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Being a homo is a bannable offence.

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most boring site 12/06/2024 award
Damn, we are too late to receive the reward....
what site won?
what's wrong with comfy lg posting? beats reddit
Replies: >>157984
/ thread closed

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i checked the last time i did it was to tell her to kill herslef
Replies: >>157168
ok this is based
>russian oligarch
pretty easily, talk to your local rabbi, he can hook you up
(texting me at school and begging for my attention)

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Will look worse than a 2015 game
Bro just stop drinking so much
you've ruined my fucking happy place
the place I was looking forward to getting back to to talk to you all
I would sniff those until death

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yeah lol
im surprised anyone would consider that a real chan in conversation i dont consider it one
Replies: >>155542
it's not but it is but it's not, it's borderline
>wow two posts referencing zzzchan in 11 seconds
keeping the site up must be a requirement to stay in the webring polycule or something idk why that shits still there
Yeah someone drove him out of 8moe and that's where he went to set up his own board.

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cope brk it's fine to be a fan of the two bets posters on this site
>not-me and [other identity] won, if you think one lost they both did
Replies: >>154731
yes but unironically
Or maybe they just managed to fuck some neighbouring countries over hard enough to keep going
Replies: >>154733
not going to pretend I know enough about vietnam to properly answer this, I just know they've been an official communist government since the war

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Mascot do they sag?
wear the white shirt again without a bra
Replies: >>153926
Are they pointy?

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Damn XRP & Link going to the moon today, they're two of my biggest investments
Replies: >>152938
so the price goes up because lots of people are buying?
Replies: >>152940
Im investing in myself
Like those people say in the how to improve/get rich videos
I was trying to explain economics to Brandon but he only heard meth

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meh we didn't kill anyone, we got kinda close once when some armed boats pulled up, but they fucked off after we announced we could fire on them. Cucked NATO rules
ever wearing blue and white stripe under shirt? ;)
haha good! ;D 

Do you know aout tartary and starforts or or other hiddn shit?
Nice, I started to lift again some 2 months ago. Some small progress, but still... I need money for a proper diet. Gonna focus next year to it.

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Okay, I get it now where the missunderstanding might've arisen. 

Dumb little boys. We be stealing their girls.
I liked boobs even before puberty. I remember always trying to get my babysitter to show hers to me when my parents were gone^^
Replies: >>151216 >>151217
probably just craving milk
Replies: >>151218
I was comfortable talking about boobs because i didnt understand them before puberty i didnt understand why every other boy felt awkward about them lol so id say i like boobs n stuff
Nah I don't like milk. Just family social thing I think, when I was young my grandfather always took me out to talk to and look at girls/women. We always went "boob watching" and such to see who could spot the nicest girls first.

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