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Being a homo is a bannable offence.

Kill niggers. Behead niggers. Roundhouse kick a nigger into the concrete. Slam dunk a nigger baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy blacks. Defecate in a niggers food. Launch niggers into the sun. Stir fry niggers in a wok. Toss niggers into active volcanoes. Make niggers check my dubs. Urinate into a niggers gas tank. Judo throw niggers into a wood chipper. Twist niggers heads off. Report niggers to the IRS. Karate chop niggers in half. Curb stomp pregnant black niggers. Trap niggers in quicksand. Crush niggers in the trash compactor. Liquefy niggers in a vat of acid. Eat niggers. Dissect niggers. Exterminate niggers in the gas chamber. Stomp nigger skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate niggers in the oven. Lobotomize niggers. Mandatory abortions for niggers. Grind nigger fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown niggers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize niggers with a ray gun. Kick old niggers down the stairs. Feed niggers to alligators. Slice niggers with a katana. Put a bomb in a nigger's mouth. Throw knives at niggers. Inflate niggers until they pop. Send niggers into a blackhole. Castrate niggers. Feed niggers poisoned food. Force niggers to walk the plank. Push niggers into a pit. Kneel on a nigger's neck. Curse niggers with a spell. Stuff nigger babies into the washing machine and turn it on. Flatten niggers with a tank. Pop a nigger's car tire. Strike nigger children with a ruler. Make niggers swim in the Mariana Trench. Cut off a nigger's limbs. Airdrop niggers into An
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Shit that will happen in 2 more weeks.
It is said that the nigger had the good fortune to win a large sum of money in a betting shop. As might be expected, he immediately moved from the squalid shack where he had been living until then, buying, for an inflated price, a large mansion in the most rich part of the city. His presence was a real novelty for his then neighbors. However, it soon became a nightmare when it started to bother the locals, since the nigger was devoid of manners and good behavior and did not distinguish between the hours of rest and that of celebration. By virtue of his new richness, he did not learn, and considered any hour as suitable for celebration. 

One morning like any other, the nigger went to get the newspaper from his door, and when he came out, he noticed that his wall had been defaced. Directly on its white, well-finished surface, these words could be read: "HERE LIVES THE NIGGER." With a weak intellect but quick perception, the nigger correctly understood the inconvenience that his way of life brought to the neighborhood, and how uncomfortable his presence was to others. But as is his nature, he did not even consider any change in his behavior.
Aiming to accept the "challenge" of his opponents, he returned to the house and brought paint and a brush, writing right below the vandalism a response that was visible to the author of the original "work": "BUT HE IS RICH."
That night, the celebration was more intense and long-lasting than had already become the usual to the neighborhood. The nigger made a point of inviting every relative, friend and acquaintance to the party, it looked like as if a real slave quarters was set up in the place. There was not even room for such niggerness inside that house; The guests spread out on the street, and parked their vehicles there, opening their doors and turning on a loud sound that shook the windows of the nearby houses. Many nigresses, dressed in absolute vulgarity, danced in the street in an obscene manner, and several niglets and niglet girls could be seen in the midst of the hot vulgarity, some imitating the vulgar dances of the adults, others urinating on the walls of the nearby houses, others stealing drinks from the improvised tables. The uproar continued until dawn, when the niggers began to enter their cars and make their way back to their slums. Some had fainted and many laid there on the asphalt in an alcoholic stupor, some even naked. There was a large amount of garbage scattered all over the street; many empty cans and glasses were thrown into the neighbors' yards. The nigger spent the entire day at home, not only to recover from the revelry that had just happened, but to take care of the many guests who were still at his house. It was already late when the last of his guests recovered and said goodbye, thanking him for his hospitality and promising to return for the next celebration.
The nigger preferred to have a quick meal, take a bath and go to bed, leaving any worries for the next day. At dawn, the nigger was awakened by loud and insistent knocking on his door. Answering the urgent call, he found himself faced with an irritable and well-dressed man who handed him some mail and briefly warned him that a large debt, which was no longer being paid, was approaching its due date and that the consequences of not paying would be serious. The nigger did not understand exactly what he had done, and after saying goodbye to the agent, he shouted at his wife to prepare lunch for the day. However, he would not be able to enjoy it, because throughout the day, several other debt collectors knocked on his door, and the letters notifying him of his unpaid bills soon formed a pile on his desk. At one point, when he met another agent, who was demanding payment for the renovation of his swimming pool - which had been doubled in size - the nigger noticed that his wall had been vandalized again, and right below the message he had left, there was a new one, which said: "BUT HE IS A NIGGER"
Today, the mansion is in a state of complete ruin. The nigger has not been seen since that day. Some say he returned to his ld shack; others say he ran north to escape his debt collectors; still others say he was killed and buried in his own backyard. The bank found no buyer for the property and abandoned it to the elements. The grass is tall and home to pests; more than once it has caught fire, requiring the attention of the local fire brigade. The few remaining windows are broken or stained. The roof collapsed after heavy rain; half of it is in the form of rubble scattered across the floor, which in turn is cracked and eroded, and is frequently flooded. The walls, once finely painted in a vivid and gleaming white, are stained and peeling, battered by wind, rain and dust. Next to the door - made of rotten and worm-eaten wood - you can still read a curious graffiti, which appears to be the only sign of habitation left by the previous owners. "THE NIGGER IS RICH, BUT HE IS A NIGGER."

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If only it were really me.
Replies: >>1746
>t. cake
who is cake?
Replies: >>99344

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What does Ukrainian electrics have to do with this site? .pk is Pakistan? Idk how this stuff works tho I could be wrong. Is the server in Ukraine??
Replies: >>81338 >>89188
we want them to legalize cunny so we can host there
No, the server isn't in Ukraine anymore. But a lot of the girls we love are!

silvia fix the site this instant or im having you assassinated im a very dangerous man
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what is that supposed to mean
i dont speak the secret pedo language
Replies: >>146
But the posting is already working? And it's okay, most people think ๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ฎ Finland doesn't exist so the meaning isn't too much there--
Replies: >>147
i have brandon robert kelley tied up and gagged in my closet fix the site in 13 hours or ill have no choice but to take his anal virginity
Replies: >>161
i couldnt resist i did it already
fix the site in 9 hours though or this time im taking his urethral virginity
resolved as wont fix resolved as wont fix resolved as wont fix resolved as wont fix resolved as wont fix resolved as wont fix resolved as wont fix resolved as wont fix resolved as wont fix resolved as wont fix resolved as wont fix resolved as wont fix resolved as wont fix resolved as wont fix

The real casualty here is the Polish porn thread
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also me
tbh maybe it wasnt im not even sure now
>3 weeks ago
Did the Polish police get him?
Replies: >>14246
I hope not he is valued poster
porn is bad mkay

i love you nade
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Replies: >>1374
I hate you, you're a ((( bad actor ))).

t. nade
Replies: >>1208
show me your nudes
t. bad actor
Replies: >>1534
>>124 (OP) 
My cock is bigger than yours.

t. nade
said no one ever

3ch - gone - gone

Patch, you know!
It's time for a new alt chan!

Give us Goatse-Chan
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Replies: >>61785
girls begging for patch's micro dick
u aint getting it bitch
patch when's the new site
ChildPornchan, give us Child Porn.

and also i love child porn btw
Replies: >>77596

See what happens when people post things against the rules of the Internet just because they can't keep their pedo hands off their cocks and post perverted nudes of kids
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i agree, tiny girls deserve kisses
Replies: >>11100
All over their vulva.
Replies: >>11314
bald baby pussy~
i want to breed a little girl x3 kiss her and feel her tiny tongue while my cock wrecks her little pussy:3
Replies: >>76933

new diary of a wimpy kid book time to pirate it
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i fucked myself over by being illiterate oof--
possible language: perl, relevance: 10
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didnt work__
possible language: rust, relevance: 115
Brisbane Australian Defence Force operators names: Michael, Sophia, Robert, and possibly Madeline (unknown)

There's also a second team who sometimes help work.

If any of you think you're hearing voices and going schizophrenic you aren't. Scary voices and scenarios that sound unbelievable are all fear tactics in order to get a "moment of truth" confession under duress. Went to hospital to get myself checked out and I'm in the clear. They have the ability to scramble the fuck out of your thought processes so it's impossible to think straight and write.

Personally currently going through this experience so it's extremely hard to gather my thoughts so lots of this may be repetitive but just try to read between the lines. Ive been writing down dotpoints constantly so they couldn't map the info out and now that I'm typing it out it's extremely hard to proof read. Been proven innocent but haven't been let out of this nightmare yet.

Nanotech is hidden in carriers that look like fruit flies (everyone has them in or around their homes)

Lucid dreaming is EVERYTHING their virtual environment is running off, so if you know how to do things like flick an object with your mind while you're dreaming it's also how you manipulate the landscape. Best way to best this is just to focus on what's happening and try understand what they're actually doing, think a few steps ahead of what you hear because there's generally something there. It all sounds insane but google Elon Musks neuralink and then just imagine we probably don't have the best version (you don't). If you ever end up going through this they will have a full map of your consciousness including dreams as well as a sort of emotion slider they can play with like a volume dial. Had me lying on the train tracks and my mood set to neutral and as immobile as possible while blocking out thought that might help you motivate yourself to move.
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rust tranny shizos tbf
Replies: >>76932
wow mozilla boyfriend

So, about 3 months ago my father had a stroke, and was rendered unable to really take care of himself on his own anymore.
After a sibling debate it was decided my one sister that lives in [REDACTED] and her husband would take him, since they don't have any kids and my sister doesn't work. Things were fine for a bit but my father has become demented as a result of the stroke and gets very verbally abusive at times. The verbal abuse part wasn't obvious when we had the debate about it, and the sister that took him is the least mentally able to handle that of all of us, so of course couldn't cope with it.
My other sisters either have jobs or underage children still in the house, so it fell on me, having both the space and the available time.

I had to drive there to get him, and now I have a senile old man living with me I need to keep constant tabs on. Yay. Tbh it's pretty exhausting.
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>acquiring gorilla shit would be more expensive than meat
not in the long term retard cause you save on having to buy meat for the rest of your life
plus youre a gorilla nigga so you can just shoplift whatever you want theres not enough LP in any walmart to hold you down
a gorilla nigga with armour like ned kelley would be unstoppable
Replies: >>62760
gorilla nigger lol
So, about 3 months ago my father had a stroke, and was rendered unable to really take care of himself on his own anymore.
After a sibling debate it was decided my one sister that lives in [REDACTED] and her husband would take him, since they don't have any kids and my sister doesn't work. Things were fine for a bit but my father has become demented as a result of the stroke and gets very verbally abusive at times. The verbal abuse part wasn't obvious when we had the debate about it, and the sister that took him is the least mentally able to handle that of all of us, so of course couldn't cope with it.
My other sisters either have jobs or underage children still in the house, so it fell on me, having both the space and the available time.

I had to drive there to get him, and now I have a senile old man living with me I need to keep constant tabs on. Yay. Tbh it's pretty exhausting.
Replies: >>75247
sorry to hear that

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