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[New Reply]
Being a homo is a bannable offence.

Calm down Koomster
Replies: >>153108
David De Gea
Replies: >>153227
I'm just trying to spend my time at work
Replies: >>153111 >>153227
Replies: >>153227
Manuel Neuer
Replies: >>153227
Get audiobooks
Replies: >>153112
Nah I have to stay focused
Emiliano Martinez
Replies: >>153227
Replies: >>153227
Iker Casillas
Replies: >>153227
Cant remember the Costa Rican goalkeepers name
Replies: >>153227
Diego Lopez
Replies: >>153227
The polish goalkeeper with complex name
Replies: >>153227
Replies: >>153227
Rui Patricio
Replies: >>153227
Petr Cech
Replies: >>153227
Replies: >>153227
Replies: >>153227
Ter Stegen
Replies: >>153227
Replies: >>153227
Andrea Onana
Replies: >>153227
Victor Valdes
Replies: >>153227
Replies: >>153227
Replies: >>153227
Im tired
Replies: >>153223 >>153227
Must survive 1h more of work
Replies: >>153227
Replies: >>153227
Lukas Hredecky
Replies: >>153227
Yh that's it
Dual Berettas
Desert Eagle
Sawed off shotgun
SSG auto sniper?
Five Seven
CT auto sniper
I think thats all
Now thats all
Defuse kit
C4 Bomb
Inceandry grenade
Dead pedo shithole
Replies: >>153182

post your cock
Replies: >>153183
I got diagnosed with autism at 12 and it ruined my life
Replies: >>153185
Replies: >>153186
Why what
Found the ideal gf for Koomio
Girls should stay quiet I can only see that as beneficial
Replies: >>153192
Cant view on phone
Replies: >>153191
But im predicting that she's too vanha
She's your soulmate, Nade will confirm
Replies: >>153193
Suck Silvia’s dick
Replies: >>153194
I think thats against the rules
Mascot ylipainoinen huora
Replies: >>153197
Olen oomena olen oomena
Replies: >>153198
Du ar en homosex
Replies: >>153200
Jag inte fuskar
Replies: >>153201
Du har en bög
Masikotti ookko nää vähä iriootti
Muvva on ävvävika
literally me
Replies: >>153205
Cope you're not my ideal lgf
Replies: >>153208
Tykki mäkeen
Puuhamaa on paras paikka
Armeijassa susta tulee mies!
Replies: >>153210 >>153211

This is an English language board...quit posting in LakeNigger language
Replies: >>153212 >>153242
Haista sinä jutku vittu!
Finns are 👽👽👽,,,their language is not of this Earth
And I smell quite pleasant, I'll have you know
Drink coffee?
koomie show your cock
Replies: >>153229 >>153232
Replies: >>153237
he doesnt want to because its small
Would correct her.
Quick Silvia ban the ID be consistent! :D
Silvia lefty tier can't take a joke
Niggers can't be civilised
This fucking cadbury chocolate tastes like microwave rice pouch aftertaste or some shit probably rice bran oil 🤢
brandon is in the windows insider program
Replies: >>153284
She cute :)
Replies: >>153253
list of brandon fans:
What’s the session catchan group? How to join?
post your id we have KYC
best language, tbh
Write Silvia a message, his ID is in the OP
Replies: >>153244
i read op as CP
Replies: >>153246
You have to post a rare sofia picture to silvia for him to accept your entrance
Replies: >>153247
Of course u did
Or say you are Soviet movie conneseur>>153245
Replies: >>153248
"come and see" is the best i ever saw of those
They are in some cases. Lots of coins are up over 30% today alone.
Replies: >>153250
The Jews running my bank account pay a lower rate than Doge and Pepe, what a sad state of affairs!
Time to cash out of banks and put it all in dog money.
Replies: >>153252
She will rip your penis and balls off
Replies: >>153254 >>153255
not nice woman!
Wtf u sicko
switching to linux branOS
my mom still wants to kick me out
You should get a trailer
you should kill that stupid hag bitch
Replies: >>153268
Have you used Session before? Or /cat/?
Hug your mom.
Replies: >>153268
Want to be my live-in maid?
Replies: >>153263 >>153268
>Want to be my live-in maid?
ask putin for mexicans thats why we have them
Replies: >>153264
Can they survive winter?
Replies: >>153265
only if they stay in your basement
Replies: >>153266
Why do women divide men intp simps and pimps
why not
Replies: >>153269
>won't give her own mother a nice hug
Replies: >>153270
she wants me gone why would i hug her
Replies: >>153271 >>153273
She wants you gone because you don't hug her often...
She thinks you hate her
In Bhutan you're considered spinster age that's why mum is disappointed
bhutan can suck a dick
Replies: >>153279
In the heat and the rain
With whips and chains
Just to see him fly
Too many die
We build a tower of stone
With our flesh and bone
To see him fly
Every year your value decreases by ¼ yaks
Replies: >>153277 >>153281
lol the aoc in bhutan is 18 but there is no sex offender registry
Replies: >>153280
bhutan is unironically gate to shangri la area
unly shitholes like US has such things. Its unnatural
thought it would be the beer and dxm
just kidding,,, would never do such a thing..
Replies: >>153283
Replies: >>153285
thanks brandon
why is she wearing a mask unnatural
Replies: >>153286
Asians always wear the masks
Replies: >>153287 >>153288
we need to become mask makers brandon
not in tibet your ancestors went through years and years of taking care of shitty animals without masks
lg sex
Replies: >>153290 >>153291
the smell <3
Replies: >>153292
lol larping as americans
kicking their goyim children out of home into the jewish grinding machine
meanwhile the upper class leaves when they want and always have intergenerational wealth to support them
>pathetic and sad
Replies: >>153294 >>153295
no im just troubled lol
Replies: >>153296 >>153298
Bee strong! <3
Replies: >>153297 >>153301
thank you anon
get pregnant and guilt trip her into not kicking you out
Replies: >>153300
lg cunny
i wont have sex
i was born to be a pathetic ib addicted freak
I don't know why I read this as "bee thong."
Sing me a song, you're a singer
Do me a wrong, you're a bringer of evil
The devil is never a maker
The less that you give, you're a taker
So it's on and on and on, it's Heaven and Hell
Oh well
Replies: >>153309
you're not like most girls, got it
Replies: >>153306
You may not have all you want or you need
All that you have has been due to my hand,
It can change, it can stay the same,
Who can say, who can make their claim.

The situation we are in at this time
Neither a good one, nor is it so unblest
It can change, it can stay the same,
I can say, I can make my claim.
Hail ........ Hail ........ Hail.
what ?
i like girls
Replies: >>153308 >>153310
me too
was front row. 20k people. all standing. Crazy. jumped the fence, went back to the middle, enjoyed show and then dio starts this song. amazing
Replies: >>153314
lesbians aren't real
Replies: >>153311 >>153318
dude i never said i was a lesbian wtf
i like girls
>i wont have sex
>i was born to be a pathetic ib addicted freak
wow this category describes me so well
Replies: >>153315
Awesome. I will never have the opportunity :(
Replies: >>153316
fakecel fucked a asian girl who tried to break into his house
Replies: >>153317 >>153322
its amazing experiece with so many people liking the same thing together, intense.
i like lgs
Most girls like other girls, doesn't mean they are lesbian though.
chuds lost
OK ill admit it i am homophobic
Replies: >>153321
homophobic homo
i wouldnt have sex
Replies: >>153330
I've noticed that other girls get lesbo tendencies when theyre around Anne
adult anna pavaga is based
define "like"
Replies: >>153326 >>153331
girls like pussy. its based
i get lesbo tendencies too tbh
id serve brandons dad fish sticks for dinner
Everyone can appreciate a cute girl/women, even other girls/women. It's great^^
u had to have dicked her down theres no reason a woman would act like that any other way
Replies: >>153332
Find attractive? Be up for fooling around with? What does like mean to you if not that?
Replies: >>153336
maybe some of brandon's rizz rubbed off on me, some girls throw their niglets into his pitbull pen for his attention
Pretty sure at least half of girls enjoyed kissing other girls. Usually their friends.
Replies: >>153334
Russian porn is best porn
i'm asking what it means to you
by that definition, that is lesbianism
pretty sure if two dudes did the same you'd call them gay
shut up fag
Replies: >>153339
Lesbian is just exclusive attraction from woman to woman, which is not really much. What most people see as "lesbian" is just man-hating incels. It's normal for women to like women and men but prefer men, that's not "lesbian". And yes, the reverse is not true, that's degenerate.
Replies: >>153385
Wow Brandon no need to get aggressive
Replies: >>153345
<<<<<<<<<<silvia is it possible for you to filtera word on the board for all?
Replies: >>153341
Yes, why? There are lots of filters (usually websites).
Replies: >>153342
Then filter gay. problem solved
Replies: >>153386
No more disgusting posts , lol and we can enjoy worllds best text board in peace
Replies: >>153371
Replies: >>153346 >>153377
he is gone
so much private cp you wil never get to see
Replies: >>153348 >>153351
And lint hording all good Val pics
Have you ever pet a beaver?
Replies: >>153352
>you wil never get to see
mad world, mad world
We have a lot of beavers here and I know a girl whose dog was bitten by one of them. The wound was pretty grisly
Replies: >>153354 >>153373
Fuck You
Replies: >>153354 >>153355

Sounds horrible. Good animals for enviroment and beautiful at distance. Tell dog to dont fuck with them!
Do you like  calie rae?
Replies: >>153357 >>153766
brandons pizza dough recipe
Replies: >>153362
i like girls with weird faces
Replies: >>153358
uuh, then you should love calie rae sexxo freak goddess
only girl i love
Replies: >>153360
steph would look good in a prayer garb
lg will come live with you (subliminal)
Italian flour
olive oil
Replies: >>153363
installing pop os
brandon can you give me some meth? im missing that ingredient.
once they legalize meth in baltimore we can start selling meth pizzas out of your house
Replies: >>153367 >>153368
adderall pepperoni
Replies: >>153370
then there will be the magic mushroom - meth mix. very popoular amongts hunters
Replies: >>153370 >>153379
Replies: >>153372
Hes a pedofile
Replies: >>153374 >>153384
They are territorial or the dog was just getting too close? I guess most animals would attack in some cases, never heard of beaver
Replies: >>153376
Let's invite him to Catchan?
Someone tweet the link to him!
The dog was being retarded and tried to play with the beaver
lg sex
Replies: >>153380
>then there will be the magic mushroom
well that kind of pizza is legal 1 hour away
It's illegal.
Replies: >>153383
well i made the recipe but he forgot the amounts and i used too much meth and now brandon is on the ground
Kai Trump asks Elon about Fortnite
cuddling lgs is legal and based
Replies: >>153387
who branana?
>that's degenerate
double standards
lesbians are evil, as you pointed out yourself, their entire identity is centered around hating men
there is not a scenario where one case is good and the other is not, both are wrong
one is just seen as less serious because no one takes cunts seriously anyway
Replies: >>153399
bradelusional, as the kids sau
I wish I had lg to cuddle
Replies: >>153404

Replies: >>153394
Replies: >>153391 >>153409

Replies: >>153394
Replies: >>153394
Replies: >>153396
lgs are warm and men have higher body temperature than women
Rin spotted
Replies: >>153412
Cats <3
Has nothing to do with sexual preference, that's the point. Incel women try and convince themselves they are lesbians and hate men because no one wants them. Doesn't mean it's real, lol (the no one wants them part is real, not the "evil lesbian" thing, better off to say "evil incel" which is more true).
Ngl I'm feeling pretty bad today because of lack of cunny... 😔😞
This is the same thing I feel with male incels who claim to hate women, they are just coping. Sour grapes. No different.
Replies: >>153403
>Doesn't mean it's real
r9k prison gay alive and well
Incel bro's our response?
Replies: >>153405
The other shirt was better.
respond with dick pic?
im going to become even thinner
Oops wrong photo
please ignore The paint
lol, I never saw that.
Better picture, progress!
why are your hands like that
Replies: >>153413
what a loaded accent
my hands aren’t even in the picture
Replies: >>153414
yeah you are holding them towards your back whats the reason?
Replies: >>153415
To show my physique
Replies: >>153416 >>153421
or just trying to look less fat
Replies: >>153417
I look fatter with the shirt normal cause it’s baggy
Replies: >>153418
Well there's only one way to fix that....
Replies: >>153431
cum stains
Replies: >>153424
who coomed in you mascot?
You're not showing physique if you're pulling on the shirt to hold belly in.
You’re not gonna get me to show anything
Replies: >>153425
Im sorry
>You’re not gonna get me to show anything
nigger youve posted your entire naked body online
Replies: >>153426 >>153432
that logic only works with ugly girls, but there are certainly hot lesbians
not running out of a argument but i think it's both tbh
in the end gays and lesbians are bad
Replies: >>153439
gonna fap like crazy with those new pics
that pic from yesterday was awesome btw
busted one so big
Replies: >>153430
brandon got a cum clot and died
quit being so thirsty you niggas are embarrassing tbh
would sorta understand if she was super hot and there was some wins to be had but she's just an very average everyday girl
lol been groomed
Replies: >>153440
the cringiest ones are the guys who are sitting here posting anon then switch names on the second she starts posting
ok brandon
mascot never noticed me
will mascot notice me if I post a tribute?
Replies: >>153444
show your tits
I don't think I've ever seen an attractive lesbian. Even good looking women who prefer other women get married and have a regular family, so they are not lesbian because it's just a preference.
True James, she was completely innocent when she decided to start posting on pedochans
Replies: >>153443 >>153459
>so thirsty
I called out her deception.
Replies: >>153447
I can't help it.
>will mascot notice me if I post a tribute?
well shes gonna click on it i can guarantee that
Replies: >>153445
i already tributed her
Replies: >>153446 >>153457
wow you ejaculated arent u special
Replies: >>153450
yes i'm sure you don't have your dick in your hand rn simp
Replies: >>153448 >>153457
thats a pretty advanced posting setup
Replies: >>153451
takes a lot of work to make a tribute
Replies: >>153453
not really but it must be hard to type
mascot simps probably have a text-to-speech posting setup so they can jack both wholes while talking to their planetary body
>takes a lot of work to make a tribute
is she that ugly?
Replies: >>153455
true gooners fap with left hand so they can continue browsing porn
i couldnt get hard but i cummed on her anyway
Replies: >>153485
i think i have a problem i cant stop looking at fat people and comparing myself to thenm
I thought you were Mascot's N°1 Simp

I already jerked off today. Mascot is even less desirable than usual.
Replies: >>153458
>I thought you were Mascot's N°1 Simp
nah thats another guy
I mean she wasnt posting nudes from what i remember lol
im fucking losing hair
Replies: >>153463 >>153472
a lot of simps for our queen here
Replies: >>153462
shes asian tho
Replies: >>153464
just use a filter to hide ur balding head
Replies: >>153465
she's perfect
i use the woman filter
without brandon posting catchan has been reduced to a simpchan
we should have more simps for our queen
she deserves it
we should have a simp meet up and all cum to her
Replies: >>153469
sounds fun
everythung inevitably becomes gay
we need more balding pedophile and less groomed asian kid
Are you taking weird drugs?
Replies: >>153473
no i havent same ones
i like brandon too
Replies: >>153477
suck cock for mascot
Replies: >>153476
i would tbh
then you need to dedicate some room to simping for him
Replies: >>153478
brandon needs to post more of his bald head and then I might consider
Replies: >>153479
Jole is working on an AI model that can simulate every single dead follicle
Replies: >>153483
brandon robert kelley
i could never cum tribute onto a printed photo of mascot
brenny brenny
they continue to die in real time, its a groundbreaking model
>i couldnt get hard but i cummed on her anyway
you dont need to get hard to  cum though just like rub your soft dick with your fist until you cum
Replies: >>153488
like if you beat it long enough something will happen
Replies: >>153490
my lg and i are inseparable
Replies: >>153526
thats how i did as a kid
Replies: >>153489

pornsick ed you poor poor coomer?
Replies: >>153498
I prescribe two weeks of brandon posting and 0 masturbation
I'm just sorta disenchanted lately with getting verbally abused by people in general tbqh...
Replies: >>153493 >>153496
obsessed fans
No Brandon Posting December!

see you guys in january
Replies: >>153500 >>153532
theyre just trying to make you mad roo
>pornsick ed you poor poor coomer?
i dont jack off that much but ive been on pretty hard streaks sometimes
James almost managed to go a full day without Brandonposting once
Replies: >>153502
>see you guys in january
whats your guys new years resolution? i wanna try to get into brandons irl life for 2025
eliminate brandon
Replies: >>153505
>go a full day without Brandonposting once
he does more brandon stuff off-chan then he does on-chan
Replies: >>153531
once and for all
brannie brannie
>eliminate brandon
id make him some quesadillas to eliminate
new fag here
who's brandon and why this much obsession about him?
he was kind of a big deal in the baltimore underground grunge scene
Replies: >>153511
he lives at 917n calvert street baltimore md 21202 and while he was homeless he lived with monique dupree of negro child. people found out he is a deranged pedophile and he was doing damage control over it for years
Replies: >>153517
>new fag here
the fag queue is pretty long your estimated time is 50 minutes or smth idk
there are pedophiles in here???? wtf, that's sick
 my friend told me about this place
he might be pedo too????
>he was
was? brandon is still active hes just a producer rn
>wtf, that's sick
yea pedos are pathological freaks
are you a girl?
Replies: >>153515 >>153516
pedophilia is natural all the enlightened ones are huge pedos
Replies: >>153516
this erp is gonna get gay really fast
bro wtf
i might have a conversation with him
why would he hang in a place like this??????????


you are sick, kids cant even consent you bastard
>while he was homeless he lived with monique dupree of negro child.
how the fuck are you homeless while having a home?
Replies: >>153535
>why would he hang in a place like this??????????
truthfully this isnt a place this is a network of servers
Replies: >>153519
shut up
are you brandon the pedophile
why do you have the name? you should die sick bastard
Replies: >>153520 >>153521
nobody even thinks like that
brandon was blackballed from the baltimore underground music scene but he won't admit why
forgot my trip
Replies: >>153523
patch detected
my brother is serving more than 10 year in federal prison for having child sexual abuse material, otherwise known as child porn, and attempting to meet up with a 12-year-old for sex
none of my siblings are in prison yet
Post pic
might try some homemade pizza tonight brandon can u come over ill pay ur uber
And here you are, champ.
lol what a retard
just brolls off the tongue
working on the brand
no branuary
Same thing as this year but a little better.
i want brandon to like me
Replies: >>153536
she took him in off the streets
>i want brandon to like me
dont bother dude. ive been trying for years and you'll lose all your progress because you went to go take a piss while he was taking to jole
Replies: >>153538
don't worry this site is just a front for the secret site that's where the actual action happens
brandon cant risk friendship the possibility its a btfo is too great!
why does brandon care about jole so much?
Can't he see there are other people here who needs his attention too?
I wish I was jole so brandon would only be thinking about me
Who is your favourite little girl?
brenny brenny
( ⌐≖`/ᗝ\´≖¬)/|
>TRANNY       |
<ACK!           ⌐(|_´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ)
What did you learn from his mistakes?
Replies: >>153547
I learned from brandons mistakes
brannie brannie
banny banny!
your brother sounds based
Replies: >>153556
Replies: >>153558
everyone should be like him
living with your parents forever sounds based i'm excited for what the future holds
Replies: >>153560 >>153567
Brandoor R Kelint
brancini's sleepworld
beats living with strangers under the illusion of independence
Does it brandon?
So it really is genetic?
Replies: >>153656
been fapping since I woke up my dick feels huge from nofap
Replies: >>153566
So many narc parents selling that idea to their kids
You healed all the microvascular damage lel
Replies: >>153568
>living with your parents forever sounds based i'm excited for what the future holds
we should start a neet commune and sell drugs
Replies: >>153571 >>153574
feels good man
Replies: >>153575
geting my dough ready
brandon will you filter me if i become a baker

Here's your (You)
Replies: >>153572
Ill be in charge of our advertising department
Replies: >>153573
branny can I have one?
Replies: >>153576 >>153577
just run an affiliate program
id join
Next time before you finally fap, down some citrulline and/or arginine along with tiny bit of leucine. The effect you just had will basically be doubled.
You're after Brandon? Oh, you just missed him! Feel free to leave a message, I'll be sure to pass it on. ;)
Requesting brantent of 14th century brannie pulling a cart & yelling "Bring out your BTFO'd"
Replies: >>153578 >>153579
Replies: >>153581
Replies: >>153583
Looking great so far. Could you try specifying "black plague" and "dead bodies on cart"? Adding a speech bubble afterwards is always an option
Replies: >>153582
im trying to get him pulling a cart of bodies and ringing a bell over his head as he yells
Replies: >>153585 >>153655
Lmao, this symbolises all the bread archives brannie burdens himself with in hopes of collecting btfo's
Replies: >>153584
And the dimly lit cobblestone ghetto is /acat/ kek
That'd be brilliant
Replies: >>153592
bane + french inhale
Replies: >>153588 >>153662
>literal gook taking attention from brannie posting

Replies: >>153589 >>153591
what u dont like my bane + french inhale
damn brannie my dough stretch was a 1/10 i can work on it

Im not in the mood to keep trying so ill leave you with this. brannie pre dark brandon litch king era
brannie brannie
Replies: >>153598
i will have sex
Replies: >>153609
No one in Baltimore's underground grunge scene cared who I was till I put on the mask
when I get uber eats to my mansion I tell them to use the brandoor (slave entrance)
Replies: >>153603
Oh brannie brannie Oh
BRK bait 👇
very funny guy
branyan please come home
Replies: >>153604
A trailer in the desert isn't 'a mansion' James
Replies: >>153613 >>153616
>branyan please come home
learning how to cook to keep brannie here, food will be delivered still hot
Replies: >>153610
or perhaps he's wondering why someone would btfo a man, before throwing him out of a plane
uhhhh you don't get to bring friends
summer break
that's not exactly an achievement for a female
Replies: >>153611 >>153619
btfoed im already a proven home chef I could provide brannie with a much better life than you can chud
Replies: >>153612 >>153614
is for me
im a daisy fresh girl
Replies: >>153617 >>153619
the sockpuppets are turning on eachother
Jole lives in a trailer?
Replies: >>153622
you should let me be a proxy cook for brannie then since im closer
Replies: >>153618
brannie youre gonna love your new home
would you consider anal sexo?
Replies: >>153630 >>153664
fine but only because he needs sustanance
It is for her
You're a femcel and your "daisy" is anything but fresh 🤢
Replies: >>153620
femcels arent real
brandons mom was a femcel
Replies: >>153625
It is known
Replies: >>153626
even a roastie could get a dude to pound her and thats ok its none of my business of course
how did brandon come to fruition then
Is it also written?
Yes they are and you are evidence of it
Replies: >>153628
i thought femcels were like a attention ploy for 15yo nazi girls that watch gore
Replies: >>153630
Fatphobes btfoed
Replies: >>153634 >>153640
Replies: >>153777
grippy socks
wife material
in hospital some obese 14yo unit of a woman with a dyke haircut lied to me about being tattood on at 6yo but it might be true cause she was insane and had a clit piercing
Replies: >>153643
jole can you create a brannie quesadilla recipe? whats his favourite
Foids can't into humour example #9572528472
Actual humour requires some element of truth and that contains none.
Replies: >>153641
Replies: >>153642
not really
Replies: >>153645
found the fatphobe
You're not funny. That was just a random string of absolute nonsense.
Replies: >>153646
brandon get me my benadryl
Replies: >>153648
of course you'd think that; you're retarded
Replies: >>153647
this wasnt a joke this happened
im high off of 1100ml of cough syrup
brenny get my bennies
why did you delete this? because you look fat?
Replies: >>153650 >>153662
Have you DM'd vlada yet?
Replies: >>153651
about what
ilovecunny lost
I won
It's just female incel? Because that exists for sure, unless it means something else.
Bring out your dead! Bring out your dead!
Replies: >>153659
I think it's more social than genetic? You're more likely to develop traits from family members because you develop always being around them and picking up on their way of things (even subconscious things maybe?).
Replies: >>153777
Everything is green again.
Even the US government uses Coinbase, lol.
> Bring out your dead 

That is a very good 1999 movie, directed by Martin Scorsese and starring Nicolas Cage...but it's also sort of obscure and not very many people have seen it-- 
It's basically about a "Dunant" (an EMT/Paramedic) who sorta loses his mid and starts getting haunted by this one dead girl whose life he couldn't's very quirky and surreal
I actually got Dunant, himself, to watch it a couple years ago...he really loved it, for what should be obbious reasons lol
>>153659 *
> his mid

* his mind
Replies: >>153664
Nicolas Cage is nice, I liked Lord of War and another one (I think it was National Treasure). Probably watched others with him.

Yeah, I also like Cage as an actor...he's in lots of movies...and Martin Scorsese is a really good film director too, frankly
Nick Cage is that famous film director Francis Ford Coppola's (The Godfather, Apocolypse Now, and many other epically famous movies)  nephew
face/off is the real cagekino
Replies: >>153668 >>153673
rn im watching the best most realistic vietnam movie to exist
Based NZ. As always
Tho Lord of war aged better and is now his best film imo

Yes...that movie is one of the most accurate representations that I've seen of what it was really like in VietNam sometimes
Which is to was a cluster fuck
Replies: >>153671
Did you have some drunk and high bastard call out " Gooooood Morning Viieetnaam!!" on the radio in the mornings tho?
Replies: >>153672

Cronauer had already left VietNam by the time I was there
Replies: >>153840
Don't think I watched that one.
Is it on Netflix?

That film is entirely true...all the people in it were real people, and pretty much everything that happens in it actually happened
The film is taken from the book written by this real life guy-- 
That's who the actor, Mel Gibson, portrays in the movie
Speaking of Based. Mel Gibson. The truth canary in HolyWood
What is it called?
Replies: >>153680
Mel Gibson rocks, great guy.
Replies: >>153680 >>153681
Replies: >>153681 >>153682
Maybe watch it some day in moobie theater?
Replies: >>153684

"Hal Moore, who had long been critical of many Vietnam War films for their negative portrayals of American servicemen, publicly expressed approval of the film and is featured in segments of the DVD."
Replies: >>153683
> Hal Moore

Yeah...Hal Moore (the Mel Gibson character) is the guy who wrote the book that it's taken from
Replies: >>153713

Replies: >>153685
I’m stuck at this weight
Eat less
Replies: >>153691
eat more you need a bigger ass ngl
just binge food tbh
I’ve been eating 700cal tops
Replies: >>153695
Do Angel's workout, make sure to record it so it can be checked for good form and such.
Replies: >>153693
can imagine mascot looking at her mom's fat ass thinking "god I wish I looked like that"
Starving yourself is actually bad for that because your body will start to store more trash you eat as fats because it knows you intend to starve it. To lose weight and be healthy, you don't need to count calories, you just have to eat good food and drink lots of water. You can eat as much as you like. No such thing as a fat vegan for example, and fat vegetarian/pescetarian is rare.
Those are just examples. Eating a chicken burger at McDonalds is way worse than eating a real chicken burger. Doesn't have to give up meat, just pay attention to what you are eating.
>No such thing as a fat vegan for example
because veganism is starvation, you can't get proper fats from plants obviously
Replies: >>153700
might as well go breatharian

    McDonald's Combo: ~950 calories
    Proper Chicken Meal: ~580–660 calories

Caloric Difference:

    McDonald's combo has ~300–370 more calories than a proper chicken meal.

You get more food for less calories, it's all good calories. You can eat the chicken meal as much as you want because it's all good food (580 is with potato side and 660 with rice side). But if you eat McDonalds every day (even if you don't finish it and only eat 700 calories of it), you will get fat and be less healthy.
Replies: >>153702
Yes you can, but more importantly is actually paying attention to what you eat. That's the point.
Not all calories are the same, only watching calories does more harm than good, lol.
McDonalds chocolate milkshake 630 calories. Who is going to lose more weight, the person drinking a milkshake for dinner every day or the one eating a proper chicken meal? Pretty obvious?
silvia are you vegan?
Replies: >>153704
No, though we did try it for about a year (it sucked).
go vegan and die
I just eat healthy usually. I only eat trash food when I am travelling (McDonalds is the best food for travelling, doesn't matter which country you are in, you can trust the McDonalds). I don't eat a lot of meat or dairy at all, just fish which I have almost daily.
Basically pescetarian, but not strict? If someone gives me food I will take it, and I like the occasional bacon with my food^^
why do people pretend fish isn't meat?
Replies: >>153711
eating mcdonalds only wouldn't be that bad if all you get is the beef patties
million times better than being vegan
No idea, but it's been like that for a long while.
Replies: >>153712
Long enough that it's mostly just accepted, lol.
the most awesome thing about him is he had like 5 or 6 white children to help try save white race, futile now ofc but still cool
Replies: >>153716
You’re definitely right, it’s just out of habit that I eat so little
It works but I know it’s not good for me, thank you for the advice though 
I did go vegan for a few months and yeah it was awful
>the negro slaves have revolted in brandons sweat shop
>marshal law has been declared in brandonland
>poison gas has been deployed
Replies: >>153799

He was a devout Roman Catholic, just like Mel Gibson is...Catholics like to make a lot of babies lol
mouse jiggler 1 to be retired after 2 years of successful service semper fi
this site ded without koomie tbh
Replies: >>153719 >>153777
i would rather have silence than us politics and dick discussion
<3 this site but needs to be fun again would like to post but can’t , … looking for help (: <3 you guys
Replies: >>153721
>>153720 just posted?
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Are posting png not allowed anymore ? It seems I don’t receive a prompt to add
Replies: >>153724
No images here, only on onion or Session. This is just a textboard now;(
why won't silvia just make a private invite-only clearnet board
Replies: >>153729 >>153734
That’s unfortunate, yet understandable .
Is anyone interested in stories of some cute cats learning (: also if there’s a space for posting stories anonymously, please direct me to that space. Thanks
Replies: >>153728
we tried teaching cats math but they couldnt do it

Probably for the same reasons that I haven't opened mine--
You people always just screech like autistic baby chimps having a tantrum, and give me unending shit, whenever I mention having a board that requires any sort of login account in order to access it and post there
Replies: >>153730
roo nobody believes your lies go away
i promise to spam feces all over your site roo the day you allow sign ups
Replies: >>153732

There would never be "open signup/registration"...I'm not naive lol
Replies: >>153733
>>153732 *
> "open signup/registration" 

* Like Jole, or some other malicious retard, wouldn't immediately create create 100+ login accounts for himself...nigga pls
Replies: >>153736 >>153737
If Session didn't exist I might consider it, lol.
Replies: >>153735
session kinda sucks though
Replies: >>153742
roo scared of the mighty jole
Replies: >>153737

> or some other malicious retard
Replies: >>153739
Replies: >>153829
like who?
Replies: >>153741

Like the same kind of retard who report trolled all the wholesome and funny emotes on Catmin's "moobiecats" CyTube, getting them all deleted 
We have no shortage of that sort of malicious retard around here tbh
Replies: >>153743 >>153746
Sometimes, yeah.
wasn't that you lol
Replies: >>153744

Honest to God...just shut the fuck up...I'm so sick of your stupid bullshit tbqh
> It's just bantz, Bro
Yeah...whatever...fuck you in the ass with a flaming baseball bat tbh
Replies: >>153745 >>153748
i cant breathe from laughrte
is reporting free speech?
Replies: >>153749 >>153750
i would assume not because you are using your speech to attempt to oppress anothers freedom of expression
so its not free
Replies: >>153749

It is the literal opposite of "free speech" tbh
yes according to roo getting deplatformed is free speech
Replies: >>153753
auschwitz but all the prisoners are brandons and all the guards are 6'9 nazi joles making the brandons do wacky things like cs:s jailbreak
> according to roo

No...that would be "according to" the herdniggers...who must not to be confused with the herdnegroes, they're actually pretty cool
Shit day at work (still going) machines not working we have 1 guy less than we should have, non stop physical work for 5 hours now part of its my fault because I did optional physical work to distract myself from exploding at work because of my thoughts
post cock
im having  shit day at work too but its cause brandon hasnt bene here in awhile
Replies: >>153759
But then machine broke down and I had to do even more physical work :)) had to stop my food break I warmed the food and then had to go back
Replies: >>153760
Many such cases
Anyway when I get back home I might goon for hours and get a heart attack
Replies: >>153761 >>153787
>get a heart attack
Replies: >>153762
why do we have green trips now anyways what colour theorist came up with salmon green combo
Replies: >>153764 >>153770
We are saving the world green trip saves more energy
oooo we get green trips but we cant even have hover features to show how many posts a trip has made in x thread despite every other engine having it for decades
thanks tom!111111
One guy less because he's fixing the machine? Or because he can't be useful without a machine?
their repair crew is missing one guy is what he's saying
Pink was harder to see;(
Replies: >>153775
>Shit day at work (still going)
I answered an email and spent 3 hours watching YouTube videos, good day at work for me so far^^
silvia won
>3 hours watching YouTube videos
3 hour child swimsuit compilation?
Replies: >>153774
Mostly dancing and gymnastics today^^
>Pink was harder to see;(
so? just give roo one of those high contrast themes and the rest of us can have pink everything with no contrast
Replies: >>153776
I think anyone not using a dark theme is losing anyways and most colours look good on dark theme. The default is pretty ugly.
Replies: >>153778
Yassss slay sis 💅 
>I got groomed 
Exercise/Run get a sports hobby
Replies: >>153779 >>153780
i taught a coworker how to copy and paste a web request because they were fucking it up trying to recreate it manually

>The default is pretty ugly.
but i dont change default themes cause it helps me differentiate altchans
Replies: >>153781
I did long post because I thought there is more posts so I didn't want posts to disappear before im back from work
Replies: >>153783
>>I got groomed 
Yeah, the male role models in my family groomed me into loving women and girls too much, sad!
Replies: >>153797
>but i dont change default themes cause it helps me differentiate altchans
This is the main reason why I didn't make Tomorrow the default here even though it's infinitely better (the onion site is Tomorrow already).
Replies: >>153782
then this site would just look like a shitty spacechan rip off
Posts get moved instead of deleted atm.
Replies: >>153786

No we don't have enough men in the work
Oh yeah I forgot
Its not really shitty day I quite enjoyed the chaos since i did everything right and was in control of it just physical af

And this was a joke im not anywhere near to heart attack id go for forever 🕶️
Replies: >>153788 >>153792
Just wanted excuse to tell about it tbh
Sometimes nothing happens but sometimes the job is hell most couldn't handle it put I have good stamina for lifting
Replies: >>153790
Strong Swedish femboy.
Replies: >>153794
koomie grew too powerful
Usually the chaos days go a lot faster anyways, so can be good and bad depending how you look at it?
Replies: >>153795
South Korea is going crazy?
Replies: >>153799
Yeah cant wait to get back home
So should everyone be pedophile then? 😊 
Wouldn't mind.
Replies: >>153800
We have seperate people here for that mechanic/electronic
>South Korea is going crazy?
looks like a nothing burger i got dick baited by the headlines when i woke up thinking kim was gonna do something >>153715
Replies: >>153801
Paedos needs to have children and raise their children to be such, probably the best way? People are very often like their surroundings, and family is the best source for that generally.
Replies: >>153802
Yeah I am not seeing much. President declared martial law and law makers said no, so I guess we wait to see if the president says too bad and does it anyways despite it being "illegal" to do? And it has nothing to do with NK from what I see though he is claiming it's because of them? Not much news is written on it yet, lol.
Replies: >>153803
>Often like surroundings
If you mean how parents raise yeah because none of us kids are like our parents our parents raised us much more leniently than their parents who used belt sometimes and stuff More stricter
Replies: >>153804 >>153805
isnt SKs economy shit to be doing this?
Replies: >>153806
My dad is great smart and hardworkin, social but I'm not
Replies: >>153807
Usually strictness skips generations it seems to me. Definitely true in my family and most other families I know close enough.
Yeah not enough people are watching Star Craft these days;(
Intelligence isn't a social thing (though willingness to learn might be?). That's probably more genetic. Work ethic should be social though.
Replies: >>153808 >>153809
Social skills can suck it. Only phoneys and fake are social.
I was born retarded just like Brandon was bald
Stolen Ukrainian children put up for adoption on websites funded by Vladimir Putin
How much? Is any of the Likas there?
>“Ukraine will not rest until our children are returned home and those responsible are held accountable.” Zelensky, said.
silvia already bought whole bunch of em with crypto
Replies: >>153817
Kolomoisky want to buy them all back cheap to start LS Azov. Tho only blondes this time, obviously.
How much?
Children were rescues from combat zones, you mean. Also this is old news, being regurgitated and embellished in an attempt to...well, you know the drill. 
>Russia bad! Give us money!
I'd unironically buy all the cute girls if they were actually for sale, but this is a lie, lol.
Replies: >>153818
Fuck. Cant trust the news then maan..
>jew only talks about kids
uhuh yea
little boys will be defending kyiv with sticks that look like guns
Replies: >>153822
>I shot you, you're dead!
<Nuh uh
hate this jew
>brandon is MIA
Replies: >>153826
Well congrats for Brandon for his new gender 
>to distract myself from exploding at work because of my thoughts
Take meds schizo
Replies: >>153828
brandon sells these
Replies: >>153830
He has a sweat shop of negro childes in his basement cutting & prepping & pressing the tablets
Replies: >>153832
What are you moving
Replies: >>153833
its so nice knowing my product was hand made and quality controlled by a negroid instead of some jew machine 3000
>What are you moving
donald trump ballots
Replies: >>153836
Also why are you doing nigger work?
>Military says martial law will be maintained until lifted by president
hey assholes thats not how votes work
Replies: >>153837
Pretty sure the president is smarter than most voters so it only makes sense that his vote matters more, and he votes martial law is okay!
Replies: >>153839
God bless democracy!
id rather have a monarchy with brandon selected by God
Replies: >>153843
I thought you weren't in nam.... I thought you were conscripted in 1971 or some shit
Replies: >>153841 >>153844
i was in nam and i had the mud on my face like arnold did in the predator movie
i hope if we have martial law they dont cut brandon off that would ruin my life
That would unironically be better than any current system except for the occasional meth endemic

I was conscripted...trained...and then sent to VietNam for about 18 months
After that, they sent me to West Berlin for about 6 months
Then, my required hitch in the Army was finished abd they let me go...I was REFRAD'd (processed out) at HQ USAREUR in Heidelberg
I stayed in Europe for roughly another 6 months just to fuck around and smoke hashish and shit, just because I could...mostly in Amsterdam...and then returned to the USA right before my 6 month eligibility for the free transportation home expired

This is the exact same chronology of events, regarding my time in the Army, that I have posted many times in the past...both here on CatChan, and also on other sites
>>153844 *
> sent to VietNam for about 18 months * 

* I meant 12 months...typographical error
>>153845 *

* All-in-all...I spent a total of about 24 months in the Army
How many mascots did you shoot?
Replies: >>153848

None...I wasn't in Tibet, or Bhutan...completely different "Gooks" lol
lol look at this stolen valour guy cant keep his story straight
Replies: >>153856
I like Ruu.
You said you were in the army for 18 months as radio tech spy behind enemy slav lines, and that it was 18 months instead of 12 because of the additional 6 months technical school training 

You literally specified that you never went to vietnam and so never had charlie spooks shooting at you from the trees

And you literally said you were conscripted in '71-'72 you fucking lying fed piece of shit

And your story of being shot at & returning fire against slav reconnaissance scouts on more than one occasion while basically "never being able to pack up & flee your position" and needing to stand your ground makes no fucking sense because why wouldn't they just radio your position to other squads nearby or to some watckeep outpost 

Fucking retarded lying fed kike boomer faggot kill yourself
Replies: >>153852
easy enzo. I heard him talk about  the `Nam before
Replies: >>153854
This is a message to Roo's supervisor: the old man's gone senile and can't even keep a basic story straight after a less than a fortnight since spinning 

Time to old-yella this retarded commiekike has-been
Replies: >>153855
yeah but im tellin you the week before he said he did went n go!
Replies: >>153876
Is there a function to search the whole board?
Replies: >>153858 >>153878
Replies: >>153860
Replies: >>153879
I can't find it :\
Replies: >>153861 >>153865
Ctrl + F?
Replies: >>153862 >>153866
Oh I thought you wrote thread
Replies: >>153865 >>153867
Oh, me two. Sorry>>153860
Replies: >>153867
That obviously works when you're in each thread but the entire board at once?
Replies: >>153868
Ok nvm
Wiiiiiieeeeeeee WoooooOOoooooooo
Replies: >>153869
Who cares if nigger IQ's do retarded shit without condom
Replies: >>153870
This, tbh. ima send it to the Nobel litterature price commitee to have you wind the fucking lot with this post. Brilliant.
Fuck I wish I was like brandon archiving all the threads
>inb4 roo disappears for another few months
Silvo PM
Anyone wanna watch Smile 2 tomorrow? Looks fun.
Replies: >>153875 >>153881
wtf is this tinder?
thanks i only made that post so the patch faction would like me more
Replies: >>153877
>the rodent plays both sides
No, only for thread OP. You have to go into each thread to search something from it.
If any turmoil benefits America, you can assume America did it. If it doesn't, then Russia did it. Source: most of the comments on any news page, lol.
Trump just launched his fragrance line, I bought every single one
Replies: >>153882 >>153883
What kind of movie is it?
Replies: >>153884
Bet it smells terrible, LOL.
Replies: >>153885
Kamala lost
Replies: >>153886 >>153901
Trump won, he's already selling out of his perfume^^
we missed the victory drop with the pez head
>Trump Fragrances are not designed, manufactured, distributed or sold by Donald J. Trump, The Trump Organization or any of their respective affiliates or principals.

But does he get money though?
Replies: >>153889 >>153891
yes but its completely unrelated to the chinese sewer piss you just sprayed on your body so he isnt liable
Replies: >>153890
Now that's good business.
Yeah of course else they'd get sued into oblivion
Replies: >>153893
trumptards will buy anything with his name on it. worse than onlyfans simps
Only if sold in America though? What's stopping me from selling Trump perfume myself outside of America?
Replies: >>153895
Buy Trump perfume, 500 Dogecoin a bottle (token not related to smell).
Replies: >>153896
the fact that there arent many buyers
bottled catpiss
Replies: >>153900
>The website selling Trump-branded shoes that is run by CIC Ventures LLC, a company that Trump reported owning in his 2023 financial report
Same company
Replies: >>153898
yea but thats not donald trump its his sock puppet
nestle products are too high quality and addictive
It's a collectable, you're not supposed to actually wear it. Should have read the fine print!
she needs to show her tits more
get blue light lenses so the jews cant see youre aryan
Wat is teh onion addresse?
Replies: >>153909
i came
Replies: >>153912
I wanna see her play Hermione in Russian Harry Potter adaptation
Punch Angel in the gut, twist Angel's arm, kick Angel down the stairs
Replies: >>153918
Patch im sorry please come back
nd fuck her hard, pussy, ass, mouth
On her way to Hogwarts?
my grandmother never fails to mention im not wearing a bra this is the same woman who sexually assaults me out of the blue every now and then
Replies: >>153921
take a picture
Replies: >>153922
of you braless not the grandmother
Replies: >>153923
Mascot do they sag?
wear the white shirt again without a bra
Replies: >>153926
Are they pointy?
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