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That’s just not true. I had covid three times and they were all just as bad. I still have personal Lysol wipes and I sometimes wear disposable nitrile gloves just in case. People seem to forget how deadly it really was. The variants are too but thanks to the shots are now less deadly and the spread has lessened.
Replies: >>145699 >>145700
> I had covid three times and they were all just as bad
maybe that was just aids
Replies: >>145701
>I had a cold/flu three times since covid psyop started
Impossible since I’m a virgin I don’t engage with other people sexually. It can be attributed to co-morbidities I am about 182 cm tall and a bit over weight.
Replies: >>145702
actually how the fuck would you get a cold if you work remotely

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based nzie
You do realize that probably is reason why it went down?
Replies: >>144919 >>144920
nah it was nzie shit moderation job
nah, reportfags, as always

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Germany was better or equally good. Kroos, Wirts, Muller Neuer. Andrich. What a team. 

Anyway. Just say you miss summer and its a beautifull short film about love?
Replies: >>144105
only retards care about sports, sports only matters to high iq people like silvia using it to make money on, but just watching it for entertainment or pride is low iq
They had good individual players yes but Spain played way better as team
yea idk why youd do it in the mens restroom it probably smells like asshole
oh god what if it was 2 men


( ⌐≖`/ᗝ\´≖¬)/| >TRANNY | <ACK! ⌐(|_´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ)
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Qrd on moov atom and compatibility?🥴
Replies: >>141409 >>141414
-movflags +faststart
all you need TBH
Replies: >>141419
you can also add it afterwards with something like
ffmpeg -i <infile> -map 0 -c copy -movflags +faststart <outfile>
Hm I did and roo said it was fucked 😭

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Are all the cool kids here now? Red

Is the next Patch-Chan already online?

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is this actually good
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Replies: >>137419
but i like it here more
>>1056 (OP) 
idk i don't know how to do linux networking

Kill paedophs. Behead paedophs. Roundhouse kick a paedoph into the concrete. Slam dunk a paedoph baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy blacks. Defecate in a paedophs food. Launch paedophs into the sun. Stir fry paedophs in a wok. Toss paedophs into active volcanoes. Urinate into a paedophs gas tank. Judo throw paedophs into a wood chipper. Twist paedophs heads off. Report paedophs to the IRS. Karate chop paedophs in half. Curb stomp pregnant black paedophs. Trap paedophs in quicksand. Crush paedophs in the trash compactor. Liquefy paedophs in a vat of acid. Eat paedophs. Dissect paedophs. Exterminate paedophs in the gas chamber. Stomp paedoph skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate paedophs in the oven. Lobotomize paedophs. Mandatory abortions for paedophs. Grind paedoph fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown paedophs in fried chicken grease. Vaporize paedophs with a ray gun. Kick old paedophs down the stairs. Feed paedophs to alligators. Slice paedophs with a katana. Put a bomb in a paedoph's mouth. Throw knives at paedophs. Inflate paedophs until they pop. Send paedophs into a blackhole. Castrate paedophs. Feed paedophs poisoned food. Force paedophs to walk the plank. Push paedophs into a pit. Kneel on a paedoph's neck. Curse paedophs with a spell. Stuff paedoph babies into the washing machine and turn it on. Flatten paedophs with a tank. Pop a paedoph's car tire. Strike paedoph children with a ruler. Make paedophs swim in the Mariana Trench. Cut off a paedoph's limbs. Airdr
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pedophilia has never been socially acceptable in any civilized society tbh
Replies: >>125611
Pedophilia is 20th century kike word, before it was just called straight male
Replies: >>125971
>The term paedophilie (in German) started being used in the 1830s among researchers of pederasty in Ancient Greece.
lgs are sexy

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