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>>>/acat/1 for updates on Catchan.

Jole lost again πŸ˜† 🀣 πŸ˜‚
He lost hard
Such a loser
Replies: >>21818
You can say that again.
Jole completely destroyed
Replies: >>23953
So sad how KC brutalized him
Replies: >>23954
>currently on a site with captcha per post because they cant deal with a script that is only 36 lines of code
every captcha you will out is a win for us brannie
Replies: >>23958
this post is so sad
this is what jole has been reduced to claiming as a victory
Replies: >>23961
Replies: >>23964
brannie loves being cucked by websites
This is a great point, claiming me filling out KC captchas as a victory is so much sadder than even claiming "typing too much" as a victory

Truly, how far he has fallen
Replies: >>23965
We drove you to a safe space because silvia wouldnt save you from brandon posting
Replies: >>23966
Who's "we', idk you
Replies: >>23967
the winners
Replies: >>23968
There are none of those here
you fought well brannie but now we won. you lost yourself and defend trannyjannies now
Replies: >>23970 >>23976
>we won
Who is "we"
Lol people only care about freeze peach if you care about freeze peach, then they turn into maximum cancerous retards about it
If you don't care (see: Zain), then they don't care about it

Tell me how much of a trannyjanny shithole KC is now because they cuck your brannieposting, lel
When they were totally the "best imageboard" before that
Replies: >>23974
>bandelete all brannie threads
<y-you win KC we're leaving
>merge a thread into a similar thread
<ATTICA ATTICA ATTICA *12 months of nonstop maxcancerous gayopsing and report trolling*
You faggots are the worst enemies of freeze peach
Replies: >>23984
that was the whole plan. to make you give up on free speech. you are finally free
Replies: >>23975 >>23976
>You faggots are the worst enemies of freeze peach
Lol the plan changes daily to fit whatever it needs to fit
>that was the whole plan. to make you give up on free speech. you are finally free
>you fought well brannie but now we won. you lost yourself and defend trannyjannies now
Still can't even keep their own shit straight within the same thread within 10 minutes
Replies: >>23979
>reduced to anon crying at me on a textboard pedo bunker about how they totally won after being humiliated on the KC
Really is truly sad
no one cares about free speech, its just a weapon to use against others
Replies: >>23981
now you realize that
>no one who cries about it constantly cares about free speech
I mean I knew this one when I quit being catchan admin.
we all know you got fired because silvia got tired of your bs and you didnt have enough money to pay to keep your job
Replies: >>23985
now there is no more free speech and its all your fault
Replies: >>23985
i did report kc too
Replies: >>23985

Good for you, I'm sure it will prove effective
>holy fug, physicists completely BTFOd by 50 year old ib schizo
You tried :^)
Replies: >>23989
this is just the start
Replies: >>23991
kc bans emojisπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Oh I can't wait to see how you trying to "troll" me on the KC without the brandonposting is going to work out :^)
Don't forget to make a trip post denying you're even on KC again sweetie
Replies: >>23993
im not jole schizo
Replies: >>23995
jole wishes he could do what i do
That's exactly what he would say
Irrelevant anyway, it'll go down as James in canon :^)

And he'll care more than enough to record correct it, too
oh brandon my brandon
Jole lost
Replies: >>23999
Somebody sure did
Replies: >>24000 >>24001
check your email
why is brandon spamming cloudflare reports and forwarding them to kc owner?
>actually using my stephanieshitpost address to report KC
>somehow trying to blame this on me via email, and link it to my posts on KC as "me", despite KC already not buying any of their previous bullshit about the botspam and then brandonspam
My dick is hard again
Replies: >>24006 >>24010
>AND despite already linking the KC admins to here previously
this is warm up
you are finished you bad bad man
Brandon did you ever fix that pipe outside with the road going over it you think may have been crushed by a delivery vehicle?
Jole keeps losing πŸ“‰ πŸ˜‘ πŸ˜”
I spread my ass apart for mascot’s tongue
Replies: >>24218
you poop out there
Jole lost you know
Replies: >>24819
so sad i hope he doesnt kill himself
So very sad yes.  πŸ˜”
He lost
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