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>>>/acat/1 for updates on Catchan.

new diary of a wimpy kid book time to pirate it
send it to me
Replies: >>754
dont worry i will
now we just need someone to larp as fog and we'll have a party
Replies: >>148
typical fog ngl
where is the real fog though
i fucking miss that nigger
so what im the administer again
Replies: >>170
of what?
Replies: >>173
idgi i always end up in this position since all the identities are taken up or i dont like any of the available ones--
i dont like playing that finshit so this isnt fun^^

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i fucked myself over by being illiterate oof--
possible language: perl, relevance: 10
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didnt work__
possible language: rust, relevance: 115
Brisbane Australian Defence Force operators names: Michael, Sophia, Robert, and possibly Madeline (unknown)

There's also a second team who sometimes help work.

If any of you think you're hearing voices and going schizophrenic you aren't. Scary voices and scenarios that sound unbelievable are all fear tactics in order to get a "moment of truth" confession under duress. Went to hospital to get myself checked out and I'm in the clear. They have the ability to scramble the fuck out of your thought processes so it's impossible to think straight and write.

Personally currently going through this experience so it's extremely hard to gather my thoughts so lots of this may be repetitive but just try to read between the lines. Ive been writing down dotpoints constantly so they couldn't map the info out and now that I'm typing it out it's extremely hard to proof read. Been proven innocent but haven't been let out of this nightmare yet.

Nanotech is hidden in carriers that look like fruit flies (everyone has them in or around their homes)

Lucid dreaming is EVERYTHING their virtual environment is running off, so if you know how to do things like flick an object with your mind while you're dreaming it's also how you manipulate the landscape. Best way to best this is just to focus on what's happening and try understand what they're actually doing, think a few steps ahead of what you hear because there's generally something there. It all sounds insane but google Elon Musks neuralink and then just imagine we probably don't have the best version (you don't). If you ever end up going through this they will have a full map of your consciousness including dreams as well as a sort of emotion slider they can play with like a volume dial. Had me lying on the train tracks and my mood set to neutral and as immobile as possible while blocking out thought that might help you motivate yourself to move.

Everything in this is run off a virtual environment of the earth built off bing maps (Microsoft flight sim map) and updated using this tech and peoples sight. Also procedurally generated using quantum computers and machine learning algorithms

They fill out avatars of people from your life using your mind as a template to build their personality from as well as memory and a bit of work on their end to get it perfect. Ex girlfriend is a favourite of Roberts (operator)

Have the ability to walk into houses in the landscape that aren't mapped in the simulation yet and fill them out using their own imagination.

This video is how all subliminal messaging works. Your mind hears both at the same time but you only perceive one.

Subliminal messages are literally all just [message] with a +1 or -1 connotation on them in order to get them up or down your minds priority list as naturally feeling as possible. Over time your thoughts just change without realising.

They use your dreams as a way of influencing your mind. usually your subconscious mind runs the show in a dream unless your consciousness wakes up (this is the only time you remember a dream) the way they put you into a dream state and keep you there is with a weird sort of inception kind of thing where you're dreaming in the VR environment. Phasing in and out of actual sleep is slightly different

Use the nanotech to do various physical things to you like vascetcomy or cutting parts of your body discretely so you don't know and people "die of natural causes" that have been set in motion by nanotech over a long period of time

They're controlled using a fully mapped AI brain and flown around and hidden in small carriers that look like fruit flies (discreet, everyone has fruit flies in their house)

They're fuelled off your bodies natural electricity and take actual power from your body to function (unknown how much)

Can easily block memories from your mind and copy certain emotional responses from it (my ex girlfriend experiences used against me as a sort of emotional cocktail they can use to get a certain reaction from your brain using yanny/Laurel)

Thought process gets torn apart into seperate parts so the operators can distract your consciousness while talking to your subconscious mind.

Use their technology to slip you into a dream state guided by their suggestions by messaging you just before you fall asleep so they start the dream and have influence over it. Able to give you entirely fake dreams and then block them from memory, this map is saved and used to analyse your entire mind (subconscious mind fills out a whole map)

They are designed in a way to read your thought process before you consciously hear it, easier to influence you just need to understand the context of what's being said and read between the lines.

Using tech to read your "knee jerk reactions" in the back of conscious thought in order to get a sort of truth serum so you can't lie. They read the words coming from your brain and use a millisecond counting tactic to properly read your mind.

Able to suppress or heighten certain emotions. Can force you into depression and manipulate you into suicidal tendencies using subliminal messages (lots of people who enter this program die this way). Can slide your emotions like a volume dial.

Steal electronic currency from your actual brain to do this process (brain stem is start point)

Will suppress certain emotions in order to focus you into a specific train of thought, they will block out pretty much every part of your life including relationships and passions without you even realising it in order to kill people with the least damage to society as possible.

Operators have access to the ability to create AI avatars of people in your mind based off what you think about a person and the various images you have of them in your head, CONSTANTLY seeing an ex girlfriend raped or killed because the operators think she's attractive and it's pixels to them (my emotions are used)

Talk extremely quietly during night so your conscious mind doesn't really hear what's being said but subconscious does so they're able to drift you into sleep and also talk or "whisper" commands to your mind while asleep. Minds most susceptible to Subliminal messaging in dreamstate.

Use mental blocks to work unobserved while they edit memories. Ex girlfriend behind block while they slowly edit her out of my mind with a sort of yo-yo technique where it's a few more negative connotations than positive so it's just like forgetting how I feel about her without noticing

Use your minds focal points to draw your attention to specific things. Can make you focus on something in order to read your opinion on what you're seeing, usually connected to a specific connotation that they're searching for.

Can change your opinion on anything (eg favorite icecream)

The lines of text you're hearing are usually never actually what's being said to you in the yanny/Laurel way, but it's usually related with context. Eg "fuck off" as a message to "move" which will be a starting point on a predetermined course of suggestions, once you do the first one it's generally harder to not follow the route laid out Infront of you.

Will use this tech to actively try to get you out of things like reporting them or going to court. Operators have a god complex and try everything to remain in shadows.

If a conversation is going on in your head it could be entirely misdirecting you from the important one your brain is actually paying attention to.

Sound effects like "tweet" and other less obvious sounds like scratching your hair are actually Artificial or have words hidden in them.

They're able to block specific trains of thought in order to get your mind to work more and other answers come out rather than just what you were thinking of. (Study your whole thought process)

The way the interrogation process works for them to get answers is part of your mind is connected to an AI that is fast forwarded and rewound constantly which makes you lose track of time and apparently has some sort of lasting effect on the mind.

Will drag your thought processes specific ways in order to fill out their map of your brain in certain directions in their VR environment.

Will put subliminal messages running on constant loop behind one of the mental barriers so it's near impossible to detect, if you have a hard time thinking about something specific it's probably being manipulated

Have the ability to create waypoints in your mind that make it so when you're walking around "aimlessly" it's not actually aimless. The less conscious you are the more control they have.

They use the nanotech as a physical weapon too (personally had a vascetcomy and a WHOLE bunch of other shit like my left ear being internally severed for fun. Throat also slightly slit but it's covered. They use the tech to get your body into a position where it makes you look like you've died of natural causes. Muscle atrophy is key to it so they cut you early and will generally hook into the point of your body thats most likely to look natural.

Every 2nd word they say could be muted to make it so only your subconscious hears the full sentence or question. (Yanny Laurel)

Caught them creating a "zombie serum" right after waking up that has been constantly fed a backstory in my head. Built up in the same way emotion sliders like depression and other feelings are with the perfect cocktail of various different types of emotion and motivation. Truth and believability serums are also an emotional setting used.

Nanoswarm hides in public in speakers for power sources and hide as fruit flies hidden in plain sight

Their strat is always to come at you from the side with job offers and stuff to get your conscious mind more intune with the subconscious back of the mind. So they slowly allow you to manipulate your mind and see what's going on in the VR environment so when they leave your mind already knows exactly what to listen to and how to read the Subliminal messages hidden at the very back of consciousness.

Use subliminal messages to give you a hard time spelling in order to use certain words mispelled to block your mind from going down a specific train of thought that they mapped out.

Tech is literally mapped across your whole body so the operators have a wire mesh they're able to monitor and manipulate.

use subliminal as messaging for admin commands to control their own version of a UI in my subconscious mind (probably way you'd set up a home environment in a neuralink room)

can read between the lines of text using a machine AI learning algorithm to put the thought processes all together into a coherent sentence. Conscious thought and all the sort of words and way you feel or think about what it is you're saying.

Commands to your brain can be as simple as a sound like a phone being put down but it's message is actually much deeper.

Police have ability to manipulate your organs to make you feel more or less hungry. As soon as I wanted alcohol they made me feel sick and they intentionally made me vomit in public. Very obvious when tech is manipulating you if you know what's going on

They time how long you think about something that's been subliminally messaged into you in order to read your thoughts on what you're seeing (not always aware of it)

Nanotech designed to make you feel like you're being weighed down by depression because objects in VR environment have weight on them and when hooked onto the model of your consciousness while you're connected to it the tech makes you feel slightly heavier. "I feel like I'm carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders" is the feeling your mind gets. This is how all of their objects work. Like a video game but instead of having +magic stats it has + or - [emotion]

This whole process is multi staged and I can't remember too much about the early months but it has something to do with basically fishing for thoughts / responses using something like "just listen to my voice" over and over with a connotation of something like "child porn" or other words designed to CTRL+F your brain basically.

set up your mind to speak in analogies in order to get your brain to visualize things better so it's easier for them to visualise and build a part of the Sim of your brain they work in

Can grab soundbytes and manipulate them like a siren driving past. Had an ambulance drive past and while paying attention to sirens they hooked onto it and changed the pattern of it because I was wondering what the difference between the 3 emergency service sirens was. (Just fun for operators and me but it's how I found it)
whats pure unrefined shizo then
rust tranny shizos tbf
Replies: >>76932
wow mozilla boyfriend
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