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Being a homo is a bannable offence.

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*poops in your thread*
Nothing personal kid
Replies: >>239958
Hey mascot looking good
mascot say nz is straight
Replies: >>240068
I like you in glasses
mascot tell mc to dm me
mascot tell karma to stfu
mascot who is gayer me or karma
Replies: >>240068
mascot you honest opinion about the last gay accident?
he can't be gayer I'm the one who groomed him
Replies: >>240068
Finally a nice outfit.
grooming is based
we do a little grooming
your glasses make you look cute :3
i gooned all day today
mascot when are you coming session? what if silvia takes down board again to btfo your stream?
she has her own thread now
simps need to start paying up
Replies: >>239983
I would pay mascot if I had money
who is mistery man
and why is it ilc
Replies: >>239988
cope, there's no trip
wtf why do you have chicken pox all over your arms..
tell about grandma
incest baby
is sabina cute?
>inbred princess
call sabina and stream together next time
we are all cool guys
karma is mad you're getting all the attention and not him
get 2
mascot would you gf sabina?
would you gf vlada? obviously you would
You give lesbian vibes tho
only lesbians wear glasses
does darwin approve of you talking to catchan weirdos?
Replies: >>240013
is darwin a cuck?
mascot ditch him and get with me
we're not weirdos
why doesn't he go on catchan?
cool outfit, show more?
why would you be partner with a non pedo
you like autistic guys?
say pedro
like me?
too old?
I like 26 year old girl
ur 16 basically a adult
why are not wearing a bra
Replies: >>240032
mascot would cure me of my pedophilia
I like you braless, tbh
have you vaped a cock before????
why work just become a camgirl
If I was rich I would marry you and provide for you
WAIT, did you just admit you would become a camgirl if you were 2 years older?
18yo onlyfans?
Replies: >>240050
I thought you were trad
I would pay ngl
its normal now
little chud
mascot do you like bisexual but mostly straight guys?
Replies: >>240068
Your brothers would love you no matter your choices, they might even subscribe to your OF when you make one
Replies: >>240063
Do you ever listen to soemthing good?
lobster boy?
They would because your incest family
little bros fapping to their big sis
cope I only groom dudes
Replies: >>240065
proof you groomed Karma into being a fag
Replies: >>240067
do exclusive catchan of
we will make you rich
ask him
Replies: >>240069
mascot will you stop coming to us when you turn 18?
cute smile
because you will have new rich simps on OF
mascot if you leave catchan I will kys
Replies: >>240074
ILC calm down
Replies: >>240076
Replies: >>240077
No trip, cope
love how her concern is not "i don't want to be a whore" but rather "i don't want to be found out"
women are truly immoral animals and this is why they're been historically treated as commodity
cope incel
Replies: >>240082
stop being rude to her bro
kys maisiecuck, you will never be normal
mascot would you kill someone if you could 100% get away with it?
do your bros live at your home?
mascot bros gooning in the other room
just making conversation innit
they can hear you through the wall
I haven't blown my nose in years
you should blew something else
I just don't need to
Replies: >>240093
nzie picks and eats his snot for vitamins
lol @ your life
its cute smirk!
need mascot milkies
God, I would literally stop being a pedophile for you
Replies: >>240099
you can't stop its too late
Mascot karma is working his glutes now. Work yours too
prove it
do pushups with face looking at camera
Replies: >>240108
wtf i thought all girls could do splits?
are you a trans girl?
do girl pushups with face looking at camera
Cover up your boobs first
Karma you fucking faggot
Fucking kys
show bobs to btfo karma
die koomie
*troll face*
open mouth to breathe
just do girl ones with knees
total simp death
Replies: >>240127
id stab you
Replies: >>240135
why do you have cut scars on your arms and legs you seem so happy when talking to weirdos on here
you might need to work on those
Not me but i claim this post
you won't do shit fatso
besides hoeflating 4/10 nepali thotlets, that is
can you do sit ups?
OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Replies: >>240140
I'm dying here!
Replies: >>240140
what happened?
Replies: >>240141 >>240144
you missed it?
>its really unfortunate
my bb went UOOOOOh
you're thicc
Cover up, sweetie
>whys is nobody talking
Hmmmmn, I wonder...
can you do 10 star jumps?
well done! you do good star jumps mascot 👍
Replies: >>240162
thats all her daily exercise for the day
I also feel energized
Mysterious Anon you only one that hasn't suggested a exercise move to her so far,
Replies: >>240158
I'm busy
it's not normal to need to blow your nose every 5 minutes
Replies: >>240161
Even "failed" ones are productive
what happened
Lol you look retarded doing that
do squats
bs you ain't THAT flexible
what reason?
Replies: >>240168
do squats back that ass up
It's because you don't have nice butt?
can you show how flexible you are iykwim
she has a nice butt
>182 replies omitted
Replies: >>240176 >>240185
I love you so so so much, come to Brazil.
Not me, but yes
Replies: >>240177
I would protect you tbh
you are hiding off
Wow, just showed up... Going to bed soon. Can you say something nice?
Replies: >>240184 >>240187
you're embarrassing
Do glutes workout with me tbh, just did Bulgarian split squats and donkey kicks
Replies: >>240986
mascots #1 fan not staying up to watch her?
what do you think retard
cute voice
nice grooves
even mascot dont think karma is really a fag
Replies: >>240199
I am the gayest on catchan
Replies: >>240200
Yep, I still think you actually are
Replies: >>240202
nice smile
mascot ask mc why he hates me
im too autistic to have friends
Replies: >>240210
220 replies for the queen
check email tbh
Replies: >>240212
Replies: >>240214 >>240216
Mascot can you not read without your glasses?
not me
Replies: >>240216
idk if you are cuter with glasses on or without then
tfw gooned all day and cant get hard anymore
impregnation pose
Hey team, if you like the brantent consider buying me a coffee?

Koomie doing these in lululemon yoga pants
Replies: >>241085 >>241887
nade I love you so fucking much that I am willing to sell my organs, my family's belongings, and my ass just so I can buy you gifts on your stream. I yearn for moment that you refer to me again on your stream and blow me a kiss. I literally wrapped a cord around my neck and jacked off for about an hour at the screenshot of you. I passed out before I nutted so I have to do it again. my princess my sweetest my precious
>inb4 chill ILC
Replies: >>241063
Session moment
Hey team, if you like the brantent consider buying me a coffee?

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