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angel provides high quality content for her fans and thanks us for watching, mascot provides garbage content and is rude to everyone
you've been here too long
I don't want to forget her...
Replies: >>181572
She's my love
Replies: >>181572
Brandon and Jole

my son zain died several years ago

You know what this board needs? A Friday night stream. I've got some time tonight and can stream one of the following:

1. KSP
2. Stellaris
3. Project Zomboid
4. Black Mesa

I'll let anon decide what to do.
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Guys we should watch matild
ask yourself, what would brandon do?
Guys lers watch inside out 2

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based vlada walled a year ago
Replies: >>180766
fuck mascot with a cactus
marry lei
kill vlada
nzie's response?
Oof 😻 nice post fren my bad i only knew her surname perogi 🙈
piro bh

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it's an argumentative context thing
Oh because I prove you wrong you just go against me lmao
Yes, I'm mc...
Replies: >>179966
>wrong trip

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Replies: >>179157
This tbh
Yeah tbh it clicked something in my brain hard cuz she was always lewd with me but obviously I never did anything, but I did get a lot of hugs, kisses, feet and butt in my face so all was good. 

Maybe 60 years ago I would've been able to marry her.

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some chubby asian girls are hot
Replies: >>178353
you're a feminist and that makes you a cuck, cope
How much iron can you taste?
Replies: >>178354
Not much

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Replies: >>177570
its weird cause silvia is like 6'5
Replies: >>177573
Its weird anyway no-one likes taller girl than them

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bran tuah
>I hate my life...
me any time brandon isnt around
makes sense
Yeah, lonely is the name
Maybe life's a losing game
That's true of any type of addiction, takes more and more to sate the addiction.

dude can you guys chill?
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::::::::::::::::::::::lOkdodxkO0KKKKK0000Okx'  .dO0KK0c..'xocccccccccccccccccclllcclllllllllllllllll
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I definitely have something for it, but is it funnier if I say I had nothing for a while, and act like I long trolled him?

(##1d2) Rolled 1 dice with 2 sides = 2
Replies: >>90920
Hm I disagree dice, I'll sleep on it

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