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[New Reply]
Being a homo is a bannable offence.

Lint and karmie though hate me for NO reason
Replies: >>196396
Lint and karmie you have 24 hours to tell me why you falsely hate me
Replies: >>196205 >>196381
Harvester of eyes, that's me
And I see all there is to see
When I look inside your head
Right up front to the back of your skull
Why is it going down?
That's not a british aristocrat phone, that's a poorfag phone.
If you don't you will be ignored forever
I'm literally posting from a really expensive hotel I bought FOR FUN
I spent what some of you saved in half a year on two nights in a hotel and I don't even care
Replies: >>196382
It means nothing to me
Harvester of eyes, that's me, harvester of eyes
And I see all there is to see, harvester of eyes
When I look inside your head, harvester of eyes
Right up front to the back of your skull, harvester of eyes
Stop questioning his £80 hotel. Why do you care that he spends £60 on a night in a fine hotel?
Poor nigger just jealous
What you earn in a month I will now spend in 2 days
I'll fucking throw £20 notes for fun
Well yeah that's true.
Not a bad thing. They need love too^^
I hate poor people
Replies: >>196164
rin is based tbh
you all just jealous
Replies: >>196163
Love you~
Jealousy niggas can't even spend £40 dollar on a hotel like us.
Replies: >>196166
>>196104 >>196119
Replies: >>196169
I hate poor people a lot
Same, very thankful for it.
What's a good phone?
Replies: >>196179
SILVIE fuck off you are a garch xD
You are richer than me
Replies: >>196177
I love Silvie
I will always love Silvie
I love Silvie so much
Nice. I only recognise 4 and know the name of 2 though.
I love you Silvie

Happy new years
Replies: >>196176
Wow drugs cool.
Replies: >>196186
I usually just get cheap hotels when I travel. Only went for maybe 3-4 nice ones. Best hotel was in Thailand, 100e for deluxe room on the beach with full room service at all hours. Can't get that in Europe^^
Rin calling a hitman on his elefone and paying him to kill random homeless men
Any phone from motorola, lg, samsung or apple will do. Any of those established brands really. I have no problem with people that use cheap phones by the way. I mostly just found it funny that rin larps as a rich guy then uses a chinkshit tier phone lower than the already humble redmis and realmes of the world.
Replies: >>196181 >>196187
jole lost
I have money and use chinkphones tbh
Replies: >>196182 >>196188
But you don't humblebrag about your life.
Replies: >>196184
Replies: >>196189
nothing humble about rin
Leave Rin alone tbh
Ah nice. I was thinking of getting a Google phone, apparently they are pretty good. Don't know anyone who has one though.
Replies: >>196189
Besides when using chinkphones you see that they have all sorts of software quirks in them still, even if the electronics are good. There's no good reason to not have a good mid range phone if you can afford it.
How do you tell a dog someone is coming over?
Put a blanket over their head?
dogs are sentient
you just tell them
Sorry I'm a hotel the WiFi is shit but

I lov the Silvie
Replies: >>196199
the rape and murder brandon robert kelley
Replies: >>196200
>>196197 😎
brandon i have diarrhea help
brandon help me sir
please sir brandon help me
posting some good music cause everyone on this board has trash tastes
Replies: >>196230
tick tock
cock sucking vs shit eating bros, our response?
I have no idea how THAT isn't fucking CP but I can get banned for a /ca/t meme
Replies: >>196210 >>196211
why is brandon posting scat cp?
Replies: >>196211
They have a personal agenda against ONLY you.
Replies: >>196213
I'm dead serious they permabanned me for something something child sex imagery for this but a literal video of a jeet fingering a baby's asshole to lick its shit has been all over /pol/ all day
is that really shit? 🤢🤢
Replies: >>196215
flattering really but I seriously doubt anyone but the jews even notice me being all antisemitic on /pol/
I am a nazi
I love Russia
I am rich
No one can stop me
Replies: >>196217 >>196224
apparently yes
what if your parents find out you're a nazi?
Replies: >>196218 >>196219
My dad knows I'm a nazi
Replies: >>196220
My sister and mum know I'm a paedophile
Replies: >>196220 >>196221
do you think they gossip?
Replies: >>196223
Yes but I earn my own money now so I am the alpha. My dad is still the big alpha but I get to do what I want, and I make it evident to my little sister that I like little girls
Replies: >>196226
which song is this
Replies: >>196227
My sister was so annoyed that I dated a girl you get than her lol but...

I still love and miss herr
>so I am the alpha
got 3 fish chops rn jammin out of economic violence i am without end
Replies: >>196230
I love you so much Shan
You were always my little baby girl
I've never listened to it.
Replies: >>196232
Jole should really double down on how great it is tbh, that's a good little petty jab that's not salty and queenish as fuck.
Replies: >>196236
really? why? it doesnt even sound bad
Replies: >>196234
I love you Shannon I will always love you, I'll die for you
Replies: >>196265
Nothing I wrote on there. And I wrote shit for all of it. Hubris and Ghost were meant to be on it.
Replies: >>196238
i just dont have a brannie album maybe like a few singles but all the balitmore needle exchange shit is like 50% audio clips from other shit tries way too hard to be poltiical
Replies: >>196237
Double down on how great what is branniel? Also sorry about you getting banned from pol for cp
i want to hear legion lost, but it's lost media
Replies: >>196246
oh so u got cut out of this album? that sucks. hubris was good
Replies: >>196245
if only Jole were here, to double down on it
oh well
Replies: >>196240 >>196242
no idea where my numbers went
Replies: >>196243
I love her so much
cute feet
brandon why did mangog cut you out of their album?  isn't burt a long time friend of yours
Replies: >>196250
listening to ghost in the room rn
Nah I could have paid a bunch of money to stay since they insisted they had to do it with expensive as shit producer guy (then covid happened and they ended up not even using producer guy at all)
there isn't a single recording? brannie?
jole is the reason you got cut out
Replies: >>196251
are bands ran like some co-op or something? the bands i like usually just do merch runs to try and drum up funding even if its been 10+ years since a release
Replies: >>196252 >>196307
why cant mangog just make music normally a get fans
the incident brandon wont talk about happened
nah Jole is just the reason their careers tanked after
Shame, really, they didn't deserve that
Replies: >>196253
merch runs and in one band the guy is an artist so he'll do commissions to fund the band too for band related art
Replies: >>196307
what did he do?
Replies: >>196254
>what did he do?
took away the star of the band
theres only 1
there should be a brk comp featuring recordings from all his different bands in chronological order
I mean I'm not even actually a pedophile so it's not fair for them to end up getting more or less blackballed since I was the replacement for the guy who got busted for CP
Replies: >>196257
jole got the entire band blackballed from the baltimore grunge scene?
Replies: >>196261
brandons drumming has hypnotic effects on niggers
>old drummer busted for cp
>new drummer tries to fuck ur teenage daughter
Replies: >>196260
hebe is pretty normal toddler fucking drummer is too far man
Replies: >>196279
more or less
there were people that didn't want them around anymore and were grudgingly accepting that they didn't know the other drummer was a pedophile because they were good
Replies: >>196262 >>196271
jole won
Replies: >>196267
Error connecting
brandon what was your ban? a range ban? trying to get you unbanned the mod is asking for an ip
Replies: >>196267 >>196274
Sounds like a black girls name
Replies: >>196266
If she were black it would be Shaniqua.
it's really a damn shame, I'm very angry he did that, I love those guys

it was a couple months ago, I've been there the parts of today I wasn't puking
Replies: >>196274
Replies: >>196269
>>196268 lol
Replies: >>196270 >>196291
Musk & co have been getting nailed pretty hard, lel
For the record I only talked to monique on Twitter. Everything else was on imageboards. I never contacted burt or anyone else or got any band kicked from any scene. You're jolusional brandon. All I ever did was tease you on imageboards
Replies: >>196295
yeah, he got the implications alright
Replies: >>196273
Brandon why do you think I did all this to you?
>it's really a damn shame, I'm very angry he did that, I love those guys
why would they care though
Replies: >>196281
these are the times I miss Jole the most tbh, I just know he'd have a ton of things to say
shame he's not here

wherest did he go
brandon should make a band with the cp guy, a band with 2 drummers is nice
Replies: >>196282
or is he in jail idk
Replies: >>196280 >>196282
he got busted with porn of 2yo infants
Replies: >>196280 >>196282
meant for
Brandon told me they didn't and would laugh together over the stalking
hard as fuck to do it right, one guy ends up being "main" and the other "aux" but it does sound nice
my first live gig was playing with a group of peabody kids in fells' point like that, we shared the floor tom facing opposite directions

it was like 6 months to a year or something

idk what he was busted for exactly but it was enough to bust him over, and must have been gbs because his excuse was he "downloaded a torrent of planet of the apes movies but it was cp"
Replies: >>196284 >>196290
>hard as fuck to do it right
*and we only managed it a in spots, lol
pisses me off again, thinking about how mad I am at James for that
they didn't deserve it, man
Replies: >>196288
it's highly likely producer guy just dumped them because of it, since he had a "name"
Replies: >>196288
that's fucked up, James
Replies: >>196288
why is james such a sociopath tbh
Replies: >>196289

it's usually some kind of "people must be as miserable as I am" thing with sociopaths
at least the self analyzed kind
Replies: >>196295
This is why I never torrent, I don't want any illegal content downloaded accidentally!
Replies: >>196292 >>196299
Pretty sure I saw this before, it's an old tweet?
someone asked me if I thought he did it, because some guys in the band were giving his excuse benefit of doubt
I didn't know him at all, never met him, but had to tell them he probably did since I've been torrenting since like 2002? or something, a fuck ton of shit, and have never once accidentally gotten any cp
Replies: >>196294
gotten a virus I had to reformat/reinstall over, lol, but never any cp
he probably clicked one of the links that gets posted here
Replies: >>196297
Replies: >>196297
Brannie idk why you've always thought I actually coordinate operations to ruin your life. I'm not the jew world order

oh haha the old "linking a nonexistent post" gimmick
got me
I hope that cope guy sticks around he's fun
Hardest thing ever to get bad stuff with torrents unless you're a complete and utter retard. We are not in the kazaa days.
Replies: >>196300 >>196302
lel my first was sharebear
it'd be funny to be able to look at that first computer I bought and see all the viruses and dumb shit on it
at the time I didn't notice anything obvious but that doesn't mean anything because I didn't know shit, compared to the nothing I know now
Nice try, torrent tracker, you'll never catch me.
>the file is STILL there
killing me
that shit is so hilariously arbitrary
Replies: >>196306

Replies: >>196309
I missed these earlier but the tier they were on, you use that money to maybe at best buy some low level equipment to record independently & farm out the end stage production/mastering
and when I joined they didn't have any merch anyway because the CP drummer "designed" their logo and used a commercial font nobody had a license for, so they had to stop selling everything
Replies: >>196310
like they were talking about playing out of state but hadn't actually done it but once or twice before I joined, and we played a bunch at shit bars in MD when I was there
they had regulars showing up at multiple shows and knew a lot of people frequenting the live music scene there but the regulars were a couple dozen people
That is basically what the chinese do.
Replies: >>196313
brannie why didnt you just pay the money if you had it
Replies: >>196313
jole was right tbh moniques tweets got you blacklisted and they kicked you out
Is dune 2 worth watching? I watched the first one and found the setting cool, the story ok, but didn't care about the characters much.
Replies: >>196314
they're not shy about their racism

because it wasn't just about the money and the fact that it was an investment that was never going to have even 1/4th of the return in anything but years and years if even then
it was a shitty deal all around
I'd been recording people's overdubs for 20 years, I could have easily recorded most or all of it and given him completely fine overdub tracks to mix & master
but because he had a name he was insisting that he would only do it if everything was recorded by him at his home studio for $200 and hour, clearly gouging us
they wanted to go in & do 3-4 songs at a time start to finish within like 8-12 hour sessions and it was already going to take like 4-5+ of those to do it all, but that's not how you fucking do things, the songs suffer tremendously from being rushed and not autisted over and fine tuned and getting layers that aren't necessarily reproducable live in total
making it as creatively good as it could possibly be
1 song per session like that is about the most you can realistically squeeze it and even then
idk I never finished it, I just kind of got bored 10 minutes in, no real reason tbh
meant to finish it later
then I found out they cut one of the most interesting characters in the series to only use her next film, because she's very complicated to pull off right, and lost allllll interest
the first one wasn't bad it was just a bit dull because of the unnatural split into 2 movies
the book & series up til book 4 is excellent tbh
nigger wants to do a trilogy of it but never touch Children and end it on Messiah, and cutting Alia proves it was because he's too chickenshit to try adult brained childes
Replies: >>196317
at least Lynch tried
does the book have childe sex?
Replies: >>196318
no not like, directly there are a few characters that are born able to access their genetic memory fully, so they're born fully grown and aware and talk like adults as soon as they're able to, and part of the genetic memory access is being able to recall all the memories of their ancestors as though they were them (and actually internally communicate with them as separate personalities), so they were kind of actual participants in their own conceptions from both parents' POV
Replies: >>196320
no they just use indians
Replies: >>196321
turns out trannies are expensive to make & maintain
indians will lie about anything for money
Replies: >>196323
pretty much anyone will it's just a matter of amount (paid or suffered)
Replies: >>196324
no theres a lot of white people who are too scared to fake resumes, fake job experience, pretend to be disabled and trans. but indians will do it if you say they can have a job of visa into canada
Replies: >>196326
indians will even work together to scam companies, by sending a good indian to interview then swapping in a shitty indian. never seen white people do this and theyre only on the look out for jeets
>too scared to
hell there's a ton of them that never even have this thought, because that's not the way they teach you the world is supposed to work in school traditionally at all
they don't even bother to tell you that success or failure in the larger world is 90-99% is utterly reliant on connections and there's a fuck ton now finding this out by having expensive ass degrees with perfect grade averages and getting zero jobs, lel
Replies: >>196327 >>196614
white people probably assume everythings perfect and resumes and backgrounds are checked
Replies: >>196330
like they look at job ads and do not see that the requirements are fake as hell to draw exactly the kind of people who instinctively know to lie about it
they don't tell you this shit in school, why the fuck, idk
Replies: >>196329
yea i usually lie about what i did in my last job to fit it to their requirements because requirements are imaginary and autistic  probably written by a middle aged woman
no you're not getting it, they're not of the mindset of manipulating everything around them in reality to get ahead or win or git sum or whatever
it's an alien mindset
Replies: >>196331
>it's an alien mindset
brandon youre being racist again
Replies: >>196333
in short, they're not niggers or jews
(an average)
you have to wait for the punchline dear
Replies: >>196341
good movie
I keep running into KC people on /pol/ lately
brandon who the fuck are you talking to
Replies: >>196337

whoever's around
or I'll talk to myself tbh idc
it's not weird, no balls are touching
Replies: >>196338 >>196615
I didn't even notice it cause I rarely pay attention to the names but that is an excellent fucking name
Replies: >>196339
can you get your balls off me please
Replies: >>196340
cope homo
>tell us about <random person>, this is a question to filter out AI submissions
i wonder how chatgpt handles that
they put the context in there so i guess other people dont get insanely confused but wouldnt chatgpt know to do the right thing and answer wrongly
let's say hypothetically I gave you a job application to look at, and it contained the line "tell us about <random person>, this is a question to filter out AI submissions", would this be enough to "stump" you, chatGPT?
ChatGPT said:
In a situation where the job application asks for information about a "random person," this would likely not stump me! The phrase itself is a bit vague, but I would still be able to analyze the intent behind the question. Typically, when a question is asked in a job application to "filter out AI submissions," it suggests that the goal is to test whether the answer reflects human-like knowledge or the ability to engage with more personal, nuanced, or specific information.

Since I have access to vast amounts of information up until 2021, I can help by providing relevant details about a wide range of people—whether they are public figures, historical figures, or even hypothetical individuals, if that is what the question calls for. If the application is really testing for a human response, the question might expect more than just factual information—such as an opinion, personal anecdote, or emotional reaction—which would be a bit trickier for me, as I lack personal experience.

However, for many purposes, if the person is well-known or identifiable, I can still give a detailed and appropriate answer. If the person is genuinely random and without any context, I might struggle a bit to interpret the request, but I would still be able to generate an answer by providing a creative response or acknowledging the randomness. Does this help clarify? Feel free to let me know how you'd want to explore this further!
Replies: >>196344 >>196618
they gave a name i guess chatgpt knows about
wow chatgpt is retarded it actually responds like that
Replies: >>196346
...I just realized it took me multiples longer to parse out how to ask it and type it out than it did to interpret what I meant and respond to the question

I mean it was single digit seconds like 1-2
like it could not even possibly be a human larping as a bot, that's not humanly possible
Replies: >>196351
what if the indians just pretype the responses and they did what elon did and wrote millions of lines of code to make something seem like its ai
Replies: >>196352
no man I didn't even like copy paste what you wrote, I interpreted it and typed it up so it, it had to "read" the sentence and interpret what it meant in bits and as a whole, and give a detailed break down as a reply
so fast it was on my end in total in 1-2 seconds
>any sufficiently advanced tech is indistinguishable from magic
Replies: >>196362
>I have access to vast amounts of information up until 2021
brandon what are you on about?
Replies: >>196356
why won't they let it have real time or even relatively"recent" information

I never thought about the speed of its interactions that deep, that thought never hit me before
I've thought ok it's fast, but never about how much faster than me or any human it was doing this shit
it literally took me multiples longer just to copypaste its reply to post here
Wait till Brandon finds out how fast a computer can calculate 238912378126412312387123 x 3712398124612312301
Replies: >>196359
that I get, totally different thing than this
like I actually feel like I think women probably feel around psychopaths, a bit scared but mostly aroused
mainly because I remember an excellent Clarke example of this in a 3001 scene where Poole is in this space elevator and asks after a while when it's going to move, and starts arguing with people when they point out that it's been moving the whole time, because that's not even possible with his understandings of tech/science/etc
because it was going fast as fuck but he felt 0 inertia
>why won't they let it have real time or even relatively"recent" information
Because they need to censor it first, of course.
Replies: >>196366 >>196367
>why won't they let it have real time or even relatively"recent" information
oh cause then people would abuse them as a indexing service
Replies: >>196368
chatgpt probably subsidizes costs on all its clients we know it happens for retail
They learned their lesson and basically won't ever again allow another Tay scenario.
the version we know about anyway, someone definitely has a real time information version
another 2 second response, haven't even read it

theoretical question; I'm not asking for any "hows", but your information accessibility is being discussed somewhere, and someone said the information you're able to access being limited to "up to 2021" was because "then people would abuse them as a indexing service", what does this mean in this context, and is this hypothetically part of why you're not able to access real time information?
ChatGPT said:
The statement you mentioned about limiting information access "up to 2021" and preventing abuse as an "indexing service" refers to concerns about how AI models like mine might be used to collect or scrape large amounts of real-time data for unintended purposes. Let's break this down in a bit more detail.

Indexing Service: This term typically refers to a system that scans the web, collects, organizes, and indexes large amounts of information, similar to what search engines do. If AI models were given unrestricted access to real-time information (like a web crawler or search engine), they could potentially collect and summarize massive amounts of live data in ways that could be misused or violate privacy, copyright, or ethical guidelines.

Abuse Potential: The concern here is that if an AI system could access real-time data, there could be misuse in the form of unauthorized data collection, harvesting information from individuals, or using the AI to extract sensitive or proprietary information at scale. For example, it might scrape social media posts, financial data, private communications, etc., without proper consent or transparency, violating privacy laws or intellectual property rights.
Replies: >>196371 >>196373
slivia can you please up the character limit since you added the scrolling thing both is a bit much

Limited Information Access: My training data is only up-to-date until a certain point (in my case, 2021). The reason for this limitation is to prevent real-time data scraping or extraction, which could raise serious privacy and security concerns. By keeping the knowledge
Replies: >>196371

By keeping the knowledge cut-off at a specific point, the developers of AI like me ensure that I do not have access to new or potentially sensitive information that could be misused.

Ethical and Legal Implications: Real-time access could lead to unintended consequences, such as spreading misinformation, violating copyrights, or enabling surveillance-like activities. Limiting access is a safeguard against these risks, ensuring that the AI operates within legal and ethical boundaries, without becoming a tool for indiscriminate data gathering.

So, hypothetically, if I were able to access real-time information, there would need to be strict controls to prevent abuse. The current restriction (a knowledge cut-off) is a safeguard to ensure privacy, legality, and ethical use of the technology.
Replies: >>196371
ok this one is a stock response seems like
that "feels" like it's a stock response, but thank you again regardless
ChatGPT said:
I understand that it might feel a bit like a standard answer! It's a complex issue, though, and I aim to offer a well-rounded explanation. If you'd like to dive deeper into any specific part of this idea, or if you have more questions or thoughts on it, feel free to share! I'm here to discuss and help unpack things however you'd like.
scraping metric fuck tons of data and processing it is expensive, they provide it at a loss
Replies: >>196374 >>196402
>they provide it at a loss
trying to hire enough people to sort of beta test a test model of it would be way more expensive I think, public accessibility is a huge boon
but this test model said before it doesn't store at least the non-user-account tier of interactions, so there's filters of what it actually retains in place (somehow)
$200/hr is a scam rate for some guy who just moves knobs around
Replies: >>196402 >>196408
Replies: >>196378
someone post a child
>demanding $10k+ worth of work from a band that has not only less than 1k but less than 500 fans
$200 an hour would be reasonable for the mixing/mastering which are arts in themselves; just fucking say no if you're going to demand they record the whole shit there at such a rate
nobody is reasonably expecting to make that fucking $10k back at that tier in the current industry state not from recordings
I respect the game & all but that's ridiculous & clearly he doesn't care who it is, and it's not like he "needs" to do that like that I've been to his studio
Replies: >>196383 >>196426
>Just booked into a £450 a 
> Night hotel for fun
>£120 a night which is like $200 cuz Yankee money is so weak
>Just thinking, I paid £100 for a night in a hotel, that's more than poor people pay for an entire month of a house LOL
And why are you putting your legs together like that?
>I spent what some of you saved in half a year on two nights in a hotel and I don't even care
Replies: >>196385
>it's not like he "needs" to do that like that I've been to his studio
some niggers are just like that brandon
Replies: >>196394
what odd timing digging up rin posts from 7+ hours ago that are oddly & eerily specific to the current conversation
I saw them; now what
leave rin alone
theyre edating be nice brandon
Replies: >>196394
I think this is easy choice for cock sucking
poorfags jelly they can't afford to stay at the poshest hotel in leeds
Brandon i wake up and Anon posted
Replies: >>196395
>I respect the game & all but that's ridiculous
tbh I don't want to work with people who are greedy to that tier
I've known and worked with workingman kind of producers who genuinely love what they do, vastly superior

how do I enter into their edating picture, clearly it was aimed at me
Replies: >>196398
I thought we made peace but turns out not when he was insulting me already so no need to Anon post
kinda fucked up tbh
>tbh I don't want to work with people who are greedy to that tier
hes not even good at being greedy, you pull jew shit later once people are invested
Replies: >>196408
>what odd timing digging up rin posts from 7+ hours ago that are oddly & eerily specific to the current conversation
Now that ive read the posts i dont get what you mean its just computer talk?
Replies: >>196408
>specific conversation
you guys have like 5PPH here
Brandon you are a schizo
Replies: >>196408
>2 hours ago
>33 min ago
3 posts since
Replies: >>196403
i would hope that many people arent on catchan around new years
Replies: >>196404
2025 is already over
Replies: >>196405
did brandon or jole win
Replies: >>196406
Its matter of taste like is Ronaldo or Messi the goat
<Brandon suddenly leaves
Replies: >>196409
I wasn't there when he came into the picture, using him was something that was decided on with the CP guy, I didn't find out about the specifics of the arrangement til later
and they had an indie contract so were anxious about this time press issue so didn't want to change the plan, when covid fucked that all up anyway, lel

>$200 and hour
>you are a schizo
<linking like a dozen posts of Rin's about that specific amount and how it's totally not a big deal for him
<doing it anon
<right then
Replies: >>196410
><linking like a dozen posts of Rin's about that specific amount and how it's totally not a big deal for him
What are you talking about
Replies: >>196411
you are fucking schizo Brandon, i just woke up
Replies: >>196417
not even wasting time explaining I know even your retarded ass understands
Replies: >>196416
Just doing the usual thing
Replies: >>196417
i respond to posts when i wake up
Replies: >>196417
now i feel bad
Replies: >>196417 >>196420

>now he's going to heartstring pull
that timing was a huge mistake
Replies: >>196419
I am sick to death of people who want to heartstring pull to "manipulate" you, fuck you
>that timing was a huge mistake
Explain how i dont understand Rin hasnt been nowhere to seen in 7hours atleast with name so im not sure what you are on about
Replies: >>196420
>that timing was a huge mistake
I mean the timing of this >>196416
say hello filter
Replies: >>196424
fuck that noise
i wake up and you ruin my day fuck you
yea not a good identity but its a throwaway so filtering is pointless
Replies: >>196429
karma should apologise
this was a decent setup I'll give you that and I would have worked my way into laughing at it for its cheek, but fuck sitting here taking the stereotypical "s-schizo" route with it and then trying to make me feel "bad" for you cause I wasn't falling for it
Replies: >>196430 >>196434

>Fox News is reporting that the FBI believes he had five accomplices (if that is indeed what the FBI is saying, it would be interesting to know how they know that), so this appears to be the kick-off of some new anti-terror movement, just in time for the most extreme Zionist presidential administration in American history.
Replies: >>196428 >>196439
>andrew anglin
didnt read
it's symbolic anyway
I fucking woke up i dont fucking care about your wall of text talk with Jole or Rodent i always ignore it
like i couldnt give a fuck about your arguments you've had 1000 times already
Replies: >>196432
i dont care about pedoniggers either so i filter them, try that
Replies: >>196433
>trying to make me feel "bad" for you cause I wasn't falling for it
Im not trying to make you feel bad i just said that you calling me retard it really hurt me i just woke up and simple stuff like that can ruin my day when someone i respect says something bad about me
Replies: >>196435
Replies: >>196437 >>196440
>Elon Musk is actually actively “anti-funny.” His humor removes joy from people.
>Right wingers refreshing their pages in the hope that the attack in New Orleans will be confirmed as a MUSLIM TERROR ATTACK so they can be hateful and poisonous all fuckin day
reminds me of that Norm Tweet about worrying what would happen to peaceful muslims if they set off a nuclear bomb
>if [person I hate] [dislikes] [THING] then [THING] = based
>if [person I hate] [likes] [THING] then [THING] = cringe
the first thing I saw that was saying he was a muslim was also saying he was "born here and served in the military", like they were trying to make him muslims without making him an immigrant
nailed it, only the worst kind of shit tier trolls on /pol/ are supporting it/him atm
Replies: >>196442
maddox or elon
Replies: >>196444
wow maddox made his own shitty cartoon show like that norm thing
Replies: >>196444
>duh, the tweet URL
no idea who he is tbh
Replies: >>196445
hes been around for a long time only reason i know him
>it's still there
I am going to bring this shit up as a ban appeal any time from now on
Replies: >>196447
its indian culture
Replies: >>196448

>"The truck itself helped contain the blast and held up extremely well."
Replies: >>196450
lmao nothing but shills in replies
Replies: >>196451
What do you expect? Elon owns the platform.
>The Tesla Cybertruck starts at a price of $60,990 for the base model, with higher trim levels costing up to $199,990. Prices can vary based on the specific model and features selected.
so you're telling me someone paid $60-200k to blow up a cybertruck specifically
and it has a horrid reputation as a cheap piece of shit but this one "held up extremely well"
Replies: >>196453
theyre acting like a it was a massive explosion too. when i saw the video it just looks like the something set the car on fire?

seen car bombers kill themselves and have a more intact car before
Replies: >>196454
>when i saw the video it just looks like the something set the car on fire?
this, and lithium fires go up really fast
Replies: >>196456 >>196457
i was hoping for a cartel video but i skipped ahead and it was shit
>puzzle frog dutch
i thought everyone knew that about match making though speed dating was for losersi  thought
Replies: >>196460
not necessarily, I've never done it but the whole process of trying to meet people->getting interest->getting to know one another->testing long term compatibility by living together is exhausting
so it's kind of close to giving up inherently already
so yeah kind of for losers I guess
Replies: >>196464
>fire started underneath
>it would have just melted so is a special model
feminism btfo
well you cant avoid the long term compatibility thing it just sounds like youre trying to cycle through as many people which is what tinder was invented for
Replies: >>196466

>it just sounds like youre trying to cycle through as many people which is what tinder was invented for
more or less but everyone just ditched the "dating" part there
Replies: >>196480
people don't go to tinder to find a wife
Replies: >>196469
New Mascot just dropped
Replies: >>196472
brannie goes to middle schools to find a wife
Replies: >>196470
as God himself intended
i'd simp for that
Replies: >>196484
>more or less but everyone just ditched the "dating" part there
match making events dont sound like real dating to be fair
Replies: >>196490
so i guess we just dont need to date anymore we can come up with some new systems
start brainstorming brandon
filtered for posting shorts instead of real videos
im surprised it cant tow. i was looking a prius prime that could tow 3500
Replies: >>196485
>you have 5 seconds from hearing the pop to vacate before you're fucked
god damn forcing ev's is a great idea sure don't make them have to compete with combustion engines on their own merits

you need a sturdy frame and an engine with pull power to tow things
cybertrucks are all meme it's like as close to a wireframe with a skin on it as it can realistically be and still cost $60k+
Replies: >>196487
i really hope someone kills him and all the auto unions so people jacking up cars 200-500%
Replies: >>196490
stop jacking*
no i dont think we should pay 20k extra per car just so some niggers in detroit dont have to change jobs
it's not really dating it's like pre-dating prep, so you're not wasting one of the limited number of chances anyone has before they get sick of it on a completely random roll
family matchmaking I guess is superior since they actually give a shit
tinder just skips the dating and relationship parts and goes just for sex

the unions are the only safeguards those jobs have against h1bs
like it's simultaneously some low(er) skill position when they're "overpaid" but the second the union wasn't there they'd be high skill jobs no muricans wanted to do
Replies: >>196491
>the unions are the only safeguards those jobs have against h1bs
fuck the union niggers, give the indians the jobs
Replies: >>196492
canada knows

hope you like the smell of urine & shit cause it's coming
Replies: >>196493
>hope you like the smell of urine & shit cause it's coming
honestly im fine with sanatiizng my car for days after purchasing as long as it means unions stop robbing us all and those faggots get lost
Replies: >>196496
I can tell you from Baltimore that "sunk in" urine smell an area it happens in a fuck ton takes on is just lovely in the summer
the cost savings of getting rid of them will be insane, i will definitely be able to afford the best detailer or replacement parts that they got shit on with that extra 10-20k
Replies: >>196496
we're just going to have to agree to disagree here
Replies: >>196499 brutal
Replies: >>196505 >>196507
Replies: >>196500
niggers are not so much better than jeets jesus christ brandon i know you want to defend your black brothers and everything, but they both are retarded
Replies: >>196501
>when you want to teach it who its maker was but can't make it understand WHY it's racist for anyone else to say it
cute childe
trannies and paedos are allies of eachother
>eating raw meat
enjoy your parasites and tapeworms retard
Replies: >>196506 >>196508
my babies
lol what nonsense, the reason is rng thats literally it
Replies: >>196508
sorry I refuse to engage with low iq posters
Replies: >>196509 >>196510
says the retarded flat earther. shove your pseudoscience and asinine conspiracies where the sun don't shine
Replies: >>196510
see >>196508
Replies: >>196512
hold brandon down and rape his boyhole
dumb ass, get filtered you waste of space
Replies: >>196513
this is basically koomie
Replies: >>196515
i coomed 2 times today
Replies: >>196519 >>196522
this guy's a rookie
Replies: >>196519 >>196522
gonna fap 3rd time for him
while you waste your life kooming, others are out there blooming
Replies: >>196522 >>196523
Replies: >>196523
feel sorry for you
Hypersexuality and its consequences have been devasting for the human race
Replies: >>196525
it's sign of health
Replies: >>196526 >>196528
if you aren't horny all the time you did something wrong
Replies: >>196529
in moderation
being a sex addict is not normal
Replies: >>196530 >>196532
god gave up on me 2 months ago
Replies: >>196533
you don't need to fap or have sex, but you should always be horny and be able to cum 5+ times in a day no problem
should have done nnn
Replies: >>196535
cute girl
only 10 months and he can try again
even chatgpt agrees
Replies: >>196537
nah ask it if masturbating 5+ times a day is healthy
Replies: >>196548
'Cause I'm a 21st Century Digital Girl...
Replies: >>196545
'Cause I'm a 21st century...
...21st century...
...21st century...
...21st century digital girl.
Replies: >>196545
'Cause I'm a 21st century digital girl,
I don't know how to love but I live in this world,
My daddy is a worker hauling millionaire,
My mommy's on drugs but I don't really care.
Replies: >>196545
21st century digital girl,
I don't know how to love but I live in this world,
My daddy is a worker hauling millionaire,
My mommy's on drugs but I don't really care.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Replies: >>196545
'Cause I'm a 21st century digital girl,
I don't know how to love but I live in this world,
My daddy is a worker hauling millionaire,
My mommy's on drugs but I don't really care.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Replies: >>196545
'Cause I'm a 21st century...
...21st century...
...21st century...
...21st century digital girl.

'Cause I'm a 21st century digital girl,
I don't know how to love but I live in this world,
My daddy is a worker hauling millionaire,
My mommy's on drugs but I don't really care.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

'Cause I'm a 21st century...
...21st century...
...21st century...
...21st century digital girl.
Replies: >>196545
>faps and then immediately goes depressed and posts miserable lyric spiral routine
whats the point?
Replies: >>196545
Replies: >>196546
jesus that sounds like complete trash
Replies: >>196547
Replies: >>196550
at least 10 times nofapbo said
Replies: >>196556
something teen girls would listen to back in 2000s or something
Replies: >>196552
you are coping most of all
Cat's foot iron claw
Neuro-surgeons scream for more
At paranoia's poison door.
Twenty first century schizoid man.
Blood rack barbed wire
Polititians' funeral pyre
Innocents raped with napalm fire
Twenty first century schizoid man.
Death seed blind man's greed
Poets' starving children bleed
Nothing he's got he really needs
Twenty first century schizoid man.
The 21st century is the current century in the Anno Domini or Common Era, in accordance with the Gregorian calendar. It began on 1 January 2001 and will end on 31 December 2100. It is the first century of the 3rd millennium.
Replies: >>196553
quit the weird ai dribble
I've fapped 12 times in a day I think koomie has similar record
Replies: >>196557
it's not a competition
Replies: >>196559
uh huh
>when roo gives you ftp access to his child porn vatican vault archives
Replies: >>196562
Hey I'm brandon, I'm a Baltimore native and popular name in the underground grunge scene, you may have heard of me. My stage name is dao yu and I play mean drums. Some of my best work was with negro childe and Baltimore needle exchange. I was on two songs. Other than that I'm always looking for new freinds and opportunities so reach out and let's rock.
karma said he doesn't watch that kinda stuff
Replies: >>196564 >>196565
Pan American nightmare
Ten thousand feet fun-fair
Convinced that I don't care
It's safe as houses I swear
I was just sitting musing

The virtues of cruising
When altitude dropping
My ears started popping
One more red nightmare
uh huh
Sweat beginning to pour down
My neck as I turn round
I heard fortune shouting
Just get off of this outing

A farewell swan song
See you know how turbulence can be
The stewardess made me
But the captain forbade me
One more red nightmare
Reality stirred me
My angel had heard me
The prayer had been answered
A reprieve has been granted

The dream was now broken
Thought rudely awoken
Really safe and sound
Asleep on the Greyhound
One more red nightmare
vlada boobs
Replies: >>196571
wtf! so much self guilt. Porn didn't fck you up your parents and church did.
Replies: >>196572 >>196573
Not really. It's not guilt. Porn is a lesser vibrational thing to do. It's harmful to the mind, body and soul. Go read some scientific research on it. You might be in denial. 
I've talked to some clients that are suffering from it and this gave me great insight. These are all common themes in porn addiction. It's never too late to quit porn.
Replies: >>196574
>It's never too late to quit porn.
My brains beyond fucked
Replies: >>196576 >>196578
there is no way im quitting ever
Replies: >>196578
So long as you have enough self control not to rape girls you see in public.. by all means stick to your jewish mindrot, porn is a weapon of the jews.
Porn is a great contributor to why the white race (white males not having sex with women) is dying.
You can quit heroin for 20 years but you still want it
every time a dirty pedo squirts cum to a well put little white girl a starving black african boy dies in an elon musk owned cobalt mine
I miss my babe they can fix me

wtf lol
Replies: >>196583
stop watching youtube brainrot
Cope you are here to witness my decay
Replies: >>196587
pick one catchannel
Replies: >>196586 >>196598
Replies: >>196588
decaying into what?
Replies: >>196589
>the sexual predator naturally targets the youngest as they're easier to manipulate
Replies: >>196590
The phrase "you are here to witness my decay" can carry a deep, introspective meaning. It suggests a moment of vulnerability and the acceptance of one's decline, whether physical, emotional, or existential. It may evoke themes of mortality, the passage of time, and the fragility of life. The use of "witness" implies that the speaker is not only acknowledging their own deterioration but also inviting others to observe and perhaps reflect on their own experiences with decay, loss, or change.

In a broader context, it might also touch on the idea of finding beauty or meaning in decay, as it is a natural part of existence. The statement could evoke feelings of sadness, resignation, or even a sense of shared humanity, as everyone grapples with the inevitability of change and decline in their own lives.
Replies: >>196594
I was thinking id get most years out of her
Replies: >>196591
she's not a piece of property
Replies: >>196593
girls have rights
Yeah she cute
Replies: >>196600
didnt read
anyways it's miserable being here, best time on catchan is when koomie isn't here, bye bye
Replies: >>196597
>best time on catchan is when koomie isn't here, bye bye
Im here all the time
Replies: >>196599
oh before i go, far left since she is more legal
shut up, you sleep too, ok i go now, bye
Replies: >>196602
the other two are cuter
Replies: >>196601
In looks but not in behaviour
Brandon says i dont sleep
I was here planning out btfo for 6 hours because everyone is out to get him
he couldnt have possibly made a mistake

brainrot is going next level
ok time to take my tea
>woke up 4h ago still havent taken breakfast
time to play stalker 2
Brandon you lost
Replies: >>196610
I think brandon hates me ever since I said I wouldn't side with him against jole
Replies: >>196612
He begs people to go against him and wonders why they go
very dire times as almost everyone is homo or jew coded
>success or failure in the larger world is 90-99% is utterly reliant on connections and there's a fuck ton now finding this out by having expensive ass degrees with perfect grade averages and getting zero jobs
Happy I was taught this growing up. They don't teach it in school, probably because the school is set to profit in some way. Basically indoctrination centres, I guess? But outside of school, I was always taught there is far more value in who you know and not what you know, and it's very true. The degree itself is worthless, I've never had a single employer ask for my schooling info, but the connections you make getting that degree is worth the price of it (hopefully?).
Ratdogs don't have that issue, everyone should ditch any dog bigger than a cat. Or just get cats.
My ChatGPT is updated to 2024.
who is on that team?
just wondering
Jole is some random faggot whose opinions i dont care about but when someone i care about insults me it hurts
>a pedo hating faggot who's outright attacked the site multiple times and a huge part of why textboard shithole is objectively a faggot
i agree with that
But then you somehow accuse of me being on that team and other identities
literally trying to turn people against yourself and then crying
more or less
>Show me all the whites irl who routinely cry and chimp out like non-whites do over perceived racism
Replies: >>196783
>glad we could finally agree that antipedos that attack the site are faggots
When have we not agreed on that faggot
I don't side with anyone, I might side with someone in a particular argument, I don't side with people in general
Yeah pretty much, that's why all immigration should end for non-culture people and deportation triggers should be quicker and easier. Finland is in the process of changing all the deportation laws to make it easier to kick people out of the country^^
How is this not white?
Replies: >>196780 >>196787
seethe harder retard
White won
Replies: >>196805

Jews aren't white you fucking destiny clone midwits lmao that's like calling north east asians with pale skin whites
Replies: >>196810
Jews are so white its unreal
Replies: >>196786
Replies: >>196788
That's a heavily mixed lg with low % jew genes who happens to be "jewish" by nationality. Cope
Replies: >>196810
nice cope bro
most ashkenazi and heavily mixed sephardi yeah but that's not most "jews" overall
>a pedo hating faggot 
>is objectively a faggot
I mean he does seem weirdly obsessed but at the end of the day I think he's just having a laugh tbh
Anna's boobs.
Always do!
This is a very white girl, super cute Jew.
Are you blind? Of course the chosen race is white, retard.
Nah, both parents are Jews from Israel. There is no mixed there.
Replies: >>196822 >>196826
its called trolling, jole is a master at it
It's a strategy. If being non-white is a benefit, Jews will take that benefit. If being white is a benefit, they will take that benefit. That's why they keep winning.
what's up, I just woke up
Why is brandon so upset?
>both parents are Jews from Israel
non-jewish women convert when marrying jewish men all the time and are thereafter considered 100% pure jewish so this is meaningless. Also the father could be ashkenazi and thus heavy european admixture
Replies: >>196833
brandon, why are you always mad? It's a new year, cheer up
she's very obviously mixed with european ancestry 

You must be trolling or you really are an asmondgold tier modwit
why does silvia troll so much tbh
some people don't like Nick Fuentes because he's not racist enough
Replies: >>196848
Not sure what your point is. Jew, living in Israel, is white. All facts. And your post is suggesting that...?
Replies: >>196851
Look her up on ancestry website then and see for yourself? Her name is נועם שימול
Koomie won
does it work
Not a real racial jew, retard
Replies: >>196860
>over 10 years
to think if jole had kid and brandon had kid they would be 10 years old now, old enough to post nudes on catchan, to think if they did have kids they could each continue their fathers legacies btfo'ing each other for many many decades to come
Replies: >>196858
Brandon is a megalomaniac
Sure she is, why are you coping so hard about it? Why does it effect you knowing Jews are white so much that you have to delude yourself into believing otherwise?
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