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Being a homo is a bannable offence.

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>t. cake
who is cake?
Replies: >>99344 >>264454
Best poster ever

I just got back from an amusement park and was blessed with seeing so many cute and funny girls. I was so elated and tried to go back to Catchan but now I have nowhere to observe lolis :( It’s so fucking over
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2years bump

where's brandon @
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I feel like thats a bit unnecessary if we're just trying to wake him
Replies: >>257355
he's always been a good sleeper
Replies: >>260823
ever notice how on brandon's mod shifts cp would just fly right under the radar and left unmoderated for hours at a time he'd chalk it up to him being 'unusually buisy' and 'I don't spend all my waking hours correcting a record on altchans'; neither statement being true he'd sleep on the job like the drug addled junkie he is
Replies: >>260977
Replies: >>260991
its the level of importance he gives it

When people talk about equity or diversity Trump gets quite irate.  His skin color begins shifting rhythmically from dark orange to neon orange like a chameleon changing color over and over and his sniffing and gesticulations increase into a fevered frenzy
remember when Biden would out of nowhere burn bright hot pink and disrupt camera equipments' color capturing apparatuses
Replies: >>260056
remember when brandon would take selfies of himself and disrupt our hearts

well brandon its time for you to become the next site owner
bring your laptop to a mcdonalds we'll get you setup
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jole lost 😢
jole btfoed
Brandon won jole lost jole btfo'ed 😆 🤣

brandon bunker brandon
brandbob should just post here and hide cyclical and ferget about it

i miss lynxchan boards with no post cooldown where you could mash the post button really fast and it'd make like 7 of your thread at once

3ch won
brandon won
patch lost
cake lost
britanon won
discordniggers lost
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it's pictures like these that make me realize how bad memes are going to get once ai gives anyone the ability to generate an image of anything
it used to take a modicum of skill to generate oc
now? not so much
is this real from the brannie hentai

i found a new clearnet pedochan but i don't preserve browser history and i've already lost the link
it was exclusively devoted to asian girls and was waifuist tier but i was surprised to see a pedochan i hadn't heard about here
i'll try to find the link again tomorrow
have you gotten closer to remembering
>it was exclusively devoted to asian girls 
ok so who gives a fuck then?
not OP but it was 99% swk (: dot :) moe
Replies: >>256432 >>256967
yep that was the one now that you mention it
will check it out 2mr
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Replies: >>251058
someone needs to get that guy on board
Replies: >>255932
>>248758 (OP) 
Fucking kino

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