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Being a homo is a bannable offence.

sorry thanks to someone else that had to be done silvie
Sweden is gay btw.
Replies: >>14188
i miss /meta/posting on older catchan iterations its true
wait did you goto swedehell irl rip
Replies: >>14189
No not there, but close enough^^
Replies: >>14219
Just checking to see if I knew who I was talking to!
that was too rude imo^^
i dont believe they are on track and i have to leave for a while soon here
dont know when they will stop doing this either might want to take care of whatever hate boner k**ma has for them but i personally dont understand it
not sure if that will resolve anything sorry
Replies: >>14194
All good, is what it is, used to this sort of thing anyways. Not all that worried--
Replies: >>14196
my post here that is >>14191
it was annoyance misdirected
i can see that sometimes
you already know im not
<jole> 24/7 meth
or however ((( he ))) puts it about catchan so i dont really judge you on these matters
Replies: >>14197
I don't really listen to what others say about others, never really effects me much. Only take in what I see and judge on that only^^
Replies: >>14199
I like to believe I'm more perceptive than most people, even if I don't speak on it, though I could just be thinking too highly of myself there?
Replies: >>14199
unluckily for me what i deal with is different--
you shouldnt speak on it and you are doing the right thing^^
ok im bias i like site owners that meta shitpost with me
they are far and inbetween and usually its out of blind spite like kuzzykins
Replies: >>14202
esl slipped in there
Haha at first I tried to keep Silvia/Admin separate but couldn't be done, felt too weird for me--
Replies: >>14203
well you are more of an extreme example and properly play the silvie shtick
most of them do it as anon but they make it vary obvious to me they are admin
especially 3chmins and mega milk those arent blind spite except for the blockchain cloudshitter 3chmin that one gets assmad in an instant over anything and everything
think im post silvia=admin its always been like that for me on catchan
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