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Being a homo is a bannable offence.

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Obvious white knighting is you fucking retard
Replies: >>161228
As I said. Some Finn/Scandy faggot countries like to larp as if they have chink blood but it's mostly historically bollocks.
alright this is actually useful
icelandic people obviously have that in them, does it make them “mixed” and not icelandic?
Tell me how I white knighted by posting one comment, go on.
See >>161216

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>he might have you filtered but then he opens the thread in a private window to see the posts he missed
yep same as roo totally not having a secret smurf lurker account in the catchan session so he can see if people are talking about him
Replies: >>160421
onion link plz?
The ones who say they care the least care the most
What's wrong with saving something?
Replies: >>160423
This, it's safe to say a lot of us have shamefully or proudly gooned to mascot at some point.

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I know for a fact I would rank top 3
i'm 121 iq btw
Replies: >>159615
cringe simp
always my brother
hag patrol never ends
that's good!
You're doing that thing where you overuse fancy sounding words to try and appear smarter than you are again.

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See there's the issue
i think the reason you dont have sex is you call women collectively mommy
Replies: >>158798 >>158799
ya women hate submissive men

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most boring site 12/06/2024 award
Damn, we are too late to receive the reward....
what site won?
what's wrong with comfy lg posting? beats reddit
Replies: >>157984
/ thread closed

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i checked the last time i did it was to tell her to kill herslef
Replies: >>157168
ok this is based
>russian oligarch
pretty easily, talk to your local rabbi, he can hook you up
(texting me at school and begging for my attention)

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Will look worse than a 2015 game
Bro just stop drinking so much
you've ruined my fucking happy place
the place I was looking forward to getting back to to talk to you all
I would sniff those until death

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yeah lol
im surprised anyone would consider that a real chan in conversation i dont consider it one
Replies: >>155542
it's not but it is but it's not, it's borderline
>wow two posts referencing zzzchan in 11 seconds
keeping the site up must be a requirement to stay in the webring polycule or something idk why that shits still there
Yeah someone drove him out of 8moe and that's where he went to set up his own board.

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cope brk it's fine to be a fan of the two bets posters on this site
>not-me and [other identity] won, if you think one lost they both did
Replies: >>154731
yes but unironically
Or maybe they just managed to fuck some neighbouring countries over hard enough to keep going
Replies: >>154733
not going to pretend I know enough about vietnam to properly answer this, I just know they've been an official communist government since the war

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Mascot do they sag?
wear the white shirt again without a bra
Replies: >>153926
Are they pointy?

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