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[New Reply]
Being a homo is a bannable offence.

what did she mean by this?
Replies: >>157989
We need to get Marta back from America.
no normies exist here that makes it better than most of the clearweb
Replies: >>157988 >>158028
What about Jole?
Replies: >>157990
Mannequins won.
no one comes here who doesn't like little girls, even if they pretend not to
Replies: >>157992 >>158180
jole, rodent, mascot, brandon, anon
Replies: >>157993 >>158147
โ€ฆthat's everyone
thanks, anon, now i see it
ok jole
scream wealthy to me
she was basically whored out from childhood 100%
unless that's their culture and slavs a are so subhuman they will still whore her out even if they didn't need to
Replies: >>157996 >>157997
*the behaviours and story of anfisa do not scream 
meant for >>157978
She was poor as fuck and went to America because her pimp-mum got in trouble in Russia for her activities iirc
anfisa looks pretty happy for being pimped
Replies: >>157999 >>158000
Well yeah, online whoring is the top career choice for females nowadays
she had at least a nice house, from what i've seen... hard to know how much of a indication that is of anything in practice
you would think they're well off but girls like ustina, and even dating back eva r, also had very nice houses and seemed well off, but still did/do shady things
she sort of never knew anything else...
Replies: >>158012
Pretty sure her father is wealthy, so I would assume it passes to her also. Also she makes a lot from her content on her own, so even independently, she probably makes a nice amount^^
Replies: >>158002 >>158003
>her father is wealthy
what does he do
Replies: >>158004
I thought her father left the mom and daughter with debt or was that some other girl?
Replies: >>158005 >>158011
No idea. I don't even think he went to America with them, but not sure. Or at least I don't remember her talking about him.
Replies: >>158006
the fuck geet real
she earned a million dollars at the sheik and bought greencard
Replies: >>158010
I want to lick Anna Pavaga
Replies: >>158008
which hole?
Replies: >>158009
all of them
Wouldn't surprise me considering how much she seems to be getting monthly right now.
that girl was like 9. you guys have to do better research.. ffs. ruus fucking division comes out as super heroes compared to your department
>also had very nice houses and seemed well off, but still did/do shady things
Where is the issue? If she enjoys it, and she clearly does, then of course keep taking the money? Even if you don't "need" it, there is never too much And it's lucrative too.
At least in Anfisa's case, she's getting all the money. Unlike Vero where a dirty Jew was taking most of it away from her.
Replies: >>158015
anfisa Never showed her home. same with ustina. altogh rich people is also horny
Replies: >>158016
that sucks. and then lukashenka took everything that was left
>anfisa Never showed her home. 
Yes she did, in older content.
Replies: >>158019
>whats the issue
gee mate, i don't know
perhaps it has something to do with most fathers not wanting their precious beloved daughters to be perceived as a FUCKING WHORE
>specially if you don't need the money
could that be it?
must be something else
Replies: >>158018 >>158020
Having all the money you will ever need: wealthy
Having all the money you will ever want: rich
>perhaps it has something to do with most fathers not wanting their precious beloved daughters to be perceived as a FUCKING WHORE
Then maybe he should collect her back from America? Also I don't see how model = whore, so I don't think that's the perception at all.
Replies: >>158024
the datcha wasent hers
Replies: >>158025
girls should be proud of being successful whores
Replies: >>158021 >>158023
they are
Replies: >>158022
for some reason when you say "all" I don't think you mean "all"
I think you mean "all" in the "Dahmer zombie slave" sense
Replies: >>158026
money at all costs if a poorfag / nuveau riche mentality
it's usually not sustainable
Replies: >>158027
how do you know that?
whoops >>157968
Getting the money when the money is available (she's still young and attractive) is just good business sense.
Replies: >>158029
this but the pedophilia is completely unrelated to it
not at the cost of the honour of your daughter
you have no morals
Replies: >>158031
even if there were a list of pedos and not-pedos that went by the strict definition of the term, nobody on it on either side would be a "normie", lol
Replies: >>158032 >>158039
I don't think her father has anything to do with it, and I definitely never suggested that was the case, lol.
>even if there were a list of pedos and not-pedos that went by the strict definition of the term
let's see if anyone jumps on that like the dick one
Replies: >>158227
boring ass site 12/6/2024 08:53pm award
What a bad timezone.
want child
Replies: >>158042
boring ass site 12/6/2024 08:54pm award
Replies: >>158043 >>158242
boring ass site 12/6/2024 08:55pm award
fedded site 12/6/2024 08:55pm award
Replies: >>158043
This is closest we have so far?
boring ass site 12/6/2024 08:56pm award
fedded site 12/6/2024 08:56pm award
Replies: >>158242
lint won
Replies: >>158242

If you're just gonna complain, then get the fuck out of my timezone...go complain on the West Coast, or something
Replies: >>158047
Always cracks me up. looool
Replies: >>158064
>toga's AOA is "corpse"
Replies: >>158052
10-50 for me
no i just do minus six hours because itโ€™s simple
Replies: >>158058
subtract six
Needs a new tier for maisiecuck, abyssal eldritch abomination
Replies: >>158066

The times you were posting were UTC minus 5...thats current state of the U.S. Eastern timezone...the East Coast
It will be UTC minus 5 until the Spring, when it will awitch to UTC minus 4...because of the stupid Daylight Savings Time time-thing
UTC minus 6 is the U.S. Central timezone right now
Replies: >>158137
I remember thinking whoever made that had a pretty good grasp of all our ranges. 
Would need an update now though.

Why are you numbering your posts?
Replies: >>158061
I align with nzie's range the most
Replies: >>158056
few names missing
Replies: >>158066
>I keep time in a completely different timezone than mine for the lulz
I guess, I do military time but it's the limit of my autism besides ignoring the existence of daylight savings
Except I'm straight (not a vladacuck)
Replies: >>158067
I was doing this >>157836
>I'm using the name field to count tor bypass uses
but I kind of forgot about it and never reached the end of it before I fucked off to eat and stuff
it just feels right now
plus I remembered rodent used to do something akin to it yeaaaaars ago when the space sites were still a thing and it felt more right, so I guess it's what I'm doing now
Replies: >>158061 >>158073
Good riddance tbh
white people lost
Replies: >>158073
whoops >>158052
I havenโ€™t smoked weed in 2 weeks
Replies: >>158063
I've been smoking for you it's cool
Replies: >>158070
The coomer bar, lol.
why isnt brannie on here
Replies: >>158068 >>158147
>>158050 >>158054
Yeah can be added to for sure, was just posting it as it's the closest thing we had to AoA chart I think.
vlada is a girl now not gay anymore
Replies: >>158119
I've never even seen it and Deo is on there who hasn't been around since the site with images died afaik, it was probably from when I wasn't around for a while
Replies: >>158072 >>158079
brandon i got a call back scheduled on monday for one of my baltimore applications
we should hang out and play super smash bros brawl
Replies: >>158072
Replies: >>158072
Iโ€™m FAT again
toga either for that matter


Oh I see.

Weeb determination.
always were
BALTIMORE, Maryland, USA - Downtown Walking Tour - 4K
Replies: >>158080 >>158081
no one asked chink
Post some pictures to confirm it.
Replies: >>158078
Replies: >>158082
>Fri 26 Apr 2024
I don't have an hour for it so I just skimmed through the timeline, they take these incredibly safe couple routes through the harbor and the downtown areas that are all pretty safe, lol
doesn't go near even where my "doxed" address is let
alone like fell's point and stuff, cause that all kind of looks like shit too
Replies: >>158083 >>158085
Most people milling around are black
Replies: >>158084 >>158086
el simpador
ya they probably dont wanna get robbed or shot
Replies: >>158089
thats every big city in america
Whats in the huge building on the left at 4:50?
Looks like glowie torture facilities
Replies: >>158086
it really is overwhelmingly black, some neighborhoods you could walk for loooong stretches and see nothing but blacks

legg mason building I believe
it's like bank/investment firm I think
the jews owe me a little girlfriend
it's funny that it doesn't show even the aquarium or the zoo or anything
id accept a used up single mother at this point
Replies: >>158091 >>158104
go on tinder
Replies: >>158092
im the kind of guy girls swipe past
Replies: >>158094
Does anyone still have Streets of Baltimore?
Replies: >>158094 >>158095
>im the kind of guy girls swipe past
isnt there someone for everyone?

Replies: >>158097
you mean the meme jole uses as "proof" of my doxed address somehow
Replies: >>158096
The rap song
Replies: >>158098
>isnt there someone for everyone?
thats what women say while they only fuck chads
now I'm lost tbh
that's right jole's is "walkin to bert's"
My current body is someoneโ€™s worst nightmare
Replies: >>158102 >>158105
brandon whats better white or black pussy?
Replies: >>158102
and an architect's dream?

white pussy since it doesn't inherently mean random niggers related to them in your life
i would settle for current year vlada
Replies: >>158108 >>158107
to cuddle her loli daugher?
Replies: >>158106
We accept you for who you are, just dont spam your nudes again
id be too pussy to prey on her daughter
no little girl required, i mean
vlada is only attracted to girls
Replies: >>158126
Iโ€™m so average itโ€™s killing me
nice hips, whose are they
My ancestors
Replies: >>158116
Replies: >>158115
Just make up for it by being slutty.
shes 15 bro
Replies: >>158115

your ancestors have nice hips
Replies: >>158117
From bearing 12 children in a lifetime
Replies: >>158118
monique knows that feel
vladasexual cope. being a MtF transbian doesn't make her a girl.
Replies: >>158121 >>158126
My ancestors were proly black so I can say I fucking hate niggers
yes it does i respect vlada's gender identity
Replies: >>158129
clever girl
brandon cums inside of niggers so he can say the n word
Replies: >>158128
asians and whites evolved separately from niggers, there are genes niggers have that don't exist in whites and chinks
>I'm using the name field to count tor bypass uses
how this work?
Replies: >>158128
i will become trans girlfriend for she
if she says she's a girl then she's a girl
it's really not that complicated chuddie
Replies: >>158127
>i will become trans girlfriend for she
then you can rub your feminine penises together
Replies: >>158132
somewhere I have my n word pass

you count the posts since a new one and stick that number in the name field and then go eat pizza and watch the first 30 min of the Apprentice before coming back and realizing you completely forgot about it but kind of liked it as a schtick, so you keep counting where you left off anyway
Replies: >>158143
you shouldn't. she doesn't respect your right to exist as a playdough phile
Replies: >>158131
btw I don 't need to see the rest of it to know without a shadow of a doubt Trump fucked and/or sucked Roy Cohn, lol
Sometimes I eat play dough to feel something
Replies: >>158134
sounds comfy ngl
playing sword fighting
>*Hurt by Johnny Cash plays*
gays ruin another thread
Replies: >>158139 >>158141
FACTS but relative to my timezone
supposedly they found it
Replies: >>158140
we are gay for vladacock only
my bad
This is a cyclical so technically just one thread
Replies: >>158142
silence woman
Replies: >>158144
>the apprentice 
elevate your taste in goyslop tbh
Replies: >>158146
Anon quivers in his sticky computer chair
this is the best thing ever
Sebastian Stan is good and I recognize the lefty slant on it already tyvm
Also I love the jew that plays Cohn, didn;t know he was in it
he's not a pedophile i guess? >>157992
why is mascot so unfunny?
Silvie what happened? DDoS?
Replies: >>158365
I can appreciate a hebetot

snooze you lose
Replies: >>158163 >>158166
whoever ddosed catchan ill fucking kill you
Replies: >>158154 >>158161
Replies: >>158155
Replies: >>158156
>i posted it again
i am a woman retard
Replies: >>158158

Rinnie nightmare fuel
Replies: >>158168
You're not a woman yet you're still stuck in femcel purgatory
Replies: >>158159
wait nigga what are u talking about
Replies: >>158165
Replies: >>158169
patch just got his welfare since its the start of the month, he'll run out soon
Replies: >>158162
I use my welfare money to buy cp
Replies: >>158170
>[AoA expansion pack installed successfully]
You're not a woman until you lose your virginity. You might be a hag but you're not a woman.
Replies: >>158167
dont you just want a bj from her ;3
Thought it was based on age
Then is fucking someone who waits for marriage like pedophilia cause theyโ€™re gonna be like a little girl until 20
Looking at this pic gives the same effect as having a professional massage
>I use my welfare money to buy cp
mine goes to brandon
she is just cutest
Replies: >>158172
how can mascot compete with this lol
Replies: >>158175 >>158176
Circumcision is why we're sexual degenerates, we need extra stimulation
Replies: >>158174
JWO did this
Replies: >>158178
why do u mention me
Replies: >>158204
Feels good to be white, even if I'm still a loser overall
Gurinon here?
i think brandon did it
Replies: >>158179
brandon takes baby foreskin off
nzie are rabies and tetanus hoaxes or just misattributed?
Replies: >>158182 >>158202
im shipping 23 rabid pitbulls to your moms house
Replies: >>158187
Replies: >>158184
((( Rosen )))
(((  Brandon  )))
me in baltimore
Replies: >>158188 >>158195
She'll give the all belly rubs and scratchies after she bakes them all some doggie treat cookies :3
Replies: >>158193
Replies: >>158195
Ain't no fairy tales in my city tonight
>Brandon: Sometimes the voice of God speaks to me,
>saying "KILL those filthy niggers"
>& "do it do it do it now"
>but I have never obeyed because of prison...
>but the other day I was on my way to get some liquor
>& a 20 rock and I looked down at the 20 bill in my hand
>and it said right there plain as day IN GOD WE TRUST....
>thats when I knew I must obey God,
>I dont want to go to prison,
>but I dont want to burn in hell either
Replies: >>158191
>*standing ovation from jury*


Replies: >>158203
theyre gonna rip her to shreds dude
Replies: >>158194 >>158197
>theyre gonna rip her to shreds dude
babies are supposed to be ripped to shreds in the womb retard
too bad you didn't sneak a crack hoe stephanie who's now pregnant with brandon's baby in there
im gonna be sitting on a mountain of stem cells and dead baby parts like those men standing on their mountain of buffalo skulls
Replies: >>158200
Nuh-uh they're gonna be rolling iver and wagging their tails and once she has their trust she'll use them to rob a bank and will the money she scores she'll be able to afford to hire you a gigolo so you can finally lose your virginity
they said i dont need to know an instrument to make music, i wonder if i make music brandon would collab with me
Replies: >>158201
my coworker is actually a bald musician but i dont wanna bother him because he probably takes it seriously
Pitbull abortions be wildin
He'll wipe cum on you
>step on rusty nail
>must be the bacteria
Replies: >>158207
i came
Replies: >>158211
you are the only female here, females deserve to be compared to and ranked against other females
I stepped on rusty nails at least twice as a kid with one going deeeep af into my foot (think it went right through iirc) and i never got any shots. Had a rusty hook go right through my thumb once too. Was fine.
Replies: >>158208
shots don't help obviously
Also had a bat piss on my face out of nowhere at singapore night safari zoo and a drop or two went into my mouth. Didn't get rabies.
What about those weird stories of people losing fingers from rose thorn pricks
Replies: >>158213
btw i wonder if it was the parent or YT's pedophilic A.I. that chose the thumbnail
Replies: >>158214
could be just luck

 Children playing on the beach 4K
Replies: >>158219 >>158220
Replies: >>158220
lint unblocked me before mascot

lint won
Are you unblocked on the board too?
>simping for a lefty
this ain't it maori chief
Replies: >>158224
cope mascot you lost
lint won i agree
Replies: >>158238
>nobody gave a shit about a technical list of who's pedos or not that would list me as not one
I am shocked

shocked, I tell you
there is literally nothing wrong with being a pedophile
>this post sent james into a frothing fit of rage
i wouldnt mind brandons pedophilia if we shared a home
it means you are an incel
Replies: >>158233
joe biden has kids
Replies: >>158236
where you blocked?
lint is too i respect him for that
Replies: >>158238
he's not a pedophile he just likes sniffing little girls and showering with his daughter
Replies: >>158237
>son's name for him in his phone contacts was "pedo joe"
this is my official trip
my recent posts
Replies: >>158239 >>158368
who are you again?
Replies: >>158240
that's my trip there next to my name
Replies: >>158241
this tells me nothing
more important posts
Replies: >>158243
so what kind of content do you consider to be "not boring"
Replies: >>158260
Hi bluds
>$50k reward
Replies: >>158248
>In the year 2020 IBM put neural implants in U.S prisoners without their knowledge, reporting a great success in suppressing moods with 24/7 bio-surveillance. This was HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL but the documentation proving it was released via legal discovery in court.
Replies: >>158270
Replies: >>158249 >>158250
If he's black or jewish they fine you
Replies: >>158250
Did lint block u after our epic win?
I wonder how it looks on breastices

>in Soviet Russia
what is Brandon plotting
Replies: >>158260

Replies: >>158278
i was listening outside of brandons room and all i heard was him listening to a number station
Replies: >>158262
how else am I supposed to get my orders
Replies: >>158263
uber eats?
Replies: >>158264
then I have to kill the driver
Replies: >>158266
Replies: >>158268
well its not a loss on ubers books
Replies: >>158267
still though, so much work
Replies: >>158268
who is 100 you or me?
Replies: >>158269
. . .
Have you seen the movie "Gamer"?
Replies: >>158272
. . . . .
no, actually
Replies: >>158273
Highly, highly recommend
Replies: >>158274 >>158275
will stick it on the list
Replies: >>158276
(don't watch trailer or read synopsis it'll spoil it)
Guys, u wanna see cocaine bear also
Replies: >>158279
>Ray Liotta's last movie

>The film is loosely inspired by the events surrounding a 175-pound (79 kg) American black bear that died after ingesting a duffel bag full of cocaine in December 1985. The cocaine had been dropped out of an airplane piloted by Andrew C. Thornton II, a former narcotics officer and convicted drug smuggler, because his plane was carrying too heavy a load. Thornton then jumped out of the plane with a faulty parachute and died. The bear, who died sometime after consuming the cocaine, was found three months later in northern Georgia alongside 40 opened plastic containers of cocaine.
I can see how they would want to spice it up a bit more than "bear dies of overdose: the end"
lol, faulty parachute. WOuldnt think so, dirty feds
Replies: >>158282
its a fun one. Not a serious film
Replies: >>158282

yeah it says "comedy-horror"

The real reason why apex taboos have existed, in their various forms throughout the millennia (currently it's anything "pedo" as we all know)
Replies: >>158284
>womb is polluted
Scott Hall would make great use of this movie
Replies: >>158291
A fucking duffel bag of coke lmao
>alongside 40 opened plastic containers of coke
Something tells me that bear was snootin' that snow for quite some time on & off, perhaps almost everyday, until it eventually had too much at once
Wtf even fir a black bear that's tiny surely ... Maybe it lost a lot of weight on its yogi the yayo bear escapades?
Replies: >>158287
>Pacino burned the fuck out his hand shooting the end scene because nobody told him guns get hot
>that bear was snootin' that snow for quite some time on & off
idk if it would have had "self control" like that, it could have just rampaged through it once the happy chemicals kicked in til it died
Replies: >>158289
and black bears aren't huge, they're smaller than humans usually so that body weight is about right tbh
didnt know u could die of overdosing cocaine
Replies: >>158290
absolutely can tbh
usually how it happens is people skyrocket their tolerances to where they have to start taking toxic amounts to even get high anymore, and that's where they end up starting the party at
it's just expensive as shit to have that tier of addiction
google search shows wrestler 
he referenced that line during trash talk?
Replies: >>158292
lel his entire wrestling character was a blatant Scarface ripoff
Replies: >>158297
"Say hello to the bad guy" was literally his catchphrase for the longest time

lol WWF was so bad at the time, Vince was fucking broke and getting investigated and totally out of ideas
Replies: >>158301
I have a DVD spindle full of ancient wrestling still I haven't touched in probably 15 years
Replies: >>158301
Replies: >>158298
wrestling is just so bad even when it's good it's amazing it made so much fucking money
hell still makes
Replies: >>158303

I didn't realise wwf went back that far. Seems amateur af like failed pro bodybuilders with expensive coke habbits looking to scratch together whatever they can lmao
XD sounds like you've got dvd spindles full of all sorts dude
Replies: >>158302 >>158304
Like this guy in particular was probably like ยฏโ \_โ—‰โ โ€ฟโ—‰โ _โ /โ ยฏ whelp it's either this or gay porn ๐Ÿ˜‚
Replies: >>158304
wanna see trash talking tots wrestling federation TTTWF
Replies: >>158306 >>158308
I still have a musician's crush on Jim Johnston, who wrote all of their themes & music & shit for decades
unceremoniously shoved out of the company by Stephanie when she started trying to take over

>I didn't realise wwf went back that far.
shiiieeet it was his dad's company, Vince's run with it started in the early 80's
around there when he met Trump

Scott sadly ended up going to the rival company wcw and getting this major contract, becoming rich af and completely fucking himself up
>Vince sold it to UFC and cut out his kids
>got shoved out and he'll never come back to it again
still feels weird as fuck
guess it couldn't have ended any other way
So why do Americans watch it knowing it's scripted

it's like a soap opera for men, or at least it was
I knew it was fake when I was a kid, it was always an open secret even before Vince outright broke kayfabe to get around having to pay state athletic commissions
it's kind of a uniquely Murican thing
Replies: >>158319
selling the bullshit as remotely buyable reality, there's an art form in it
and it can get really self referential and meta and break its own 4th walls
it's terrible when it's done poorly, it's decent when it's done well tbh
Replies: >>158320
> why do Americans watch it

I don't...I never watch any of it...ever since I was a little kid, I've thought that it was all fake and gay and retarded--
Which put me at odds with a few of my childhood friends, who unironically believed it was all real and loved the shit
Replies: >>158311
>who unironically believed it was all real 
in my own experience it's overwhelmingly blacks that are like this
I have had several very uncomfortable conversations with such
Replies: >>158312 >>158314
blacks think dbz is real
Replies: >>158316
it's so similar to debating politics with people now it's uncanny
who actually take the Trump v Biden kind of storylines as seriously as some ghetto nigger takes HHH marrying Stephanie at a drive through Vegas wedding chapel (skip to 2:19)
Replies: >>158374

To be looked  just a little bit less fake and gay back when it was the OG (pre-WWE, and stuff) TV "professional wrestling" that aired way back in the 1960's
That's the TV wrestling stuff I was referring to
It wasn't quite so over-the-top and meme-tier back in 1961, and the "open secret" really wasn't a thing yet...but 10 year old me could still tell that it was fake and gay lol
Replies: >>158316
mascot lost
>dey's harvestin us for our melatonin

oh, absolutely, they took protecting the fact it was fake deadly seriously before Vince, that was their money
but they were also much worse at the "presentation" side most times in those days too
Replies: >>158318
mid-lateish 90's wcw was really about the best modern wrestling ever got but the company burned itself out quick
> the "presentation"

Oh, for real...back in the early 1960's, the TV wrestling was some of the most low-budget and amateur-looking shit on television...lowest production values of just about anything else on the air
Replies: >>158321
Didn't it originate in mexico or was that real wrestling?
Replies: >>158321 >>158322
>and break its own 4th walls
and yet still the television shows sold out arenas, guys like Bruno Sammartino were relatively large stars, for not being "mainstream"

nah lucha was it spreading there, us wrestling is at least 1800s
Replies: >>158324
Replies: >>158324
real wrestling is ancient, they did that shit in Greece
Replies: >>158324
> 1800s

So was the Mexican Lucha stuff, tbh--

> did that shit in Greece

But, yeah...that
Replies: >>158326
you can tell it's real when the loser is getting fucked in the ass
Replies: >>158327
>The modern style of professional wrestling, popularized by the United States and United Kingdom during the late 19th century, is called the catch-as-catch can style
it's pretty much all immigrants from europe bringing a new-ish thing with them
lucha is different enough to be its own thing
Replies: >>158328
lol it can get very not-homoerotic
> its own thing Mexico, some of those guys literally become national heroes
Replies: >>158329
lucha guys usually have a very hard time adapting to murican style and often flop

I always liked the mask thing, they take the mask thing super seriously, that element doesn't exist in murican wrestling
the japs incorporated that element way more, they got it
japs are pretty hilarious

>he's a billionare and doesn't even need this money ๐Ÿ˜น
The Trump bibles are sleazier
Replies: >>158334 >>158336
>Shaurn Thomas, who was released from prison and paid $4.1 million by the city after serving 24 years for a murder he says he didnโ€™t commit, pleaded guilty Thursday to killing a man over a $1,200 drug debt. Thomas, whose 1992 murder conviction was overturned in 2017, was convicted of third-degree murder and related crimes for fatally shooting 38-year-old Akeem Edwards last year.
>That admission of guilt โ€” by a millionaire who killed someone over a relatively paltry sum โ€” means that the now 50-year-old Thomas, who has already spent half of his life behind bars, will now return there to live out much of what is left of it.
>Attorney Marissa Bluestine, the legal director of the Pennsylvania Innocence Project, hugs Shaurn Thomas after his release
shiiiiieeeeeeet, I completely missed that one
Replies: >>158337
how the fuck do you even pronounce shaurn
do they just pronounce it shaun and treat the r like it's silent
> a billionare

The actual extent of his wealth is extremely questionable, at best...always has been--
For example...a whole lot of the things he claims to buildings, and shit...he actually only owns a 1% interest in, with the other 99% interest in that property being owned by other people...but he tells everyone that he owns the whole thing


The man never met a grift, or a scam, that he didn't like lmao
made in china
Replies: >>158338 >>158339

Yeah, I know...I was posting all about the Trump Bibles here many months ago tbh
His $100,000 watches are made in China too,,,and they're not even waterproof lol...the red MAGA hats are also made in China tbh
Replies: >>158339 >>158379
the full extent might be questionable but the billionaire part isn't tbh
>For decades, Forbes has assessed his wealth, currently estimating it at $5.5 billion as of mid-November 2024.[2][3] Meanwhile, Bloomberg estimates his wealth at $6.32 billion as of the same date,[4] although Trump himself claims a much higher net worth. 

>Make America Great Again, made in china
>"I became President because of the brand...I think it's the hottest brand in the world," Trump testified in April 2023 in the New York civil investigation. He suggested that the "brand value" of the U.S. presidency had been worth to him "maybe $10 billion or something."[41]
>During his presidency, Trump reported over $1.6 billion of outside revenue and income from his companies, including the Trump Organization. "While Trump publicly took credit for donating his taxpayer-funded salary," Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington noted that the presidential salary he donated was not even one-thousandth of what he was earning as a businessman.
Replies: >>158342 >>158380
lol this nigger literally treating the presidency like a company's world championship belt
Replies: >>158342

Just this past week, some Chinese guy...who is under Federal indictment for a crypto embezzling heist/scam...literally gave Trump $23 Million Dollars, funneled/laundered through Trump's fake and gay new "TrumpCoin" cryptocurrency company
A guaranteed Presidential Pardon is incoming for that guy, you can be sure of that

You couldn't make this stuff up if you tried lol
Replies: >>158344 >>158381
I guess there was no other outcome possible except idiocracy, was there
I mean if Biden can pardon his son, who can't be pardoned
Replies: >>158345
>>158344 be fair...Trumps own list of pardons from his previous term is pretty darn sus and nepotistic tbh
You should look them all's quite a who's who of Trump cronies and relatives
Replies: >>158346
yeah wasn't meant as some sided statement, all of them have suspicious pardons
Replies: >>158348
Hunter is just such a blatant example, I mean judges are supposed to recuse themselves from cases involving people they know, but a president can pardon a direct relative, when there couldn't be a more obvious conflict of interest
Replies: >>158382

Yeah...that shit goes all the way back to Richard Nixon tbh
Replies: >>158349
Nah it goes all the way back to ooga-ooga the 2nd, circa 69,420 BCE
Replies: >>158350 >>158352
pretty sure kings could do way more egregious shit than issue pardons to sycophants and connections
>trial by combat, House Targaryen's champion is fire
also lol
Replies: >>158354
Replies: >>158361
Because fuck the original karl marx
Replies: >>158355
If this is a reference to Jesus then I don't think they would have killed him if that's what he was.
Replies: >>158356
They didn't
Replies: >>158357
New one for me, you'd have to explain more
Replies: >>158358
Happy to another time, probably tomorrow. Procrastinated sleeping far too long tbh
Replies: >>158359
Shame, got me thinking about them selling the resurrection by simply not killing him
I take all the supernatural elements of it as shit added after the fact as part of the diversion of whatever he was actually about
which was probably just a jew who actually believed, and took it both more and less seriously than they did
saw the dumb bits
That's a nice washer + dryer combo
>murdered /gif/ cutting it down to 6 pages
>now all the not-porn threads get slid off fast as hell
(ใƒŽ-_-)ใƒŽ ใƒŸ โ”ดโ”ด
Me too, it's the least they could do for me.
How many followers do you have on Tiktok?
Replies: >>158366
site was giving cf errors for a while earlier, then when it came back, you still couldn't post
Replies: >>158371 >>158372
How should we call you? 80v?
btw silvia there's some CP link threads in the index again
why would you say such a thing on a textboard about cats and music???
The server reboot when I am not around, but it's such a shitty server that it takes 5m to load as long as MongoDB doesn't crash, and if it does crash it reloads again another 5 minutes, lol.
>it came back, you still couldn't post
This means MongoDB crashed.
Replies: >>158375
Movies are scripted and still enjoyable.
Real Americans get married in a McDonalds.

MongoDB a shit

That is all...carry on
Replies: >>158377
Are you going to get some?
Yeah it eats up all the RAM and then dies, classic Mongo.
I own Tesla, does that on its own all of it? I guess it kind of does if I left out "stock" to be more accurate.
>lol...the red MAGA hats are also made in China tbh
Remember that one president who sold his farm to not have conflict of interest? Me neither, he sucks, but people will remember Trump.
Trump is going to use Cardano crypto to run elections I think. That or HBAR. Those are the rumours anyways, it will spike the price of either (price is already gone up a lot over speculation alone). I own lots of Cardano, none of HBAR, so Trump better make the right choice.
People were only going after Hunter Biden because he has rich enemies due to his father's influence. If Biden wasn't President, none of those rich people would care if one of their own was committing crimes. So it's fine to pardon in this case I think.
Replies: >>158383
But if he does get pardon, does that mean no more potential Nat content? Or was that all there was? ๐Ÿค”
>Tesla Cybertrucks have proven unfit for use in warfare, the leader of Russiaโ€™s Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, said on Thursday.

>Speaking in a TV broadcast, Kadyrov noted that while he did have the luxury electric car tested in the Ukraine conflict, it performed poorly compared to Russiaโ€™s UAZ Patriot.

>โ€œWe sent it to war, installed a machine gun, but it was useless for war. Our Patriot is better in the war than this car,โ€ he said.

Replies: >>158411
Based tbh ngl
Cutting your face out makes the content worthless, cutting your butt out makes the content worth less. English is great, lol.
Mascot is getting from catchan what other girls get from social media lmao. catchan? more like simpchan lol where is my brandon?
Replies: >>158391
yes there is but ok
Replies: >>158390
Replies: >>158392
el simpador strikes again
this is why women are shit
if every 4/10 nowadays can come to a place like this and made to feel like hot shit on a silver platter
Replies: >>158393 >>158398
Are you saying we should invite more girls to Catchan so there will be competition?
Replies: >>158396

Please make the CP threads go away on the .onion
Replies: >>158401 >>158407

took a break from woking on life of childe 2 to work on the brk game
hey we gave her the same rating
m4scot ๐Ÿ˜†
n4de ๐Ÿคฃ
blud got his supervisor breathing down his neck
Replies: >>158402 >>158403
> supervisor

No...I am merely a concerned CatChan citizen...and CP always offends my fragile sensibilities tbh
Replies: >>158404
cope you got btfo'd
Replies: >>158406 >>158409
Replies: >>158409
bro still going on about his his NNN win (despite being runner up lmao)
Replies: >>158410
I won, cope.
Stop it, get some help.
Replies: >>158412 >>158413
Replies: >>158413
She should stop posting videos like that then.
Not my fault.
Replies: >>158414
like what? it's a boring filtered video of literally nothing lmao get a grip idiot
mascot, do the needful
You niggers are just low t.
>you should have universal tastes
Low T opinion
I'm in a war with myself
We go back to my place
Take my makeup off
Show you my best disguise
You believe in my heart
You believe in my kind
It's a tragedy boy
Every time you ask me
I don't know what I'm feelin', but I believe
I was thinkin' 'bout makin' a comeback
Back to me
And I won't say you're the reason I was on my knees
But I'm thinkin' 'bout makin' a comeback
Back to me
I'm at peace in the dark
When I know that you're near
Hear the breath of your heart
low thirst?
probably yeah
And if you wanna know why I have had no regrets
Sometimes you've gotta dig low to get 'round to it
And there is nothing I'm so sure of
Nothing I'm so sure of
If you wanna know why I have no regrets then
oh mascot, you came and you gave without taking
Come with me, I'm the keeper of that beat
And the fire under your feet
I'm the keeper man
I am the keeper
Come baby, dance the night down on your knees
Dance your heart down onto your sleeve
I'm the keeper man
And I am the keeper
they are just lying for some reason
Replies: >>158428 >>158432
Replies: >>158430
am I low t for not liking down syndrome fat girls?
I dont really like brown girls unless they are hot
Mascot is just average brown Asian expect she lurks on catchan for attention
why do simps have to convince themselves that other guys like the girl they simp over? misery loves company?
Replies: >>158455 >>158472
how many other prospects do you have
Replies: >>158436
>average brown Asian
so below average?
average jap girl would be better
>how many other prospects do you have
i dont understand this sentence
Replies: >>158437
if you dont have any other girls around then you make do
Average brown Asian girl has a more pleasant personality though
Replies: >>158440 >>158465
There are other options
Replies: >>158444
pedos have a right to demand better attention whores
Replies: >>158445 >>158460
mascot is perfect
she's my queen
Replies: >>158446
you are saying we should be bisexual?
who and where
Replies: >>158451
perfectly mid?
yeah probably
Replies: >>158448
i would literally worship her
she mogs every other girl you guys post here
Replies: >>158449 >>158450
only when she shows her ass
hahaha ok
here's the (you) you're after
Jole sucked a tranny
Tbf having a random girl post breaks up the relentless faggotry so I don't see a problem (tbh)
hey ho
Replies: >>158459
Aren't you her biggest simp? ๐Ÿค”
Replies: >>158456 >>158461
Replies: >>158461
If Mascot is the only thing preventing faggotry we've already lost...
Replies: >>158458 >>158459
Hello, happy Saturday
sad reality tbh
Everyone should invite their sisters and nieces and which ever girls are in their family to join us.
Replies: >>158471 >>158474
no I think I've made it pretty loud and clear that I don't much care for her at all
Replies: >>158462 >>158463
>that I don't much care for her at all
Fr? LMAO! You are the one who always keeps replying to her
You talk about her the most though, that's caring.
Replies: >>158464 >>158474
I think the average brown Asian is an Indian?
Replies: >>158467
nz even knows where she lives
and he aint a simp?
Replies: >>158469 >>158475
Indian lg's can be cute
Replies: >>158470 >>158471
you're one to talk...
>Spends all the time stalking her social media
<But but but I don't actually care!
Yeah for sure. I've met a bunch of cute Indian girls.
lol this
>>158467 but they don't wash and probably smell
seems this post hit a few nerves kek
Replies: >>158473
You first.

He talks about me a lot too. Maybe it's his way of showing affection.
Replies: >>158479
who cares
she's literally safe by being ugly
wake me up when he doxxes vlada queen
Replies: >>158476 >>158477
Vlada already posted her address and phone number, lol.
Replies: >>158478 >>158480
bullshit nigga
Replies: >>158481 >>158482
Nah it's no fun if I invite mine, everyone else has to invite theirs.
I will send Vlada fanmail and call her if this is true.
I know two of her addresses
Replies: >>158485 >>158486
I texted her when she posted her number.
creepy pedo
Replies: >>158484
I wanted to see if it was really hers.
garch vlada 
gigabased, did she show butt?
Replies: >>158487
you know Cyrillic know? calling bullshit
real predator hours
what did you say?
Replies: >>158491 >>158493
Not on text, lol. I just sent a message asking if I had the right number and she said yes. That was the only thing I sent.
Oh, Hannah, I wanna feel you close
Oh, Hannah, come lie with my bones
Oh, Hannah, don't look away
Oh, Hannah, just look at me the same
ask her to add you on her private tiktok
Replies: >>158494
I don't wanna be your friend, I wanna kiss your lips (ooh-ooh-ooh)
I wanna kiss you until I lose my breath
I don't wanna be your friend, I wanna kiss your lips (ooh-ooh-ooh)
I wanna kiss you until I lose my breath
Replies: >>158497 >>158506
no I don't why would that matter lol you might be a retard tbh
Replies: >>158502
I don't wanna be your friend, I wanna be your bitch
And I wanna touch you, but not like this
The look in your eyes
My hands between your thighs
Oh, this can't be real
It's all just a dream
Replies: >>158506
I learnt Cyrillic in about 3 days, it's not hard really. Doesn't mean I can understand any of it, but can read it and put it to English letters kek
That's awesome that you've actually spoken to her though lol
What would be the point of that? Tiktok doesn't let you livestream unless you have 1000 followers.
Replies: >>158496
that's bullshit but i believe it
she could be posting lewd videos
Replies: >>158500
i love that song
What did NZ mean by this?
Replies: >>158501 >>158508
Why don't you ask her? If you were in her Telegram then you should have got the number too, it was there for like 3 days before she deleted
Replies: >>158503
the apps don't translate everything you needlessly rude obese ukulele playing maori nigger
there's captions and stuff you have to translate externally and that wears you down eventually when you don't know the language
I have it
Replies: >>158505
My sister listens to it too
Karma becoming the sexually charged ILC.
40 days and 40 nights
i waited for a girl like you
to come and save my life
I'm a motherfuckin' train wreck
I don't wanna be too much
But I don't wanna miss your touch
And you don't seem to give a fuck
I don't wanna keep you waiting
But I do just what I have to do
And I might not be the one for you
But you ain't about to have no boo
'Cause I know we be so complicated
But we be so smitten, it's crazy
I can't have what I want, but neither can you
You ain't my boyfriend (boyfriend)
And I ain't your girlfriend (girlfriend)
But you don't want me to see nobody else
And I don't want you to see nobody
But you ain't my boyfriend (boyfriend)
And I ain't your girlfriend (girlfriend)
But you don't want me to touch nobody else
Baby, we ain't gotta tell nobody
Even though you ain't mine, I promise the way we fight
Make me honestly feel like we just in love
'Cause baby, when push comes to shove
Damn baby, I'm a train wreck, too (too)
I lose my mind when it comes to you
I take time with the ones I choose
And I don't want to smile if it ain't from you, yeah
I know we be so complicated
Lovin' you sometime drive me crazy
'Cause I can't have what I want and neither can you
I wanna kiss you (yeah), don't wanna miss you (yeah)
But I can't be with you 'cause I got issues
Yeah, on the surface, seem like it's easy
Careful with words, but it's still hard to read me
Stress high when the trust low (mmm)
Bad vibes, where'd the fun go? (Oh)
Try to open up and love more (love more)
Try to open up and love more
i prefer it when it's ilc music spamming tho
at least he has good musical taste
if you listen to music for the lyrics you don't understand music on the most basic level
Replies: >>158520 >>158526
It's all about the music!
I've fallen in love
I've fallen in love for the first time
This time I know it's for real
I've fallen in love, yeah
God knows, God knows I've fallen in love
It's strange but it's true, hey
I can't get over the way you love me like you do
But I have to be sure when I walk out that door
Oh, I want to be free, baby
Oh, how I want to be free
Oh, I want to break free
But life still goes on
I can't get used to living without, living without
Living without you by my side
I don't want to live alone, hey
God knows, got to make it on my own
So, baby, can't you see I've got to break free?
I've got to break free
I want to break free, yeah
I want, I want, I want
I want to break free
Replies: >>158528
Working for another hour tonight
Staring at the wall and let the time just pass me by
You might think you know me, but it's all just a face
Trying to ignore when people screaming my name (screaming my name)
Walking by a house with colorful lights
There's a sign, an invitation from the woman inside
Talk about your boyfriend, talk about your wife
It's just a different way of living your life
When something's right, then something is worth to die for
When I feel that something is wrong, then something is worth to fight for
Don't say goodbye, just leave an open door
I wanna hear you say you give me something to die for
Searching for another reason to stay
Slowly my regrets are fading away
You leave me on my own to find out what's real
You say you want your freedom, but it's not how I feel
When something's right, then something is worth to die for
When I feel that something is wrong, then something is worth to fight for
Don't say goodbye, just leave an open door
I wanna hear you say you give me something to die for
When I feel that something is right, you give me something to die for
When something's right, then something is worth to die for
When I feel that something is wrong, then something is worth to fight for
When something's right, then something is worth to die for
When I feel that something is wrong, then something is worth to fight for
Don't say goodbye, just leave an open door
I wanna hear you say you give me something to die for
I wanna hear you say you give me something to die for
I wanna hear you say you give me something to die for
Teenage pornstars
Living for nothing now
Nightlife baby
Look out, shape up
Boy you got to turn around
And wake up honey
We're not living in America
But we're not sorry
I knew there was something that we never had
We don't worry
No we're not living in America
But we're not sorry
No we don't care about the world today
We're not sorry for you
Pretty as a picture, dancing the night away
Don't stop baby
I've learned my way
I'm living for something now
It's hardcore honey
mods ban the spammer
Replies: >>158538
We're not living in America
We're not living in America
We're not living in America
We're not living in America
We're not living in America
We're not living in America
We're not living in America
We're not living in America
We're not living in America
We're not living in America
But we're not sorry
I knew there was something that we never had
We don't worry
No we're not living in America
But we're not sorry
No we don't care about the world today
We're not sorry for you...
mods medicate karma
he needs some "discipline" from silvia iykwim
Hey, let's kick it, stop, just lick it
Let you start it 'cause, 'cause it's so easy
You like it my way and I know it
So let's do it, do it, do it real good
Hot, it's sweaty, now I'm ready
Just take it off 'cause, 'cause you tease me
I like it that way and you know it
So let's do it, do it, do it real good
Oh, this song is not for you, lovers
Woah, don't stop, push it now
And I will give it all to you
Don't you stop now
And try to give it all up
Hey, let's kick it, stop, just lick it
Let you start it 'cause 'cause it's so easy
You like it my way and I know it
So let's do it, do it do it real good
Hot, it's sweaty, now I'm ready
Just take it off 'cause, 'cause you tease me
Don't stop, push it now
Get down and do what you've been told
Don't you stop now
And try to give it all up
I've seen people losing all of their faith
Before they knew what they were looking for
I swore I'd never ever do it again, 'til this day
Words are all I have to give to you
You never seem to see it my way
Standing in the shadows, I hear people say
I got confessions to make, listen up!
No one sleeps when I'm awake
The dreams I dream, the song I sing for you
They're coming from my heart
Is my message getting through?
You know it hurt so bad just like I knew that it would
But I'd do it again, do it again if I could
Do it again if I could
I don't think you know what it's like
You should be careful what you're wishing for
And try to set your ego aside, you will find
A false peace of mind
You fall behind, and everybody's getting tired of you
Standing in the shadows, I hear people say
The dreams I dream, the song I sing for you
They're coming from my heart
Is my message getting through?
You know it hurt so bad just like I knew that it would
But I'd do it again, do it again if I could
Hey, hey, hey! I want you to know, know, know, know
Hey, hey, hey, hey!
'Cause the dreams that I dream, and the songs that I sing
When I lost myself it had a different meaning
Shut down and closed imagine all of those
Hundreds of dreams taking place around you
It hurt so bad just like I knew that it would
But I'd do it again, do it again if I could
But I'd do it again, do it again if I could
I'd do it again, I'd do it again, I'd do it again
I'd do it again if I could
rape is so based
Have you had enough
Wanting just to leave
Ready for something new
To shake off this old blues
Oh,โ€…canโ€…you hear aโ€…sound
In the distance now
It's calling outโ€…your name
Your name the way you
Want it to be announced
I wanna go there with you
I wanna see what you see
You don't have to convince me
I'll be ready then
Hello hello
I go wherever you want me to go
I know, I know
I can depend on you to take me there
Safe and sound
Yeah, safe and sound
So take me there
Safe and sound
Yeah, safe and sound
The morning comes too soon
Not ready to give in
The sun is shining too bright for us
We're the children of the night
Hold on to this time
Promise not to forget
It might just be the best the best
The best days of our lives
Oh, can I go there with you
Can you feel what I feel
Do I have to convince you
Will you be ready then
asian loli thread on KC ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Replies: >>158562

hot stuff in there?
Replies: >>158563
nothing too spicy, bunda though, it's kinda slow
Replies: >>158595
why real rape is ollegal??. hello?
Replies: >>158567
1, 2, 3, 4
No, I want more
5, 6, 7
It's not OK
How come you taste so good?
This time I'm really hooked
It's half past ten, it's getting late
But the night is young and I can't wait
You know I like it loud
You should know me by now
Cringe. Stop.
Replies: >>158568
stop what im speaking gmy truth
Replies: >>158569
You are really souding cringe now, tbh...
Replies: >>158571
Quick fix and heart beats gets easily
Now you got me on my knees
This will be the death of me
Tick-tock, time goes by
dont kinkshame me
Replies: >>158578
Hit me... so suddenly
How you knock me off my feet
I'm the Queen of Apologies
And I'm fighting this feeling
But it never stops, never stops
I'm still waiting
And I'm stuck with this feeling
Will it ever stop, ever stop
I keep trying
I blame no one but myself so honestly
Is this how its gonna be
Tell me, who's the enemy
Monkey on my back, keeps desperately
How you got me on my knees
This will be the death of me
So sick of this feeling
But it never stops, never stops
I'm still waiting
And I'm stuck with this feeling
Will it ever stop, ever stop
You see I'm still shaking
And I'm fighting this feeling
This will be the death of me
I'm the Queen of Apologies
This will be the death of me
This will be the death of me
I'm the Queen of Apologies
This will be the death of me
so fake
Could I act like you, and put a smile on face?
Not even for a second would I lie to myself..
Too many things are missing
And there's a tear in my eye
It's not a question or an answer
But it will change you mind
We'll be the same tomorrow
'Cause we've all been painted my numbers
We dance and eyes will follow
You said it was love
I said I'd like you to be mine
if any of you ruin this and post nut clarity sets in early ill kill you all
Replies: >>158591
Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na
I couldn't act like you, but I can love like you do
Between us there is something, I can't explain it to you
We'll be the same tomorrow
'Cause we all been painted by numbers
We're dancin' as we borrow
You said it was love
I got what I need to get by
It's like a thousand pounds of dynamite
Exploded in my heart tonight
I close my eyes and see your face
And it takes me to a special place
It's like a thousand pounds of dynamite
Exploded in the sky tonight
And Heaven opened up its door
I've had a taste but I want more
I want you to want me
I need to hear you say it, like you mean it
I wanna hear you say it, and make me believe it
You're always dancing around about it
While wrapping your chains around me
Oh, the things we do for love
The things we do for love
Oh, the things we do for love
Are blinding us from the truth sometimes
Post your ass.
It's like a thousand pounds of dynamite
Exploded in my heart tonight
You say all is fair in love and war
But I've never felt this way before (felt this way before)
It's like a thousand pounds of dynamite
Exploded in my heart tonight
Now I'm trapped inside your mystery
As you take another piece of me
Din dinq doo bam bam bara be ba baram bom bom ba ba ba bam booo
Whaโ€ฆ Whaโ€ฆ Whaโ€ฆ Whaโ€ฆ What's going onโ€ฆ On?
Ding, ding
That's the crazy frog
Ding, Ding
Beem, beem
Ring, ding, ding, ding, ding, ring. Dem, dem, dem
Ring, ding, ding, ding, ding ring. Oh, oh
Ring, ding, ding, ding, ding, ring. Dem, dem, dem
Ring, ding, ding, ding, ding
That's the crazy frog
Break down!
Replies: >>158599
asians don't have bunda, quite rare
Replies: >>158601 >>158602
Please let me in and hold me tight
Don't leave me out here alone tonight
Bless your heart and praise your soul
You keep me warm and give me shelter from the storm
I don't care that the sky is falling down
I'm going through changes
Oh changes
Hold me down and pin me to the floor
It's hurting more and even deeper then before
And hold your silence now I heard you sigh
I know you're tired but we'll work it out
Based !!
My feet are tired now
From running wild
My head is hurting so
I don't wanna shout
I take my chances
I take back control
Take my apology
It's gonna save my soul
Some have cute petite bums tbf
>t. knower
asians cant compete with pawgies
that's a roastie
Replies: >>158607 >>158611
Replies: >>158609
With you by my side
I know it will be all right
We'll have the time of our lives
As we drive into the night
looks like you when you cosplayed
Replies: >>158618
You've been tried and you've been tested
It was wrong that you got neglected
I know it's hard but you gotta see
That you ask too much from me
pedreiro de peruca ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ
Replies: >>158633
I always hurt the ones that I love
Let me show you why
I've been so troubled inside
It's like I can't make up my mind
I think about you all the time
Sometimes it feels like something is wrong
And that you don't understand me
And I know how you feel
And I don't wanna be the one who let's you down
Why do I always hurt the ones that I love?
Why do I always hurt the ones that I love?
Paag or Pawg better?
Replies: >>158622
I've tried so hard, I've tried so hard
But I can't let you go, I can't let you go
I've tried so hard, I've tried so hard
But I can't let you go, I can't let you go
You're traveling along an empty highway
How long will it last?
Whatever happened to that fire, baby
You burning out too fast?
There's something in your voice that's
Telling me you don't care, anyway
There's something in your eyes that's telling
Me how you long to belong
You've got to change your way
You've been down this road before
You better change your way and get out
Out on the floor!
You got to shake shake shake
With somebody like me, yeah
You got to shake shake shake
With somebody like me, yeah
pawg of course asians have flat butts
Try to walk a mile in my shoes baby
And you will know
If you have what it takes to make it
In the 21st century show
You've got to change your way
You've been down this road before
You better change your way and get out
Out on the floor!
mascot lookalike
Replies: >>158627
Replies: >>158628
Hit me hard
Hit me right between the eyes
I wanna see the stars
Hit me, hit me!
Well hit me hard
Hit me right between the eyes
I wanna see the stars
Hit me, hit me!
Ew im a B cup
any straight male would
Replies: >>158630 >>158646
We've been talking on the phone for hours and hours.
You can give me a call whenever you like to.
And if you would fall you know I will catch you.
Yeah I'll stick around, I'll be right beside you.
yeah I would but I wouldn't go out of my way for it
Replies: >>158634
Seven days a week, every minute of the day.
Oh Who oh oh, Who oh oh.
I've been thinking about you and what you've been up to.
Seven days a week, every minute of the day.
Replies: >>158632
This nigga gay
Replies: >>158635
tranime claims the life of another vulnerable male
you couldnt anyway she only fucks >6' rich guys
Replies: >>158637
Tell me why don't you kill me
And put a gun against my head?
I'm better off dead
I'm better off dead
that's what they all say but you can still fuck them, women are retarded
Replies: >>158642
I want it over by now
Why don't you kill me with your love?
I'm better off dead
I'm better off dead
There's no time to regret
I'm laying naked on my bed
I'm better off dead
I'm better
To feel you
When you hold me
When you touch me
You said that you forgive me
'Cause you never hold me
'Cause you never touch me
You said that you forgive me
Why worry about your height is most girls are like 5โ€™5
you dont seem like a chad that can fuck any girl
Replies: >>158644 >>158645
I donโ€™t know men problems
Heโ€™s supa rich
I do alright tbh because I don't give a fuck
why she would sit on my face
then on my dick if i didn't cum by then
Replies: >>158650
You perhaps heard rumors I'm sure
Obscene disguise despite his new look
I'm meeting him at London's
Dorchester Hotel tonight
If you wanna take advantage of him
Then you know where to go
As long as you bring your bible you're secure
A promise of love brings back the old gun
Undress, decide, make up for lost time
I'm meeting him at London's
Dorchester Hotel tonight
If you wanna take advantage of him
Then you know where to go
As long as you bring your bible you're secure
And we pray bless our hearts
Returning to abnormal life
id cum while licking her bootyhole for sure
Replies: >>158670
You fall down on to your knees
Stranger, stranger, capture violence
It's almost done
Attached but you're feeling alone
The addiction will never be gone
Lost and down so fragile inside
Today's the last but not the right one
I'm looking at a picture of
Someone he had become
If you wanna take advantage of him
Then you know where to go
As long as you bring your bible you're secure
Virgin boys are better
You fall down on to your knees
Stranger, stranger, capture violence
It's almost done
You fall down on to your knees
Stranger, stranger, capture violence
It's almost done
You fall down on to your knees
Stranger, stranger, capture violence
It's almost done stranger, stranger
I'm meeting him at London's
Dorchester Hotel tonight
stfu virgin males are worthless
Replies: >>158682

you say this because you never had sex
why do women always lie about what kind of men they like
Waking up, with sunbeams in my eyes
And the world outside seems to pass me by
Embrace the land, where the ocean meets the sand
And emotion fades away until you take my hand
I will be coming with you, tonight
You're all that I want, you're all I have, you're all I need
Oh, oh you will be shining on me
Like a midnight sun, you're the only one who can set me free
You will set me free
I will be coming with you, tonight
You're all that I want, youโ€™re all I have, youโ€™re all I need
Oh, oh you will be shining on me
Like a midnight sun, you're the only one who can set me free
There was a time I couldn't
See myself growing older
But then I went for a walk when I
Came back I was so much taller
Maybe try to find something that
I could be part of but I decided to leave
And then I crossed the river
I went coast to coast, and from star to star
But that's how you learn, who you really are
But I leave you with a kiss
There's so much more than this
When you know who you are
Oh, what you know, stop to think
Start to feel, and then you'll heal
You got to rise to the occasion
You got to read between the lines
Then maybe you'll find, who you are inside
When I look into your eyes
I feel what you feel
Come take my hand, let's go for a swim
Handle with care
You fall in love, then you lose your head
For the last twenty four hours
Well I've been, crying my heart out
This time hoping for the better
Been down, seems like forever
For the next twenty four hours
Well I'm yours and the world is ours
Oh, you said it was love for the first time
Oh baby, baby be mine!
Cause I'm in love, in love, in love, in love with you
It's all good
You don't have to worry
I'm not like that
I'm not in a hurry
Take your time, I'm not going nowhere
If you go, I will always follow
Oh, you said it was love for the first time
Oh baby, baby be mine!
Cause I'm in love, in love, in love, in love with you,
With you, with you, with you, with you.
Hey! you said it was love for the first time
Oh baby, baby be mine!
Cause I'm in love, in love, in love, in love with you,
With you, with you, with you, with you, with you, with you

I love you.
>id cum while licking her bootyhole for sure
a man of culture and taste
Hey! Hey! Hey! That's what I say
Hey! Hey! Hey!
I'm waiting I'm aching, I'm running away
You can't stop me no matter what they say
It's twisting and turning inside me again
I've get this feeling this could be the end
You keep raising the stakes
I keep making mistakes
Don't you know is a game and
Do you got what it takes?
For me to stay ALIVE, boy!
Hey! Hey! Hey! That's what I say
Hey! Hey! Hey! It's not ok, it's not ok
That's what I say hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
bunda is love
bunda is life
The sooner the better, you see me this way
We can't go on like this pretending it's okay
It's twisting and turning inside me again
We keep getting closer to the end
You keep raising the stakes
I keep making mistakes
I won't stop running away from you
Gonna find me anyway
I keep running, I'm gonna give it all back
To you tonight
speaking of bunda, it's day 7 of the advent calendar of only fapping to Laura, and I'm staying strong
Replies: >>158679 >>158681
Replies: >>158680
A different set to fap to each day?
Replies: >>158683
To you
Replies: >>158684
Something like that ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Just whatever pics spark my fancy on that day, however many times that day xD 

Might go for a black cat Laura today, or I should just randomise the pics and have to fap to only that pic to make it more fun. Idk lol
to all women your just lying about liking them
Replies: >>158685
Virgins are cuter and theyโ€™ll let you do whatever you want to them cause theyโ€™re just horny
Replies: >>158686
women dont want to be dominant
Replies: >>158689 >>158691
I want female children
Replies: >>158690
with big bunda
Replies: >>158693
Replies: >>158692
you admit you want a chad to rape you just like every woman stop being fake
Replies: >>158694
i never said he was the one doung the raping
short submissive autistic men have zero sexual market value
Replies: >>158698 >>158699
>took the bait
i do every day
But the big ones who could easily overpower me but wonโ€™t do anything to stop me
Iโ€™m 5โ€™0 anyone is bigger than me now that I think of it
Replies: >>158702
if you arent a foot taller than a girl you're short
Replies: >>158703 >>158704
If I have to look up talking to you ur fine I have an uncle whoโ€™s 4โ€™6
Replies: >>158707
my sister is like 5'1 and has a 6'8 bf
Replies: >>158706
wtf pedophile
>1.37 m
Is he a child?
Replies: >>158708
No he has a beard and a drivers license at least I hope he does
Replies: >>158710
only retards think women will only date 6ft men tbh lol, if you don't act like a retard and look semi-attractive and look after your appearance, you will have no problem

Is he a midget then?
Replies: >>158712
Who the fuck wants to date a woman taller than theirselves
Based rin?
Iโ€™m not sure he has normal proportions
i would want a gf that can physically overpower me
Replies: >>158714
Ur a cuck tho
I woul've killed myself if  Iwas 1,37 m
I don't, I didn't say that lol, I've never dated a woman taller than me (but fucked a few)
Brazil ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ’€
Replies: >>158718 >>158720
truly a brazilian classic
if dominant girls existed life would be much easier
my favorite music
they do but only really in certain scenarios, they still want you to be the dominant protector
Replies: >>158722
the only scenario is if they're being paid tbh
Get a ftm
Why would you want to be dominated by the inferior gender?
Replies: >>158725 >>158729
he says as he listens to ariana grande and girl in red
Replies: >>158726 >>158728
I dont wanna be dominated by women
because im submissive
Replies: >>158730
i think you are just retarded
Replies: >>158732
with all due respect
Death by snu snu?
Replies: >>158734
Girl has to be poorer than me, shorter than me, dumber than me, and more attractive than me. Then I'm interested.
Opposite for women
Replies: >>158739
Yeah it's perfect.
Replies: >>158740 >>158742
giv valda bf
no its unfair
Replies: >>158743
Replies: >>158744
non chad men can never get women
Replies: >>158745 >>158751
weed out the weak genes
Replies: >>158747 >>158752
Replies: >>158748
Replies: >>158749
ur genes will also be weeded out
Replies: >>158750
You just have to go for the girls no one else wants if you can't compete, like fat girls.
that would excellent... if women with shit genes did not pass them on, but they do
good job making yourself an useful idiot for rostoids
Replies: >>158753
Chad men get to pick their women, cope.
Replies: >>158754 >>158756
they pick their women then they get kicked out of the band :/
Not all women are good either true but there will be always loser men to fuck them
you missed the point idiot
point was, the gene pool does not improve if weak men are weeded out because women with shit genes still pass them on
you are basically defending a hardcore ultra radical feminist point of view
Replies: >>158757
im not defending anything
Replies: >>158773
idc about passing on my autism genes but its unfair that im not allowed to have sex at all
Replies: >>158759 >>158765
nigga just go have sex
Replies: >>158760
i just said im not allowed to
Replies: >>158762 >>158765
no excuse these days everyone wants to have sex
Replies: >>158764
>not allowed
Mommy said you can't?
Replies: >>158766
If you want deep relationship thats hard i agree
women want sex with chad
Replies: >>158768
mommy being all women collectively
Some of those women will take money to have sex with you.
Excuses excuses you just dont wanna have sex
Replies: >>158771
some kind of humiliation for you
not true its the only thing i want
Replies: >>158772
Cope you cant please a woman
Replies: >>158774
indirectly you are
hence the expression useful idiot
Replies: >>158775
because they wont let me try
Replies: >>158776
i was basically just saying know your place
Replies: >>158781
Open tinder go fuck a woman
Replies: >>158777
you have to be hyperchad to get a girl on tinder
When Karma is the one telling you "have sex" you know you're pathetic.
Replies: >>158779 >>158780
hes incel too idk why hes acting like its easy
Replies: >>158782 >>158786
which is a moot point because women fundamentally do not
specially nowadays
Replies: >>158784
I dont want sex with women if i wanted i could have

tinder,grindr, hawktuahdating app whatever go fuck something if you want to its not hard
Replies: >>158783
ya thats ur pedo cope "im only incel because i dont like adult women"
>women fundamentally do not
>specially nowadays
Its been allowed by weak men but yeah.
imagine a 5'4 guy on tinder girls would swipe past you in .01ms
Replies: >>158787
>acting like its easy
Paying for sex is.
You can if you want to, if you dont then you cant.
Women are simple creatures
get money you can get them
get power you can get them
Replies: >>158791
be tall you can get them
Replies: >>158791
yes you need all those things to get a 6/10 woman
Replies: >>158793
or smart which also means money, stable job.
>I dont actually want women
See there's the issue
i think the reason you dont have sex is you call women collectively mommy
Replies: >>158798 >>158799
ya women hate submissive men
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