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Being a homo is a bannable offence.

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CatChan gone forever? Don't worry.

Make the DogChan.
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what happend
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>>1135 (OP) 
Anna is special, not only is she the most beautiful in the world, but despite the time she still looks like a little girl
>>1135 (OP) 
Anna is special, not only is she the most beautiful in the world, but despite the time she still looks like a little girl
>>1135 (OP) 
Replies: >>32445
Replies: >>32446

Why did James lie about having a family?
same reason he lies about his job and house and credit score probably
Replies: >>19221
He wants us to think he's normie? No one believes that.
Jole lost 😢
Replies: >>29954
Why does james like shit on his dick

so wheremst the fuck are we migrating
Replies: >>23647
wow thread creation on the textboard is so much faster 
you just hit the button and it's there in an instant
Because no picture?
>>23639 (OP) 
This is the end of the line, I'm afraid.
Replies: >>23651
yeah maybe for you
im posting on fucking chingchan motherfucker the hurtcore there rocks
Up my butt and around the corner

karma won
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>>22509 (OP) 
damn thanks for the support lads
>>22509 (OP) 
Bumping truths
Replies: >>26219
top tbh

no brandon posting for a day bonus for jole posting the whole day instead
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jole lost
Replies: >>21458 >>22306
bumping so ratto has to try again
a 'little bit' booty blasted

The rivalry between brandon and jole is good and all but i crave variety. I miss toga vs rodent and little d vs pretty much everyone for example. I would start a petty online squabble myself, but i just cannot find enough ego in me to defend my honor for hundreds of posts.
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besides post in the main thread
Replies: >>21180
Whatever you say zain
posting in gay nigger thread
Replies: >>22182
why is he big D now
Wow just look at how successful this non brandon thread is....

I also became antifascist to counter the anti-pedophile fighters and all anti-pedophile fascism.
Replies: >>12788 >>13053
>>12785 (OP) 
Correct solution. I also hate antipedophiles and support Antifa. It is necessary to destroy antipedophiles and antipedophile fascist laws.
To be an anti-pedophile is to be a fascist!
>>12785 (OP) 
The average antifaGOD would kill you for saying this
Right wing libertarian pedophile here. I have made non-penetrative love to cute little girls (4 to 9 year olds) and I have also gotten into physical altercations with antifa commies in Portland. It didn't end well for those bastards. So look dude usually I don't even talk to antifa as I despise them  because communism is a dangerous idea that has killed millions and all this talk about equality on the left is just code name for anti meritocracy, whoever has the most victim points wins BS. But that aside loli's are cute AF
Replies: >>16359
Too good to be true, you are a fed.

sorry thanks to someone else that had to be done silvie
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esl slipped in there
Haha at first I tried to keep Silvia/Admin separate but couldn't be done, felt too weird for me--
Replies: >>14203
well you are more of an extreme example and properly play the silvie shtick
most of them do it as anon but they make it vary obvious to me they are admin
especially 3chmins and mega milk those arent blind spite except for the blockchain cloudshitter 3chmin that one gets assmad in an instant over anything and everything
think im post silvia=admin its always been like that for me on catchan

I just got back from an amusement park and was blessed with seeing so many cute and funny girls. I was so elated and tried to go back to Catchan but now I have nowhere to observe lolis :( It’s so fucking over
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