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Being a homo is a bannable offence.

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>20 minutes
Lol, not that long. I would stop just to drink a bit of water and go back to it. 

But I don't want to impress nobody, dude.
Replies: >>170998
if you dont edge for 8+ hours you're a casual
Replies: >>170997
chad level
>Lol, not that long. I would stop just to drink a bit of water and go back to it. 
Ive gooned for over 24h without water or breaks other than to switch hands

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if it is 1 micro second under 18 its a literal child you sick fuck
Replies: >>170206
Which picture is he even talking about?
I admit it, I'm a dirty paedo sexually attracted to a 15 year old😭
Yeah you tell him what he's sexually attracted to.
hebephilia is not normal
feels good squirting loads to a 17yo kid

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LMAOOO someone actually successfully impersonated me
Replies: >>169388
The day before i posted my trip, karma posted his :P
Replies: >>169389
posted what
Replies: >>169390

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I kinda hope for a UK civil war tbh just to take a gun and gun down niggers, shitskins and LGBT people.
Replies: >>168577 >>168579
this guy is Brazilian btw
Replies: >>168578
ILC is based I like him
Replies: >>168580
your king wouldn't have it even if he had any power, lol
you also like nz even though he's gay!

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Dont join it i googled and the admin can see subscribers
>1.45K subscribers
i'm reporting the channel tbh
Replies: >>167775
Anyone remember that one time Rin lied about owning a gun?
That was fucked up

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oh yes
12 months in Finland, naturally.
6 months in Russia, 3 months in America. Pretty much all these companies will spy on you for so long;(
that's a decent summary of typical EU data retention laws. afaict, it tracks with the ePrivacy Directive and GDPR principles, especially the part about lawful justification for keeping data longer
Apparently it's via inexact too. So if you're in a major city triangulation isn't that useful

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>tell them exactly that instead of us
>someone you're with like that, ultimately you're supposed to have a more intimate mental connection with than anyone else
But what if he's insulted by that i might have said it in similar ways 3 times in 2 days already
Make more friends. Eat better & get natural vit D. Exercise
Also if i love him shouldnt i trust that he loves me?

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He won by pretending to be retarded. That's how it works.
Replies: >>165326 >>165327

>accuses my posts of being "nzie-simp"
>accuses a post by someone else as being me 
Replies: >>165328
Nice shoop faggot 
Nice bias brandon
Ignore them.
Replies: >>165329
yeah he embarrassed himself so hard it seems like a good time to start ignoring him completely 🤣

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you aren't funny
Replies: >>164518
ok im hanging myself now
did you make a mistake with the numbers yet
post girl dick
Replies: >>164521
girls can goon

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Replies: >>163638
Wait, I get it, you're supposed to bread the mirror first
tips for proper pre-fry mirror seasonin's?
this is what normal heterosexual men crave, only incels disagree

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