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>>>/acat/1 for updates on Catchan.

Looks up at green lady statue half buried in the beach.

Replies: >>78 >>72116
>>76 (OP) 
i should never have mentioned the embed thingy if only i had known the ramifications of that post i'd have censored myself
Replies: >>80 >>85
Shakes head in disappointment. I had shit to post... It wasn't special but I was going to post it.
Replies: >>83
Lmao what happened
Replies: >>90
same tbh i had at least a few cringeposts planned
It's over.

#include <its-over.jpg>
patch baked a pizza and sent it over the wire and the server thought it was a cookie until it got dipped in the milk and now there's tomato sauce in the milk which of course as you know is NO GOOD!
Replies: >>91
this patch won and it's all my fault for making the post that allowed the pizza in
Replies: >>93
Now silvia is going into the WOP code manually to map tomato paste to chocolate chips but has to bake it up first so it doesn't slide off the sheet.
Replies: >>94 >>95
realistically our only hope is tom having a milk filter tbh
Replies: >>95
Just last month I nearly burned my house down making kolbasa. How you think I can do something professional like that?^^
Tom offers 1h help for 50usd. I'll just give him the bitcoin and a root password and tell him to fix me LOL
Replies: >>97 >>98
Must be nice to be a wealthy russian oligarch ngl
>tom charges more than fred
sorry guys i hacked the site, i'm so mischievous :)
i will be willing to restore full functionality in exchange for one (1) rare nade selfie
Replies: >>100
Sorry but we only negotiate with domestic terrorists and you're a foreign agent now
Replies: >>101
you really cant blame me
every time i come here intending to post i get sidetracked by all the flashy pedo threads and end up edging for 16+ hours to the sexy kids
Replies: >>105
It happens to the best of us--
>>76 (OP) 
its called the statue of liberty
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