?
I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life
People cry "oh boo-hoo rich people" but you don't even fucking try
Replies: >>190461
Where did I go wrong?
I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life

How to save a life
How to save a life
maybe if you stopped spunking your earnings on drugs and alcohol you'd be able to diversify and save your fucking money you degens
only the qt ones, like kai, aka the queen of catchan
Replies: >>190467
you're a alcoholic tho which are societies most useless people
Replies: >>190463
>Albert Fish sent you a friend request
And yet I'm doing well in life? Who are you to judge me? What do you do?
Replies: >>190465
you had an all expenses paid by daddy holiday to japan
Replies: >>190468
you're bottom of the food chain
rin is a low iq manchild
true she is cute
No, my dad never paid for my holidays, I saved up myself to get them. I did a shitty warehouse job in England for 4 months and saved up 2k then fucked off to Japan.
if we killed all druggies and alcoholics on this planet it would do so much good
Replies: >>190472
Don't do love, don't do friends
I'm only after success
Don't need a relationship
I'll never soften my grip
Don't want cash, don't want card
Want it fast, want it hard
Don't need money, don't need fame
I just want to make a change
jole deserves to live a long life tbh
I just wanna change, I just wanna change
I just wanna change, I just wanna change
I just wanna change
I know exactly what I want and who I want to be
I know exactly why I walk and talk like a machine
I'm now becoming my own self-fulfilled prophecy
Oh! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no, oh!
One track mind, one track heart
If I fail, I'll fall apart
Maybe it is all a test
'Cause, I feel like I'm the worst
So I always act like I'm the best
Poorniggers just try be a victim, you can fuck off, you can literally just work a warehouse job for 4 months and do what I did but you don't even fucking want to so you just blame others.
Replies: >>190479 >>190482
If you are not very careful
Your possessions will possess you
TV taught me how to feel
Now real life has no appeal
It has no appeal, it has no appeal
It has no appeal, it has no appeal
It has no appeal
all the warehouse jobs are taken by indians
Replies: >>190483
I'm gonna live, I'm gonna fly
I'm gonna fail, I'm gonna die
I'm gonna live, I'm gonna fly
I'm gonna fail, gonna die, die, die, die
Da-da-da, da-da-da
Da-da-da, da-da-da
Da-da-da, da-da-da
Oh! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no, oh!
lol your parents probably expected you to become successful like them but instead you became a spoiled parasite
How come I got one every single time then? It's literally 100% white people in warehouse jobs outside of Amazon you dumb cunt
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