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>>>/acat/1 for updates on Catchan.

So, about 3 months ago my father had a stroke, and was rendered unable to really take care of himself on his own anymore.
After a sibling debate it was decided my one sister that lives in [REDACTED] and her husband would take him, since they don't have any kids and my sister doesn't work. Things were fine for a bit but my father has become demented as a result of the stroke and gets very verbally abusive at times. The verbal abuse part wasn't obvious when we had the debate about it, and the sister that took him is the least mentally able to handle that of all of us, so of course couldn't cope with it.
My other sisters either have jobs or underage children still in the house, so it fell on me, having both the space and the available time.

I had to drive there to get him, and now I have a senile old man living with me I need to keep constant tabs on. Yay. Tbh it's pretty exhausting.
Also I got to really digest this whole album on the drive, tbh it's one of the best albums I've ever heard, best they've made.
This song makes my dick hard
Replies: >>49609 >>50410
herd members are working on verifying this post as we speak
i love you ban ban
Replies: >>49590
do u think posting on altchans could keep him occupied
Replies: >>49593 >>49598
Invite him here, he will be more sane than at least 1 person^^
Replies: >>49598 >>54040
brandon i got 3 tickets to despicable me 4 you know darwin really misses you baby boy
Replies: >>49599
Not a chance now, my whole family would be doxed day one
Replies: >>49603
whats wrong with being doxed really we already know where you live andw hat ur full name is plus i got your new address from experian
Replies: >>49606
You sure do fluffylumps <3
Replies: >>49611
Replies: >>49617
i got a job at a credit rating agency just to do this brandon sorry, youre just too big for your own good
Replies: >>49617
im going to start staking out
Replies: >>49617
>t. offended utopian cyber-hippie

Everybody gotta go down sometime
>>49586 (OP) 
do you have to change diapers?
Replies: >>49676
>>49586 (OP) 
sounds peak comfy tbh and now you can post again
Replies: >>49676
Thank fucking god no, not yet
He's still in control of his bowels and can still move around (a little) (very very slowly)
The good and bad thing about his mobility though is he doesn't like being cooped up so will roam around on his own, but doesn't know where he is half the time

Not really to both, tbh
I don't have to change diapers but I have to cook for him
Sometimes he's okay like he could do it for himself, but at any given moment he's not there anymore
He's been having bladder issues for years and already had a catheter/pissbag long before the stroke, he can do all that maintenance himself sometimes, but sometimes he can't and there's simply no other choice but to do it for him
It's literal unpaid nursing
Lol and he has fucking nothing, he gets disability but it's a pittance since he only ever had shit tier paying jobs, so there's nothing in it to even "inherit" out of it, which I think is the ultimate reason my other sister wasn't willing to put up with his mouth
Replies: >>49679 >>49680
sign with a homecare agency and get paid to take care of ur dad its ez
Replies: >>49688
disability is based off your work income? i thought disabled people never got the chance to work. or is that work disability
Replies: >>49681 >>49688
well theres a guy at my walmartt who is like braindead or something and cant speak all he does is do donuts with his wheelchair
Replies: >>49682 >>49683
still gets paid like $15/hr
Replies: >>49688
walmart has always given senile old men jobs it was in southpark
which good for them jobs dont involve anything besides standing around and maybe moving boxes anyways
brandon presses buttons
Great idea, never even heard of this at all, have to look into it

Yes, there's minimums for disabled kids and such, but for people who worked it's based off the last job's income

He got his disability in the early 2000's, and the last job he'd had was for $7 an hour
He gets around $600 a month and it's eaten by his medical expenses and food
get foodstamps for him?
Replies: >>49697
>but for people who worked it's based off the last job's income
sounds retarded
Replies: >>49697
sdounds more like temporary workers comp not like ooh ur disabled now good luck
Replies: >>49697
thats what my parents do for both my grandparents they live with us and they recieve i think like $4k a month im not sure though
we should just kill old people it would help alot
Replies: >>49697
liek they dont need that money anymore theyre old just cut them off and make like a mass federal composting bin or something out of them
Replies: >>49695 >>49697
my grandpa is sweet and awesomje but he kept slapping my little brothers friends ass when he came to our house to the point he would actively avoid coming over
Replies: >>49696
just kill them
He wouldn't be eligible living with me anyway since they base it off the combined household, not the individual, and I'm not eligible

It probably varies by state idk

Yeah definitely looking into this

The idea was supposed to be that was why all the SS taxes
Lol but not like he significantly paid into that system
Replies: >>49698 >>49699
so if ur a disabled retard who chooses to work for 3 years ur fucked but if u choose to never work u get winner?
Replies: >>49703
>base it off the combined household
keep him as his own household living in an attached  grannyhome for like 20-60k
Replies: >>49703
Depends on what the job you got for those 3 years was I guess
afaik the only times it's not a bare-minimum just covering meanest ghetto tier cost of living thing is for disabled kids and people who had relatively decent paying jobs

Just claiming this might be enough, idk how good their vetting even is
Replies: >>49707
It's supposed to be some kind of %age of your yearly income, but with a bare minimum it won't go under
So if you had a $100k a year job it's pretty fucking sweet
Replies: >>49707
oh i thought it would be grand total contributed like ssi
god that sounds even more retarded when u say it like that

oh yea lying would be way fucking cheaper
idk how expensive it would be but if you can do it cheaply enough at $600/m its worth it if you keep him for long enough
Replies: >>49711
not sure why u cant rent out ur basement to family and have it be considered separate anyways
Replies: >>49713
brandon national fund
>grand total contributed like ssi
Yeah it doesn't take anything you paid into any system into account, only your income

Lying is definitely cheaper
I believe you can, you just have to list it as a separate address
But there's no basement here
grocery money in exchange for being a live in nurse not a great deal id still do it
Replies: >>49719
Tbh I really need to look into this >>49692 because I don't get anything out of it at all other than some metaphorical good boy points

I mean, like, I love my dad, but it's really like vague love for the concept of "my dad", the person he actually is wore away all love for him specifically years and years ago
Replies: >>49723
He has medicare but it barely covers anything since he gets disability
Replies: >>49776
Like you can forgive someone for bullshit they did, but restoring how you once felt about them is an entirely different thing you can't force
i have no clue what shes talking about. a random company pays you 4k to take care of your own dad?
Replies: >>49726 >>49733
hmmm yeah doubt me again dude
Replies: >>49727
thats medicaid though
>maze of clicks leading to a call anyway
I'll have to call tomorrow and see what the shit for this state is
Replies: >>49734
why literally every government program publishes their shit online
Replies: >>49735
>Many states call this a consumer-directed personal assistance program. Each state has different requirements and rules. And the amount the program pays you to care for a family member varies by state. Contact your state’s Medicaid office for more information.
And it leads you to a general site for applying for medicaid
Replies: >>49737
It'll probably lead me through automated hell when I call anyway like every other government line
oh yea theyre just gonna say contact cause its a different fucking office theyre not gonna maintain 50 links
tho all the shit i see online only applies to medicaid and VA
Replies: >>49740
Yeah it's some specific sub-program that'd either have its own site or not, and it appears not
Replies: >>49743
yea theres websites which aggregate all this stuff but i dont see any programs with $$$, there are md programs yes
>they recieve i think like $4k a month im not sure though
It would be funny though if the government pay for taking care of him was higher than his own disability though
Wonder if/how that factors into it
Replies: >>49752
Probably doesn't at all like the disability doesn't take amount paid into SS into account but you never know
im pretty sure its medicaid and medicaid actually seems to pay for stuff unlike the other one my mom works with it
Replies: >>49758
i also got a job offer recently to work on medicaid tho that was fraud
Replies: >>49758
sounds lke the government just hates ur dad sorry but look on the bright side that means u get to enjoy it more and spend more time with ur dad
Replies: >>49758
I can't remember which one is the one Bamacare all got rolled into

>sounds lke the government just hates ur dad
I know the feeling tbh
Replies: >>49759
all i know is which one gets funding and which doesnt which is all that matters
Replies: >>49760
Yeah that's probably the one since it's the milktit for the pharma industry
Replies: >>49762
oh yea its paying for stem cell shit which is like dead babies from jews thats pretty satanic
Replies: >>49766
pays for fuckin everything it seems
you'd think a nigger wouldve created better gibs but NOPE
Replies: >>49767
Not even as bad as animal experimentation tbh, they're literal embryos
It's excellent as gibs for corporates
Replies: >>49770
>Mission accomplished
Lol the biggest lobbyer for foodstamps is Walmart, since it's a significant portion of their sales
>It's excellent as gibs for corporates
really nice of them to drive up the costs so we can get stuck with giant medical bills weeee
at least they cant go to collections anymo
Replies: >>49771
Gotta have life insurance to live, goy, can't make that compulsory like auto insurance is to drive

Oh wait that's literally what Bama did, lol
Henry Kissinger envisioned all of this shit years ago, Bamacare was effectively the final stage of the shit he planned with Nixon that birthed HMOs
she said medicaid sucks ass apparently now i dont know what to think
Replies: >>49776
why isnt he on medicaid
Replies: >>49776
Whichever one the homeless and ((( refugees ))) go on is the pharma tit one
I think there's effectively now one for actual citizens in the system, like those on disability, the elderly and such; and one for "everyone else", the DEI one

Replies: >>49779
I don't remember which he's on
you can have both
Replies: >>49781
You can have all the assistance and foodstamps and everything if you're in enough venn diagram overlaps tbh
Replies: >>49782
well both medicare and medicaid at the same time they just pay different amounts
Replies: >>49784
but yea u should get as many government programs as possible u could be making 50k a month
Replies: >>49784
>now I have to sort out his benefits
Replies: >>49786
it was either going to be that or waste like 30k a year anyways
Replies: >>49790
probably more who knows
but at least if my tax money goes to brandon theres an incentive to pay my taxes
I mean, he doesn't cost me anything, in the monetary sense, little extra electric and such but what he gets manages to cover his and his medical or it doesn't
Replies: >>49792
I mean I'm not going to let him starve, but I'm not going to go into debit with his medical shit, tbh
ah it cant go to collections anymore or show on credit reports tho, nothing to worry about
theyll forgive it if you ask enough they did it for me and im not your dad
Replies: >>49795
i wasnt the one who pulled that one off though so who knows what happened there
As far as I'm aware at this point I'm under no legal obligations for any of it unless I volunteer myself for such, which I do not intend on
Replies: >>49797
oh its proposed
its just a state rule here

what if its like timeshares where you can receive them without accepting them at all
Replies: >>49803
Idk if that changes with power of attorney or something which I'll probably effectively have (or need to get) though that seems kind of like a joke in this scenario with effectively a homeless guy
maybe i should have a stroke then ill get to enjoy brandons cooking
Replies: >>49805
Idk I can't stop envisioning it like being at the vet and them essentially saying they can do some lifesaving thing, if I'm willing to pay for it, otherwise, aud lang syne
And tbh even if he was that kind of dad it doesn't seem "right" to try to fight the course of nature so much with someone in this state
Replies: >>49807
Little kids love it ;P
no i think that only happens with dogs
Replies: >>49808
I've been in the "decision" meetings at the hospital before though admittedly not since I was a young teenager, I mainly just remember them happening and cost being discussed amongst family members
Replies: >>49810
One relative had this brain bleed thing happen suddenly, pressurized his brain in his skull so much he was effectively brain dead by the time they got to him and it was relieved
yea wow thats weird ive never heard of people doing that mainly because the prices the charge are bullshit and the debt is fake
Replies: >>49812
>admittedly not since I was a young teenager
We're talking 90's so completely different reality at this point
Replies: >>49817
will never know
the world
without this
ya probably dont have to worry about it then
bankruptcy isnt so bad though either way
Replies: >>49820
Put him down like Old Yeller first tbh
brandon your dad dying is the ultimate btfo
Replies: >>49867
piss on john kelley's grave
Of whomst, exactly
It'll probably be a relief for him even before the stroke
Lel he's wanted it for years
And if anything it seems like I could potentially monetarily milk the situation, if I wanted to be an asshole and try to drag it out for him

Luckily for him I don't hate him
Replies: >>49871
your dad probably wanted to abort you
Replies: >>49875
And this theoretically is supposed to make me feel worse about his demise, how, exactly
hi zain
Replies: >>49879
name up loser
Replies: >>49886
Replies: >>49896
brandon brandon faggot
movie night with brandon
Brandon im flopping my goon stick
Replies: >>50203 >>50417
oh hey i was just listening to this album recently
i like the few references in the album to some of their older idiot flesh stuff
you always had the best music taste out of anyone in this crowd
anyway i don't frequent this site anymore and i'm done with routine imageboard use (unless and until something new and better comes along, which seems unlikely at this point) but it's nice to see you again
Replies: >>50416 >>51064
have my free wholesome seal award for this post stranger
It takes so much effort to get this nigger's shit together to go to a doctor, or anywhere. A kid might not be this much effort and they have 100x the energy.

A pleasant surprise, there's not really any blatant IF influence on their other albums, but Save It and El Evil could be Idiot Flesh tracks.
Replies: >>51090 >>52348
brandon shit goes down the toilet not to the docotr
Replies: >>51110
unless its dr. patch
Replies: >>51112
Not if it's a fecal sample
Replies: >>51126
Wait you covered that already nvm
huh? how hard is it to shit into a bag
Replies: >>51135
I haven't actually had to deal with this with him yet but I imagine it'd be pretty difficult considering his hip is artificial and he can't position his legs at less than a 90 degree angle without his leg dislocating.
He can't just pop it back in himself either, the ambulance has to get called every time.
Replies: >>51172
just do what they did in the WoW south park episode and cut a hole in his recliner or something to catch his shit
Replies: >>51183
He actually has a riser seat thing that goes over low toilets
It's like a walker that has a toilet seat attached, could just stick a bag on that I guess
Come to think of it he'd probably make a huge fucking mess if he had diarrhea, the thing sits like a foot above the actual toilet
Replies: >>51211
i mean he can test whether or not he has diarrhea before hand its not like youre forced to shit all at once
or u can fucking tell but im not sure if he feels anything anymore
Replies: >>51225
or maybe im wrong maybe all the shit just falls out of his asshole like hes a 30 year old femboy
Replies: >>51225
Certainly complains about his bladder issues enough

I have no information about asshole tightness tbh
Replies: >>51231
>Certainly complains about his bladder issues enough
not being able to pee is the worst
Replies: >>51243
I've been lucky I guess, my cath experiences were kind of by default, not because I was having issues
Replies: >>51247
The very elderly have this insufferable habit of their medical issues being 99% of what they talk about, he's a much better conversationalist when he's not really there mentally, tbh
longest i couldnt pee was like a fucking day and it ruined my entire day
like a solid liter of pee in my fucking bladder
fucking hate the hospital, most of it is just cause i cant pee in the hospital
Replies: >>51248
>much better 
Let's say much more entertaining

>have to pee really bad but can't
Sounds like hell
Replies: >>51250
>Sounds like hell
yea i just avoid prolonged stays in hopsitals now and im going to tell them to fuck off and die if they try to cath me because they are retarded niggers
pee pee pee pee pee pee urine urine urine urine urine urine
peeing off my balcony onto the dog walkers
put on the sex offender list cause my balcony is in view of the daycare
Replies: >>51258
El evil is basically Let the Dog Sing, so it pretty much is an IF track
Replies: >>53190
Eh, it shares one lyric line, but otherwise they're very different songs, don't really sound alike
I haven't heard all this unreleased stuff though, thanks
Replies: >>53596
you cant hear shit retard ur deaf from blasting music in ur ears at 14872141 volume
Replies: >>53614
so hows it going?
Replies: >>53614
must be fucking awful from how much he disappears
Replies: >>53614
Can you speak up please I missed what you said

It's getting taxing tbh
I don't like feeling like I have a job, especially one that isn't paying yet
Doing things at the same time every day
And no days off
Don't even really feel like posting most of the time
Replies: >>53622
The good thing is when he gets into senile verbal abuse mode he's not really "there" so doesn't remember what you say either
Somewhat cathartic
Replies: >>53629
if you cant jump through little hoops like this how can you possibly be destined for greatness as a billionare CEO when they face big shit like scandals, market crashes and corporate espionage
Replies: >>53625
>how can you possibly be destined for greatness as a billionare CEO
She wasn't even a real fortune teller, she had a ceiling lamp globe instead of a crystal ball
>senile verbal abuse mode
couldnt possibly compare to 8 straight hours of abuse from jole
Replies: >>53639
what would he even say baldie baldie youre bald and your band failed
Actually kind of similar except he's worse than James
Has this running narrative in his head about everything that's completely detached from reality
Used to only come out when he was shitfaced which was all the time growing up
He's not allowed to drink in this situation though
I'll get him high but drunkenness is verboten
Replies: >>53643
>hes not allowed to get drunk
why cause he cant go outside and get alcohol?
Replies: >>53644
No, he can't
He could probably get an uber or something but he can't drive anymore, and he agreed to this condition so would only be looking to get drunk when he's in a senile moment where he doesn't know what the fuck uber is anyway
Replies: >>53647
why cant he just make prison wine
Replies: >>53651
That's a good question, I'll have to start tossing his cell like a prison guard
Replies: >>53827
idk how senile you have to be to forget how alcohol is made
Replies: >>53653
It's more planning than he's capable of in those times
It would also require some split personality kind of thing where senile him remembered one appearance to the next
He'd forget all about it as soon as that episode was over
Replies: >>53658
He drifts around what year he's even in, talks about his mother like she's still here and he just saw her when she's been dead since '89
Replies: >>53656
>she's been dead since '89
brains are all sort of fucked up i see dead people in my dreams pretty often and it just seems completely normal to me, not sure why. id probaly be like that if i was senile and my brain was starting to fail
Replies: >>53660
normal in the dreams not sure why u think u would know somethin aint rite but apparently not no matter who it is i aint caring
>remembered one appearance to the next
cant he do like the movie memento and just write on his body or some shit
Replies: >>53660
brandons dad tracking down his moms killer by writing all over his old ass body with sharpie
It's crazy how he can be talking to me, recognizing who I am, about me telling her something, while recognizing I'm an adult, when I hadn't even hit puberty yet when she died

That's actually an interesting thought, I'm going to have him write a note to himself in senile mode, see if he recalls it or not
Replies: >>53661
Your dad didnt sound like a diligent note taking nerd in his younger years. I suspect it's going to be extra hard to get him to start in his stubborn senior years
Replies: >>53662 >>53665
writing on paper isnt hard buddy sorry to tell you
all brandon has to do is say if he writes he gets alcohol then he'll forget and he never actually needs to give it to him
Replies: >>53665
simple fact: branjo won, jodon lost.
He's actually a meticulous record keeper when he isn't drunk or senile
He did fairly well in school, graduated and all
Did much better than me there

Lol, my luck it'd be the one thing he remembers me saying to him when he's senile
Replies: >>53666
>He did fairly well in school, graduated and all
what degree
Replies: >>53667
High school, he didn't do college
Replies: >>53668
Still better than what i was led to believe
Replies: >>53669
Crawling into a bottle crumbled his life in many ways
Replies: >>53675
whyd i get a mohair blanket its itchy
well not really nvm
wait no yes it is a little
Replies: >>53673
looks really nice though probably for decoration
>Crawling into a bottle crumbled his life in many ways
maybe he was hoping u would become a rich and famous rockstar and u did this all by disappointing him
brandon hop on the petercopter we gotta go come on go go go
>>49586 (OP) 
Brandman, get your papa on the carnivore diet ASAP

Please believe me it's not a meme diet go watch a few dementia & alzheimer's reversal testimonials on jewtube and then after that a few of Harry Serpanos' and Prof. Bart Kay's videos (bonus rounds would be some Anthony Chaffee's & "No Carb Life" vids on ailment related).

I've been researching diets & nutrition science fairly regularly since 2015 and please believe me when I say nothing comes close to this. The amount of people I've seen tell/write their stories of healing anything from ailment related to kidney failure, glaucoma, macular degeneration, osteoporosis & arthritis, multiple sclerosis, depression/anxiety/OCD/bipolar ... Oh and literal stage 4 fucking cancers (seen many such cases of rapid remission) ... i could go on. This must sound like snake oil cringe I'm sure but I swear it's not man. I implore you to check it out anyway. Peace✌️
I'm talking bed-ridden blues clues drooling tryna flirt with their own daughters thinking they're random hot nurses & throwing their feces around in chimpouts to being fully functional and dependant again running their own errands 'n shit within a matter of weeks to months. Off all meds too. Not a word of a lie man I promise you.
Replies: >>53830
*functional and independent
brandon dont listen to this fucking retard, feed your dad gorilla feces and monkey biscuits and his brain will start to repair itself from the nutrients
Replies: >>56607
brandon i can send you teats and biscuts to give your dad
Replies: >>56607
come out and post
Kill yourself human garbage. Make your mom cry
brannie i miss u buddy
He doesn't have the teeth for a carnivore diet and I'm too lazy to start making him meat smoothies
Idk if it would help anyway since this was brought on by a stroke
But thanks

Idk but I think acquiring gorilla shit would be more expensive than meat

Sure, send it to Calvert st, thanks
Replies: >>57132
where did my P go
Replies: >>56616
>acquiring gorilla shit would be more expensive than meat
not in the long term retard cause you save on having to buy meat for the rest of your life
plus youre a gorilla nigga so you can just shoplift whatever you want theres not enough LP in any walmart to hold you down
a gorilla nigga with armour like ned kelley would be unstoppable
Replies: >>62760
gorilla nigger lol
So, about 3 months ago my father had a stroke, and was rendered unable to really take care of himself on his own anymore.
After a sibling debate it was decided my one sister that lives in [REDACTED] and her husband would take him, since they don't have any kids and my sister doesn't work. Things were fine for a bit but my father has become demented as a result of the stroke and gets very verbally abusive at times. The verbal abuse part wasn't obvious when we had the debate about it, and the sister that took him is the least mentally able to handle that of all of us, so of course couldn't cope with it.
My other sisters either have jobs or underage children still in the house, so it fell on me, having both the space and the available time.

I had to drive there to get him, and now I have a senile old man living with me I need to keep constant tabs on. Yay. Tbh it's pretty exhausting.
Replies: >>75247
sorry to hear that
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