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Being a homo is a bannable offence.

You want to suck his cock too?
why the interest in that pic? its low res and i didnt find original
Replies: >>143307
Replies: >>143323
she's so perfect bros
Replies: >>143323
I had a deja vu
Replies: >>143309

post a rare angel as thanks you if your based
Replies: >>143308 >>143349
anna pog
Replies: >>143312
again? whT?
Replies: >>143310
Replies: >>143311 >>143313
what is pog?
deju vu of what mate?
Replies: >>143317
where is vlada
Replies: >>143316
Replies: >>143318
I don't know, deja vu. Like I've been in this place before.
Replies: >>143320
why does she hate her fans?
Replies: >>143633
Glorious vladatits
Replies: >>143322
Replies: >>143325
need her milk
I reached out to our dear leader on my bare knees but he isnt replying to me
Replies: >>143637
want to slurp vlada's ass sweat from between her cheeks
hi mascot
mascot would never call someone an incel
Replies: >>143329
she would she hates incel losers
Replies: >>143330
wym darwin is a chuddie incel
mascot is a femcel lol
Replies: >>143332 >>143342
no shes a baddie
im not a femcel
mascot can get any guy on catchan
Replies: >>143335
i domnt want anyone on catchan
Replies: >>143336
i know because we are incels
you are 15 and never had sex, for a woman, you are an incel
most girls have sex by they time they are 12
Replies: >>143338 >>143339
wow what sluts har har har
she hasn't even kissed a boy lol
Replies: >>143343
cope mascot no pedocel will have sex with you
I volunteer to have sex with mascot.
Replies: >>143344
She looks exactly like the kind of women divorced white boomers bring back with th from their SEA vacations
will die a virgin and be resurrected as the virgin mary to the immaculate conception of jesus christ and he will save you
i could give her a hapa baby but she doesnt want my sperg genes
White father and asian mother create psycho hapas.
Replies: >>143354
Travel to Nepal and marry one of her less entitled cousins
Replies: >>143348
whats the likelihood of a sped child if both parents are autistic
Replies: >>143358
all of my cousins are refugees and now live in america
Replies: >>143361
Thank you. Two pics for your trouble:
Replies: >>143350 >>143353
my queen
Replies: >>143351
queen of whores
Replies: >>143352 >>143955
angel or mascot?
Replies: >>143355
spasibo bolshoie
this they always get the worst of both worlds (think Elliot Roger) because the father always has bad genetics thus marrying down to a bugrat. daughters can turn out okay if the mother has decent genes for a bug however
Mascot is a good girl, wife material.
Replies: >>143356 >>143473
>Mascot is a good girl, wife material.
elliot rodger wasnt ever ugly he was objectively good looking he just had beyonce on his playlist and thats freaky
Replies: >>143369 >>143374
very low if they don't get any ((( vaccines )))
Replies: >>143360
if we have a son we can make him become trans
Replies: >>143369
i was showing signs before i got any vaccines tf
Replies: >>143363
reading this made me ill for real
Replies: >>143362
sorry nonny
Replies: >>143372
you get them as a baby retard
Replies: >>143364
so youre vaxxed
Replies: >>143367
all of us are vaxxed maybe thats why we're all a little sped
Replies: >>143368
im the most autistic poster here your all normies
what is sped?
Replies: >>143371
Your true prodigé
Good looking for a femcel like you maybe
Replies: >>143370 >>143374
what do you know about male attractiveness you gay?
Replies: >>143374
special education, retarded
The amount of "refugees" who aren't really refugees at all but rather opportunistic migrants who game the white altruism system is obscene. Should just start gunning you animals down in the streets tbh time for a much overdue culling
elliot roger was not attractive he didnt look masculine at all and was probably short
Replies: >>143375
>he was objectively good looking 

You're retarded
Mascot's a dyke go figure
Replies: >>143377
there is no white altruistic system nice try
those migrants are all going to die they’re just looking for a good time
Replies: >>143381
women just lie about men being attractive even tho they would never fuck them
Stupid fish head soup twat bug
sure but my family was taken in by the us because we fled from bhutan and lived in camps
Replies: >>143384
why do women lie?
Replies: >>143385 >>143401
Unmistakably a retarded mascot post
Replies: >>143405
gradually I began to hate them
Mangy mutts should've been left to die
Replies: >>143386
lot of them died
Replies: >>143389
Replies: >>143388 >>143394
Thanks Sis xo
Good. Fucking glad.
Replies: >>143390
aight XD
Mascot, I'm white, good looking and 6'2'' tall. Would you give me a chance?
Replies: >>143392
i have a boyfriend
Replies: >>143393
I bet I mog him.
Replies: >>143395
have you had your balls removed yet to eliminate any last remaining masculine thoughts from your brain?
Replies: >>143397
do u have blonde hair and blue eyes n hit the gym
Replies: >>143398
imagine if mascot still lived in asia she would marry the first balding white boomer she met but in america she has dozens of young white men fighting over her
Replies: >>143399
cope chud
Green eyes and light brown hair.
Replies: >>143400
dude for some reason niggers love asian women if had way more niggers ask me out than white guys at school in the 2 years ive been here
Replies: >>143402 >>143414
what r u jole
bro I got bad news for you about vlada, that one would lie compulsively
Replies: >>143420
you have white guys asking you out?
Replies: >>143403
sometimes but i dont care for them
Replies: >>143406 >>143476
i dont care for anyone at school
i only care about pedo losers
Replies: >>143408 >>143656
whites are worse than jews you fucking retard
Replies: >>143410
so brutal, you unironically do need to be chad to get a mascot gf
how can i lower my standards when half of all men are fighting over the bottom 10% of women
Replies: >>143412
oookay I'll just leave you there to play with your poop alone retard
Replies: >>143411 >>143415
yeah it's always better to leave the finger painting guys alone tbh
Replies: >>143413 >>143418
if your an average male your only options are the bottom like 10-20% of women
Replies: >>143416 >>143421
you're dying because you're ignorant
Replies: >>143417
chinkcel btfo'd
if you're not in the top 10-20% of men your only realistic non-sentient-wallet-simp options are the bottom like 10-20% of women, so it's definitely not half
Replies: >>143419
I'm not dying tho
true mascot would probably reject an 8/10 guy
its over for males
Replies: >>143423
we don't even speak the same language
Replies: >>143424
Fax  📠
you white people are so out of the loop you literally can't make sound decisions if your life depended on it
ur so lucky to have ur shitty government drag you along
>true mascot would probably reject an 8/10 guy
no she wouldn't, and if she did it would be because she thinks it's too good to be true (which it would be)
the browser window like "jumps" before a new post comes, weird, never happened before

lel I can't stop fucking hearing the russian bride bitching at Carl through the door now
If that's true then mathematically the best course of action would be to only go for the top women
Replies: >>143428
how do you sell a organ
Replies: >>143427 >>143430
try a pawn shop
this, but compliment them on how well they pass instead of hitting on them
how does bjork manage to make sex sound so beautiful but when i think of sex i think of beating people up and throwing them around
I wouldn't eat your organs tbh I'd probably get severe food poisoning
Replies: >>143435
stop watching porn
Replies: >>143435
why are you so selfish you should help catchaners lose our virginities
Replies: >>143434
She was a coalburner
just like that scene from IT
nobody said anything about eating organs and it was not implied either
i dont
this, it's why her stalker was sending her an acid bomb
she fucked a based nigger tho
Oh she's still alive. That's unfortunate.
Replies: >>143443
when will mascot bless us incel losers with another one of her videos?
Replies: >>143441
i just sit there and close my eyes and think of ppl having sex tbh
shes probably disgusted thinking of all us incels jerking off to them
>how does bjork manage to make sex sound so beautiful
>She was a coalburner
Uhhh Croat?
Replies: >>143447
she was pretty cute at one time, and some of her music is good tbh
Replies: >>143444 >>143446
when she was a little kid?
Replies: >>143445 >>143449
oh she was beautiful
My post was meant to be off-tangent

sexy girl sexy voice
she was actually one of the weird faced lgs that needed to grow into her face a bit
as opposed to one of the ones that looks great and walls when they start growing into it
bjork is so boring to listen to
Replies: >>143464
the cutest girl in my eyes
Replies: >>143453
whites post some more about the ways of the refugee for causing all your problems
Replies: >>143467
she is nearly 60 pick a new waifu
Replies: >>143454
sex is a human right
i deserve sex with little girls
mascot have you seen dancer in the dark?
Replies: >>143459
whats that?
Replies: >>143462

i hope you get very ill and die in pain.

 i hope you get very ill and die in pain.
comfy bjork movie
Replies: >>143465

   i hope you get very ill and die in pain.
She has a few good songs
nice,i will look at it :-) thank you
Replies: >>143469
or >>>/kc/
for your (You) baiting idiot argument needs
Replies: >>143468 >>143471
courtesy of brandon
Replies: >>143480
Look it up. (I wrote "was" because I thought she's dead for some reason)
her bf made better music
Replies: >>143480

kill yourself.
Replies: >>143478

kill yourself evil trash.

i hope you die.
Replies: >>143482
Replies: >>143481
Replies: >>143479
Mascot is ugly dude whats wrong with you also typical lying bitch woman

how often do you dream of this
Replies: >>143539
>pink and white stripey thigh highs
Replies: >>143486

You are an exceedingly unpleasant individual tbh
Replies: >>143503
Catchan Mortal Kombat tournament and the person who places last has to sleep with mascot
Replies: >>143495 >>143497
>bjork coalburned with goldie
>and he's only half/quarter nigger
I'm okay with this
Males have to turn into women because you bitches can't do your job
Replies: >>143488
mascot is a 8/10 with filters
this isnt the real karma is it
Replies: >>143490
real karma would defend his masculinity tooth and nail
Replies: >>143493
Nobody will ever know
I'm the real karma
Fuck I have to go
You don't know me
Replies: >>143509

You are an exceedingly unpleasant individual tbh.
Replies: >>143671
and their "fatality" is a livestream of them being sexo'd by mascot
i want to clean cummy from mascot's cunny
Rather sleep with a dead rat
Replies: >>143499 >>143500
i would gadly have sex with mascot
Replies: >>143501
Wow stunning and brave Brannie
Replies: >>143526
When will you guys stop simping for mascot?
You don't know me
Replies: >>143505
Brandon Brandon
never she needs to have a massive ego so she rejects every guy that asks her out
T. Wants to make babies with her
i dont wanna say anything in case this isnt karma and ruin karmas perception ofm e
Replies: >>143510
You already said something nigger
Replies: >>143511
i meant anything of sentiment
Replies: >>143512
Idk what that word is
Replies: >>143524
finding boys attractive is gay
Replies: >>143515 >>143523
I wanted to go back and read some messages but this chat gets spammed with nonsense so they’re gone
Nah its pedosexual married men fuck boys not men
Replies: >>143520
Silvia hates history
Replies: >>143519 >>143693
tbh it's a disgrace to cunnychan's good pedo name
Brandon Brandon
no this site is just fake and gay
Ermm what was I supposed to say
Married straight men fuck boys not faggots
That was it
u aight
Replies: >>143525
I'm going to btfo the session when I get back home
Replies: >>143527
forced and brandelusional
Replies: >>143528 >>143538
Replies: >>143532
Replies: >>143529
I want to suck a big veiny cock
Replies: >>143533 >>143534
I'm gay, yes. I love black little boys.
Replies: >>143534
They said gays shouldn't adopt children and they call me gay and they claim to not hate me so if you don't hate me why don't you want me to have children
Replies: >>143535
People can tell from my posting style retard
well if you arent gay why should that matter
Replies: >>143537
who cares what they think if you know youre not gay go adopt some kids
Replies: >>143540
But they call me gay aka they say I hate you
Replies: >>143539
>how often do you dream of this
Replies: >>143545
They also said men shouldn't adopt kids because they are all rapists
karma is not gay, just a coomer, tbh
Replies: >>143542 >>143543
Can coomers adopt children then?
He's an innocent victim of the vax tbh
i don't think i understand your question
lel now all of a sudden the canadian border is being pushed as being as big of a problem as the mexican border
>something something drugs and illegals so 25% tariffs because that does anything to either of those problems that are Canadian and Mexican problems and not internal US problems enforcing existing laws
Replies: >>143548 >>143552
>we're going to stop these illegals, and Mexico and Canada are going to pay for it (in the form of all goods imported costing US consumers 25% more indefinitely
While jews need to make someone lose it doesn't matter who it is. You brought this on yourself, buddy.
trumptards are so dumb
Replies: >>143551 >>143553
Maybe this'll boost demand of locally produced goods? Or maybe mexico will send their goods to neighbouring bean country to be packaged or whatever and then sent to USA as gooda from whatever neighbouring bean country?
Replies: >>143553
it's voters, all around, lol, anyone that thinks there's any kind of "change" possible from within such a corrupted system

>Maybe this'll boost demand of locally produced goods?
and maybe no supply rises to meet said demand and everything just balloons up in cost further and never goes back down because gouging was the plan all along?
Replies: >>143554
too long and usually entirely devoid of any meaning
Replies: >>143556
>Or maybe mexico will send their goods to neighbouring bean country to be packaged or whatever and then sent to USA as gooda from whatever neighbouring bean country?
and that's just the Canada and Mexico tariffs, he's talking about tariffs practically all around, significantly higher for certain places like China (where most of our goods come from since the same people that put Trump in power took all the manufacturing elsewhere because "murican labor costs are too high for citizens and impact stock values")
Replies: >>143570
god damn I love how angry the vague salt has become
Replies: >>143563
Replies: >>143563
You aren't true catchanner if you don't Brandon post at work
Replies: >>143563 >>143564
Replies: >>143563
>You aren't true catchanner

thanks god
My guess is they just wanna make everyone as barefoot bare pantry poor that they'll be desperate enough to not hesitate running towards the paying salary that being WW3 canon fodder will offer
and what a hilarious coincidence, it's now woke free!
Replies: >>143603
                                  🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱                                  🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱                                  🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱
lol what a fucking loser
After tax whipping everyone to near death to build USA's military might back up for it. (And also lower white birthrates further with any non-white citizens also having less kids being mere collateral because endless supply internationally)
Replies: >>143591 >>143608
                                  🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱                                  🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱                                  🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱                                  🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱                                  🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱                                  🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱
What have i done
Replies: >>143652
darwin lost
Replies: >>143593
sort of this but if I'd wrote it
Replies: >>143608
he cucked you
Replies: >>143594 >>143595
nah he cucked lobbyboi tbh, clearly you missed those storylines t. barely paid attention to them
Replies: >>143597
no he didn't by any stretch
Replies: >>143599
                                  🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱                                  🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱                                  🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱                                  🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱                                  🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱                                  🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱                                  🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱                                  🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱                                  🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱                                  🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱                                  🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱                                  🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱                                  🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱                                  🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱                                  🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱                                  🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱                                  🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱                                  🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱                                  🥱🥱🥱                                  🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱                                  🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱                                  🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱                                  🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱                                  🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱                                  🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱                                  🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱                                  🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱                                  🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱                                  🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱                                  🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱                                  🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱                                  🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱                                  🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱                                  🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱                                  🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱                                  🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱

but idk if it really counts as cucking when she hasn't met either of them irl lol

Replies: >>143598 >>143602
>idk if it really counts as cucking when she hasn't met either of them irl lol
if what they were doing counts as "dating" at all then yeah, lol, he got cucked
Replies: >>143602
its obvious you have a crush on mascot
Replies: >>143600 >>143602
nah I only like white girls
Replies: >>143602
nz is a white chad and would neve lower himself to even fall in love with a brown asian woman
Replies: >>143602

Replies: >>143604 >>143606
Yep lol "literally every metric of american life has gotten worse under god emperor but at least we beat those obvious astro turf psy op decoys that really would've had no tangible effect on our lives anyway!" *staunchly salutes*
Replies: >>143632
brandon shut the fuck up
Replies: >>143605 >>143606

I can't even tell what this post was trying to imply but whatever, lel

Brandon nobody cares about you
Replies: >>143609
*right back up for it
thanks for caring enough to let me know you don't care
were you the one spamming BERRRRRANNNNNDOMMMNN btw
Replies: >>143611
brandon spamming
under the guise of bants
he cares a lot
brandon telling you I dont care is not caring
Replies: >>143612
ah hi koomie didn't recognize you

thanks for caring about it enough to further record correct it whilst not at all caring
God I hate the police lol
cope brandon
Replies: >>143617
why does brandon think the world spins around him?
I accept your admission of defeat
That's grim
Shit parents though
was she at least black tho?
Replies: >>143620 >>143622
father was definitely black
Replies: >>143621 >>143628
Baby looked mostly white though
Replies: >>143628
There's a pic looks white
Replies: >>143626
he' a narc
I mean idk what you call people that sit here obsessing over me except "orbiters" tbh
Replies: >>143625
Brandon this is just a hobby for us
Replies: >>143627
Wow where's the george floyd level outrage and riots?
10/10 James impersonation, you simply can't tell it's not actually real James from before, save for the lack of tripcode (which he always uses)
Replies: >>143629 >>143641

Crisis avoided
thanks brandon, i really try
Replies: >>143635
he hasn't accepted yet that the world is a flat motionless plane but we are getting there
Uncut ftw 🙌
Replies: >>143634
Replies: >>143640
She likes the fans that give her money, you had your chance!
Replies: >>143636
uncut knobs are the best
yw, tbqf James really isn't hard to nail, he does like a dozen things in random rotation and they're always just salty and forcedly unfunny, so no effort is required at all

you should try britanonce, he's a real bitch to nail
when did she ask for money
Replies: >>143698
? You didn't send me anything?
true foreskins look nice
brandelusional once again
Replies: >>143647
who has higher winrate brandon or jole?
Replies: >>143645
Get a chaturbate account half of catchan will support you tbh. Just make sure you pluck all the hairs growing around your BH out before you livestream
Replies: >>143644 >>143654
there's no wins here, lel people only hand themselves losses
Post more Vlada.
no i wanted u to look at the post
retard apparently only nzie has enough brains to make out posters
Replies: >>143650
jerking off without needing lubricant is definitely a win tbh
Replies: >>143666
ok yeah, nailed it, definitely koomie
Replies: >>143653 >>143661
Fucking lol
>ah hi koomie didn't recognize you
This was my last post>>143588
lol cope
Replies: >>143657
i told her i will give her money and she ignores me
I wouldn't want to spam because I want to see the links when I get home
Zoomer boys are pretty annoying so I can see why, yeah.
Replies: >>143658 >>143674
I accept your admission of defeat
Replies: >>143695
mascot is a retarded zoomer herself
Just date the fat women that no one likes?
Replies: >>143660 >>143665
there is no such thing anymore
Silvia can check the country flag and see I'm bare ip posting >>143650
Replies: >>143695
Lol what did Silvia do to deserve such responses 😭 
the fat ones always have a line of niggers around the block tbh
Replies: >>143664
if for nothing else than the fat chicks always have disability

Nothing more degenerate than needing lube just to rub one out in a toilet stall to some sexy lg you saw at target tbqh
God gave us foreskins for a reason after all!
Idk even what the word guise means at least I can't translate it directly
Replies: >>143673
People like her though
Replies: >>143680
What makes you think that?
shrekity shrekt
>quadrupling down on nuh uh'ing it
yup, nailed it
Replies: >>143675
Isn't she GEN A?
Nah im offended
Replies: >>143681
Why is Koomie schizo posting with different names? Or D.I.D? He’s been posting boys on onion too.
Replies: >>143679
When a new girls comes to Catchan. We might be here a while.
lmao you are one of her biggest simps
Replies: >>143707
I'm at work only reason I'm not posting with my trip
exactly. even girls like mascot are out of my league, im fucked
I'm offended that you're offeneded
Cope Brandon I never post without my trip
Replies: >>143683 >>143685
Not me
Replies: >>143685
don't take that from James, it's all he has left
Replies: >>143689
lmao roo jabbed and mutilated absolute bugman of boomers
Replies: >>143688
it's just cruel
punished roo
Replies: >>143697
But if we turn off the cyclical people will be lost!
his entire legacy is a sad clown show
You said you prefer cyclical, what are you saying?
Replies: >>143696
How many messages are there waiting on the session when I come back 20 or 267?
this. not koomie >>143657
Cope I have BPD
dicklet manlet too lol brutal
Sometimes you have to offer.
Replies: >>143706
Do we turn off cyclical, yes or no?
i wish i had better friends than catchan rage baiters but that goes for literally everything can't have shit
Replies: >>143720
We could just make thread's
/IDs/ threads
Replies: >>143710
why didn't you?
I just fapped to her once.
Replies: >>143711 >>143718
onion link? anyone got it?
Replies: >>143709
IP's threads
You said something nice to her today if that was a joke you should have written (joke) otherwise o can't understand it
Replies: >>143712 >>143718
I like being nice to people once in a hile. Mascot deserves it.
Replies: >>143713 >>143714
this our goddess deserves to be worshiped
She's rude and woman
Woman have their own social places
mascot was never rude to me
Replies: >>143836
>10 million anon nos because I say yes
he literally called her "wife material" LMAO if that isn't simping idk what is
Imageboards are for artists, schizos and degenerates and pedos
Replies: >>143724
>comes to pool full of sharks
<why are there no dolphins

 9/93. In case of any problem in performing religious rites, males between the age of 24 and 30 should marry a female between the age of 8 and 12.
Replies: >>143746 >>143777
Autists* but works for Brandon
that pic is sexy anyone would fap to it
Replies: >>143728
She's a 15yo virgin girl who hangs out with pedos online
I would marry a girl like that. Not mascot, but a girl like that
Replies: >>143730 >>143733
not me
Replies: >>143729
your pedocel
Replies: >>143731
She hangs out here for attention because she can't get it elsewhere
so also smokes weed, drinks, cuts herself, and has an eating disorder
Replies: >>143736
This guy keeps screenshot days old comments of people. Creepy af
Replies: >>143738
bro this is like 80% of modern females easily
Replies: >>143740
If you aren't pedo or hebe and you are here its just sad
Replies: >>143744
cope I took that screenshot just now
>b-but where are the NON-CRAZY girls
your father failed you by not preparing you correctly to deal with women, that is all of them
Replies: >>143742 >>143743
and none of them are wife material
tf is 137…
your a simp brandon
Replies: >>143745
Some people like the community ngl
Replies: >>143747
and how so, exactly
women are fucking crazy and never mean anything they say
Replies: >>143751 >>143752
idk if im 23 or 24 but i claim a lg waifu
Replies: >>143775
How do you become friends with such people?
Replies: >>143756 >>143758
honestly, it's just my nofap affecting me
I will go back to normal once december comes
Kinda liking mascot here ngl… whens she getting that chaturbate account?? I wanna spam the shit out her vibrator at least once 😂
at least mascot is pretty unlike your stupid vlada nerd
your dad was supposed to teach you this and how to cope with it so you didn't hate females for their base nature
your defending women acting like disgusting whores and implying men need to "man up" and accept them
Replies: >>143755
Replies: >>143762
>your defending women acting like disgusting whores
not at all I just said that's 80% of them while 100% are crazy
Replies: >>143761
Obviously she wants to be molested but she’s getting too old tbh
Replies: >>143757
she looks 25
Replies: >>143766 >>143774
I would respect her if she left but she keeps coming back her future ls fat and lonely no woman can thrive in this space unless pedo or hebe even then this place is too toxic for women
i like mascot but dont hate on the princess vlada
>note to self: never come seshie with nz
Replies: >>143763
women only act how men allow them to so it's mens' fault at base, inclusing all of myh alphas
Replies: >>143771
text board is better than session anyway tbh

session only good for dm
Replies: >>143765 >>143769
you used to say textboard was boring tho
kek mascot BTFOd
really dick move sharing what other people post on group here
Replies: >>143768 >>143770
it's a public group
Replies: >>143772 >>143783
>it's two entirely separate communities now and one is "sekrit"
guzzling bleach gives you superpowers, you should try it
sharing screenshots of private chats
Nah, that was in the open group. He's a dick, but not that much
27-28 without makeup and filter
i'm too old for textboard
Reason why I don’t use session anymore. Some big time weirdos up in there
Replies: >>143800 >>143836
>It is the nature of women to seduce men in this world; for that reason, the wise are never unguarded in the company of females.
interesting read
they be deleting my messages
Replies: >>143779
>discord is gay
in related news, humans require oxygen to live
Replies: >>143781 >>143784
Cope Brandon.
Replies: >>143782
which post are you telling me to cope over, I can't tell
discord isn’t any more gay than anywhere else on the web
it’s often much less gay
Replies: >>143785 >>143789
Thanks Roo
26 days... I want to fap so much...
Replies: >>143787 >>143790
Double it and give it to next person
Replies: >>143788
I will give it to you.
Replies: >>143792 >>143793
my subjective experience with the platform and people using it whilst having a "prefers that to ibs" attitude begs to differ without caring enough to get into an extended back & forth about it

agree to disagree, idc if you're gay, be gay
just skip the parade over it
Replies: >>143801
you already proved you can do it
literally reddit, kc and roo tier to do the last few days too
Replies: >>143794 >>143795
I cant wait for this weekend.
Replies: >>143799
I'll get back to cooming once I finish Stalker
Replies: >>143797
Aw lawrd too hot too handle 🥵🥵
Nice try devil
It's only 4 days left. Cooming now would be a super defeat.
Replies: >>143796 >>143799
Damn Koomie I was cheering for you. Why did you double down on the dopamine drain sessions?
Replies: >>143802
Better to lose early than too late
you should really be an asshole to yourself the last couple days and really try to break your own will

for the lulz

if you make it you'll cum so fucking hard you'll be like a virgin
Replies: >>143804
average session user
Replies: >>143803
idk what this means but on discord you can talk to convincing identities
on reddit you talk to bots and on 4chan and kc you talk to feds
Replies: >>143806 >>143807
If I'm bored I coom
Replies: >>143809 >>143816
Devil bait
It's kinda hard to keep your cool when you have sexy little girls wearing tight pants every fucking where.
Replies: >>143808
feds are low IQ they don’t have anything to talk about or personality
>on discord you can talk to convincing identities
the main examples on this site to draw from for "discord" type users are Jole and Zain

If that doesn't say it all you're probably trying too hard
That too
It’s like you have TikTok but on your tiny cock, gotta get rid of it Koomie.
Replies: >>143811
And you know how lgs here have a nice big ass.
Replies: >>143812
Black Brazilians?
Gotta go see you in 1h20m or 30m
Replies: >>143814
Drive safe
Replies: >>143815 >>143821
This, drunk driving is safe driving
Replies: >>143821
I coom twice a day and thrice on sundays
Replies: >>143817
moobie nite is indeed special
Replies: >>143819
does anyone have the old ass 8channel JERK OFF WITH RANDOM ANONS banner btw
Replies: >>143820

Karma does not drive, unironically, tbh...he has eschewed and shunned the automobile Jew tbqh
Therefore...Karma is based tbhtbqh
Replies: >>143822 >>143850
that's all based and good but try that hippie shit in west virginia
Replies: >>143824
you don't have a car and need something from the store, pack a fucking tent, gather the fellowship
Replies: >>143825 >>143828

No based people do live in West Virginia...pretty much no people at all live in West Virginia lol
Replies: >>143829
no busses?
Replies: >>143827 >>143830
joo is a city dwelling faggot that hates freedom
Replies: >>143831

They don't have enough people there to warrant busses
You know I never knew that W Va actually seceded from Va over the civil war, Va was the confederate capital
you would swear it was a confederate state 100%
Replies: >>143832
extremely limited, doesn't exist at all for most of the state
street lights either most places
he really is just the worst lol

I think John Brown, and his followers...the violent radical (terrorist) anti-slavery militia leader...was based in West Virginia tbh
Replies: >>143834
roo, I like you
Replies: >>143835
>they love freedom so much they even love nigger freedom
textbook MURICA

You must be joking...because literally no one here likes me tbh
Replies: >>143839
She said something bad about me once but I already forgot. 

Who are you?
all I know is I was there once for new years' and it was like a fucking war, between the fireworks and all the gunfire all around, not nearly as much gunfire even in baltmore
literally everywhere
Replies: >>143842
and apparently they have little gun crime too, and open carry
Well, I do. And know you have a secret admirer from now on. :3
Replies: >>143840
these storylines are always cute, it's going to turn out to be someone nobody expects
Replies: >>143841
it's not me cope
Replies: >>143844
based state
>nobody: I bet it's nz
joo would piss himself if he saw a gun irl
Replies: >>143846 >>143855
he can't have never seen one, between the military and being the shooter on the grassy knoll for the CIA and living in NYC
Replies: >>143855
people should just leave roo alone
Replies: >>143848 >>143851
no, retarded boomers need to be bullied relentlessly
Incredible how roo manages to live rent free in the mind of these retards lol
Replies: >>143851
I would drive a car if i had license
Replies: >>143854 >>143866
can never tell if it's roo anonposting or someone pretending to be roo anonposting
Replies: >>143856 >>143859
he literally doesnt do anything
Replies: >>143853
dindu nuffin
never bothered me tbh
Replies: >>143858

It has been common knowledge for many years that I legally own 3 firearms...1 handgun, and 2 long guns
I have a Concealed Carry Permit for the handgun
Replies: >>143857
Cope, how does it feel that some people actually like roo and not you?
Replies: >>143859
why you cant carry a gun in nyc
Replies: >>143863
I'm a law abiding pedo
Replies: >>143860 >>143861
it's only illegal if you get caught and cops don't give a shit if you're following the visible laws tbh
Replies: >>143864
That should be a resume headliner
Driving without a license is a non issue. Just don't get caught
Replies: >>143864

Yes you can...if you have a CC Permit
if they have no reason to pull you over, you have no risk of getting caught tbh
Replies: >>143867 >>143871
can you actually drive tho
Replies: >>143869
just dive 5mph over the speed limit, lol, you're exactly like everyone else then
Nah I gave up when I was supposed to learn the stick thing
just drive automatic like a normal person
Replies: >>143876
Only in Finland perhaps
only backwards europeans still drive manual
Replies: >>143898
>knows how to  drive
>can't because you don't have this piece of paper the state told you should have
Like I don't wanna be solving Rubik's cube when im driving
Replies: >>143902
Lmao it isn’t hard Koomie.
Replies: >>143877
only women drive automatic lol
Replies: >>143878
It seems hard
Replies: >>143880 >>143882
Imagine not knowing how the gears work 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Replies: >>143881
it actually isn't, it just takes repetition to get the timings right
then it's even fun
Im retarded dude
Replies: >>143884
Just allocate some coom power to learn to driving stick tbh
Karmie is so cute lol 😭😭
Replies: >>143885 >>143888
you don't have to know how it works, you just need to know the sound the engine will start making around shift time, and the like 5-6 positions of the stick, which are relatively easy
as long as it's not some beat up piece of shit
Replies: >>143921
Was it Koomie that posted his femboy legs on session before? He was showing he’s coom setup.
Replies: >>143887 >>143890
Also i got my ID and name wrong on the paperwork because the guy heard me wrong and I only noticed at home and it would have been too cringe to go back and correct it
Replies: >>143889 >>143915
Nah I haven't posted anything about myself
>because the guy heard me wrong 
Errm don’t you write that vital information down on a legal document though? Tf
Replies: >>143897
I didnt mean cute in that way lol
Replies: >>143892
Wasn't me anyway
Nice try lmao
99% straight btw

Karma getting up for his driving lessons
Replies: >>143899
Idk I've only done it once and fucked it up because I didn't check it through
a person that drives manual can drive automatic
the opposite is not true
Replies: >>143911
I''ll check at home, not clicking links at work
Replies: >>143905
how i imagine karma irl
too tall
Replies: >>143904
it becomes second nature with practice

It's just a Moomin...a cute cartoon Moomin
Replies: >>143907
Less pink more pale white
I checked because I checked the other one too
Replies: >>143908 >>143913
it could have been cp be more careful next time
Replies: >>143910
My ego could handle not checking it
Erm that doesn’t get posted here sir
well, I mean, duh
but shifting is mainly good for commercial shit, most consumer cars are automatic by default now
Replies: >>143920

Are you really a Moomin?
Replies: >>143914
Nah im not fat
This is the main reason third is because I was scared of doing the driving tests, didn't do the theory either so I guess I was scared of it too.
Replies: >>143916
how old are you?
Replies: >>143918 >>143919
I should be just able to buy the license oh yeah 4th reason is I don't wanna spend my free time on it
He’s a 52 yo FtM catchan poster
still it's good to have the skills that will open up options to you
it's really not hard, think of all the retards on the road, and they do it just fine
besides you don't really need to "learn" it at all (proper timings), you can shift at any time on a big window, as long as you don't do it TOO early and stall the engine
Replies: >>143921
yeah >>143884 it becomes second nature, it can just be awkward getting the hang of it
Replies: >>143929
Is vlada going to marry an aryan chad soon and start giving birth to lots of white babies to save the white race?
Replies: >>143924
no shes a lesbian
Fuck that's good lol
JWO wins again 😞
I'd've thought karmie woulda been an expert at the stick thing lel
Replies: >>143933 >>143956
she is bisexual
Replies: >>143937
Replies: >>143939
Well she does dress like the average tatu fan in the early 00's kek
Replies: >>143938 >>143941
She used to have an LGBT flag in her room
Looks like that queen bitch in game of thrones
Replies: >>143942
she has posted about liking boys yes
Replies: >>143945
lgbt is based
Replies: >>143945
I want to fap to vlada (best girl) tbh
Replies: >>143961
I wonder at what age. It screams "I've licked cunny and more than once" tbh
not in any one timeline is lgtbbq clownery based
bi girls get shipped to africa
>Womerns rights were a huge mistake
>they need corrective rape
Replies: >>143948
how else are they supposed to learn what real rape is so they stop calling everything that isn't rape rape
Replies: >>143962
Replies: >>143951 >>143954
pedos are so gay
>cue the circumcision list
Replies: >>143963
once she gets some good dick (or her clock starts ticking) she will turn around
average trash woman
Replies: >>143958
yeah she is trash, but a 10/10 looking trash can
Replies: >>143959
Trash is still trash - Karma 2024
Replies: >>143960
unless she has some serious hardcore skeletons in her closet, i'd still give her a chance
genetics like that shouldn't be ignored, as i'm sure it won't
Do you think she penetrates her gf's pussies with her tongue like a cunnyfiend?
Replies: >>143964
Yeah and her bh
Replies: >>143965
vlada doesnt lick asshole she gets her asshole licked
Replies: >>143966
wish it was me doing the licking
Replies: >>143968
(((    𝙼𝚄𝚃𝙸𝙻𝙰𝚃𝙴𝙳    ))) ✡

卐 Uncut Purecocks 卐
Anon ?

Anon ?
Replies: >>143969
pretty sure brit is uncut but I can ask again for confirmation
brandon must be cut or he would take the free win against jole tbh
>as if anyone can't just say whatever they want to
loooots of people outright ignoring this one
Replies: >>143972 >>143975
this we need everyone to post proof
I'm cut, lol my mom was 15 and alone, she did whatever the doctors recommended
I don't need cheap wins, Jole does nothing but hand himself losses
we already had the discussion tbh, whatever anger I had at her about it was nullified by that

Replies: >>143976
>I need "free" wins
I don't have to evade ((( filters ))) to not be ignored
Replies: >>143982
Why so you dad who you live with impregnated a 14-15 yo 😭 dirty old dog 
must suck being mutilated. also nzie nailed it lel he always catches onto this he would make a good detective tbh
so she was 14 when she got pregnant? nice
Replies: >>143984
*onto things
>nzie nailed it
>or he would take the free win against jole tbh
nah, nope, try harder, sorry
literally nobody asked me, lol
Replies: >>143986
cope mutie
Replies: >>143983
thanks bub
Replies: >>143994
thats why brandon is so high IQ
Replies: >>143999
>so you dad who you live with impregnated a 14-15 yo 😭
no not that one, the other one
Replies: >>143994
thats ok brannie were just gonna keep saying nzie btfod you
Replies: >>143987 >>143995
I didn't expect anything less, that's how niggers here roll
who needs a real "win"
lel remember when Zain was trying to say I was a fake pedo for like a week, to get me to say "n-no I'm a real pedo"
but I never said it, so he just meekly gave up and said I did once and dropped it
I really thought this was leading into something crush tbh
sexy girl, i like her boobs
too old
Replies: >>143993 >>143999
Replies: >>143999
cope brandon you lost your foreskin 
wait, you look after your stepdad?
Replies: >>143996
tbh I don't btfo people unless they force me to I'm actually a really nice guy
>you lost your foreskin
I'm just thankful my mom was just young and dumb and not a fucking psycho
What can man do against such widespread institutional corruption
Replies: >>143999
the saddest part though is I've literally argued with every sister against it, and only one of them and her husband listened, in every other case the husbands fought me harder than anyone else
Wanted their sons to be just like them, would defend it to the death to not have to admit anything was "flawed" about their own dicks
I tried
Replies: >>144007
>why do you care about your nephew's dick so much
Nigger why don't you care about your son
Replies: >>143999
Probably this. Wouldn't be surprised if the whole raising AoC thing was a jew scam not only for the widely known reasons but also to gimp the white race's potential because maybe foid's eggs & reproductive systems lose their integrities anywhere past end of puberty 


>I'm just thankful my mom was just young and dumb
—and full of cum - as the saying goes :P
>not a fucking psycho 
fair point 
>would defend it to the death to not have to admit anything was "flawed" about their own dicks
Lmao absolute egowanks. Is this like a common "short man syndrome" for circumcised dudes? XD
Replies: >>144003
brandon you should open a po box to accept gifts from your fans
Replies: >>144003
i really missed the cat captcha because pictures make me very happy. reading makes me sad
Replies: >>144009
>—and full of cum - as the saying goes :P
she sure was
>Is this like a common "short man syndrome" for circumcised dudes? XD
they're not the only people I've talked to irl about it and yes it's fucking always the other cut males that fight it to the death, women are typically fairly easily swayed on it

need a hazmat suit to open them tbh
Replies: >>144004
>need a hazmat suit to open them tbh
why this makes me think if i sent you a christmas cake you wouldnt even try it
Replies: >>144009
Was gonna say you should stop holdin' out 'n show old papa K some of your sexo hebes collection. Like father like son indeed, kek. What better way to strengthen father-son bonds?
Replies: >>144021
post cuties
Replies: >>144008 >>144017
with time you stop hating on jews so much as you divert your hatred for the goyim, they are just as much to blame, probably more
Replies: >>144010
Replies: >>144012

Replies: >>144011
the election has probably pushed that over the edge for me tbh
well we could have a brownie or cake meetup too
she is cute tbh
((( 𝙼𝚄𝚃𝙸𝙻𝙰𝚃𝙴𝙳 ))) ✡

卐 Uncut Purecocks 卐
Anon ?

Anon ?
Replies: >>144014 >>144015
im cut
Replies: >>144019
graceanon is uncut btw
Replies: >>144019
ngl worth a jail sentence, possibly a shanking or two
((( 𝙼𝚄𝚃𝙸𝙻𝙰𝚃𝙴𝙳 ))) ✡

卐 Uncut Purecocks 卐
Anon ?

Anon ?
Replies: >>144020 >>144026
>Uncut Anteater Dicks
Replies: >>144022 >>144024
brannie should get his dad to post here. would be like an even more uncooped cat-kun
Replies: >>144027
cope 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Literally imagine having a smegma infested cheese noodle 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Replies: >>144025
elephant trunk wizard's sleeve dicks
cope women love smegma

uncuts better to suck
Replies: >>144031 >>144033
he was on /pol/ for a bit but didn't like it, really, though he found some stuff funny
had to explain waaaaaaay too much shit, it was exhausting
James do warehouse items go on sale on Black Friday and wtf is Black Friday?
Replies: >>144030 >>144035
I know you're lurking
Replies: >>144034 >>144035
>wtf is Black Friday?
t. not james just former holiday season retail worker; it's the day after thanksgiving, the "official" start of the christmas shopping season, and called black friday because it's typically when the majority of retail businesses go into the black period for the fiscal year
Replies: >>144043
Tru you can play with the foreskin with your tongue
the christmas shopping season is like a fundamental cornerstone of the murican economy now, too big to fail literally
as a straight person this just makes sense to me
Replies: >>144036 >>144038
he never lurks without his trip
jole never lurks he only visits whenever he posts with his trip then leaves
Replies: >>144037
fucking lel
Cope Jole
>not being bi like vlada
Replies: >>144039
I want to suck cock for vlada
Replies: >>144041

how about WITH vlada instead
Replies: >>144042
Sure id love to help her make her bf cum
>and called black friday because it's typically when the majority of retail businesses go into the black period for the fiscal year
When they hire a bunch of blacks as temps?
Replies: >>144044
when blacks are even moreso the last people you want to see in the store
Replies: >>144046
fr though it just refers to profitability, if they're not profitable they're in the red
lol maybe hiring them keeps them too busy to shoplift?
Replies: >>144047
how do you starve a nigger
hide his food stamp card under his work boots
Replies: >>144050
That's a good one imma remember that
Man it always bugs me when one of my tapeworms lewd a hemorrhoid so i think i needa take shit then go sit on toilet only to realise i don't :\
Replies: >>144054
>A recently unearthed interview featuring Pam Bondi, president-elect Donald Trump’s selection for U.S. Attorney General, showcases her support for deporting college students who protest against Israel’s genocide in Gaza. Trump selected Bondi after his initial pick, former Republican congressman Matt Gaetz, withdrew his nomination for Attorney General following allegations of sexual misconduct.
>Bondi’s comments, which were rediscovered last week, run counter to the freedoms and protections outlined in the First Amendment, which apply to both citizens and temporary residents in the U.S. “The thing that’s really the most troubling to me [are] these students in universities in our country, whether they’re here as Americans or if they’re here on student visas, and they’re out there saying ‘I support Hamas,'” Bondi, a staunch supporter of Israel, told Newsmax last year, as students across the country were demanding that universities divest from Israel’s indiscriminate slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza.
>“Frankly they need to be taken out of our country,” Bondi said, “or the FBI needs to be interviewing them right away.” Although Bondi’s comments contradict the Constitution, Trump will likely defend her statements if they come under scrutiny during her confirmation hearings, as he himself issued a call to deport student protesters during his presidential campaign.
>“Any student that protests, I throw them out of the country,” Trump promised a group of donors in May.
I can't relate tbh, needing to take a shit doesn't feel like a worm tickling my asshole tbh
it feels like intestinal war
Replies: >>144056
Why are finnish women like this?
Replies: >>144058
lol imagine having chris chan as your dad
Replies: >>144059
at least he's not black
>silvia, you cut or uncut?

How come Silvia didn't answer?
Replies: >>144062
Lintdoor didn't answer also, wtf?
Replies: >>144062
Its a stupid question only jews and americans are cut
Replies: >>144063 >>144070
its an important question and the list needs to be completed
There have been various studies examining aggression in dogs and cats, although direct comparisons can be challenging due to differing behaviors, environments, and human interactions with these two species. Here are some key findings that might help:

    Study on Aggression in Dogs:
        A study published in the journal "Applied Animal Behaviour Science" in 2000 found that certain breeds of dogs show different levels of aggression. For example, aggressive behaviors were more common in breeds like the Rottweiler and Doberman compared to less aggressive breeds.
        Reference: Hsu, Y. & Serpell, J.A. (2003). "Development and factor analysis of a questionnaire for measuring behavior and temperament in pet dogs." Anthrozoös, 16(2), 210-223.

    Study on Cat Aggression:
        Research published in the journal "Journal of Veterinary Behavior" in 2015 indicated that aggression in cats was often linked to territorial behaviors and stress, with cat aggression manifested in different contexts, such as fear-based reactions.
        Reference: **Miller, M., &

Others (2015). "A review of cat aggression." Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 10(4), 274-281.**
Replies: >>144066

    Comparison Studies:
        A notable study by D. H. Turnbull et al. (2012) examined the expressiveness of aggression in both species. They assessed human interactions and noted that dogs were seen as more social and occasionally aggressive due to their loyalty and protective tendencies, while cats displayed more solitary and defensive aggressive behaviors.
        Reference: Turnbull, D. H., et al. (2012). "Comparative analysis of aggression type in pet dogs and cats." Journal of Animal Husbandry and Animal Welfare, 1(1), 15-25.

    General Findings:
        Surveys indicate that owner perception of aggression varies between these two species. In general, dog aggression is often more visible and may lead to concerns about safety, while cat aggression might be perceived as less dangerous but equally problematic in certain contexts.
        The reported incidences of aggression also depend on factors such as breed, socialization, and individual temperament.

Overall, while some studies suggest that dogs might be perceived as more aggressive due to their social packs and protective instincts, others indicate that cats can also exhibit significant aggression, often influenced by fear and territory. It is essential to consider specific circumstances, breeds, and individual personalities when assessing aggression in either species.
Replies: >>144066
Tldr; Cats are angry for reason dogs are aggressive for no reason
he comparison of aggression between dogs and cats has been a topic of interest in animal behavior research. Here are a few key studies and findings related to this topic:

    Overall Aggression Levels: A study published in the journal Applied Animal Behaviour Science by L. Z. (2019) found that dogs exhibit more overt aggression towards humans and other dogs compared to cats. The study suggested that the domestication and socialization of dogs have influenced their aggressive behaviors, often resulting in more frequent displays of aggression.

    Types of Aggression: Research by McGreevy and colleagues (2012) indicated that the contexts in which aggression occurs can differ significantly between species. While dogs may display aggression when protecting territory or during encounters with unfamiliar dogs, cats may exhibit aggression more often in defensive situations, such as fear-based aggression when threatened.

    Aggression in Humans: A study by Serpell (2000) highlighted that dogs have been bred for specific tasks, including guarding, which may contribute to higher levels of aggressive behavior in certain contexts. Cats, being more solitary and territorial, exhibit aggression primarily in defensive scenarios.

    Quantifying Aggression: A survey tool developed by the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) assessed the behavior of pet dogs and cats. The results showed that pet dogs were reported to display aggressive behaviors (e.g., barking, growling, biting) more frequently than cats, who were more likely to exhibit aggression in specific situations, such as being handled by unfamiliar people.

    Feline Aggression: A study conducted by Heidenberger (1997) focused on cat aggression and emphasized that while cats can be aggressive, their aggressive behaviors often stem from fear or territorial disputes rather than predatory aggression frequently seen in dogs.
legit respect to brk for being honest
lintdoor have a nice day
i know americans who are uncut
Replies: >>144071
Yeah 20% or so arent
Replies: >>144073
i mean 80% are cut i asked jewgpt
sup karma u up checking catchan every few minutes
Replies: >>144074
he is even here during work
Replies: >>144076
Me after Btfoing Brandon
Replies: >>144082 >>144099
so am i the world is boring
Replies: >>144077 >>144078
what job you do?
Replies: >>144079 >>144080
Replies: >>144081 >>144087
food and beverage @ theme park
Replies: >>144083 >>144084
you're gay if thats what came to your mind
Replies: >>144085 >>144087
boy you are not a little blonde girl with her ass out
Replies: >>144086
any employee discounts?
Replies: >>144087
So you ride rollercoasters on your breaks. SOunds based af if you ask me tbh
Replies: >>144090
Nah i hate asshole's which is not very convenient if you are gay
Yeah but taking in the views in beautiful looking place
Replies: >>144088
what does this mean
yea i get in for free but the magic is lost once youre there every week and being yelled at by fat people
Replies: >>144089
>yea i get in for free but the magic is lost once youre there every week and being yelled at by fat people
>>144084 not allowed to... im not even allowed to take theme park food i have to pay for stupid deli sandwiches pre packaged in the cafeteria
Replies: >>144091 >>144095
Sounds like your boss might be be silvia? 🤔

To this day i still dont understand how this happened
Replies: >>144093 >>144094
Aryan PureBloods! FTW
Btw, A story from the lat european championship. English HAte germans and vice versa right. So Germany Should have penalty against spain, english referee dont call it. English Video referro dont call it either because he is high on coke and coping from the btfo that happened during the 40's .
Replies: >>144096
I hear amusement park trevellers fuck a lot. anything you noticed?
Replies: >>144097
Spain were better they won fair and square, if you wanna talk about incorrect refereeing Toni Kroos should have had 3 red cards.
Replies: >>144100
not really but one time we did catch 2 people having sex in the mens restroom
kinda weird since theres lots of families in there all the time
Replies: >>144098
>2 people having sex in the mens restroom
Not the mens restroom... dear god
Replies: >>144106
How can i send this to my normie friends with an excuse is there a way probably not?
Well maybe a few yellows at least
Replies: >>144101
2 yellows = red
Spain was dominant the whole tournament they were easily the best
Replies: >>144103
Germany was better or equally good. Kroos, Wirts, Muller Neuer. Andrich. What a team. 

Anyway. Just say you miss summer and its a beautifull short film about love?
Replies: >>144105
only retards care about sports, sports only matters to high iq people like silvia using it to make money on, but just watching it for entertainment or pride is low iq
They had good individual players yes but Spain played way better as team
yea idk why youd do it in the mens restroom it probably smells like asshole
oh god what if it was 2 men
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